Montecito Union Monitor March 9, 2015 MONTECITO UNION MONITOR PTA NEWSLETTER MARCH 2015 Looking Ahead… March 3/12 Food Drive 8-8:45am Bd. of Trustees Facilities Mtg. 8:45am 3/13 Enchanted Evening Dance 6-8pm 3/16-3/20 Parent-Teacher Conferences K - 1pm, 1-3 - 1:15pm, 4-6 - 1:30pm 3/16 K Welcome Night 6-8pm 3/17 Bd. of Trustees Meeting 3:30pm 3/19 Counselor Chat 8:40- 9:40am Rm. 8 3/20 World Water Day 3/23 Environmental Ed. Presentations 3/25 Band/Chorus Assemblies Books for Bedtime K-3 6-7:30pm 3/30-4/3 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL April 4/1-4/3 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL 4/6-4/29 Used Book/Media Drive 4/7-4/10 Wolf Camp (6th grade) 4/7 Colonial Trip Info Session (Current 4th Parents) 6:30pm 4/9 Food Drive 8-8:45am PTA Meeting Rm. 8, 8:40-10am 4/10 Walk n’Roll 7:45-8:15am 4/14 Spring Music Festival 7pm 4/16 Earth Day Lunch Activities Earth Day Movie night 6pm 4/17 MUS Chorus to Disneyland 4/21 Bd. of Trustees Meeting 4pm 4/24 4/5th Spring Sing 11am Montecito Union Monitor Montecito Union School PTA A Legacy PTA est. 1924 A Letter from the President… The PTA ended the month of February with the absolutely amazing “Viva Las Vegas” gala at the Coral Casino. The event was sold out and it certainly was a night to remember! The entertainment was fabulous—Elvis was there along with a stilt walker, a DJ and a casino complete with dealers. Our silent and live auction, raffles and paddle raise also made for a very successful fundraiser. Thanks to everyone who attended and made donations. The funds raised from this event directly support the PTA’s programs and other enrichment activities at MUS. Our hats off to the incredible gala committee led by our wonderful co-chairs Mark and Mary Kirkhart. THANK YOU! For a detailed event recap and a list of the people who helped make this event possible, check out the April issue of the MUM. Spanish Cultural Day A big thanks to our Spanish department and many parents for making our cultural celebration of Spain a success! Students were able to enjoy food and activities during lunch on Tuesday and upper grade students shared in an assembly in the afternoon, witnessing some traditional Flamenco dancing and learning more about Spain. The 5th annual Enchanted Evening will take place in the auditorium on Friday, March 13th from 6-8pm. This is a fun night for girls to attend a dance with their fathers, grandfathers or fatherly mentors. The suggested donation is $25 per person and cotillion-style attire is encouraged. There will be a DJ, photo booth and treats for all who attend. This is an event you will not want to miss! If you have any questions, please contact our event co-chairs Bryan de Ponce or Jeremy Schweitzer at The Books for Bedtime event will be held on March 25th with author Lee Wardlaw, who will be reading her newest book for young readers, Won Ton and Chopstick. This book is the companion title to her award-winning picture book Won Ton- A LETTER page 2 1 Montecito Union Monitor March 9, 2015 LETTER (continued from page 1) Cat Tale Told in Haiku. She will bring some of her books to sell and will do a book signing. Each student who attends will go home with a free autographed bookmark and other goodies. So be sure to mark your calendars. On Monday, March 23rd, an Environmental Education Presentation will take place in the morning through lunchtime. This year’s focus will be on health and wellness. STAR Science will be here once again to lead the activities and do both a hands-on classroom activity and an assembly that teaches students how healthy bodies and healthy planets are inter-connected. Best Wishes, Dagny Dehlsen 2014-2015 MUS PTA President Mom to Karleigh (6th grader in Mr. Morgan’s class) and Beck (9th grader at SBHS) MUS Annual Carnival Poster Contest Students, it’s time to put on those creative thinking caps and enter the 2015 MUS Carnival Poster Contest! This year’s theme is “Old Fashioned Carnival”. All Poster Contest entries are due into the office by Friday, March 13th. All entries must include the following text: “2015 MUS Carnival” and the date of the carnival “May 2, 2015”. Entries should be drawn on 8 ½ x 11 white paper landscape style (that is, turned so that it is wider rather than taller). Forms were sent home in your February 27th Friday folders. No computer graphics will be allowed this year. Remember, vibrant colors and crisp outlines make for the most beautiful posters! The winner will receive a free carnival wristband for unlimited rides at this year’s carnival. Grade-level winners will also be recognized. All entries will be on display in the main hallway near the front office prior to carnival. Please contact Kristin McWilliams at with any questions. WELCOME! The PTA would like to extend a Mustang Welcome to a new student! James Tosh- K Mrs. McMahon Thank you Mark and Mary Kirkhart for a fantastic Gala! More thanks and a detailed event recap will be in the April MUM! MUM Submissions and photos should be sent to Kathleen Kanerviko at See the website for more information! Montecito Union Monitor 2 Montecito Union Monitor March 9, 2015 April 16th 2015 Movie starts @ 6pm • Dinner for purchase starting at 4:30 from California Wood Fired Pizza • Free Popcorn • Environmental Themed Crafts and Activities ! Books for Bedtime March 25 6-7:30pm Please join author Lee Wardlaw on March 25 in the MUS Auditorium as she shares her book, Won Ton and Chopstick with K-3 students and families. This is a fun evening event targeted mainly for K-3 students, but all are invited. Students can wear their pajamas and bring a pillow and favorite stuffed animal if they’d like. Won Ton and Chopstick is the companion title to Ms. Wardlaw's award-winning picture book Won TonA Cat Tale Told in Haiku. The students will hear Ms. Wardlaw read from her own books, and will have the opportunity to ask her questions about what it's like to be a children's book author. A bed time snack will be served. Ms. Wardlaw will be signing and selling books after the reading. We hope you'll bring your pillow and come get comfy! There's nothing like a good book before bedtime! Montecito Union Monitor 3 Montecito Union Monitor March 9, 2015 Safety News New Safety Procedures Time has proven that traditional fire drills are nearly obsolete. Our local fire department shared that a student hasn't been injured in a school fire in nearly 100 years. Unfortunately, most real dangers to students in schools come from the outside. For this reason, local officials are supporting new procedures. Now, the traditional fire alarm means to take shelter and await further instructions, rather than quickly exit outside. Obviously, if a class smelled smoke they would exit right away, but this school-wide alarm becomes a much more powerful tool to warn students to get inside when danger is near. We did our first safety drill using this new routine in February. It was a successful start but it will take time for MUS to perfect this new system. We are certain that this is the correct course of action and are committed to keeping up with current safety practices. We will continue to vary our monthly practice drills which provide us valuable information to use for constant improvement. All are welcome at our Safety Committee meetings. Our next meeting is on Friday, March 20th, 8:45 a.m., in the MUS staff lounge. Hope to see you there! -Monica Hammonds, Dean of Students GREEN NEWS Montecito Union Earns Bronze Medal from the State of California Please visit this link for a News Release from the California Department of Education: On February 20, 2015, MUS was selected as a Bronze Medal honoree in California’s Green Ribbon School recognition ceremony. Our PTA’s Green VP, Heidi Winston, accepted the award on behalf of the school at El Monte High School in Los Angeles. This is a HUGE accomplishment and the result of almost 6 years of efforts at MUS, under the leadership of Superintendent Murphy, to promote environmental sustainability at our school. The U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (GRS) program recognizes schools and districts from all 50 states that demonstrate exemplary achievement in three "pillars:" Pillar I: reduce environmental impact and costs; Pillar II: improve the health and wellness of schools, students, and staff; and Pillar III: provide effective environmental and sustainability literacy, incorporating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education (STEM), civic skills, and green career pathways. The California Green Ribbon Schools recognition award uses the applications submitted for nomination to the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools program to recognize schools and school districts across the state for environmental excellence. GRS exercise a comprehensive approach to creating “green” environments through reducing environmental impact, promoting health, and ensuring a high-quality environmental and outdoor education to prepare students with the 21st century skills and concepts needed in the global economy. California State Superintendent Tom Torlakson selected California's nominees for the honor based on a competitive application reviewed by the California Department of Education, along with state and federal agency partners. GREEN NEWS page 5 Montecito Union Monitor 4 Montecito Union Monitor March 9, 2015 GREEN NEWS (continued from page 4) This was MUS’ first attempt at GRS recognition and it is a wonderful achievement to have placed at the Bronze level; we were only points shy of Silver and we look forward to submitting an even stronger application for next year. According the Dept. of Education, GRS awards are part of the larger effort to “identify and disseminate knowledge about practices that are proven to result in improved student engagement, higher academic achievement and graduation rates, and workforce preparedness, as well as a government wide goal of increasing energy independence and economic security.” MUS is well on its way for more recognition as we continue with our green efforts! For more information or to become involved, please contact Heidi Winston at Your Choices Have an Impact: In the spirit of Earth Day, Leave No Trace Do you have big plans for Spring Break or your Summer Vacation? Have you thought about the impact that you have on the places that you visit? The Responsible Traveler always recognizes his/her power. AAA’s Smart Traveler offers great ideas for Environmentally Responsible travel. According to the report, “Travel has surpassed heavy industry to become the world’s largest business.” For this reason it is important to attach “green” consciousness to travel too. An obvious way to tackle environmentally conscious travel is to always remember a Mustang goal, leave no trace, which is easy to do when your family considers packing it in and packing it out. Have a wonderful Spring Break and we look forward to seeing you at the annual MUS Earth Day Family Movie Night on April 16th. (See accompanying article for more information. ) Walk N’ Roll continues to stroll through Montecito neighborhoods Have you joined in on the fun? What a great way to start your day! Meet at either Via Vai parking lot, Casa Dorinda or the corner of Sinaloa/San Ysidro at 7:45am (departing at 8am) and Walk’nRoll. Coffee will be served. Bring your own cup to keep it green! Contact Becca Pelto at with any questions or to volunteer. Join us on 4/10 for another awesome Walk’nRoll! Foodbank News Foodbank of Santa Barbara County 68 MUS families helped spread some love to Santa Barbara’s hunger insecure this Valentine’s Day by donating 397 pounds of food to the Foodbank of Santa Barbara. MUS is such a giving school! The next Food Drive will be on March 12. Food Drive volunteers will be in the parking lots the morning of the drives to help collect your donations. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT! Contact Michelle Kelly at to help out! Montecito Union Monitor 5 Montecito Union Monitor March 9, 2015 Unsung Heroes of MUS Competent. Gentle. Fair. Patient. Organized. Kind. These are just a few of the words MUS community members use to describe Debbie Herrera. No wonder she is respected and loved by all that know her – staff members and MUS families alike! Whether she is comforting a child whose parent is late for pick up, scrambling to find staff to cover classrooms on a rainy day, or keeping a watchful eye on students at recess, Debbie always has a way of making people feel safe and reassured. MUS parent Sandy Toye explains, "Not only does Debbie tirelessly ensure our kids' safety but she does so with so much love and care. She talks to them and makes them feel comfortable and happy, even when mom is running a little behind." Debbie has worked at MUS for 23 years, first as an instructional aide in the classroom and in the library, and now currently assists Pam Herzog with the chorus program. She also has the big job of scheduling yard duty coverage on the playground and supporting the instructional aides that supervise the children. Of course Debbie is also out on the playground, providing the sensible and gentle guidance to the children that we all appreciate. In the words of second grader Juliana Aviani, “Mrs. Herrera is understanding. She knows about good sportsmanship. Like in prisoner ball, she always helps when people are arguing and asks, 'how could we make this be fair?” For Debbie, yard duty is more than providing supervision. It is a chance to encourage and observe children at play. She shares a quote by parenting and children's author L.R. Knost that emphasizes the importance of play, “For a child, it is in the simplicity of play that the complexity of life is sorted, like puzzle pieces joined together to make sense of the world.” Debbie has two talented sons and a husband Dan – all of whom are involved in music and make her very proud. One son lives and works in New York City and the other in Santa Fe, New Mexico – both places she enjoys visiting. She shares her home with two golden retrievers Teeka and Django and a finch named Paddy who fills her house with song. One of her favorite past times is walking on the Carpinteria Bluffs. Happiest in nurturing roles, Debbie has previously led Weight Watcher groups and advocated for the elderly as an Ombudsman. She is currently involved in supporting families through NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness), acting as an educator and advocate in the community. When asked about Debbie's contributions, Chief Academic Officer, Nick Bruski sums it up best. “Debbie consistently goes above and beyond to make students feel valued and known on the Yard,“ he says. “She does everything she can to ensure kids feel safe and included on a daily basis. She knows who is friends with whom, where the hot points are, and how to nurture relationships and help students thrive.” Thank you, Debbie for all you have done for our kids and our school all these years! You are loved, admired and so appreciated! Montecito Union Monitor 6 Montecito Union Monitor March 9, 2015 Mustang Money at Work We donate money and volunteer hours as PTA members. The PTA Executive Board is forever grateful for all support. Without the funds raised through our various fundraisers and the endless hours donated by our dedicated PTA members, so many wonderful enrichment programs would not be possible. Thank you! Our children thank you as well! Poet in Residence The Second Grade worked hard in February with Lois Klein, Poet in Residence, as she worked each week with students on poetry, writing and presentation strategies. The program’s mission is to empower K-12 students in California to grow their creativity and intellectual curiosity in a multicultural world through the poetry-writing process. Drumming Sowah Mensah, master drummer from Ghana, returned this winter for his annual residency at MUS. Sowah worked with the fourth, fifth and sixth grade students, culminating the two-week residency with a performance. He also spent some time with the K-3 students, introducing them to African cultures, traditions, and the breadth and complexity of African drumming. Spanish Cultural Day We had a wonderful turnout on February 24th to our 7th Annual Spanish Cultural Event highlighting the country of Spain. At lunch, students enjoyed tasting many of the traditional foods such as paella, tortilla española, manchego con membrillo, aceitunas, sangria, and more! Students also had the chance to decorate fans and crowns while practicing their Spanish and learning about the kings and queens of Spain. In the afternoon, Linda Vega's Flamenco dancers came to preform many of the traditional dances. The dancers included the Spirit of Fiesta, Talia Ortega Vestal, Sofia Chicote, and our own talented, Athena BowGraham. This event would not have been possible without the help of Cristina Evans, Kristina McKean, Dagny Dehlsen, Ceci McClintock, Mabel Romero, and Alise Kubecki who helped cook, prepare, and serve the food. We would like to extend a very special thanks to Lucia Engel for organizing the event and to PTA for making this annual event possible. ¡Gracias! Montecito Union Monitor 7 Montecito Union Monitor March 9, 2015 Hear ye, Hear ye, 4th Grade Parents! Essential Meeting The Montecito Union Colonial Study Trip Mt. Vernon - Monticello - Jamestown - Williamsburg - Washington D.C. – Philadelphia Mt. Vernon, VA Your child’s turn is just around the corner… What is the Colonial Study Trip? The Colonial Study Trip is a Montecito Union institution that was begun more than twenty years ago as a means to bring the American Colonial history that is the backbone of the fifth grade curriculum to life. After studying Jamestown, the first permanent British settlement in North America in their textbooks in Montecito, students are able to tour a re-creation of the original fort replete with costumed interpreters and interactive hands-on experiences; scrape hides, help carve a dugout canoe, and stretch out on a bed of furs inside the authentic Powhatan Indian village; climb aboard exact copies of the three ships that brought the first colonists to Virginia where they can see for themselves what crossing an ocean on these ships was really like; and observe up close and personal the art of glassblowing, 17th century style, on site of the original Jamestown glass works; - all before lunch. Yes, that is less than 1/2 of one day on this six day, five night trip to the East that has connected the hearts and minds of more than 1500 MUS fifth graders to the rich stories of the founding of their country and forged a treasure trove of memories that will last a lifetime. Please come find out what the trip is all about. More information and answers to all your questions will be given at a meeting for all Fourth Grade parents on: Tuesday, April 7th at 6:30PM MUS Auditorium Montecito Union Monitor 8 Montecito Union Monitor March 9, 2015 I LOVE MUS! Show some Mustang spirit with I LOVE MUS Clothing and Gear! Contact Lucia Engel at Montecito Educational Foundation Did you make your donation to the Pay It Forward Campaign through the Montecito Educational Foundation (MEF) yet? These funds are used to maintain educational excellence by meeting the needs of today, while embracing the challenges of tomorrow. The PTA and the Montecito Educational Foundation work together to further enrich our children’s education at MUS. Any amount, LARGE or small helps and they are hoping to get 100% participation. Use this link ( to Pay it Forward! Did You Know? o MEF & PTA donations make up 3% of the District’s supplemental funding. o MEF & PTA donations contribute more to your child's cost of education than State & Federal government funds combined. o Last year's per pupil expenditure was $22,545. This year the budgeted amount is $23,600. The tax auditor projects that approximately 14% of each parcel's tax goes to MUS. o The state of the art track & field was bought & installed by MEF funds. o In the early 2000’s Enhanced Specialist Programs, including Music, Art, Spanish, Technology were paid in part for by MEF. o MEF funds provided the classroom presentation systems. o MEF funds were used to renovate the front foyer to display artwork. o MEF donations went toward the 5th & 6th grade building. o The Kindergarten play yard was upgraded with MEF funds. o The grand piano in the music room was purchased with MEF donations. o K-2 all have iPads as learning tools because of MEF donations. o 95% of our teachers have gone through the Harvard and Columbia programs due to support of MEF funds. (We need to send the remaining 5% this summer with MEF funds) o MEF pledged to reimburse the upgrade of 80 computers so students will be working on similar computers. o MEF would like to pay for the new kiln for the Art Department. Our old kiln could no longer be repaired due to extinct parts. o Your generous donations and matching corporate gifts have made MUS an extremely special place for our children to grow and learn. o Your continued & generous support keeps the tradition of paying it forward alive at MUS for the benefit of your children and for those to follow. Suzanne McCafferty MEF President Montecito Union Monitor 9
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