Colored Concrete Powder pigments / Pigment slurries Powder pigments and slurries Performance requirements of pigments used to color concrete Pigments used to color concrete must meet a spectrum of requirements such as being able to withstand attack from UV-Light, weathering and a harsh alkaline environment. By doing so the colored concrete stone will maintain its brilliance. Our line of REMICOLOR® slurries and REMIFEROX® powder pigments are produced using only the highest quality inorganic pigments. Glaeserne Manufaktur, Dresden DWS Investments, Frankfurt Influencing Factors – what affects pigmentation of concrete? The cements natural colors The water/cement ratio The storage factors The spectrum of cement color ranges from extremely light white cements to very dark gray cements, and there is a wide range in between the two ends. As expected, the lighter cements or white cements are better able to accept color than darker ones. Using a white cement will produce a much deeper and more vibrant color, especially when pigmenting with lighter colors such as green, yellow or blue. Selection of the cements base color is much less critical when working with darker shades such as blacks, browns or reds. The amount of free water not needed for the cement hydration process determines the rate of evaporation in the cured concrete. The size and amount of resulting pores and cavities in the concrete influences the way light reflects off of the surface, therefore impacting the appearance of the color. Rule of thumb: The higher the w/c ratio of the concrete is, the lighter the color of the concrete will be. The temperature of young concrete during its hydration has a direct effect on the reaction which is taking place within the cement stone. For example, cement crystals are much smaller when stored in a cooling chamber with warm air induction, as opposed to those stored outdoors in lower temperatures. The size of the crystals affects the concrete struture and how it absorbes light, which in turn impacts the appearance of the color on the surface. Efflorescense is a natural pheonomenon in concrete and often takes place during the early stages of hydration. It can be seen as white deposits of calcium carbonate which build up on the surface of the concrete. This will not negatively impact the resulting concrete color, it is simply more noticeable than on white or gray concrete. The white deposits are usually wheathering away, or can be easily removed with simple measures. The dosage rate Color intensity rises as the amount of pigment added increases. However, after a certain level, a saturation is reached and further addition of pigment will not change the depth of the color. Our REMIFEROX® powder pigments are typically added at a rate of 3 – 5%, and the REMICOLOR® liquid pigments between 5 – 6% (by weight of cement). The amount of cement Generally color pigments are dosed as a percentage of the cement content. When the amount of cement is increased it also results in an increase of pigment, which provides a positive influence on the resulting color and intensity. The color of the aggregate Certification The aggregate in the concrete is generally completely encapsulated by the cement-lime. Aggregates at the surface of the concrete can be exposed by mechanical means or environmental attack. When done on purpose with surface preparation techniques – such as acid etching – the exposed aggregate can create an interesting contrast. All pigments and slurries are certified according to DIN EN 12878. REMICOLOR® RB B White concrete Grey concrete White concrete Grey concrete REMICOLOR® REMICOLOR® REMICOLOR® REMICOLOR® Pigment slurries R-03 4%6% 4%6% B-610FN4%6% 4%6% R-10 4%6% 4%6% B-32 4%6% 4%6% R-20 4%6% 4%6% B-55 4%6% 4%6% R-30 4%6% 4%6% B-63 4%6% 4%6% B-05 4%6% 4%6% B-86 4%6% 4%6% GS S C GR W BL White concrete Grey concrete White concrete Grey concrete REMICOLOR® REMICOLOR® REMICOLOR® REMICOLOR® G-21 4%6% 4%6% C-95 4%6% 4%6% G-552 4%6% 4%6% C-90 4%6% 4%6% S-50 4%6% 4%6% GR-35 4%6% 4%6% S-80 4%6% 4%6% W-800 4%6% 4%6% REMIFEROX® Powder pigments White concrete Grey concrete White concrete Grey concrete REMIFEROX® REMIFEROX® REMIFEROX® REMIFEROX® dark grey cement 9110 3%5% 3%5% 9420 3%5% 3%5% light grey cement Please note that grey cements can vary from light grey to dark grey. Color changes are frequently observed when changing cement types or switching to different manufacturers. 9120 3%5% 3%5% 9420 3%5% 3%5% 9130 3%5% 3%5% 9610 3%5% 3%5% 9330 3%5% 3%5% 9663 3%5% 3%5% 9380 3%5% 3%5% Technical Data Bulk density White concrete Grey concrete Product Bulk density kg/dm³ REMICOLOR® R-03 1.90 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR R-10 1.80 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR® R-20 1.80 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR R-30 1.90 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR® B-05 1.78 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR® B-610 1.85 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR B-32 1.81 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR® B-55 1.78 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR B-63 1.81 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR® B-86 1.75 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR G-21 1.50 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR® G-552 1.67 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR S-50 1.45 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR® S-80 1.45 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR® C-95 1.50 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR C-90 1.20 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR® GR-35 1.90 ± 0.05 REMICOLOR W-800 1.60 ± 0.05 REMIFEROX® 9110* approx. 5.0 REMIFEROX® 9120* approx. 5.0 REMIFEROX® 9130* approx. 5.0 REMIFEROX® 9330* approx. 4.6 REMIFEROX® 9380 approx. 4.6 REMIFEROX 9420* approx. 4.1 REMIFEROX® 9610 approx. 4.7 REMIFEROX 9663 approx. 4.8 REMIFEROX® 9960* approx. 4.3 REMIX-GR 9800* approx. 5.2 ® REMIFEROX ® REMIFEROX ® ® ® ® 9960 3%5% 3%5% ® ® 9800 3%5% 3%5% ® ® ® ® * tested according to EN 12878 The SCHOMBURG Group develops, produces and markets high quality building product systems for • Construction waterproofing • Construction restoration • Tiles/natural stone installation • Screed installation • Civil engineering • Surface protection • Concrete technology SCHOMBURG is recognised for its development competency and is distinguished both nationally and internationally with over 75 years in the market. System based construction products from its own production plants are held it high esteem throughout the In order to stay at the forefront of a continuously advancing market we are always investing in research and development of new and current products. This guarantees high quality products, which in turn leads to customer satisfaction. SCHOMBURG GmbH & Co. KG Aquafinstrasse 2–8 D -32760 Detmold (Germany) phone+ 49-52 31- 953 - 00 fax+ 49-52 31- 953 - 108 03/15 TB/ED/JD Industry professionals value the level of service provided by the SCHOMBURG Group, along with our large range of high quality products. Subject to changes. Consult current technical data sheet for most recent information. world.
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