MARCH 2015 VOLUME 53 ISSUE 3 President Scott Fitzgerald Vice President Jim Hartwyk Recording Secretary Dennis Pinkiewcz Jr. Treasurer Jim Connor Corresponding Secretary Tom McGrath First Keeper of The Shillelagh Mike Murphy Second Keeper of The Shillelagh Robert Mikulak Steward Tom McCarthy Trustees Kenneth Brown Timothy Duggan Scott Howard Joe Patterson John Sheridan Financial Secretary James O’Kane Pipe Major John Hatton Legal Advisors William Flynn, Esq. Greg Cameron, Esq. Honorary Chaplain Father Terry Loughran of Limerick Deacons Bob McGovern Michael Lee Foster Gentlemen, During this happiest of times, I ask that you please take time out to remember those we have lost this past month, as well as the sick and less fortunate. Please especially remember our pal, George Keibler. I look forward to seeing you back at the club for a pint, George, in the not so distant future. What a wonderful parade! It was mayhem with the cold and snow but it will surely be a parade to remember. I watched the video and boy did we look sharp. From the flags and banners up front to the members at the end of our group, we marched with pride in our Irish hearts. I felt so blessed to be leading you all down Main Street. Kenny Shanley, our parade Adjudant certainly looked spiffy in his top hat and tails. I think he really enjoyed himself and represented us proudly. Once again, thank you to Barney Shannon for adorning our club with our St. Patrick’s Day decorations. Once again, the huge task of cooking corned beef was handled by Jim Hartwyk and Tom McCarthy. If you can imagine cooking 700 pounds of corned beef it is a tremendous job and took two days to prepare. Thank you to all the members that showed up to assist with the slicing and wrapping on Saturday. Again this is a huge undertaking and as the saying goes “many hands make light work”. My ladies in the Kitchen were awesome and I cannot thank you enough. Kudos to Jane, Dot, Maureen and the girls and guys who served hundreds of sandwiches and reubens on Sunday. Our Annual Mardi Gras event was once again a GREAT success. It was a packed house thanks to John Sheridan and the Dinner Dance Committee. The VOODUDES entertained us until the wee hours, much later than I can stay awake. The food was outstanding and a shout out to Tom McGrath for once again preparing his famous Jambalaya. Tom, it was your best to date. Special thanks to chefs Johnny D, the Murph, Mr. Cummins, Wayne Miller and John Reilly for all your help that day. Again, “many hands make light work”. P.O. Box 317–15 Oak Street, Old Bridge Township, New Jersey 08857 Thank you to host, Joe Patterson for a successful 7th Annual Great Guinness Toast. This was a special evening to toast our beloved Guinness. The music was provided by Tim and Bob of Bogside Rogues. I really enjoyed watching everyone enjoy the Irish classics and having the band play till the wee hours. Thank you, Joe, for a great event. Congratulations to Frank McFadden, the 2015 Friendly Sons of Shillelagh Irishman of the Year. Frank is not only a dedicated man to his family, but also to his Irish heritage and the club. He is a model FSOS member and I am lucky to call him my friend. Congratulations, Frank. Please remember to get your building fund tickets in to Jim Hartwyk as soon as possible. St. Patrick’s Day is fast approaching. My heart is full as I come to the close of my final newsletter. We have been through a lot together in the past two years and I would like to express my personal gratitude and sincere thanks to all who have helped me along the way. The magnitude of responsibility that comes with the job of President is eased by the fine men that serve as volunteers in this club. I am very proud to be a member of the Friendly Sons of Shillelagh and even more proud to have served as President. I would like to wish the incoming E-Board the best of luck this coming year and to Tom McGrath who has decided to leave his post. All the Best, Scott President 2013-2015 P.S. Thank you to my beautiful and extraordinary wife Cathy. I could not have made it through the last two years without her patience and love. Telephone 732-251-9840 – Good and Welfare The Soul Cages March Meeting – Thursday, March 12th 830pm Saint Patrick’s Day – Tuesday, March 17th no other explanation necessary Club Dinner Dance – Saturday, March 21st Again at the wonderful Molly Pitcher Inn, See Dave or Scott Joe Mulvanerton is home resting. Easter Egg Hunt – Saturday, March 28th 11am-1pm See Marty Cameron Widows Luncheon – Sunday, April 26th 1pm Details inside Next month’s meeting Thursday, April 9th Check Grease Board for FRIDAY NIGHT DINNERS Please remember our troops and support staff all over the globe. Please keep charity in your heart and hands. Good and Welfare information should be given to Barney Shannon @ (732) 254-6153, or to any officer. FSOS Pipes & Drums – 2015 Season Schedule Saturday, March 14th Union Sunday March 15th Somerville Tuesday March 17th New York City Saturday March 21st Atlantic Highlands & FSOS Dinner Dance Saturday, March 22nd South Amboy Saturday, March 28th Pub Night @ Old Bridge Club Anyone interested in playing Pipes or Drums, come down on Monday nights. - John Hatton ELECTION RESULTS President . . . . . . . . . Jim Hartwyck 90 votes Unopposed Vice President . . . . . Jeff Schuld 92 votes Unopposed Recording Secretary . . Dennis Pinkiewicz Jr 87 votes Unopposed Treasurer . . . . . . . . . Jim Connor 97 votes Unopposed Corresponding Secretary . .Thomas Jennings 85 votes Unopposed Keeper of the Shillelagh Ken Shanley 71 votes 1st Keeper Mike Murphy 45 votes 2nd Keeper Steward . . . . . . . . . Tom McCarthy 94 votes Unopposed Congratulations to all the participants for being a part of the process. OBHS SCHOLARSHIPS We will once again offer scholarships to Old Bridge High School students. If you have a son or daughter who will be graduating from OBHS in June of this year, please have them write a letter to include accomplishments, future education plans, club or team involvement and why they feel they are deserving of an award. Please have all in letters in by April 15th. Letters may be left in an envelope in the safe to the attention of Jim Hartwyk. IRISHMAN OF THE YEAR He was born in April, 1954, in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. At age 4, his family moved to Cambria Heights, Queens, where he spent his childhood with his two older, and younger sisters. Together, his parents instilled in their children a love for their country, a strong faith, and a pride in their Irish heritage. His mother, Mary, was a first generation American with strong roots in County Armagh. Her father had immigrated in 1910, and began his own lace business,working tirelessly to support his family during the depression. Mary’s mother also hailed from Ireland and later became the Vice President of the Tyrone Society in New York City. Every S. Patrick’s Day, a note went to her children;s teachers to explain their absence, simply saying “Irish, thats all”. Mary never forgot the lessons of her parents, and passed her love of Ireland down to her son, Frank affectionately known as Mick. In 1972, Frank graduated from Christ The King High School, and a few years later became an apprentice in Steamfitters Local # 638. For over 40 years, Frank was an active member of Local #638, and helped lay the pipeline of many famous landmarks in New York City. After countless years of hard work, he retired in October, 2013. In 1983, Frank married Irene Scahill, they have three daughters, Irene, Maureen, and Bridget, and one son, Kevin. Frank was always, and continues to be, an incredible role model and coach to his children. As with much of his life, Frank chose to lead by example, demonstrating a passion for his Irish Heritage. He was inspired to follow his childhood ambition to play Bagpipes after watching his young son, Kevin, salute the pipers during a Rockaway St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Frank joined the FSOS Pipes and Drums Band in 2003, and has been an active member and officer since. He joined the FSOS club in 2004, and for the past 10 years, has been actively supporting our clubs’ activities and events, including work parties, barbecuing for football games and helping to maintain our building. As we approached our 50th anniversary, last year, he singlehandedly painted our kitchen ,and scrubbed all of the stainless steel therein. Not because anyone asked him to, but because it needed to be done. The FSOS has become like another home for him, as he values the comradery and friendships he has made here. Frank is a staple at our club, whether its cooking for games, attending Friday night dinners, or practicing with the band, he’s always willing to lend a helping hand, going above and beyond whenever anyone needs help. I now present to you, The FSOS Irishman Of The Year. Frank McFadden. WIDOWS LUNCHEON SUNDAY APRIL 26TH 2015 AT 1pm THIS IS THE 28TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE LUNCHEON. HOPE TO SEE ALL ATTEND. INVITATIONS WERE SENT OUT. PLEASE RESPOND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. and enter your menu selections. If you are not able to drive, please feel free to invite a guest who will supply transportation. We would love to see all the widows get together and truly enjoy themselves. FORMER PRESIDENTS PLEASE KEEP THE DATE OPENED, WE NEED YOUR HELP. BOB QUINN EASTER EGG HUNT PLEASE JOIN US ONCE AGAIN, TO HUNT FOR “REAL” EASTER EGGS, BRING THE KIDS DOWN, OR THE “YOLK” IS ON YOU! 11:00 SIGN UP, 12 NOON START, HOT DOGS, SODA, CANDY, LOADS OF TONS OF FUN! SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH SEE MARTY CAMERON FOR QUESTIONS. TRIANGLE TOURS NOTRE DAME -NAVY October 8th-11th, 2015 South Bend, In. $595 per person TRIP INCLUDES: Transportation, 3 nights hotel, (double occupancy), game ticket, food and soft drinks en route to South Bend, campus tours and pep rally, tailgate party before game, parking Thursday, October 8: Depart 9:00 am from your central location, travel to Maumee, Ohio, arrive approx. 7 pm, overnight. Friday October 9: Depart 9:00 am, arrive ND Campus approx 12:00 pm after food/beverage supply stop. All day on campus for tours and pep rally, return to Hotel at 8:00 pm Saturday, October 10: Depart18:30 am, arrive ND Campus approx 9:30 am after re supply stop, tailgate pat1y before game, depat1immediately after game for Maumee, Ohio. Sunday, October 11: Depart Maumee 9:00 am, arrive your location at approx. 7 pm. For all questions and your deposit payment ($100); Contact Michael Lee Foster 908-227-0227 All times approximate, seats only guaranteed in groups of 2 however we normally get in groups of at least 4, if not more. PASSING THOUGHT It seems like ages since I written the paper, my life has been unsettled of late; That said, it HAS been a long strange trip, 11 years, I believe. I’ve made some wonderful friendships, and comrades in arm along the way. I’d like to thank “all my presidents” for serving with me, as well as the numerous officers, and E-Board trustees for making my journey “interesting” I’ve learned more about how this fine club runs, sitting quietly (not so much lately) to the complicated workings and worries of operating, what sometimes seems like a small nation state. I wish you all well, I’ll be lurking. We are brothers Kenny Brown, have fun. Membership News March Anniversaries EFFECTIVE AS OF THE DECEMBER MEETING 35 YEARS SMITTY TOLAN First Reading: Patrick Vaughan–Sponsor–John Mayer, Timothy Kielty–sponsor–Mark Chrisini 25 YEARS MARTY CAMERON 15 YEARS SCOTT HOWARD LAWRENCE REDMOND Second Reading: Thomas Wejtal New Members: None WELCOME! AD Book: #202, Kevin Flynn FILFFF: Bart McDade P. O’Brien Electric, LLC Patrick O’Brien New Brunswick, NJ Email: DeLuca Family Chiropractic, PA Cell: (732) 718-0350 Dr. Anthony J DeLuca License #14145 • Insured Residential • Commercial • Industrial Phone: 732-416-0070 Fax: 732-416-0530 Club’s Agent over 20 years TALBOT INSURANCE AGENCY 974 Englishtown Rd • Old Bridge, NJ 08857 Cell: 732-245-1559 E-mail: Marty Cameron Account Executive Club Member Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician Active Release Technique Acupressure Office Hours By Appointment 2309 Hwy. 516 PO Box 687 Tel: 732-679-2414 Fax: 732-679-1151 ANTONIO & FLYNN ATTORNEYS AT LAW PO 515, Old Bridge, NJ 08857 732-679-1221 This is Bill Flynn…Our Attorney Member If You Need Expert Advice Call Bill Accidents (Auto, Falldown, Etc.) Adoption Divorce and Family Law DWI and other Municipal Court Name Change Real Estate Transactions Wills and Probate Worker’s Compensation FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION FOR MEMBERS AND THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILY Kevin Burns Office IT Support Residential Computer Support Web Site Development Tel: 732-264-2738 Cell: 732-947-9870 Website: The Computer Handyman Troubleshooting & Virus Removal Servicing Your Home or Office Computer Dave Jeffries 732-251-4066 Installing Hardware & Software Business: 732-203-1584 Mobile: 908-601-6033 Regina E. Hatton Income Tax Services 9 Ennis Drive Hazlet, NJ 07730 • Personal & Small Business E-File Services Available YOUR BUSINESS HERE * *to place an ad call 732-425-8181 Michael Yuhas 109 Stagecoach Road Millstone Twp., NJ 08510 Shop Located in South River Lic. #: 7275 HVAC #: 147600 Back-flow Certified 732-257-7013 Fax: 732-409-2660 Bonded & Insured Euro Space Craft Inc. “NOT JUST KITCHENS FOR ASTRONAUTS MORE THE CRAFT OF SPACE” John P. Sheridan 732-521-0992 Rent Our Banquet Hall For Your Next Event Call 732-251-2626 YOUR BUSINESS HERE * *to place an ad call 732-425-8181 Phone (732) 548-1711 Spotless Shade LLC. Fax:(732) 548-9782 Custom Made Window Treatments Venetian Blinds Cleaning Repair Service - Wash, Retape, Record Verticals • Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Top Treatments 1219 Highway 1 South, Edison, NJ 08837 SCOTT FITZGERALD
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