"Education is all a matter of building bridges."

"Education is all a matter of building bridges."
- Ralph Ellison, American Author
March 11, 2015
RSD Building Bridges e-Newsletter (BBN): a digest of news and
information for families and friends of Rochester School for the Deaf,
about our school and the Deaf community.
Follow this Web link for a PDF file version of this edition of Building
Bridges. Find past issues in the RSD Web site Media Center.
Important links, dates and information:
- RSD Board of Directors President Dr. Mike Doughty today
announced to the RSD community the official start date for Mr. Antony
McLetchie as the 7th Superintendent and Chief Executive Officer of
Rochester School for the Deaf. Click here to read the memo from Dr.
Doughty to the RSD community.
- March 2015 Lunch Menu
- March 2015 Wildcat Zone Activities Calendar
- ECC, Elementary and Middle School Parent Conferences are
scheduled for Friday, March 13. Please be in contact with your child's
teacher to schedule a meeting time. Thank you! School is in session for
all students. They will be participating in some fun learning activities while
parents meet with teachers. Nancy Perry, School Principal
- Hello RSD parents! The next PSA meeting is Monday, April 6, 2015,
at 6:30 p.m. in the LRC. The meeting agenda will be posted soon.
Interpreters and light refreshments will be provided. Childcare is available
at no cost, but registration is required. To register, either call 585-2864605 or e-mail rsdpsa@gmail.com - All RSD Parents and Staff are
encouraged to participate! Please join us. Go to the PSA web page to
see photos, summary write-up and Powerpoint presentation slides from the
March 2 PSA meeting.
- Middle School Coed Volleyball roster, game schedule and away game
locations are now posted to the RSD Web site. Click here to go to that
Web page.
- RSD Family Jump Night! at Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park,
Thursday, March 19 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. $12 per jumper includes
60 minutes of jump time (starting at 6:30 p.m.) and your very own pair of
Sky Socks. Click here to get the event flyer and registration form. Checks
payable to RSD PSA. Registration forms and payment must be
turned in to the Main Office on or before this coming Friday,
March 13.
- Signs for All classes for RSD family members are now forming.
Daytime and Tuesday evening classes are provided at no cost (except for
the textbook) to immediate family members of RSD students, including
parents, legal guardians, grandparents and siblings. Immediate family
members of RSD students may click here to receive the registration
form. Extended family members of RSD students: aunts, uncles, cousins,
etc., may register for classes using the community member
registration process and class fee schedule.
- This week's Healthy Nibble: Spring is Here! Okay - almost here.
When spring finally does come you'll want to be ready to celebrate with
and our friends at Activity Village UK have a large collection of free
springtime activities for children and their parents and teachers. Click
here for a preview and more information!
- RSD will be practicing a “Lockout” drill sometime during the month
of March. A “lockout” procedure is used if a potential threat occurs outside
of the RSD campus or its buildings. When we have a lockout, students and
staff are expected to be in a locked and secure building. The normal school
day continues but no one is to leave the building. If you have any
questions regarding the drill that will occur, please feel free to contact
Nancy Perry, Principal, K-12, or Susan Searls, Director, Early Childhood
Education. Thank you.
- From School Principal Nancy Perry: During the 2014 New York State
legislative session, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed into law
Chapter 417 which amended Section 305 of the Education Law requiring
the Commissioner of Education make a recommendation to the Board of
Regents regarding a potential new mandate for required hands-on
instruction in CPR and the use of AEDs in senior high schools.
Consistent with the legislative requirement, NYS Department of Education
staff is seeking feedback from parents, students, teachers, school
administrators, and other interested parties prior to making a
recommendation to the Board. RSD parents are encouraged to participate
in the following survey:
Thank you for your help.
- Finger Lakes Community College ASL Club will be hosting monthly
socials at the Canandaigua, NY, Wegmans, 345 Eastern Blvd., from 6-8pm
for the following dates: April 1, and May 6.
- Support Advocacy Services for Abused Deaf Victims (ASADV) with
this sweet deal: Learn the Art of Cookie Decorating, Sunday, March 15
from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at RIT/NTID Student Development Center,
Room 1310. $25/person to decorate six sugar cookies. The event will be
hosted by Molly and Kate from Scratch Bakeshop on Park Ave. Proceeds to
benefit ASADV efforts to end domestic violence and sexual assault in the
Greater Rochester area. Payment can be made through www.asadv.org
via PayPal. Check or cash are accepted the day of the event. E-mail
mich.gerson@gmail.com by March 9 to reserve your spot!
- Rochester School for the Deaf Alumni Association: RSDAA
Weekend, April 11-12, 2015! Events and activities are planned for
Saturday on the RSD campus and Sunday at the Diplomat Banquet Center
on Lyell Avenue in Rochester. Go to the Alumni page on the RSD Web
site to get the event flyer and registration form.
- Save the Date: Imagine RIT: Innovation + Creativity Festival,
Saturday, May 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Free admission - Rain or
- 69th Annual Men's and 58th Annual Women's Eastern
Association of the Deaf Bowling Tournament: May 1-3, 2015, AMF
Empire Lanes, 2400 Empire Blvd., Webster. Hosted by RRCD. Click here
to receive the event flyer and registration form.
- Rochester Deaf Festival: Saturday, June 20 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. in Genesee Valley Park, off Elmwood Ave. near the University of
Rochester. Exhibits, Food Vendors, Entertainment, Activities for Children
and much more. Festival admission is free and registration is required.
Click here to register to attend or to be a festival vendor or sponsor.
- When you shop online with Amazon, sign up with AmazonSmile.
Why? Shop through AmazonSmile and RSD gets a donation from Amazon.
What's more, you don't pay more for your items and you support RSD, not
just at holiday time but throughout the year.
- American Society of Deaf Children (ASDC) 2015 National
Conference, "Connecting the Dots: Child, Family, Community," June 25-
28 at Indiana School for the Deaf. Conference registration links are
now open. Families of deaf and hard of hearing children and Deaf
education professionals are encouraged to attend. Conference activities
include more than 30 workshop sessions, children's day camps, keynote
speakers, evening events with food and entertainment and more. Click
here to donate to ASDC in support of the 2015 conference and to get a
packet of information for conference exhibitors and vendors.
- Deaf Rochy - Your Link to Events in the Deaf Rochester Community!
- Find RSD on Facebook:
- Follow RSD on Twitter: @RSDeaf
- RSD Photos & Videos on flickr:
www.flickr.com/photos/rsdeaf/sets To get flickr apps for iPhone and
Android devices click here.
- RSD YouTube Channel: http://goo.gl/zmj0JP
To join the Building Bridges distribution list, update your e-mail address or
to opt out, contact Lauren via e-mail: lashworth@rsdeaf.org