FAQs on PAssion ez-link Card 01 WHAT IS THE PASSION EZ-LINK CARD? The PAssion ez-link Card is a membership card for PA grassroots leaders and members of the People’s Association including Grassroots Leaders, members of Community Clubs (CC) / Water-Ventures. The PAssion ez-link Card is certainly more than just another membership or discount card. It serves the unique purpose of connecting you with your community by offering you a host of exciting and wholesome activities. For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/passioncard 02 WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE PASSION EZ-LINK CARD? Members will get to enjoy great discounts on courses and activities available at all Community Clubs and other PA outlets such as Water-Venture and Outward Bound Singapore. Members can also enjoy exclusive discounts at more than 1000 PAssion Merchant outlets. With the PAssion ez-link Card, the benefits do not stop here. Members can also earn EzRewards Points for transit and retail payments which can translate to discounts at selected merchant outlets. In summary, the PAssion ez-link Card allows members to enjoy the following benefits: Enjoy further 2% off Members’ Rates if Members pay by the PAssion ez-link Card for CC courses/activities; Enjoy Members’ Rates and privileges at all the CCs and other PA outlets; Enjoy discounts at other PA outlets like PA Water-Venture outlets, Outward Bound Singapore, The WEARHouse (PA’s costumes rental service), PA concerts, Chingay Parade Singapore as well as some other activities and facilities under PA; Earn EzRewards Points with both transit and non-transit merchants; Enjoy discounts/privileges at over 1,000 PAssion Merchant outlets recruited by PA; and From April 2010, Members can earn loyalty points at participating retail banners under Dairy Farm Singapore (DFS) such as Cold Storage, Market Place, Giant hypermarkets and Guardian Health & Beauty stores, when they use this card at DFS’ stores and redeem the points for products through a host of exclusive promotions which may include price discounting on a basket of items. From August 2011, Members can enjoy complimentary National Library Board (NLB) Premium Membership From September 2013, Members can earn exclusive 1.5 times STAR$ at participating CapitaMalls 03 WHAT ARE THE FEATURES OF THE PASSION EZ-LINK CARD? The easy contactless payment function of the card which enables the payment for: CC and Water-Venture courses (enjoy further 2% off Member’s Rates if payment is via the PAssion ez-link Card); Transit services (eg. MRT, Taxi and Bus); Motoring charges (eg. ERP charges, only for 2nd Generation IU); Retail and services payment (eg. 7-Eleven, Jollibean, NLB etc); Earn EzRewards Points when payment is made using the PAssion ez-link Card with both transit and non-transit merchants. The accumulated EzRewards Points can then qualify the Members for discounts and promotions at participating EzRewards Merchant outlets; and Earn loyalty points at participating retail banners under Dairy Farm Singapore (DFS) when payment is made using the PAssion ez-link Card (from April 2010). 04 HOW MUCH IS THE PASSION EZ-LINK CARD MEMBERSHIP? The 5-year PAssion ez-link Card membership fees are: $12.00 for a Principal Card (for those between 18 to < 60 years old) $10.00 for a Principal Card (applicable to customers of ages < 18 years old, and ≥ 60 years old) The above fees are membership fees only and do not include any ez-link stored value. The PAssion ez-link Card is an adult ez-link card and cannot be used for concessionary fares for public transport by Senior Citizen, NS men, Students and Children. ** To encourage more families to participate in CC courses and activities, PA has a scheme to encourage participation: a) Children below 18 can tag as Supplementary Members to their parent’s Principal Card at no additional cost. However, these children will have no cards issued to them. 05 WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO APPLY? There is no age limit for this card application, all are welcome. Please note that the PAssion ez-link Card is issued with the Adult ez-link Card regardless of whether you are a child or Senior. 06 WHERE CAN I APPLY? You can apply for the PAssion ez-link Card at the following: All Community Clubs (CCs) Offsite Road Shows (which occur periodically) Online registration at: http://one.pa.gov.sg/ 07 ARE SUPPLEMENTARY MEMBERSHIP FOR CHILDREN ONLY? IS THERE A MEMBERSHIP FEE TO INCLUDE SUPPLEMENTARY MEMBERS? For Supplementary Membership (no card is issued), it is only applicable to the Principal Card Member's children who are below 18 yrs old and they can be registered with the Principal Card Member at no cost. However, the child will not get his/her own PAssion ez-link Card but he/she will share the use of the Principal PAssion ez-link Card. The child is still entitled to discounts for courses/activities at CCs/PA outlets. 08 IS THERE A LIMIT AS TO HOW MANY CHILDREN CAN BE ADDED AS SUPPLEMENTARY MEMBERS? No, there is no limit as to how many children can be tagged to the Principal Card Member. However, these must be his/her own children and they must be below 18 years old at the point of registration. 09 WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PASSION EZ-LINK CARD AND CC MEMBERSHIP? All PAssion ez-link Card holders are CC members but CC members who signed up before Dec 2004 may not be PAssion ez-link Card holders. If you are a CC member without a PAssion ez-link Card, our CC staff will advise you on the conversion process. PAssion ez-link Card membership and its privileges applies to all CCs, whereas CC membership applies only to a particular CC and benefits are restricted to that CC only. 10 WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PASSION EZ-LINK CARD AND PASSION EZ-LINK CARD & WATER VENTURE BUNDLED MEMBERSHIP? PAssion ez-link Card membership is $12 for a 5-year membership for those between age between 18 and less than 60 years old and $10 for a 5-year membership for those below 18 or 60 years and above. A 5% discount for water sports is extended to PAssion ez-link Card members. PAssion ez-link Card & Water Venture Bundled Membership is $30 on top of the PAssion ez-link Card membership fee. These bundled memberships will enjoy greater discounts (up to 20% off) for water sports at PA Water Venture outlets. 11 CAN I SIGN UP FOR THE PASSION EZ-LINK CARD ONLINE? You can sign up by clicking on the link below: http://one.pa.gov.sg/ 12 IF I APPLY FOR THE PASSION EZ-LINK CARD ONLINE, WHEN CAN I START TO ENJOY THE MEMBER'S RATE, HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO WAIT AND HOW DO I COLLECT THE CARD? No self-collection is needed as the card will be sent to your mailing address in 6-8 weeks' time. You may start to enjoy the member's rate at PA outlets once online payment for the application of PAssion ez-link Card is successful. 13 WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I DO NOT RECEIVE MY PASSION EZ-LINK CARD AFTER 8 WEEKS FROM APPLICATION? The Card should reach Members by post within 6-8 weeks. However, if you do not receive your PAssion ez-link Card after 8 weeks, please report to our Customer Service at the hotline 6225-5322 for further assistance. 14 WHILE WAITING FOR THE PASSION EZ-LINK CARD TO ARRIVE, HOW AM I GOING TO EARN EZREWARDS POINTS AT PLACES THAT REQUIRE MY CARD OR THAT REQUIRE ME TO FLASH MY CARD FOR PROMOTION / ENTRY? Please note that you need to wait till you receive the physical PAssion ez-link Card in order to enjoy the above benefits for EzRewards Points accumulation at participating Merchant outlets or enjoy discounts at Merchant outlets which need you to produce the card. However, for online transaction at http://one.pa.gov.sg/ you will enjoy Member’s Rate (Best discounts) when you transact for PA courses/activities as system recognises you as Member upon successful application. In addition, at PA outlets, you can enjoy standard discounts when you sign for PA courses/activities at CC or PA Outlets. 15 CAN I ENJOY THE FURTHER 2% OFF MEMBER’S RATE FOR CC COURSES/ACTIVITIES WHILE WAITING FOR THE PASSION EZ-LINK CARD TO ARRIVE? While waiting for the new PAssion ez-link Card to arrive, you can enjoy the further 2% off Member’s Rate for CC courses/activities if you do an online transaction for PA courses/activities as system recognises you as Member upon successful application. However if you choose to sign up the courses/activities at the CC or PA Outlet, you will only get to enjoy the Standard Member’s discount until you receive the physical PAssion ez-link Card and payment is made via the card. 16 ARE MEMBERSHIPS TRANSFERABLE? No. Transferring of membership is not allowed. 17 What is the cost for card replacement? You will be charged a fee of $7.50 (inclusive of GST) or such other sum as may be determined by PA from time to time for a replacement card in the event that you lost or damage your card. 18 HOW DO I KNOW WHAT DISCOUNTS AND PRIVILEGES, MERCHANTS ARE OFFERING? PAssion Card Members can check the latest promotions/offers from participating merchants at: PAssion Card Facebook www.facebook.com/PAssionCard CC Notice Board Email Blast and SMS iPhone/Andriod App (Members are encouraged to furnish their email addresses and handphone numbers in their application); Quarterly PAssion Card Newsletters 19 WHERE CAN I USE MY PASSION EZ-LINK CARD TO EARN TAPFORMORE POINTS? You can start to earn TapForMore points when you shop at any store of Cold Storage Supermarket, Market Place, Giant Hypermarkets, Guardian Health and Beauty Stores under the Dairy Farm Group in Singapore only. 20 CAN I STILL EARN TAPFORMORE POINTS IF I FAIL TO PRESENT MY PASSION EZ-LINK CARD? No. The verification mechanism requires you to tap your PAssion ez-link Card on the reader to activate your account for earning of TapForMore points. Hence, please remember to bring your PAssion ez-link Card every time you shop at our participating banners. 21 CAN I USE MY EXISTING PASSION CARD TO EARN TAPFORMORE POINTS? The TapForMore Rewards Programme is designated for all PAssion ez-link Card Members only. To enjoy the privilege of earning TapForMore points whenever you shop at the participating stores, please convert your PAssion Card to a PAssion ez-link Card now. 22 HOW CAN I CHECK MY TAPFORMORE POINTS BALANCE? To find out the number of TapForMore points you have accumulated, visit www.ezrewards.com.sg or download the PAssion Card application via App Store and/ or Google Play Store today. The information can also be found in your receipt when you make your next purchase at the participating stores. 23 WHAT SHOULD I DO IF MY CARD IS DAMAGED, LOST OR STOLEN? AND WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I NEED TO UPDATE ANY CHANGES TO MY CONTACT DETAILS? Please call the PAssion Card Hotline at 6225 5322 or email passioncardCS@paymentlink.com.sg for assistance during Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 6pm (excluding Public Holidays). Gentle note on the following: Step 1 : Send us your Name, NRIC/FIN/Passport No, Date of Birth, Contact and Address for verification and the PAssion Card Hotline will liaise wtih EZ-Link Pte Ltd to de-activate your card from misuse.( Note: De-activation is permanent and cannot be reinstated for security purpose. It will take up to 48 hours from reporting the lost card for the ez-link function to be blocked by EZ-Link Pte Ltd) Step 2: Go to the nearest Community Centre / Club CC for us to assist you with a replacement card at $7.50, which will be issued to you on the spot. Step 3: Complete the 'EZ-recover application for PAssion ez-link Card' form available at the CC office if there is stored value* remaining in your card. (*EZ-Link Pte Ltd will process the refund within 28 working days upon the submission of the completed application form to CC office.) Step 4: Contact National Library Board (NLB) at 6332 3255 or email to helpdesk@nlb.gov.sg to report loss of PAssion ezlink Card if you are a registered NLB user. Alternatively, you can drop by your nearest Community Club (CC) to report the loss of your PAssion ez-link Card and to file for any refund (at best efforts by EZ-Link Pte Ltd). 24 WILL MY TAPFORMORE POINTS BE TRANSFERRED TO MY NEW REPLACEMENT CARD? Yes. All your balance TapForMore points earned will be transferred to your new replacement card. However the system requires 48 hours for the transfer of points to take effect. Any unauthorized use of the lost/stolen card will be the sole responsibility of the card holder. 25 WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH MY PASSION EZ-LINK CARD TRANSACTION? Please call the PAssion Card Hotline at 6225 5322 or email passioncardCS@paymentlink.com.sg 26 HOW IS THE REFUND BEING DONE THROUGH EZ-RECOVER WHEN I LOST MY PASSION EZ-LINK CARD? The recovery is done on best effort basis and processing will take up to 28 working days from date of submission of completed forms and documentation. For refund option to transfer the recovered monies to another ezlink Card, please proceed with the transfer of refund to the new ez-link card within 3 months, failing which you will have no further claim to the refund monies. For enquiries, please call PAssion Card Hotline at 6225 5322 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 6pm). 27 WILL MY PASSION EZ-LINK CARD MEMBERSHIP BE AFFECTED IF I HAD PREVIOUSLY REGISTERED UNDER PASSPORT/ EMPLOYMENT PASS AND SUBSEQUENTLY RECEIVED MY S'PORE PR/ CITIZENSHIP STATUS? You may continue to use your PAssion ez-link Card till it expires. Alternatively, you can choose to terminate and resign up for a new PAssion ez-link Card Membership with your new S'pore PR/ citizenship status. The current membership fee applies. 28 WHO SHOULD I CONTACT IF I AM HOLDING A CIVIL SERVICE CLUB-PASSION EZ-LINK CARD? Please call CSC Hotline at 6514 3637 Monday to Friday - 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays Closed Please note that your feedback will be routed to membership@csc.sg for further assistance once the details in the form below are duly completed. Complete the 'EZ-recover application for PAssion ez-link Card' form available at the CSC office if there is stored value* remaining in your card. (*EZ-Link Pte Ltd will process the refund within 28 working days upon the submission of the completed application form to CSC office) 29 WHO SHOULD I CONTACT IF I AM HOLDING A HOMETEAMNS-PASSION EZ-LINK CARD? Please call HomeTeamNS hotline at 6665 4600 Mon to Fri - 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays - Closed Please note that your feedback will be routed to membership@HomeTeamNS.sg for further assistance once the details in the form below are duly completed. Complete the 'EZ-recover application for PAssion ez-link Card' form available at the HTNS office if there is stored value* remaining in your card. (*EZ-Link Pte Ltd will process the refund within 28 working days upon the submission of the completed application form to HTNS office.) 30 WHO SHOULD I CONTACT IF I AM HOLDING AN OVERSEAS SINGAPOREAN UNIT-PASSION EZ-LINK CARD? Please contact Overseas Singaporean Unit via email at: osupassioncard@nptd.gov.sg for further assistance once the details in the form below are duly completed. Complete the 'EZ-recover application for PAssion ez-link Card' form available at the OSU office if there is stored value* remaining in your card. (*EZ-Link Pte Ltd will process the refund within 28 working days upon the submission of the completed application form.)
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