OntariO‘s marketplace fOr farm and rural prOperties Rural Properties DeaDline Wednesday at 3:00pm Prior to Publication Property Wanted/Exchange TelePHOne 1-800-567-FARM (3276) 1-519-473-2256 Local to London email 1-519-473-0010 ontariofarmer.classifieds@sunmedia.ca Property Wanted/Exchange a-b Realty Ltd., Stratford, ON WANTED ONGOING DAIRY IN THE WATERLOO WELLINGTON AREA Call John or Kevin 50 TO 100 acre cash crop farm, with house and barn, approximately 20 to 30 minute drive from Sarnia, would consider home exchange (located in Sarnia). 519-312-3201. OF ~ Get Results Farms and Farmlands It pays to advertise in Ontario Farmer’s Marketplace Farms and Farmlands Some of the BEST LAND in Middlesex County $1,595,000 Ailsa Craig - One field systematically tiled Tuscola Clay silt loam soil, some is corporately used as research fields. 98 ac with approx. 82ac crop land, 13ac of good woods, 1ac pond. Drive shed 40x60 w/19’ wide door. Shop 40x36 w/10’ & 15’ doors. Large modernized century home, wonderful character, set back in a healthy grove of walnut trees. Very pretty farm on Petty St. Gary Robinson (Broker of Record) RE/MAX Advantage Realty Ltd. Brokerage 1-855-649-6001 Tuesday, March 10, 2015 — Get farm news updates at ONTARIOFARMER.COM• 12 C Bart Veldhuizen Sales Representative. 519-859-9016 Direct Fax: 519-456-5901 bartveld@oxford.net www.farmsincanada.ca Tel: 519-848-2819 FaX RCR Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated THINKING OF SELLING YOUR FARM? CALL BART TO GET THE JOB DONE! Paris Ont. Area 93.5 Acre Cash Crop Farm. 92 workable acres. Sandy loam with level to very rolling topography. Bare Land. Aylmer Ont. Area Potato Farm. 218 acres. cropping 450 acres over 2 parcels of land. Potatoes are grown under contract for the potato chip industry. Demonstrating good operating results. Extensive outbuildings and equipment (full listing available). Attractive Residence. Simcoe Ont. Area Dairy Farm 83 kgs dairy quota. 147 acres, 115 workable. Modern free stall dairy. Multiple good quality buildings. Farm has 3 houses. Main 2 storey brick. Excellent herd. Thriving syrup and pancake business supported by 14 acres of Sugar Bush with 2000 taps. Additional land available. Mt. Elgin Ont. Area 100 acre wean to finish Hog Farm. 3600 head annual capacity. 94 workable acres on slightly rolling sandy loam soil. Traditional 2 storey farm house. 70 Acre Cash Crop Farm, Atwood, Ont Area. 60 workable acres on level, systematically tiled mixed soil land base 2+1 bedroom tastefully decorated Raised Ranch farm house with hardwood floors and single attached garage. Good outbuildings incl. Tarp Barn (50x30ft) Quonset (60x40ft) with concrete foundation; Tool shed and Bike shop. Amherst Nova Scotia Dairy Farm. 638 acres. 260 workable. 117.89 kgs. Dairy quota. 2 DeLaval Robot milkers. Nice farm house. Salford ON Area 112 Acre Cash Crop - 95 workable. Land available for 2015 crop year. 1 1/2 storey farm house recently renovated. Some outbuildings. DAIRY, DAIRY, POULTRY POULTRY AND AND CASH CASH CROP CROP FARM FARM LISTINGS LISTINGS WANTED!! WANTED!! Farms and Farmlands OXFORD COUNTY On going dairy farm for sale. Embro area. 100 acres, 112 kg milk quota, freestall, commodity sheds, bunkers, solar panel. Call 519-475-4424. POULTRY FARM: 90-100 acres tillable in Simcoe. 4 barns with 39560 inside sq. ft. 31000 units. 2 houses and large implement shed. Property priced at $2.3 million plus quota. 519-4281498, Email: laumar@kwic.com PiCTUReS Enhance your ad…include a photograph SUBSCRiBe Call 1-877-358-7773 and use your card. EXCLUSIVE NEW LISTING Farms and Farmlands SASKATCHEWAN (CEYLON), 1 hour south of Regina, mixed farm, beef & grain, 800 acres with house and buildings. At $800/acres. 306-861-4592. SOUTHWEST MIDDLESEX, 132 acres, 103 workable, sand loam, 3 bdrm farm house, 75x40 and 20x50 drive sheds, asking $977,000. Contact Randy Martin B ro ke r o f Re c o rd fo r Fo u r Counties Realty Ltd. 519-287-9999 or 519-851-5804. View Rural Properties at ontariofarmer.com 45679 Spencetown Rd. Fordwich, Ontario 55 Acres, 49 Workable 2 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath House, New Windows and Doors. Garage, Shed and Bank Barn. $859,900.00 Mark Bartlett Sales Representative 519-272-3191 Cell 519-662-4900 Office mabartlett@rogers.com www.housesandfarms.ca FARM PROPERTY GREY BRUCE AREA FARMS FOR SALE PAISLEY - 86 acre farm with 70 acres workable. 3 bedroom brick house in private, nicely treed setting. Bank barn has 3 box stalls for your horses. Presently licensed dog kennel for over 20 years. Several outbuildings and 2 bush lots round up this fine offering. $549,000. F1405 195 Acre ongoing Dairy farm. 58.82 kg of BF. Classified Holstein herd with current BCA of 219-219-217. Newer 57 free stall barn with double 4 parlour and TMR feeding. 2 1/2 storey brick house in mint condition. Second residence on property. Full line of machinery included. Ask for full details. F1404 BRUCE COUNTY - 100 acres presently used for pasture. Could be used for cash crop. Small bush lot at back. Older farm house also included. Paved road location close to Cargill. Call us today. F1410 TENDER 2282 Napperton Dr., Kerwood, N0M 2B0, Con 4 SER E Pt Lot 11, Adelaide Metcalfe, (located 1km N & 3 km E of Kerwood, or 4 km W of Strathroy town limit) 100+/- acres with 78+/- acres presently worked w opportunity for more, balance in light bush, quality high producing agricultural land, on paved road. Lge well maintained, updated brick house heated by outdoor furnace; heated 32x32 shop; bldgs for 500 finishing hogs; other barns set up for cattle; early spring possession of land; Open house: Tues. March 17, 1-5 pm. Call for info & tender package including terms & conditions of sale. Tender closes Mon. March 30, 3 p.m. Murray McLean Auctions 519-232-4213 John Schaer, BROKER OF RECORD • 519-369-5529 $1,250,000. 100 acre apple orchard in Beaver Valley; square farm with 50 acres in productive trees, 40 acres workable. 1880’s farmhouse is over 3300 square feet with original features, sepa r a t e 10 m a n b u n k h o u s e . Contact Robert Porteous, Sales Representative, Royal LePage RCR Realt y. 519-924-2950 x401 or text 519-372-6032. 100 ACRE farm 70 wkbl. Good out buildings, 2 stry, 5 bdrm. home. Comm. tower provides good income. West of Priceville on Grey Rd. 4. Ruthanne Risk, RLP RCR Realty 519-924-2950. 150 ACRES - RIPLEY Cash crop farm, systematically tiled, 48x80x14 steel drive shed. davidziemann@me.com Call 519-572-0106. 82 ACRE farm, 30 wkbl., 40 mixed hrdwd. Nice home, det. shop. Income from proposed wind turbine. West of Priceville on Grey Rd. 4. Ruthanne Risk, RLP RCR Realty 519-924-2950. FARMS AND Special Rural Proper ties for sale at: www.murraygibbons.com M u r r ay G i b b o n s B ro ke r o f Record for Great Lakes Realty ( G i b b o n s ) I n c . , B ro ke r a g e Waterford, ON, 519-757-5595. FOR SALE BY OWNER Smooth Rock Falls, ON. located in the Great Clay Belt, excellent dollar value for new farmer or farm relocate. Any type of farm allowed. Taxes $550/yr. 617 acres w/ 144 +/- wor kable, +more to clear. All NEW buildings garage #1 50x32 heated, garage #2 16x32, implement shed 48x24, barn 50x28, boiler shed 16x16, New bungalow 1984 sq. ft. w/3 bed, 2 baths, A/C, extras++. $18,000 solar inc o m e . $ 9 9 7, 0 0 0 . C a l l 705-338-1074. LARGE ACREAGE farm 4 sale. Eastern Ontario. For information visit www.cedarholm4sale.com 416-333-2690. NEED MORE Land? Englehart area, affordable 680 acres with approx. 100 acres tiled. Extra land available. Mor tgage available. 705-563-8371. ON GOING 90 acre potato farm for sale in the Temiskaming area. Two potato storage buildings, renovated brick home. Call for full details. Call 705-622-1495 or Home 705-563-2845. Ask for Claude. W murraymcleanauctions.com Ron Steenbergen Sales Representative Phil Spoelstra Toll Free: 1-800-667-1801 Direct: 519-870-7325 Cell: 226·234·8239 Sales Representative • NEW LISTING: Empty Dairy with 155 acres + 2 house. SE of Woodstock • NEW: Ayr 110 acres with 100 workable - Bare Land $995k!! • NEW: Otterville: 75 Acres with 74 Workable Bare Land - Great buy! • NEW: Tillsonburg: 61 acres/House/Barn/Heated Shop and 53 workable • MONKTON: 75Acres: 64 workable with beautiful house/pool/shop - Syst Tiled • MOLESWORTH: 2000 head Groenestege finishing barn w/100 acres, 45 workable tiled • NEW EXETER: 100 acres with 93 workable 1/2 syst Tiled - Bare land!! Call now • Dairy Listing: NEW LISKEARD. 45 kg quota. 320 acres/ 200 workable. Very Clean! • NEW LISKEARD LAND: 320 acres flatter land with 240 workable in one piece. Call Now! • TILLSONBURG - 100 acre estate - stunning home/cabin/shop. $1.75m. Great Cashflow • EMBRO/STRATFORD - 100 acres North of EMBRO 71 workable + home - Call Now! • LONDON: 100 Acres in City Limits S of 401. 74 workable - Bush lot - great place to build! $799k WE NEED DAIRY! - WE HAVE OVER A DOZEN ACTIVE BUYERS CALL NOW - YOUR INFORMATION WILL BE CONFIDENTIAL WWW.FARMONTARIO.COM K. Miller Realty, Brokerage 220 Broad St., East, Dunnville, Ontario N1A 1G2 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Phone: 905-774-7624 Fax: 905-774-5960 www.coldwellbanker.com CHATHAM-CASH CROP- 70 ACRE PARCEL. All workable. Productive Clay Loam soil. Tile drained. Soys in 2014. Ready for beets or corn. Municipal water. Great location just 3 km North of City on St. Clair Road. Call Richard. MUIRKIRK (EAST-KENT) Lake Frontage – 118 acres with 105 workable. Clay soil. Farm 12 km East of Ridgetown on Talbot Trail. (Hwy #3). Call Richard RODNEY- (WEST-ELGIN)- CASH CROP- 27 acres. Sandy Loam soil. Farm backs onto Hwy #401. Downie Line. Call Richard. SOLD RIDGETOWN – CASH CROP – 97 acres with 82 workable. Sandy Loam Soil. 15 acre woodlot. Shed and grain bin. Victoria Rd and McKay’s Line. Call Richard CHATHAM – CASH CROP/SPECIALTY CROP – 100 acres with 89 workable. Prime Silty Clay Loam soil. Sale subject to severance. Eberts Line. Call Richard 77000 CHICKEN BROILERS 4 BARNS ON 45 ACRES: Automatic generator great opportunity to purchase a large poultry operation located in Niagara. Call Jack 48000 CHICKEN BROILER FARM ON 15 ACRES: 3 bedroom home. Two barn operation located near Beamsville. Call Jack JACK HUITEMA, Broker of Record – 905-774-8291 RICHARD VYN, Broker – 519-674-2434 TROY PIETERSE, Sales Rep - 289-213-1318 YOUMING ZHAO, Sales Rep - 905-807-9368 ROSS EMERSON, Sales Rep – 905-899-1056 HANS KNUTH, Sales Rep – 905-957-7618 SRural Properties Farms and Farmlands Farms and Farmlands 57.42 kg of Quota. TURN KEY DAIRY OPERATION North/East of Napanee Google : Kim Hadwen Perth County: Ultra modern SEW operation of 1100+ capacity. Contract options avail. MHA-1501 Erin: Cash Crop w/90 acres wkbl. Large secondary farm use buildings inc. cool storage fac. MCA-152 Hensall: 150 acres wkbl, tiled sys, 2 sep parc. Obtain for 2015 crops. $14,000/acre. MCA-157 SOLD Sales Representative Cell (613) 969-7591 Or (613) 968-8019 HOWARD CULLIGAN Broker of Record Cell 519-272-5413 Web Search: Kim Hadwen howard@culliganrealty.com Arthur: 185 acres w/ approx 120 wkbl. Medium loam tiled syst, avg crop yields. MCA-155 Seaforth: 100 acres tiled syst, vacant land, clay loam soil type. MCA-1472 Goderich: 304 acres w/approx 225 wkbl, bal in bush. Med loam, spring poss. is avail. MCA-1462 A.C.O. Exeter: 100 acres w/80 wkbl tiled syst. Medium loam, good production, call for spring ownership. MCA-156 Monkton: 97 acres, tiled syst. Med clay loam. Prev. yr corn avg 185 bu/acre. MCA-1462 A.C.O. W Pt 1 of part of lot 3 & 4, Conc. C, Reg Plan 7, municipality of Lambton Shores with access from Goosemarsh Line. Sat., April 11 – 11:00 A.M. 69.18+/- acres all workable, systematically tiled, vegetable land (Blackwell soil with high organic matter). Bare land, no bldgs. Deposit of $30,000. on auction day by cert cheque, bank draft, or money order payable to Walden & Walden, In Trust Balance due on closing. Call for info package incl terms & conditions of sale. Early spring possession. Note: 9752 Klondyke Rd. 48.9+/- acres w 30+/acres workable, quality bldgs incl house, packing & storage sheds will be sold by tender April 15. Full info to follow. Stratford: 150 acres tiled syst. Productive soil. Asking $2,995,000 MHA-1442 ALEX VEENS Broker Cell 519-274-5363 aveens@tcc.on.ca Murray McLean Auctions Listowel: Ready for your cows and quota. Modern barns w/ large parlour and selflocking head gates. Inc 200 acres w/155 wkbl & modern home. MCA-153 Listowel 75 Acres Cash crop with machine shed and house. ECA 14 – 43 Connecting Buyers & Sellers since 1979 Oxford: 95 acre, ongoing dairy w/ 50 cows & followers & 50 kg quota. Add’l 30 acres adjacent. Beautiful newer bungalow. SDA 14 698 ERWIN MEYER Sales Rep 519-461-0210 emeyer@start.ca Lucan: Vacant land with paved road frontage. 50 acres all workable, with syst. tiling. Huron clay loam SOLD soils. SCA 15 604 Wellington County: 100 acre farm with 85+/- workable acres, Harriston loam soil, syst. tiled. Original yellow brick home with two storey addition. Perfect multi-generational set-up. Beautiful landscaping with mature trees. Driveshed with shop at one end. Utility shed, storage shed & barn lean used for storage. Quiet country setting on paved road. SCA 14 699 Stayner Investment property: 150 acres w/130 wkbl fertile cash crop ground. 1½ storey residence w/ newer add’n. 2 ins. heated outbuildings. Exc. rental income fr. buildings. Severance of house possible. SCA 15 607 SW Middlesex: 113 acres w/ approx.102 wkbl. Full 2 storey brick home. SCA 14 693 Bruce County: 86+ acres fertile land. Modern 2000 hd. hog fin. barn. Brick home. New Price. SHA 14 695 New Listing in Bruce County: near Kinlough, 50 acres w/ approx. 30 wkbl. Balance bush. Exc. building site. SCA 15 606 Mt. Brydges: 49.91 acres, apprx. 38.88 wkbl., bal. bush & pond. Fertile fine sandy loam soils. 3100 HU. SCA 15 677 SOLD 66 acre apple orchard in scenic Beaver Valley on the Beaver River overlooking the escarpment. Strathroy: 6000 hd swine finishing operation on 100 acres with large residence West Grey: A large turkey enterprise on 100 acres with residence East of Hanover. Owen Sound: Well maintained and modern turkey operation on 50 acres. Cambridge: 183 ac with 2 residences located on the edge of Cambridge! 103 ac are wklb. Lots of potential! Monkton: 400 Sows Farrow to Weaner on 100 Acres with Residence St Thomas: 108 ac with 98 wkbl. House and Barn built in 2008. Wroxeter: A modern and private residence with 3 car garage, green house and patio located on 5 acres of land. Lucan: Multi income property with truck wash, offices and rental house on 3.68 acres, located 15 minutes north of London on Hwy 4. Mt. Forest: Hobby farm with large 4 bedroom ranch style bungalow on 15.9 ac with a large pond and 2 large implement sheds. Huron County Large Ongoing Dairy operation on 325 Acres with 440 KG Quota. EDA 14 – 38 If you are considering selling your farm, please contact Alex for a confidential consultation. We always have clients looking for modern ongoing Dairy farms. 519-232-4213 The Zahnd Team Wellington County: Excellent starter dairy w/ 55kg quota. Free-stall w/ dbl 3 parlour. 150 acres avail. Brick home w/ new addition. MDA-151 Listowel Ongoing Dairy operation on 150 Acres with 73 KG Quota. EDA 14 – 42 murraymcleanauctions.com Listowel: Ongoing tie stall dairy operation 100 acres Northwest of Listowel, Reg. herd, quota, ample feed storage, newer heifer barn, 4 bedroom farm home, excellent land and location. Farms and Farmlands NEW! North of Gorrie: 98 acres with 92 workable. Harriston loam soil. Avail for spring planting. MCA-158 KIM HADWEN AUCTION SALE Farms and Farmlands MITCHELL HURON EAST ST MARYS EASTERN ONTARIO Specializing in Agriculture and Rural properties FARM LAND Farms and Farmlands Listowel: 50 acres w/ 43 wkbl & 5 ac mixed hardwd bush. 2 storey brick home. Barns set up for white veal. Clean farm w/ beautiful setting. SCA 15 608 Norwich: 79.32 acre farm w/ newer goat dairy facility. Modern barn w/ 375 hd cap. Young stock barn w/kid room. Drive shed. Hay shed. Charming 5 bdrm farm home. Versatile & adaptable to many diff. uses incl. start-up dairy, sheep farm, cow-calf, equestrian or mrkt garden. Paved rd. SDA 15 605 Kincardine: 150 acres, 136 wkbl, syst tiled. 2storey, 5 bdrm home. Fully slatted Gilt/fin. barn. Modern shed. Seller would consider severance of buildings. SHA 14 681 Glencoe Area: 144 acres. Beautiful 3 bdrm brick home. Modern barn suited to beef or dairy. SCA 14 676 Listowel: 150 acres w/ 136 wrkbl., syst. tiled. Very productive, naturally fertilized land. SCA 15 603 West Elgin: 147 acre, modern 2000+ hog finishing. Farr.-toFin. or Wean-to-Fin. possibilities. 2 houses. SHA 14 696 For colour pictures & more details, go to http://www.yourfarmconnection.com Have you been considering selling your farm? We are always looking for quality farm operations. Contact Erwin for a confidential consultation to discuss your options. Nice starter dairy with 27 kgs of quota, Kingston area. 100 acres tillable with more land rented. Purebred herd, nice home and functional tie stall. Call for details. New Listing: Beef/Cash Crop Farm, Elgin (Kingston area). 148 acres with over 100 acres tillable, great quality clay loam, good woodlot, good century old stone home and outbuildings. $549,000. North Glengarry 300 acres with approx 193 acres tillable and tile drained. No buildings. Call for details. ALLAN EARLE Sales Rep Cell 613-802-9797 allan@culliganrealty.com Seaway Valley Cash Crop Opportunity, 500 acres, no buildings, 45 minuted from Quebec border. Call for details. Navan - Invest in the path of adevelopment. 200 acres of Bearbrook clay cropland. Less than one mile from new subdivisions on Trim Rd., Orleans. Crop this productive soil while you watch your investment grow. Ag Business Opportunity: 8100 tonne grain drying and storage facility just south of town of Renfrew. Close to Hwy 17. $449,000 Good cropland available - 140 acres of quality clay complete with nice 5 bedroom farm house and large dairy barn. Kingston area $899,000. Call for details. Seaforth: 93 acres with 72 workable, all system tiled drained. Good crop land with a picturesque sight for new home. Invest in land - Crop Land at $12,000/acre with great development potential. Just 90 minutes East of Toronto. Land is zoned urban holding, no buildings. Call for details. Welland: 55 Ac turkey operation with Quota included, 43 ac wkbl and 2 Residences. Investment opportunity - 100 acre solar park up and running and leased out until May 2031 giving good safe returns. Call for details Reduced Price: Palmerston: 140 ac with picturesque large farm house. $699,000. Listowel: Very productive 101 ac with 2200 hd finishing barn. Recently renovated 4 bedroom stone house. Visit Us Online at: WWW.ZAHND.CA 10 Hunters Lane, Guelph, Ontario Zahnd Team Real Estate Advisors Inc. Claude Robin, Broker Kurt Keller, Sales Rep. Shawn Stanley, Sales Rep claude.robin@zahndteam.ca kurt.keller@zahndteam.ca shawn.stanley@zahndteam.ca phone: 519-887-6205 cell: 519-291-8262 phone: 519-236-7874 cell: 519-854-8081 Phone: 519-417-6554 Cell: 519-323-6554 Cash Buyer for 100 to 1000 acres in Northumberland, Hastings, Lennox and Addington, Frontenac, Leeds and Grenville Counties. Call for more info. Tile Drained land near Navan at $7800 per acre...call for details. There is a high demand for cropland and turnkey dairy in Eastern Ontario. Is it time to take advantage of a strong market opportunity? Call today for a confidential no obligation assessment. www.culliganrealty.com EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! Classified ad material submission deadline is 3pm Wednesday Please send in your ad early to allow sufficient proofing time. WORD ADS STILL NOON THURSDAY. • Tuesday, March 10, 2015 — Get farm news updates at ONTARIOFARMER.COM Farms and Farmlands Search Marketplace ads online at www.ontariofarmer.com 13 C SRural Properties Reliable Realty Inc., Brokerage age Independently Owned and Operated Farms and Farmlands Farms and Farmlands 102 acre farm located southeast of Seaforth. Approximately 90 acres workable, systematically tiled, no buildings. Call for more information. Thinking of Buying or Selling? Call us first! Direct 519.525.6067 Office 519.565.2020 • Fax 519.565.2024 ctbles@yahoo.com THEO BLES FIRST TO MAKE FARM MORTGAGES SIMPLE COMPETITIVE RATES | SIMPLE PROCESS CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE REG BARNES Licenced Agent • • • • SPECIALIZING IN FARM MORTGAGES 34 YEARS BUSINESS EXPERIENCE BANK BEING DIFFICULT? DIFFICULT ISSUES? URGENT FUNDING? BAX MORTGAGE GROUP #11036 What’s important is you feel at ease to call and see what I can do for you. No false promises, no nonsense, let’s keep it simple. reginaldrbarnes@yahoo.com | 519-670-8542 www.farm-mortgages.com INVESTORS WELCOME AMARANTH, TOWNSHIP SALES REPRESENTATIVE Over 30 years experience Serving Ottawa and area Louis Latulippe Realty Inc., Brokerage, Independently Owned & Operated Salesperson louden@xplornet.ca Direct Line: 613-601-3395 Office: 613-446-6031 EASTERN ONTARIO: 295 acres of land w/some tile drained. EASTERN ONTARIO: 95 acre cash crop land, 60 acres tiled. PLANTAGENET: 50 acre hobby farm, lovely 3+2 bedroom bungalow, detached garage, on Hwy. 17. EASTERN ONTARIO: East of Jessop's Falls Bridge, 27.5 acres, mobile home, good out buildings, some workable land, good bush. EASTERN ONTARIO: 114 acre cash crop land, no buildings, not tile drained, Cty. Rd. 10. ALFRED: Excellent 3 bedroom home, 2 bathrooms, triple detached garage, 18 acres. CASH CROP LAND: 118 acres, tile drained, ready for spring planting, just west of Vankleek Hill. FOR SALE BY TENDER PRIME AGRICULTURAL LANDS WITH BUILDINGS IN OXFORD COUNTY Tuesday, March 10, 2015 — Get farm news updates at ONTARIOFARMER.COM• 14 C 1) 844283 Road 84, Embro, being Part East ½ Lot 16, Concession 6 West Zorra as in 420937, Zorra Township, plus Part Lot 19, Concession 6 West Zorra as in 419861, Zorra Township. 99+/- acres. Beautiful 2 storey, 4bdrm, brick home. Newer shed with insulated shop. Plus vacant woodlot, 25 acres. Two parcels being sold together. 2) 844251 Road 84, Embro, being Part East ½ Lot 16, West Zorra as in 420937, Zorra Township. 5+/- acres. 2 storey, 4 bdrm home. 3) 435956 43rd Line, Embro, being Part Lot 16, Concession 7 West Zorra as in R509241, Zorra Township. 50+/acres. 2 bedroom rental home. 4) 436005 43rd Line, Embro, being Part Lot 19, Concession 6 West Zorra as in 419861, Zorra Township. 100 +/-acres. 3 bedroom rental home. 2 sheds. Hydro easement. 5) 355770 35th Line, Embro, being Part Lot 13, Concession 4 West Zorra as in 486819, W of Pt 1, 41R7531, s/t WZ12740, Zorra Township. Vacant land 160 +/- acres. Tenders to be submitted to the address below in a sealed envelope clearly marked with contact information of the submitter, by 3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. Owners reserve the right to reject any tender. For Tender Packages or for More Information. Please Contact: Erwin Meyer, Sales Representative Direct (519) 671-9418 or email: emeyer@start.ca CULLIGAN REAL ESTATE LTD., BROKERAGE BRANCH: 6191 COBBLE HILLS ROAD, RR 4, ST. MARYS, ONTARIO N4X 1C7 (519) 461-0210 Listing ID SCA 15 609 SoMEThIng To SELL? List it in Ontario Farmer’s Marketplace Farms and Farmlands Farms and Farmlands FARM MORTGAGES 95 Main Street South, Hwy. 21 Bayfield ON N0M 1G0 www.remax-reliable.com 80 acre property near Goderich and Lake Huron. 4 bedroom home, 50’ x 100’ insulated shop plus barn. 50 acres workable and 25 acres rolling pasture. MLS # 552171 Farms and Farmlands Daryl Ruff Broker of Record 905-451-2390 EXIT REALTY HARE (PEEL) Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated 44 Parcels Parcels Available Available At At Same Same Intersection. Intersection. Tile Tile Drained. Drained. Great For Great For Cash Crops. Cash Crops. Buy 1 Or All 4. Buy 1 Or All 4. 1 - 50 Acres, 50Acres, Acres, 11 -- 90 1 90 Acres, 1 - 95 Acres, 100Acres. Acres. 12 -- 100 2 Road 2 Road Frontages. Frontages. WE ARE IN NEED OF MORE FARM LISTINGS! CALL US FIRST! 88 acre farm, 63+/- workable tiled acres, 10 year old raised ranch, 20x30 all steel building. Nathaniel DEELSTRA Sales Representative C: 519.402.3418 nathanieldeelstra@gmail.com www.magicrealty.com FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Commencing March 1, 2015 2. R.R. 3 Vanessa, Ontario – Part of Lot 14, Concession 6, Windham, as in NR 494567, except Part 1 37R7178, south of Brantford Road, Norfolk County being 47.13 acres, more or less, being vacant land. With a total of 104 workable acres, more or less. W Pt Lt 20, Con 3 (Delaware), Middlesex Centre, County of Middlesex 70 acre parcel, 64 workable acres more or less No buildings Severance will be required at Seller’s expense For tender documents and particulars contact: Janet M. Gibbons LL.B. 39 Front St. W Strathroy, ON N7G 1X5 519-245-0110 fax: 519-245-5859 Tenders must be delivered to the above address by: Noon on April 1, 2015 *Highest and/or best offer not necessarily accepted* broker 2216 Lambton Line, Sombra 5562 Langbank Line, Dawn-Euphemia NEW PRICE $450,000 $849,900 Square 50 acre farm w/ rich 100 acre farm with 87 workable tiled acres, clay tiles every 60-65 ft. 10 acres Brookston clay soil, plastic bush and 3 acres for house and building. tiles every 24’ w/ 3 main House needs work. outlets. Approx. 48 acres 5272 Egremont Rd., Wyoming workable. Good quality crop $899,900 yields year after year. 1. 1215 Brantford Road, Vanessa, Ontario – Part Lot 14, Concession 6, North of Brantford Road, Windham, Norfolk County, being 63.54 acres, more or less, containing 1.5 storey home which was fully renovated 6 years ago, 30x70 2-storey barn, 17 bulk 3 door kilns and various outbuildings, and FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Philip Chabot NEW FARMS Farms and Farmlands Search Marketplace ads online at www.ontariofarmer.com The Vendors: Robert Gordon Hamilton and 1253614 Ontario Inc., are tendering this property for sale. The land and buildings may be inspected by appointment with Robert Gordon Hamilton 519-443-6206. No real estate agents permitted. All offers must be delivered in a sealed envelope no later than 12 p.m. on April 3, 2015 to the following address: C. Jo-Ann Hanson Law Office 1 Main Street West, Norwich, Ontario N0J 1P0 519-863-2529 Tender document, terms of sale and property information are available at C.Jo-Ann Hanson Law Office. The vendor need not accept the highest, or any tenders submitted. JoAnne Baines sales rep 519-670-2660 519-495-7117 Sutton Group-Select Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated “Independently Owned and Operated” Your Southwestern Ontario Representatives of: Tiverton 128 KG DAIRY FARM 350 Acres in 3 Parcels, NEW Heifer and dry cow barn, free stall barn, bunk silos, double 8 parlour and very modern home. INVESTMENT LEASEBACK OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE FOR BUYERS AND SELLERS LOOKING FOR LARGE BLOCKS OF LAND BRUCE/GREY COUNTY 2887 ACRES MANITOBA West side of Portage la Prairie. Bean country. Contact for full details and mapping $11,548,000 MIDDLESEX CENTRE Beautiful parcel of land to build or consider investment for future development. Fire Rock Golf Course across road. Oxbow Creek at north end of property. Hardwood bush and ravine. 72 acres workable. Natural gas, water and 3-phase hydro at road. $1,650,000 LAKE ERIE FRONTAGE 87.36 acres with 30 acres workable, 55 acres hardwood bush, 200 feet of Lake Erie frontage and Silver Creek borders the west. Yard is landscaped with mature trees and a pond teaming with wildlife. 42 year old house with quick, vacant possession possible. $725,000 RETAIL MEAT AND ABATTOIR BUSINESS Farmer’s Market Anyone? Third generation family business located on 10 acres in London City limits and in a prime area where farmland meets residential/commercial lands. Loyal clientele who demand only the best when it comes to quality of meats. $939,000 Also available adjoining to the west, 21 acres bare land with 16 workable $1,200,000 and adjoining to the east, 5.65 acres with residence $450,000. OXFORD COUNTY 190 acres 89 workable acres.Very picturesque parcel of bare land with the middle branch of the Thames River running through. Abandoned CPR bridge adds to the character. Great building site. Immediately south of Embro on Highway 6. NEW PRICE $1,475,000 ESSEX COUNTY 103.5+/- acres all workable and tiled at 33 feet. 2 road frontages. 2 deeds. Municipal water at road. 200 lbs potash applied in fall 2014. Brookston Clay soil. Small lot has been severed off. $1,450,000 STRATHROY 27.6 acres bare land zoned AG within urban development area of Strathroy $1,100,000 also an additional 35 acres across the road with an approved plan of subdivision for 152 lots and zoning for institutional and green space. $1,450,000 3 PARCELS BARE LAND MIDDLESEX COUNTY - LEASEBACK ONLY 96.23 acres with 80 workable. First year certified organic, systematically tiled in 2013, 40 feet apart. $879,000 50.59 acres with 47.5 workable. Systematically tiled 2014, 30 feet. $410,000 48.53 acres with 40 workable. Systematically tiled 2014, 30 feet. $425,000 150 ACRES OXFORD COUNTY 151 acres with 100 workable, including 5 acres irrigated berries. Not currently rented for 2015 crop year. Two road access. Mature hardwood forest with trails. Never had ginseng. Computerized wood outdoor stove heats shop and home with propane backup. $1,850,000 www.JustFarms.ca a-b Realty Ltd., Brokerage Stratford, ON Office: 519-273-2822 Scotland 93 ACRES - CROP New Price: 93 acres with 87 +/acres workable. Sandy loam soil with natural drainage. Ideal location for a new residence or additional land for your current operation. Great location, on a paved road and close to Scotland and under 11 miles to Norwich and Brantford. Orillia 349 ACRES IN 2 PARCELS-BEEF 349 acres in 2 parcels. Includes house, bank barn and sheds. Additional land available. Orangeville/Fergus 1049 ACRES - BEEF FACILITY Modern beef feedlot on 1055 acres could be bought with a smaller acreage. Drayton 122 ACRES-VACANT 122 acres vacant farm with 120 acres tiled. Access to paved road and only minutes to town. Oxford 113 ACRES - CROP, BEEF 113 acre beef/crop farm with nice 1 1/2 storey brick home, shed and bank barn. 59.74 acres workable. Walton 122 ACRE HOG, 2000 HEAD NURSERY BARN built in 2000. Lovely 4 bedroom brick home built in 2007. Neighbouring poultry farm also available. Walkerton 110 KG ONGOING DAIRY Stunning 101 acre dairy farm with 110kg. Quota and livestock. House built in 2000. Additional land available for purchase or rent. Bloomfield 153 ACRES CROP Woodstock SOLD 125 ACRES - CROP, BEEF 125 acres with a brick house, open front beef barn and an insulated shop. St. Thomas 90 ACRES CROP, BEEF 3 adjoining parcels loamy soil. 107 acres/ no building, 100 acres with older house and barn, and 90 acres no buildings. Can be purchased separately or in a package. Baden 129 ACRES - CROP 129 acres at the edge of the village of Baden. Renovated brick home, two implement sheds. Houses border this property to the east. Invest in the future of Baden! Mitchell/Moncton NEW PRICE 116 ACRES-CROP mostly sys. Tiled. Implement storage with heated shop. Older brick home. Severn 50 ACRES - CROP Nice 50 Acre farm with newer 5 bedroom bungalow. 47+/acres sys. Tiled Dundalk/ Flesherton 745 ACRES - CROP/BEEF 745 Acres in 8 Parcels. 2 brick homes + 1 Bungalow, 3 barns & a shed. 115 acres system. Tiled. Ideal for cash crop or new livestock site. Walton 104 ACRE POULTRY, 20,218 BROILER UNITS, single story 24,000 sq.ft. barn built in 2011. Neighbouring nursery farm also available. For more information please call: Office: 519-273-2822 Kevin Williams, Broker John Jantzi, Sales Rep. Cell: 519.572.2293 Cell: 519.571.3894 Or visit our website at www.ontariofarmsales.ca Marketplace DeaDline Wednesday at 3:00pm Prior to next Tuesday’s Issue TelePHOne 1-800-567-FARM (3276) Local to London 1-519-473-0010 Antiques & Art Collectibles Bedding MH 30 tractor, S/N 6761, 1950, new tires, rims, paint and decals; MH 22 tractor S/N 2231, 1949, new tires, rims, decals & belt pulley; 9N Ford tractor S/N 9N166155, with or without 60” finishing mower. All of the above are in showroom condition. Must sell. 905-233-4925. WOOD shavings, blown in or dumped. Kiln dried shavings or saw dust, soft wood or hardwood. Delivered in 40 to 150 yards. Serving the farm industry for 20 years. 905-775-5805 www.reliablewoodshavings.ca WANTED: JD 40 and JD 60, should be running, any condition. 519-271-6621. Bedding PEAT MOSS BEDDING IDEAL FOR STALLS, HUTCHES, PACK & COMPOST BARNS LOW Ph - Reduces bacteria/pathogen load MOST ABSORBANT BEDDING PRODUCT Reduces ammonia/improves animal health 3 cu. ft + 55 cubic ft compressed bags Truck load discounts FARM SERVICES LTD. For more info contact 1-800-269-2561 jarrett@blfarm.com e m a i l ontariofarmer.classifieds@sunmedia.ca F a X 1-519-473-2256 Be sure to include prepayment information and number of insertions Dairy Equipment SHAVINGS Business Opportunities 42X100 COVERALL building awaits your business opportunity or expansion. Located at the corner of Hamilton, Haldimand and Niagara. Concrete floor opening onto a large concrete yard. Sales and administration available. Mike Morris 905-928-1120. BEWARE! PLEASE note that Ontario Farmer is not responsible for any monies sent through the mail and advise caution when replying to “work at home advertisements”. We do attempt to qualify advertisers of this nature, but we suggest checking with your local Better Business Bureau or Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Canada, if in doubt. Used Houle 4350 spreader w/ steering, Nice tank ............. CALL Used Wic 52, 2 side unload feedcart .............................$2,900 2x13’ x 2x11’ New Bi-Directional cable alley scrapers........PRICED to MOVE 2 year old Select Detect activity system w/ 50 tags .............. $7,500 Used Houle 60” cable scraper drive w/ control...................$6,000 Used 9’ Houle stationary agi pump ..................................$4,500 New Patz 350 vertical trailer mixer................................... CALL 4 x 8’ sec Canarm calf selflock 1.5 yr old.........................$400 ea. 3x10’ Used Houle scrapers ...................... $750 each 24” Used Fibreglass exhaust fan.........................................$400 ALWAYS AVAILABLE MILK COOLERS!!! • DEALER FOR NEW MUELLER & DELAVAL • Bulk • Blown or Bales • We deliver to your farm MILK COOLERS • SERVING ALL OF ONTARIO FROM OUR 4 LOCATIONS (DRAYTON,WOODSTOCK, LINDSAY & BRINSTON) • OVER 60 USED MUELLER, DELAVAL, DARI-KOOL & SURGE BULK MILK COOLERS AVAILABLE • USED FRE-HEATERS, PLATE COOLERS & CONDENSING UNITS • SIZES RANGE FROM 400-8000 GALLONS • ASST. OF USED S.S. STORAGE TANKS • 3 INCH OUTLET VALVE CONVERSIONS • LICENSED REFRIGERATION SERVICE TECHNICIANS 1-800-267-5246 SUPERIOR SHAVING SUPPLY 1-855-295-4487 www.glenislefarms.com “FARMERS SERVING FARMERS SINCE 1955” BIG SHAVINGS? Put your cash in the bag! Buy water proofed bagged shavings, saw dust or straw mixes. Each bag is 3 cu.ft. packed, sealed & weighs 40-50 lbs depending on the mix. There are 45 bags per shrink wrapped pallet and 24 pallets per truckload. Prices quoted, materials FOB Brantford plant plus freight your location and HST. High quality at volume discounts. Sawdust also available in bulk. EquiLocks Animal Bedding Ltd. For more info call Kingsley Snelgrove 519-280-5464. BULK BEDDING and Sawdust, t r u c k l o a d d e l i v e r y. C a l l 519-687-3260 or 519-796-1246. MIRACLE FIBER L i ve s to ck b e d d i n g. Co a rs e wood mulch for horse & cattle walkways, wet areas, around water troughs and bush lanes. 1-877-773-8004 Sittler Grinding, Rick Sittler. “Great Quality, Better Service” **LARGE INVENTORY OF NEW MUELLER E-VALVE CONDENSING UNITS, FRE-HEATHERS, AGITATORS, SCROLL COMPRESSORS AND PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERS** Seaforth, ON • Dry Cast Hog, Dairy and Eazy Walk Slats • Any width up to 4' • Any length up to 14' • The only proven wean to finish slat available • Columns and Beams • T-Wall Penning • Bunker Silo Walls • Insulated Wall Panel Toll Free:1-877-253-4577 Office: (519) 527-0397 Email: IF WE DO NOT HAVE THE COOLER YOU NEED WE WILL DO OUR BEST TO FIND YOU ONE!! TS1279833 Softwood Shavings Economical Blends Dust-Free for Horses Excellent for Organic Producers Bags & Bulk (55-153 yard) Year Round Various Sizes Available Delivery Anywhere in Canada • Woven Wire • High Tensile Wire • ElectroBraid • Stalls & Equipment Drumbo, ON (519) 463-9888 1-800-461-3362 Dwayne Job Gideon Kleinsasser www.shurfence.com designconcretesystems@bellnet.ca Website: designconcrete.ca QF108176-1 CAN AM FOR SALES INQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT 519-638-3535 STEEN CHEQ Time temperature recorders. Refurbished units ready for installation. Wanted used TTRs. Sales, service & installations. Call Jim Steenbergen, 519-343-3467. Decks & Fences Animal Management Systems BRUSSELS AGRI SERVICES LTD. All types of fence. Sales & installation. • Dry Cast Hog, Dairy and Beef Slats • Free Stall Risers & Panels • Any Size up to 4'x13'-4" • Precast Post and Beams • Bunker Silo Walls 6' to 12' in Height • Catch Basins & Well Rings • H Style Feed Bunks • J Style Feed Bunks • Super Fence Line Feed Bunks • Up to 2000 gal. Holding/Septic Tank Systems • Portable Fence Posts CSA Certified Plant Toll Free: 1-877-228-5451 www.canamprecast.com ENTZ FENTZ LTD. • Woven Wire • High Tensile • Board • Deer Fencing • Electro Braid • Environmental/ Watershed Fencing Farms For Over 35 Years Sam Entz (519) 696-4444 • FREE ESTIMATES • Employment Wanted RELIEF HERDSMAN Over 20 years of experience in tie-stalls, free stalls and robots. Available in Perth, Huron, Oxford and Waterloo counties. M a r t i n Va n d e n h ove n . 519-301-3678. Visit Website: www.reliefherdsman.ca 1- NEW Westfield MK 10x71 auger with swing out hopper and hyd. lift- year end clearance $9,400’; 1- used Westfield MK 10x61 auger with swing out hopp e r, g o o d s h a p e , $ 4 , 9 0 0 . 519-644-0670. Dale Equipment, Belmont. HOME OF SPARE PARTS NEW & USED TRACTOR & COMBINE PARTS CATT 3208 engine out of NH TR70 ................ $1,500 JUST IN 2-JD 9500 RWA & Contour 2-CIH 1660 2-CIH 2166 IH 1480 IH 1440 IH 915 IH 886 JD 6620 JD 6620T11 4-JD 7720 Gleaner F2 MF 3660 MFWA MF 750 IH 684 IH 966 www.in-linefence.ca MANURE SPREADERS H&S 425VB Vertical beater spreader, 424 Bushel Rental unit................................$21,900 BIG SQUARE BALER NH BB9060 Roto cut, tandem axle, roller chute, New unit never used, full warranty ......... $92,500 NH H7230 10ft Discbine, 1000 rpm pto, exc cond..................CALL TEDDERS/ INVERTERS NH 255 Rake Tedder ....... $1,500 3541 TRUSSLER RD. NEW DUNDEE, ONTARIO (519) 696-2213 or 1-800-265-8945 E-Mail: sales@coleman-equipment.com www.coleman-equipment.com 2012 Kubota L4240HST 167 hrs, ROPS, canopy, loader & bucket, 400/80R24 rear industrial tires ............$29,700 2013 Kubota L2674 Snow blower 74", hydraulic chute rotation, rear mount, Cat 1 3Pt Hitch ............................$3,000 2008 Buhler Y740 Snow blower, 74", manual chute rotation ........................$2,200 2011 Volvo M70B Skid steer, 677 hrs, 57 Hp, 1500 lb. Operating weight, c/w material bucket, new tires........$23,900 John Deere 110 Backhoe, 201 hrs, 41 Eng. Hp, 4WD, 24" backhoe bucket, hydraulic thumb, hydro trans, work lights, 10x16.5 fronts & 17.5L24 indust. rear tires ....$43,900 2013 Kubota L4060HSTC 99 hrs, cab, LA805 loader & 72" bucket........................$38,300 2013 HLA DB84 Heavy duty dirt blade, 84”...............$3,700 2422 PERTH LINE 43 R.R#1 STRATFORD ON Phone: 519-625-8450 Fax: 519-625-8485 After hours calls accepted Farm Equipment/Repairs 1998 FREIGHTLINER FLD120 flat top, 2 stacks, 2 air intakes, chrome, new inframe at Penn Diesel ($15,000 US), new air cond. ($5,000), maintained by Chappel, black paint by Fenton, aluminum wheels, safety & etest; 1992 Fontaine 48’ step deck trailer, Michelin tires, new air bags & brakes complete, Good! Safetied. Call Phil Brady in Chatham. 519-358-1999. 1998 LEXION 460 with 30 ft flex head and 6 row cornhead. Call 705-795-2514. 2002 TL100 Ford cab tractor, 4400 hrs, 4wd, w/ Stohl quick attach ldr, material bucket, double bale spear, new rear tires, $22,000; 96 Meteor snow blower, excellent cond., $1,200; Westfield auger, 6x40, pto,. $1,500. Contact Jim Stevenson 613-227-4590, Kinburn, Ont., close to Ottawa. KINZE EARLY ORDER ON NOW!! SPECIAL Kinze 3800 24@30” mech.......... $74,500 Kinze 2200 12RN Econo............ $23,500 Kinze 2500 8RN, liq ................... $31,500 Kinze 2500 8RN liq .................... $28,500 Kinze 3110 6RN................NEW $21,260 Kinze 3500 8/16 Mech................ $64,500 Kinze 3600 12/23, KPMZ 93529.. $75,000 Kinze 3600 12/23, c/m, 93948... $76,500 Kinze 3600 12/23 93992............ $77,500 Kinze 3600 12/24 #93947.......... $76,500 Dawn Pluribus 6RN .................. $32,500 JD 1790 CCS, 16/32 ................ $143,750 PLANTERS JD 7240 8RN liq....................... $15,000 JD 7240 6RN C/M, CT250....... $24,500 JD 7000 8RN dry ..................... $10,500 NI 9000, dry.............................. $16,000 NI 900 11@15, coul.................. $18,500 NI 900 12@15” coulters ........... $16,500 Kinze 6RN liq............................. $9,500 SOLD White 6100 24@20” ................. $42,500 JD 7000 6-11 splitter ............... $16,500 White 6100 5@20” ..............$6,500 White 8@22”, liq ...............$15,500 Many More, Come & Look AG LEADER NEW Compass lite bar.......... $2,650 Yield Monitors, Auto Steer, Much More Camera Kits ......... $400 - $1,900 Marker Kits ....... $2,550 - $3,250 JD 90 series opener (12) ............ $1,250 each GRAIN BUGGIES A&L 505 c/a, tarp, 500 bu......$15,750 A&L 500F, green, 23.1x26.......$13,950 New J&M 875, tarp, 900/60R32....$43,750 DRAGO CORN HEADS ��������� ���������� ����� �� 519-833-9616 Farm Equipment/Repairs Farm Equipment/Repairs PRECAST PRODUCTS LTD. TRACTORS NH TC40DA, 4wd, Super steer, rear valve, loader 1295 ... $20,250 NH T6020 4wd Cab suspension, 4 remotes, fender 2200 ... $55,000 NH TV145 Bi-Directional c/w loader ............................. $65,800 MOWER CONDITIONERS 1-877-887-9391 The largest supplier of wood shavings and sawdust in Ontario AFFORDABLE ANIMAL BEDDING SHUR FENCE CALL COLEMAN’S FOR GREAT PRICES ON NEW EQUIPMENT! Free on farm estimates. ANIMAL BEDDING www.ontariosawdust.com contact@ontariosawdust.com Farm Equipment/Repairs • Gallagher High Tensile Electric • Woven Wire • Board • PVC • Equibraid • Pasture Water Systems • Paddock System Layouts Concrete Poured/Precast 8:00 am-4:30 pm 8:00 am-1:00 pm Decks & Fences Specializing in: FOR SALE Call in yOUR aD Mon-Thurs. Friday Drago 12RN, non-chop ..............CALL Drago 6RN, chopping.................CALL Drago 6RN, non-chop ................CALL TRADES www.stewartsequip.com 1240 CIH corn planter, 12 row pivot, liquid fertilizer, in row pop up and 2x2 28%, row cleaners, new openers, vari rate, 600 series monitor, 3 sets of seed disc, cor n, soy, and adzuki, field ready. 905-261-7339. 1981 IH 1480 combine, 4wd, long auger, every shaft & bearing is new, new bushings on shakers, new grain pan, augers, bearings and gears, new feederhouse floor and chain, New bin liner yet to go in, new steering tires, new tachometer, new rad and harmonic balancer, new separator clutch in last t wo crops, Vittetoe twin diesel chaff spreader. All this for $12,500, over $5,000 in new and spare parts go with it. 519-358-1999. It pays to advertise in OF Marketplace JD 643, o/b (2) ................ $12,500 JD 643 polysnouts .......... COMING JD 843 steel, rebuilt ........ $25,900 CIH 3206, sharp............... $38,500 CIH 1063, steel ................ $10,500 CIH 1044, good shape....... $4,500 JD 40 Series gearboxes.......CALL New Calmer Corn Head Distributer JD Kits chopper................ CALL JD Hydraulic...................... CALL CIH 2200-2400................... CALL POLYSNOUTS JD 6RN kit.......................... CALL IH 863-1063 ....................... CALL JD 8RN kit.......................... CALL Roll-A-Cones..................... CALL IN STOCK NOW! Website: www.kearneyplanters.com Your One Stop Planter Shop RR 3, Thamesville, ON 519-678-3206 NEW EMAIL ADDRESS mark@kearneyplanters.com • Tuesday, March 10, 2015 — Get farm news updates at ONTARIOFARMER.COM rural OntariO‘s Only classified pages DOWNLOAD pages: ontariofarmer.com SEARCH: ontariofarmer.com 15 C SMarketplace Farm Equipment/Repairs YURKE SALES AND SERVICE LTD. 77 Highway, Comber 519-687-2209 1-800-265-4659 TRACTORS Agco 6690, cab & ldr...... $19,950 White 2-135........................PARTS White 2-105, 2WD...............$7,500 White 2-155, 4W, duals ....$17,500 Case 680 CK.............. TLB $4,950 MF 1135, cab...................... $9,750 COMBINES Gleaner R52 Gleaner 800 - 20’ White 9x21 off of Gleaner...PARTS$ Hugger 8x30” cornhead..........$15,400 Gleaner 800-25 w/AWS............$16,500 2-Gleaner 800-30........$7,500 - $11,500 PLANTERS NI 900, 6x30, liquid.....$12,500 White 8106, dry, As New....$31,500 TILLAGE Kongskilde 5F rollover......$25,000 Salford 570 18’, HD, RTS............$45,000 Salford I-2100 18’ RTS........ $47,000 Kongskilde 3800 - 42’....... $41,000 Kongskilde SBC 23’............ $6,900 Bervac 600, 23’.................... $2,800 RJ 25’ crowfoot Packer ....... $7,300 RJ 27’ crowfoot Packer ....... $7,500 MISCELLANEOUS Alo 580 loader.....................$4,900 Search Marketplace ads online at ontariofarmer.com Farm Equipment/Repairs Farm Equipment/Repairs CASE IH Magnum 235 2013, MFWD, 235 hp, only 200 hrs., rear duals, 3pth w/QH, 540 & big and small 1000 PTO, 4 hyd. SCV’s & power beyond, 10 frt. w t s . , f u l l 3 ye a r w a r r a n t y ava i l a bl e, l i ke n ew. O w n e r retiring. $179,900. Fin. avail. OAC. 519-849-6684. CASE INTERNATIONAL 4800 v i b ra s h a n k c u l t i va to r, 2 6 ’, clean, stored inside. $7,500. 705-737-1601. CIH 5230 MAXXUM new rubber, OS, 7800 hrs, neutral shuttle, PS, bar axle, tin work good, axle duals avail., triple remotes. 705-324-3869. CIH 950, 6 row 30” corn planter, dry fert., hopper extensions, single disc Yetter fert. coulters, excellent cond. 519-363-3402. FARM SOLD. Large farm equipm e n t fo r s a l e i n exc e l l e n t condition. JD 9400 tractor, 4x4; Case Int. MX255 tractor, 4x4; JD 1060 54’ cultivator; Case IH 1083 cornhead with poly snouts and header wagon; Ford L9000 tri-axle truck, with aluminum feed box and blower. View the equipment and details at www.highviewfarm.ca or call 519-389-2612. FARMALL 656 diesel, narrow front, 3 pt hitch, flat top fenders, steel wheels, good rubber, tin is exc., as is. $2,500. 519-358-1999. FORD PLOW, 516; 412 Krause disc, 16’, dual wheels, 19” discs; Farm King Allied dryer, 620B, 500 bu. All in good shape, all stored inside. 519-899-2217. GREAT PLAINS solid stand drill, 21 run, culti-planter, clean, stored inside. $6,500. 705-737-1601. USED EQUIPMENT Tuesday, March 10, 2015 — Get farm news updates at ONTARIOFARMER.COM• 16 C MF 1529 TLB...........................$25,000 MF 240, 2WD, open station........$9,500 CIH 485, 2WD, open station.......$7,500 JD 6420, MFWD, cab, Idr, just traded..........................$59,000 MF 1085, 2WD, cab...................$8,900 MF 698, 4WD, cab....................$15,000 Deutz DX160, cab, 2WD..........$15,900 NH 1431 disc mower................$11,000 MF 165......................................$5,900 MF 135 U.K. power steering.......$6,500 MF 2705, 2WD, cab.................$12,500 JD 2130, 2WD, open station.......$7,500 JD 1020, 2WD, Idr, open.............$7,500 Thomas 103 skid steer, 1000 lb, 38HP dsl.......................$8,500 Scat Track 1300 skid steer, 50HP diesel..............................$14,500 4, 705-426-7374 37 74 Beaverton, Ont 2011 CHALLENGER MT595B, 180 PTO hp, DynaVT transmiss i o n , d u a l s 1 74 7 h o u r s , g u i d a n c e r e a d y, w e i g h t s , $120,000; 2010 Agco RT20A with FL65 loader, 120 PTO hp, Dyna6 power shift trans, hyd. trailer, brakes, 2338 hrs, selfleveling loader, comfort Maxx c a b , $ 8 7, 0 0 0 . G a r y : 5 1 9 - 8 8 1- 6 2 7 8 o r D e r e k : 519-901-0953. 2340 FLEXI-COIL air cart, 2 tanks, single chute, double fan, toe behind, rear tires duals 18.4 x 38, steering tires 16.5 x 16.1, set up for 30” rows, very good shape. 905-261-7339. AGRIBRINK AUTOMATIC air inflation/ deflation. Reduce compaction, reduce fuel consumption, reduce tire wear. 1-519-840-0919, www.agribrink.com BATCO CONVEYOR hwd drive 13”, new belt 35’ long with undercarriage, $7,900; JD 4020, 19 6 8 , n i c e t ra c to r, $ 7, 9 0 0 . 519-849-6684. BRENT 882 grain buggy with 900x32 tires, tarp, in exc shape. $30,000. Pics on Kijiji. 705-728-1610. CASE 2090 tractor, hydra shift, front weights, new front tires, new interior, good paint, $9,800; Landoll 9 shank, 12’ soil saver, $3,000; Horst 12 ton wagon, 400 bu, 12’ auger, $3,300. 519-768-1567. WRECKING PLOWS LARGE INVENTORY OF PARTS • Over 550 Plows Wrecked • New Wearing Parts VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE LISTINGS WANTED TO BUY: Good used plows for wrecking & resale. E. BEARINGER INC. 8494 Conc. 12 Moorefield (5km NW) 519-638-3538 ebearingerinc@mwpol.ca www.agdealer.com/ebearinger WINTER HOURS CALL BEFORE COMING – WANTED – Burned or Damaged John Deere Tractors For Parts – FOR PARTS – John Deere 710; 1830; 1840 4WD; 2120; 2130; 2140; 2355 4WD; 2550 4WD; 2555; 3130; 4030; 6200 4WD; 6310; 6400; 6430 4WD TLS; 6420 4WD; 7220; 7400; 7410; 7600; 7810 4WD; 7830; 8430 – SELLING – JD 6230, 2900 hrs Q55 Quickie ldr ................................. $54,000 JD 6110 4wd, cab, ldr .. JUST IN JD 673 SL ldr .............. COMING NH TN75A w/NH LC ldr, 2640hrs ........................ COMING Meyers VB375, vertical beater spreader ........................ DEMO Anderson Hybrid X inline bale wrapper, Demo unit, 1 only.. ............................... CALL Harvest Int. 10x70 auger Demo ................................. CALL New suitcase and wheel weights to fit JD tractors in stock - FOR RENT - West End hay conditioners, 2 available ............$7.50/acre 15’ Loftness Windrowers 2 available ............. $12/acre Walinga sucker blower .................................$0.13/bu Riverside 18’ dump wagon............................. Call Mt. Forest, Ont. Phone: 519-323-9042 SPRAYERS Hardi 1200 US gal. w/80’ boom ........................... $26,000 Hardi 750 US gal. sprayer, 45’ or 66’ ........................... $18,000 Hardi 500 US gal. 1302, 42’ boom ............................. $2,900 Hardi 1000 US gal., w/60’ boom ................. $11,000 Hardi Orchard sprayer .. $4,500 Hardi 300 US gal, w/ 35’ boom ............................. $1,800 Hardi TR500 tandem, 45 ft boom ............................. $4,900 MISCELLANEOUS JD 310 backhoe attachment .................... $5,000 Ford 5000 diesel ........... $4,500 MF 1144 4R cornhead ..... $700 MF 1163 6 row cornhead ........................ $2,500 IH 2255 loader................$3,500 Farm Equipment/Repairs JD 430 round baler, twine & applicator $3,000; 2 Unverferth steel bale wagons 8’ x 20’ on Horst wagons $1,800 ea.; 3 pth round bale spin off $500; bale elevators 40’, 24’ & 20’; 70 BSM freestall dividers $1,500. 905-765-4103 Caledonia. JD 4640 TRACTOR with 20.8x42 axle duals. $16,000. 519-348-0411. JD 4960 MFWD 1994, 200 hp, rear axle duals, frt. fenders, 20 frt. wts w/QH, 3 hyd. SCV’s, 3pth, engine rebuilt 1400 hrs., nice tractor, owner retiring. $59,900. 519-849-6684. JD 635 DISC 24’ Rockflex, 22” blades, like new, sharp, with 9” spacings, rear hitch and hyd, $22,800. 519-293-3091. USED PLOWS & CHISEL PLOWS IH 735 5 furrow.............. $6,000 JD 2000 5F, KN .......... ...$5,000 USED CULTIVATORS & DISCS IH 496 disc, 20 ft ............ $7,900 Kongskilde 18’ vibroflex cult....................................$3,000 7400 9 shank Glencoe ...$9,500 9 shank Landoll .............. $4,500 Kongskilde 3500, 28’ C.T., KNA DRH..................... $16,000 Kongskilde 3500, 23’ C.T., KNA .... ....................... $16,000 SBC 23’ w/DRH............. $4,900 IH 475 20’ disc .............. $4,000 Great Plains turbo till, 22’ $27,000 ROWCROPS HS 12-20 folding cult .... $4,500 HS 16 row folding cult. $19,500 Norse 14R folding......... $2,500 LAMBTON-KENT FARM IMPLEMENTS LTD. Corner Hwy. 40 & Corktown Line - 3 miles South of Wallaceburg 519-627-3434 HARDI TR 300 sprayer, 1996, elec. controls, clean water rinse tank, height adjustable, 42 ft boom, Centrifugal pump, one ow n e r, exc . c o n d . $ 3 , 4 5 0 . 613-399-3429. H AY B U S T E R R O C K - E Z E stonepicker/windrower. Used for a b o u t 5 0 h o u rs. E xc e l l e n t shape. $20,500. 613-551-1248. HINIKER 1000 6 row 30” crop scuffler, 200 gal tank, $3,000 OBO. 519-698-0081. JD & NH HARVESTER r e p l a c e m e n t p a r t s . B e tt e r quality, better price. Corn silage processors. Tractor repairs. Lebanon Ag Service 519-291-6802. JD 1770, 2014, corn planter, 12 row 30”, dr y fer tilizer never used, fill auger, no-till coulters, variable rate; JD 7200R, 2014, tractor, fully loaded, auto steer, front weights, rear wheel rates, 4 hyd remotes, 480x80R46 tires. 519-764-2809. TRACTOR PARTS New & Used Call 1-800-372-7149 JD 3970 harvester w/ processor, NH 3RN cornhead & hayhead, Gehl front mount merger, exc. cond. 519-532-5489. ��������� Visit our website for updates www.fawcett.cc MANUFACTURER OF: LAND ROLLERS SNOW BLOWERS BUCKETS & QUICK ATTACH UNITS STONE WINDROWERS HEADER WAGONS WOOD SPLITTERS LAWN SWEEPERS RR#2 Auburn, Ont. 519-529-7212 info@smythwelding.com www.smythwelding.com ����� ������� ������ �������� ����� ����������� ������� �������� �������� ������� ����������� ���� ����� ���� ����� ���� ������ ��� ������� ��� ����������� ���� ������� �� ���� ������� ���� ��� ����� ���� Feeding Equipment ARGIS Disc Blades and Knife Kits For more information and our exceptional prices call Cavan, Ontario 705-277-2992 USED EQUIPMENT CIH 2166 combine...... $29,000 CIH 8312 discbine ........ $8,500 Gleaner R50, 4wd, 16’ flexhead....................... $19,900 Hardi TR500 45’ spray. $3,500 Henniker 24’ cult........ $3,900 IH 7500 5 fur ............... $9,500 IH 735 plow .................. $6,500 IH 4500 16’ cult........... $3,500 IH 5100 21 run drill ......$6,500 JD 750 no-till drill....... $19,500 JD 946 discbine ......... $11,500 JD 1243 cornhead ...... $12,000 JD 643 cornhead .............CALL JD 622 flexhead ........ $15,500 JD 7000 4R corn planter...CALL JD 630F flexhead ........... CALL Kilbros grain buggy ...... $5,500 Krause 5800-12 offset disc, like new....................... $21,500 NH 570 baler, thrower... $8,500 TRACTORS, COMBINES & EQUIPMENT for wrecking ��� �� ��� �� ��� ���� ��� ������� ���� ������ ��������� ������� ��� � ������������ �������������� ��� ��� �� ���� ������ ���� � ����� �� ���� �������� ����������� JD 7000, 8RN Precision meters, seed firmers, fert. cross auger, monitor, end transport $9,250; JD 7100 soybean special, 14R, 3 bu. boxes, lift assist w/lift cart $12,900. Both in exc. condition. 519-234-6793. JD 704 V-RAKE 14 wheel speed rake, w/ kicker wheels, rakes up to 26’, field ready. Call 705-273-1739. JD 7230 Premium, 24 speed transmission, MFWD, 2200 hrs, 2 0 11 m o d e l , $ 7 8 , 0 0 0 . 519-464-2855. JD 7710, 2wd, powershift transmission, axle duals, $49,900. 519-464-2855. JD 8245R, 782 hrs; JD 8100, 3182 hrs; JD 1760 Max-Emerge XP vacuum planter, 12 row, liquid fertilizer; JD 2310 mulch finisher, 24’ 9”, 3 bar harrows. 519-469-3914. JD 9770 STS combine, 2010, 2wd, loaded with options, excellent cond., JD tech inspected, trades welcome, $190,000. 519-828-3819, 519-860-2021. JOHN DEERE 2210 field cultivator, 46.5’, 6” spacing, JD knockons, 3 bar drag with rolling baskets, level lift, field ready. 519-475-4482. JOHN DEERE 985 field cultivator, 50.5’, 6” spacing, knockons, 5 bar drag, rear hitch, field ready. Call 519-475-4482. Will rent out wagons LIKE NEW JD 6605 1635 hrs., 4WD, 6.8L eng., 95 PTO HP, cab, air, F/R shuttle, bar axle, 2 rem., eng. Murphy switches. Zuidberg front hitch, GPS light bar. $45,000. 519-428-0544. MEYER WAGON St. Marys, Ontario JD 1780, 1223 planter, vacuum, 3 bu boxes, no-till coulters, fert.; JD 980, 32’ 6”, c-shank cult, coil tine harrow. 519-462-2163. JD 1790, 12/23 corn bean planter, 12 Precision corn meters, liquid fert, centra fill seed tank, with GreenStar monitor, JD row markers, 23 wavy no-till coulters, nice condition, always shedded, low acres, $79,900. 519-849-6684. Farm Equipment/Repairs ������������������ GRAIN AUGERS Buhler 10x36 BD ........... $5,900 Westfield 10”x31’ SD .... $2,800 Westfield 8”x 41’ PTO, BD.................................. $1,800 Westfield, 10”x71’ swing ............................. $5,900 Westfield 10” X 61’ MK, w/swing ......................... $5,900 Westfield 10”x51’ MK ....$5,500 Westfield 8”X 51’ BD, PTO ........................ $1,600 Farmking 7”x46’, BD,PTO ............................ $800 Farm Equipment/Repairs KONGSKILDE FIELD cultivator, 40’, model 3500, high clearance, H.D. tines, double fold, 5 bar, double rolling harrows, single pt depth control, 4 gauge wheels, always shedded, $23,900. 519-849-6684. KUHN ROTOVATOR EL201 4 meters wide. Comes with 2 ro to rs. 1- p owe r t i l l e r w i t h curved blades. 1- culti-plow with angled blades. Has 2 roller attachments, 1- Maxipacker roller, 1- Maxicrumbler roller. Excellent shape. $20,000. 519-828-3311. dlbryson@brktel.on.ca 4122 rear unload with Alliance f l o a t a t i o n t i r e s , a s n e w. 519-532-5489. MS T750 sprayer, 60 ft hyd fold boom, 12.4x38 tires, Raven monitor. $12,500. 519-345-9950, 519-274-1610. MX MAGNUM 210, MFD, 220 hp, Michelin tires with duals, 4000 hrs, nice shape, $82,000; Sunflower disc, 1434, 30’, hitch a n d hy d , exc e l l e n t c o n d . , $27,500; 30’ Crowfoot Packer, $6,500. 519-426-1834. PIK-RITE tomato harvester, big wheel, overhead vine assist, vine coulter, digital sorter, new vine chains. Good! $25,000. Over $10,000 in new & spare parts go with it; Tomato sprayer; dump cart; 3 sets of tubs; Richardton side dump; plant dip tray on trailer. Call Phil Brady in Chatham 519-358-1999. PRECISION PLANTING - Tune up your corn planter for spring. Planter evaluation, repairs and rebuilds. New & used par ts available. Upgrade to Precision monitor & units for better stands & yields. Call Ken Musselman 519-846-9289. QUICKE Q740 ldr with valves and sub frames for Agco Allis 6690, in exc. cond., $4,500 obo. St. Clements 519-498-7126. RAIN FLO 2600 plastic layer, crown bed, auto Ro-Trac, like new, $4,850 OBO; 2 grain wagons 250 bu, new carriages, $2,000 ea. OBO; Delhi 2 row transplanter, updated units, $1,500 OBO. No Sunday calls 519-751-4694. RETIRING JD 4560, 4wd, 6397 hrs, weights, fenders, axle duals, 20.8x42 tires, good rubber, show room cond., $52,000; JD 7000 corn planter, 8RN, completely rebuilt with all new bushings, sprockets, chains, new high output liquid pump, new Precision planting metres, Rawson coulter caddy 3 blades per row, comes with monitor, looks like new, 400 acres since rebuilt, $12,000; Case Super L backhoe, 1996, 4800 hrs, 4x4, extendahoe, good running and looking machine, $28,000; Case Super M backhoe, 2002, 5135 hrs, 4x4, extendahoe, good running clean machine, $35,000; Kubota L3650, shuttle shift, 2wd, turf tires, excellent cond., $6,700; RJ packer, 30’, good cond., $10,000. 519-796-9365. RJ 600 20 ton Horst new & used; new J&M 525-14; JD 99-930 & 92-843. Don Skipper. 519-762-3244. COMBINE PARTS S erving Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes Computerized Inventory New & Used Parts For Most Makes & Models New arrival - JD 8820 Good used tires & engines WANTED Combines & Heads for Salvage ngines ���� ����� ���� 1-519-638-3317 1-800-430-5057 �������������������������������� • Manufacturing of Landscape & Snow CSA W47.1 Removal Equipment • Custom Manufacturing and Machining • Agricultural, Industrial, Transportation & Construction Equipment Repairs 100 Union St., Elmira, ON 519.669.1501 Toll Free 1.877.467.3478 www.reistindustries.com SMarketplace SELLING YOUR TRACTOR? USED EQUIPMENT Apache 780, 2002, 750 gal, 60/90’ boom, 1870 hrs, 3 way nozzle bodies .................................. $92,000 JD 2355 tractor, 2wd, bar axle, 6400 hrs................................. $8,000 NH T7030, 2600 hrs, 650/65R38 tires with Stoll FZ80, 1 ldr & grapple..................................$82,500 NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK Apache AS720, 2015, 60/90’ combo boom, 750 gal tank, 50” clearance, chem eductor, demo unit with full discounts..................CALL for PRICE Apache 1020, 2015, 100’ boom, 1000 gal tank, 50” clearance, chem eductor.....................CALL for PRICE McCormickX50.40ROPS,380/70R24 rear and 480/70R34 front tires, L446 self-levelling ldr ........ CALL for PRICE McCormick TTX230, 480/70R30520/85R42 tires, front fenders, 6x85 kg rear weights..............CALL for PRICE Top Air 1200 green sprayer with 90’ boom, 6 section, 380/90R46 tires, suspended axle, fence row and chem inductor..................CALL FOR PRICE 1-800-429-8819 Dunnville, Ontario TILE DRAIN plow laser controlled and stringer, new/demo. 519-502-2636. UNVERFERTH ROLLING harrows; CIH 110 crumbler ; Salford RTS 18’, 30’; Remlinger 5 bar spike; 2012 Blue Jet 5 leg; Glencoe 9 shank; Yetter 15’ hoe Don Skipper. 519-762-3244. USED BLADES for 570 RTS 41-13 wave, 43-8 wave, 18-1/4, 18-1/2; 50- 2” chisel teeth, new o n e e n d . D o n S k i p p e r. 519-762-3244. USED DRY fertilizer spreaders, 4-8 ton, large selection; Used Degelman 570 rock picker, $3,500; Degelman 14’ rock rake. Phone 204-857-8403. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com WESTFIELD 13x91 grain auger, low pro swing auger. Call 519-475-4482. FA “TURN THAT USED TRACTOR INTO CASH TODAY” FARMS LTD STRATFORD, ON (HWY. #7 & #8 EAST) 519-271-1916 2 SKIMMERS Wanted for a Massey Harris 26 drag plow. 705-728-3254. RM D. LT 2 TO 89-5 AU 19-2 B&L FARM SERVICES LTD. 5 Co-Products We Sell 1 - Nuhn 6750 Gal. Tank 2 - Houle 6100 Gal. Tanks Dry Distillers Wet Distillers Corn Gluten Feeds Filter Aid Corn Screenings Mark Want - 519-289-0000 Bill McIntyre - 519-933-9250 1-888-269-2561 800 1-519-363-3308 EQUIPMENT 1-877-605-7488 YOUR DEALER OF: CIH 5300 & 5100, 18 run to 21 r u n s e e d d r i l l s ; 1-519-669-2520. 2003 14’-8” Houle Super Pump, 140 hp, twin nozzle, good .........................$6,900 WANTED Bodco 53 cu. ft. feed cart, dble side unload ......... $750 WANTED 110 cu ft Rovibec rovicar, hyd driven, Honda motor,.... .................................. $4,500 124, 224, Massey sq balers, any shape or condition. Call Jeremy 519-301-8873. IH 430 & 435 balers. Call Jeremy, 519-301-8873. WANTED TO buy: JD tractor, 7200, 7210, 7220, 7130. Must be factory open-station, dealers welcome. 519-699-6009. 2008 Keenan 170, 600 cu ft model, w/ remote scale head, good .......................... ............... REDUCED $6,900 KEITH SIEMON Farm Equip - Parts & Accessories FARM SYSTEMS LTD. NEW & used tractor and combine parts. Innis Used Tractor Parts, Listowel. 519-291-4579, 1- 8 7 7- 2 74 - 6 5 8 3 . M o n d a y Thursday 8 am to 6 pm, Friday 8 am to 3 pm, Saturday closed. 519-345-2734 NEW, USED and rebuilt tractor & combine parts. Barnes Farm Equipment. (Bucko Equipment), RR 5, Chatham. 519-352-3961. Classified ad material submission deadline is 3pm Wednesday Please send in your ad early to allow sufficient proofing time. WORD ADS STILL NOON THURSDAY the This section is for the sale of personal property only, not to be used for business. $75.00 + taxes D e a D l i n e Wednesday at 3:00pm e m a i l : ontariofarmer.classifieds@sunmedia.ca MANURE HANDLING SPECIALISTS WANTED TO BUY Valmetal, Jamesway & Butler silo unloaders. We rebuild, service and install. Call Laverne Gingrich, 519-291-6580. Feed & Seed New openers, population monitor, Liquid fert. $ 10,000.00 519-591-5939 S W E E T Y E L LOW B l o s s o m clover $1.25 per lb.; Also all classes of #1 Grass seed & Conventional hybrid seed corn $160 per bag; Red clover $1.25 per lb. Please call Clare Murdy 519-986-4469 7:30am-8:00am or leave message. WANTED- DAMAGED grain, all varieties. 519-283-6307, before 8 a.m., after 6 p.m. No Sunday calls please. Feed Storage STRUCTURE FOR Overhead bins, to hold approx. 100 metric ton bins, disassembled. Call 219-575-0143, 519-699-4184. Your trusted feed ingredient supplier. Needing an alterna�ve energy source? Contact us for Bakery Meal, Hominy, and Corn Screenings Forward contract bookings for Canola meal, Soymeal, and Co�onseed Customized load sizes USED Penta 4100, front conv, scale, solid, just in ......................................$$CALL Keenan Klasik 140 mixer, hay kit, scale, needs some work, priced to Sell at........................................ $7,750 Jaylor 4575, 550 cu ft, front RH conv with 5’ ext, good cond, 2010 ............ JUST IN Jaylor 2425, 450 cu ft, centre dis door (LH), WT scale .......... $COMING Jaylor, twin auger mixer, 750 cu ft cap, front conveyor, SOLID.... $$CALL For a complete list of the dry, wet, liquid ingredients please visit www.mcness.com or call Valmetal V-mix 500, single vert auger mixer, front conv., used 1 1/2 yrs, great cond!....................................... $20,885 1-800-363-9988 Storti, self-propelled TMR, 1-600 cu ft single .................................. .... $$CALL ��������� ���� ��������� Jaylor A50 + A100 self-propelled mixers, demo units available.........................$$CALL Jaylor 5650, 650 cu ft, twin auger, front conv . ........................ $COMING Jaylor 5575, 575 cu ft, single auger, front right dis door.. $COMING ���� ������ ������ ����� �������� �������� ����� ���� ������������ 2004 CASE 1200 PLANTER �������������� $49,000 Co-products, 20% corn gluten, cracked corn, dry distillers, soymeal, canola meal, filteraid & hominy, 20- 40 MT loads only. Shavings also available. 519-660-4982. 519-476-5397 ORGANIC C O M M O N D o u bl e c u t Re d Clover Seed . Blyth area. Evenings, 519-523-9574. Feeding Equipment ����������� ������� 12-23, markers, new air hoses last year, PTO hyd pump, good discs, field ready Certified organic oats, peas, and b a r l e y, $ 0 . 6 5 / k g . 519-698-0412. WANTED DAMAGED barley, wheat, corn; We also buy good q u a l i t y b a r l ey c o r n w h e a t . 519-580-0771, 519-669-1712. R.R. 4, WALTON � � � � 6100 WHITE CORN PLANTER DOUBLE CUT red clover seed, cleaned and in 55 lb bags, $65/ bag. Brantford area 519-754-2387. MIX GRAIN SEED MIXMILLS: GEHL or New Holland, hydraulic driven preferred. D. M . H o rs t & S o n s, 519-669-2520. un CLASSIFIEDS 1-877-358-7773 ON TI MA 56 TS1190676 www.eggertruck.com We are offering the highest dollar value for all makes & sizes of used tractors. For Sale General Feed & Seed ���� ���� ARVA GRAIN CORP. D O U B L E C U T Re d C l ove r seed, cleaned & in 55lb bags, $1.25 per lb. 905-894-1154. NEW Jaylor 5425, 450 cu ft................. $$CALL General Help Wanted Your Custom Product Specialists We custom fabricate, design, build & millwright in Stainless, Aluminum and Steel We will help you make anything INDESTRUCTIBLE MAILBOXES Description: 18'x10'x10', 1/4" plate steel. Stainless steel hardware and aluminum lid. Primed ..................... Only $120 Since 1983 1-877-324-4445 www.cress-ridge.com COVER ALL building 50’x112’, 4’ curtains on both sides & 1 end closed. To be removed from site, Walker ton area. 519-889-0150. GETHKE QUALITY Livestock Systems still carries parts for Valmetal, Modern Mill, & Graetz (Patz replacement parts). New equipment available as well. Call for details. 519-347-2531. PIT SILO OWNERS Do you need weight to hold the edges of the plastic? How about using silage saver anchor bags? All ready & filled. Weamar Welding 519-291-3118. Call for your local dealer. TANKS, FIBERGLASS, steel for storage, 2,000 to 20,000 gallon, excellent. Delivery available. 519-348-0523, Fax: 519-3489434, www.dejongandsons.ca, dejongandsons@sympatico.ca. DeJong and Sons Ltd. General Help Wanted DRIVER WANTED H. S. KNILL CO. LTD. LONG HAUL – USA / WESTERN CANADA Livestock handling experience an asset. Able to cross border. Send a resume and driver’s abstract to: Email: hsknill@pppoe.ca Fax: 519-442-1122 HURONWAY FARMS Come join our team! We are looking for responsible and dedicated people for the following positions: AZ Drivers Short & 2 day trips available Field Equipment Operators/ Maintenance Crew Full or Part time positions Swine Herdsperson (sow to finish operation) We offer competitive wages and health care benefits. Located near Brussels, ON Send resume to: huronwayfarms@xplornet.ca or 519-887-6330 Call: 519-887-6181 Jaylor 5350, front conv, 350 cu ft ..................................... $$CALL NEWTECH AG. INC. Mitchell, Ontario 519-348-8483 Phone 1-866-767-2986 Toll Free karl@newtechag.com Fertilizer AGRICULTURAL LIME, variable rate application available, delivery available. Blythe Dale Sand & Gravel. 519-535-0874 John McRoberts. CALCITIC AG-LIME Agro Carb PT, ground extra fine to provide an excellent source of calcium, improving soil structure & plant health. Also available in liquid form. Call 1-800-265-8975 or cell: 519-533-2056. Experienced A-Z driver with clean abstract wanted for busy live haul company. Loading of live poultry is part of the job. We run within Ontario. Please send application to Pamela @ fax # 905-459-1896 or email gmf2@bellnet.ca. BEWARE! PLEASE note that Ontario Farmer is not responsible for any monies sent through the mail and advise caution when replying to “work at home advertisements”. We do attempt to qualify advertisers of this nature, but we suggest checking with your local Better Business Bureau or Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Canada, if in doubt. EXPERIENCE WESTERN Canadian farming on a modern grain farm.† Experience in operating tandem axle trucks, high clearance sprayers, air drills, JD combines, grain car & general farm work an asset. Truck driving licence 1A/AZ & mechanical experience are assets. Hourly wage $18-$25/hr depending on experience. Accommodation available. Dates: April-Oct. References required. Contact Dan or Quenton at 306-354-7672 or email: quarkfarms@yahoo.com Website: www.quarkfarms.net for more info. Located at Mossbank, Saskatchewan. HELP WANTED T.M.R. Mixer/ Feeder & Equipm e n t O p e r a to r. M u s t b e familiar with Livestock. Call Brad at 519-291-2049 or send resume to pgranter@davidcarson.on.ca IMMEDIATELY HIRING fulltime Breeding Technician for sow operation. Specific responsibilities: feeding, breeding, sow management; record keeping, keeping farm appearing inside & out clean, neat and organized; following bio-security protocols. Estimated compensation $12.50-$15.50/hour depending o n ex p e r i e n c e. M i n i mu m 5 years experience and university degree in related field. Email resume to: birnampork@yahoo.ca IMMEDIATELY HIRING fulltime Farrowing Technician for sow operation. Specific responsibilities: feeding, farrowing assistance, piglet care, weaning; record keeping, keeping farm appearing inside out and clean, neat, organized; following bio-security protocols. Estimated compensation $12.50 $15.50/hour depending o n ex p e r i e n c e. M i n i mu m 5 years experience and university degree in related field. Email resume to: birnampork@yahoo.ca IMMEDIATELY HIRING fulltime General Farm Worker for sow operation. Specific responsibilities: Pressure washing of sow crates; some livestock handling; keeping farm appearing inside & out, clean, neat and organized; following biosecurity protocols. Estimated compensation: $13.50/hour. 3-5 years experience required and minim u m G r a d e 12 e d u c a t i o n . Email resume to: bir nam pork@yahoo.ca KERSTEN FARMS Ltd. of Milverton has an opening for an equipment operator. Full or part time. Please send resume to: info@kerstenfarms.com LOOKING FOR an experienced farm worker, full time for a potato/ cash crop farm in the Port Burwell area. Should have mechanical & tractor experience. Main jobs are field work & equip maintenance. Housing Available Call 519-765-4364 or Resumes to lankhuijzen@amtelecom.net. LOOKING FOR experienced swine herdsperson manager for hog finishing barn. Luyks Farms West Lorne, Ont. Approx. 30 hrs/ week, $21/hr, depending on experience. Will be responsible for animal care, shipping, sorting, tagging, etc, as well as maintaining all aspects of the facility. Mechanical experience is necessary as you will be required to make most repairs. Fax resume to 519-762-5625. FOund Last tuesday: • Tuesday, March 10, 2015 — Get farm news updates at ONTARIOFARMER.COM Farmstead TS1183141 Farm Equipment Wanted ��������� Farm Equipment/Repairs Search Marketplace ads online at ontariofarmer.com in Ontario farm kitchens: Word ad, black and white, good price and better results. If this was your ad you called Ontario Farmer @ 1-800-567-FARM before NOON Thursday or emailed us at www.ontariofarmer. 17 classifieds@sunmedia.ca C General Help Wanted Grain Handling POSITION AVAILABLE Search Marketplace ads online at ontariofarmer.com Grain Handling Grain Handling Grain Handling WANTED: LARGE square bales of new crop 2nd or 3rd cut alfalfa/grass mix. 905-876-4121. FARM KING 360 rotary grain cleaner, excellent cond., $2,500 O B O ; N e c o 8 ” I n l i n e gra i n c l e a n e r, ve r y g o o d c o n d . , $2,200 OBO; Feterl 8” Inline g r a i n c l e a n e r, hyd d r i ve n , $1,200 OBO. 519-698-0081. for fulltime permanent breeding super visor for Huybers Hog Haven Ltd., 5626 Confederation Line, Wyoming. Watford site. Job duties include: all areas of dry sow management. Wage $16.00 per/hr. Job requires universit y degree in Swine Agricultural Production management. Send resume to: hhhltd3@gmail.com or fax to: 519-845-9926. Grains Bins See us for all your Grain Storage and Drying requirements. POSITION AVAILABLE for fullt i m e p e r m a n e n t fa r ro w i n g supervisor for Cronin Farms Ltd, Bluevale. Job duties include: all areas of farrowing management. Wage $16/hr. Job requires Universit y degree in Swine Agricultural Production Management. Must be fluent in English (speaking/reading/writing) Spanish is a great asset. Fax resume t o 5 19 - 8 8 7- 8 7 12 o r e m a i l croninadmin@cyg.net We can help you with design, installation and service. GRANTON 519-225-2507 � ������� ���� � �������� � ���� ������� � ����� �������� � ����� ������ - GRAIN BINS - AERATION SYSTEMS - DRYING SYSTEMS - MATERIAL HANDLING - PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS - BULK SEED TENDERS - SAFETY SALES–SERVICE–INSTALLATION Fax 519-225-2506 mwisilo.com Wellesley, ON 5001 Road 104 Perth East 519-656-2341 joel@mwisilo.com calvin@mwisilo.com Grain Bins, Dryers, Handling & Aeration ������� � ����� � ������������ Tuesday, March 10, 2015 — Get farm news updates at ONTARIOFARMER.COM• 18 C Presently looking for a hard working individual who has experience and has completed technical training in agriculture. 950 sow farrow to finish operation is looking for a swine far m technician. We are offering: modern, friendly work e nv i ro n m e n t , fl ex i bl e wo r k hours, benefits, uniforms, on site training. We are looking for commitment, willingness to learn, good abilities to work with animals and technical understanding of equipment. Fax resume to Field Far ms Marketing Ltd. 519-882-3988 or email info@ffmltd.ca. 4648 Lasalle Line, Petrolia ON Goats DAIRY GOAT herd for sale. 200+ head. Due starting March 1st. Also milking equipment. Call 226-820-1578. 26439 Kennedy Road Dover Centre, Ontario 519-352-3734 ����� ����� ������� �������������� BIG SQUARE bales, 3x3x6, no rain, 95% Alfalfa. Call 705-657-1882. DRY COW HAY Large squares low potassium grass, all t ypes of hay and straw. Test results and delivery available. Call Neeb AgriProducts 519-529-1141. • Used 27-05 Dryer Bin • LP - Single Phase - 230v WISE PACKAGING Call Gord at 519 914-1651 www.wisepackaging.com HURON ����� FEEDING ������� SYSTEMS ���� ������� ���� �������� ������� ������������ GRAIN DRYER SERVICE ����� � ������������ ������� Sales * Installation * �Service ��������� ���� Brussels, Ont. ����� �������� 1-855-887-6289 ��������������������������� www.huronfeedingsystems.com 519-743-4813 dan@danco.on.ca www.danco.on.ca NEW GRAIN DRYERS Ryan Newman Sales Commercial and Grain Storage (519)498-4811 1-800-463-7622 Listowel, ON Auction. Hay, Straw & Firewood. L i ve Pu b l i c Au c t i o n eve r y Wednesday @ 10 a.m., 7400 Reid Woods Drive, Elmira. New consignors & buyers always welcome! For more info contact Noah at 519-669-3884. FIRST AND second cut mostly grass, stored inside, no rain. 5x4 round bales. 905-308-1351. HAY & STRAW 1st and 2nd cut. Big squares. Excellent dairy, dry cow & horse hay. No rain. Clean Wheat & Barley straw. Deliver y anywhere. James Glenn and Sons, 705-295-4487. HAY & Straw, will deliver in loads of 42-4x5, 72-big square b a l e s o r 5 0 0 - s m a l l s q u a re bales. Reg Small. 519-323-2191 QUALITY HOPPERS AND HOPPER BOTTOM BINS HAY AND STRAW Top quality hay & also hay with low potassium. All prices quoted. Delivered. Call Paul at Deer-Run Farms 519-848-3442. HAY FOR SALE Office : 519-625-1550 Fax : 519-625-1552 4440 Perth Road 107 New Hamburg, ON N3A 3Y3 www.bulktech.ca bulktech@hotmail.com TS1201578 first cut hay 3x3x7, stored ins i d e ; s e c o n d c u t b a l e a g e, wrapped, 3x3x7. 519-614-2749. MAKE SERIOUS HAY! Contact Nuhn Forage for all your forage preservative needs. Featuring the #1 liquid & granular products/applicators on the market. For Serious Hay, call 800-965-9127 www.juicehay.ca NICE YELLOW rotary straw, low p o t a s s i u m ; T i m o t h y h a y, wrapped, 25%; Bean straw. Carl Brubacher. 519-501-2604. Used Grain Handling Equipment • MC Dryer (propane) - As Is SWINE TECHNICIAN ���� ���� ������� ������������ ELMIRA PRODUCE ������� TSSA # 000150042 ESA/ECRA # 7003836 • Behlen Dryer Parts & Service • Fuel/Temperature Controls to meet Ontario standards for new & used dryers • Dryer Master Moisture Controls • Gas Piping & Burner Service ���������� ���������� ������� 3’X3’ ROTARY combined clean w h e a t s t r a w. W a y n e a t 5 19 - 3 74 - 110 9 o r Kev i n a t 519-272-5383 for more info. Over 40 Years of Trusted Experience SEEKING FULL TIME worker for dairy goat farm. Contact Joe 416-455-2900 for details. SUNWOLD FARMS, Ontario Canada is seeking an Assistant Manager for their 2800 sow farrow to wean unit located outside of London, ON. Applicant must have min. 3 years Sow farm experience & be able to assist in managing a staff of 9. Responsibilities will be, but not limited to assisting with day to day operation of the far m. Flows: Coordinating pig shipments, working with farm manager on coordination of flows. Ordering feed, medications & supplies. Helping supervise & organize staff, staff evaluations, training. Ensuring a positive, fun working environment. Inventor y: All paperwork, recording of pig movements, balancing inventory at month-end. Successful applicant will have the full support of the Farm Manager & Senior Production Manager. Position reports to Farm Manager. Compensation dependent on experience. $36,000 - $40,000 per year with benefits at time or hire & bonus. Please fax resume to: 403-546-3101 Attn: Trish Hyshka or email to: trish. hyshka@sunterra.ca BAGGING EQUIPMENT NEW & USED Sewing Machines Fillers - Heat Sealers Conveyors - Robots Automatic Systems ��������� ROBOT DAIRY Farm looking for experienced herdsperson. A.I. experience an asset. Flexible schedule and generous wage package. Will be offered to the successful candidate who possesses good computer and communication skills and has a basic knowledge of mechanics associated with farm equipment. Please call 519-617-2849 for further information. CONCRETE GRAIN STORAGE Diameters 16’ - 90’ Capacities up to 18,000 tonnes 700,000 bu. �������� ��������� ���� �� �� ��������� ������������ Hay and Straw jmartens@avonbank.ca RIVER VALLEY Polled Herefords in Newburgh, ON, is now accepting applications for a fullt i m e e m p l oye e. M u s t h ave experience with dairy or beef cattle and be able to work as part of a team. Candidates must be able to operate farm machinery. Experience with fitting or showing would be an asset. Competitive salary with benefits and pension plan. Must be willing to relocate to the vicinity of the far m. A family home is available. Please send resume to rivervalleyherefords@kos.net or phone 613-378-2701. • Kongskilde Blower • Elevator Belt (13” x 238’) • Plus Fans, Motors, Heaters, and Much More! For details, photos & pricing Now Serving You From 3 Locations! Main Location: Elmira, ON Call Wayne Brubacher at 877-GSI-BINS Eastern Branch: Williamsburg, ON ON Contact Randy Buter at Farm Systems Ltd. STORAGE BINS BINS BROCK •• STORAGE • GRAIN DRYERS Western Branch: SoMEThIng To SELL? List it in Ontario Farmer’s Marketplace Contact Brad Marsden at Exeter, ONON New! Exeter, 844-GSI-BINS Excavation to electrical, Horst does it all! ROUND AND SQUARE bales of 1st, 2nd and 3rd cut hay & straw. Delivery available. Steve Flynn. 519-482-5365. • GRAIN DRYERS SMALL SQUARE bales 1st cut, 80% Alfalfa 20% Tim, horse hay q u a l i t y, 4 5 l b s p e r b a l e . 613-354-1913. • GRAIN HANDLING SMALL SQUARE bales hay, 1st and 2nd cut, clean, no rain. Jeff White. 519-670-2317. • FEED MILL LAMBTON CONVEYOR ARKONA, ONTARIO N0M 1B0 519-828-3667 855-GSI-BINS visit horstsystems.com or call: (519) 669-1300 Hay and Straw Palmerston, Ont. Feeding & Grain Storage Systems Buying & Selling Used Storage Bins SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE Chicken, Hog & Dairy Facilities 519-343-5563 HOME 519-572-1765 CELL henksagriservice@gmail.com STRAW FOR SALE Contact Kevin at 519-274-2550. STRAW FOR SALE Large squares rotary processed, clean and bright, also good q u a l i t y h a y. C a n d e l i v e r. 519-373-3127. TOP QUALITY Dairy, Horse & Goat hay, large square bales of 1st and 2nd cut hay, no rain. Delivery available in 30 bale loads. 416-464-2373. TOUGH HAY Liquid mold inhibitor for baled Alfalfa and Timothy hay. CFIA approved in 2014. Let Tough Hay extend your day. Call VanAgri at 519-317-0388; Scott at 5 19 - 3 2 1- 9 12 7 o r Ro g e r a t 519-335-6764 after 6 pm. WANTED TO BUY: small square bales of good qualit y wheat straw. 519-323-9344, 519-323-7119. WANTED: SMALL square bales of straw. Call Wayne Cavers 905-658-4217. Livestock/Dairy RR#2 West Montrose ON N0B 2V0 Where Fresh Heifers are a Specialty Not a Sideline TS1186512 SMarketplace •Climatized •Vaccinated •Freestall or Tiestall Call Lloyd 519-572-8049 “Farmers working with Farmers” WEAVERCROFT INTERNATIONAL WANTED Registered & Grade bred heifers for export – bred 3 to 5 months FOR SALE A great selection of open heifers. Heifers will be vaccinated Ivomec and guaranteed breeders. CONTACT Jim Weaver Kevin Brooks John Weaver Office 519-868-0328 519-878-1183 519-318-6302 519-203-2570 $"#'"# '*%!8 (%# !+'), ("&&# !'$% 6 &D+?@ C+5+3@;.0 .)1 "?D5.=D>)D++ C@?55 < @;+ C@?55 6 $;58 7+;BA@C/ !,++- < !(( 6 !+D:;3+ ?B+ 9=55C "+&$)*, 6 %+D-C 6 %+;)+DC > #,+0 < *D+6 'D+CA 3.7C < A+;)+DC ).D 5.3?5 < +4,.D@ 2?D8+@C (/7<) &6,9;7/3 ,) '$!#(-!#!$'0 Katrina C: 819-212-2127 (/37630Curé #553/7 ,) '$!#/&!#/(+' :45.. (3/.+/. ,) 0+'#&.�.(! Bernie Nooren C: 519-649-6805 (6371"--)4/2 *%") '$!#/&&#-/!0 DAIRY CATTLE Still buying & supplying fresh cows, springers, open heifers, service age bulls. John Willsey 519-668-8103 cell or 519-273-6275 anytime 519-272-1866 fax WANTED We have orders for Purebred & Grade Open Heifers • Purebred & Grade Bred Heifers All Stages • Complete Herds • Holsteins & Jerseys Call OLEX Jim Hipel 519-571-4536 HARRY LOEWITH Buying and selling dairy cattle, also herds. 519-668-4185 or hloewith@golden.net HEIFER RAISING AVAIL. Modern facilities. TMR. AI. Up to 4 5 0 h e a d . 5 19 - 5 2 4 - 3 4 9 3 . datemaheifers.com HOLSTEIN BULLS Service age, brothers in AI, guaranteed breeders. Call Marc u s a t C l ay n o o k Fa r m s , 519-501-5153. SMarketplace DENNIS E. MARTIN Palmerston Reg. (519) 338-5497 Mobile (519) 654-7833 Established in 1933 Specializing in purebred livestock transportation. Providing weekly pick up & delivery service across Canada and the USA. Gooseneck service available in Ontario, Quebec & the USA. USA & Canada Customs Bonded Carrier. 877-442-3106 Fax 519-442-1122 hsknill@pppoe.ca www.hsknilltransport.com 155 King Edward St., PARIS ON, N3L 0A1 PURE WILD Boar breeding stock 6 month old females. Call Ken 519-776-8340. Livestock/Poultry AYLMER, ONT Good quality fresh 2yr olds for sale all the time. Buying open bred and fresh heifers 50 years experience and 3 generations to serve you, our local dairymen. Call us for more details Walker Dairy Inc. 519-765-2406 519-521-7714 519-777-9389 519-282-5245 519-521-7645 John Walker Jim Doan Brent Howe John Hamm BROILER QUOTA wanting details on buying or s e l l i n g q u o t a ? Tu r key a n d Chicken quota. 1-800-265-6126. BROILER, LAYER and Turkey Quota for Sale. Financial, Production and Management inform a t i o n ava i l a bl e. We h ave motivated Buyers and options for Sellers of Quota or Sellers of Farm and Quota to reduce Capital Gain Taxes. Contact Dan Marshall, Cell 226-678-3511 or dan.marshall@nutreco.ca PULLETS READY to lay, new and used equipment, etc. No order too small. Pullets Plus Inc., Elmira, 519-669-2225. Livestock/Beef PUREBRED DAIRY CATTLE CONSIGNMENT LINE 519-571-4536 Jim Hipel Ontario Livestock Exchange HOOF TRIMMING Adam’s Hoof Tr imming and Herdsperson Service. For more i n fo p l e a s e c o n t a c t Ad a m Boakes 519-209-2051 or email adam_boakes@hotmail.com SAUNDERS CHAROLAIS BULL SALE PREVIEW March 14th from 11am til 2pm at the farm Catalogue and Videos are on cattleinmotion.com For more info: Brent: 519 372 6196 Darrell: 519 373 6788 10th Annual Bull Sale April 4th 2pm @ Keady Livestock J.J. DESLIPPE Fresh heifers wanted and supplied. Service age bulls for sale. Brothers in A.I. 519-275-1739. SOUTHWESTERN HOOF Trimming. Ryan Kent. 519-777-0783 Website: southwesthoof.com or kenthooftrimming@live.ca Livestock/Disabled M & M L I V E STO C K - B u ye rs culled cows, old horses. 705-878-5463, 905-852-3238, 519-836-2070. WANTED: CULL cows. Drug free and walking. Clarence Poortinga, 519-887-9747. Classified ad material submission deadline is 3pm Wednesday Please send in your ad early to allow sufficient proofing time. WORD ADS STILL NOON THURSDAY Friday, March 27, 2015 12 Noon At the farm near Morris, MN Selling approximately 425 Limousin, Lim-Flex & Angus Bulls 50 Registered Females Visit www.WulfCattle.com for photos of sale offering, sale book and more! Watch the sale and bid live online at www.SuperiorClickToBid.com MAR. 19/15 • 135 Angus Bulls • 35 Elite Heifers Semen Tested. Picked from over 800 cows. Free Delivery & Board Until Spring. At the Ranch Peebles, Sask. www.WulfCattle.com www.johnson-livestock.com Andrew & Dave Johnson 306-736-7393 Ben Wright 519-374-3335 Carl Wright 519-369-7489 BULLS PUREBRED Angus bulls, yearlings, 2 year olds, and mature bulls. A nice selection of open heifers. Call for details Dan Shapton 519-614-2749. CHAROLAIS BULL SALE Rollin’ Acres Patton Whiskey Hollow Bull Sale, Saturday, March 21st, 2015, at 2:00 pm. Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, O n t a r i o. 3 0 Fu l l Fre n c h & French influence Charolais bulls and 1 Black Angus bull. Ca r l Wr i g h t 5 19 - 3 6 9 - 74 8 9 , Chester Tupling 705-627-0672, Chester Patton 519-925-5243, Gord Tomlinson 705-931-5436, Andy McCulloch 519-379-1370, Brad Buchanan 519-400-0668. Videos & catalogue online at www.cattleinmotion.com CHAROLAIS BULLS for sale. Yearling bulls coming off test, white and tanned. Contact Kelly a t L a n g s t a ff C h a r o l a i s a t 519-627-3464 or 519-358-3468. CHAROLAIS POLLED yearling bulls. BIO tested. Ready to go after March 12th. Same price as 2014. Bev Rae, 519-323-1270 or cell: 519-323-6162. KENILWORTH BULL Centre. Open House & Private Treaty sale, Sat., March 21st, 12-3pm, Black & Red Angus, Charolais, Blonde, Hereford, Black & Red Simmental. Bulls are BIO tested. Bull ration: corn silage, high moisture cor n, mixed grain, hay & supplement. For more information call Doug McNabb at 519-323-2278. MILLER LAND & Livestock has a g o o d s e l e c t i o n o f t h i ck , smooth fronted, well footed BIO tested Charolais yearling bulls for sale at the farm Please contact George or Dwyane Miller at 519-429-5902. BLACK POLLED Limousin yearling bulls of breeding age. Jeff White. Futurity Limousin. London. 519-670-2317. FORAGE SILO bottom unloader for sealed silo. Any make or model. 519-502-2636. S & J BARN DEMOLITION 1-800-291-BARN McCann Redi-Mix Inc. Agricultural, Residential, Commercial Concrete Construction Manure Tanks BARN REMOVAL BARNS WANTED Looking to buy old barns to be dismantled. Will pay money for your old bar ns. Please call 519-369-8340. BUYING BARNS 25 years experience dismantling barns. Insured. Best money paid and/or clean up for your barn. Sav i n g w h o l e b a r n s to b e reassembled where possible. Please call Gary 905-473-3519. SANDBLASTING MOBILE and in-yard services. Farm tractors, trailers, etc. High quality coatings. Call James Martin 519-846-0437. ENVIRONMENTAL “New This Year” We offer: dragline, TWO 12,000 Nuhn quad trains, operators OMAFRA certified. Certified NASM Plan Developer; Honest, dependable, & competitive service! Free Call 1-866-417-7722. Agitators for raceways and open pits built to your spec’s. Pumps electric, PTO or engine driven, built to fit your operation. Also, drainage pumps with capacity up to 10,000 GPM and only 90 HP needed. 519-293-3602 or go to AilsaCraigRepair.com Mobile Homes HOMES WANTED Cash paid for good used 14’ & 16’ wide mobile homes. We pickup. Ar mstrong Trailers 1-800-387-5611. Schoonderwoerd Bros. Concrete Ltd. Mitchell, Ontario – LIQUID MANURE TANKS – Dry Manure Storage – Bunker Silos – Complete Foundations – Floors & Pads – Excavation & Back Filling “Serving all of Ontario” 519-348-0530 Fax: 519-348-4819 Cell: 519-949-1177 For all your CONCRETE NEEDS All types of walls Poured concrete Bunker Silos or Vertical Silos Open top or sealed Repairs to LAIDIG Bottomunloaders, SUPREME and VAN DALE unloaders For more information call: Phone: 519-348-0523 Fax: 519-348-9434 After Hours Peter De Jong 519-272-4074 www.dejongandsons.ca R.R.#5, 5900 Line 42 Mitchell, ON, N0K 1N0 “Serving all of Ontario” Dave Franken CONCRETE FORMING * * * * * * For All Your Concrete Needs! Foundations Circular Tanks Bunker Silos Sandwich Walls Royal Walls Floor Finishing ALL YOUR AGRICULTURAL NEEDS !! RR 3, Blyth, Ontario Phone: 519-523-9971 Fax: 519-523-9604 Silos/Tower formerly PUREBRED GERMAN Shepherd pups, ready now, $350. 519-809-5035. Plants & Bulbs FRUIT TREES Silver Creek Nursery is your source for backyard fruit trees or small orchard ventures. Great selection. Request a free catalogue today at www.silvercreek n u r s e r y. c a o r p h o n e 519-804-6060. 2343 Gerber Rd., Wellesley, On. N0B 2T0. LIQUID MANURE TANKS SINCE 1976 • Diameters to 200' • Heights of 8′-14′ (1 pour) • All jobs built to engineer's specifications/inspections GUARANTEED Call for the BEST firm quote in Ontario CRONIN POURED CONCRETE LTD. Mark Cronin Renovations & Supplies (519) 348-9062 Cell. # 519-274-5000 www.croninpouredconcrete.ca LIQUID MANURE STORAGE TANKS UP TO 200! DIAMETER Sandwich Wall Barn Foundations Excavating & Backfilling ALL CONCRETE REQUIREMENTS (877) 335-3551 Logging Manure Handling & Storage Call 519-237-3647 3 locations to serve you Dashwood, Exeter, Mitchell www.mccannredimix.ca DE JONG & SONS LTD. LIQUID MANURE TANKS Pet Stock SEMEN FOR sale off Red Factor Charolais bulls, $30/ vial, must take 5 or more. Contact Kelly at Langstaff Charolais 519-627-3464 or 519-358-3468. WANTED: LOGS & standing timber. Townsend Lumber is paying top dollar for your logs & standing timber. Contact our experienced representative today for your free consultation. Rob & Jay Hanson: 519-842-1015. Logging Office: 519-688-1236. Ask about our premiums for year round access. Sandwich Walls Excavations Aggregates Concrete Forming, Floors & Finishing Ready-Mixed Concrete Concrete Pumping Septic Installations • We pay cash to remove your old barn • Servicing all of Ontario Call Shane for a free estimate 705-528-7385 sjbarndemo@rogers.com Georgian Bay Barn Demolition. Ontario wide, year around, references available. Cash for barns. Call Bill Grant. 705-427-0388 or 705-427-4035. Silos/Bunker Silos/Bunker “Trust us for quality service, and safe demolition” QUALITY POLLED Hereford bulls, ready for service, user friendly, solid genetics to build with, 6 to choose from. John W. Va n c i s e , S t a y n e r, O n t . 705-445-0407. MOVE FOR LESS 85 BEEF cows for sale. Mostly Black, some Limos and Charolais. Calving from now until June. 8 with calves now. 2 black bulls. Call 519-709-0772. BARNS WANTED! *WSIB & Full Liability Insurance* BARTELS 26406 470th Ave. / Morris, MN 56267 Office: (320) 392-5802 Silo Equipment J.D. McPHEE CONSTRUCTION LTD. FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL JOHN AT 519-243-2062 COLLECT STRATHROY, ONTARIO BUILDING CONTRACTOR for hire. We specialize in farm shops, barns, and additions, renovations pole sheds, manure storage buildings, etc. Can do basic concrete wor k. Contracted or hour ly. Reasonable rates, WSIB covered. Mayrose Construction 519-503-6980. Sheep QUALITY SHEARING 613-4731278 >100 $3.50 <100 $4/ hyd. woolpress/ handling system/ travel year round/ N.Z. certified. SHEEP SHEARING Fast, careful, reliable, experienced. Goats & Llamas as well. Richard Bayly. 519-534-4160. WOOL MARKETING. Sheep and goat supplies catalogue. CCWG, Carleton Place, 6 13 - 2 5 7- 2 7 14 . C C W G c / o Ontario Stock yards Inc., Co o k s tow n , 7 0 5 - 4 5 8 - 4 8 0 0 . CCWG c/o OLEX, Waterloo, 519-888-8299. Wool advance payments available. Contact us for the wool depot in your area. www.wool.ca • • • • • • • • • • 1183990 LOOKING FOR qualit y Jerseys? We can help you by s o u r c i n g J e r s e y c a tt l e a l l ages/all stages from respected breeders across Ontario. Jersey Cattlemen of Canada Ltd., EST 1970. Take advantage of our experience, service and integr it y. Contact: Kerr y Fraser, 519-503-8224 (cell). BULL & FEMALE SALE Other services BIO-GAS SILOS • Tie-Less Forming System TOP UNLOADING SILOS • Hinged doors • Optional outside doors • 4’ Forming System BOTTOM UNLOADING SILOS • High moisture corn unit • Dry Grain Silos (519) 348-0530 www.schoondbros.com BAAG AIRTIGHT STORAGE LTD. R.R. #3 Brussels, Ont. 519-887-9965 Toll Free: 1-877-880-7883 REMANUFACTURED GOLIATH UNLOADERS. REPAIRS TO BOTTOM UNLOADING UNLOADERS. USED SILOS IN STOCK. EPOXY FLOORS. THE NEW AUTOMATIC ARM ADVANCE CONTROLLER. ROLLER MILLS, BELT CONVEYORS AND FEEDERS. Liquid manure tanks Dry manure storage Sandwich walls Swine barns Dairy barns Poultry barns Bunker silos House foundations Excavation & backfilling Sand, gravel and topsoil We do excavating, concrete forming and framing. For one complete job call (519) 247-3752 Kerwood, ON FounD LAST TuESDAY: TS1191018 • Tuesday, March 10, 2015 — Get farm news updates at ONTARIOFARMER.COM • For sale registered free stall herd • For sale fresh heifers, free stall or tie stall • Also service age bulls H. S. KNILL CO. LTD. Livestock/Beef TS1184118 MARTIN’S HOLSTEINS Livestock/Other TS1234060 Livestock/Dairy Search Marketplace ads online at ontariofarmer.com in Ontario farm kitchens: Word ad, black and white, good price and better results. If this was your ad you called Ontario Farmer @ 1-800-567-FARM before NOON Thursday or emailed us at www.ontariofarmer. 19 classifieds@sunmedia.ca C SMarketplace Silos/Tower DORCHESTER SILOS INC. TS1184194 Silos/Tower Search Marketplace ads online at ontariofarmer.com Swine SILO DEMOLITION Silos for H.M. Corn Concrete Silo demolition. Poured or stave. We also demolish concrete foundations, walls, etc. Insured, Precise, WSIB, Reasonable pr icing. Call Province wide, A.R. Taylor Bulldozing, cell 1-800-319-9217. • CONVERSIONS Swine • CONVERSIONS ������� ����� ������ �� ���� ������ � • BOTTOM UNLOADING of open top, poured concrete silos to bottom unloading for H.M. Corn of poured concrete silos to dry grain storage with aeration floors • SILO ROOFS, CHUTE FILL PIPE, SAFETY CAGE, LADDER & SILO DOORS For Quality Workmanship Call: FONS WEERTS 519-269-3655 evenings also GREAT LAKES STORAGE 2002 LTD. 1184223 P.O. Box 219, 153 Coleman St. Innerkip, Ont. Specializing In • Sealed Storage structures & bottom silo unloaders You Deserve • Reasonable and fair prices • Knowledgeable staff • Quality parts Call Us Today ��������� ��������� �� ����� � ���� � ����� � ���� � ����� � � ���� � �������� � ����� � ���� � ���� �� � �������� ����� ������� ������� ���� ����������� ������ � ���������� ���� �� ����� �������� ���� ������ ������������ ��� ������ ������������ ���� �������� GERBER WAGON POLY TANKS & FITTINGS Prime genetics for your bottom line. Tree Sales - Tree Contracts Contact: 1-877-462-1177 519-673-9574 info@alliancegeneticscanada.ca www.alliancegeneticscanada.ca Wood Lot, Windbreak, Fruit, Landscaping, Shade Potted or Balled. Send for prices. Gift Certificates available. Closed Sundays Large Supply of High Health Purebred and F1 Gilts and Boars Yorkshire, Landrace Duroc, Pietran, Crossbreds Bred Gilts available Maternal and Terminal Semen Available at OSI Gideon Wagler, 739 Hayeslake Ave, RR1, Holyrood, On N0G 2B0 Fax 519-395-5062 (Bus. Hrs.) Trucks and Pick-ups Full line of couplers and fittings EQUIPMENT LTD. WANTED Light Markets Meat Sows, Boars, B.B.Q. Pigs for export. • Electronic government inspected scales on premises. • Pickup can be arranged for big lots by calling: Call Us Complete Line of Hog Equipment Sales Service Installation ...Experience in Group Housing layout design, Installation and Service www.county-line.ca 519-291-5012 Listowel, Ontario INSULATED VAN 519-485-6861 1-800-661-5019 www.greenlea.net 24 FT Van, rollup door, side door, alum flat floor, Kemlite, Carrier Reefer, tuckaway gate SILAGE TANK 2001 Freightliner FL-80, 16+40 axles, automatic, Cummins 285 HP, 18 ft body, hoists and silage gate Poly Tanks HEAVY TANDEM 2005 Freightliner, M11, CAT C-11 350 HP, 10 spd, 1999 Western Star, CAT 3306, 300 HP, 10 spd, 14+40 axles Strong Strong&&Durable Durable Construction Construction Multi-Purpose Usage Multi-Purpose Usage • Transport • Storage • Septic • Transport • Storage Size range from 512USG. gal. range from 15,000 USG gal toto15,000 SINGLE AXLE CHASSIS 2003 IH 4300, DT 466, air brakes, 6 spd 2000 Stirling, CAT diesel, 9 spd, air brakes TS1184255 ® USED MOTORS 800-265-2268 Your Source For • New Pressed concrete stave silos with swinging doors • Pre-Owned Kitchener & Superior pressed concrete silos, rebuilt to new specifications (when available) • Gunnite Repairs for structural silo wall restoration • Accessorie Updates for poured & stave silos – chutes, doors, heavy duty ladder & safety cages, roofs, fill pipes & silage distributors Petersburg, Ont. MORRIS SACHS SILO Construction. Serving all of Onta r i o. A ny s i ze s tave s i l o dismantled/ rebuilt, repaired & new silos available. Free estimates. Please call, 519-363-3900, cell 519-372-5375. Chesley. www.zantinghs.com Tuesday, March 10, 2015 — Get farm news updates at ONTARIOFARMER.COM• 20 C POURED AND stave silos, replastered w/gunite, silos sealed for high moisture corn, barn walls replastered. Russ Koch Construction. 519-662-1870. List it in Ontario Farmer’s Marketplace Tours & Travel RURAL & CULTURAL TOURS 2015/2016 Delivering Fresh semen 3 days / week Monday-Wednesday-Friday London Office 1-866-436-3787 “The standard in Quality Semen” MISC 28 ft Alum dump trailer box 16 ft Tandem dump trailers Used Hoists Truck tires - most sizes Take off & rebuilt fuel tanks ~ IRELAND/SCOTLAND JUNE 2015 To inquire about gilts or A.I. availability from OSI or Total Call for Pricing and Delivery Options Ph: (519) 769-0170 Fax: (519) 769-0171 CAT 3116, 3216, 3306 CAT 3208N, C-10 Ford 7.8 & 6.6 Detroit 8.2T Cummins L-10, M-11, 5.9 www.alpinepfl.com 519-845-0362 1-800-567-7456 Wagons Sa l e s. G rav i t y b oxe s, b a l e racks, dump trailers, miscellaneous farm equipment available. Call 519-595-4554. 1184677 (519) 469-9700 1-800-2651058 � ��������� O.S.A. Member R.R. 2 Mossley Tree Services Tanks Swine Equipment USED HAMPSHIRE liquid feed system- augers, troughs, valves, computer, pumps, inverters, etc. No Sunday calls. 519-335-6667. Rural Properties are getting showings all over ontario ~ SWITZERLAND LAND & CRUISE - 2015 PARTICIPANTS FOR Chainsaw Safety Course. March 14 & 15. Te x a s L o n g h o r n R a n c h . Strathroy, ON. 519-247-3644. SCRAP METAL Heavy equipment, trucks, trailers, industrial equipment and do demolitions and farm clean ups. Also, bin service. 519-933-5879. STANDING TIMBER q u a l i t y s e l e c t i v e c u tt i n g , guaranteed workmanship & payment. Joe Lucan 519-847-5710. Langton Timber Har vesting 519-875-2424, Langton. STANDING TIMBER W o o d l o t O w n e r s / Wa n t e d Standing Timber. Three generations experience. Quality workmanship, All payment guaranteed prior to starting woodlot. Free quote. Contact Morley Logging RR2 Lucan. Jerry 519-228-9999, c e l l 5 1 9 - 6 5 7- 8 4 6 6 ; Joe 519-852-4985. STANDING TIMBER. Quality workmanship guaranteed. B. Kropf Forestr y Ser vice Ltd. Shakespeare. 519-748-7422. WANTED 1 Rice tire 30.5L-32 Firestone Champion spade grip or similar. 519-529-7789 or 519-440-7050. WANTED OLD BARNS to buy and barn materials. Used roofing steel available. Call Steve, 519-233-5539. WANTED: FARROWING crate flooring and spindle penning. Als o, Fe e d b i n s f ro m 10 - 6 tonnes. 519-373-5110. play it GRAIN BODIES FIXED UP ~ AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND JANUARY 2016 20 ft Walinga FRP body hoist, needs work …$5,000 with hoist ~ SOUTH AMERICA FEBRUARY 2016 A&B DOBSON SALES LTD. ~ AFRICA - 2016 ~ INDIA - 2016 PALMERSTON, ON. 519-343-3521 1-866-953-0005 Portion of tours may be Tax Deductible Select Holidays 1-800-661-4326 DISCOVER Wagons BACH-RUN FARMS 30 new & used wagons in stock, bale wagons, gravity boxes, dump trailers, for best prices & selection call 519-595-4029. View online at www.agdealer.com/bachrunfarms. your investment with Turn over a new leaf and change your goods and services into cash. Ontario Farmer weekly newspaper gets the inside look at more rural kitchens than a shivering field mouse. ONTARIO FARMER PUBLICATIONS 1.800.567.FARM Deadline Thursday noon 8:30 am - 4:00 pm weekdays. make change come your way Turn over a new leaf and change your goods and services into cash. Ontario Farmer weekly newspaper gets the inside look at more rural kitchens than a third generation cluster-fly. 1.800.567.FARM online www.ontariofarmer.com Deadline Thursday noon ONTARIO FARMER PUBLICATIONS 8:30 am - 4:00 pm weekdays. safe New & Used 20 ft bodies Used 18 ft steel body with hoist ~ NWT/YUKON/ALASKA JULY 2015 ONTARIO’S west coast. Stay at Nobel guest house for a week, weekend or night. On a working farm 20 mins from Goderich, Bayfield and Grand Bend. Close to beaches and theatres. Best sunset in the world. Les and Deb Falconer 519-233-5393 falconspring@tcc.on.ca Wanted to Buy SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION RATES Print and mail form with your payment to: Or call: Ontario Farmer Box 7400 London, ON N5Y 4X3 1-877-358-7773 ext. 540207 or 540208 Term 1 year 2 year 3 year Rate 57.14 95.24 142.86 (GST) Total 2.86 $60.00 4.76 $100.00 7.14 $150.00 U.S. $19000 per year CDN Funds Foreign $49000 per year CDN Funds SubScriptionS muSt be prepaid COMPLETE THIS FORM IN ITS ENTIRETY AGE: 1 3 5 UNDer 25 36-45 56-65 2 4 6 PLEASE CHECK OR CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE BOXES BELOW. CROPS GROWN NO. OF ACRES CorN - Grain - Silage SMall GraINS - oats - Barley - Canola wHeaT - white - red SoYBeaNS wHITe / FIelD BeaNS ToBaCCo FrUIT VeGeTaBleS HaY - Pasture - Forage/ Dry oTHer: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25-35 46-55 oVer 65 ANNUAL GROSS FARM INCOME 1 under $10,000 2 $10 - 25,000 3 $25 - 50,000 4 $50 - 100,000 5 $100 - 250,000 6 $250 - 500,000 7 $500,000 + The information collected on this form is voluntary, kept strictly confidential, and used by Ontario Farmer Publications for editorial and marketing purposes. 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