Collegium Newsletter ~ March 16, 2015

Monday, March 16th ~ Day 3
Tuesday, March 17th ~ Day 4
Wed., March 18th ~ Day 5
Thursday, March 19th ~ Day 6
Friday, March 20th ~ Day 1
Monday, March 23rd ~ Day 2
Tuesday March 24th ~ Day 3
Mark Your Calendar!
Monday, March 16th
Grades K-5: St Jude’s
Math-a-Thon Begins
Tuesday, March 17th
Grades K-5: Go For
Greens Day
Grades 10-12: Dual
Enrollment Info Night,
535 Library 7pm
NJHS Induction
Ceremony, 515
Auditorium 9am
CCS Foundation Public
Meeting, 435
Conference Room
Parent Education Night,
535 Library 6pm
Thursday, March 19
National Art Honor
Society Induction
Ceremony, 535 Library
Board of Trustees Public
Work Session, 435
Conference Room 6pm
Board of Trustees Public
Meeting, 435
Conference Room 7pm
Grades K-12: Cougar
Pride Day - Wear Your
Cougar Gear with
Uniform Bottoms or
Grades K-8: Pay $1.00
to Wear a Hat for Caps
for CURE
Girls Lacrosse @
Academy Park HS,
6 Grade Rec Night,
515 Gym 6-8pm
500: (610) 903-1300, ext. 6106
150: (610) 903-1300, ext. 6811
515: (610) 903-1300, ext. 6372
535: (610) 903-1300, ext. 6602
CCS Board of Trustees: or (610) 903-1300, ext. 7501
Parent Education Night
Chester County Science Fair
Please join us on Wednesday, March 18 at
6pm in the 535 Library for a presentation on
Strategies for Addressing Difficult Behaviors.
Our presenter is Chris McCloskey, a Board
Certified Behavior Analyst from the Chester
County Intermediate Unit. Please RSVP to Ms.
Mellone at by Monday,
March 16 at noon.
Dual Enrollment Info Night
Wed., March 18th
Friday, March 20th
Collegium Newsletter ~ March 16, 2015
Sophomores, Juniors, and their parents/
guardians are encouraged to attend the Dual
Enrollment Info Night on Tuesday, March 17
in the 535 Library at 7pm. Dual Enrollment is
a partnership program with Delaware County
Community College that allows our Juniors
and Seniors to take college courses for credit
while still in high school.
Caps for CURE
Our National Elementary Honor Society is
ushering in the first day of spring with their
annual fundraiser for children's cancer
research, Caps for CURE. On Friday, March
20 , students in grades K-8 may pay $1.00
and wear a favorite, school-appropriate hat of
their choice. All proceeds will be donated to
CURE Childhood Cancer research.
Annual Parent Survey
Based on their outstanding projects at our
Science Fair, the following students
represented CCS at the 6 -12 Grade
Chester County Science Fair: Jacob
Schuette, Shouro Shuvit, Nathan Cain,
Anusha Kalavacharla, and Julianna
Ohnjec. Special congratulations to Rowan,
Shouro, Anusha, and Julianna! Rowan won
th th
3 place in his division (6 -8 Grade
Environmental Science), Shouro won a
Sustainability, Anusha won 2 place in her
division (9 Grade Botany), and Julianna
won 1 place in her division (10 Grade
Mathematics). In April, Anusha and Julianna
will advance to the next level and represent
CCS in the Delaware Valley Science Fair.
Good luck, ladies!
Like to Decorate?
Our Junior/Senior Prom Committee needs
parent volunteers to help decorate this year's
event on Saturday, May 16
at the
Coatesville Country Club. If you have a
student in 11 or 12 grade and are
interested in assisting, please contact Evelyn
Linkins (, 484-8682861) or Ms. Roberts (
The link to the survey was emailed to our
Go for the Greens Day
parents/guardians last week. Please respond
On Tuesday, March 17 , K-5
to the survey by March 20 . Your feedback is
students are encouraged to bring green
important to Collegium!
veggies or fruits for snacks and lunch.
2015-2016 School Year
Greens are on our lunch menu, too. Please
Planning for the next school year is underway. join us in promoting healthy eating choices
Parents of elementary students who have at school and home.
concerns regarding their child’s placement for
Donation & Volunteer Time
next year should send a letter to their child's
Sharpened pencils are needed for our
current principal, Mrs. Mraz (150) or, Mrs.
upcoming standardized testing in April and
Wight Mahoney (500). The letter should
May. Thousands of pencils are needed by
indicate your concern(s) and share your child's
April 6 . CCS families are encouraged to
strengths and weaknesses, along with an idea
purchase Dixon Ticonderoga or Oriole #2
of the teaching style and learning environment
pencils, sharpen them, and donate them to
that works best for your child. Parent emails or
CCS. Please send in your sharpened pencils
letters must be received by March 27 .
marked "435 Building for Curriculum &
Requests for specific teachers will not be
Assessment Department”.
honored and requests received after the due
Cell Phone Use
date will not be considered.
of our students and staff,
Camp Collegium
please do not use your cell phones once our
Camp Collegium is back for summer 2015!
arrival and dismissal lines start moving.
The camp registration form is now posted on
Texting, gaming, etc. leads to dangerous
the Activities page of our website. Sign up now
and distracted driving.
to save 5% on your total tuition!
Collegium Newsletter
Page 2 of 2
Character Counts
K- 5 Grade Character Development Program: Fairness, Responsibility, Respect, Citizenship, Trustworthiness, and Caring.
Here at Collegium, students are recognized by staff for their good character and their names and photos are added to the Good
Character Walls. We have new additions to our Good Character Walls: Akarsh Doki, Aiden Parker, Leila Rubin, Gianni
Lucianetti, Yasmine Fritzinger, Jillian Dieckhaus, Shruthika Rajkannan, and Gavin Gonzalez.
Floor Hockey & Kindergarten Club Intramurals
Floor Hockey (grades 2-5) and Kindergarten Club intramural programs begin in late April. Registration forms and payment
are due by Wednesday, April 8 . Registration forms for Floor Hockey and Kindergarten Club are available on the Athletics
page of the CCS website. If necessary, participants will be selected via lottery. Participant rosters will be posted on the
Athletics page by April 16 .
Coach Bag Bingo
Coach Bag Bingo, sponsored by the CCSHSA, returns to CCS on Saturday, May 9 . This is one of the CCSHSA’s biggest
fundraisers of the year and a very exciting event. Registration is now open. For more information, see the homepage
of our website. Remember, 100% of the proceeds from this event are used to support our students and teachers! To
register to help at the event or donate food, beverages, or paper products, please sign-up:
Technology Fundraiser
Shop at Giant? When you use your shopper’s card at Giant through March 21 , our Technology Department will earn
cash back. Simply register your shopper’s card with CCS’s number (03968). Encourage family, friends, and neighbors to
register their cards, too. To view your account, confirm that you’ve selected Collegium, or to register, please visit If you’re new to the program, select Customer Registration. Registering for this
program does not negatively impact any other Giant bonus programs.
Lost and Found Bins
The bins will be cleaned out on March 27 . Items remaining in the bins on the 27 will be donated to the Uniform Resale
Shop or a local charity.
Five Below
The CCSHSA has again teamed up with the Downingtown Five Below store. When you shop at Five Below from March 1
through April 4 and use the flyer that’s posted on our website, our CCSHSA earns 10% of each purchase. Questions?
2014-2015 Yearbook
Order forms for the 2014-2015 K-12 CCS Yearbook are available on our website. The price is $65.00. Order now before
they are sold-out! The Yearbook includes a special senior class section, lots of photos, and is hard bound in full-color.
Help CCS’s Technology Department
Here’s an easy way to help CCS’s Technology Department raise money…without buying anything!
CCS’s Technology Department has a recycling program for empty laser/inkjet cartridges and used cell phones. Drop off
the products in the collection boxes near CCS’s main offices. CCS sends the cartridges and phones to Funding Factory
and in exchange, CCS earns cash or our choice of technology products! Not only can you send in your cartridges, but
you can ask family, neighbors, and local businesses to help, too. Funding Factory will send each supporting business free
prepaid shipping labels for the return of collected cartridges and cell phones. Items donated by these supporting
businesses will also be credited to Collegium! Need your personal information removed from your cell phone before
donating? Contact Mrs. Leach at
Community Opportunities
While CCS is not endorsing these or any other programs that occur outside CCS, we pass along information on community
opportunities that CCS families may want to explore.
Philadelphia Area Team Tennis Association: Programs start in late April for children ages 5-18 in Exton, Downingtown,
and West Chester. For more information, visit
1 Annual American Helicopter Museum Girls Science Expo: Girls in grades 3-12 are invited to enter a science
project for display in the March 28 Expo. For more information, visit or contact
WBYA is offering boys’ golf (ages 7-18) and girls’ lacrosse (K-6 grades) programs this spring. For more information, visit or contact or 610-344-9444.
All content for the newsletter must be submitted by 4:00pm on Thursdays via email to The Community
Opportunities section will not include information about non-CCS fundraisers or information from for-profit companies.
CCS reserves the right to edit submissions and deny material for submission if deemed inappropriate or if it is determined
to be of little or no interest to CCS families.