THE FIRST FAMILY &COMMUNITY MEDICINE CONFERENCE DATE: 26th-28th. March. 2015 Venue: Culture Palace,Wad Medani – Sudan s FACULTY OF MEDICINE,UNIVERSITY OF GEZIRA Ministry of Health Gezira State, Under the Patronage of Gezira State Governor President of the conference Prof. Haydar El Hadi Babikir, MD Dean Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira Member of the BPNA/ANCA & ICNA Department of Pediatrics and Child Health Wad Medani Children Teaching Hospital, Sudan Vice-president Dr. SALWA Elsanousi Hssein Secretary General The venue :Culture Palace, Wad Medani – Sudan Timing: The conference will commence on 26th March 2015 with the Pre-conference workshops and will end on 28th March 2015 Pre-conference workshop 1 Registration Registration desk will open at culture palace for the pre-conference workshops March 26th 28th, 2015 from 9:00 am till 4:00 pm Language English is the official language of the conference. Certificates of Attendance Certificates will be available from the registration desk at the end of the conference. Who should attend: Where to eat Information on local restaurants and fast food outlets will be available at culture palace restaurant. This is an opportunity to taste local Sudanese dishes Travel Khartoum is a popular destination. Most major Airliners fly to Khartoum International Airport and wad Medani which is about 3 hours driving from the Khartoum. Location the conference and workshops activities will be held at culture palace in wad Medani – Gezira state - Sudan. The conference venue is the culture palace in wad Medani – Gezira state - Sudan. 2 Gezira State Search the net Wad Medani Search the net The health Status in Gezira Gezira State is located in the centre of Sudan. It has 7 localities with a population of 4.2 million. It is the second most populated State after Khartoum. The healthcare services in Gezira State are provided through a network of different primary and secondary facilities including 19 locality hospitals, 470 Family Health Centres (FHCs) and 363 Family health units (FHUs). The overall coverage with the minimum PHC package in Gezira Sate is 24.8% in 2014 whereas the coverage at FHCand FHU is 26.5% and 11.4% respectively1. In order to fill this gap, there is a need for setting up additional 10 FHCs and18 FHUs. The State faces many challenges as it has the number of 70,391 children with sever acute malnutrition (SAM)2, the second highest in the nation. Stunting is found 1 2 Health mapping (2014) Report of a Simple, Spatial Sampling Method (S3M) Survey in Sudan, 2014 3 alarming in 3 of its localities (> 45%) and wasting in 2 localities (> 3.5%). The whole State has challenges in diarrhoea management with the low coverage of treatment against diarrhoea (10.5%)3. There is a huge disparity in the coverage of ANC visits between the capital city (80.4%) and suburban areas (31.4%). Health facilities with very limited sanitation are found in 2 localities (< 10%). The PHC facilities that provide IMCI services remain low with 11.8%. The coverage with Basic Emegency obstetric care and Neonatal care( EMONC) services is 6.3% while the comprehensive EMONC is 3.7%. Furthermore, the State suffers from a shortage of health workforce. The coverage of midwives is low with only 44%, indicating additional 1,615 midwives needed. As for Medical Assistants, the required additional number is 211 as opposed to the current 267. The State has a very strong leadership/political commitment in health under the State Health Minister, who has committed to covering 25% of the total Project cost by the State. It also has active academic partnerships (e.g. University of Gezira) and various communitybased initiatives in the health sector. Moreover, the State is one of the pioneer states to employ Village Midwives4. In addition, it has endorsed the law of Universal Salt Iodination for nutrition improvement. Statistically, Gezira State has a better record of maternal and child mortality compared to the national average, for example, with the highest full vaccination coverage at 92.7% and exclusive breastfeeding. The Conference objectives: 1. To highlight the importance of integration and partnership for the provision of comprehensive health care for families and communities, with emphasis of the pioneer role of university of Gezira (UOG) 2. To present the experiences of partnership between UOG, Gezira state Ministry of Health, local communities and health related sectors: The achievements, challenges and lessons learnt. The initiatives 3. To highlight a spectrum of experiences for organizing training on Family Medicine in developing countries. Present the experience of Gezira Family Medicine Program, utilizing information technology and distant learning. 4. To reflect the effect of Partnership and Integration in the teaching of community medicine at FMUG in the Development of the rural communities in Gezira state. 3 4 This figure includes all localities except capital. Currently, Village Midwives are called Community Midwives. 4 5. To establish a platform for the development of the education and practice of Family Medicine and Community Medicine in Sudan. Theme and subthemes The conference Theme: Partnership &Integration towards Comprehensive Health Care For Families and Communities Each thematic session may present: - The conceptual framework of the themeatic area addressing the integration & partnership in provision of the services at primary care and community level - How education in FMUG addresses the theme (with focus on integration & partnership) - Effect on community health in Gezira state At the end of each thematic session participants should gather for a short key note presentation trying to tailor all presentations into the conference theme “Integration & Partnership” Subthemes: Parallel Sessions Day one: 1. Thematic Parallel sessions/ Papers’ presentations / Poster presentations, mini workshops, 11:00- 12:30 2. Thematic Parallel sessions 2:45- 4: 45pm Papers’ presentations / Poster presentations, Suggested Mini workshops 12345678- Integration of Public health and Medicine Women’s & Maternal health at PHC and community level Child health, and school health at PHC and community level Geriatric care (Workshop: Integrated health care of the elderly) Working with special groups at PHC and community level Primary Dental Care at PHC and community level Communicable Diseases Non Communicable Diseases 5 9- Community pharmacy Problems of using pharmciticals at family &community level Day two: 1. Thematic Parallel sessions/ Papers’ presentations / Poster presentations, mini workshops, 11:00- 12:30 12345678- Ophthalmic care at PHC and community level Oncology services at PHC and community level Disasters management Nursing care at PHC and community level Laboraty Services at PHC and community level ENT Care at PHC and community level Psychiatry and Psychology at PHC and community level interprofessional education (dentistry – medicine – nursing) Registration: For participants from outside the country : Payments is in US dollars : 500 Dollars for registration, accomodation and food during the conference period For the Preconference workshops please determine the workshop that you would like to attend , as early registration is recommended by the organizing committee send it this email to : geziraconference.icc@gmail .com Registration fees for each pre- coference workshop is : 50 dollars For participants from inside the country Early registration is recommended by the organizing committee You can register by direct CASH payment to the Secretariat of the Conference at the Dean office FMUG or by CHEQUE to Dean Faculty of Medicine with accompanying letter denotes that payment is for Conference registration. Registration fees 6 Early registration fees for undergraduate students 50 SDG (Last day 15th of March) Early registration fees for postgraduate students 100 SDG (Last day 15th of March) Late registration for undergraduate students 100 SDG Late registration for postgraduate students 150 SDG Early registration fees for doctors and health staff and other participants 200 SDG (Last day 15th of March) Late registration for for doctors and health staff and other participants 250 SDG For the Pre- conference early registration is recommended by the organizing committee please determine the workshop that you would like to attend , send to : geziraconference.icc@gmail .com Pre- conference workshop Early registration fees for undergraduate students 50 SDG for each workshop(Last day 15th of March) Pre- conference workshop Early registraion fees for postgraduate students 100 SDG for each workshop (Last day 15th of March) Pre- conference workshop Early registration fees for graduated doctors and health staff and other participants 150 SDG for each workshop (Last day 15th of March) Pre- conference workshop Late registration for undergraduate students 100 SDG Pre- conference workshop Late registration for postgraduate students 150 SDG Pre- conference workshop Late registration for for graduated doctors and health staff and other participants 200 SDG for each workshop. Accommodation: 1. Will be offer for the international speaker by the organizing committee. 2. Will be provided for the participant from Sudan according to hotel rate (80-100) SD. 7 International speakers and their topics : The Speakers Name Dr Mohammed Tarawneh His\her title President WONCA EMR His\or her Area e-mail address Family Medicine Prof. Bashir Hamad Not coming Prof. Mohi Eldin will cover 'The Faculty of Medicine University of Gezira: addressing the challenges of early years' and today Excutive Director of THEnet Professor of Public Health ; Saudia Arabia President WONCA Africa Secrtary of WONCA Africa Royal College of Physicians UK Community Medicine Prof. A-J Neusy Prof. Zohair Sebai Dr. Obazie Dr. Shabir Musa Professor Nigel Mathers Social Accountability Public health and Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Pre conference Workshops: Registration fees for preconference workshop, is in the next page below For the Facilitators ( consultants or specialists )guideline for writing the summary of the pre- conference workshop is in the next page below 8 Preconference registration fees: For participants from abroad 50 dollars for each For participants from inside the country: Registration f ees: 50 SDG for undergraduates 100 SDG for the postgraduate students and health staff Registration open till 26th March 2015 For the consultants and specialist who would like to share us in facilitation of the these Date Workshop Facilitators 26/3/2015 Biostatistics made easy Pof. Noury and Venue Mr. Mowia 26/3/2015 Writing a wining Research Proposal Prof. Magda 26/3/2015 Writing Scientific article & getting it published Dr. Ozaz 26/3/2015 Searching Medical Literature Dr. Hani 26/3/2015 Evidence Based Medicine Dr. Abd Elnasir & staff of FM 26/3/2015 Clinical Audit Dr. Abd Elasir & staff of FM 26/3/2015 Supervising Postgraduate Students Dr. Ibtisam and prof. Nabil 26/3/2015 Good clinical and labartory practice (GCLP) Dr. Ozaz 26/3/2015 Doctor- Patient communication Dr. Osman 26/3/2015 Patient Centred Practice and Population Prof. Nigel Centred Practice workshops please send us an abstract summarizing the following points in not more than 300 words font size 12 before end of February Fill this table, accompanied by the abstract and send it to this e-mail geziraconference.icc@gmail .com 9 The guideline for writing the workshop summary Name of the workshop The name of the coordinator or facilitator, short CV or profile Introduction Objectives The expected audience )The method of conducting the workshop (activities The expected outcome The Social program: CHARLES BOELN award for social accountability in faculty of medicine campus at 27 march from 7:30-9:00 PM. جائزة تشارلز بوليين العالمية لممسؤولية االجتماعية من رابطة كميات الطب في كندا – The AFMC-Charles Boelen International Social Accountability Award رابطة كميات الطب في كندا: ساثطخ وٍ١بد اٌطت ف ٟوٕذا )The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC ٕ٘بن 75وٍ١خ طت ف ٟوٕذا رّضً اٌظٛد اٌٛطٌٍٕ ٟطت األوبد .ّٟ٠رؤعغذ ٘زٖ اٌشاثطخ ف ٟػبَ ٚ 7721 ِٓ ٚظبئفٙب اٌذػُ فشد٠ب ٚجّبػ١ب ٌىٍ١بد اٌطت ف ٟوٕذا ِٓ خالي رؼض٠ض اٌزؼٍ ُ١اٌطجٚ ٟاألثحبس ٚاٌشػب٠خ اٌغش٠ش٠خ ٚجبئضح ٌٍّ CHARLES BOELENغؤ١ٌٚخ االجزّبػ١خ اٌذ١ٌٚخ رؼزشف ثبإلٔجبص اٌّزّ١ض ف ٟرٕف١ز ِجبدئ اٌّغبءٌخ االجزّبػ١خ ف ٟاٌؼبٌُ األوبدٌٍ ّٟ٠ظحخ .فٔ ٟطبق د ٝ٘ٚ ، ٌٟٚرٙذف إٌ ٝاالحزفبي ثبٌٕبط ٚإٌّظّبد اٌز ٟرؼزجش ِضبي ف ٟرٕف١ز ِجبدئ اٌّغبءٌخ االجزّبػ١خ ٚرٕف١ز٘ب ػٍ ٝإٌح ٛاٌّحذد ف ٟرٛافك اٌؼبٌّ١خ ٌٍّغبءٌخ االجزّبػ١خ ي وٍ١بد اٌطت ٚاإلٔجبصاد اٌّ١ٕٙخ ثّشجؼ١خ ٌإلجّبع اٌؼبٌّ ٟاٌّؼزشف ثٗ د١ٌٚب ٌزؼش٠ف ٚأعظ اٌّغئ١ٌٛخ االجزّبػ١خ. معايير الجائزة رغٍُ جبئضح اإلٔجبص اٌّزّ١ض ف ٟرٕف١ز ِجبدئ اٌّغبءٌخ االجزّبػ١خ ف ٟاٌؼبٌُ األوبدٌٍ ّٟ٠ظحخ ِٓ خالي إظٙبس 8 اعزجبثخ ِشوضح ٌالحز١بجبد اٌظح١خ راد األ٠ٌٛٚخ ٌٍّٛاطٕٚ ٓ١اٌّجزّغ ف ٟاٌزؼٍٚ ُ١اٌجحش ٚرمذ ُ٠اٌخذِبد ، ثّب ٠زفك ِغ ل ُ١اٌجٛدح ٚاٌؼذاٌخ أ ٚاالٔظبف ٚاٌؼاللخ ثبٌّجزّغ ٚاٌفؼبٌ١خ 11 اٌؼًّ ِغ األخز ثؼ ٓ١االػزجبس ٌالحز١بجبد اٌشبٍِخ ٌألشخبص ٚاٌّحذداد االجزّبػ١خ ٌظحخ اٌغىبْ ششاوخ ل٠ٛخ ِغ أطحبة اٌّظٍحخ اٌظح١خ اٌشئ١غ١خ ٌٍزآصس اٌفؼبي ف ٟاٌزّٕ١خ اٌظح١خ اعزخذاَ ِؤششاد اٌزم ُ١١إٌّبعجخ ٚآٌ١بد ي رم ُ١١أصش اٌّؤعغخ األوبد١ّ٠خ ػٍ ٝأداء إٌظبَ اٌظح ٚ ٟاٌحبٌخ اٌظح١خ ٌٍغىبْ . اٌّغبّ٘خ ف ٟاٌغ١بعبد د ْٚاٌٛطٕ١خ ٚاٌٛطٕ١خ راد اٌظٍخ ٌذػُ اٌّؤعغبد األوبد١ّ٠خ اٌؼبٍِخ فِ ٟجبي اإلجشاءاد ي رؤص١ش اجزّبػ ٟأوجش ٚرؼط ٝاألفضٍ١خ ٌٍىٍ١بد اٌز ٟرجشص ِؼبٌجخ جّ١غ اٌّجبالد اٌضالصخ اٌزؼٍٚ ُ١اٌجحش ٚرمذ ُ٠اٌخذِبد ثطش٠مخ ِزىبٍِخ .وّب ع١زُ إػطبء األ٠ٌٛٚخ ٌّٓ ٌذ ٗ٠إِىبٔ١خ ٌٕمً اٌخجشح إٌ ٝاٌّؤعغبد األوبد١ّ٠خ األخش ٜػٍٝ اٌّغز ٜٛاٌٛطٕ ٟأ ٚاإللٍ ّٟ١أ ٚاٌؼبٌّٟ اعزخذاَ ِؤششاد اٌزم ُ١١إٌّبعجخ ٚآٌ١بد ي رم ُ١١أصش اٌّؤعغخ األوبد١ّ٠خ ػٍ ٝأداء إٌظبَ اٌظح ٚ ٟاٌحبٌخ اٌظح١خ ٌٍغىبْ . اٌّغبّ٘خ ف ٟاٌغ١بعبد د ْٚاٌٛطٕ١خ ٚاٌٛطٕ١خ راد اٌظٍخ ٌذػُ اٌّؤعغبد األوبد١ّ٠خ اٌؼبٍِخ فِ ٟجبي اإلجشاءاد ٌزؤص١ش اجزّبػ ٟأوجش CHARLES BOELN رشبسٌض ث ٛ٘CHARLES BOELN ٓ١ٌٚٛطج١ت ثٍج١ىٌٚ ٟذ ف ٟوٕذا ِ ٛ٘ٚ ،زخظض فِ ٟجبي اٌظحخ اٌؼبِخ ، إداسح إٌظُ اٌظح١خ ٚاٌطج١خ ٚاٌزؼٍ ُ١اٌطجٌ ، ٟذ ٗ٠خجشح وج١شح ف ٟاٌظحخ اٌذ١ٌٚخ ٚ ،ػًّ ِٛظفب ػضٛا فٟ ِٕظّخ اٌظحخ اٌؼبٌّ١خ ٌّذح 13ػبِب ٚ .ف ٟػٍّٗ ٠شوض ػٍ ٝاٌششاوخ ف ٟاٌظحخ ،اٌّغبءٌخ االجزّبػ١خ ٌٍّؤعغبد اٌطج١خ ٚاٌظح١خ ٚرط٠ٛش اٌّ ٓٙاٌظح١خ ٚاٌشعُ أدٔبٖ ٛ٠ضح خّبع ٟػاللبد ثٕبء اٌششاوبد . 11 Boelen C, Towards unity for health, WHO, 2000 ع١زُ ِٕح اٌّزٍم ٟوشح اٌىش٠غزبي اٌز ٟرشِض ٌٍّغبءٌخ االجزّبػ١خ ٚشٙبدح 7333 ٚدٚالس ٚرظً إٌ0،333 ٝ دٚالس ثذي ٌحضٛس اٌّؤرّش اٌىٕذٌٍ ٞزؼٍ ُ١اٌطج ٚ ٟعزؼشع اٌجبئضح ٚرمذَ سعّ١ب ٌٍفبئض .ٓ٠وّب ع١زُ رٛف١ش رغجِ ً١جبٌٍّٔ ٟؤرّش ثىٕذا . شجىخ اٌزذس٠ت ِٓ اجً اٌؼذاٌخ اٌظح١خ THE net Training for Health Equity Professor André-Jacques Neusy ِؤعظ شجىخ اٌزذس٠ت ِٓ اجً اٌؼذاٌخ اٌظح١خ THEnet Training for Health Equity 12 ِٕزػبَ 0336ا٘زّذ ػذح ِؤعغبد رؼٍ١ّ١خ طج١خ رؼًّ ف ٟإٌّبطك ٚاٌّجزّؼبد اٌز ٌُ ٟرجذ ٔظ١جب ٚافشا ِٓ رمذ ُ٠اٌخذِبد اٌظح١خ ٚرٌه ف ٟػذح دٚي افش٠م١ب -اع١ب -اسٚثب -اِ١شوب ٚاعزشاٌ١ب ا٘زّذ ثبٌّغبءٌخ االجزّبػ١خ دػّزٙب اٌجّؼ١بد االطٍٕط١خ اٌخ١ش٠خ ٌزؤع١ظ شجىخ اٌزذس٠ت ِٓ اجً اٌؼذاٌخ اٌظح١خ ٚاٌّؤعغٓ١ ٌٙب8 وٍ١خ اٌطت ار ٕٛ١صأجٛأمب ف ٟاٌفٍجٓ١ -7 وٍ١خ اٌؼٍ َٛاٌظح١خ ٌٚزشع١غ ٛ١ٍ١جٕٛة افش٠م١ب -0 وٍ١خ اٌطت جبِؼخ فٍٕ١ذسص اعزشاٌ١ب -1 وٍ١خ اٌطت جبِؼخ جّ١ظ وٛن اعزشاٌ١ب -2 وٍ١خ اٌطت اِ١ش٠ىب اٌالر١ٕ١خ وٛثب -3 وٍ١خ اٌؼٍ َٛاٌظح١خ ثجبِؼخ اٌفٍج ٓ١ثّبٔ١ال -4 اٌزذس٠ت اٌشبًِ الطجبء اٌّجزّغ فٕض٠ٚال -5 وٍ١خ طت شّبي أٚزبس ٛ٠وٕذا. -6 أضّذ وٍ١خ اٌطت جبِؼخ اٌجض٠شح ٌٙزٖ اٌشجىخ ف0377 ٟ -7 -73وّب أضّذ وٍ١خ اٌطت جبِؼخ اٌّىغ١ه اٌجذ٠ذ اِش٠ىب -77ا٠ضب أضّذ اوبد١ّ٠خ ثبربْ ٌٍؼٍ َٛاٌظح١خ ٔ١جبي ٌٙزٖ اٌشجىخ ٌمذ فبصد شجىخ اٌزذس٠ت ِٓ اجً اٌؼذاٌخ ف ٟاٌظحخ )Training for Health Equity network (THEnet ثٙزٖ اٌجبئضح ٚوٍ١خ اٌطت جبِؼخ اٌجض٠شح ضّٓ اي 77وٍ١خ طت االػضبء ٌٙزٖ اٌشجىخ ٚاٌز٠ ٟشأعٙب A.J Neusyاٌز٠ ٞششفٕب وّزحذس ف٘ ٟزا اٌّجبي ل ٟاٌّؤرّش األٚي ٌطت االعشح ٚاٌّجزّغ ٚع١زُ االحزفبي ثٙزٖ اٌجبئضح اصٕبء فؼبٌ١بد اٌّؤرّش ثىٍ١خ اٌطت جبِؼخ اٌجض٠شح. THE FIRST FAMILY &COMMUNITY MEDICINE CONFERENCE: The family and community medicine - Faculty of Medicine- University of Gezira & Ministry of Health – Gezira state Scientific Committee 1. Dr. salwa Elsanousi Hussein 2. Prof. Samira Hamid Abdelrahman 13 3. Dr. Mohammed Elmukhtar Mohamed 4. Dr. Imad Eldin Eljack 5. Dr. Osman Hamid 6. Prof. Magda Elhadi Ahmed Yousif 7. Dr. Abbas abdalrahman ahmed 8. Dr. Ibtisam Mohamed elshikh elbash 9. Dr. Elrayah Mohamed Ahmed 10. Dr. Abdel Nasir Yousif Abuzaid 11. Dr. Fakheldin Ali Yaseen 12. Dr. Eman Abdelmoniem Abbas 13. Dr. Abeer Abdelrahman Altilib – 26th -28th March 2015 Venue: Culture Palace,Wad Medani - Sudan Message from the President, Dean Faculty of Medicine –University of Gezira Dear Participant We are pleased and honored to inform you, that the first Conference of the family and community, University of Gezira, th th will be held in culture palace, Wad Medani - Sudan in the period 26 -28 March 2015. Prof. Haydar El Hadi Babikir, MD Dean Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira Conference Chairperson 14 CRRICULUM VITAE Dr Nassif S Mansour MBBS (1988), MRCP, MRCGP, DGM, DRCOG, DFFP English and Arabic spoken Particular interests in neurology & headaches, diabetes, mobility disorders, rehabilitation & care of the elderly. community based neurological services and better falls prevention strategies and rehabilitation for patients with mobility disorders. Nassif is a trainer in General practice and responsible for the teaching of medical students from St George's and St Bartholomew's medical schools at the surgery. Nassif also works with the International Department of the Royal College of General Practitioners and the Academy of the Medical Royal Colleges to develop Family Medicine in developing countries like Sudan. Nassif joined Central surgery nearly 15 years ago. Nassif has assumed the role as Central Surgery's resident Neurologist and Diabetologist and is responsible for the local Headache Service for the Kingston and Wandsworth Primary Care Trusts. He is also the lead clinician for the local community hospital which is a 50 bedded rehabilitation unit. He is also working with the local Primary Care Trusts to develop CRRICULUM VITAE Professor André-Jacques Neusy Health Equity Network (THEnet). He was a past president of the Global Health Education Consortium (GHEC), a consortium of more than 80 North André-Jacques Neusy, MD, DTM&H,is Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Training for 15 American Universities that have global health programs. Medical Center, joined its faculty in 1974 and became the director of the nephrology section at NYU-Bellevue Hospital Center in 1984. Dr. Neusy is a retired Professor of Medicine at New York University School of Medicine where he founded and directed the Center for Global Health until 2007. He serves on scientific and health committees of various organizations including the International Society for Urban Health, Capacity-Plus, the Global Forum on Health Professional Education for the 21st Century at the Institute of Medicine, National Academies of Sciences and the WHO Technical Working Group on Health Workforce Assessment Tools. He is a visiting professor in several universities around the world. Dr. Neusy earned his medical degree at the Free Univ. of Brussels and a Doctorate in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene at the Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp-Belgium. He completed his postdoctoral medical training at New York University RRICULUM VITAE ZOHAIR A. SEBAI 4. Professor & Head of the Department, Department of Community Medicine, KSU, Riyadh. 1980 5. Founding Dean and Professor of Community Medicine, Abha Faculty of Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Abha. 1980 6. Dean of Post Graduate Medical Education, Medical Services Department, Ministry of Defense & Aviation. 1984 7. President, Health Development International, Riyadh. 1986 8. Chairman & Professor, Department of FAMCO, KFU, Dammam. 1986 9. President, The Arab Board of Family & Community Medicine. 1994 10. President, Saudi Society of Family & Community Medicine. 1994 11. President, Arab Development Institute. Founder of College of Medicine – Taif Member, Shoura Council (Consultative Council), Saudi Arabia ( 1994-2005) Editor in Chief, Journal of Family and Community Medicine ( 1993-1995) Member, Arab Gulf University Board of Trustees, Bahrain ( 2000-2004) President, Saudi Health Promotion Soc.2006 PRESENT POSITIONS: PERSONAL: Zohair Ahmed Sebai Sebai Institute, ـPOBox 54480 Jeddah 21514 Tel.+ 966 02 6945712 / Fax. +966 02 6995667 Mobile: +966505410026 Email. < QUALIFICATIONS: M.B.B.CH., D.T.M., M.P.H., DR. PH., MRCGP HONORARY DEGREES / AWARDS: 1. FFPHM, Fellow, Faculty of Public Health medicine, UK, June 1999 2. MJHUSS, Member, Johns Hopkins University Society of Scholars, USA, May 2000 PREVIOUS POSITIONS: 1. Director, Planning, Budgeting and Programming Department, MOH, Riyadh. 1969 2. Private Practice (part-time), Riyadh. 1970 3. Asst. Professor of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, KSU, Riyadh. 1973 16 1. Preparation and Presentation of Weekly TV Program “Medicine and Life”, 1970 – 1990 2. Daily Radio Program “The Radio Physician”, 1972 – 1975 3. Daily Column in Jazira Newspaper, “Towards Better Health”, March to December 1976 4. Writing & supervising five 16-mm videotapes on “Health Education”, av. length of 18 M 5. Weekly Column in Madina Newspaper “In My Corner” 1996 – present 1996 -President, Sebai Institute for Development FOUNDER, DAY SURGERY HOS., JEDDAH 2010 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: 1. International Health Society (Member, Board of Governors). 2. American Public Health Association 3. Canadian Public Health Association 4. International Epidemiology Association 5. WHO & UNICEF Short Term Consultant 6. International Society for Quality Assurance in Health Care PUBLICATIONS: 52 papers BOOKS: 22 MASS MEDIA: CRRICULUM VITAE Dr Mohammed dTarawneh Dr Tarawneh has 25 years’ experience in PHC field in Royal Medical Services (RMS); He was tutor, master trainer and examiner. Furthermore coordinator of the family medicine residency program in the RMS. In addition, He was the co- founder for the First Military Family Medicine Center in Eastern Amman. currently He is a family medicine consultant in the private sector and WONCA EMR president from 2013- 2016 to collaborating with Prof Edward Shahedy, from University of Florida, in the diabetes master clinician program in Florida state / USA He has deep experience in management as he worked a director for the south region military hospital, chief of the department of family and emergency medicine, and the director of a 200 bed hospital, for four years, his wealthy experience in NCDs management at PHC sittings mostly in diabetes and hypertension in addition He was a member in the scientific committee of the Jordan Medical Council (JMC,) Also He was a member of the scientific committee in the faculty of medicine of M’uta' University for 2 years where he worked as tutor and examiner for the medical students He has a vast experience in leading humanitarian emergency medical teams / field hospitals in areas stricken by manmade and natural disasters; with United Nation Peace Keeping Forces 17 CRRICULUM VITAE Haydar El Hadi Babikir MD ` Prof. Haydar El Hadi Babikir MD, is a professor of Paediatric and Child Health/Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, Sudan Prof. Babikir was born in the Gezira State, Central Sudan, married and a father of 3 girls and one son A graduate of Faculty of Medicine University of Khartoum in 1980 Completed his graduate studies and specialized in Paediatric and Child Health in 1990 in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum Worked as specialist in general pediatrics at Port Sudan Teaching Hospital till 1994 He joined the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira in 1994 Had been promoted to associate professor of Child Health in 2006, being the head department of Medical Postgraduate studies in the Faculty of Medicine , University of Gezira Prof. Babikir was promoted to professor of Paediatrics and Child Health in 2011 currently he is the dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira He was trained in paediatric neurology at Ege University, Izmir, Turkey and at the General Hospital and Victoria Royal infirmary in N' Castle Upon Tyne and Children Royal Hospital in Manchester, and Hope Hospital Salford Manchester U.K. He was attended many comprehensive courses on Epilepsy and EEG at the Army Force Hospital, Riyadh , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and at All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi, India and the PET1, and PET2 (BPNA). He also attended and participated in a number of conferences on clinical neurology UCL, Manchester, U.K., in Riyadh, KSA, and Ankara, Turkey As an active member of the International Child Neurology Association and African Child Neurology Association he participated by scientific works in all their joint annual workshops and conferences. He is an active member of British Paediatric Neurology Association (BPNA) and the European Paediatric Neurology Association. He was awarded the certificate of the American Academy of Continuous Medical Education on Epilepsy. Prof. Babikir was trained at the Institute for Children with Special Needs in Kitakyausa, Japan and he is a cofounder and currently the president of Wad Medani Charity Society and School for Children with special needs. He wrote and published many original and review articles on Paediatric neurology. He is an author of the Childhood Epilepsies and epileptic syndromes textbook Address for correspondence P.O. Box 20, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan Office: [+249) 511 8 54279 (Fax): [+249) 511 8 43415 (Mobile) (+249 9 20720000) Web: E. mail: 18 hayderhad@ CRRICULUM VITAE Salwa Elsanaousi Hussein Date of birth: 24\1\1956 2009- 2010 Deputy director of EDC, FMUG Marital status; Married – have four children 2013 Master of health profession Education Religion ; Islam Language : Arabic / English Title Associate Professor Department of Community Medicine. U. G Qualifications: Nov 1981: MBBS Cairo University. Current job Head of Department &Community,. Medicine. U. G 1989: D.T.C.H Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Member of THEnet Research group “The Training for Health Equity Network 2011” 1998: DHE, Diploma in Health Educaion, Gezira Univeristy. of Family Member of Wad Medani Association for Rehabilitation of mild to moderate Mentally handicapped WARM 1999: DPH. Diploma in Public Health, Gezira University Member of the committee of Gezira Motherhood and childhood intiative 2001: SMSB Fellowship in Community Medicine - Sudan National Medical Specialization Board. Member of SMSB Cmmunity medcine council 19 A. PERSONAL DATA: 1. Name : Professor: Ahmed Bayoumi Elsayeh Bayoumi 2. Birth :Khartoum North, December 15 1940 3. Citizenship : Sudanese 4. Civil State : Married with four children 5. Languages : Arabic (Excellent) : English (Excellent) B. ADDRESS: 1. Phones : : (+249) 912387707; (+249) 900999001 , : (+249)183 266 357 3. E-mail ; C. QUALIFICATIONS: 1. MB, BS : Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, University of Khartoum, Sudan, 1966 2. DPH : Diploma in Public Health (Best award),University of Dundee, Scotland, UK, 1970. 3. MD : Doctor of Medicine,University of Khartoum, Sudan, 1974. 4. MFPHM : Member of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal Colleges of Physicians UK, 1982. (Through Distinction); (First Sudanese Member; Sole member for a long time). 5. FACTM : Fellow of the American College of Tropical Medicine, American Board of Tropical Medicine, 1982. 6. FFPHM : Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal Royal Colleges of Physicians UK, 1988. (Through Distinction); (First Sudanese Fellow; Sole fellow for a long time). 21 CRRICULUM VITAE Abeer AbdEL-Rahman Elnour Eltilib Name: Abeer Abdulrahman Elnour Eltileeb Marital Status: married with two children Birth Date: 1/1/1980 Enrolled in Family Medicine M Sc. Program, University of Gezira, 2011 Original Residence: Helalyea, Gezira state Awarded M Sc. in Family Medicine, University of Gezira, 15/9/2013 Job Title: lecturer, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira Attended all voluntary and required workshops in Family Medicine M Sc. Programs including for example: Permanent Address: Wad Medani, Medani-yeen, block no. 11 1/ Monitoring Leadership Skills in 16th June, 2012 E-mail: 2/ National Cancer Institute from 26-28th February 2012 Mobile phone: +2499123826947 3/ Training of Family Doctors in Mental Health in Collaboration with Royal College of Psychiatrists, 22-26th May 2011 Religion: Muslim Tribe: Rofa’ayeen 4/ Training Course on Scientific Research after being appointed as a teaching staff in The University of Gezira on 8th of May 2015 Basic Education: Al-Hilalyea Basic School for Girls Ryiadh Private School for Girls Secondary Education: Ali al-teelib Private School for Girls, Khartoum Work Experience: working in primary health care centers for six years, Medani UniversityEducation: Faculty of Medicine, University of Kordofan, 2005. Voluntary work and hobbies: I participate in any voluntary work to serve people and to disseminate heath awareness in the community Houseman-ship: 2006-2007, Khartoum National Service: 2008- Khartoum I like further reading in the biography of the prophet Mohamed (pbuh) Passed the Medical Practice Exam, 2008 Reading English literature and novels Residence: Medani 21 22
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