SERVING TODAY: NURSERY WORKERS: am: Nancy Hill & Amanda Hill, Skylar Moran pm: Nancy Hill NURSERY : 3/22 Pam & Jeffrey McCraw, Hayden McBrayer USHERS: Mike Moffitt, Doug Hill, Kevin Jackson & Phil Culbreth DEACON VISITATION: Phil Culbreth & Tim Rollins GREETERS: Sunday School Greeters: M/M Steve Davis, M/M Gary Bridges Worship Greeters: M/M Doug Hill, M/M Phil Culbreth & M/M Fletcher Walker TELLERS: Sidney Crowe & Jim Deviney SAFETY: Drew Mills & Jeffery McCraw ADAVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH March 15, 2015 EMPHASIS FOR THIS WEEK ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING EMPHASIS Lynn Ross *TIME OF WELCOMING AND CELEBRATION FOLLOWING GOD’S WORD Children’s Choir “Ephesians 4:32” Soloists: Maggie McBrayer, Brooklyn Biddix, Kilia Hasty (6th Graders) Chad Dillard MEDITATION INVOCATION *CONTINUING OUR PRAISE Eric Ross will have Adult Bible Study this evening in the sanctuary @ 6pm OFFERTORY REACH 6:00 pm Wed. 3/18 Adult Bible Study “Culture Shock” by Chip Ingram Next Sunday — 3/22 6:30 pm 3/18 “Jeremiah 29:11” PM SERVICE Dr. Whitlow continues the series on Next Study Times — Mar. 20th Children’s Choir Extraordinary Women of the Bible 6:30—8:00 pm Meet in the Church Parlor OFFERTORY PRAYER PROCLAIMING HIS GOODNESS Michal & Abigail Children’s Choir “Sun and Shield” - Psalm 84:11 “As Long As I Have Breath” - Psalm 116:1-2 ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING 2015 The NAMB (North American Mission Board) exists to work with churches, associations and state conventions in mobilizing Southern Baptists as a missional force to impact North America with the gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism and church planting. Adaville supports the NAMB through contributions including the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and the Cooperative Program. The goal of the North American Mission Board is to plant 15,000 new churches across America by 2022; 1500 a year. This goal began in 2012 as a part of the Send America Strategy. Please set aside a personal prayer time each day in the coming week(s) to pray specifically for missionaries featured in the Prayer Guide included in this bulletin. Also pray, asking God to direct you in your giving this year! LISTENING TO GOD’S WORD READING THE SCRIPTURE Chad Dillard Courtney Scherer That’s Ridiculous John 3:1-21 SHARING OUR DECISIONS BENEDICTION *Congregation Please Stand REMEMBER! THERE IS MUCH WORK TO BE DONE. ADAVILLE’S GOAL $4,500.00 Ingathering/Dedication Easter Sunday Worship Prayer Partner: Sidney Crowe FAITH COMMUNITY NURSE NEWS Office Hours: Sunday 9:00-9:45 a.m. & Wed. 7:30-8:15 p.m POP QUIZ FOR PARENTS: DOES YOUR CHILD GET ENOUGH ACTIVITY? ~~Does your family do regular physical activities together, such as biking, hiking or playing tennis? ~~Does your child spend less than two hours a day watching tv or playing computer games? ~~Does your child take a gym class at school? ~~Does your child play school sports, or an organized sport, or participate in some other type of activity, like dancing or karate? ~~Does your child play outside or do an indoor physical activity every day? ~~Does your child spend more than 3 hours doing some type of physical activity each week? If you answered yes to every question, your child is probably getting the recommended 60 minutes of daily activity. If not, it’s time to get moving. The best way is to be a good role model. Plan an outing that the family can do together. Encourage your child to find activities he or she will enjoy. OPPORTUNITIES OF SERVICE AT ADAVILLE MUSIC NEWS SUNDAY ADULT CHOIR REHEARSALS THIS WEEK…. TONIGHT @ 7:05 & Wednesday @ 7:30 pm … NO YOUTH CHOIR REHEARSAL TODAY……. Thanks so much for leading us in a wonderful time of worship together last Sunday Night at the Dinner Theater! So… take a day off! NO choir today! Choir rehearsals will resume next Sunday, March 15th at 4:00…choir tour music…”GROUNDED!” Youth/Parent Fundraiser Meeting postponed until next Sunday, 3/22 @ 7 pm Source: City of Chicago, Mayor’s Fitness Council Tomorrow, regular time. Starting spring musical music!! FRIDAY *All Children's services have returned to meeting in the Children's Wing! TONIGHT<> Bible Skills, Drills, & Thrills JUST 7 MORE MEETINGS to prepare for MAY 31 BIBLE DRILL SENIOR ADULT & FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS LUNCHEON ---- WEDNESDAY<>6:30-7:30PM spark * Holy Week * the events of Jesus last week before Easter. *Thursday, March 19th, 11:30 AM *Guest Speaker – Mara, from Carolina Chiropractic “Good Health” *Bring a “healthy” dish to share for lunch SATURDAY, APRIL 4<>Easter Eggstravaganza an Easter Celebration for kids and their families Invite a neighbor, friend, or co-worker to bring their family and sign everyone up on the bulletin board near the nursery interact with us on social media: #AdavilleKids and "like" our new facebook page YOUTH: (7TH—12TH GRADES) TONIGHT<> NO Youth Choir Rehearsal--so NO supper 6PM<>(transform)ation--3[D] THANK YOU CHURCH FAMILY………. ….for helping to make the Youth Choir Dinner Theater 2015 a success! What a wonderful time of worship and fellowship! Thank you for all of your donations and ticket sales. Thanks also to the Dinner Theater Committee for their hours of hard work! Total amount raised: $3042.91!!!!!! FRI & SAT, MARCH 20 & 21<> LOCK IN: the Game of LIFE 6pm Fri - 12pm Sat (times tentative) sign up is closed, see Chad for options 9:45<>Sunday School 4:45<> 3[D] interact with us: facebook & /AdavilleYouth twitter & instagram @AdavilleYouth Text Alerts (sign up at Sign up for Parent Update emails: connect with us and stay up to date on events and gatherings: DOLLYWOOD TICKETS ARE HERE! Because of your generosity to the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry, Dollywood has provided a number of free tickets for the upcoming season. If you packed Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes last year, you are eligible for the drawing!! There is a signup sheet on the pastor’s door. Please place your family name on the sheet to be included in the drawing. The winning family will be chosen on March 22 nd!! Thank you for packing 254 OCC shoeboxes! SATURDAY SUNDAY 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Faith Community Nurse Bible Study Morning Worship/Children’s Choir Sing Young Adult/College & Career Children’s Bible Skills, Drills & Thrills Youth Adult Bible Study Adult Choir Rehearsal Prayer Time Samantha Dolls Children’s Choir Prayer Time Reach Youth BSF Food Pantry Children Spark Adult Choir Rehearsal Senior Adults/Friends & Neighbors Luncheon Prayer Time Prayer Time Adult Bible Study Prayer Time Faith Community Nurse Bible Study Morning Worship Youth Choir Young Adult/College & Career Children’s Bible Skills, Drills & Thrills Youth Study of Extraordinary Women of the Bible Youth Choir/Parent Meeting PRAYING FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY WEDNESDAY<>6:30-7:30PM BSF~Signs & Wonders: Jesus' Final Week [Mark11] SHOEBOX CHALLENGE 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. MONDAY 5:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. TUESDAY 10:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY 11:30 a.m. OUR RECORD March 8, 2015 PRAY for the Pastor Search Committee. Members are: Ann Hutchins, Wanda Davis, Loretta Walker, John Miracle, Chess Roach, Jackie Hoyle & Fran Douglas. PRAY for the man who will be our next pastor. Building Program Financial Summary 9:45 BIBLE STUDY ATTENDANCE 140 As of latest month-end: 10:45 WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 172 Total Pledges—Family SUNDAY SCHOOL VISITORS 2 Campaign REQUIRED BY 3/8/2015 $ 80,099.60 Pledges Outstanding RECEIVED BY 3/8/2015 $ 58,702.27 BUDGET NEEDS WEEKLY $ 8,009.96 Total Building Receipts Since Inception BUDGET RECEIPTS $ 7,376.50 Building Loan Balance DESIGNATED FUNDS $ 1,395.00 1/31/2015 $ 90,020.00 $ HEALTH CONCERNS: Kathleen Arrowood, Hubert Bailey, Brit & Bill Bair, Betty Jo Brabb, Mildred Crowe, Thelma Crowe, Phil Culbreth, Jay Hancock, Becky B. Hoyle, Marina Hoyle, Heather Humphries, Selma Kilpatrick, Ann Lovelace, Sue Robbins, Barbara Rosenmarkle, Ray Ruppe, Leon & Lib Sinclair, Don Tate, Tommy Tate, Hoyle Taylor, Ruth Thompson, Urbane Turner NURSING HOMES: Aileen Allen, Frances Waters, Bo Padgett, Mildred Crowe, Rupert Howard, Annie Mae Edney HOMEBOUND: Jimmie Padgett, Troy & Louise Branch, Jim Biggerstaff, Doc & Janet Kesterson, Thelma Crowe & Virnell Bailey, Harold Butler OUR SINCERE SYMPATHY: to Kathleen Arrowood and family in the death of her husband, Floyd. Online Giving? This can be an important tool, especially in the summer when you are on vacation. You can access it either thru the website— or bookmark @ 6,250.00 $142,203.50 $117,939.73 805 Oakland Road • Spindale, NC 28160 • 828-286-2361 • Email: Dr. Jim Whitlow, Interim Pastor Mrs. Connie Cuthbertson, Minister of Music/Activities Rev. Chad Dillard, Minister of Students
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