-1- Welcome to . St Michael’s Church Galleywood www.stmichaelsgalleywood.org.uk www.stmichaelsgalleywood.org.uk MARCH 15TH 2015 TH Sunday in Lent 8am Holy Communion 1662 Prayer Book 4 MOTHERING SUNDAY 10am Preparation for the Word: Andy leads 10.40 The Word: Andy preaches Sonlight & Mega 11.15 Responding to the Word: Word: 11.30 Coffee and Prayer Ministry. 5.30pm TALES OF OF THE UNEXPECTED UNEXPECTED V Beryl Moss leads; Andy preaches PARISH PRAYERS Tues March 17th : 9.15am @ church Thurs March 19th: 9.15am @ the Vicarage OUR MISSION STATEMENT God calls us to Show the love of Jesus Share his Word with everyone, and Grow together as his family. FOR: Gill Stacy, Veryan Wilson, PLEASE PRAY FOR Geoff Fox, Sylvia Booty, Norma Flack, John Fowler, Anita Frost, Pam Plume, John and Eileen Fowler and Bishop John. COLLECT FOR THE DAY: 4th SUNDAY IN LENT: GRANT, we beseech you, Almighty God, that we, who for our evil deeds do worthily deserve to be punished, by the comfort of your grace may mercifully be relieved; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. VISITING SCHOOLS: There is an opportunity to be part of a team called "Open the Book" - a drama team going into local schools to do assemblies. Full training will be offered - talk to Andy if you're interested! MARCH 22nd . 5thd Sunday in Lent 8am Holy Communion 1662 Prayer Book A MESSAGE FROM SUE KITSON NEW COVENANT 10am Preparation for the Word: Cesca Watkinson leads leads 10.40 The Word: Chris Selden preaches Sonlight & Mega 11.15 Responding to the Word: Word: 11.30 Coffee and Prayer Ministry. " The Safeguarding team at the Diocese would like all church members to have a copy of the latest pocket guide. This briefly explains their safeguarding policy with some guidelines and useful contact numbers. There is a box at the back of church, please take a copy home. 5.00pm Come for tea, coffee & cakes then stay stay for SONGS OF PRAISE led by Stephanie Gillingham and Andy PARISH PRAYERS: Tues 24h: 9.15am @ church Thurs 26th: 9.15 @ the Vicarage THIS SUNDAY IS MOTHERING SUNDAY So why not invite any mother you know to our special Mothering Sunday service. It might be an ideal way to introduce someone to St Michael’s Church. EASTER LILIES. LILIES If anyone would like to make a donation for the Easter Lilies in memory of a loved one please put it in the flower box at Church with the name of the loved one. THANK YOU. The flower team. -2- THIS SUNDAY IS MOTHERING MOTHERING SUNDAY Mothering Sunday is a Christian holiday celebrated throughout Europe that falls on the 4th Sunday in Lent. Secularly, it became an occasion for honouring the mothers of children and giving them presents. Nowadays, it is increasingly called Mother's Day, although that has always been a secular event quite different from the original Mothering Sunday. In the UK, Mothering Sunday is celebrated in the same way as Mother's Day is celebrated elsewhere. During the sixteenth century, people returned to their mother church, the main church or cathedral of the area, for a service to be held on Laetare Sunday. This was either a large local church, or more often the nearest Cathedral Anyone who did this was commonly said to have gone "a-mothering", although whether this term preceded the observance of Mothering Sunday is unclear. In later times, Mothering Sunday became a day when domestic servants were given a day off to visit their mother church, usually with their own mothers and other family members. It was often the only time that whole families could gather together, since on other days they were prevented by conflicting working hours, and servants were not given free days on other occasions Children and young people who were "in service" (as household servants) were given a day off on that date so they could visit their families (or, originally, return to their "mother" church). The children would pick wild flowers along the way to place in the church or give to their mothers. Eventually, the religious tradition evolved into the Mothering Sunday secular tradition of giving gifts to mothers.[1] By the 1920s the custom of keeping Mothering Sunday had tended to lapse Its widescale revival was through the influence of American and Canadian soldiers serving abroad during World War II; the traditions of Mothering Sunday, still practised by the Church of England were merged with the newly imported traditions and celebrated in the wider Catholic and secular society. UK-based merchants saw the commercial opportunity in the holiday and relentlessly promoted it in the UK; by the 1950s, it was celebrated across all the UK. People from the UK started celebrating Mother's Day on the same day that Mothering Sunday was celebrated, the fourth Sunday in Lent The two celebrations have now been mixed up, and many people think that they are the same thing. ***TWO WEEKS TIME***TWO WEEKS TIME*** Our next MESSY CHURCH is on SATURDAY 28TH FEBRUARY at 4pm in CHURCH. CHURCH. Everryone is invited to our next Messy Church. Why not come along for a wonderful time at Messy Church? Messy Church is an activity based service for all ages, so there will be many craft based activities, games and stories. It is a wonderful way to spend a late afternoon, so why not give it a try? You will be glad you did WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP COMING HOME!! On April 1st we are meeting in St Michael's for the first time since last July and to celebrate we will be entertained by our friends from the Stock Harvard WI choir. choir. On May 6th we will have more music, this time from the Home League Singers from the Salvation Army another favourite with our members!! There will be a Bring and Buy table at both meetings We look forward to seeing you all back with us!! Meetings begin at 2.15 pm Janette Gibson DATES FOR YOUR DIARY FRIDAY MAY 8 VISITATION - the swearing-in of churchwardens at St Michael's Church 7.30pm SUNDAY MAY 10 AT 10AM AND SUNDAY MAY 14 AT7.30PM ON TWO CELEBRATIONS OF THE MAYORAL MAYORAL YEAR, - a chance to look back on Chelmsford's year with the outgoing mayor and mayoress, Cllr Bob Villa and Mrs Val Villa -3- THE CHURCH BUILDING WORK IS ALMOST COMPLETED….IT IS DUE TO BE FINISHED VERY SOON The Building Project is was scheduled to finish on Friday 13th March when all the hoardings will be removed and we will get our Church back. We will now have four usable rooms, previously only two. What was the old choir room, in the West Tower, is now larger and more flexible in its usage with new lighting and heating. A new balcony has been added to the bell ringing chamber and this will in future hold the organ pipes. Below the balcony will be wider screens with strip-lighting enhancing the carvings. In the north transept, where the organ was, we now have a downstairs meeting room which houses a new toilet, suitable for disabled use and incorporates baby changing facilities. A new staircase leads to a further meeting room on the floor above. All the new areas have been fitted with LED lights, giving extra light and lower costs. The whole of this project has been completed within budget although it has been necessary to make some changes to incorporate economies. a very generous donation we have received this has allowed us to accept a favourable quote for new lighting for the whole of the Church, with another generous gesture for the installation to be completed free of charge. The lights will be installed shortly and will increase the current the lights in the Church by about 50% whilst considerably reducing the power requirements and of course, resulting in substantial savings in our annual costs. Water Supply A new water main was installed serving the kitchen, new toilet and water taps in the churchyard. This was badly needed as the existing pipe which was exceedingly corroded and am pleased to say this is working well. Derek Martin Our grateful thanks go to Derek for leading this work to such a ssuccessful uccessful conclusion. EASTER AT ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH HOLY WEEK The Organ This was dismantled and taken away for refurbishment, together with the console. I visited the workshops last week to check on the progress and was very impressed with what has happened to date. The organ will be returned in stages over the next two months and rebuilt in the Church. Unfortunately the organ had previously suffered damage which had distorted some of the sounds with some notes not playing at all. This will require additional work and cost in order to restore the organ to its former glory and I hope that we will be able to find the additional monies for this to be done. The alternative will be to put back the offending parts. Electrics The electrics in the Church have, as you may be aware, required attention as the current supply was inadequate for our requirements. Thanks to MARCH 29th PALM SUNDAY 10.00am Morning Worship 6.30pm Joint Service at Moulsham Methodist ChurchAPRIL 2nd MAUNDY THURSDAY: TENEBRAE - a meditative service for Maundy Thursday, St Michael’s Church 7.45pm APRIL 3rd - GOOD FRIDAY: FRIDAY meet at Church of the Holy Spirit, Forest Drive, Widford to walk into Chelmsford united service on the High Street at 11am APRIL 5th EASTER SUNDAY 8am Holy Communion 10.30am Family service: Communion for all ages 5.30pm Evening WorshipJourney into Life -4- OMF DAY EVENT CHELMSFORD 28 March 印度支那 Indo-china Where’s that then? 印度支那 Indo-china An event exploring how we can reach people for Christ in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Hear from speakers with ministry experience in: • Vietnam • Laos • Cambodia Aids Care Joining us for the day will be a representative from Aids Care. AIDS Care is an OMF project, which uses a holistic approach to address the needs of HIVaffected children and their families in Thailand helping them to break the vicious cycle of HIV/AIDS. Visit their website for more information: aids-care.net/ Where and When Saturday 28 March 10am - 4pm Life Church, Hall Street, Chelmsford, CM2 OHG For More Information Contact Tim Jenkins: tim.jenkins@omfmail.com 07557 237 039 OMF is a charity St Michael’s support financially and in prayer. I am pleased to introduce to to you an exciting new initiative. Chelmsford 2424-7 has a Vision, to bring together local Christians and through prayer over our City and District, for God to bring blessing, transformation and renewal to all who live, work or visit here. Aligned with the inter-denominational organisation, 24-7 Prayer International, (www.24 www.24www.24-7prayer.com), 7prayer.com Chelmsford 24-7 Prayer aims to be a catalyst for unity between the 100 or so Christian churches and congregations that make up “The Church”, within the area covered by Chelmsford City Council. In time, we also aim to open a premises for prayer in the City centre, where during the week, all will be welcome to visit and meet with God. To launch Chelmsford 2424-7, we would would very much like to invite you and your church to join us, between 22 –28 March 2015, in a week of continual prayer over our City and surrounding communities. Our website, chelmsford24chelmsford24-7.org, 7.org, contains full full details. You can also view and print an Information Pack, including a poster & flyers, by following this link. link. Churches and individuals will book 1 or more 1 hour prayer slots using an Online Prayer Calendar, Calendar then deciding themselves where and how they will pray. We hope the entire 168 available hours that week will all be covered by people praying. Since it’s inception late in 2014, Chelmsford 24-7 has been attracting support across denominations. There is growing enthusiasm and interest from within Churches Together in Chelmsford (CTiC) and also Chelmsford and District Evangelical Fellowship (CADEF). Already, we have also received specific expressions of enthusiasm for the Week of Prayer from Bishop John Wraw and also the Mayor of Chelmsford. David Gilbey Chelmsford Chelmsford 2424-7 Prayer *****STARTING NEXT SUNDAY**** SUNDAY**** enquiries@chelmsford24enquiries@chelmsford24-7.org 07790 669414 01245 257471 Please visit our website: chelmsford24chelmsford24-7.org – we are also on Twitter and Facebook. Facebook Please spread the word! Introducing Chelmsford 2424-7 Prayer and a Week of Prayer 22 - 28 March 2015 2015 ANDY GRIFFITHS IS AVAILABLE ON 01245 353922 353922 and aggalleywood@yahoo.co.uk GEMMA FRASER'S CONTACT DETAILS: DETAILS Email - swchelmsfordcurate@gmail.com 01245 633112 Mobile – 07540 152561 -5-
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