Latest Newsheet - St John`s Church, Woking

Sermon notes
St John the Baptist’s Church, Church Road, St John’s, Woking, GU21 7QN,
Office hours 9-1 p.m. Monday – Friday. 726039,
Tony Cannon, Vicar, 761253
Pete Matthew, Associate Minister, 351294
Mary Faulkner, Families’ & Children’s worker, 07798 783820
Andy Williamson, Youth Minister, 07745 536276 ,
Churchwardens - Mike Stuart and Tony Graham,
St John’s & Emmanuel Churches,
Welcome! We are so glad you are here with us today.
You are especially welcome if you are new to the Church. At St John’s, please
take a Welcome Card from the chair in front of you. If you would like more
information, please complete the card and give it to a Steward or Minister.
Services today at St John’s, 15th March 2015
Lent 4 & Mothering Sunday
8am Holy Communion
Readings @ 8am & 6.30pm:
Sermon @ 8am & 6.30pm: Tony Cannon
Deuteronomy 18 v 14-22
6.30pm Evening Worship
John 5 v 31-47
Theme @ 8am & 6.30pm: Some believe; some don’t: Jesus makes
his case to the Jews
at Emmanuel, Mayford
9.30am Morning prayer
Readings: Mark 1 v 1 - 13
(followed by AGM)
John 5 v 1 - 30
Theme: Some believe; some don’t: a healed man and the Jews
Next week at St Johns, 22nd March 2015
Lent 5
8.00am Holy Communion
Readings: Numbers 11 v 1 - 35
10.00am Morning Worship & Baptism
John 6 v 1 - 24
6.30pm Holy Communion
Theme: Some believe; some don’t: Jesus feeds 5,000 & walks on water
Next week at Emmanuel, Mayford
9.30am Morning prayer
Readings: Deuteronomy 18 v 14-22
John 5 v 31-47
Theme: Some believe; some don’t: Jesus makes his case to the Jews
Collect (special prayer) for today –
God of love,
passionate and strong,
tender and careful:
watch over us and hold us all the days of our life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Diary dates this week:
Ladies bible study
Epic Explorers
Men’s bible study
Emmanuel knit & natter group
Christianity Explored
Dig Deeper course
Emmanuel mum & tots
Friday Club
Newcomers lunch
Youth centre
Youth Centre
Emmanuel, Mayford
Emmanuel, Mayford
Youth Centre
Lounge & Narthex
The Easter publicity is now available for distribution.
Please take some of the leaflets from the welcome area
to deliver.
Patricia Curl (from The Mount) has died. Our prayers and condolences go
to her family.
Thank you to all the ladies who have made the beautiful posies to be given
out at this morning’s service.
We have a problem with the Weeping Beech in the churchyard. It has
some rot and the council have agreed to take responsibility for it. It is an
historic tree so several specialists have been consulted as to what is the
best course of action. It will need pruning at least and may even have to
be felled although no-one wants that if it can be avoided. In the
meantime, we would be grateful if parents could ask their children not to
play around it. Contact Jill Howard if you need more details.
St John’s Lye car park – additional parking. You are invited to a public
consultation at the village memorial hall on Friday 20th March (11am-3pm)
Or Saturday 21st March (10am-1pm). Alternatively, details can be found on
the Woking Borough Council website.
Dates for your diary:
Newcomers lunch (22nd March) for those that have recently joined the
Maundy Thursday (2nd April) there will be a service of Holy Communion at
St John’s at 2.30pm.
Good Friday (3rd April) At St John’s, there will be an All Age service at
10am followed by 3 one hour meditations.
At Emmanuel, there will be a one hour meditation starting at noon.
Easter Sunday (5th April) during the 10am service, ‘Inspector Smart’ will be
entertaining and teaching the children in the Youth Centre.
Parish Prayer Meeting – Monday 6th April at 8pm (at St John’s)
Christian Institute Meeting - Tuesday 14th April at 8pm (at St John’s)
Bishop Andrew will be visiting Woking Deanery on Tues 14 th April. There
will be an Informal Evening Communion service at the Church of the Good
Shepherd, Pyrford at 7.30pm to which all are welcome.
Election question time – Thursday 23rd April, 8pm at Christ Church,
Woking, with our MP Jonathan Lord.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting – Sunday 26th April during the 10am
service, with the main content being repeated at the 6.30pm service.
As a partner church for Matt and Andrea Vaughan serving in Pakistan,
Interserve have warmly invited a representative/s from St John’s to this
year’s Interserve Conference “Open Day” on 13 June at King’s Park Centre
Northampton. The day will include keynote speaker Steve Bell (National
Director), as well as hearing from (and praying for) mission partners
engaged in some of the toughest places on earth; also news of what God is
doing around the Muslim world and politically restrictive regions of the
world. It’s a day for inspiration and networking for enquirers, supporters
and also people like you who are involved in facilitating others in mission.
A complimentary place for Saturday is being offered. These places are
limited and only available on a first come first served basis. The normal
cost of the day is £45 per person. If you are interested in attending please
speak to Lys Price. (01483 721351 /
Recordings: All sermons by the clergy are recorded and are downloadable
from our website and a full written text is usually also available on our
web site as a PDF document.