HQRS. OFFICE EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION PAI\CHDEEP BHAWAN: c.I.G. ROAD: NEW DELHI- 110002 TelFax 011-23234334, E-mail dmc-rc@eslcnlcln (An ISO-90012008 Certified) No.U-25/12/138 /Amend./2/2014-Med. I It V Dated: 05.03.2015 To, Director( Med. )Delhi/Noida Medical Superintendents-All Directors ESI Schemes- SSMC/SMC- ESIC Hospitals. All states All states AMENDMENT- Sub: Ref: Purchase of drugs & dressing No. U-25/12/138/2012-Med.V RC 138/2015 under ESI Rate contract 138 (from 22.11.2013 to 30.11.2015) Sir/Madam, The following Firm Name amendment may please be noted:- RC No./ Item No./ Item name Page NO. Mis Tablets Tablet Aminocal (I) Ltd 1381 179~1 150 Rates approved in DG ESIC -CRC Pref. in Amended reduced DG ESIC- price w.e.f. 28.11.2014 CRC Hs 44.21 IInd per 15 tabs Change in preference Rs. 33.00 per 15 tab No Change in (Rupees Thirty preference. Three Only) All DDOs are advised to recover the excess amount paid to the firm from subsequent bills submitted by firm and the recovery of the same should be intimated in a soft copy (Excel format only) through email (dmc-rc@esic.nic.in) in addition to hard copy to this office. In cases where no recovery This has the approval is due, a NIL report of Competent may be sent to the undersigned. Authority. ~. (Dr. Sangeeta Mathur) DY. MEDICAL COMMISSIONER Copy for information to :1. M/s Tablets (I) Ltd, Jhaver Centra, IV Floor Raja Annamalai .--Road, Egmore, Chennai- 600008. J. WCM for uploading in ESIC website. 3. Dr.A.Panda,DMC{System)mail -dr.abhimanyu.pclllda@esic.in 4. ithelpdesk@esic.in 5. Guard file 6. Hindi cell for translation Building, DY. MEDICAL 72, Marshall's COMMISSIONER
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