2015 Back* $75 Cash Electric Water Heaters sRheemglas 125L & 160L electric water heaters (Model No. 191125, 191160, 192160) s2HEEM0LUS,,ELECTRICWATER heaters (Model No. 121125, 121160) Gas Water Heater s2HEEM3TAR,,GASWATER heaters (Model No. 347135, 347170) PLUMBER Get up to $100 CASH BACK Back* $100 Cash Electric Water Heaters sRheemglas 250L, 315L & 400L electric water heaters (Model No. 191250, 192250, 191315, 192315, 191400, 192400) s2HEEM0LUS,,ELECTRICWATER heaters (Model No. 121250 & 121315) s2HEEM/PTIMA,,,ELECTRIC water heaters (Model No. 411250, 462250, 411315, 462315, 411400, 462400) Gas Water Heaters s2HEEM3TARGASWATERHEATERS (Model No. 350265 & 350295) s2HEEM0LUS3TARGASWATER heaters (Model No. 354265, 354295) s2HEEM,MIN#ONTINUOUS&LOW'ASWATER heaters (Model No. 876627,874627, 866627, 864627) s2HEEM3TELLAR3TARGASWATER heaters (Model No. 850330 & 850360) 1 Purchase Purchase an eligible Rheem water heater model between 01/03/15 and 17/07/15. 2 Claim Complete the online form by 11:59PM AEST on 24/07/15 and provide a copy of your tax invoice, including the invoice number. 3 Get Cash Your cash back is paid into your nominated bank account. Note: Claims submitted via any other means will be deemed invalid and not accepted. Claims close 24/07/15. To enter scan the QR code or visit www.rheem.com.au/plumbercashback TM MygoodEbox Code: RHE101 2015 How it works PLUMBER /NCEYOUVEPURCHASEDANELIGIBLE2HEEMWATERHEATERVISIT www.rheem.com.au/plumbercashback and follow the steps below to submit your claim. You can also view your claims and the progress of your cash back on the My Claims section of the website. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Enter your name, email address and password and check the box to agree to the Cash Back terms and conditions. You’ll only have to do this once as your details will be saved for the next time you login. Select the Model from the drop down menu. Enter your invoice number and purchase details. Remember it MUST be a valid invoice number. Upload a copy of your invoice using THE#HOOSE&ILEBUTTON File types accepted include PDF and Jpeg up to 5MB. * Terms and Conditions 1.)NSTRUCTIONSONHOWTOCLAIMANDTHEREWARDFORMPARTOFTHESE4ERMSAND#ONDITIONS0ARTICIPATIONINTHISPROMOTIONISDEEMEDACCEPTANCEOFTHESE4ERMSAND#ONDITIONS4HISOFFERISNOTVALIDINCONJUNCTIONWITHANYOTHEROFFERINCLUDINGPROJECT'OVERNMENT or builder pricing, or subsequently agreed to rebate arrangements. 2./FFERCOMMENCESONANDENDSFORPURCHASESATPM!%34ONh0ROMOTIONAL0ERIODv#LAIMSCLOSEPM!%34ON3. Promotion is only open to Australian residents who are employed as a licensed plumber. 4.4HEPRODUCTSOUTLINEDIN#ATEGORY!AND#ATEGORY"BELOWAREALLh0ARTICIPATING0RODUCTSvFORTHEPURPOSESOFTHISPROMOTION#ATEGORY!0ARTICIPATING0RODUCTSs2HEEMGLAS,, ELECTRICWATERHEATERS-ODEL.Os2HEEM0LUS,,ELECTRICWATERHEATERS-ODEL.OANDs2HEEM3TAR,,GASWATERHEATERS-ODEL.O#ATEGORY"0ARTICIPATING0RODUCTS s2HEEMGLAS,,,ELECTRICWATERHEATERS-ODEL.Os2HEEM0LUS,,ELECTRICWATERHEATERS-ODEL.Os2HEEM/PTIMA,,,ELECTRICWATER HEATERS-ODEL.Os2HEEM3TELLAR3TARVITREOUSENAMELGASWATERHEATERS-ODEL.O2HEEM3TARGASWATERHEATERS-ODEL.Os 2HEEM0LUS3TARGASWATERHEATERS-ODEL.OANDs2HEEM,MIN#ONTINUOUS&LOWGASWATERHEATERS-ODEL.O5. To be eligible to claim the cash back, eligible individuals must purchase A0ARTICIPATING0RODUCTFROMANAUTHORISED2HEEMRESELLERDURINGTHE0ROMOTIONAL0ERIODh1UALIFYING0URCHASEv0URCHASESMADEDIRECTLYFROMTHE0ROMOTERORFROMA2HEEMMANUFACTURERWILLNOTBEELIGIBLE6. To claim the cash back, individuals must then visit https://www.rheem.com.au/PlumberCashback, follow the prompts to the claim page, input the requested details (including their full name a valid email address, mailing address, their plumber licence number, business name, the Eligible Product purchased, WHERETHE%LIGIBLEPRODUCTWASPURCHASEDANDTHEIRTAXINVOICENUMBERFORTHE1UALIFYING0URCHASEUPLOADASCANNEDCOPYOFTHETAXINVOICECLEARLYSHOWINGTHEINVOICENUMBERTOTHECLAIMFORMANDSUBMITTHEFULLYCOMPLETEDCLAIMFORMSOITISRECEIVED by 11:59pm AEST on 24/07/2015. Claims submitted via any other means will not be accepted. 7. Incomplete or indecipherable claims will be deemed invalid. 8. Multiple claims permitted, subject to the following: (a) only one (1) claim permitted per Participating Product/serial number; (b) each claim must be submitted separately and in accordance with claim requirements; and (c) a maximum of up to $25,000 in cash back rewards is permitted per plumber licence number. 9. Claimants must retain their original tax INVOICESFORALLCLAIMSASPROOFOFPURCHASE&AILURETOPRODUCETHEPROOFOFPURCHASEFORALLCLAIMSWHENREQUESTEDMAYINTHEABSOLUTEDISCRETIONOFTHE0ROMOTERRESULTININVALIDATIONOF!,,OFACLAIMANTSCLAIMSANDFORFEITUREOFANYRIGHTTOAREWARD4AX invoice(s) must clearly specify the store of purchase as an authorised Rheem reseller, than a Participating Product was purchased, the tax invoice number (matching the tax invoice number specified on their claim form) and that the purchase was made during the Promotional Period but prior to claim submission. 10.4HE0ROMOTERRESERVESTHERIGHTATANYTIMETOVERIFYTHEVALIDITYOFCLAIMSANDCLAIMANTSINCLUDINGACLAIMANTSIDENTITYAGEANDPLACEOFRESIDENCEANDRESERVESTHERIGHTINITSSOLEDISCRETIONTO disqualify any individual who the Promoter has reason to believe has breached any of these Terms and Conditions, tampered with the claim process or engaged in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise fair and proper conduct of THEPROMOTION%RRORSANDOMISSIONSMAYBEACCEPTEDATTHE0ROMOTERgSDISCRETION&AILUREBYTHE0ROMOTERTOENFORCEANYOFITSRIGHTSATANYSTAGEDOESNOTCONSTITUTEAWAIVEROFTHOSERIGHTS4HE0ROMOTERgSLEGALRIGHTSTORECOVERDAMAGESOROTHERCOMPENSAtion from such an offender are reserved. 11. If there is a dispute as to the identity of a claimant, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the claimant. 12. Any cost related to making a claim for the cash back is the responsibility of the claimant. 13.!LLVALIDCLAIMSRECEIVEDINRESPECTTOA#ATEGORY!0ARTICIPATING0RODUCTWILLRECEIVEACASHBACKAWARDEDVIAELECTRONICFUNDSTRANSFER%&4INTOABANKACCOUNTINTHECLAIMANTSNAME14. All valid claims received in RESPECTTOA#ATEGORY"0ARTICIPATING0RODUCTWILLRECEIVEACASHBACKAWARDEDVIAELECTRONICFUNDSTRANSFER%&4INTOABANKACCOUNTINTHECLAIMANTSNAME15. The Promoter will endeavour to pay all valid claims at the end of the following month to that in which the claim was received. 16.4HE0ROMOTERSDECISIONISFINALANDNOCORRESPONDENCEWILLBEENTEREDINTO17. If this promotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, including but not limited to technical difficulties, unauthorised intervention or fraud, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law (a) to disqualify any claimant; or (b) to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the promotion, as appropriate. 18.!NYCOSTASSOCIATEDWITHACCESSINGTHEPROMOTIONALWEBSITEISTHECLAIMANTSRESPONSIBILITYANDISDEPENDENTONTHE)NTERNETSERVICEPROVIDERUSED19. The use of any automated software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows a claimant to automatically claim repeatedly is prohibited and will render all claims submitted by that claimant invalid. 20. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limits, excludes or modifies or purports to limit, exclude or modify the statutory consumer guarantees as provided under the Competition and Consumer Act, as well as any other implied warranties under the ASIC Act or similar consumer protection laws in the States and Territories of Australia h.ON%XCLUDABLE'UARANTEESv%XCEPTFORANYLIABILITYTHATCANNOTBYLAWBEEXCLUDEDINCLUDINGTHE.ON%XCLUDABLE'UARANTEESTHE0ROMOTERINCLUDINGITSRESPECTIVEOFFICERSEMPLOYEESANDAGENTSEXCLUDESALLLIABILITYINCLUDINGNEGLIGENCEFORANYPERSONAL injury; or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the promotion. 21.%XCEPTFORANYLIABILITYTHATCANNOTBYLAWBEEXCLUDEDINCLUDINGTHE.ON%XCLUDABLE'UARANTEESTHE Promoter (including its respective officers, employees and agents) is not responsible for and excludes all liability (including negligence), for any personal injury; or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity); whether direct, indirect, special or consequenTIALARISINGINANYWAYOUTOFAANYTECHNICALDIFFICULTIESOREQUIPMENTMALFUNCTIONWHETHERORNOTUNDERTHE0ROMOTERSCONTROLBANYTHEFTUNAUTHORISEDACCESSORTHIRDPARTYINTERFERENCECANYCLAIMTHATISLATELOSTALTEREDDAMAGEDORMISDIRECTED (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any variation in reward value to that stated in these Terms and Conditions; (e) any tax liability incurred by a claimant; or (f) taking/use of a reward. 22.4HE0ROMOTERCOLLECTSPERSONALINFORMATIONh0)vINORDERTOCONDUCTTHEPROMOTIONANDMAYFORTHISPURPOSEDISCLOSESUCHINFORMATIONTOTHIRDPARTIESINCLUDINGBUTNOTLIMITEDTOAGENTSCONTRACTORSSERVICEPROVIDERSANDREWARDSUPPLIERS%NTRY ISCONDITIONALONPROVIDINGTHISINFORMATION4HE0ROMOTERWILLALSOUSEANDHANDLE0)ASSETOUTINITS0RIVACY0OLICYWHICHCANBEVIEWEDATWWWRHEEMCOMAUPRIVACY)NADDITIONTOANYUSETHATMAYBEOUTLINEDINTHE0ROMOTERS0RIVACY0OLICYTHE0ROMOTER may, for an indefinite period, unless otherwise advised, use the PI for promotional, marketing, publicity, research and profiling purposes, including sending electronic messages or telephoning the claimant. The Privacy Policy also contains information about how claimants may access, update or correct their PI, how claimants may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or any other applicable law and how those complaints will be dealt with. All entries become the property of the Promoter. The 0ROMOTERWILLNOTDISCLOSECLAIMANTSPERSONALINFORMATIONTOANYENTITYOUTSIDEOF!USTRALIA23. The Promoter is Rheem Australia Pty Limited (ABN 21 098 823 511) of 1 Alan Street, Rydalmere NSW 2116, ph: (02) 9684 9100.
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