Wanted: Best piloted model car

Technology and Innovation Communications
Oliver Strohbach
Tel.: +49 841 89-45277
E-mail: oliver.strohbach@audi.de
Wanted: Best piloted model car
Audi hosting student competition: top prize of 10,000 euros
Participants develop software for piloted model cars
Online at: www.audi-autonomous-driving-cup.com
Ingolstadt, March 11, 2015 – Audi is taking piloted driving to model cars: Ten
student teams will face off in the Audi Autonomous Driving Cup to find the best
piloted model car. Audi provides the hardware – a 1:8-scale Audi Q5* – and the young
experts develop the software.
Audi is hosting the inaugural Driving Cup, which is intended primarily for students in
computer science, electrical engineering or mechanical engineering. Ten teams will be
competing against each other at a public event at the Audi Museum Mobile on March 25
and 26, 2015. “Our competition course will serve as the proving ground for the young
experts’ software. Oncoming and intersecting traffic, tricky parking situations and
obstacles that suddenly appear will put their programming precision to the test,” said
Björn Giesler, one of the organizers of the competition.
An electric motor accelerates the all-wheel-drive model cars up to 40 km/h (24.9 mph).
The students are provided with a basic software package for the competition, from
which they develop their own software architecture that processes sensor data to
interpret the situation and control the car accordingly. The goal for the student teams
is to complete the course quickly with as few errors as possible. Points are deducted for
accidents, lost time and imprecise execution. The team scoring the most points wins
10,000 euros. Second prize is 5,000 euros; third prize 1,000 euros.
The resemblance between the model cars and their full-size counterparts is more than
just visual: The development environment for the software is the exact same one used to
test driver assistance systems. According to Giesler, some of the challenges are in fact
very similar to those encountered with automobiles in production development. “The
measurement sensors in the models have to work just as precisely as those in their big
brothers. We are excited to see the innovative solutions the students come up with.”
A video about the Audi Autonomous Driving Cup 2015 can be found here.
– End –
*The collective fuel consumption of all models named above and available on the German market
can be found in the list provided at the end of this MediaInfo.
Fuel consumption of the models named above:
Audi Q5:
Combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 8.5 – 4.9** (27.7 – 48.0 US mpg)
Combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 199 – 129** (320.3 – 207.6 g/mi)
**The fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of a vehicle vary due to the choice of wheels
and tires. They not only depend on efficient utilization of fuel by the vehicle, but are
also influenced by driving behavior and other non-technical factors.
In 2014, the Audi Group delivered approximately 1,741,100 cars of the Audi brand to its customers. The
company achieved revenue of €53.8 billion and an operating profit of €5.15 billion in 2014. Audi
operates globally in more than 100 markets and has production facilities in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm
(Germany), Győr (Hungary), Brussels (Belgium), Bratislava (Slovakia), Martorell (Spain), Kaluga (Russia),
Aurangabad (India), Changchun and Foshan (China) and Jakarta (Indonesia). The brand with the Four Rings
will start producing cars in Curitiba (Brazil) this year and in San José Chiapa (Mexico) in 2016.
Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. (Sant’Agata Bolognese, Italy) and sports motorcycle manufacturer
Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. (Bologna, Italy). The company currently employs approximately 80,000 people
worldwide, thereof around 58,000 in Germany. Total investment of about €24 billion is planned from 2015
to 2019 – primarily in new products and sustainable technologies. Audi is committed to its corporate
responsibility and has anchored the principle of sustainability for its products and processes in its strategy.
The long-term goal is CO2 neutral mobility.