Quiltations The Newsletter of Quilters Connection March 2015 President’s Letter Dear Fellow Quilters, QC's NEW LOCATION: At 7pm on March 16, the Search Committee will introduce you to our new location with the presentation that had been planned for our February meeting. You will see photos of our new location and hear the reasoning behind this move. There will be time for Q&A if we begin the presentation at 7pm sharp. The intrepid 50 who braved the snowbanks to come to the Winter Free Workshop were rewarded with a lovely day of sewing, a warming lunch, and a first look at QC's future home. Huge thanks go to Julie Weinstein and Monica Mehigan for their expert organization (and for the wherewithall to transfer everything from Jan 24 to Feb 21), to Ann Bonsett and Susan Stemporzewski for their new venue presentation, and to Louise Cohen, Naomi Uesaka, and Esta Lichtenstein for the lovely lunch. Quilters! It's showtime! I have a small piece finished (almost) for the show. How about you? You will find details about entering the show in this newsletter, and there will be an information table before the meeting on Mar 16. Instead of a raffle quilt this year, we'll hold a Challenge Quilt silent auction like we did last year. The challenge is "What is your Shape?" What is the shape that most intrigues you - a circle? a line? squares & triangles? You are invited to play with your shape and see what you come up with. Last year the silent auction netted $1,700 for the guild. Shall we see if we can surpass that sum this year? We'll have instructions posted online and at the Mar 16 info table. It is time to begin gathering names of members who will step up and take a more active role in moving the guild forward. We are looking for people who are good with numbers to take over for our Co-treasurers, who unhappily will be unable to continue. There are other committee positions to be filled, so if you'd like to be instrumental in seeing the guild progress, please send me an email or give me a call. I can't wait to see you all at the meeting. gathered with my guild! Yours, Deb 1 It's been several long months since I've QC is moving! Come early to the March 16 meeting to hear all about it: March 16 at 7pm in the Mosesian Theatre. Executive Board President, Deborah Rocha 617-244-3896 debrocha86@hotmail.com 2014/2015 Mee*ng Calendar Monday March 16 Judy Coates Perez Tuesday April 28 Nancy Crasco Vice-President louise cohen 617-731-1346 Monday May 11 Annual Business Mee>ng lcohen5@rcn.com Secretary, Eileen Kahan 781-861-0994 ebkahan@massmed.org treasurer, Marie Cotton 508-529-9923 MLC@Mariequilts.com All events are held at The Arsenal Center for the Arts 321 Arsenal Street, Watertown, MA Doors open at 6pm Mee>ngs start at 7:30pm Non-‐member guest fee: $10 Programs, Deborah Gonet 978-468-9059 Annual Quilt Show deborahgonet@gmail.com May 29, 30, 31 2015 Membership Co-Chairs: Debbie Kuhlman-Hussey 508-668-8209 dkhussey@hotmail.com and Sharon Monahan 508-660-2066 sgm02081@comcast.net Board of Directors: Bea Grayson 2013-2016 Barbara Degan 2013-2015 nancy crasco 2014-2017 Past President: Elaine Stone Quilt Show 2015 Mark your calendars for the Quilt Show Entry deadline April 15th Entries by mail only Drop Off Thursday May 28th Show Dates May 29-31st. We will have flyers and posters at the next meeting. Please stop by our table and pick up some flyers to post. We will only get people to come to the show if they know about it. President: Deborah Rocha Thanks Tricia Deck newsletter Editor: Laurie LaConte 2 Program Notes PROGRAMS UPDATE March Speaker and Workshop: Judy Coates Perez Membership Meeting: Monday March 16 7:00pm at the ACA in the Mosesian Theater International award-winning mixed media textile artist Judy Coates Perez will join us from Sacramento California on Monday March 16. Prior to her presentation “It’s All in the Process” on Monday she will be leading two workshops on Saturday and Sunday “10 Textile Techniques using Acrylic Inks”. If you registered for one of Judy’s workshops please refer to the QC website at http:// www.quiltersconnection.org/workshops to double-check your workshop day and to review the supply list so you’ll be prepared for class. As a reminder if you have a scheduling conflict for the workshop you had signed up for it is your responsibility to trade or “sell” your space to another member. The programs committee does not issue refunds or get involved in brokering openings. You can always post availabilities as well as take advantage of openings on the QC Yahoo email Stay warm and safe! Deborah Gonet Membership News QC Members, It's time to renew your membership. With a new home for meetings next fall, it looks like QC is set for an exciting year! There will be space for new members, so please encourage your quilting friends to join. Sharon Monahan and I are unable to make the March meeting. We will resume passing out membership booklets and name cards at the April meeting. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to members. Your patience and understanding is appreciated! Debbie Kuhlman-Hussey Membership Co-chair 3 News and Notes QUILTED VOICES II Art Quilts on Display in April From the Studio of Beatriz Grayson, come to see a show of her students’ work in Fiber Art. Two dozen artists’ work will be displayed. at Gallery of the Beebee Estate, 235 W. Foster Street, Melrose, MA 02176 Join us for an Artists’ Reception on Friday, April 10, 2015, 7PM-9PM or Visit the Gallery on Saturdays, April 4, 11, 18 and 25, from 11AM-3PM JoAnn Janjigian had a fiber art quilt accepted into the show "Pursuing Justice Through Art: 2015", A Multi-Cultural Genocide Exhibition and Symposium, at the Whistler House Museum of Art, Lowell Art Association, 243 Worthen St, Lowell, MA. (978) 452-7641 The exhibit will be on display from March 18 through April 25th, 2015. 4 Quilters Connection Challenge What's Your Shape? No,I don't mean the shape of you body! What is your favorite geometric shape? As quilt artists, we are inspired by the visual world and use this inspiration to design our quilts. Geometric shapes are the building blocks of both traditional or non-traditional quilt designs. We gravitate toward those shapes that we find aesthetically pleasing and use them repeatedly in our quilt designs. This challenge celebrates our diversity as quilt artists by focusing on the common element, the geometric shape. Create a piece based on your favorite geometic shape, such as circle, square, triangle, octagon,rectangle, oval or one of the many other shapes. The geometric shape should be the main focus of the design but other shapes can be included. The design can be abstract or representational, traditional or non-traditional. Examples include a mini traditional quilt, an embellished photographic print, or an abstract design. The maximum size of the final piece is. 12 by 12. The piece should contain 3 layers (front, back and batting) of any type of fabric. Embellishment can be used but should be attached securely to the quilt. Attach a sleeve to the quilt for hanging. Please include a piece of wood with 2 holes T either end. Quilts will be sold by silent auction at the annual quilt show with the proceeds donated to charity. Deadline for submission: Thursday may 28,2015 at 10:00 AM New England Quilt museum notes Current exhibits: A PASSION FOR PRUSSIAN BLUE Vibrant American Quilts from 1830 to the Present January 14 through April 4, 2015 Guest Curator, Anita Loscalzo, brings her Passion for Prussian Blue to the New England Quilt Museum with this dazzling array of unique, vibrant and diverse quilts assembled from private collections, museums, and historical societies. Prussian blue, a mineral colorant discovered around 1706, became an important pigment for artists in the eighteenth century and a low-cost alternative to indigo for coloring textiles in the first half of the nineteenth century. Fabrics colored with Prussian blue appear most frequently in quilts made in the United States between 1830 and the mid-1850s. The exhibition highlights the use of this vibrant colorant in textiles of the period, with explanation of the various techniques used to make them in the context of the times. The popularity of Prussian blue as a colorant for textiles coincided with improved printing and dyeing processes developed in Europe and adopted in the United States. Contemporary quilt makers have rediscovered the beauty of the color through the use of the cyanotype technique in their creations. Quilters’ Connection 2015 - 2016 Membership Form Name: _______________________________________________(as will appear on membership ID) Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: _______ Zip: ___________ Telephone:____________________________________□ Do not print in membership booklet Email:_______________________________________ □ Do not print in membership booklet □ Regular: All Meetings, exhibit in show, take workshops, Quiltations by email □ Associate: 2 Meetings, exhibit in show, take workshops, Quiltations by email $45 $35 □ International: Living overseas, exhibit in show, Quiltations by email $45 □ Student: 2 Meetings, exhibit 1 quilt in show, Quiltations by email $25 □ Quiltations newsletter by mail $15 Payment enclosed This membership is □ Cash □ Check # ______________ $_______ □ Renewal □ New Please volunteer for one or more of the following positions or committees: □ Comfort Quilt Projects □ Communications (Yahoo, QC Website) □ Publicity □ Get-Away Weekend □ Holiday Boutique □ Raffle Quilt □ Meetings (Adopt-a-Fabric) □ Membership □ New Members’ Reception □ Newsletter □ Nominations □ Programs □ Quilt Show □ Caring □ Winter Free Workshop □ Your Special Talents _________________________________________________ Membership is from September 1 to August 31. Return completed forms with payment so they are received by May 31 to: (A-L) Debbie Kuhlman-Hussey 1 West Pine Dr. Walpole, MA 02081 (M-Z) Sharon Monahan 942 West St. Walpole, MA 02081 5 Instruc(ons for 2015 Quilters’ Connec(on Show Entries: Please par>cipate by entering your quilts and wearable art. We encourage every member to submit at least one quilt or wearable. Our show provides an opportunity to display our work and invite family and friends to see the magnificent display at the ACA. One of the founding principles of QC is that none of the pieces in the show are judged or juried. We want every member to feel great about submiXng their work to be on display. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a new member… we want everyone to be represented. • Entries are due by Wednesday, April 15, 2015. • Mail completed entry forms to Susan Stemporzewski, 37 Litchfield Circle, Pelham, NH 03076. • Please include a 4 x 6 photo with each entry with your name, quilt name & size wri`en on the back. It is your responsibility to print your own photo. • All first choice entries with forms fully completed will be accepted. • Use a separate form for each submission. • Each QC member is allowed up to 3 quilt entries and wearable arts are also encouraged. Please make sure your piece has not been in a previous QC show. • For quilt entries, please indicate your first, second and up to third choices. Every effort will be made to accept everyone’s first and second choice for quilts. • If you have wearable art (vests, jackets, clothing, bags, etc.) we also encourage you to enter some of those. Please be sure to indicate if you have a body form to display it on. Photos of your Entries: The photos are used to determine placement of quilts in the show. Accurate representa>ons help us to group quilts effec>vely so that each piece is shown to its best advantage. The >me that you put into geXng an accurate image of your quilts helps to improve the show. We need an overall photo of the en>re piece – no close ups please. Please size it to 4 x 6 and include it with your entry form. No electronic photos, please. 6 2015 QC Quilt Show Registra*on Form -‐ Quilts Completed entry forms are due by Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 First Choice _______ Second Choice_______ Third Choice_______ Member Name_____________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________________________ State______________________Zip Code_________________________________ Phone (Home)_______________________ (Cell)___________________________ Your local newspaper_________________________________________________ Title_______________________________________________________________ Year Completed________ Dimensions in inches: Width________Height________ Check if quilt is for sale. Price $______________ Check if quilt is not for sale. Insurance Value $____________ Brief Descrip>on Quilted By_______________________________________________ Hand________ Machine_______________ Combina>on _________ Please include a 4 x 6 photo with your name, quilt name and size printed on back. Please send a separate entry for each quilt submission. Mail completed forms to Susan Stemporzewski, 37 Litchfield Circle, Pelham, NH 03076. 7 2015 QC Quilt Show Registra*on Form – Wearable Arts Completed entry forms are due by Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 Type of Wearable: Vest__________ Jacket____________ Dress________________ Bag____________ Other, please indicate what it is_________________ Member Name___________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________________________ State______________________Zip Code______________________________ Phone (Home)_______________________ (Cell)________________________ Your local newspaper______________________________________________ Title____________________________________________________________ Year Completed_________ Size_______________ Check if wearable is for sale. Price $______________ Check if wearable is not for sale. Insurance Value $___________ Brief Descrip>on Please include a 4 x 6 photo with your name, quilt name and size printed on back. Please send a separate entry for each quilt submission. Mail completed forms to Susan Stemporzewski, 37 Litchfield Circle, Pelham, NH 03076. 8 QUILTERS’ CONNECTION 2015 QUILT SHOW VOLUNTEER FORM Please read form carefully. Name: _______________________________________________________ E-Mail:_______________________________________________________ Phone: (cell) ___________________ Phone: (home) ____________________ SHOW VOLUNTEERS Pre-show Tasks – Thursday, May 28 ____ Quilt check-in 7:30 am – 9:00 am ____ Hang Show 9:00 am until finished Members’ Night – Friday, May 29 ____ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Show - Friday, May 29 – Sunday, MAY 30 Gate – Hostess – Member’s Room – Demonstrations – Silent Auction Indicate shift preference with 1, 2, 3, etc; we will do our best to accommodate you. FRIDAY, May 29 _____10 am – 1 pm ____ 1 pm – 3 pm ____3 pm – 5 pm TAKEDOWN SATURDAY, MAY 30 ____10 am – 1 pm ____1 pm – 3 pm ____3 pm – 5 pm SUNDAY, MAY 31 ____11 am – 1 pm ____1 pm – 3pm ____SUN How many shifts can you work? One____Two____Three____ Anytime ____________ Yes !!! Willing to do whatever needs to be done?_________Yes !!! Any special skills: ________________________________________________ Do you need to have a seated job? ____________________________________ Return form to: NANCY HOWARD, 8 Cogswell Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140 You can contact Nancy at nancy@nancy-howard.us. 9 In this issue: Presidents Letter! ! ! 2013-2014 Meeting Calendar! Board Directory! ! ! Quilt Show News! ! ! Membership News! ! ! Program Notes! ! ! News and Notes! ! ! NEQM Notes!! ! ! Membership Form! ! ! Quilt Show entry info and forms! Quilt Show Volunteer forms! www.quiltersconnection.org Quilters’ Connec>on P.O. Box 1337 Arlington, MA 02474 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6,7,8 9
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