Your Church Eich Eglwys Your Space Eich Gofod Gwasanaethau Dydd Sul Llanengan /Llangian 9am Llanbedrog 10am Aberdaron 10am Llannor 11.30am Llanfaelrhys 2pm Llangian 6pm Sunday Services Holy Eucharist [English] Yr Offeren Sanctaidd / Holy Eucharist [bilingual] Yr Offeren Sanctaidd / Holy Eucharist [bilingual] Yr Offeren Sanctaidd [Cymraeg] Hwyrol Weddi [Cymraeg] Hwyrol Weddi / Offeren Sanctaidd [Cymraeg] Gwasanaethau Wythnosol Wednesday 10 am Thursday 10 am Thursday 5 pm Friday 12- 12.30 Your Bro Enlli Eich Bro Enlli Bro Enlli Mawrth March 2015 Aberdaron Enlli Llanbedrog Llanengan Llanfaelrhys Llangian Llannor Midweek Worship Llanbedrog Holy Eucharist [bilingual] Aberdaron Pilgrim Eucharist [bilingual] Aberdaron Silent Prayer [30 minutes] Aberdaron Midday Prayer [English] Gwasanaethau’r Grawys Lent Services 7pm Meditation and Compline every Wednesday Llanbedrog Gwasanaethau Wythnos Sanctaidd / Holy Week Mon/Tues/Wed 10 am Yr Offeren Sanctaidd Llanbedrog Wednesday 2pm Passion Narrative Aberdaron Maundy Thursday 6pm Yr Offeren Sanctaidd Llanbedrog Maundy Thursday 7pm Yr Offeren Sanctaidd Aberdaron Good Friday 2pm Liturgy Llanbedrog & Aberdaron Holy Saturday 6pm Yr Offeren Sanctaidd Llannor Holy Saturday 8pm Easter Vigil Llanbedrog & Aberdaron Easter Day 8 am Llanbedrog 9am Llanengan Easter Day 10:15 Llangian 10am Llanbedrog & Aberdaron Easter Day 2pm Llanfaelrhys 6pm Llangian “Byddwch lawen, cadwch y ffydd, a gwnewch y pethau bychain.” “Be Joyful, keep the faith and do the little things.” Children and Young Families It has been a busy start to the year and we have much more to look forward to. With so many churches beginning to work alongside children, young people and families we are delighted that a national conference called ‘A Church for Everyone – Eglwys i Bawb’ is coming to the Archdeaconry. Saturday 18th April in Ysgol Moelwn, Blaenau Ffestiniog 10am - 4pm. The day will explore what it is to create and be a church that all ages can be involved in. Lunch is included in the cost of the day if you book before 11th April. £15 per person. We also have our Diocesan Camps running this year. 28th – 31st July. There will be posters in your church with more information. For those aged between 8 and 11 it is 4 days of camping – games, trampolines, dam building, camp fires, worship and learning. Some churches have held fund-raising events so that it doesn’t cost the families anything – what could yours do? There is also a Family Camp from the 2-6th August. One more date to share is the 9th of May when the Diocesan Fun Day is being held at Y Plas, Machynlleth. Please do make an effort to travel and join in the fun. We would like all the churches to provide a stall/activity of some sort. Perhaps we could organise a bus from the Ministry Area joint with Bro Madryn for those who would like to go? Naomi Wood [CYFME] 01758 720707 ST PEDROG’S BELLS The bells rang out on VE Day in 1945 and then lay silent for over 50 years ! That was when I was invited by Richard Payne to get involved in restoring the bells in 1997. Richard had inspected the tower in the winter months and found the bells to be in a very poor condition; farm ropes and chains had been attached so they could only be chimed. We set about repairing the bells with proper rope and sallies, also fitting new stays to prevent more damage, which then allowed for full circle ringing. Only Porthmadog and Llanbedrog can do this on the Llyn Peninsula! All of this, was taking place just over a 100 years after the bells were first installed in the newly built tower in 1895. The toll bell goes back another 100 years, being cast in Llanbedrog in 1791. In 2003 two new bells were re-hung on the new frame. The new treble was inscribed with the verger’s name Bert Jacks. The other was bought secondhand, cast by Taylors of Loughborough in 2001 to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth. It turns out that one letter on the inscription is incorrect! Local people have now learned to ring every Sunday. We have on average 12 weddings per year when the bells ring out with joy ! Since the 5 bells were fitted we have had over 350 visiting bell ringers and 7 quarter peals rung, which take 45 minutes continuous ringing. Anyone can come and watch or have go on Sunday morning or come to our practice night on Wednesdays 6pm – 7:15pm. For more information call 01758 740293 Malcolm, Tower Captain “Galwad i Wasanaethu” Teitl y llyfryn "Galwad i Wasanaethu" a chyflwyniad yr Esgob, a'm hysbrydolodd i ysgrifennu hwn ac ystyried yn ddwys mor fendithiol fu ei ymweliad ȃ Bro Enlli. Bu'n ddiwrnod pleserus, ond yn fwy na dim yn hynod addysgiadol ac adeiladol. Yn y bore cawsom wasanaeth Cymun Bendigaid yn Eglwys St. Hywyn, Aberdaron cyn ymgynnull i glywed am waith y gwahanol weinidogaethau yno. Roedd hi'n amlwg fod pob un o'r siaradwyr yn cymryd ei swyddogaeth o ddifri a bod llawer o weithgaredd ymarferol ac ysbrydol yn mynd ymlaen. Yn ogystal, roedd digwyddiadau cymdeithasol yn cael eu trefnu i godi arian tuag at yr eglwys. Edrychwn ymlaen at gael cyd-addoli a chyd-gymdeithasu yn fuan eto. Diolch am y croeso cynnes a gawn yno bob amser. Tro Llanengan, Llangian, Llannor, Llanfaerhys a Llanbedrog oedd hi yn y p'nawn. Cofiwn fod Ynys Enlli yn rhan o'n teulu hefyd a byddwn yn cael bwletin byr yn y cylchlythyr o bryd i'w gilydd. Cawsom adroddiadau gan bob un o'r eglwysi a chyfle i gymharu a chael ambell i syniad newydd i wella rhai gweinidogaethau. Braf oedd gweld pawb o ddifri ac yn cyd-weithio i gynnal yr adeiladau, y gwasanaethau a'r bywyd cymdeithasol sy'n ein clymu. Roedd cryn drefnu digwyddiadau i gasglu arian er budd yr eglwysi hefyd. Mae'n amlwg fod pawb yn cydnabod fod gan "bob un ohonom alwedigaeth i ddilyn Crist". Er na chyfeiriwyd yn uniongyrchol at weinidogaeth "Cariad a Gofal" mae hi'n bendant yn weinidogaeth sy'n cael ei gweithredu bob dydd yn ein heglwysi a'n cymunedau. Efallai ein bod ni'n ei chymryd yn ganiataol am ei bod hi'n weinidogaeth mor weithgar. Rhaid i ni fod yn ddiolchgar iawn am y rhai sy'n gweithredu 'tu ol i'r llenni' fel petai am nad ydynt yn rhy hoff o wneud pethau'n gyhoeddus nac o fod yn yr amlwg ond sydd ȃ'r ddawn i weld lle mae angen cariad a gofal ychwanegol. Mae rhai sy'n gwybod sut i roi gwȇn ar wyneb trist, rhoi cwmni i'r unig, gwrando ar broblemau, bwydo'r rhai newynog, rhoi cefnogaeth i'r rhai sy'n ddi-hyder, gwirfoddoli i elusennau, cysuro’r rhai sy'n galaru a gwneud pethau ymarferol i'r rhai sy'n methu. "Nid oes nerth mwy na'r un a all un person ei roi i un arall." Edrychwn ymlaen at gael ymdrechu gyda'n gilydd "i fod yr hyn y mae Duw yn ein galw i fod". Shirley Pritchard “Called to Serve” It was the title of the booklet "Called to Serve" and the Bishop's introduction, which inspired me to write this and to reflect deeply on how beneficial his visit was to Bro Enlli. As well as being a very enjoyable day it was, most of all, an informative and constructive one. In the morning we were blessed with a service of Holy Communion at St. Hywyn's Church, Aberdaron followed by a meeting to listen to reports on the work of the different ministries. It was obvious that the speakers took their duties very seriously and that there was a great deal of work going into sustaining the building as well as the services and the spiritual life of the congregation. Social events were also being organized to raise money for church funds. We look forward to worshipping and socializing again very soon. Thank you for the very warm welcome which you always give us. In the afternoon Llanengan, Llangian, Llannor, Llanfaelrhys and Llanbedrog reported on their ministerial progress. Let us not forget that Ynys Enlli is also part of our family and we do have bulletins in the newsletter from time to time. Once again we were given detailed reports from spokesmen on the work of the different ministries to ensure that our places of worship and our spiritual and social lives were being taken care of. There was an opportunity to consider new ideas and improving some areas of ministry. Events were being organized which would not only raise funds but would also bring us together. It was very apparent that all those involved are aware of the fact that "each and every one of us has a vocation to follow Christ". Even though the ministry of Loving and Caring was not directly mentioned it is a ministry which is at the forefront of our daily lives. Perhaps it is because it is such a busy and well-supported ministry that we take it for granted. However, we must not let it be forgotten. We must be very grateful to those who work "behind the scenes" so to speak, because they prefer not to participate in speaking in public or do things in order to be seen. Yet these people have a real talent for sensing where there is a need for some extra love and care. Some know how to bring a smile to a sad face, offer companionship to the lonely, listen to problems, feed the hungry, support those who have lost confidence in themselves, volunteer to help charities as well as comforting those who grieve and do the practical things for those having difficulties. "There is no strength more than one person can give to another." We look forward to striving together to be "that which God is calling us to be". Please Sponsor Sally ! She is going to brave the Zip Lines 100 MPH ! 500 Ft in the air ! On 28th March TO RAISE MONEY FOR ST PEDROG’S NEW CHURCH ORGAN Sponsor form on the notice board in St Pedrog’s church Or ask Sally at Bro Enlli Singing Group Concert on Saturday March 21st 7.00 - 8pm St Hywyn’s Church A chance to hear something different. Andrew John Hodges of Rhoshirwaun is doing a series of concerts in pilgrim churches, starting in Aberdaron and culminating in a performance in Bangor Cathedral. Each concert will be recorded and will become the backing track for the next performance. Andrew describes his music as ‘not at all mainstream’ as he is experimenting with different sounds. Wednesday 1st April 2 – 3pm Passion Narratives St Hywyn’s Church Aberdaron A compelling presentation through Words and Music of the voices of those that played their part in Christ’s Passion “this brought the Gospel characters alive, as I’ve never heard them before” Information and articles for the next newsletter send to Sue Fogarty 01758 703039 Gwyl Dewi Saint David’s Day Lunch You could call it a meeting of Saints for Saint David as members came from all the churches of Bro Enlli to Llannor to welcome Father Huw Bryant as our new curate. In the true tradition and spirit of Dewi; with joy and happiness for the social occasion, by keeping the faith; in welcoming Father Huw, Reiko his wife, Idris and Megan the children, into the Ministry Team and one step at a time, bringing in the change. We all enjoyed the “bring and share lunch”, there was an abundance of food for the forty people present and plenty of socialising and happy conversation. Archdeacon Andrew introduced Huw by way of telling us all how well he knew Huw and his parents from the days when Andrew was Rector in Dolgellau. We are very fortunate in having such a fine young man as curate and assistant to Andrew and we know that Huw will be prompt and punctual at all the events and services, as he is very accomplished on the zipwire ! Rumour has it that he will be installing one between Llannor and Aberdaron and all points in between to speed him on his way amongst us! David Watson Arweinydd Tîm Gweinidogaeth Bro Enlli Team Leader Archddiacon Andrew Jones 01758 740919 Rhowch y Cylchlythyr yma i rywun pan fyddwch wedi gorffen ei ddarllen Please pass on this Newsletter to someone else when you have finished reading it. If you know of a shop that will display these newsletters, then call Sue on 01758 703039
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