Your statement made easy The language of super can be confusing. This easy-to-read guide will help you better understand the more technical aspects of your statement. A Net cash flows The net cash flows include two components: 1 July 2014 - 31 December 2014 • money that is deposited into your account over the statement period, such as contributions made by: 1320021100002222020122001100000011000102011200202133310000310130013 005/2154/N/ Your member number: 12345678 000001-000001-0 S1 1300 HOSTPLUS (1300 467 875) Phone: Email: Visit: .S4BN4BNQMF 4BNQMF4USFFU 4".1-&508/45"5& %FBS.S4BNQMF Dear Mr Sample Please find enclosed your six monthly HOSTPLUS statement. I would encourage you to take a few minutes to check your account details and take a look at the Super update. I’m pleased to say that the HOSTPLUS Balanced option returned 5.31% for the six months to 31 December 2014 – an above average result in the SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey. Results in this survey for the year to 31 December 2014 show the Balanced option returning 9.29% – a top quartile, top ten result over 1, 3, 5 and 10 years. only n o i t a nform i e l p Sam If you have any questions about your super, please call us on 1300 HOSTPLUS (1300 467 875), 8am-8pm (AEST), Monday to Friday and we’ll be happy to help. Thank you for choosing HOSTPLUS. Best wishes, David Elia Chief Executive Officer – you (eg. rollovers, transfers or personal contributions) – your employer on your behalf (eg. Superannuation Guarantee, award or salary sacrifice contribution) – the government (eg. government co-contributions). • money that is rolled/transferred out of your account or cashed out of your account such as: – transfers to other funds (including payment to an Eligible Rollover Fund) $24,012.42 $3,723.16 B C D $1,358.53 $0.00 $39.00 $28,497.91 $485.18 $72.02 $0.00 A Award winning performance you can count on HOSTPLUS is proud to receive the SelectingSuper Awards for Super Fund of the Year and Retirement Product of the Year for 2014. Coming on the heels of our Money Magazine Best of the Best award for the Lowest-Cost Balanced Super Fund for our Indexed Balanced Option, it’s another example of our commitment to award winning performance. It’s why we’ve enjoyed Top 10 investment performance over the past 1, 3, 5 and 10 years as rated by SuperRatings. Keep up to date with the latest news in our Super update in this statement, or visit Page 1 of 7 – benefit payments. Any amounts deposited into your account or rolled/transferred out or cashed out of your account after 31 December 2014 will appear on your next statement. B Net investment returns Net investment returns represent the rate of return on each investment option, net of investment-related fees, costs and taxes allocated to your account for the statement period depending on your chosen investment option/s. If you’ve changed investment options during this period, net investment returns will be calculated using the net investment returns that applies for each option you have chosen. The amount will depend on how long your super has been invested in each of those options during the statement period. Net investment returns can be positive or negative. C ChoicePlus investments If you have ChoicePlus investments, the total amount of your ChoicePlus investments will appear here. Further details about your ChoicePlus investments will be in your statement. D Administration fee The administration fee (also known as the ‘member fee’) is a fee that relates to the administration of your account and the broader operations of the fund and is deducted from your account. Our administration fee is $1.50 per week, charged weekly and deducted monthly. Next page 2 ➤ INH_0584_0215 Your statement made easy continued… E 1 July 2014 - 31 December 2014 If your details have changed you can update them on SuperSite - just login at Name: 0U6DP6DPSOH Mr Sam Sample Member No: 12345678 Address: 6DPSOH6WUHHW6ampletown 67$7( 1 Sample St, Sampletown VIC 3000 Email Address: VVDPSOH#VDPSOHQHWFRP TFN: Yes. Thank you for supplying your Tax File Number. Age next birthday: 45 years only n o i t a nform i e l p Sam $28,497.91 $24,012.42 $38.85 $21,462.60 $18,228.09 $0.00 $28,459.06 $28,497.91 Jun 2013 Dec 2013 Jun 2014 Dec 2014 Your insurance as at 31 December 2014 No. of Units E Your Benefit Death 1 $62,250.00 Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) 1 $62,250.00 Salary Continuance NIL Please note that in the event of a claim the amount of insurance cover outlined above is added on to your account balance and may differ from the account balance in force on 31 December 2014. In the event of a TPD or death benefit claim, your benefit payable will be based on the level of cover you held at the time of the event (this may be higher or lower than the benefit amount shown above) and may be paid in addition to your account balance to either you, your dependents and/or your legal personal representative. Your entitlement to the above mentioned insurance cover is subject to you meeting eligibility criteria and the terms of the insurance policy. You should refer to our Member Guide for Your insurance benefits In the event of a TPD or death benefit being payable, this amount will be paid in addition to your account balance to either you, your dependants and/or your legal personal representative. This amount depends on your eligibility for cover and the date of the event causing you to be totally and permanently disabled – which as at 31 December 2014 may be less than the amount shown on your statement. Salary continuance benefits (if applicable) are payable monthly. These benefits may change over time. F Your nominated beneficiaries In the event of your death, your dependants or your personal legal representative will receive your benefit. The trustee will determine who will receive your benefit based on the type of nomination you have made: • Valid binding death nomination – this nomination binds the trustee to pay your death benefit as you have nominated, provided your nominated beneficiary is your dependant or personal legal representative. If your nomination is binding the expiry date will be shown. Binding death nominations expire every 3 years. • Non-binding death nomination – this nomination tells the trustee who you would like to receive your benefit. The trustee is not bound by your nomination but will take it into account when determining who receives your benefit. more information available at F Your nominated beneficiaries 6$0$7+$6$03/(67(3+$1,(6$03/(6$5$6$03/( Next page 3 ➤ With BPAY you can use phone or online banking to make a personal contribution to your HOSTPLUS account. Biller code: 58560 Reference number: 350011001457327 ® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518. MIIALL0101_622278 Page 2 of 7 INH_0584_0215 Your statement made easy continued… G The net investment returns, which can be positive or negative, is the investment return for each investment option, net of all investmentrelated fees, costs and expenses. Investment expenses vary for each investment option and are negotiated with investment managers who manage the fund’s assets. Further information is available in the HOSTPLUS Member Guide at 1 July 2014 - 31 December 2014 Investment performance The compound average effective rate of net investment returns (also known as net fund earnings), ending 31 December 2014. Your account is invested in the following options: G 6 months 1 year 5.31% 9.29% Balanced1 5 years p.a. 10 years p.a. 8.92% 7.14% Please note that the investment returns shown above are provided for comparison purposes only. Weekly net investment returns tes are ra used for calculating the actual earnings on your investment. A full list of weekly net investment returns (also known as net fund earnings) for our investment options is available at The long-term investment returns are not necessarily reflective of your actual return over the same period. This couldobe you due moving t into or out of the investment option at a time during the periods, or due to the splitting of your superannuation across more than one investment option. Past investment performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 1 From 1 July 2013, the Balanced option, our default option became our MySuper product. The product dashboard for our MySuper ion can opt be found at Your investment choice details only n o i t a nform i e l p Sam Opening balance as at 01.07.14 Switch* Contributions Transfers in Net investment returns Benefit payments made Provision for taxes Administration Insurance Account fee premiums balance as at 31.12.14 Balanced $24,012.42 -$12,525.00 $2,233.34 $0.00 $834.00 $0.00 -$242.61 -$19.50 -$36.02 $14,256.63 TOTAL $24,012.42 $0.00 $3,723.16 $0.00 $1,358.53 $0.00 -$485.18 -$39.00 -$72.02 $28,497.91 * See Your investment switches for a summary of the switches you made in this period. Your future contributions In accordance with your instructions, your future contributions will be invested as follows: Balanced 50.00% Shares Plus 50.00% Your transactions Trans date Description Payment Period Weeks Employer Member paid SG/award contributions Salary sacrifice Employer additional 01.07.14 YOUR OPENING BALANCE PLUS NET CASH FLOWS H 29.10.14 - 25.11.14 4 143.51 227.24 144.12 142.76 164.96 236.12 91.80 0.00 134.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 488.55 0.00 600.00 0.00 550.00 200.00 250.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 743.51 227.24 694.12 342.76 414.96 236.12 241.80 488.55 334.10 I Subtotal - net cash flows $3,723.16 PLUS NET INVESTMENT RETURNS $1,358.53 J MINUS DEDUCTIONS K L Government contributions tax - 15% Administration fee Insurance premiums -$485.18 -$39.00 -$72.02 Subtotal - deductions -$596.20 31.12.14 YOUR CLOSING BALANCE H Deductions Deductions represent what has been taken out of your account over the statement period including administration fees, government taxes, insurance premiums and any financial planning fees. However, it excludes amounts rolled over, transferred or cashed out of your account. TOTAL $24,012.42 28.05.14 - 24.06.14 4 01.04.14 - 30.06.14 13 25.06.14 - 29.07.14 5 30.07.14 - 26.08.14 4 27.08.14 - 30.09.14 5 01.07.14 - 29.09.14 13 01.10.14 - 28.10.14 4 Net investment returns $28,497.91 Indirect costs of your investment: $112.38. This approximate amount has been deducted from your investment and includes amounts that have reduced the return on your investment but are not charged directly to you as a fee. The amount includes indirect investment costs. This is a notional amount and may not be an accurate estimate. Total fees you paid: $111.02. This approximate amount includes all the fees and costs which affected your investment during the period. Page 3 of 7 I Tax As determined by the Federal Government, superannuation taxes are deducted from your account and paid directly to the Australian Taxation Office. These may include the contribution tax (on employer contributions), anti-detriment contribution tax refunds, the superannuation surcharge for previous financial years (if applicable) and surcharge interest. Please note: The surcharge was abolished on 1 July 2005. This section may also include an additional tax which is imposed by the Government for not providing your tax file number. This section also includes ‘no TFN tax refunds’. J No TFN contribution tax if applicable This tax is applied on your super contributions if you have not provided your Tax File Number (TFN) to HOSTPLUS. Any information received after the cut-off date of 30 June each year will be taken into account in the next end of financial year statement. K Administration fee The administration fee (also known as the ‘member fee’) is a fee that relates to the administration of your account and the broader operations of the fund and is deducted from your account. Our administration fee is $1.50 per week, charged weekly and deducted monthly. L Insurance premiums Insurance premiums (fees), where applicable, are charged weekly and deducted monthly. This amount represents the total premiums deducted from your account over the statement period. INH_0584_0215
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