EGT CHALLENGE YOURSELF In trails few have stepped on. We dare you to challenge yourself! 23 of May 2015 ESTRELA GRANDE TRAIL The creation of this event, Estrela Grande Trail, appeared from the synergy of a close group of friends, all of them connected to the world of trail and the spirit of the mountains, where our most valuable player is the ultra-athlete Armando Teixeira After the organization of several TrailCamps (workshops about several trail themes), the creation of a pioneer course in Portugal, the Vertical Kilometer (KV) and hundreds of kilometers covered at Serra da Estrela, where we discovered wonders after wonders, we decided to share it with all of you who love this sport, with an event that would let us all enjoy the very best this mountain has to offer. The Trail Camps and the KV allowed us to rehearse multiple scenarios and understand the dynamic of involving a lot of entities in such events, with GNR, Firefighters, Red Cross, Scouts, Mountaineering clubs, Juntas Freguesia, Câmaras, Local associations, athletes and even our own staff. It was on the basis of this enormous will that emerge the Estrela Armando Teixeira Grande Trail, that we will present you and, from this moment forward We want to show Serra da Estrela, consider yourself challenged to participate. to involve the populations, to have satisfied athletes, but above all of that to make such an event, where everyone can have fun and feel safe. [1] AMAZING The event Estrela Grande Trail, will be composed by two race courses and one walking track. In this Ultra challenge you will be able to race The race courses are held in middle mountain even paradisiacal places like Vale do Rossim climate and were tought for atheletes with or Covão da Ametade. Also all the best-sellers previous experience in Ultra distances (Ultra are there, Trilho do Major, connectign the tower EGT) and for those athletes that are now trying to Nave de St. António, Trilho Vermelho, this sport, or that for whatever reason just connecting Vale do Rossim to the tower and want to have some fun for some hours we even the Trilhos dos Poios Brancos that runs present you the Trail EGT. Last but not the throughout all the mountain. This are just some least we have the walking track that we of the most beautiful tracks you will step on. seriously recommend to all of you trekking and And the big challenges ? The ones that we Nature lovers that for some reason don’t want always want to end soon and look endless but to compete or participate on the race courses. when we finally get over it they fill our soul, yes Ultra EGT they will also be there. in a lot of diferent places and sides of the mountain, where we detach the Maciço Central, Vale Glaciar de Loriga e do Zêzere, Right at the beginning you will take the Rota A challenging race! During the conception of this race we tried to keep one goal in mind, to offer you the best challenge possible. All the ingridients are there and we just had this mindset to put them together in the exact proportions, to be served and tasted gradually during all of the 85KMs with 11000 of accumulated elevation. Great tracks, constant challenges, a lot of running trails and the ability to see some of the most intimate sceneries Serra da Estrela has to offer, this is what we propose to all the athletes that are well prepared and have an high level of resilience and overcoming spirit. JUST....UNIQUE !!! A fantastic course, made and thought for well prepared athletes, with high autonomy and ability to run long distances in the most diversified climate conditions. [2] do Carvão that will take you from Manteigas to Vale do Rossim (5kms with 770 elevation gain) at the 35kms we present you THE WALL (5kms with 1200+) but there is a surprise at the top, the highest point of Portugal mainland. And when you think that nothing will stop you from getting that finisher prize and already missing everything you left behind we offer two more small ramps (a total of 6,5kms with 1200+) where you can admire from way high all the splendor of Manteigas and the Vale Glaciar do Zêzere. TRAIL EGT 24kms with 1500+ from Rota do Carvão will get you truly in love for this mountain. A “gourmet” route where it will put your climbing and downhill abilities to proof, from technical trails to high demanding climbs we will present you some of the most emblematic places of Serra da Estrela. The single-track that will take you from Vale das Éguas to Vale do Rossim, also the Trilho Vermelhor that will take you to some parts of the Maciço Central...some kms you will never forget. And the sights from Curral do Martins ? And the slit from Nave da Mestra ? Yes, they will also be there in this magnificent route. Trekking No rushes, no runs. The purpose of this is to enjoy while doing some exercise and at the same time trail some paths that will take you along history and tradition of the agriculture and cattle breeding that features Manteigas. Two trails from Green Tracks, Rota das Quartelas and Rota da Vila, together they will make you discover little pieces of this great enchanted valley. Will be 6kms, where the first 2kms will get you to sweat! So, in the previous weeks don’t forget to do some walks to prepare the body, We hope you enjoy and let this be the turning ia M ed Sp on so rs Pa rt n er s point for new challenges. WWW.ESTRELAGRANDETRAIL.PT
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