2015 NORTHERN INDIANA BODYBUILDING, FIGURE, BIKINI AND PHYSIQUE CHAMPIONSHIPS • NATIONAL QUALIFIER • SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2015 Sanction #12366 VISIT www.npcnorthernindiana.com FOR INFO AND FORMS SANCTIONED BY: National Physique Committee of USA, Inc. VENUE: ENTRY FEES: The Century Center, 120 S Saint Joseph St, South Bend, IN $80.00 per class (non-refundable), $40 crossover fee, Deadline: Entries must be received by June 14, 2015 (late fee $20) CHECK IN/WEIGH IN: Competitors check in by 8:00 am, NO check-ins after 9:30 am Mandatory athlete meeting 10:30 9:30 a.m. Prejudging at 10:00 11:00 a.m. Evening show 6:00 6:30 p.m. TIME: ELIGIBILITY Open to anyone in the USA with a current NPC card. To meet this requirement, he/she must present his/her current NPC card or receipt, or you may purchase a NPC card at check-in for $120. Each competitor must be an amateur in good standing with the NPC. Novice competitors may not have won an overall title in an NPC contest. ENTRY FEES • Send $80.00 check or money order with completed entry form. Crossover entry fee is $40.00 (only one crossover permitted) • Entries must be postmarked by June 14, 2015 to avoid a late fee. • Late entry fee is an additional $20.00. 8:00 a.m. check-in, NO check-ins after 9:30 a.m. • Checks should be made payable to Mike Mayfield, 55060 Chamberlain Dr, South Bend, IN 46628 • Entry fees are non-refundable. RULES • Light oils permitted • Any competitor who competes in prejudging must participate in the evening show. • Solid color posing suits only. T-back or thong suits are prohibited. It is recommended that you bring a backup suit. • Figure and Bikini competitors may wear jewelry. Bodybuilding competitors cannot wear jewelry except wedding ring. • Only competitors will be allowed backstage or in the pump-up area. Current NPC rules will apply. POSING AND MUSIC Evening show: 60 seconds of individual posing with music. No music needed for figure, bikini or physique competitors. At check in, each competitor must provide a CD with only one track of no more than 60 seconds of music. Any competitor's music that contains profanity or vulgarity will be disqualified. Please visit NPC's website www.npcnewsonline.com for detailed rules. AWARDS Mens, Womens, Figure, Bikini & Physique Awards for 1st five places and overall. Masters awards for 1st five places. SPRAY TANNING SERVICES Liquid Sun Rayz is the official competition color and tanning company for the show. Visit www.liquidsunrayz.com for the complete package information and to schedule an appointment. ACCOMMODATIONS DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, 123 North St. Joseph Street, South Bend, IN 46601 Phone: (574) 234-2000 Ask for special Northern Indiana Bodybuilding Contest pricing. Rooms will be held until June 4, 2015 for attendees to make room reservations. TICKETS Prejudging 10:00 11:00 am (open seating) $15.00 Evening show 6:00 6:30 pm $20.00 open seating $25.00 reserved seating Doors open 60 30 min. prior to show Tickets available at the door - cash only Tickets are non-refundable Tickets can be purchased in advance by mailing check or money order to: Mike Mayfield 55060 Chamberlain Drive South Bend, IN 46628 (574) 288-0736 northernIN12@gmail.com #12366 #12366 2015 2015 [ [ [ [ ] WOMEN’S BIKINI (3 Classes - A, B, C) ] WOMEN’S COLLEGIATE BIKINI*** (1 Class) ] WOMEN’S MASTER’S BIKINI (1 Class) ] WOMEN’S BODYBUILDING (1 Class) [ [ [ [ ] WOMEN’S OPEN FIGURE (2 Classes - A, B) ] WOMEN’S MASTERS FIGURE (1 Class) ][ WOMEN’S OPEN PHYSIQUE (1 Class) ] WOMEN’S MASTERS PHYSIQUE ] WOMEN’S MASTERS PHYSIQUE (1 Class) [ ] MEN’S COLLEGIATE PHYSIQUE***(1 Class) [ ] MEN’S OPEN PHYSIQUE (2 Classes - A, B) [ ] MEN’S MASTERS PHYSIQUE (1 Class) [ ] MEN’S MASTERS BODYBUILDING [ ] Men’s Master Age 40-49 [ ] Men’s Master Age 50-59 [ ] Men’s Master Age 60+ [ ] MEN’S COLLEGIATE PHYSIQUE*** 2015 2015 2015 2015 ***Must have valid college ID
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