Netlink - Plateau

Board of Directors
Frank Blackburn
1515 SR 245
Clovis, N.M.
Vice President
Kenny Wilhite
950 CR 15
Clovis, N.M.
Pow Carter
P.O. Box 516
Fort Sumner, N.M.
Milo Aragon
P.O. Box 251
Ribera, N.M.
Shirley Carter
624 Maple
Clayton, N.M.
James Cordova
P.O. Box 457
Santa Rosa, N.M.
Mabel Flores
436 Baca Ave.
Santa Rosa, N.M.
Frank Garnett
1901 Quay Rd 96
Nara Visa, N.M.
Leland Harral
HC 61 Box 41
Encino, N.M.
Jim Lyssy
P.O. Box 446
Fort Sumner, N.M.
Michael Montoya
P.O. Box 205
Roy, N.M.
Jerry Sours
3729 CR U
Grady, N.M.
Larry Wallin
P.O. Box 355
Logan, N.M.
Corporate Executives
Tom Phelps
Chief Executive
Vince Tyson
Chief Operations
Buddy Vaughan
Chief Business
Joel Drahman
Chief Sales/
Marketing Officer
David Robinson
Chief Financial
The Netlink is published monthly by Plateau.
Comments, questions or suggestions for
articles should be directed to J.R. Jacobs,
Plateau, P.O. Box 1947, Clovis, N.M.
88102-1947. Phone 1.575.389.4241. Email Also, on-line version
available at
March 2015
A Closer Connection for the Cooperative Members
Clovis to host Annual
Membership Meeting
Planning for the Annual
Membership Meeting is being
finalized. The meeting is
scheduled for Saturday, April
18 in the Lecture Hall on the
campus of Clovis High School,
with remote two-way Interactive
Television (ITV) locations in the
Clayton High School Cafeteria
and in the ITV rooms at Logan
and Santa Rosa High Schools.
Members choosing not to
travel to Clovis for the meeting
can participate in the Annual
The Clovis High School Lecture Hall hosts the 2015 Annual
Meeting process, including
Membership Meeting.
member registration and voting,
currently held by Frank Blackburn of
at one of the remote ITV
Ranchvale, New Mexico.
locations. Member registration begins
# 7, Districts 6, 7 and 8 –
at 8 a.m. MDT and promptly ends at 10
the Clayton (374), Nara
a.m. MDT with the start of the business
and Roy (485) exchanges
– currently held by Frank Garnett of
Regular agenda items during the
Nara Visa, New Mexico.
meeting include reports of officers
Position # 11, Districts 9, 10 and 11
and committees, election of Board of
– represents the Anton Chico (427),
Directors, reports of Cooperative officers
Conchas Dam (868), El Valle (421),
and committees, presentation of the
Mosquero (673), Santa Rosa (472),
2015 Education Foundation Scholarship
Trementina (641) and White Lakes
winners and any other business presented
(422) exchanges – currently held by
before the Cooperative membership.
James Cordova of Santa Rosa, New
This year, five terms of office are up
for election on the Board of Directors.
Position # 13, Districts 3 and 13 –
Positions to be filled at this year’s
represents the Bellview (456), Grady
meeting are (see pages 4 and 5 for
(357), Logan (487) and San Jon (576)
more information about the Board of
exchanges – currently held by Larry
Directors’ election and voting at the
Wallin of Logan, New Mexico.
Annual Membership Meeting):
Each registered member will receive
Position # 1, Districts 1 and 2
a valuable gift bag (all locations), be
– represents the Farwell (481),
eligible for door prizes (all locations)
Ranchvale (985), South Clovis (683)
and be treated to lunch after the meeting
and Pleasant Hill (389) exchanges –
(lunch at the Clovis location only).
currently held by Kenny Wilhite of
Questions or comments concerning the
Pleasant Hill, New Mexico.
Annual Membership Meeting should
Position # 2, Districts 1 and 2
be directed to Plateau, P.O. Box 1947,
– represents the Farwell (481),
Clovis, NM 88102-1947, 1.800.432.2369
Ranchvale (985), South Clovis (683)
or 1.575.389.5100.
and Pleasant Hill (389) exchanges –
February Board
meeting highlights
The Cooperative Board of Directors met in regular session on Thursday, February 26.
Highlights of that meeting follow:
Our mission is to provide our members
with universal access to high quality,
reasonably priced, progressive
telecommunications services that
enhance the quality of life and economic
development of our service areas.
• The Board approved the applications of 42 new members to the Cooperative.
• Nominating committees were appointed for the following Board Positions:
Position 1, Districts 1 and 2
Position 2, Districts 1 and 2
Sylvia Shugart, chairwoman
Jay Sealey Paul Lough Lonnie Mitchell, alternate
Robert Snell, chairman
Kathryn Tate
Glen Johnson
Danny Gear, alternate
Position 7, Districts 6, 7 and 8
Renea Rinestine, chairwomen
Yolanda Kimber Kynda Butt Karen Bell, alternate
Position 11, Districts 9, 10, 11
Gilbert Sena, chairman
Ernest Tapia
Adolfo Romero
Michael Chavez, alternate
Position 13, Districts 3 and 13
Brady Bryant, chairman
Roger Bowe
Johnny Irving
Larry Charles, alternate
• Board members James Cordova, Mabel Flores and Frank Garnett reported about
their participation in a check presentation from the Nuestros Vecinos-Our Neighbors
Grant Program to Anton Chico Economic Development, Inc.
• A matching grant was approved through the Nuestros Vecinos-Our Neighbors Grant
Program for $5,000 to Martha’s Café in Roy, New Mexico for business startup.
• A construction status report was presented to the Board and included:
~ Construction of fiber-optic cable in Grady and Broadview is complete, and
conversion of individual subscribers from copper cable to the new fiber-optic cable
network is complete, with just a handful of members left to switch over.
~ Conversion of members in the San Jon community from copper cable to the fiberoptic cable network is underway.
~ Construction of a fiber-optic network in the community of Mosquero is underway.
~ Rural Fiber Expansion Project construction in the El Cerrito area in the El Valle
exchange has begun.
~ All but one cell site has been upgraded to 4G service.
The next regular meeting of the Cooperative Board of Directors is scheduled for
Thursday, March 26 at the Cooperative’s offices north of Clovis.
Like us on Facebook at
We will work for the attainment of
this mission through investment in,
and efficient management of diverse
telecommunication related ventures,
which will provide financial and other
We will strive to achieve this mission by
deployment of appropriate technologies,
and empowering and equipping
our employees to deliver customer
Get the Netlink
Netlink readers can choose to continue
receiving a monthly issue of the
Netlink through traditional mail service
or electronically. If you choose the
electronic method, email us at jrj@, and we’ll notify you
when the latest Netlink edition is
available online. Be sure to include
name, email address and your phone
number. In most instances, you’ll
have the Netlink before any of your
neighbors or friends receive it through
regular mail.
Monthly survey
drawing winners
Customers receiving a $25 gift
certificate in this month’s survey
drawing include:
• Dan and Karen Bryan, Gladstone, New
• Joann Haddock, Roswell, New Mexico
• Imelda Cruz, Sudan, Texas
• Choice Inn, Clovis, New Mexico
• William Wood, Clovis, New Mexico
All completed surveys are eligible for
the monthly drawing.
Page 2
Spring is on the way
Special to the Netlink, by Tom Phelps CEO
As the old proverb goes, “No matter how long the winter, spring
is sure to follow.” With that in mind, there are already a few
signs signaling that spring is truly on its way—basketball season
winding down, baseball and softball seasons beginning; and, of
course, the appearance of everything green as we celebrate Saint
Patrick’s Day. In addition, your Cooperative is in full swing
preparing for next month’s Annual Membership Meeting.
Spring is the traditional time of year that members of credit
unions, electric co-ops and telecoms in this area gather to
participate in the cooperative spirit of self-governance and
self-determination called an annual membership meeting.
Thousands of cooperative
businesses across the
country will follow suit,
hosting some version of
an annual membership
meeting this year. Each of
those meetings strengthens
the democratic spirit of
cooperative businesses.
Plateau continues that
tradition on April 18 in the
Lecture Hall on the campus
of Clovis High School.
Once again, members
may elect to participate
in the meeting through
ITV locations in Clayton,
Logan and Santa Rosa. ITV
lessens the travel burden for
many and affords them the
opportunity to participate. It
is still believed that Plateau
is the only cooperative
business in the country that
conducts its membership
meeting through a two-way
interactive television system.
forget to mention, it is also a great opportunity to meet and visit
with old and new friends and neighbors.
All members of the Cooperative are encouraged to participate
either at the main site in Clovis, or one of the ITV locations.
Member participation is the key element of the cooperative
spirit, so make plans now to attend. I hope to see you at the
2015 Annual Membership Meeting.
This year’s meeting
promises to be just as
enjoyable as those in
the past. Five Board of
Directors’ positions are
up for election, the 2015
Education Foundation
Scholarship winners
will be introduced and
reports of activities and
accomplishments achieved
in 2014 will be presented,
along with information about
this year’s plans and outlook.
Of course, we must not
Page 3
Voting eligibility at the Annual Membership Meeting
and related issues
In preparation for the upcoming Annual Membership Meeting to be held in Clovis on April 18, and to standardize issues regarding
voting, clarification is needed (see Article III, Section 5 of the Bylaws). The procedure for voting by non-individual members
sometimes arises.
To make this process more systematic, below is a standard form to be completed and submitted at the time of registration to
allow voting by non-individual members at future Annual Membership Meetings. The form may also be acquired by calling the
Cooperative’s corporate offices at 1.575.389.5100, toll free 1.800.432.2369, or by visiting our website at
According to Membership Policy #15 relating to the credentials
and election committee, the Board grants authority to a group
of non-member, non-employee certified public accountants
to conduct the elections of Board members. The CPAs will
respond to all voting issues, collect, tabulate and report
election/voting results to the Cooperative’s membership while
in attendance at the Annual Meeting, either in person or by
participation at remote, televised locations. These individuals
will be independently employed by the Cooperative and will
have no direct or indirect association with the company.
Also, subsection (m) of the policy states, “That should
an election for a director position result in a tie, then the
two candidates with the highest vote total, thereafter, will
immediately be submitted to the membership for an additional
vote in a runoff election.”
Members registering at the Annual Membership
Meeting on behalf of a partnership, organization,
church, trust, corporation, governmental agency
or limited liability company must present
documentation at registration denoting such. For
convenience, a blank form has been provided
below to accomplish this. The form must be signed
and notarized. The form can be delivered by the
appointed individual at the time of registration at
the Annual Meeting. No person may vote more than
one time or receive more than one ballot. For more
information, call 1.575.389.5100 or 1.800.432.2369.
Affidavit for use by a Non-Individual Member to Authorize a Voting Representative
I, _______________ do hereby certify that _______________________ is the voting representative of _________________________ {name
of entity} and is the duly authorized legal representative for such entity for the purpose of voting on any and all matters that may arise at the Annual
Membership Meeting of E.N.M.R. Telephone Cooperative (hereinafter referred to as “E.N.M.R.”) as held on April 18, 2015 in Clovis, New Mexico
with ITV locations in Clayton, Logan and Santa Rosa. This affidavit shall remain in effect through said meeting date unless earlier cancelled by
written notice received by E.N.M.R.
Type of Entity: (please specify)
□ Organization
□ Church
□ Trust
□ Corporation
□ Partnership
□ Governmental Agency
□ Limited Liability Business
□ Sole Proprietorship
Cooperative Member’s Qualifying Telephone Number
COUNTY OF_________
) ss.
On this ____________day of ___________, 2015 personally appeared before me _____________________, being known to be the person acknowledging the
foregoing instrument.
My commission expires:
______________________________NOTARY PUBLIC
Page 4
Board of Directors nominating procedures
A Cooperative member can become a candidate for election to
the Board of Directors by two methods:
Kenny Wilhite of Pleasant Hill, New Mexico.
The first is to be recommended by a nominating committee.
The current Board of Directors appoints nominating committees
between 30 and 70 days before the Annual Membership
Meeting. The duty of the committees is to submit a list of
eligible candidates for the Board positions slated for election.
The nominating committees’ recommendations must be
completed and posted at least 20 days before the Annual
Meeting. There must be at least one eligible candidate for each
vacant Board Position.
The second method is to be nominated by petition. A petition
signed by at least 15 members of the Cooperative can qualify
any member in good standing with the Cooperative. The petition
must be submitted to the Cooperative’s business offices north of
Clovis at least 20 days before the Annual Membership Meeting
in order to have the name of the candidate placed on the official
Candidates for election to the Board of Directors must meet
the following requirements as quoted from the
Cooperative’s Bylaws; Article IV, Section 5:
Position # 2 – represents the Farwell (481), Ranchvale
(985), South Clovis (683) and Pleasant Hill (389)
exchanges – currently held by Frank Blackburn of
Ranchvale, New Mexico.
Position # 7 – represents the Clayton (374), Nara Visa
(633) and Roy (485) exchanges – currently held by Frank
Garnett of Nara Visa, New Mexico.
Position # 11 – represents the Anton Chico (427), Conchas
Dam (868), El Valle (421), Mosquero (673), Santa
Rosa (472), Trementina (641) and White Lakes (422)
exchanges – currently held by James Cordova of Santa
Rosa, New Mexico.
Position # 13 – represents the Bellview (456), Grady (357),
Logan (487) and San Jon (576) exchanges – currently
held by Larry Wallin of Logan, New Mexico.
Questions concerning the Annual Membership Meeting should
be directed to Plateau in writing, or by calling 1.800.432.2369.
“No person shall be eligible to become or remain a
director of the Cooperative who:
(a) is not a member and is not presently residing
in the area served or to be served by the
(b) is in any way employed by or financially
interested in a competing enterprise or a business
engaged in selling telecommunications service
or supplies, or constructing or maintaining
telecommunications facilities other than a
business operating on a cooperative nonprofit basis for the purpose of furthering rural
(c) in the case of a director to be elected as the
representative of a numbered director district, is
not a resident of the area from which elected;
(d) is an employee of the Cooperative; and
(e) is related to an employee of the Cooperative as
a close relative. For the purpose of this section,
close relatives include grandparents, parents,
husband, wife, children, grandchildren, brothers,
sisters, aunts, uncles and spouses of any of the
Rural Youth of America:
Have Your Voices Heard!
2015 Rural Youth
Telecommunications Survey
Go online and fill out the survey today! To encourage your participation,
each person who completes this survey will be automatically entered in a
random drawing to win a Kindle Fire. The deadline to participate is
April 15, 2015.
The 2015 Annual Membership Meeting occurs on
Saturday, April 18 in Clovis, New Mexico.
Board terms expiring in 2015 include the following:
Position # 1 – represents the Farwell (481),
Ranchvale (985), South Clovis (683) and
Pleasant Hill (389) exchanges – currently held by
We need YOUR help to make this survey a success!
Page 5
Frequently asked questions regarding voting at the
Annual Membership Meeting
Q: Can any person receive more than one ballot and vote more
than one time?
A: No. No person can receive more than one ballot or vote more
than one time.
Q: I have five telephone numbers. Can I register each and every
A: No. The Cooperative Bylaws allow one vote per member
without regard for how many lines a member has.
Q: Can a member vote by proxy for another member?
A: No. Proxy voting is not allowed under Cooperative Bylaws
and all matters must be voted in person.
Q: Can I register under both my residence and my business?
A: No. The Cooperative Bylaws state that each member is
entitled to only one vote. It has been the Cooperative’s practice
that no person may receive more than one ballot. A partnership,
organization, church, trust, corporation, governmental agency
or limited liability company which holds a separate membership
certificate is entitled to vote. It would be proper for the entity
to supply an affidavit authorizing a voting representative.
In so doing, the entity may designate an authorized voting
representative on behalf of such entity.
Q: Can I register under my business and my wife register under
my residence?
A: Yes, if you are a member of the Cooperative, and as long
as no person receives more than one ballot or votes more than
one time and the business has a separate member number
from the residential service. An affidavit, resolution or other
documentation will be necessary if the business is a partnership,
organization, church, trust, corporation, governmental agency
or limited liability company, and so long as no person receives
more than one ballot or votes more than one time.
ballot or vote more than one time.
Q: Do I get to register for my wireless, Internet or long distance
A: No. Internet, wireless or long distance services alone or
landline service outside the Cooperative’s exchange area do not
qualify for membership rights in the Cooperative (see footnote
Q: Do I have to be present at the time of voting?
A: Yes.
Q: If I am standing in line at the time registration closes, will I
still be allowed to register to vote?
A: Yes.
Q: If I walk in the door a few minutes after 10 a.m. but there is
still a line, will I be allowed to vote?
A: No.
Footnote: For the purposes of voting eligibility, a Cooperative member is defined
as a person, business or organization that receives landline telephone service
from a Central Office located within one of the Cooperative’s 26 service area
exchanges. Landline phone numbers beginning with these prefixes will generally
qualify as Cooperative memberships — 279 (House), 355 (Fort Sumner), 357
(Grady), 372 (Weber City), 374 (Clayton), 389 (Pleasant Hill), 421 (El Valle),
422 (White Lakes), 423 (Bingham), 427 (Anton Chico), 456 (Bellview), 458
(Ragland), 472 (Santa Rosa), 481 (Farwell, TX), 485 (Roy), 487 (Logan), 575
(East Glenrio), 576 (San Jon), 584 (Vaughn), 633 (Nara Visa), 641 (Trementina),
673 (Mosquero), 683 (South Clovis), 849 (Corona), 868 (Conchas Dam) or 985
Q: Can an employee register and vote on behalf of my soleproprietorship business?
A: No. The owner of a sole-proprietorship business would be
the only person allowed to register to vote on behalf of the
business. Allowing an employee to register to vote on behalf of
a sole-proprietorship business constitutes a vote by proxy which
is not allowed under Cooperative Bylaws.
Q: Can I register under my church?
A: Members can register on behalf of a church provided that
person has a resolution, affidavit or other proper documentation
authorizing the person registering to vote and so long as the
authorized voting representative receives only one ballot and
votes only one time.
Q: I am an elected official (county, city, state). Can I register
under one of the agency’s telephone numbers which represent a
membership in the Cooperative?
A: Members can register on behalf of a governmental agency
provided that the person has a resolution, affidavit or other
proper documentation from the agency authorizing the person
to register and vote. Again, no person can receive more than one
Page 6
Classified Ads
Classified advertising rates - $3 for first 15 words and 30 cents per word
thereafter per issue. There is no limit on the number of items per ad. Count
each whole number or phone number as one word. There are no additional
charges for business ads.
Ads run on space available basis. The Netlink reserves the right to edit
and/or refuse any advertisement submitted for publication.
Payment for all classified advertising must accompany order. Checks
and money orders should be made payable to Plateau.
Enclose advertising message with payment and send to Classified
Advertising, The Netlink, Plateau, P.O. Box 1947, Clovis, N.M. 88102-1947.
For Sale – Small ranch in big ranch country.
Updated 1,500 square foot, two bedrooms,
two baths on 34-plus acres with privacy and
easy town access. One mile from paved scenic
highway 209 on county maintained road and
surrounded by mesas. Twenty miles from
Tucumcari and sixty from Clovis. Updated for
energy efficiency with very low E windows
and insulation. Recently remodeled bath
with tile floor and shower, updated kitchen
and new appliances. Adobe south wall with
fireplace and attached greenhouse. Basement
and mudroom/laundry room. Attached
two-car garage. Fenced and cross fenced.
Two outbuildings with electric and solar.
Good well. $153,900. Pictures available on
Craigslist Clovis. Call 1.505.414.1246 or
For Sale – 1.76 acres on Pecos River.
Irrigation, utilities available. Home trailer,
camping. Thirty-five minutes from Santa
Fe on Highway 3 and I-25 across from San
Miguel Church. Call 1.575.421.7000.
For Sale – Farm on Pecos River, 509 of
frontage, orchard, comfortable home, guest
house and library. Thirty-five minutes from
Santa Fe. Easy access. Furnishings and
equipment. $229,000. Call 1.575.421.7000.
Ad copy must be received in our office by the 10th of the month
preceding publication. Example: March 10th for April Issue; April 10th for
May Issue, etc.
Disclaimer: Plateau is not responsible for the content of any classified
advertising, nor for any product, service or information advertised therein.
Limitation of liability: Classified advertisers indemnify Plateau for
any claims arising out of their classified advertisements. Plateau’s liability
for classified advertising is limited to refund of the amount paid for the
publication of that advertisement.
For Lease – Pasture for 120 steers. Thirtyone miles east of Las Vegas, New Mexico on
Highway 104. May 1 to September 30, Call
Employment Opportunity – The Town of
Vaughn is looking for a water/wastewater
Level II operator. For more information,
please call Carmen Langley at 1.575.584.2301
or Roman Garcia at 1.575.512.5501.
For Sale – 1990s Airlock Log Cabin, KellerWilliams, 13 Wigwam Trail, Pecos River
Retreat, Ilfeld, New Mexico between Santa Fe
and Las Vegas. Views of Rowe Mesa, private
access to Pecos River, three acres, community
utilities. New condition, 3 bedrooms, 2
bathrooms, Heatilator fireplace, propane
furnace, insulated double garage, covered
RV parking, in quiet community. $249,500.
Contact owner at 505.690.1062. Serious
inquiries only.
For Sale – 2.9 acres with a 16-80 Redmon
Trailer, comes with all utilities. Lots of
additions. 15 fruit trees. Six miles from I-25
on Highway 3 towards the Villanueva State
Park. Must see to believe. All water rights,
with the Pecos River as your backyard. Call
For Rent or Sale – House in Broadview, New
Mexico. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms.
Very nice. Call 1.575.456.8100.
For Sale – 115 Mica Drive, Conchas Lake,
New Mexico. Enjoy Conchas Lake and all
it has to offer in this three bedroom, two
bathroom home with detached garage on
just over five acres with community water.
$139,000. Big Mesa Realty, 1.575.456.2000.
Paul Stout, Broker, 1.575.760.5461. http://
Small Ranch For Sale – Trujillo, New
Mexico. Off the grid. 647 Acres with two
bedroom, two bath house. Community well.
Million dollar view! Above Canyon Largo.
Call 1.713.468.8495.
For Sale – 2111 South Avenue D, Portales,
N.M. Residential living with commercial
potential; five bedrooms, four bathrooms.
Over 3,000 square feet of living area, just
under two acres. Tall shop space and carport.
Co-op water. Big Mesa Realty, 575.456.2000,
Paul Stout, Broker, 575.760.5461.
For Sale – 7351 Quay Road AI, Tucumcari,
N.M. Beautiful 3,000 plus square foot home
overlooking Ute Lake. Three bedrooms, five
bathrooms, lake access on 40 acres. Big Mesa
Realty, 575.456.2000, Paul Stout, Broker,
Career Opportunities – For the latest career
opportunities at Plateau, visit us on the Web at
Have something to buy, sell or trade? Reach countless numbers of Cooperative members and even more through our
website every month for as little as $3 per month for a 15-word classified ad. Simply complete this form and RETURN
WITH PAYMENT to Netlink Classified Advertising, P.O. Box 1947, Clovis, N.M. 88102-1947 or call 1.575.389.4241 or
PHONE NUMBER___________________________________CITY, STATE, ZIP_______________________________
AD COPY________________________________________________________________________________________
Page 7
P.O. Box 1947
Clovis, N.M. 88102-1947
Upcoming events
March 17 St. Patrick’s Day – Everyone claims to be Irish on this day.
Celebrated with shamrocks, parades, traditional Irish food and, of
course, the wearin’ of the green.
March 20 Vernal Equinox – From this day forward until the summer
solstice in June, each period of daylight is slightly longer and the
nighttime is shorter than the day before – often considered the first
day of spring.
March 21 Nelson Illusions Smoke & Mystery Tour – Marshall
Auditorium in Clovis, New Mexico hosts this one-of-a-kind theatrical
spectacle that combines rare and original illusions from around the
world with award-winning, jaw-dropping magic. Performance starts
at 7 p.m. For more information, contact the Clovis Community
College Cultural Arts Series at 1.575.769.4950 or browse http://www.
March 26 Board of Directors Meeting – Monthly meeting of the
Cooperative Board of Directors at the Cooperative’s business offices
north of Clovis.
March 28 and 29 Home and Garden Show – The biggest show of its
kind in eastern New Mexico featuring home improvement, gardening,
décor, demonstrations, arts and crafts, food and lots of drawings and
prizes. Takes place on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sunday
from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Civic Center in Clovis, New Mexico.
For more information, call 1.575.762.4342 or visit http://www.
March 30 Deadline for Board of Directors’ Nominations –
Nominations for the Cooperative Board of Directors’ election must be
presented in the Cooperative’s business offices north of Clovis by 5
p.m. (MDT) this day to be eligible.
April 1 April Fools’ Day – Some researchers believe that the origin
of this day (playing practical jokes and pranks) began as many
Europeans in the late 18th century began recognizing January 1 as the
start of the New Year. Up until that time, New Year’s was celebrated
on March 25 with celebrations lasting as long as a week and ending
on April 1. As the new January 1 date took hold, many that still
celebrated the old New Year were considered “foolish” and made fun
April 5 Easter – Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead
on the third day after his crucifixion on Good Friday, also called
Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday.
April 14 Scrap Arts Music – The Clovis Community College Cultural
Arts Series continues at Marshall Auditorium in Clovis, New
Mexico. With instruments fashioned from industrial scrap and offbeat
materials ranging from accordion parts to artillery shells, Scrap Arts
Music’s original instruments and music are visually striking as they
are sonically riveting. For more information, contact the Clovis
Community College Cultural Arts Series at 1.575.769.4950 or browse
April 15 Income Tax Day – Federal Income Tax returns must be
completed and postmarked on this day.
April 18 Cooperative Annual Membership Meeting – Annual
meeting of the Cooperative membership takes place in the Lecture
Hall on the campus of Clovis High School with remote satellite TV
locations in Clayton, Logan and Santa Rosa. For more information,
call 1.800.432.2369.