RFUANZ 2015 CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 30 APRIL - 1MAY 2015 TE PAPA, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND RFUANZ Radio Frequency Users Association of New Zealand Image courtesy of hyena reality at FreeDigitalPhotos.net DAY ONE: Principal Sponsor Gala Dinner Sponsor Networking Drinks Sponsor Delegate Lounge Sponsor Lanyard Sponsor Supporting Organisations All presentations on Day One will be held in Soundings Theatre - Level 2 8.30am REGISTRATION 2.15pm SECONDARY SECURE NETWORK PROJECT FOR COASTGUARD NORTHERN REGION. Ray Burge, Unit Support & Operations Manager, Coastguard Coastguard Northern Region operates a comprehensive Marine VHF network. Due to the demands in the Hauraki Gulf over the busy periods and at times when secure communications are required we had the need upgrade our current system. We had a number of limitations and challenges ranging from a system that was about to be decommissioned, finding a suitable replacement, funding and volunteer buy in. We also needed to ensure sufficient coverage and also the ability to future proof our needs. Coastguard and its volunteers required a user friendly system that was easy to train on and maintain currency of familiarisation. The presentation will outline the process from need to implementation and the many challenges that we encountered throughout. 9.00am ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING This 2014/15 AGM Agenda will be sent to members separately. This years AGM we will vote for a change to the constitution. 10.30am MORNING TEA 11.00am PRESENTATION FROM THE MINISTER FOR COMMUNICATIONS, HONOURABLE AMY ADAMS (subject to availability) 11.30am UPDATE FROM RSM An update from RSM on the changes to the Radio Communications Act and other current activities. 12.15pm LUNCH 3.00pm AFTERNOON TEA 1.30pm SURF LIFE SAVING NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK: BUILDING A NETWORK FROM THE GROUND UP. Chris Stevens, Surf Life Saving New Zealand National Communications Advisor In 2011 Surf Life Saving New Zealand (SLSNZ) began planning for a National Operational Communications Network. With the assistance of external consulting services, SLSNZ finalized an Operational Communications Masterplan in 2012, which set a long term plan for implementation of the network commencing with a pilot. Not without its challenges, the pilot was successfully started in 2014, and has now paved the way for the roll out of the national network as funding allows. This presentation will describe the process, interoperability requirements, discuss the selection of DMR Tier 2, Mimomax and Omnitronics RoIP as the core chosen technology, as well as discussing the technological and organisations lessons learnt. 3.30pm VALUING MISSION CRITICAL RADIO SERVICES Hamish Duff, President of ARCIA With the introduction of new technologies like LTE, there is an ongoing debate on the value of LMR. In 2014 the Australian Radio Communications Industry Association (ARCIA) produced an economic study titled “Valuing Mission Critical Radio Services, a study of the economic value of land mobile radio spectrum in Australia”. This presentation will outline the study, the conclusions and key outcomes. 4.15pm QUALIFICATION PATHWAYS Gavin Bowden, ElectroTechnical Association Inc, The Electro-technical Education Centre Director ETEC, CEO ETA RFUANZ has been working with ETEC to establish qualifications for installers of radio equipment. In this presentation, the process to date will be presented, the development of training material and time lines for these qualifications. 5.00pm NETWORKING DRINKS CAMBIUM NETWORKS 7.30pm RFI GALA DINNER & INDUSTRY AWARDS Industry Award Sponsors SPONSORED BY DAY TWO: All presentations on Day Two will be held in Rangimare 1 - Level 3 8.30am REGISTRATION 12.30pm LUNCH 9.00am IT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN A DISASTER Steve Davis, New Zealand Red Cross IT & Telecommunications Emergency Response Unit Steve’s presentation will give a brief introduction to some of his background with Civil Defence, Amateur Radio Emergency Communications, and the NZ Red Cross IT&T team. This will be followed by an outline of the impact that greater use of telecommunications and IT infrastructure has had on the response efforts in disaster-hit areas such as The Philippines, Christchurch, Haiti, Tonga and the Solomon Islands, the challenges faced, as well as some of the background to the Red Cross IT&T team. Many examples will be presented through photographs from work in disasters, with particular emphasis on his mission to the Philippines after Super-Typhoon Yolanda last year. 1.30pm SECURITY IN FIXED WIRELESS BROADBAND ACCESS AND BACKHAUL SOLUTIONS. Roy Wittert, VP Sales (APAC) , Cambium Networks Security concerns are common when it comes to wireless solutions. There are a number of categories of wireless solutions, these include WiFi, Mobile Broadband such as 4G/LTE and Fixed Wireless Broadband. Fixed Wireless Technology is widely used, e.g. for CCTV, Last Mile Connectivity, eGovernment, Mining and Macro cell backhaul. This presentation will cover the security considerations to be made in these applications which use both Point to Point and Point to Multipoint technology. 9.45am EAGLE TECHNOLOGIES THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN COMMAND & CONTROL (C2) SOLUTIONS. Gerard Lelieveld, Defence & Intelligence, EAGLE TECHNOLOGY GROUP LTD Defence System Integrators have traditionally developed communication solutions to meet military field operational requirements. These have been designed in a proprietary manner, to be enabled by a data over radio network layer, providing chat, situational and planning services. A new wave of commercial off the shelf products are now becoming available, which have the potential to revolutionise the conduct of any type of field operations across all domain sectors. This in turn is driving change in how radio networks are configured, utilised and developed. This presentation explores these trends, and the potential impacts on industry and customers. 2.15pm INTEROPERABILITY AND SECURITY Jono Sands, Director, Ignition Networks Requirements today dictate increasingly complex interoperation between organisations. This extends to Radio systems and presents some interesting challenges both technically and politically. Questions are raised about how we control access to our systems, who can hear us, when we choose to share or keep things private. All this is on top of the technical connection between systems. How do we control and have visibility of all this? This session discusses some of the challenges and techniques for integrating and protecting radio communications. 3.00pm AFTERNOON TEA 3.30pm RANGE, RELIABILITY & ROBUSTNESS. HOW TO HARNESS DIVERSITY IN YOUR MISSION CRITICAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK. John Wilkinson, MiMOMax Wireless Communications outages or lapses in performance at key moments can be disastrous for Mission Critical and Public safety network operators. Often, the times when a communications network is required to perform at its peak, is the time it may be experiencing its heaviest traffic load. It is during these times of heavy congestion that operators need to overcome the issues associated with path outage and maintain performance around delay, variation in delay (jitter), packet loss, late packet arrival or low throughput. This dynamic presentation by John Wilkinson will examine a range of key parameters for Mission Critical Operators and outline how to utilise different methods of linking topography to achieve the Range, Reliability and Robustness required in mission critical environments without sacrificing high throughput and low latency. 4.15pm CONFERENCE CLOSES 10.30am MORNING TEA 11.00am LINKING DIFFERENT RADIO TECHNOLOGIES Kor Snyman Engineering Manager, Omnitronics Digital land mobile radio provides many useful features to users of the technology beyond the significant improvement of voice quality. And, unlike analog radios, digital radios provide superior facilities to address users as individuals and groups and to more easily identify calling parties. It also supports the transmission of text messages. Overall, digital radios involve the transport of metadata, besides the transmission of digitized voice. This presentation will address how you can connect different digital radio networks and not only carry across the digital voice but also the metadata to maximize the digital benefits. 11.45am EMBRACING LTE Geoff Peck, Chief Technology Architect Tait Communications Critical communications is no longer voice-only. At Tait we are embracing LTE integration with LMR to allow agencies to communicate, collaborate, and operate efficiently and effectively. This session will provide unique perspective on the applications, the networks (P25, DMR, public and private broadband LTE) and economic choices to help agencies unify their mission critical communications. Learn how P25 and DMR will integrate with next-generation tools to allow smooth information exchange facilitating intelligence gathering and putting rich situational awareness into the hands of the front line. See back page for workshops 01 LINKING 02 DIGITAL RADIO TECHNOLOGY DAY TWO: WORKSHOPS This year we are offering two workshop sessions. In these interactive sessions experts and specialists will give you a deeper technical insight and provide plenty of opportunity for interactive discussions. WORKSHOP ONE: LINKING ICON ROOM - LEVEL 2 WORKSHOP TWO: DIGITAL RADIO TECHNOLOGY ICON ROOM - LEVEL 2 9.00 - 12.30PM 1.30-4.15PM Jan Noordhof - P25, DMR Jim Simpson - Tetra Association Richard Malley - Regional Manager NZ and Pacific, Aviat Networks Ian Burgess - 3T Total Team IP linking is an important part of the new digital networks and radio over IP solutions. In this workshop we will review the options for wireless and fixed links and address topics like: • How to choose between wireless and fixed links • What are technology choices? • Bandwidth requirements • Performance • Reliability and resilience As in so many other industries, in our radio industry, digital radio is here to stay and the use of it is growing rapidly. There are still many questions asked about digital radio and whether it is a worthwhile change to make. In this workshop we will talk about digital radio in general and the different technologies available in NZ. We will address topics like: • What does digital radio provide over and above digital voice? • • • • • The challenges with digital voice Is digital radio always the best choice? Will we have a choice going forward? What is the difference between the available technologies? Considerations when you make a technology choice REGISTER TODAY WWW.RFUANZ.ORG.NZ +64 021 549 412 Conference + Gala Dinner ADMIN@RFUANZ.ORG.NZ Conference Only Dinner Only Members: $255+GST $165+GST$90+GST Non Members $350+GST$240+GST$110+GST Agenda Updates: RFUANZ reserves the right to make changes and amendments deemed to be in the best interest of the conference. Agenda is correct at the time of printing, please check online for updates. How to pay: Please only pay on receipt of an invoice from Candice
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