CHURCH SHARING THE LENTEN JOURNEY ! 4th SUNDAY OF LENT Guest Preacher: Ray Simpson COLLINS STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday March 15, 2015 PASTORS LETTER Friends, Welcome to another Sunday at Collins Street. Many of you know that Brenda and I have been in the process of selling our home. Brenda’s move to Queens College will see us in based in Parkville later this year. The whole business of relocating is fraught with challenge. We’ve all experienced it, some more routinely than others. In the last few years a number of you have moved house after decades of life and family in one place. Shaking the roots free in order to replant them someplace else requires a bucketload of energy. In most case, there’s a mix of anxiety and anticipation. There is both the grief of letting go and the excitement at what's around the corner. 2015 at Collins Street marks the beginning of significant change for us. We have some important decisions to make together about the future of Central House. More importantly, we are beginning to dream together about God’s leading into the future. No doubt, churches like ours have an extraordinary history. We have much to treasure about who we are and how we have become the community we are. The challenge for us is being sure to honour our past while embracing the future with confidence and vision. As we continue our 40 days of discernment, I pray that we will hear the voice of God and have courage enough to respond with willing hearts. Peace be with you, Simon PASTORS Simon Carey Holt & Carolyn Francis WELCOME VISITORS CARDS: If you are visiting with us today, we are glad to have you here. If you are comfortable doing so you can leave us a record of your visit by filling in the visitor’s card included with your bulletin. Simply place it in the offering bag as it comes by. And if we can be of further encouragement to you, you have only to let us know. CAR PARKING: The Royal Lane car park offers discounted parking to people attending CSBC on Sun mornings. Parking between 10am and 1pm is $10. To take advantage of this offer, have your parking ticket stamped in the narthex before you leave. Stays longer than 3 hours attract the maximum weekend rate of $12. KIDS@COLLINS: There is an organized program for children aged five and over during the morning service. After the passing of the peace the children are invited to come and sit in the front row. Following the children’s time they will move up to level 4 of Central House just behind the sanctuary. For children under five, there is a play area in the narthex. CSBC ON FACEBOOK: CSBC has its own Facebook page. If you are a Facebook user, just ‘like’ the page and you’ll be kept up to date. TODAY 10.30AM: Today, the fourth Sunday of Lent, we are honoured to welcome Ray Simpson to our pulpit. Ray is in Australia for a number of teaching events, including the launch of his book, coauthored with Brent Lyons-Lee, Celtic Spirituality in the Australian Landscape. Ray is the Founder and Guardian of the International Community of Aiden and Hilda in the UK and leading authority on the Celtic faith tradition and its contribution to Christianity. NEXT SUNDAY 10.30AM: Next Sunday, the fifth Sunday of Lent, Carolyn will lead us in reflecting on the Church as a people of wisdom. NEWS & EVENTS COMMUNITY LUNCH: Next Sunday March 22, we are holding our 4th Sunday lunch in various homes across the city and everyone is welcome to join in! Sign-up sheets are on the noticeboard in the narthex. For more information, contact Kirsty Brown. If you don’t get to see her this morning you can contact her via email or mobile 0410 510 305. OPEN TO GOD: the guided reflection for the Lenten season, 40 Days of Discernment, is available in the narthex. It’s not too late to join us in this intentional period of listening to God and for God’s leading in our church. Address: 174 Collins Street Melbourne Ph: 03 9650 1180 Web: Email: SUNDAY NIGHT DINNERS: Our fortnightly dinner for our neighbours is on again next Sunday night, 7pm in Credo Cafe. Everyone is welcome. Mark Holt has returned from Africa where he met with the GIA team based there, while Peter and Rosalie Hearne are back from a much needed break on the Victorian coast. ART EXHIBITION: Our 3rd annual art prize and exhibition Feast•Pray•Love concludes this weekend. Coinciding with the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, this year’s exhibition theme has been THE GOOD EARTH. Full details of the exhibition can still be found at the exhibition website and our heartfelt thanks to Tara Watson, Yelena Young and Anne Junor for their tireless work in organising and hosting the event. Norm Chapman was hospitalized last week and has been diagnosed with a condition that is ongoing but treatable with medication. Remember Norm and Lynne in your prayers. WALK FOR JUSTICE FOR REFUGEES: On Palm Sunday (March 29) we will again be joining the annual march through the city in support of asylum seekers and refugees. The gathering begins at the State Library at 1.30pm. Last year an estimated 8,000 people participated. The march gives us opportunity to protest the Australian government’s harsh and unjust treatment of asylum seekers and refugees and to do so together. FOR OUR PRAYERS Howard and Josephine Grey are still travelling in South America, while Thomas and Theresa Cheok depart for the same part of the world this week. Keep both couples in your prayers. In her role as Clinical Officer and Chaplain Coordinator for the State Emergency Service, Joy Etwell will be away for the next two weeks providing training around the state for volunteer peers and chaplains. Pray for Joy in this important role. Our prayers are with Toni Bywaters whose father has now passed away, and with Roger Pope who lost his mother this past week. Brenda Holt’s service of installation as Dean of Queens College is planned for this afternoon. Pray for Brenda in this new and challenging role. Remember Fraser Goff and Katherine Dobson as they discern the timing and nature of their work in East Timor. BIBLE READINGS Mon: John 6.1-15 Tues: John 6.16-27 Wed: John 6.27-40 Thurs: John 6.41-51 Fri: John 6.52-59 Sat: John 6.60-71 Sun: Mark 8.31-9. 1
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