14 SATURDAY 14 MARCH 2015 AL--AKHBAR AL EGYPT THE FUTURE OPINION Moushira Khattab, Ph. D Former Minister of Family and Population, Former Ambassador of Egypt to Italy and South Africa Hala El Said, Ph.D Dean, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University Egypt’s Unique offerings E gypt is a compelling investment destination, with unique offerings that include many privileges. Among these is the Strategic Location that Egypt enjoys. Located at a crossroads which connect Africa, Asia, and Europe, this God-given privilege has made it a destination of choice for exporters. Egypt has free trade agreements giving exporters access to African, Arab, European, Levant, and Turkish markets among others. Egypt also boasts the major naval route of Suez Canal, which accounts for 8-10% of the world’s shipping traffic, and which has been the subject of international attention of since President El Sisi sponsored an ambitious infrastructure development project to expand the Suez Canal. Targeted for completion within one year, the expansion is expected to double the Canal’s annual earnings. In the absence of conventional sources of financing, Egypt raised $8.5 billion in bonds subscribed to exclusively by Egyptians. This expansion, coupled with development of the surrounding area will further enhance the prominent role of the Suez Canal. Besides, the Large, Diversified Economy of Egypt with a GDP $272 billion (2013) makes it the third largest economy in the Arab world, and also the third largest in Africa. Egypt boasts a diversified economy, which renders it attractive especially during times of uncertainty such as that currently surrounding oil prices. Textiles, Petrochemicals, Tourism, Information Technology are among the sectors which Egypt boasts a competitive advantage. On another hand, a large consumer market: A fast growing population of over 80 million young, increasingly affluent, increasingly sophisticated con- The government has already put in place legislative reform which is designed to increase Egypt’s attractiveness as an investment destination. sumers. With 54% of the population between the ages of 20-50, private consumption accounted for over 80% of GDP in 2014. Naturally, the size, and growth of the domestic market has put Egypt on the map of most international brands. Egypt is privileged as well with a sizeable Well Trained Labor Force. Egyptian universities produce 300,000 graduates every year making for a well trained labor force of 27.6 million - the largest in the region. In addition, the country’s modern IT and telecoms infrastructure and multilingual labor force make Egypt an ideal hub for international call centers. Though the four years since the 2011 revolution have been marked by political and economic instability, post June 30th, Egypt has started showing signs of a recovery: Announcement of subsidy cuts in an effort to cut the 12% budget deficit, EGX30 rallies 40% making it the best performing market worldwide (2014) without being overvalued in USD terms, Introduction of restrictions designed to wipe out the currency black market, which had developed as the currency lost 40% of its value, The IMF Projects that Egypt will grow at 3.5% in 2015. The government is targeting 5% by 2018. Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of $10-15 billion per year is key to achieving this 5% target. All eyes will be on the Red Sea Resort of Sharm El Sheikh as Egypt announces its medium term economic development strategy in a global conference aimed at attracting such FDI. The government has already put in place legislative reform which is designed to increase Egypt’s attractiveness as an investment destination. I wish my country the best of luck. Egyptian Prominent Economic Figures are Talk to EEDC through «Al Akhbar» The Serious Vision & Committment I am so happy being in Sharm El-Sheikh to attend “Egyptian Economic Development Conference” EEDC.. The main objective of this conference is to put Egypt once again on the world investment map. This conference is not the end, but rather a step in a long road toward increasing investment and toward economic and sustainable development. Egypt has suffered since 25 January 2011 from deteriorating economic conditions that had its negative repercussions on increasing poverty and unemployment rates. The Egyptian govThis conference ernment has a clear is not the end, economic vision and but rather a is committed to seristep in a long ous reform measures. Draft laws were put road toward inforth aiming to imcreasing investprove the investment ment and toclimate, including ward economic a new Investment Law, which among and sustainable its many privileges, development. changes the penalizing financial crimes to become fines instead of imprisonment. Before you, our EEDC guests from dozens of countries, several projects are presented in different key sectors; Energy and Mining, Housing and Logistics, in addition to some mega projects as the “Suez Canal Axis Development” project, which was a real success story of using the public funds for a giant national project. In around a week after the President called the people to invest in the project, the Central Bank of Egypt raised EGP 61 billion (nearly USD 8.5 billion) by selling investment certificates, in a strong indication of the public trust in the government that is presenting for you today its projects. The investment climate reform is, indeed, a step in a set of legislative measures that is suggested to contain for instance a law for Civil Service – and all are hopefully envisioned to help in solving the problem of bureaucracy. SATURDAY 14 MARCH 2015 AL--AKHBAR AL EGYPT THE FUTURE 15 AL - AKHBAR Noha Bakr Ph.D Assistant to the Minister In Charge of Economic Cooperation with Canada & the Americas, Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation EEDC… THE BEGINNING… T he three-day conference in Egypt’s Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in Sinai, is an excellent opportunity for regional and international investors to learn about Egypt’s potentials. It is also a clear message to the world, of Egypt’s determination and strong political will, to survive and flourish. The aim of the conference is to put Egypt back on the map of international investment, and send a message to the world that the country is safe and attractive. Around 2200 international investors, economists, financiers, official delegations, and experts are attending. Among them are 25 heads of state from the Gulf and Africa, in addition to other international prominent figures. The question that rises often is, why to invest in Egypt. Apart from the fact that Egypt’s economy is one of the most diversified in the region, with the industry sector representing 32% of GDP; the services sector 54% and the agriculture sector 14% - Egypt is, also, a market with 90 million inhabitants. The growing population together with increased per capita income has turned the country into a major consumer market. This in turn has led to an increase in retail market sales and in the number of multinational corporations operating with significant revenues in Egypt. Let alone that skilled labor is available in the various sectors particularly in the fields of information technology and communications, and in banking and tourism facilities. Egypt has also concluded agreements with several economic groupings, that empowers investment opportunities, the most prominent of which are the European Union (the Egyptian-EU Partnership Agreement); the US (QIZ Agreement) the Middle East (the Arab Free Trade Agreement); and Africa (COMESA). In addition, Egypt’s geographic location at the center of the world has placed it within reach of international markets in European, Arab, African and South Asian regions. Egypt in its invitation to investors to invest in Egypt, is not only promising financial revenues, rewards, and healthy investment Egypt, is not only promising financial revenues, rewards, and healthy investment environment, but also stability. Positive signs of the recovering of the Egyptian economy are sending encouraging signals to investors. environment, but also stability. President El Sissi mentioned clearly that “If Egypt is stable, a country with 90 million people, this will represent the strongest bedrock of stability in this region. If this region is stable that means that Europe is also stable and the rest of the world. And so what we have been doing, we are doing all we can to create an investment conducive environment. We are doing all we can to restore the health of the economy.” It is worth mentioning that The Government of Egypt took major vital steps to enhance the investment environment. Structural economic reforms, such as gradually reducing fuel subsidies, moving to deregulate the energy sector and legislations reforms took place. The state also paid back a few billion dollars owed to energy companies, and resolved the main investors past disputes. In fact, positive signs of the recovering of the Egyptian economy are sending encouraging signals to investors. The International Monetary Fund held article IV consultation for the first time in four years it estimates 3.8 % growth for the fiscal year 2014/2015 and rise 5% over the medium term, with fiscal consolidation that brings the budget deficit below 8% GDP by the year 2018/2019. Foreign direct investment came in at $4 billion last year, and Investment Minister Ashraf Salman says it will double to $8 billion in this fiscal year. The chairman of the Egyptian stock exchange expects seven or eight companies to list on the bourse by mid-2015, in addition to three companies which had already listed this year, including Orascom Construction , which began trading in Cairo recently. Confidence in the Egyptian market is increasing with a recovery of the economy. In 2014, 13 companies listed with combined capital of 1.9 billion Egyptian pounds ($249 million), which was 10 times the amount seen in 2013. This was reflected in the improvement of Egypt rating by Fitch, Standard & Poor and Moody’s. Such improvements led the government of Egypt to aim to cut the budget deficit to 10 percent from 12.8 % by next year, and reduce unemployment to 12 % from 13.1 percent. Recently Investments even started pouring in Egypt before the conference, for instance, British Petroleum announced it would develop natural gas resources out of the Nile Delta to the tune of some $12 billion. The project, equivalent to a quarter of Egypt’s current supply, will help alleviate power shortages that lead to rolling blackouts affecting tens of millions of people, in addition to other projects that were marketed prior to the conference and signed During the events of it. In the Economic Development Conference, the strategies & adopted policies of ten economic sectors is illustrated to investors. More than 30 projects will be unveiled, which can attract billions of dollars of Projects in energy, transport, industry, telecommunications and housing among others will be offered for foreign investment. These projects are diversified between private, private public, and public sector. This conference in March is the beginning of a serial of conferences to come, to dialogue with national, regional and international investors, illustrating in the future the further economic opportunities in a country that is worth investing in on all levels. Board Chairman & Editor-in-Chief Yasser Rezk Managing Editor Refky Fakhry Art Ditector Ahmed Shalaby Hatem Mahmoud Editing Board Yassmine ElSayed Hani Hussein Yasser Asmaa Haggag Mai Sayed Aya Samir Reem El-Zahed Yasmin Wael Atef Abd-Ellatif Ahmed Fathy Printing & Distribution AKHBAR ELYOM 6 Al Sahafa St., Egypt-Cairo Tel.: 2580 6000 - 2578 2600 2578 2500 - 2578 2900 2580 7000 - 2578 2800 Fax: 2578 2510 - 2578 2520 akhbar@akhbarelyom.com info@akhbarelyom.com
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