The North Cave Neighbourhood Plan Have your say! Where should future housing and development take place in our Parish? As you may, or may not, be aware the Parish Council has decided to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish of North Cave to complement and expand upon the policies and proposals in the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s own Draft Local Plan, which is due to be formally approved and adopted by 2016. The North Cave Neighbourhood Steering Group set up by the Parish Council to oversee the Neighbourhood Plan organised and staged a useful and well-attended well attended workshop in the Village Hall on the th 9 October 2014, and has subsequently obtained external funding for the first stage of what we hope will be a worthwhile project to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for our Parish covering both the Villages of North Cave and Everthorpe as well as their environs. As part of this process, we are seeking suggestions from any interested persons or organisations for sites within the Parish that they think would be suitable for future residential, residential, commercial, recreational or community developments – along with any suggestions they may also have for the future provision of roads, woodland and public open spaces. space To ensure that the Neighbourhood Plan reflects the wishes of our community as a whole we invite you to indicate simply and clearly on the maps map we have attached,, the areas of land where you think any of these future uses should be provided.. Please feel free to use a colour scheme and key as you see fit to identify the different uses, perhaps adding brief notes where necessary. Additional copies of both the North Cave and Everthorpe maps are available on our website, website,, and in the Village Vi Shop, along with maps showing previous land bids and East Riding of Yorkshire Council land allocations for you to print out and annotate as you see fit. There is also lso information about the background to the Neighbourhood Plan and its potential benefits to our community on the website. Your completed maps should be submitted submi in hard copy at the village shop in North Cave or electronically to by Monday 30th March.. Please be sure to include your name and contact details. The information gathered from this exercise will be assessed by independent consultants and used to formulate a recommended future course of action for f the Neighbourhood Plan, which we will share with you at our next open consultation meeting. meeting We look forward to receiving ing your all al of your ideas and suggestions. You do o not need to own the land to suggest that it might be a good potential development site. Please do take the time to submit your ideas – this is a unique opportunity for us to shape the future direction of our community – a successful neighbourhood hbourhood plan becomes a statutory document with legal standing that cannot be ignored by ERYC or developers in the future. future James Bailey Chair of the North Cave Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group @NorthCavePlan North Cave Plan ´ Not to Scale This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Crown Copyright 2015. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. c Crown Copyright and database right 2015. Ordnance Survey 100023383. East Riding of Yorkshire Council. E North Cave Neighbourhood Plan Designated Neighbourhood Area Key North Cave Neighbourhood Area Designated: 18.06.2014 Map prepared by Forward Planning /SH/JL/PH Not to Scale Date: 25.06.2013 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Crown Copyright 2013. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. © Crown Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved. East Riding of Yorkshire Council 100023383
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