Page 100 – POST, March 14, 2015 PClassifieds PPROPERTY Car sale scammer sprung POST • From page 7 SUBIACO Subiaco oval. Subi backs move to save oval • From page 5 FREE MARKET APPRAISALS MARINA BERZINS 9381 9111 0419 195 873 MARINA@PAXTONHOAD.COM.AU Honestly Working For You WAFC have commissioned Prue Griffin, from Hocking Heritage Studio in Shenton Park, to document the oval’s history. Australian Rules has been played on the site since 1898. Over the years the stadium has been used for other major sporting events and concerts. “There is no question that Subiaco oval is one of our state’s valued icons,” Subiaco mayor Heather Henderson said. “With the future of Subiaco oval under question with football moving to the new stadium, it is important that the significance of the place is not lost or forgotten, but rather incorporated and interpreted in a variety of forms.” WAFC director of facilities and planning Geoff Glass said it was possible to transplant some of the oval’s character to the new stadium. “One of the great challenges in establishing a new venue is to give it soul, and experience shows that this is best achieved by incorporating heritage in its various forms,” he said. “The aim would be not to turn away from Subiaco oval, but rather to bring Subiaco into the new Perth stadium.” COMMERCIAL Martina Murphy 0403 961 906 Office 9382 8650 Always going the extra mile for you TO LET Star Property Management 100% Residential Property Management Executive Property Management/Leasing Services We offer a lower property per Property Manager Ratio ensuring your investment gets the attention it deserves. Commercial and Industrial Leasing Commercial and Industrial Sales Retail Leasing Property Management Stephen de Courtenay 0413 515 190 ALL AREAS Promote yourself with a Real Estate Classified in Perth’s premier location. One of the many photos of the Toyota utility sent to people who replied to the advertisement. divorced and offered to lower the price to $12,000 and pay all shipping expenses. There was no time to meet all the potential buyers, who were said to be lining up, and a quick decision and money were needed, the advertiser said “Anyone would obviously be crazy to part with any money • From page 5 Mr Pringle will lead a team of local Chinese staff who will seek new investors and look after existing ones. Pindan Capital was one of a number of Perth firms that went to China last year and took part in information seminars about Australia’s Significant Investor Visa (SIV) program. Osborne Park-based immigration and recruitment company ISA Group also to part in the seminars. Pindan Capital was also a sponsor of the Australia-China Trade and Investment conference in Beijing last November. In a message to the Beijing conference, Premier Colin Barnett said Chinese investors had helped to drive the expansion of the resources industry in WA since the 1990s and that in 2012-13 bilateral trade between WA and China was worth more than $70billion. Last month the federal government launched a consultation paper seeking views on Sibling saga of killing, insanity and inheritance between him and his two brothers for about $200,000 each. Paul Ellis subsequently disputed the way the estate had been handled and demanded proof of bills paid, including for gas, electricity and rates. Paul also said his mother’s wedding and engagement rings were not included in a package of jewellery his daughter, Jessica, had been bequeathed. Spencer told the court when he and Clive’s wife cleared the Strickland Street house he found the rings, a necklace and earrings in an envelope marked in his mother’s handwriting: “This is for Ilana with love”. Justice Heenan said: “This did not cause undue surprise because Spencer’s daughter, Ilana, was born after Mrs Ellis made her last will. “Accordingly, as explained by Mr Ellis, the two brothers discussed what should be done with the jewellery in the envelope and Mr Clive Ellis was of the opinion that Spencer should keep it and give it to his daughter, Ilana, in due course. “Mr Clive Ellis explained that he would telephone the relatives in New Zealand who were looking after Jessica to explain to them what had happened and that they and Jessica agreed that Spencer Ellis should get the rings and jewellery for his daughter, Ilana, and that Jessica should receive all the other jewellery.” Paul Ellis told the court the jewellery his daughter received was largely costume jewellery. Justice Heenan ruled Paul Ellis did not have the right to object to the distribution of the jewellery. He is estranged from his daughter, who lives with her grandparents in New Zealand. Justice Heenan said some Garden suburbs ‘face radical change’ KEEPING IT REAL HELPING PEOPLE MOVE GILL VIVIAN 0415 853 926 TRENT VIVIAN 0432 392 387 until they had seen the car,” Mr Gibson said. “I just hope nobody has fallen for it.” When the POST checked the mobile number lodged with the advertisement, it was disconnected. Bargain prices as bait are common, says Scamnet, a Department of Commerce website that lists the ruse as the Car Online Sale Scam. Its lists several young women who have been tricked out of $7000 to $8000 in similar scams. It said three vehicles advertised had the same number plate. Without a VIN (vehicle identification number) it is impossible for buyers to check the REV (register of encumbered vehicles) website. China Green woos Chinese • From page 7 Rhonda Reid 0409 004 904 9386 2917 will hold the money until you will receive the car at your address for inspection. “I will offer you three days inspection period; in this time you can check all the documents. “In case you decide not to purchase it after inspection and documents check, the company will refund you the payment in full.” Many photos of a vehicle in good condition were enclosed. In other scams these have been copied from legitimate car sale websites. Mr Gibson replied that he was a cash buyer and had a friend in South Hedland who could inspect the car. The advertiser ignored his request for a phone number and said he/she had recently been • From page 1 Cambridge has been working on amendments to allow some blocks in City Beach and Floreat to have duplexes and triplexes built on them, which opponents say goes against the spirit of the Cambridge Endowment Lands Act 1920. They say amendment 31 will dramatically increase density allowing: • 1040 lots in City Beach and 783 lots in Floreat to be eligible for “manor house” (apartment block) developments; and • 303 corner lots in City Beach and 304 corner lots in Floreat to be duplexed or triplexed. A group has formed to protect City Beach and Floreat and asks people to assemble at Beecroft Park, City Beach, on March 29 at 10.30am for a community meeting and petition. They point to results of a Catalyse survey commissioned by the council on maisonettes, showing a majority (77%) do not want them. There are no age requirements linking the amendment to the needs of aged residents downsizing. of the objections were dropped during the case and others were complex questions of law. “The nature of the issues which have arisen from the objections filed in relation to these claims for expenditure give rise, in my opinion, to issues of law and fact of a magnitude and complexity which render it undesirable and inappropriate that they be resolved simply in the process of passing accounts.” He said Paul Ellis could apply to another court to have his queries about things like money spent on repairs examined and whether his brother was entitled to recoup his claims. proposed changes to rules for foreign investment in Australia, particularly around residential real estate and agriculture. The government said it was considering imposing an application fee on all foreign investments. Home Base rent row almost over • From page 15 “We have been unable to negotiate a cheaper rent,” Mr Millard said. “A garden centre can’t sustain that. “Our prices are coming down but wages and rent are going up. “We would like to remain in Subiaco and will continue to look to be able to do that.” A new City Farmers outlet will occupy the former Waldecks shop. Matthew Toohey, general manager property at Green Cross Ltd, which owns several pet and vet companies, including City Farmers and Pet Barn, confirmed it would be moving into Subiaco. “We will be taking possession at the end of March and expect fit-out to take between four and six weeks, with opening expected in early to mid-May,” Mr Toohey said. “We’ve been looking for a store in Subiaco for some time. “This opportunity presented itself to us a couple of months ago.” Mr Toohey said the firm had signed a long lease for the site. Clearway ‘would hurt traders’ • From page 9 or jeopardising local business. “We are concerned because a lot of that traffic flow will stop outside our shop and come in if there is a parking bay right there,” she said. “If there isn’t, they will move on, which is not very good for our business.” Her business partner, Jessica Tiwade, said the afternoon trade was vital to their business. “It works out to about 28% of our daily trading time,” she said. South ward councillor Jenna Ledgerwood asked Ms Tiwade whether the current two-hour restriction should be cut to one hour to allow more customers to park. “I think given the nature of shopping and with us females liking to browse, you might spend 45 minutes in a shop,” she said. “So an hour is difficult because of the pressure you might feel to avoid a fine.” Brett Nottle, one of the owners of Sampson’s Paddock, suggested drivers could use other streets to get on to Stirling Highway. “Or if they are having a problem with the delay they could drop in and have a beer at Sampson’s Paddock,” he said. North ward councillor Zenda Johnson, who originally proposed a half-hour clearway, said she was shocked when she saw the staff recommendation for a two-hour parking ban. But Ms Ledgerwood said a half-hour clearway would only confuse drivers because every other clearway was two hours. The committee voted to recommend not changing the current parking restrictions and to review them three months after the changes to the intersection were completed. The council will vote on the recommendation on March 24. Everybody reads the POST!
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