Anzac Day 2015 Event Organisers Resource Guide The Anzac Day Resource Guide is designed to assist event organisers and local government with planning for Anzac Day 2015. It is a guide only and can be adapted to suit the needs of your local community. 2015 Anzac Day Calendar of Events To list your event on a state-wide calendar of Anzac Day Events, go to: Planning your Event in 2015 The 2015 ANZAC Day events are likely to attract more interest and larger crowds than past events, including visitors who may not have previously attended services and events. This Guide is designed to assist event organisers and local Councils to plan for larger than usual events. It is recognised that the information will not be relevant to all events, and there will be other considerations depending on the size, location, type and duration of the events. Consider the impact larger crowds (e.g. 20 - 30% more people than previous years) will mean in terms of parking, traffic management, the number of people involved in marches or parades, the time required to conduct an event with larger numbers, the space required and so on. Notifying Authorities and Emergency Services As part of the event planning process, event organisers should contact their local Council, emergency services and other authorities to obtain input into the planning and approval process and to obtain the required permits. Councils and event organisers can complete a single Event Notification Form to notify Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, the CFA, MFB, VicRoads and Public Transport Victoria. This online Notification Form should be completed by March 11, 2015. Please note: You are still required to contact your local authorities and emergency services as part of the planning and approval process, and some authorities require earlier notification than March 11 (e.g. Public Transport Victoria must be contacted by Feb 27). The Notification Form is for authorities and emergency services, and is separate to the public calendar listing. 1 Pre-Event Planning Checklist Stakeholder planning - establish relevant planning groups/sub-committees and determine roles and responsibilities including: Event program and protocols Marketing and communications Logistics and operations Stakeholder liaison and invitations Budget/financial management Event content: Marches/parades – content, order, duration, marshalling Order of service Speakers Speakers Address content Invitations Music: Bugler, piper, bands, singer/s, recorded music Catafalque party Service booklets Wreath laying Announcement script – event details, public safety, arrival, departure Running sheets (including set up, the event and pack down) Commemorative services: See Resources for Commemorative Services for suggested order and protocols. Hymns, the National Anthem and other music can be requested from These tracks can also be downloaded for free as MP3 files from Event site planning: Location/markings for parade/march assembly areas Develop a detailed site plan Public address system suitable for expected crowd size PA system speakers – location and safety issues Power access for PA system (and back up supplies if required) Power (electrician if required), generators, fuel storage Covering/protection for cabling across walkways/driving areas Protection for ground surfaces where necessary (e.g. turf protection) Protection from potential hazards (e.g. tripping hazards, electrical safety) Lighting for public arrival and safe set up Staging and platforms Seating Shelter, temporary structures and mechanism to secure to site Balustrading for ramps, stages etc Accessible (disability) seating areas and access Crowd management (e.g. use of bollards, ropes and stands) Temporary fencing or barricading 2 Flagpoles and flags Media area Food/beverage/water provision (if included) Assembly areas Advance site preparations Determine site preparations required in advance Flags and flag poles prepared and tested Marking of underground services (e.g. watering systems) Automatic watering systems turned off Lighting in good working order Protection for “out of bounds” areas Parking: Access and egress arrangements for vehicles and motor bikes Capacity of car parks Parking attendants/marshals Signage Parking for volunteers, staff, contractors and VIPs Disabled parking areas and appropriate access to and from Accessible drop off and collection points Motorbikes and pushbike locations Radios or other communications for marshals Pedestrian management: Access and egress routes Marshals to guide visitors Pathways – accessible for all visitors including disability access Signage Protection for out of bound areas Mechanisms to transport visitors (e.g. golf carts) Signage: Directional (to assist people to get to and from the event) Traffic management Informational signage (at the event) Safety signage (e.g. emergency egress, first aid) Street and road closures: Traffic management plan (equipment, signage, personnel) Permits from road authority (VicRoads, Council) Signage and traffic equipment Traffic controllers and marshals Tow away zones Notifications required (local residents, businesses etc) 3 First aid/medical services: First aid/medical needs assessment First aid/medical provider appointed Emergency vehicle access to first aid and other sites Signage, marquee or indoor location, power, water requirements Notification of Ambulance Victoria (refer Event Notification Form) Public facilities and services: Public toilets (portable and public) Cleaning / opening of public toilets Drinkable water and water for food vendors Waste management – rubbish bins, emptying and collection Food and beverage: Food and beverage vendors/caterers (approved by Council) Access to water, power, shelter Electrical and gas cylinder safety Food vans – compliance plate approved and Gas Safety Checklist Gas Safety at Public Events Accessibility: Access for people with disabilities including mobility, hearing, vision impairments Interpreters (for communities from a non-English-speaking backgrounds, hearing) Staff and volunteers: Staff/volunteer structure and reporting hierarchy Marshals, wardens and other officials required Position descriptions and tasks developed Identification and clothing (e.g. safety vests for area wardens, information officers, lanyards with contact details) Radios or phones for communications Contact lists Training, pre and post event briefings Suppliers/contractors: Temporary structures (e.g. stage, seats, marquees etc) First aid/medical Food and beverage; catering PA/audio system Power/generators/gas Traffic and pedestrian management Signage Security/crowd control 4 Equipment list: Flags Wreaths, flowers, rosemary, laurel, poppies First aid Marshal vests / torches Radios / mobiles Contact lists Speakers notes Order of proceedings Music (if recorded) Signage Permits required: Event permit (Council) Road closures and signage - Council, VicRoads (other authorities if not Council or VicRoads road) Temporary structure permits (for large structures) – Council, Victorian Building Authority Highway Collections (tin shakes, raffles, collections) - Council and Victoria Police Food vendors – Council Stakeholders and Notifications Identify who needs to be involved, consulted and notified. Stakeholders may include: Council officers and contractors: Event officers Civic officers Communications/media Venue managers Parks and gardens Traffic and parking engineers Local laws Depot, maintenance Capital works, civic engineering Environmental/public health officers Risk and OHS managers Local health coordinator Public/environmental health Waste management, street cleaning External contractors (e.g. waste collections, maintenance) External authorities and emergency services: Victoria Police VicRoads or relevant road authority Ambulance Victoria CFB or MFB SES Victorian Building Authority (if you have large temporary structures requiring permits) Public Transport Victoria (where impact on public transport) Water, gas, electrical, other authorities 5 Local residents, businesses and organisations: RSLs and other veterans organisations Local residents Local businesses Churches, clubs and other organisations in the event precinct Waste management collectors, delivery vehicles and other services and contractors likely to be in event location during the event Local media Risk, Safety and Emergency Management Occupational Health and Safety Event organisers should be aware of their occupational health and safety responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. WorkSafe Victoria publications which may be of assistance include the Summary of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and Volunteer Health and Safety, A handbook for community service organisations. Risk and Safety Planning Event organisers should have in place a safety and emergency management plan. Event organisers should consult with Councils, emergency services, authorities and contractors in the risk assessment and the development of the safety and emergency management plan. Consider what to do in the event of a range of occurrences such as: Adverse weather plan (e.g. rain, high winds, storm) Medical or first aid incidents such as an injury or illness A road accident or other emergency in the precinct Key personnel being unable to attend Problems with temporary structures such as stages and marquees A lack of power supply Electrical and gas safety issues Consider in advance how the following issues will be managed to ensure safety for all involved: Procedures, timeframe and responsibilities for setting up the event site and for packing up the site Procedures for the arrival and departure of event visitors Managing vehicles movements within the event precinct Location and safety of all infrastructure and equipment Protection of hazard areas and storage of fuel for generators Safety issues associated with firing of cannons, guns etc Minimising damage to surfaces e.g. turf protection 6 Emergency Management Plan Event organisers should work with local government, authorities and emergency services to develop an emergency management plan including: Hierarchy of control – who is responsible, and who reports to who What to do in the event of an emergency Contact lists for emergency services Contact lists for staff, volunteers and contractors Training of all staff, volunteers and contractors Wardens, marshals, security and crowd control – roles and responsibilities Cancellation plan – triggers for cancellation, who to contact and how. Useful websites for emergency management include: VicSES “Emergency Management Planning” Victoria Police Event organisers should engage with local police early to obtain input into the planning and risk assessment of the event. Victoria Police must be notified of all events and road closures via the Event Notification Form. A permit is required from Victoria Police for any highway collections. Ambulance Victoria Ambulance Victoria (AV) should be notified of Anzac Day events via the Event Notification Form. For events creating a significant impact on the community AV should also be involved in the planning and risk assessment process. For queries relating to the provision of Ambulance Victoria services, or input into the risk assessment for the event, email: or phone: 03 9090 5904. VicRoads – Events on Streets and Roads ANZAC Day parades held on roads are “non-road activities” within the meaning of section 99B of the Road Safety Act 1986. If a parade is to be held on an arterial road, the organiser must apply to VicRoads, alternatively, if the parade is to be held on a municipal road the organiser should apply to the council so the relevant road authority can issue a non-road activity permit. The permit ensures that the relevant VicRoads region is aware of the event so the necessary steps can be taken e.g. road closure or heavy vehicle detour. The permit also contains a number of conditions to ensure that the organiser is aware of their road safety responsibilities. Traffic management Usually, an application for a non-road activity permit requires a traffic management plan that has been prepared by a pre-qualified traffic management contractor. VicRoads will waive this requirement if Victoria Police will be undertaking all 7 necessary traffic management activities and the relevant VicRoads region/team is notified of this and the details (time, location etc). Insurance For all non-road activities being conducted on a VicRoads road, VicRoads generally requires an applicant have $20 million public liability coverage. However, VicRoads considers that $10 million in public liability coverage is adequate for an ANZAC Day parade involving: - No more than 100 marchers, and - Approximately 1000 or fewer spectators, and - No historic vehicles which are either unregistered or club permitted vehicles. In the spirit of facilitating the commemorations, VicRoads is applying the foregoing concessions in granting the permits for this year’s Anzac Day events in your municipality. Public Transport Victoria If your event is likely to have an impact on Public Transport Services (i.e. additional services, delay, cancellation or diversion to a service), then you need to submit an Event Notification to Public Transport Victoria (PTV). PTV will then advise if you need to develop a Public Transport Plan (PTP) in consultation with the relevant public transport operators and if necessary attend a multi-agency planning meeting. Your PTP will need to be approved by PTV. For details go to: Authority and Emergency Services Contacts Your local authorities and emergency services should be involved with planning. Below is a list of State-wide contacts for authorities and emergency services. Organisation Ambulance Victoria Victoria Police Public Transport Vic VicRoads Metropolitan North West VicRoads Metropolitan South East VicRoads Eastern Region VicRoads North Contact Ambulance services or risk assessments: Contact your local Police Station Highway Collection permit: Event notification: Nomer Angeles Phone 9090 5904 Tony Earl 9881 8792 Sue Deery 5172 2696 9247 5714 9854 2493 5761 1892 8 Organisation Eastern Region VicRoads Northern Region VicRoads South Western Region VicRoads Western Region Contact Nathan Matthews or Sam Wade Jim Mensforth Ron Hinkley or Mark Simionato Chris Dunlop Phone 5761 1850 5434 5050 5225 2558 5225 2534 5333 8702 For ANZAC Day enquiries, contact your Local RSL Sub-Branch Contacts: Phone: (03) 9655 5555 Email: 9
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