National Dairy Research Institute, NDRI National Dairy Research Institute, NDRI is a premier institution of dairying and acclaimed for its contribution in generating quality human resource, carrying out excellent R&D work and assistance in promotion of Indian Dairy sector. The institute undertakes basic and applied research, teaching and extension activities towards dairy development, animal productivity enhancement, development of new products and processes for the benefit of millions of farmers and consumers. Society for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Dairying (SINED), Technology Business Incubator (TBI) Society for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Dairying (SINED), TBI is an initiative of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. TBI promotes the concept of growth through innovations and applications of technology, support, economic development strategies for Small Business Development. Among the various TBI established under the aegis of DST, SINED is the only one working for dairy and food processing sector. Business Planning and Development (BPD) Unit Business Planning and Development (BPD) Unit at NDRI is established under the aegis of National Agricultural Innovation Projects (NAIP) with the objective to promote dairy & food agribusiness entrepreneurs through enhancing their technical and business skills, commercialization of dairy & food technologies; provide services on marketing assistance, quality evaluation, research and development for business development and assist small entrepreneurs for set-ting up their business ventures. Contact Us Entrepreneurship Development Programme Coordinator Dr. S. S.Lathwal Incharge & PS, LPM Division NDRI, Karnal, Haryana-132001 Ph: 0184-2259109 Secretary, SINED-TBI & Incharge BPD Dr. Ashish Kumar Singh Senior Scientist, Dairy Technology Division NDRI, Karnal-132001 Phone: 0184-2259291, 2259259 Programme Commercial Dairy Farming rd th 23 – 28 March, 2015 Registration, Coordination & Hospitality Miss. Garima Yadav Business Manager, BPD Unit NDRI, Karnal-132001 Phone: 8814000768 Email id: Mr. D.K. Arora Project Officer, TBI/SINED NDRI, Karnal-132001 Phone: 9996344630 Email id: Society for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Dairying (SINED); Technology Business Incubator (TBI) & Business Planning and Development (BPD) Unit National Dairy Research Institute Karnal- 132001 (Haryana) INDIA Website: Commercial Dairy Farming Application Form About Training 1. Full Name (in block letters) ... 2. Present Designation and Address ...... .......................................... ................................................................ 3. Email & Mobile No. ... ................................................................ 4. Permanent address ........................ ................................................................ ............. 5. Date of Birth ... 6. Sex: Male/Female ... 7. Experience in Agriculture & Dairy Commercial dairy farming has good potential for employment generation both in rural and peri-urban areas besides being a source of liquidity and insurance against crop failure. In other words, dairy provides employment throughout the year. Even more profits can be earned through dairying, depending upon the breeds of animal, managerial skills and marketing. Dairy farming can also be taken up as a main occupation around big urban centres, wherein the demand for milk is high. Modern and well established scientific principles, practices and skills should be used to obtain maximum economic benefits from dairy farming. parameter and project 1. Economic proposal development of commercial dairy farm for sustainability 2. Fodder production, preservation utilization of farm waste ............................... ...... 8. Educational Qualification 3.Animal Health, housing & shelter managreement of dairy animals 9. DD Number ... Dated... Signature of applicant Date................................ and 4. Quality milk production & Value addition in milk for enhancement of farm income 5. Interaction with dairy equipment industries, commercial dairy farmers and financial institution Registration Registration will be on first come, first served basis. The training is entrepreneurs, husbandry & educated rural farmers. There training. open for Dairy farmers/ officials from animal dairying departments, and urban youths and are 20-25 seats for this Fees for Training Fee of Rs. 10,000 per participants will be charged which includes boarding and lodging facilities also. Participants have to bring Demand Draft in favour of Society for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Dairying, TBI payable at Karnal. Accommodation Boarding and Lodging facilities will be provided at Scientist home of NDRI, Karnal. Topics to be covered ................................... ...... .......................................... Eligibility & Selection Certificate A certificate will be awarded to the participant on the successful completion of the course. Travel Karnal is located on NH-1, equidistant (~125 Km) from New Delhi and Chandigarh. City is well connected by road and train. Buses for Karnal can be availed from ISBT Bus stand (Kashmiri Gate), New Delhi, which operates round the clock. Last Date of Registration Send the demand draft along with filled application form before 20th March, 2015. Application form for Six Days Entrepreneurship Development Programme on 'Commercial Dairy Farming' (23rd -28th March., 2015) 1. Name of Applicant:___________________________________________________________ 2. Father's Name:_______________________________________________________________ 3. Date of Birth:______/_________/________________________________________________ 4. Address:____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Nationality:__________________________________________________________________ 6. Qualification:________________________________________________________________ 7. Telephone no./ Mobile no:_____________________________________________________ 8. Fax no:_____________________________________________________________________ 9. Email:______________________________________________________________________ 10. Profession: Service/ Business:__________________________________________________ 11. If in Service: a) Current Organization:________________________________________________ b) Area of Responsibility:________________________________________________ c) Website:___________________________________________________________ 12. If in Business: a) Details of Business: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ b) Website:___________________________________________________________ 13. Give a brief description of your experience and background: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 14. How you come to know about SINED (TBI) and BPD Unit? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ I am enclosing hereby a Demand Draft (No.)________________________ Dated _________________ for Rs.________________________________ in favour of "SOCIETY FOR INNOVATION AND ENTERPRENEURSHIP IN DAIRYING", Payable at KARNAL. Date Signature For Further information, please contact:Dr. S.S. Lathwal, PS & Incharge Cattle Yard & Programme Co-ordinator Ms. Garima Yadav, Business Manager, BPD Unit Mr. D.K. Arora, Project Officer, SINED (TBI) Dr. A.K. Singh, Sr. Scientist (DT), NDRI & Secretary-SINED (TBI) Society for Innovation & Business Planning and Development (BPD) Entrepreneurship in Dairying (SINED) Unit 1 Floor, ETT Building, Cattle Yard, st National Dairy Research Institute Campus National Dairy Research Institute Campus (NDRI), Karnal - 132001 (HR) (NDRI), Karnal - 132001 (HR) Mobile no.:- 08814000768 Mobile no. :-09996344630 *Course Fee: Rs.10, 000/- per participant (Including boarding & lodging on double sharing basis at Scientist Home, NDRI) *Non-AC Accommodation, Vegetarian Meals *Last Date of Registration: 20th March., 2015
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