March 2015 What’s Inside 2015 MSC Event Schedule President’s Corner Minutes from Business Meeting Birthdays & Anniversaries DEDICATED TO PRESERVING AND PROMOTING THE SHAG DANCE AND THE HERITAGE OF BEACH MUSIC. We’re Much More Than Just A Dance Club, Check Us Out . . . Our Mailing Address is: PO Box 3202 Monroe, NC 28111 1|Page 2015 Schedule of Events Date Time Location Host Guest DJ January 10th 7:30-11:30 PM American Legion Post 27 Winn and Toni Rollins Jim and Beverly DuPont Gene Hensley February 14th 7:30-11:30 PM Mitch and Mary Helms David and Donna Peshel Butch Mattox March 14th 7:30-11:30 PM Ernie and Wanda Carraway Becky and Wendell Keziah Murl Augustine April 11th 7:30-11:30 PM May 9th 7:30-11:30 PM June 13th 7:30-11:30 PM July 11th 7:30-11:30 PM American Legion Post 27 American American Legion Legion Post 27 American American Legion Legion Post 27 Legion American Legion Post 27 American American Legion Legion Post 27 American American Legion Legion Post 27 American Rolling Hills Legion Country Club August 8th 7:30-11:30 PM September 12th 7:30-11:30 PM October 10th 7:30-11:30 PM November 14th 7:30-11:30 PM December 12th 7:30-11:30 PM Monroe Shag Club American Legion Post 27 American American Legion Legion Post 27 American American Legion Legion Post 27 American American Legion Legion Post 27 American Legion TBD TBD Roy Childress Tom and Peggy Moyer David and Joni Beaudry Joey and Joyce Forbes Shaggin’ For Dollars Bill and Peggy Arant Arnold and Vicki Bivens Keith and Callie Baucom Pat and Margaret Lovelace Danny and Susan Starnes Chris and Kelly Mills Monroe Shag Club The Monroe Shag Club, (MSC) was founded by its charter members in 1987 and was later voted into the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs (ACSC) in 1988. The MSC became incorporated as a non-profit corporation on July 10, 2000. As members of the MSC, we are dedicated and operate exclusively for non-profit purposes. The club objectives are to preserve the shag dance, promote beach music, and to support the community of Union County with our annual charity fundraiser, “Shaggin’ For Dollars”. The Monroe 2 | P a gShag e Club meets for business at 7:00pm on the third Wednesday of each month at the American Legion, Post 27, located at 700 Sutherland Avenue, in Monroe, NC (Phone number 704-283-2633. The MSC has its dance parties the second Saturday night of each month from 8:00pm until Midnight, at the American Legion, Post 27. Dates and location are subject to change to minimize conflicts with other events. Please see the events President’s Page ERNIE CARRAWAY PRESIDENT 704-320-6023 Hello Monroe Shagger's I don't know about you, But Somebody needs to Shoot that Ground Hog! I Have Had enough Cold Weather. I know many People like Winter. All that Snow, Ice, and just Plan Cold. I would not be one of those People. Warm Weather, Shorts, Tee-Shirts, Flip-Flops! That's my Kind of Weather. If you are a Cold Weather Person, you sure are getting Plenty to be Happy About! Our February Dance was Anything but Cold! Our largest Crowd in Several months. A big Thanks to our Hosts, Mitch and Mary Helms and David and Donna Peshel. Our DJ was Butch Mattox who did a great Job Keeping the Floor Full. Pray for Butch, as he Battles Cancer. About 10 or More from his Shag Club PSA, came to Support him. I have heard Stories about MSC, and how they used to go in Large Number's to other Clubs and Visit. Its Sounds and Looks like it would be a lot of Fun. To Get together and Hit another Club, to support them. We Definitely need to Hit PSA, Charlotte Shag Club, and our Sister Club Lancaster. They have came out in number's to support us. George Ring Forgot it was Valentine's day, and was Lucky enough to win the Raffle, which was a Dozen Roses. He Told Barb he had it all under Control. And that he came through in the End. (way to go George!) We the Monroe Shag Club, are going to miss George and Barb as they Decided to Move to North myrtle Beach. 3|Page David Beaudry won the 50-50. All in all there was Plenty of Visitors, lots of our own People, Great food, Lots of Dancing, Tons of Fun. I wish all of our Dances could have that kind of Crowd. Our March Dance will be Hosted by Wendell and Becky Keziah, ( a first time Host, Thanks Guys!) and Wanda and Myself. The DJ is none other than Murl Augustine. He is worth the price of Admission just to listen and laugh at him. The Dance starts at 7:30, so make Plans to come on out and enjoy a great night. I have SOS cards Available at the Dance for 30.00 Dollar's each, After the Dance I am going to send them back. Hope to see you there!! Love ya! Mean it! Ernie 2015 Officers & Committee Chairs David Beaudry Vice President Mary Helms Secretary Brian Richardson Webmaster / DJ Selection 704-764-8808 Danny Starnes Social-Special Events 704-219-0657 Kim Stringer Ways and Means 704-458-4963 Tom Moyer Treasurer 704-385-9326 Keith Baucom Sergeant-At-Arms 704-289-2623 Joni Beaudry Membership/Social 704-847-9663 Bobbi Shannon Remembrance 704-233-9283 m Peggy Moyer Newsletter/Phone Tree 704-291-1510 Shaggin Good Times The “Shaggin Good Times”, is a newsletter published for its members and distributed the first of each month. It is available by email or by the United States Postal Service. The deadline for receipt of articles is the 25th of each month. The editor of this publication has the right to edit and publish submitted materials. Permission to use any material contained herein, along with appropriate credit, is extended to any ACSC club. Ideas and/or suggestions to make our newsletter better as a communication tool are greatly appreciated. Advertising in the “Shaggin Good Times’ newsletter is available for $50.00 for one year. The ad size available is 3 ½ x 1 ¾ inches. (Approximately the size of a business card.) For more information or if you would like to place a business ad please contact: Peggy Moyer – Newsletter Editor at 704-291-1510 or by email at 4|Page Please let us know of any missed or incorrect birthdays, anniversaries. Minutes from Business Meeting Mary Helms Secretary Monroe Shag Club, Inc. Membership Meeting February 18, 2015 The monthly membership meeting of the Monroe Shag Club was held on Wednesday, at the American Legion. Members present included: Ernie Carraway, David Beaudry, Mary Helms, Mitch Helms, Keith Baucom, Calli Baucom, Joni Beaudry, Tom Moyer, Peggy Moyer and Danny Starnes. President Ernie Carraway called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. He welcomed everyone. He asked if any corrections or amendments were needed for the January minutes. With no discussion, corrections or amendments requested, Keith made a motion to accept the minutes and Mitch seconded the motion, all approved. The minutes were approved and accepted as written. Treasurer’s Report: Peggy reported the amount we had and with only one item owed that she was aware of. Committee Reports Membership: Joni reported that two couples re-up’d and we now have 52 members. There were 79 that attended the Valentine’s dance. Thanks to Donna & David Peshel and Mary Helms for hosting the February dance. Great job yall! Social: Joni reported that hosts lined up for March are Ernie and Wanda Carraway and Becky and Wendell Keziah. She was able to get more couples to sign up at the dance and will provide the list to Peggy for the newsletter. Joni reported that we had several visiting members of PSA at the dance and we’ve talked about getting up a road trip to visit other clubs and she thinks this would be a great one to start with. Not many can go this coming Saturday, so maybe next month. Joni also said that several have talked about 5|Page possibly getting together a homecoming of sorts to invite some members from years past back to visit. Newsletter: Peggy apologized that she missed Momma Mary Dixon’s birthday in the newsletter, it was yesterday. Happy 85th Birthday yesterday Momma! Ways & Means: No report. DJ Selection: Peggy said that Brian advised the list is full and he will get it to Peggy for the newsletter. Web Master: no report Remembrance: Callie reported that she has had back surgery and is still in pain but improving. Joni reported that Bill Tompkins has had a cornea transplant. Please keep these wonderful friends and their families in your prayers. Shaggin’ for Dollars: David reported that the foundation has met and hopes to get started with the advertising soon. We will have a theme and dress up and it will be August 8th, 2015. We have had suggestions of Gangsters and Shaggin’ for Dollars at the Hop. We will pick a charity and then print up fliers and then tickets. Gene Sistare has committed and David is waiting to hear back from Ray Scott. Joni said we have most of the committee chairpersons and we will be moving forward soon. SOS Parade Float – no report. Old Business: Danny advised the AED has still not been shipped. If it does not soon Amazon will cancel the order and we will have to look elsewhere. New Business: David reported that on Sunday March 1st, at 2:00pm there will be a Gospel singing at the VFW in Indian Trail put on by the Veteran’s Council. Announcements: None Adjournment: David made a motion to close, which was seconded by Danny, the motion was accepted as all approved. The February meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Mary Helms Secretary Birthday’s, Anniversary’s & Remembrance Darrel Pennigar – 3/1 Susan Ulrich – ¾ Bill Tompkins Phyllis Richardson – Brian’s Mother Holli Rogozinski – 3/6 Lorie Rollins – 3/6 Annette Denton – 3/22 Mary Dixon – 2/17 Herb & Kathy Dickson – 3/1 Arnold & Vicki Bivens – 3/6 If you know of anyone that needs prayers or words of encouragement, please contact: Bobbi Shannon @ 704-233-9283 or Email: James & Debbie Reddish – 3/11 Licensed NC / SC Starnes Electric Waxhaw, NC 704-219-0657 6|Page Monroe Shag Club’s St. Patrick’s Day Dance Saturday, March 14, 2015 At American Legion Post 27 located on Sutherland Avenue Hosted by Ernie & Wanda Carraway and Wendell & Becky Keziah DJ Murl Augustine will be spinning tunes from 7:30 – 11:30 PM. Don’t Forget your Favorite Hor d’oeuvres 7|Page
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