11:00 am celebration worship service

St. John’s Metropolitan Community Church
622 Maywood Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Phone: (919) 834-2611 Fax: (919) 834-2036
Web Site: http://www.StJohnsMCC.org
Church Office’s E-Mail: ChurchAdmin@StJohnsMCC.org
Senior Pastor’s E-Mail: Pastor@StJohnsMCC.org
Pastor Carlton’s E-Mail: RevCarlton@StJohnsMCC.org
Pastor Amy’s E-Mail: RevAmy@StJohnsMCC.org
Church Office Hours:
Monday: 3:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday: 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
Thursday: 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
Meetings with the Pastor(s) can be scheduled
by contacting the Church Office.
St. John’s MCC is an Affiliate Church of the Universal
Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC), an
international Christian denomination called and committed to
living out the message of God’s inclusive love for all of humanity through Christian Salvation, Christian Community and
Christian Social Action. Locally, we, at St. John’s MCC, affirm
our commitment to embrace and embody the UFMCC’s call
Proclaiming Christ by Celebrating . . .
. . . the joys of a Christian life and the experiences of diversity in
Building Community by Serving . . .
. . . God’s church and community, where everyone is equally
valued and loved by God and has the ability and
responsibility to serve, and;
Transforming Lives by Growing . . .
. . . in God’s grace, equipping people for spiritual living,
enhancing interpersonal relationships and developing a
thriving diverse community of faith.
MARCH 15, 2015
11:00 AM
The Rev. Brendan Y. Boone
Senior Pastor
The Rev. Carlton D.M. Rutherford
Pastor for Congregational Care
The Rev. Amy Lambert-Burns
Pastor for Congregational Empowerment
St. John’s Metropolitan Community Church
A Spotlight on Upcoming Events, Activities, and Special
This Week at St. John’s MCC
Sunday, March 15th
Tuesday, March 17th
Wednesday, March 18th
Thursday, March 19th
Friday, March 20th
Saturday, March 21st
Sunday, March 22nd
Women’s Day Celebration
Jubilation Service
9:00 am
Tool Time At Ten
10:00 am
Celebration Service
11:00 am
Gay Men’s AA
5:30 pm
Tuesday Night Bible Study
6:30 pm
The Light Group – AA Meeting
8:00 pm
Seeking Similarities—NA Meeting
8:00 pm
Cinema Corner
6:30 pm
The Light Group — AA Meeting
8:00 pm
The Light Group – AA Meeting
8:00 pm
Couple’s Ministry Kickoff
6:30 pm
The Light Group — AA Meeting
8:00 pm
Jubilation Service
9:00 am
Tool Time At Ten
10:00 am
Celebration Service
11:00 am
Leadership Team Meeting
After 11 am
Lunch Boxes of Love
3:30 pm
Gay Men’s AA
5:30 pm
Mark Your Calendars Today for These Upcoming Events
March 29, 2015
April 4, 2015
April 5, 2015
Sunday, April 12, 2015
July 4-8, 2016
Friends and Family Sunday
10 am Service
Easter Egg Hunt for the Kids
3:00 pm
Easter Sunday
Rock and Roll Marathon — Downtown Raleigh
(Check for Road Closures)
UFMCC General Conference XXVI
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Follow us
on Facebook and
on Twitter @stjohnsmcc
St. John’s Metropolitan Community Church
Church Leadership and Ministry Team
Senior Pastor:
The Rev. Brendan Y. Boone
Pastor for Congregational Care:
The Rev. Carlton Rutherford
Pastor for Congregational Empowerment:
The Rev. Amy Lambert-Burns
Church Administrator:
David Ray
Praise and Worship Music Coordinator:
Robby Blanks
Outreach Director:
If you are interested in helping to invite
seekers and encourage new disciples,
please see:
David Ray
Worship Director:
If you are interested in any aspect of our
worship services, including music, sound
and AV, please see:
Cande Candelario
Fellowship Director:
If you are interested in starting or
joining one of our bible studies, topical
studies or social groups, please see:
Dela Adams
Discipleship Director:
If you are interested in going deeper in
your relationship with God, embody the
teachings of Christ and modeling the Christ
way of life, please see:
Cindy Norton
Service Director:
If you are interested in Social Justice
ministries and helping those less fortunate,
please see:
Fred Cannady
Stewardship Ministry:
If you are interested in the blessings of
biblical stewardship, please see:
Al Williams
If you have a prayer request or special
concern and need someone to listen, please
see one of the Deacons:
Laura Gilleran
Vance Haywood
Joshua Richardson (Deacon Candidate)
Ministry of Public Relations:
Mike Gauss
The Board of Directors:
Rev. Brendan Y. Boone, Moderator
LeJune Perrin, Vice-Moderator
Marty Smith, Clerk
Fred Cannady, Assistant Clerk
Mark Godette, Treasurer
Renee McCowan, Assistant Treasurer
Bob Young, Liaison to All Ministry Areas
Members of the Congregation
Convenient Information to Keep In Mind
Rest Rooms:
For those who have been alienated, shunned and rejected
because they dare to live openly, honestly and authentically,
there is a place at God’s table for you here;
Two rest rooms are located across from Sacristy Room, just before the
right rear entrance into the Sanctuary. An additional Unisex rest room is
located in the Kids Space/Music Room just before the left rear entrance
into the Sanctuary on the Main Level of the Ministry Center During
times of worship, In consideration of others, as well as to
minimize distractions during worship, we request that you return to the
sanctuary using the same direction. Thank you for your cooperation.
Parking for First Time Guests:
Our First Time Guests are cordially invited to park in the spaces specifically provided for them at the Maywood Avenue entrance to, as well as
any other available spaces on our Ministry Center property.
Additional parking is also available on both sides of Maywood Avenue.
We also request that you do not block the entrances to the adjacent
business located on either side of the Ministry Center or our neighbor’s
access to it.
Parking for Members, Regular Attenders,
Choir Members, Leaders and Staff:
St. John’s MCC is committed to ensuring that our First Time Guests are
treated with the utmost care and attention from the moment they arrive
at our Ministry Center. We respectfully request that our members,
regular attenders, choir members, leaders and staff, assist us in this vital
ministry of welcome by leaving the parking spaces in our on-site parking
lot for them during our worship services.
Always Play It Safe:
While at our Ministry Facility, we strongly encourage you to make sure
that you put away and secure any valuables that you may have in your
vehicle and lock your vehicle before leaving it.
Sacred Space Considerations:
The sanctuary of the Ministry Center is deemed sacred space at all times.
We therefore ask that you do not bring food and/or drinks into the
Smoking Area:
The smoking area is located at the end of the sidewalk on the left side of
the Ministry Center. Please use the ashtray provided. Smoking in the
building or near the door entrances is strictly prohibited. Thank you!
For those who are struggling with the burdens of life that
have left them feeling battered, bruised and bitter,
there is a place of hope, healing and encouragement at
God’s table for you here;
For those who are in desperate need of spiritual healing,
strength and empowerment,
there is a place at God’s table for you here;
For those who desire to be part of a ministry where
somebody is telling anybody about
The One who loves everybody,
there is a place at God’s table for you here;
For those who desire to be part of a ministry where
somebody is telling anybody about
The One who loves everybody,
there is a place at God’s table for you here;
For those who desire to be part of a community of doers and
not just a church of believers,
there is a place at God’s table for you here;
For those who have been denied full access to the message
of the Good News of Jesus Christ and God’s love,
there is a place at God’s table for you here;
Welcome Home, Beloved. . . God Has Been Waiting
For You!
“Proclaiming Christ . . . Building Community . . .
Transforming Lives . . .”
11:00 AM
Message Notes:
Date: ___________________
Text: ____________________
Message: ________________
Preacher: _________________
Preparation In Praise:
Opening Prayer:
Madlyn Smith-Driver
The Welcome and Announcements:
Caroline Bryant
**Our Celebration Through Praise**
Call To Prayer:
Shirley Evans
“God Chose Me”
Prayers of the People:
Deacon Laura Gilleran
Ministry Through Movement:
Nation Tyre
Listening To the Word:
Erin Dale
Deuteronomy 30
The Word Proclaimed:
Leah Sampson
“Reclaim, Revive, Restore:
What Has To Die So He Can Live in You?”
The Act of Anointing — A Time of Reflection and Meditation:
You are invited, as the Spirit leads, to come forward to be anointed by one of the
Pastors and then return to your seat for a time of reflection and meditation. For
those wishing to commit or re-commit their lives to Jesus Christ or would like
prayer for healing, you are invited to see any Deacon or one of the Pastors after
Bringing Our Tithes and Offerings: Sandra Whittington-Boone
You are invited to let us know that you were here by registering your attendance on
the blue Welcome Card that you received with this bulletin.
Did You Know?
“Check” It Out . . . Giving Made Easy!
Use your bank’s “bill pay” option to automatically send your
tithes and/or offerings to St. John’s Metropolitan Community
Church. The process is simple: a check will be mailed directly
from your bank to St. John’s on the schedule you choose. This
can be a one-time or reoccurring (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly)
financial transaction.
“Passing of the Hat” Love Offering For (Rev.) Delores P. Berry
Food For The Soul:
Cindy Norton
The Holy Eucharist is open to all. Out of respect for those who are in
recovery, grape juice is served at all stations.
If you need Gluten-Free wafers, please let the Server know.
The Invitation to the Table:
The Consecration:
The Prayer of Consecration:
You can set up your automatic “bill pay” schedule using one of
the following options:
Visit your bank’s website, or.
Stop by your bank’s office and ask to set up an
automatic bill pay schedule and they will be more
than happy to set it up.
Please ensure that your checks are mailed to:
St. John’s Metropolitan Community Church
P.O. Box 12871
Raleigh, NC 27605-2871
The Mystery of Our Faith:
(In Unison)
Christ has died! Christ has risen! Christ is here!
Christ will come again!
The Sharing of Sacrament:
You are invited, as the ushers direct, to receive the gifts of bread and fruit of
the vine. We request that you observe the sacredness of this time, as others
receive the Eucharist, through silent prayer and meditation. If you would like
to receive the Eucharist without prayer, please proceed to the station at your
far left.
The Sending Forth:
Leah Sampson
**Our Song of Celebration:
“Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus”
(p. 7)
Please join us in the Friendship Hall after service for a time of
Fellowship and Hospitality
(**) Please Rise As You Are Able
Your gift helps make it possible for your church
to provide worship services, benevolence assistance
and ministry. Thank You.
Deacon on Duty: Vance Haywood
Words Of Promise
To Remember and Live By . . .
30 “1-5Here’s what will happen. While you’re out among the
nations where GOD has dispersed you and the blessings and
curses come in just the way I have set them before you, and you
and your children take them seriously and come back to GOD,
your God, and obey [God] with your whole heart and soul
according to everything that I command you today, GOD, your
God, will restore everything you lost; [God will] have
compassion on you; [God will] come back and pick up the pieces
from all the places where you were scattered. No matter how far
away you end up, GOD, your God, will get you out of there and
bring you back to the land your ancestors once possessed. It will
be yours again. [God] will give you a good life and make you
more numerous than your ancestors.
GOD, your God, will cut away the thick calluses on your heart
and your children’s hearts, freeing you to love GOD, your God,
with your whole heart and soul and live, really live. GOD, your
God, will put all these curses on your enemies who hated you
and were out to get you.
And you will make a new start, listening obediently to GOD,
keeping all [God’s] commandments that I’m commanding you
today. GOD, your God, will outdo [God’s Self] in making things
go well for you: you’ll have babies, get calves, grow crops, and
enjoy an all-around good life. Yes, GOD will start enjoying you
again, making things go well for you just as he enjoyed doing it
for your ancestors.
But only if you listen obediently to GOD, your God, and keep
the commandments and regulations written in this Book of
Revelation. Nothing halfhearted here; you must return to GOD,
your God, totally, heart and soul, holding nothing back.
This commandment that I’m commanding you today isn’t too
much for you, it’s not out of your reach. It’s not on a high
mountain—you don’t have to get mountaineers to climb the peak
and bring it down to your level and explain it before you can live
it. And it’s not across the ocean—you don’t have to send sailors
out to get it, bring it back, and then explain it before you can live
it. No. The word is right here and now—as near as the tongue in
your mouth, as near as the heart in your chest. Just do it!
Look at what I’ve done for you today: I’ve placed in front of
you Life and Good, Death and Evil. 16 And I command you
today: Love GOD, your God. Walk in [God’s] ways. Keep
[God’s] commandments, regulations, and rules so that you will
live, really live, live exuberantly, blessed by GOD, your God, in
the land you are about to enter and possess.17But I warn you: If
you have a change of heart, refuse to listen obediently, and
willfully go off to serve and worship other gods, you will most
certainly die. 18You won’t last long in the land that you are
crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.
I call Heaven and Earth to witness against you today: I place
before you Life and Death, Blessing and Curse. Choose life so
that you and your children will live. And love GOD, your God,
listening obediently to [God], firmly embracing [God]. Oh yes,
[God] is life itself, a long life settled on the soil that GOD, your
God, promised to give your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and
– Deuteronomy 30 (The Message)
Our Song Of Celebration
“Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus”
Can’t nobody, do me like Jesus.
Can’t nobody, do me like the Lord.
Can’t nobody, do me like Jesus. He’s my Friend!
Healed my body . . . and told me to run on . . . He’s my Friend!
Picked me up and . . . Turned me around . . . He’s my Friend! ©