B T L O C K m i n i IM P L A N T 3,7 mm 2,5 mm 1 mm 11,5 mm 13,0 mm 16,0 mm B T L O C K m i n i IM P L A N T B T L O C K m i n i catalo g BTLock Mini Implant line is the solution for immediate and long-term stabilization of a removable prosthesis. The system is characterized by a wide range of options: • Diameter • Length • Prosthetic parts BTLock Mini Implants are available in 3 diameters (2 – 2,5 – 3 mm) and 3 lengths (11,5 - 13 - 16 mm). The implant length includes the machine-cut collar (1,5 mm) and BT-Tite threaded part (mix of sandblasting and acid-etching). O-ball width 2,2 mm. Table 1: OSTEOTOMY and CORRESPONDING DRILLS DEPTH OF THE OSTEOTOMY Implant 2 mm Implant 2,5 mm Implant 3 mm DEPTH DRILL 1,3 DRILL 1,8 DRILL 2,2 D1 (hard) implant length Ø 1,3 Ø 1,8 Ø 2,2 D2 (medium hard) 2/3 implant length Ø 1,3 Ø 1,8 Ø 2,2 D3 (medium soft) 1/3 implant length Ø 1,3 Ø 1,8 Ø 2,2 D4 (soft) 2-3 mm Ø 1,3 Ø 1,8 Ø 2,2 The Mini Single is a self-threading implant made of the same titanium alloy as the abutment. It is characterized by a BT-Tite Surface (mix of sandblasting and acid-etching). After the surgical stage, BTLock suggests different prosthetic options according to the thickness of the prosthetic components and vertical chewing dimension. PLASTIC AND METAL CAPs with o-ring Ø 1,3 mm for 2, 2.5, 3 mm implants BTLOCK mini single B T L O C K m i n i catalo g Nylon caps and housings BONE TYPE One transgingival height (1 mm) and 5 prosthetic solutions are available: • Straight and angled abutments • Plastic housing with o-ring • Metal housing with o-ring • Nylon caps and metal housing • Retaining cap P r o s t h e t i c P r otocol The options are the followings: - Straight and Angled abutments; - Nylon caps and housings (ideal for multiple levels of retention and angle correction) available on request; - Plastic cap with O-ring (BTICO1), specified for cases requiring minor adjustments; - Metal cap with O-ring (BTICO and BTIGO), specified for all remaining cases; - Retaining cap (BTICAP). Ø 1,8 mm for 2.5, 3 mm implants 9 mm This implant produces a high primary stability with immediate functionality. It should be used in anterior sites to replace laterals, cuspids and bicuspids. This device requires a simple surgical procedure. It is possible to create the site with or without creating a flap. 1,5 mm 2,5 mm 10 mm 11,5 mm Each implant is packed together with the implant carrier which enables manual positioning without contamination risks. It is available in 4 diameters (2,5 - 3 - 3,5 - 4,2 mm) and 4 lengths (10 - 11,5 - 13 - 16 mm). 13,0 mm 16,0 mm For attaching a straight or angled titanium abutment to the MINI Implant you must use resin cement. Ø 2,2 mm only on hard bone and for 3 mm implants 1. 2. SUGGESTED PROCEDURE The BTLock Mini kit has been designed to maintain the same simplicity and user-friendliness and contains the following instruments: 1 pilot-lancer drill (to give direction and depth) / BTISPMB; 2 twist drills to enlarge the osteotomy (in patients with dense bone) / 180B BTITW, 220 BTITW; 1 surgical ratchet wrench / BTICR; 2 ratchet extenders / BTIEC4 (short), BTIEC3 (long); 1 contra angle driver for micro motor / BTICQM *; 1 contra angle driver for micro motor (without implant carrier) / BTICQM1; 1 straight placement key / BTICCD. BTLock MINI Implants are individually packed and gamma-ray sterilized. Every package includes an implant carrier that allows the manual insertion without external contamination. Static tests performed on BTLock MINI implants resulted in a breaking point equal to 190 Ncm (2 mm diameter). Torsion testing resulted in a breaking point equal to 95 Ncm. Note: If the torque exceeds 30 Ncm while screwing in the 2 mm MINI implant, or it exceeds 40 Ncm while screwing in the 2,5 or 3 mm MINI implants, it is advisable to unscrew the MINI implants and widen the site with the proper drills supplied in the kit. BTLock implants and prosthetic components have received the FDA long-term approval (K083869 and K073458). We advise you to insert at least four MINI implants in order to attach an immediate loaded removable prosthesis. If crestal thickness is enough, we advise you to choose the largest diameter MINI Implant (3 mm). Before creating the osteotomy, it is advisable to create a flap. Spin the bur at no more than 1200 Rpm’s with copious external irrigation. To create the site for 2 mm diameter fixture, first use 1,3 mm pilot drill. In order to insert a 2,5 mm diameter fixture use the 1,3 mm pilot drill and then the 1,8 mm twist drill. To insert a 3 mm diameter fixture use the 1,3 mm pilot drill and then a 1,8 mm followed by the 2,2 mm twist drill. In order to create the implant site follow the instructions shown in table I. To complete the insertion of the MINI implants located in either the upper or lower anterior regions use the long handled Straight Key (BTICCD). To complete the insertion of the MINI implant, located in either the maxilla or the mandible use the Ratchet Wrench (BTICR) with either the Short Ratchet Extender (BTIEC4) for the posterior or the Long Ratchet Extender (BTIEC3) for access between adjacent teeth. When the osteotomy is ready, open the fixture holder and keep the chart label for product tracking. In the MINI implant package there is a carrier which enables the doctor to screw in the implant manually (no-touch delivery carrier). If during insertion the torque value is too high, unscrew the implant. Then deepen and enlarge the site using the related drill according to table 1. In case it is not possible to fully insert the fixture by hand, remove the plastic cap and screw in the implant using one of the following devices listed below. If placing the implant with a micro motor and handpiece, use the Contra Angle DriverLatch Type (BTICQM1) or the Short Contra Angle Driver (BTICQM). A maximum of 1520 Rmp’s is suggested. Set the Torque control limiter on the motor to 35 Ncm’s in order to confirm resistance in bone prior to immediate load procedures. SURGICAL PROTOCOL FOR MINI SINGLE For chair side pickup of the caps and housings the doctor must first mark the fixtures for the corresponding spots to be hollowed out inside the partial/denture. Highlighting the O-ball with a colored pen or silicone marking material is recommended. Insert a plastic shim on the top of each fixture leaving the O-ball of the MINI Implant exposed. This procedure keeps the cold cure resin from infiltrating into any undercuts and also keeps the cap in the right direction on angled implants. Next insert the caps on the MINI Implants in the mouth. 3. 4. Now it is necessary to use a resin bur to create holes in the partial/denture, in order to secure the caps and housings. These cavities must be enlarged to avoid any possible point of contact with the metal housings while inserting the prosthesis into the mouth. Then inject a cold cure hardening resin into the holes, seat the prosthesis into the mouth and have the patient close with light occlusion during the curing phase. After polymerization gently remove the prosthesis and check that the O-rings or caps are secured within the metal housings. Trim away any flash, fill any voids and check the patient for proper occlusion. Equilibrate as needed. Placing the Mini Single is a minimally invasive procedure. Prior to creating the osteotomy the surgeon can choose whether or not to open a flap. Use the 1,3 mm pilot-lancer drill (BTISPMB) to pierce through the tissue and create the initial osteotomy. To complete the insertion of the Mini Single use the straight key (BTICCD), the ratchet wrench (BTICR) in conjuction with the ratchet extender (BTIEC2), or in the last case use the contra angle driver for micro motor (BTICQM) with the ratchet extender (BTIEC2). Then use the 1,8 mm (180B BTITW) and 2,2 mm (220 BTITW) twist drills to create the osteotomy following the instructions on table 1. Now the site is ready for the implant. The Mini Single includes an implant carrier which avoids any manual contamination risk. If during the insertion the torque value is too high, remove the carrier and screw in utilizing one of the following devices listed below. This picture shows a 3 mm diameter Mini Single inserted. For best results the abutment margin should be positioned as close to the gingiva as possible. Minor marginal adjustment may be completed utilizing a prepping bur. MINI single B T L ock m i n i IM P L A N T acc e s s o r i e s RATCHET EXTENDER Diameter Length Code 25010 BTICV1 2,50 mm 10 mm BTIEC2 250115 BTICV1 2,50 mm 11,50 mm 25013 BTICV1 2,50 mm 13 mm 25016 BTICV1 2,50 mm 16 mm 30010 BTICV1 3,00 mm 10 mm 300115 BTICV1 3,00 mm 11,50 mm 30013 BTICV1 3,00 mm 13 mm 30016 BTICV1 3,00 mm 16 mm 35010 BTICV1 3,50 mm 10 mm Code 350115 BTICV1 3,50 mm 11,50 mm 35013 BTICV1 3,50 mm 13 mm 35016 BTICV1 3,50 mm 16 mm 42010 BTICV1 4,20 mm 10 mm 420115 BTICV1 4,20 mm 11,50 mm 42013 BTICV1 4,20 mm 13 mm 42016 BTICV1 4,20 mm 16 mm YOUR SMILE IS OUR MISSION The BTLock Mini Single kit contains the following instruments: 1 pilot-lancer drill (to give direction and depth) / BTISPMB; 2 twist drills to enlarge the osteotomy (patients with dense bone) / 180B BTITW, 220 BTITW; 1 surgical ratchet wrench / BTICR; 1 ratchet extender (only for Mini Single) / BTIEC2; 1 contra angle driver for micro motor / BTICQM; 1 straight placement key / BTICCD. Please note: measures from 3,5mmx10mm to 4,2mmx16mm are not available for the US. BTLock MINI Implants have been designed to satisfy dentist and patient’s needs with a single and unique solution. BTLock system aims to solve any kind of single or multiple tooth loss problem, granting great user-friendliness and optimal functional and aesthetic efficacy. Patients are able to chew again, but more importantly, they can feel comfortable with their own teeth. BTLock has improved the relation among researchers, implantologists, and patients. Thanks to the constant information exchange, the research activity, and the willingness to offer really valuable products, dentists’ experiences have been converted into innovative and user-friendly solutions. BTLock International s.r.l. reserves the right to eliminate, change, and replace any product at any moment in this catalogue. Rev.2, 2013- Valid from September 1st, 2010 until new publishing B T L O C K m i n i s i n g l e acc e s s o r i e s B T L O C K m i n i catalo g STRAIGHT ABUTMENTS (Titanium and Castable) MINI Code Diameter Length 200115A BTICV1 2,00 mm 11,50 mm 20013A BTICV1 2,00 mm 13,00 mm 20016A BTICV1 2,00 mm 16,00 mm 250115A BTICV1 2,50 mm 11,50 mm 2030 BTIPML 25013A BTICV1 2,50 mm 13,00 mm 25016A BTICV1 2,50 mm 16,00 mm ANGLED ABUTMENTS (10° and 18°) 300115A BTICV1 3,00 mm 11,50 mm 30013A BTICV1 3,00 mm 13,00 mm 30016A BTICV1 3,00 mm 16,00 mm O-RING AND HOUSINGS BTICO1 Straight placement key Surgical ratchet wrench Box only: BTIMIBOX Kit: BTIKMS BTICCD BTICR Short contra angle driver BTICQM Ratchet extender (only for Mini Single) BTIEC2 1,3 mm Pilot-lancer drill BTISPMB 1,8 mm Twist drill 180B BTITW 2,2 mm Twist drill 220 BTITW 2030A BTIPMLI 2030 BTIMCL 2030B BTIPMLI NYLON CAPS AND HOUSINGS BTICO BTIGO BTICO2OV BTICO2OR BTICO2 BTICO2K BTICO2OA ANALOGUE AND IMPRESSION COPING TORQUE WRENCH 2030 BTIANL** SURGICAL BOX for Mini Single BTICAP Please note: all abutments are not available for the US. BTLock’s research department, implantologists, and patients: ** Metal analogue also available (2030 BTIANL1) 2030 BTITLC BTICRD SURGICAL BOX for MINI Implants Connections that change life. BTLock International Headquar ters Via Madonnetta 97/c 36075 Montecchio Maggiore (VI) - ITALY phone 0039 0444 492609 fax 0039 0444 497647 info@btlock.com - www.btlock.com Box only: BTIMIBOX MINI IM P L A N T Kit: BTIKMO * For u.s. market: on the MINI Implant kit the contra angle driver (BTICQM) is available on request. Straight placement key BTICCD Surgical ratchet wrench BTICR Contra angle driver BTICQM1 Short contra angle driver BTICQM * Short ratchet extender BTIEC4 Long ratchet extender BTIEC3 1,3 mm Pilot-lancer drill BTISPMB 1,8 mm Twist drill 180B BTITW 2,2 mm Twist drill 220 BTITW
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