Swim, Cycle and Run for Dementia

Issue 109
#nottsinfocus | www.nottsinfocus.co.uk
| 10 - 16 March 2015
Swim, Cycle and Run for Dementia
The first ever triathlon to take place
on the University of Nottingham’s
Park Campus. Organised by students,
the sprint triathlon will see staff,
students and members of the
public complete a 400m indoor
swim, a 15km cycle and
5km run.
By Gemma Allen
Bowel cancer is the third
most common cancer in the
UK, with more than 16,000
people dying from it each
year, but early diagnosis
can and does save lives.
More than 93% of people
diagnosed at the earliest stage
survive for at least five years
but fewer than 7% of people
diagnosed at the latest stage
will survive beyond this
There is an NHS Bowel
Cancer screening programme
which allows for the
cancer to be spotted before
symptoms develop and is
free for men and women
aged 60-75 but not enough
people in Nottingham are
completing and returning
the test.
As little as 53% of people
in Nottingham are actually
returning their kits, a
worrying figure for such a
lethal cancer.
Dr Arun Tangri, clinical
lead for cancer at NHS
Nottingham City CCG
believes that people simply
(Where Sold)
Price 20p
Entries are currently open for the
association with the Nottingham
Varsity Triathlon which is set to
Life Cycle 5 campaign, aiming to
take place on Sunday 22nd March. raise money for dementia research.
The event has been organised in
60-75 year olds in Nottingham at risk of
missing vital bowel cancer diagnosis
| 20p
do not know enough about the
severity of bowel cancer.
He told the Nottinghamshire in
Focus: “It is so important that
people know about bowel cancer,
we have recently done a big
advertising campaign so that people
recognise the test when it comes
through their door. I understand that
people have hectic lives and forget
to return their kit or they might not
like the thought of doing it but it’s
quick, easy, you can do at home and
it could save your life.”
As people become older they
are more likely to develop the
symptoms of bowel cancer and
regular screening means that any
problems can be picked up and
treated as early as possible.
“Early diagnosis and treatment
means people are far more likely
to survive cancer and can go on
to live for many more years. The
test is only once every two years
and it can certainly save your life.”
Explains Dr Tangri, “The test is
really quick and easy, yes you
have to take a small sample from
three bowel movements over the
course of a week but this can be
done in your own time, in your own
See the full story on page 3…
Lights Out for Langar
By Gemma Allen
Despite thousands of signatures,
protests, emails, letters and
hundreds of raised concerns,
Nottinghamshire County Council
are going ahead with the closure of
Langar Recycling Centre.
The Centre will be closed for
good as of 6:00pm on March 31st
2015. The decision to close Langar
was made last year but residents
have continued to fight for it to
remain open.
The final decision was taken in
a recent County Council Budget
meeting that lasted 11 hours. The
Conservative Opposition group put
forward a fully costed alternative
budget that had various changes
to the Labour budget, including
keeping Langar open, along with
other tough decisions on care
homes in the County.
See page 9
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
Don’t Take
Risks, Do
The Test.
Poor Parent Parking
Pupils Pester
Power to Curb
Poor Parent
Middleton Primary School Council
seized the initiative, approached
the councillors and complained
that they felt unsafe because of
irresponsible parking by parents
outside their school.
Problems included parents parking
their cars on the pavement outside
the school gates and there were
On Monday 16th March at 3.00pm several reported near-misses at the
Councillor Steve Battlemuch will start and end of the school day.
This led to further research and
unveil the winning designs in
Middleton Primary School’s Parent public consultations, culminating
in the introduction of much
Parking Sign competition.
stricter parking restrictions along
It was two years ago, during
the school-side of Harrow Road
a “ward-walk” by local city
in November 2014 with more
councillors, that pupils from the
extensive double yellow lines, zig-
zag no waiting lines and bollards
to prevent cars being parked on
the kerb.
Middleton pupils all agree that
the situation is much better now,
but they have noticed that a
minority of selfish parents still
sometimes park their cars on the
yellow-lines and the zig-zags.
Councillor Battlemuch heard about
their concerns and organised a
competition amongst the children
to design some signs to remind
parents not to park in a dangerous
The three winning designs are by
Hania Wisniewska aged 9, EvieGrace Brailsford age 5 and Anya
Clayton age 7. Kaleem Yousaf,
the Chair of the Middleton pupils’
School Council said: “It’s only a
few of the parents who park badly,
It’s Busy in
Beeston Revealed
as the Most
Adulterous town
in the UK
The 2015 Index was released
by IllicitEncounters.com,
the UK’s largest married
dating site and shows the
number of people having affairs
in every area in the UK.
The Index maps
IllicitEnounters’ members
across the UK giving a very
true reflection of where the
most and least affairs are
taking place.
Beeston is the most
unfaithful with 2.54% of the
population of the town having
an affair.
The mayor of Beeston was
unavailable to comment on
the town’s newfound infamy.
Craigavon is the most faithful
town in the UK with only
0.04% of the population having
To see the 2015 rankings visit
but when they
do, they make it dangerous for
everyone. Sometimes parents need
to listen to the children.”
A man has been fined over £500 for
using his mother’s Blue Badge, who
had passed away back in 2011.
Michael Randle, aged 62, of
Greencroft in Clifton, was caught
using a Blue Badge that belonged
to his deceased mother. The badge
had also been altered as it expired
in 2011.
Mr Randle appeared at Nottingham
Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday
4 March and was ordered to pay a
total £558.09 after pleading guilty
to fraudulently using a Blue Badge,
all because he did not want to pay
£1.20 to park.
As part of the ‘Crossing The
Line’ campaign that launched last
May, Community Protection’s
Processing and Enforcement team
have increased their enforcement
activity and checks in order to
ensure nobody is wrongfully using
the scheme.
To report suspected Blue Badge
misuse, call 0115 876 1499 or email
Leftover Chicken and
Tomato Spiced Curry
This is a great recipe for using up any leftover chicken and any
vegetables that you might have in the fridge. Serve with rice and
poppadoms. If you like a hot curry add more curry paste.
• 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
• 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
• 1 tablespoon tomato puree
• 400g canned chopped tomatoes
• 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
• 300g leftover vegetables such as red
peppers, cauliflower, runner beans,
French beans, carrots, prepared and
chopped into small pieces
• 450g cooked chicken, cut into bite sized pieces
• Salt • black pepper • 1 tablespoon Madras curry paste
• To serve: Jasmine rice; Poppadoms; fresh coriander sprigs
• Heat the oil in a large frying pan, reduce the heat and add
the chopped onion and garlic. Cook over a medium heat until
golden. Add the curry paste and cook for 1 minute to cook
off the spices.
• Add the tomato puree, chopped tomatoes, vinegar and 200ml
water to the frying pan. Bring to the boil and simmer uncovered for
about 5 minutes.
• Add your chosen vegetables and cook for about 5 minutes until
the vegetables are tender. Stir in the chicken pieces and season with
salt and pepper. Simmer gently for about few minutes or until the
chicken is piping hot.
Veolia, (Nottinghamshire County Council’s waste contractors), are encouraging Nottinghamshire residents to make
the most of their leftovers with the help of the Love Food Hate Waste campaign. Cutting down on food waste could
save the average family with children £700 a year.
By Gemma Allen
Continued from the
front page…
People are being urged to do
the screening test and return it
promptly, doctors and nurses at
your GP surgery know all about
the screening programme so can
always help with any questions
people may have.
The screening plays an important
part in the fight against bowel
cancer because it can help
detect bowel cancer before
it causes obvious symptoms,
which increases the chances of
surviving the condition.
Councillor Alex Norris, portfolio
holder for health at Nottingham
City Council and chair of the
Nottingham City Health and
Wellbeing board said: “Bowel
Cancer is one of the most
treatable cancers. Detect it
early enough and you’re likely
to survive it. We know the test
isn’t pleasant but it beats the
Every year around 16,000 people
die as a result of bowel cancer.
Don’t increase your chances of
being one of them.
What are
the facts?
• Bowel cancer is the
fourth most common
cancer in the UK;
• 95% of bowel cancer
cases occur in people
aged 50 or over;
• The incident rates of
bowel cancer have
increased by 6% in the
past decade;
• In the UK around 41,000
people are diagnosed
with bowel cancer each
What are the symptoms?
• Bleeding from the
bottom or blood in
your stools;
• A persistent change in
bowel habit, especially
going more often or
looser stools;
• Abdominal pain,
especially if severe;
• A lump in your tummy;
• Unexplained weight
loss or tiredness.
If you experience one or more of
these symptoms for three weeks
or more you should go and see
your GP.
A True Life
and her husband Khalid went to visit
friends. Whilst there they were enjoying
some food, Sofina started to choke.
Recalling the incident, Sofina said: “I
was in the kitchen at a friend’s house
and laughing when suddenly a
As Mother’s Day approaches a Nottingham
mum of three will be reflecting on why 21 years piece of food got lodged in my throat and I
after her husband saved her life and that of their couldn’t breathe. I was making funny noises as
I gasped for breath. Luckily Khalid knew what
unborn child she finally decided to undertake
to do and gave me blows to the back before
some first aid training.
administering abdominal thrusts
Sofina Latief, from West Bridgford was five
which dislodged the food. I often think about
months pregnant with her first child when her
how different
things would
have been if
Khalid hadn’t
been there and
the fact that
myself and the
baby could have
St John
Director for the
East Midlands
Chris Thornton
said: “First
aid training is
a vital skill,
the knowledge
gained from the
training can go a
long way when it
comes to saving
somebody’s life,
which Sofina’s
story goes to
To find out more
about how you
could make a
difference visit
No Offenders
Safer nights out in city as
100 licensed premises join
scheme to exclude known
100 licensed premises in
Nottingham city centre have
already signed up to the new
Licensed Premises Exclusion
Notice Scheme that has just been
launched by the Nottingham
Business Improvement District
The aim of the scheme is to
reduce alcohol-related crime by
banning prolific offenders from
licensed premises. Venues that
sign up to the scheme are given
warning cards which they issue to
individuals when they commit an
offence on their premises.
If an individual receives two
warning cards or just one, if the
offence involves violence or drugs,
they will be automatically banned
from all venues participating in
the scheme. Their information is
also circulated to the businesses
involved via the Nottingham BID’s
secure information sharing system.
Exclusions can be appealed, but
only after an incident-free period
of six months and providing
that the offender has attended
an alcohol awareness class run
by Last Orders Alcohol Support
to Bed
Secure your shed and put
burglary to bed- that’s the
warning from Nottinghamshire
Police following a spate of thefts
at one of the largest allotment
sites in the UK.
Officers have issued the
warning ahead of a weekend
where forecasts of fine weather
are expected to entice many
Nottinghamshire residents back
into their gardens.
It also follows a week where a
number of thefts were reported
to Nottinghamshire Police from
allotment holders’ sheds at the
Hungerhill Allotments in the St
Ann’s area of the city.
Between December 2013
and December 2014,
Nottinghamshire Police
responded to 380 shed
burglaries, accounting for 11.2%
of all burglaries reported within
the county.
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
An Inspiration
to Soldiers
A military instructor from Mansfield
has been heralded as an inspiration to
the Junior Soldiers in his company at
the Army Foundation College in North
Corporal Lloyd Ampleford
(40) was awarded the prize for the
Most Inspirational Non-Commissioned
Officer (NCO)
at a recent graduation parade
for over 470 teenage soldiers
at the college in
Harrogate. Corporal Ampleford, who joined the
Army in 1996 and has completed
operational tours in Afghanistan,
Northern Ireland and Cyprus, works
with the 214 Junior Soldiers in the
college’s Waterloo Company teaching
them the basics of soldiering during a
42-week long course.
“There are 24 NCOs in each Company
from all cap-badges,” said Cpl
Ampleford, a trained Pioneer with the
Royal Logistic Corps.
“I spent four years in the training wing
of 13 Air Assault Brigade before I
came to Harrogate.
“There are some good soldiers here
and the competition is very strong. I
was very happy and surprised to win
the prize – I didn’t expect it and it is a
specialist technical training with their
new units.
Both courses provide a unique
combination of basic military and
vocational training to the Junior
The graduation parade at Uniacke
Barracks in Penny Pot Lane was the
finale of that training and was watched
great honour.”
by thousands of relatives and friends.
The Army Foundation College offers
two courses for aspiring young soldiers Addressing the Junior Soldiers
on parade, the Adjutant-General,
– a 42-week-long course that leads
Lieutenant General Sir Gerald
to Phase Two training in the Infantry,
Berragan, said: “Remember,
Royal Artillery and Royal Armoured
as you leave here today, that
this is not the end of your
There is also a shorter,
training, nor even the beginning
22-week course for Junior
of the end. It’s just the end of
Soldiers from other cap badges,
the beginning...”
who will then go on to receive more
Demolition in
Work to demolish flats at
Victoria Court on Princes
Street is due to start on 16
March 2015, following the
appointment of demolition
contractors Total Reclaims
The contractors will demolish
five of the ten blocks of flats
along with council owned
garages and the Moor Lane
Community Centre. The site
will then be redeveloped for up
to 50 new-build family homes,
many of which will be available
for sale or rent.
It is anticipated that the
demolition work will take 12
weeks to complete.
Rising hockey stars from a city
school attended a Nottingham
Panthers game recently, thanks
to a new partnership between
the school and a local estate
The Hollygirt School junior
(under 11’s) hockey team
watched the Panthers take on
the Hull Stingrays at the Capital
FM Arena, gaining inspiration
from top players to take back to
their school pitch.
Headmistress at Hollygirt Pam
Hutley said she was very proud
of the team’s achievements.
She said: “At Hollygirt
we love to celebrate pupil
successes, from starring roles
in theatre productions to
sporting success, both within
and outside of school. We’re
pleased to offer the hockey
team this opportunity, along
with their families, staff and
other pupils. I’d like to thank
Walton & Allen, who we are
happy to be associated with,
for this opportunity. I look
forward to building on this new
relationship in future.”
Applications Open!
It’s time to find the winner for Best Bar None 2015
The 2015 Best Bar None Scheme has just
been launched and licensed premises in
Nottingham city centre are being encouraged
to apply. All those that are successful will
gain accreditation and will also have the
opportunity to win a special Best Bar None
Best Bar None is a national initiative
designed to promote the responsible and
effective management and operation of
licensed premises and is supported by the
Home Office. In Nottingham city centre,
the scheme has been run by the Nottingham
Business Improvement District (BID) for
the past four years and it has been such a
resounding success that a similar scheme
will soon be extended throughout the county.
In order to achieve Best Bar None status,
venues must complete an application form
and demonstrate that they have policies and
procedures in place to prove they are safe,
responsible and well operated and comply
with relevant legislation. Assessors then
carry out visits. Venues are assessed on
areas such as the prevention of crime and
disorder; measures they take to promote
responsible drinking; their standards of
safety and customer care; how they prevent
and deal with public nuisance issues; the
measures they have in place to protect
children from harm and their approach
to community engagement including
membership of initiatives such as Pub
Last year over 50 businesses applied for the
Best Bar None scheme, with 47 of those
Allen w chairman Jeff
Squares, ith the team from
Best Bar ll winner of
achieving accreditation.
Accredited businesses will
automatically be eligible for
Nottingham’s coveted Best Bar
None Awards, which recognise
outstanding premises in various
categories: Best Large Bar, Small
Bar, Large Pub, Small Pub and
Club. In addition there is an overall
winner. The winners are decided
by a combination of public voting
and the opinions of a panel of
judges. The awards culminate at
a special event that will take place
later in the year.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare
will be holding its very
own OSCARS on 12th March
to celebrate the personal
and team successes of its
staff, volunteers and partner
The ‘Outstanding Service
Contribution and Recognition
Scheme’ (OSCARS) is
held each year to recognise
and reward those people
who have gone the extra mile
to provide high quality health
Save A Life.
Give Blood.
Works starts on Nottingham’s
bigger and better blood
donor centre
NHS Blood and Transplant has started
work on a bigger, better and more modern
blood donor centre in Nottingham to take
advantage of the city’s growing population.
The new centre will open at 6 Trinity
Square in the spring and it will replace the
existing blood donor centre in Castle Quay.
Donors will be able to enjoy free Wifi, more
spacious waiting areas, and nine modern
and comfortable donation beds. The new
centre will be closer to public transport
links and there will be subsidised parking at
the nearby Trinity Square council car park.
Holly Mason, Lead Donor Relations
Manager at NHS Blood and Transplant,
said: “We’re investing in Nottingham
because the population is growing year on
year. While we already have a good number
of loyal donors in the city, we know there
is the potential to attract more. Nottingham
has a high number of both young and Black
and Asian people, and we particularly need
new donors from these groups.
“We’re really looking forward to welcoming
existing and new donors to Trinity Square.
In the meantime, we are asking people
to keep donating at Castle Quay to help
us continue to meet the needs of hospital
patients. Every time someone donates blood
they save or improve the lives of up to three
Pamela Black, 36, from Arnold, donated
75 units of blood but then needed two units
herself after a haemorrhage following the
birth of her daughter. Her sister Melanie
has also had numerous transfusions to treat
Aplastic Anaemia.
Pamela said: “The new donor centre will
be in a fantastic location and it’s great that
more people from Nottingham will be able
to donate. I lost more than a litre of blood
during childbirth, and transfusions have
saved my sister’s life several times over,
so I really appreciate how important it is to
invest in blood donation.”
NHS Blood and Transplant needs around
6,100 blood donations every day across
England and North Wales to meet the needs
of hospital patients.
There are a number of opportunities to
donate in and around the Nottingham area.
In addition to the Castle Quay donor centre,
blood donation sessions are held in venues
around the county.
To find your nearest blood donation session
and to book an appointment to donate, visit
www.blood.co.uk or call 0300 123 2323
It is also easy to book through mobile
apps for Windows, Android and Apple
devices. To download the app, search
‘NHSGiveBlood’ in the app store.
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
CALL 01159 314380
Business Event
East Midlands businesses
looking to take their company to
the next level are being urged to
attend a free upcoming event at
Trent Bridge.
The Faster Route to Business
Growth will take place on
the 18th March from 4pm
and is hosted by
GrowthAccelerator, now part
of the Business Growth Service
and D2N2 Growth Hub.
Two speakers will be sharing
their knowledge and experience
at the conference: Bafta-winning
digital strategist Nik Hewitt
and Gemma Pearce from
Starting at 4pm on 18th
March, the seminar will
run until 6.15pm at
Nottinghamshire County
Cricket Club, Trent Bridge,
Bridgford Road, West
Bridgford, Nottingham,
NG2 6AG.
Attendance is free of charge for
business owners and managers
with up to 249 employees. To
register, visit : http://bit.ly/
Birth Date
Swim, Cycle and
Run for Dementia YOU ARE
Continued from
front page
Sign up in March to Vitality
Health and Fitness Membership
at any of Broxtowe Borough
Council’s Leisure Centres
and receive a birthday bonus.
The ‘Date of Birth’ promotion
means that customers pay
the amount of year that they
were born. For example, born
in 1975, pay £19.75 for one
month’s membership etc.
To take advantage of this offer
simply go into one of the leisure
facilities at Chilwell, Bramcote
and Kimberley and ask at
reception for more details or to
speak to a Membership Advisor.
Students from Nottingham
Trent University are gearing
Varsity is a charity-focused
series which has helped to raise
over £100,000 for
various charities since it
This year the event will raise
funds for CP Sport, which
promotes and seeks to increase
up for their biggest sporting
event of the year when they face
students from the University of
Nottingham in the annual Varsity
The tournament launches on
Monday 27 April, starting with
basketball at the Capital FM
sport and physical recreational
opportunities for people with a
disability and particularly those
who have cerebral palsy.
Nottingham Trent University
students will be hoping to regain
the varsity title from their local
rivals, which they last won in
The first ever triathlon to take place
on the University of Nottingham’s
Park Campus. Organised by
students, the sprint triathlon
will see staff, students
and members of the
public complete a
400m indoor swim,
a 15km cycle and
5km run.
Entries are
currently open
for the Varsity
Triathlon which
is set to take
place on Sunday
22nd March.
The event has
been organised in
association with the
Nottingham Life Cycle
5 campaign, aiming to raise
money for dementia research.
Ben Beranek is the president of
the University’s triathlon club and
co-director of the Varsity Triathlon.
“The Triathlon Club is thrilled that
our dream of hosting our very own
triathlon is coming to fruition this
March,” he said.
“We look forward to welcoming the
general public as well as students,
staff, and alumni from
the University and Nottingham Trent
University to our beautiful campus
and challenging course. We’re also
thrilled to partner with Life Cycle
5 in raising money for dementia
research through this event.”
The Varsity Triathlon presents an
ideal opportunity for any first time
triathletes, boasting a closed course
and traffic free roads, as well as
allowing competitors the option to
enter as a team. Seasoned athletes
will also have the chance to excel
Starting a Business?
Two new grant schemes are
being offered to local people and
businesses in Mansfield as part
of its regeneration programme
to support the creation of viable
businesses for the benefit of the
local economy and people.
The ‘Business Start Up’ grant
of up to £1,000 is available to
individuals who are looking to start
a business. The grant can be used
towards start-up costs including
the purchase of machinery and
equipment, business stationery and
marketing costs such as advertising
and web design.
The ‘Business Growth’ grant
of up to £5,000 is available to
established businesses who
produce a viable ‘Growth Plan’
that will result in the creation
of at least two full time jobs.
The grant can be used in those
instances where the business
requires support in developing
its ‘Growth Plan’ as well as costs
involved in implementing the
plan. These could involve product
process development within the
business as well as development of
in a Triathlon England recognised
event that takes in the beautiful
features of the University grounds,
including Highfields Lake and the
Downs wildflower meadow.
Organisation of the event has been
partly funded by Cascade, a grants
programme for student-led projects
supported by donations from The
University of Nottingham’s alumni
and friends.
Registration for both general and
charity entry is open now at http://
There are four categories of
entry fee:
General entry – £35
Charity entry – £25 (commitment to
raise £75 for Life Cycle 5)
Team entry – £54
Charity team entry – £45
(commitment to raise £200
for Life Cycle 5)
need to be supported by viable
business plans and will be subject
to an assessment process.
new markets.
For more information and informal
In both cases successful applicants discussion on any proposal, please
will receive a grant of 50%
contact Paul Topliss at Ashfield
towards the agreed items up to the and Mansfield Regeneration
maximum grant figure for each
Service on 01623 463813 or email
scheme. The applications will also ptopliss@mansfield.gov.uk.
Do you know someone who goes
the extra mile to help others, or a
local voluntary group or business
that makes a real difference within
the local community?
The annual Mansfield Volunteer
Awards recognise the shining
stars of Mansfield District and
nominations are now open for this
year’s event.
The seven categories are:
• Andrew Wallace Memorial Award
- for any individual volunteering
and making a difference in the
• Young Person’s Award - for a
young volunteer under 25, who
has made a significant impact on a
person or community.
• Margaret Wilson Memorial
Award - for a volunteer who has
provided exceptional support to a
• Emily Dawes Memorial Award
- for a paid member of staff in the
voluntary sector who has gone
beyond the call of duty.
• Community Group Award - for a
voluntary group that has improved
or made a difference to their area
or cause.
• Outstanding Volunteer Award for an individual who has gone the
extra mile to make a difference to
• Business in the Community - a
business who has given voluntary
time to support the voluntary
sector (The nominator must be a
representative of a local voluntary
sector organisation which has
The awards are led by volunteers
and organised in partnership
with Mansfield Community
and Voluntary Service,
Mansfield District Council and
Nottinghamshire County Council.
For further information contact
01623 651 177 or to complete a
nomination form online visit www.
The deadline for nominations is
Friday 24 April.
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
Council budget will allow
tax freeze, more jobs and
safer taxis.
Gedling Borough Councillors
have voted unanimously to
agree a budget for the 2015/16
financial year that includes
a freeze on council tax and
investing a further £320,000 into
a local economic development
fund which aims to create jobs
and boost the local economy.
At their Budget Council meeting
Councillors from all three parties
approved the proposals, which
also included plans to invest
in taxi licensing training for
staff, safeguard training for taxi
drivers and further investment in
waste services to deal with the
increase in housing growth over
the last four years.
Further investment has also been
pledged for Gedling Country
Park, which officially opens on
Saturday 28 March.
A Bright Future
for Beth
Construction apprentice Beth
Chamberlain is paving herself a
bright future as she studies to be a
construction site manager.
Supported by the contractor, the
20-year-old is on track to reach
her career goal in construction
management and said her training
has been a hugely valuable
learning curve.
Beth said: “I am now two years
into my apprenticeship which
has given me experience that I
thought I would never get. The
good thing about doing this with
G F Tomlinson is that you get an
overview of the whole business
and spend time in each of the
core areas of the company. It has
opened up doors to things that I
had never considered before and
has been such a great learning
Beth is currently gaining practical
experience on site in Worksop
and Mansfield working on G F
Tomlinson’s County Enterprise
Foods project and Sand Banks
At the same time she is
undertaking a degree in
construction management at
Nottingham Trent University,
before going on to eventually
become a site manager.
G F Tomlinson has an ongoing
recruitment and skills programme
and continually invests in new
apprenticeship places every
year. Placements normally start
in September – although the
contractor welcomes applications
throughout the year.
The G F Tomlinson Group
apprenticeship scheme is open to
in Style
the Spot
The results of the European Tree
of the Year contest have been
announced, with the ‘Oak tree
on a football field’ in Estonia
winning with 59,836 votes, 32%
of almost 185,000 votes cast in
total. England’s Major Oak was
the highest placed UK entrant in
6th with 9,941 votes, Scotland’s
entry was 9th and Wales’ 10th
out of 14 participating countries.
The trees also join the European
Trail of Trees, where people
have the opportunity to find out
more about trees in the contest
across Europe.
performances take place in 30
of the city’s venues and public
Throughout the 11 day
programme, prestigious
choreographers and performers
The much-anticipated festival of will make this year’s Dance4 one
dance returned to Nottingham
of the best yet.
in spectacular style when
Over the years, the Nottdance
more than a hundred people
festival has become a noted
celebrated the launch of
fixture on the international
Nottdance 2015.
performance calendar.
The launch kicked off the
For more information on
11 day festival which will
Nottsdance visit
run until the 15th March.
Now it’s 24th year and
produced by international
dance organisation, Dance4, the
festival will see more than 40
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
Men in
Age UK Notts and
Gedling Borough Council
are thrilled to announce
that a new Men in
Sheds workshop will be
officially launching on the
12th of March between
12 noon and 2pm at the
Stores Building, Jubilee
House Compound,
Nottingham Road,
Daybrook, Nottingham
NG5 6LU. Men in Sheds
is an innovative project
that supports older men
who want to get together
to share and learn new
wood-working skills
and subsequently form
friendships. Initially,
workshops will run every
Monday and Tuesday,
and will cost £1.50 per
Men in Sheds aims to
address social isolation
and provides an
opportunity for men in
later life to get involved
in productive activity,
all whilst enjoying the
benefits and banter of a
social group. For further
information about the
Daybrook Shed or to book
a place, please call Age
UK Notts Coordinator,
Adie Harkin on
0787 283 9570.
CALL 01159 314380
Fighting to Victory
Local Reservist wins his first fight
for Royal Marines Boxing Team
months preparing for the bout at Trinity
Amateur Boxing club alongside my civilian
commitments and then joined up with the
Royal Marines Boxing Team for two weeks
full time and pushed myself harder than
ever. It was good to train with the lads and
not have the usual distractions of everyday
Alex hopes to box his second match for the
Royal Marines team later this year.
RMR Nottingham is inviting those
interested in learning more about becoming
a Reservist to come along to their open day
on Saturday 14 March at Foresters House,
Swiney Way, Nottingham NG9 6QX from
To find out more about joining the RMR
please contact 0345 600 3222 or visit:
www.royalnavy.mod.uk for more
A Reservist from Nottingham has fought
his way to victory in his first official Royal
Marines Boxing Team fight.
Marine Alex Reed, aged 27, who lives in
Long Eaton, was selected to join the Royal
Marines Boxing Team thanks to his passion
for the sport and having had previous
experience in the ring at a younger age.
Alex trains on a weekly basis with the
Royal Marines Reserve (RMR) detachment
in Nottingham and enjoys being part of an
elite force that allows him to take part in
first class training exercises and potentially
deploy on operations.
Prior to joining the Royal Marines Boxing
Team Alex explained that he had to get
himself prepared to be the best he could
be in the ring. Alex said: “Although my
boxing career started when I was
16 years-old, I have been out of the
ring for quite a while due to my
other commitments. It’s been about
a year and a half since I last boxed,
so I felt the pressure was on to get
myself ready to be a part of the
Royal Marines team and represent
my detachment at a national level.” Free buggy walks are back for the fifth year,
giving new mums in Broxtowe Borough a chance
Although Alex is a Reservist and
to get back into exercise and meet with other new
works full time in his civilian
mums, all in the beautiful surroundings of two of
career as a Railway Engineer for
the Borough’s nature reserves.
Network Rail, he was invited to
With over 100 women taking part last year,
join the Regular (full-time) Royal
the free walks, hosted by Broxtowe Borough
Marines Boxing squad, which he
Council’s Sports Development team, Broxtowe
felt was a great honour.
Sport are a great opportunity to get outdoors and
Alex continued: “I spent two
keep fit – many mums even stay afterwards for a
coffee and a chat.
The buggy walks will take place at the following
times and locations from Monday 20th and
Tuesday 21st April:
• Colliers Wood – Mondays at 10.30am, meeting
at the Horse and Groom car park Moorgreen.
• Attenborough Nature Reserve - Tuesdays at
10.30am, meeting at the picnic area by the reserve
Bookings are now open via our website www.
Joanne Sim, from Wollaton, who took part in the
walks last year said: “I enjoyed meeting other
parents & grandparents, as well as seeing parts of
Attenborough I’ve never stumbled across before.”
Ana Jolly, from Beeston, enjoyed the walks for
so many reasons including “Getting some fresh
air, being out in a nice place, greenery, exercise,
meeting other mums, having nice chats, making
new friends!”
Buggy Fit
Anyone who prefers to exercise indoors can take
advantage of a range of classes designed for new
mums, dads, grandparents and carers to attend
with their little one including mother and baby
yoga classes, bring baby legs, bums and tums,
spin and gym sessions. There is something for
new mums, dads, grandparents and carers to
attend with their little one every day of the week!
To find out more or to book your place, please
contact Broxtowe Sport on 0115 917 3572, email
sport@broxtowe.gov.uk or visit www.broxtowe.
07764 466381
01773 762675
E: contact@lindalancashire.co.uk
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
By Gemma Allen
Rob Staszkiewicz,
Owner of Bluebird Café
in Burton Joyce.
Rob put a tribute on his board outside
of the Café in loving memory of the late
Dave Mackay, something all of his
customers appreciated.
“Dave was a great footballer and you can
tell from the feedback we have had that he
was a very well known and well loved man
in Burton Joyce. Everyone that knew him
told me how much of a nice chap he was.”
Former Forest Manager
Dave Mackay sadly passed
away at the Queens
Medical Centre recently.
Joyce where he spent his final years.
Mackay played 318 times for Tottenham
Hotspur FC between 1959 and 1968, Brian
Clough called him Tottenham’s greatestever player.
As a true Scotsman he represented his
The well loved and respected Mr Dave
country 22 times and was selected for their
Mackay, former Forest Manager and
1958 FIFA Wold Cup squad.
Tottenham Hotspur football player sadly
Mackay also had a year in charge of
passed away recently at the age of 80, he
Nottingham Forest before he returned to
will be truly missed in the Village of Burton Derby in October 1973, replacing Clough.
However it
wasn’t just
football that
he was known
for, speaking to
the residents in
Burton Joyce, I
was humbled by
all of the lovely
things people
had to say about
him and the
stories that will
be told for years
to come.
Here are just
some of the
memories and
Pete Humphreys and Mike Rook
Pete and Mike were very close friends with Dave, having known him for over 20 years he is certainly thoughts that
someone that will be missed on a personal level.
were shared
Pete Humphreys, Burton Joyce: “Dave was such a gentleman, you would never hear him swear,
with me from
not even if he had had a drink. He was top bloke, so generous and kind.
his friends,
Every Thursday he would go to the Post Office to draw out his pension and would come in to the pub
and say ‘Well I earned it so I’m going to spend it’, then he would just spend it on everyone else and
and even those
he wouldn’t take no for an answer!”
that just knew
Mike Rook, Burton Joyce: “Dave was an excellent man, he was such an uplifting person and always
brought a smile to the room. We were very close friends, he was the kind of person that would give
of him and his
anyone anything but would never take anything in return, he really is going to be missed.”
Lights Out for Langar
Jade Bruce, Sherwood
Jade works in the Bluebird Café and has
been hearing the good memories and fond
thoughts of the residents in Burton Joyce
about Mr Mackay.
“It was a lovely gesture to pay a tribute to
him and we had a lot of customers come
in saying how they appreciated it. The
majority of our customers knew him and
were obviously sad about the news but
there were a lot of positive things said
about him which were all lovely to hear.”
By Gemma Allen
Continued from front page
Despite thousands of signatures,
protests, emails, letters and
hundreds of raised concerns,
Nottinghamshire County Council
are going ahead with the closure of
Langar Recycling Centre.
The Centre will be closed for good
as of 6:00pm on March 31st 2015.
The decision to close Langar was
made last year but residents have
continued to fight for it to remain
The final decision was taken in
a recent County Council Budget
meeting that lasted 11 hours. The
Conservative Opposition group put
forward a fully costed alternative
budget that had various changes
It was an unusual occurrence
which saw a tie vote on the
proposed budget, 33 voted for the
Labour budget and 33 against. This
in turn meant that it came down
to the casting vote of one person
alone, the Chairman.
Conservative Councillor Richard
Butler has been working tirelessly
in the hope of saving the centre
and is disappointed with the
He told the Nottinghamshire
in Focus: “Naturally we are
very cross and disappointed
although not completely
There are many residents who are
angered by the closure of such a
busy recycling centre but as this
Neil James, Manager
at The Cross Keys in
Burton Joyce.
The Cross Keys was Dave’s local pub
and he was well and truly loved by all
of the locals, so much so that he was last
in there for the Landlord’s 70th birthday a
couple of years ago.
“Dave was a genuine and lovely
bloke, he was really talkative and was
always so generous. He brought the FA
Cup in here once, it was a few years ago
but we are keeping his picture in pride of
place on the wall.”
A group of local residents and Councillors last year fighting for Langar Recycling Centre to remain open
to the Labour budget, including
keeping Langar open, along with
other tough decisions on care
homes in the County.
recent news goes to show, the
Council, like many others are
under extreme budget pressures
and you can’t win every battle.
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
Kick the Habit!
Proud to be a Quitter!
Whether you’re ready to quit,
or you still need that extra push,
now is the time to take control!
National No Smoking Day is
Wednesday 11th March, so if you
didn’t want to do it as a new year’s
resolution, perhaps you can take
advantage of this day and stub out
the habit.
Smoking is the single
biggest killer of people
in the UK. There are
over 4,000 chemicals
in one cigarette,
including rat poison,
toilet cleaner and
nail varnish remover.
Nice, eh?!
There are so many
health benefits of
quitting smoking and
it’s never too late.
After 24 hours of
stopping, lungs start
clearing out your build
up of tar and after 3-9
months, your lungs
will have room for up
to 10% more oxygen.
The first No Smoking
Day was held on Ash
Wednesday in 1984
and it now takes place
every year on the
second Wednesday in March.
The theme for 2015 is ‘Proud to be
a Quitter!’ So, if you are thinking
of quitting smoking why not visit
the official website to read the
inspirational stories to help you
along the way.
And if you are planning on quitting
smoking why don’t you make your
on line pledge - and stick to it!
If you want some help you can
contact your local New Leaf
service for free support or you can
visit https://nosmokingday.org.
uk. Remember, if at first you don’t
succeed, give up again!
Healthcare is
urging people
to give up
smoking as part
of No Smoking
Day on 11th
March 2015.
New Leaf,
the NHS Stop
Smoking Service
provided by
have a range of
clinics running
during the week
of 9th March.
Smokers aged
12+ can drop in
for free, friendly
and confidential
Asda in Newark,
11th March
Asda in Suttonin-Ashfield, 11th
College, 11th
Stapleford Academy, 12th
March (students only)
Tesco Pharmacy in
Ollerton, 12th March
Newstead Youth Club in
Newstead, 12th March
(For 11-20 year-olds)
There are an
estimated 123,000
smokers currently in
Smoking contributes
towards the development
of many diseases
including coronary
heart disease, stroke
and lung cancer.
It is the leading cause
of death and illness in
England and accounts
for around 80,000
preventable deaths each
This year’s campaign,
run by the British
Heart Foundation,
has an ‘I’m Proud to be a
Quitter’ theme.
The charity recognises
that smokers each have
their own reasons for
wanting to quit and
have used ex-smoker’s
stories to appeal to all
New Leaf
run clinics
in Nottinghamshire
throughout the year,
offering one-to-one
advice and telephone
support. Visit www.
Call 0800 389 7712, text
LEAF to 80800 or email
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
(Answers in Issue 110)
1 Spoilsport 6 Juggernaut 11 Rocks 12 Throw a wobbly 14 Sofa 16 Lobe 17 Boo 18 Isles 20 Remove 21 Rich 22 Ledge 23 Risotto 25 Ugh 26 Pitfall 28 Stem 29 Smitten 33 Lieutenant
35 Supplement 38 Operate 41 Oars 42 Cremate 45 Toe 46 Ironing 48 Stair 49 Rear 50 Expert 52 Satin 54 Ass 55 What 57 Nits 59 Lose interest 60 Trail 61 Lead the way 62 Laryngitis
1 Scribble 2 On cloud nine 3 Lass 4 Octagonal 5 Terrier 6 Jewel 7 Gowns 8 Elbow-room 9 Null 10 Take a shine to 13 Yoghurt 15 One 19 Enormous 20 Reef 24 Iota 27 Lance 29 Super 30 Ice
31 Fly on the wall 32 Insomnia 34 Tea 36 Extravagant 37 Gran 39 Eternal 40 Thirtieth 42 Carpenter 43 Mist 44 Bristles 47 Genteel 51 Rot 52 Sinew 53 Teeny 56 Toad 58 Stag
1 Fifty per cent (4)
3 Gnat-like fly (5)
10 Pet rabbit cage (5)
12 Shout of a crowd (4)
13 Pantry (6)
14 Fraudulently deceive (5)
15 Money-matters (7)
16 Downy-skinned fruit (5)
17 They screw onto
bolts (4)
19 Circular earring (4)
21 A complete stop (10)
24 Lump of blood (4)
27 Sneeze-making
condiment (6)
28 Face cloth (7)
30 Literary writer (6)
31 Dull colour (4)
33 Strong adhesive (4)
34 Oak, beech or ash (4)
35 Unisex
undergarment (4)
38 Steamship chimney (6)
39 Third day of the
week (7)
40 Yellow polishing
cloth (6)
42 Satellite receiver (4)
44 Ornate lighting
fixture (10)
47 Small shoot or
branch (4)
48 Twice two (4)
52 Front door shelter (5)
54 Unfilled situation (7)
55 Supple and flexible (5)
57 Choice morsel (6)
58 Tiny bird (4)
59 Japanese sofa bed (5)
60 Joint fund of money (5)
61 Work the land (4)
1 Lend a hand (4)
2 Quite big (5)
3 Third month (5)
4 No-win situation (7)
5 Without contents (5)
6 Move aside (5)
7 Thin gap in curtains (5)
8 Arms store (7)
9 Mark denoting wrong (5)
11 Underground
passage (6)
18 Ocean liner (4)
20 Young dog (5)
21 Tussle (8)
22 Hard of hearing (4)
23 Very small (4)
25 Work instruments (5)
26 Scented blue flower (8)
28 Kumquat or ugli (5)
29 Transport vehicle (5)
32 Milkman’s route (5)
35 Call on friends (5)
36 Fronded plant (4)
37 Workshy (4)
41 Tattered clothes (4)
43 Butler or valet (7)
45 Large ferocious
wasp (6)
46 Convenience coffee (7)
48 Wrinkle the brow in
disapproval (5)
49 Eat greedily (5)
50 Scavenging dog-like
animal (5)
51 Time machine (5)
52 Small-minded (5)
53 Venomous hooded
snake (5)
56 Piece of news (4)
Only the Best
Yorkshire Caravans of Bawtry is one of the oldest
and largest independent retailers of caravans, awnings
and Leisure accessories in the UK, but that’s just part
of the story...
The reputation of Yorkshire Caravans has been
built over many years since the 1930’s and is based
on quality, choice and personal service. Customer
relationships are long term with many customers
choosing YC Leisure to supply their new caravans
and pre-owned caravans time and time again.
Over the years, Yorkshire Caravans has kept ahead of
ever evolving changes within the leisure industry and
focused on customer demand and needs. With this
growth they are now able to offer one of the largest
ranges of both new and pre owned caravans from the
award winning Bailey, Swift, Sterling and Sprite with
Sprite exclusive dealer special.
The Awning department boasts one of the largest
indoor awning showrooms in the UK, stocking a vast
range of awnings and supplies to almost any size and
specification from leading manufacturers.
With an accessory shop stocking over 3500 products
including chairs, tables, security devices and much
more, all from leading manufacturers, you can rest
assure that you are in the very best of hands.
The Yorkshire Caravan Show 2015 is the perfect
opportunity for you to see what’s on offer;
showcasing the Swift group range including the
dealer special, the Sprite exclusive. The show kicks
off on Saturday 21st with a family fun day and runs
up until Sunday 29th March. Take all the family
along on the 21st to enjoy the bouncy castle and
Easter egg hunt or take part in the charity raffle
and make the most of the special offers that will be
If you would like more information you can call
01302 710366 or email info@yorkshirecaravans.
com. Alternatively you can take a look at the website
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
Treat Your Mum
Are you wondering where to take your
mum for Mother’s Day this year? Take a
look at Strathdon Hotel on Derby Road
in Nottingham city centre. It’s easily
accessible, and within walking distance
from both the bus and tram stops so you
don’t need to worry about who’s driving!
You can treat your mum and let your hair
down as well.
There’s a stunning Mother’s Day menu
available for Sunday
lunch between 12 and
3, with three courses
of freshly prepared
food, nobody has to
lift a finger.
From chicken liver
parfait and a mouth
watering sirloin of
beef to a scrumptious
loin of pork and a
traditional apple and
plum crumble, there
is guaranteed to be
enough on the menu
to get your taste
buds tingling. At just
£14.95 for a three
course meal, you
I’m extremely close to my Mum so
Mother’s Day is very important to me, I
see it as a great opportunity for my sister
and I to give her something back for all
that she has done for us.
Whatever you decide to do this Mother’s
Day I’m certain that any gesture,
whether big or small will definitely be
A Mum is for life, not just for Mother’s
Day so remember to love and appreciate
her all year
couldn’t really ask for much more. Make
sure you bring the little ones along too
because under 12’s eat for just £9.95.
Treat you mum this Mother’s Day and let
the friendly staff at the Strathdon Hotel look
after you.
Call 01159 418 501 to make your
reservation or visit their website www.
By Gemma Allen
Mothering Sunday, it’s a day dedicated
to the woman that loves you most and
a really great reason to show just how
much you love and appreciate your
This year it falls on Sunday 15th March
so if you haven’t planned anything I’d
suggest taking a look at our feature.
Here at the Nottinghamshire in Focus,
we have plenty of ideas for you to treat
your Mum this
Mother’s Day.
There are a
number of
places to go
for a meal, or
perhaps you
would like to
Your Mum!
treat your Mum
to a special
bouquet of
flowers, some
or you could
go all out and treat her to
a spa day!
Regardless of any gift
or activity it’s fair to say
that the most important
thing is making an effort
and although I believe you
should tell your Mum that you
love her every time you speak, it’s
even more important that you say it
on Mother’s Day!
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
Tying the Knot!
By Gemma Allen
Getting married is one of the
biggest events of your life and as
a couple very much in love you
want to enjoy
the whole
experience of starting a life
together from the very beginning.
Before rushing into setting a date
and getting stressed by the whole
process, take a step back and allow
yourself to enjoy the run up to
one of the most important
days of your life.
The last thing you
should do is get
madly focused on
getting everything
done right away
and making
in a split
if your
day is next
week or next year, the important
thing to remember is that it’s your
day and you should cherish every
moment of it.
Whether you have tonnes of ideas
on what you want and where you
want it or if the whole thing is
making you dizzy from thinking
so much, wedding fairs are a must
for ideas and inspiration. There
are plenty to choose from and they
are packed with everything you
need to know, from wine tasting to
table decorations and accessories
to dresses!
Planning your wedding
doesn’t have to be stressful.
Careful preparation, keeping
within budget and simply enjoying
what you are doing will make
things far easier for both of
you. Savour every second as the
memories that you are creating will
last forever.
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
Aiming Higher
Here to Help You
eading national
training and
provider Positive
Outcomes is
opening its new
office to young people, offering
career advice for free as part of
its National Apprenticeship Week
The eighth annual National
Apprenticeship Week runs from
Monday, March 9 until Friday
March, 13 across the UK and
will see thousands of young
people receiving tips and advice
about how to apply for an
apprenticeship, where to seek help
and what the best career path is
for them.
Positive Outcomes, which has
recently opened a new office
in Wheeler Gate in Nottingham
city centre, will be inviting
young people to make an
appointment to meet its
engagement team - who are
dedicated to securing young people
apprenticeship placements - all
week from 10am until 3pm.
Chief executive at Positive
Outcomes, Chris Longmate, said
National Apprenticeship Week was
the ideal time for young people
to start to think about the options
open to them once they leave
He said: “At Positive Outcomes
we offer everything from free,
informal advice about how to
apply for an apprenticeship on our
Paid to Learn website, through
to specific training programmes
where we help a young person
complete their apprenticeship
step by step.”
The Week, which is co-ordinated
by the National Apprenticeship
Service, is designed to celebrate
apprenticeships and the positive
impact they have on individuals,
businesses and the economy.
National Apprenticeship
Week 2014 was a phenomenal
success, with more than 900
events and activities on offer.
These ranged from business events
designed to encourage more
employers to recruit apprentices, to
interactive careers events aimed at
potential apprentices.
To find out more about the
apprenticeships offered by Positive
Outcomes, go to
Colour Blocking To Take Centre Stage
Colour blocking will take
centre stage at Nottingham’s
intu Victoria Centre and
intu Broadmarsh as the city
celebrates ‘48 Hours of Fashion’
on Friday 13th and Saturday
14th March.
intu has joined up
with HELLO! Fashion
Monthly to celebrate a
month of fashion at all
15 intu centres across
the country.
The latest Spring/Summer
trends will be put on display
across both shopping centres
– with a series of live fashion
shows taking place at intu
Victoria Centre over the
two days.
A catwalk display will also be
in place at intu Broadmarsh,
giving shoppers some colourful
inspiration on what to wear this
concoctions shaken and stirred
and fun activities such as
walking the line while wearing
beer goggles.
The SiACAP Mocktail Party
is at The Forge in Bowne
Neutron, Cheeky Martin and
Street on Friday March
CAP on the beach are among the 13th from 7pm to 9pm.
tantalising drinks that will be
All 13 – 19 year olds will be
offered to young people free of
welcome. Further details are
charge at an event in Sutton this available from Matthew on
Teenagers who turn up at
the Mocktail Party will be
offered free non-alcoholic
drinks, a chance to watch the
9th -
h Ma
During National
apprenticeships if you’re an
Apprenticeship Week (9-13
employer, apprenticeships.
March), Nottinghamshiregov.uk if you want to find
based businesses and
apprentices are helping
to spread the word about
the positive impact of
With data revealing a
The eighth
39 per cent increase in
apprenticeship vacancies
annual National
posted online by businesses
in Nottinghamshire,
companies based in the
Week has officially
county are keen to share
how they are reaping
the benefits of employing
advanced and higher
The week, which is led
and co-ordinated by the
Offering higher
National Apprenticeship
apprenticeships has
Service, takes place from
brought driven, ambitious
young people in to BDO’s
9th-13th March 2015 with
workforce. BDO is the world’s hundreds of events and
fifth largest accountancy
activities planned across
firm, with 25 offices
throughout the UK, including
The week will celebrate
in Nottingham, offering a
range of professional services apprenticeships and
including auditing, tax and
traineeships and the
advisory services.
positive impact they have
The higher apprenticeship
on individuals, businesses
the company offers is part of
and the wider economy.
a five-year contract where
apprentices gain an NVQ
The Skills Funding Agency
equivalent to a Foundation
will be able to provide
Degree alongside an
apprentice and employer
ACA, the industry standard
case studies, key facts
accountancy qualification.
and figures and arrange
Go to www.gov.uk/
naw2015 to find out how to
for interviews with
get involved. Or to find out
Government Ministers and
more about apprenticeships
relevant spokespeople.
visit greatbusiness.gov.uk/
out about becoming an
apprentice or call 08000
150 600. Businesses can
also access all the support
and advice they need at
National Apprenticeship Week 2015
A huge range of
organisations and
individuals, including
employers, apprentices,
business support and sector
organisations, learning
providers, colleges and
schools will support the
week by hosting activities.
To find out more about
apprenticeships and
traineeships and National
Apprenticeship Week go to
Employers are
being encouraged
to share the
reasons why they
are choosing
using the hashtag
Traineeships were
introduced in August 2013
and are available for 1624 year olds. Traineeships
are an education and
training programme
with work experience
focused on giving young
people the skills and
experience they need to
be able to compete for
Apprenticeships or other
There has never been a
better time to employ
an apprentice, or start
an apprenticeship. Visit
uk/apprenticeships if
you’re an employer or
uk if you want to find out
more about becoming an
apprentice or call 08000
150 600. Businesses can
also access all the support
and advice they need at
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
Webs Training LTD has been
offering quality training in the
furniture sector since 1968 and
whilst some of the methods
may have changed, the focus on
quality and building solid skills
for the future has not.
Charlotte studied childcare in
College when she finished school
but soon realised it wasn’t what
she wanted to do. This then
led to her becoming inactive
and confused about her future
prospects. The thought of going
into full time work was very
daunting and something she
didn’t feel ready for.
“I’m on the study programme and it has really helped me
to get my life back on track, I know what I want to do
now and I’m on the right pathway to do it.”
James went to College but didn’t like the idea of university so he went
into work with his dad instead. Wanting to gain a proper qualification
he decided that an apprenticeship
was the best way forward which is
when he joined Webs. He is now
about to complete his NVQ level 2
in Wood Machining and is hoping
to do his level 3 next year.
“I need qualifications as well as experience so I’m happy to spend time
in an apprenticeship on a lower wage in order to benefit my career in the
future. At Webs you learn how to do something properly instead of being
thrown in at the deep end, you get taught what to do as well as
the reason behind doing it.”
Greg joined Webs on the
upholstery course straight after
school as he knew that he didn’t
want to stay in the classroom,
he wanted to get into work
but also gain the relevant
qualifications so he decided this
was the best way to go.
“Instead of being rushed into
work you are eased into it and
are still able to learn during
your time at college. It’s the
best of both worlds”
Webs Training has been working alongside Milton
Keynes College and Sudbury prison to make the same
apprenticeships available to prisoners. A ‘Furniture
Academy’ has been created within Sudbury Prison and
the overall aim is to get rehabilitated prisoners back
into work with their new trade upon release. Webs will
soon be extending the Furniture Academy into HMP
Ranby which is something that Training Officer, Lee
Hopkins is very much looking forward to.
Charlotte F
18, Long Ea
James Edg
20, Eastwo
training to suit the needs of the
In addition to apprenticeship
training, Webs can also offer
other accredited or nonaccredited courses ranging
from general training in health
Greg Harlow,
16, Stapleford
Joining Forces
Webs’ mission is “To make a
positive impact to the UK and
local economies by delivering
a high quality and progressive
training service that is responsive
to the needs of learners and
and safety to specific training
to ensure compliance with
regulatory authorities and due
diligence requirements
of businesses.
Anyone interested can contact
Lorraine at
com or call
direct on
0115 9677771
to achie
for their le
irector Sa
teaching is done in-house by
qualified professionals, so you can
relax with the peace of mind that
both your business and staff are in
good hands.
The Whole Package
If you have a business that
would benefit from high quality,
commercial training then Webs
may be just what you
have been looking
for. A variety of
ve u
training courses
are available
t change
first aid,
health and
12 mo
safety and
ho are
t team of
All of the
ving the be
employers.” The
emphasis is on
providing a quality
service based on
having industry
Webs is based
with state of the art
facilities and modern
workshops where students
and apprentices learn skills
in a range of pathways from
upholstery, installation, cabinet
and frame making to component
manufacture, wood machining
and merchant supplies.
As employees of their respective
companies, apprentices earn a
wage from day one and work
alongside experienced staff to
gain job specific skills. Webs
work with companies across the
county and arrangements can be
made to offer day release, block
release or where viable, in-house
Webs Furniture Training Ltd
The Poplar, Wollaton Road, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 2PD
Email: info@webstraining.com | Tel: 0115 9677771
In order to provide budding
learners with more options and
a larger skill base, Webs will be
joining forces with the Gelders
Construction Group in September
2015. With the bustling housing
market on the rise, there is a high
demand for the construction trade
and as we all know, all houses
need furniture, therefore the two
will work hand-in-hand. Gelders
have an integrated training division
promoting the construction
industry and have been in business
for 26 years so it’s also a brilliant
business partner for Webs.
From the 1st March Webs
are working in partnership
with Future’s Advice, Skills &
Employment LTD to deliver
Traineeships in furniture and
construction related sectors. A 12
week work placement programme
aimed at providing the essential
work preparation training, Maths
and English and work experience
needed to get an apprenticeship
or other job.
“It’s about giving prisoners
the opportunity and
something to come out to in
order to gain employment,
instead of going back to
their old habits. Webs
is about providing
opportunities and giving
people the chance to do
something good with
their lives. The training
Lee H
programme is going
Trainin pkins,
really well, every
g Offi
person that has signed
up and stayed within the
prison has gained their NVQ level 2.
I’m looking forward to working with HMP
Ranby, the workshop there is
great and it’s good
to know that
our work is
Webs Furniture Training
• Frame Makers
in Alfreton
• A Cutter
in Long Eaton
• Upholsters
in Long Eaton
These apprenticeships
are open to 16-18
year olds and
19 - 24 year olds
(Frame Makers) and
the employers are
lined up and ready
to take you on as an
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
Nottingham Apprenticeship
Hub Can Give Your Business
A Head Start
All Apprenticeships have set
content. However, you can add
extra content that meets the specific
needs of your business.
Creativity. Fresh ideas. A new
the specific needs of their business. Most Apprenticeships are delivered
in partnership with a training
vision. Your business could stand
You may have heard that
to gain so much when you take on
Apprenticeships are on the increase, organisation (usually a college or
training provider). This organisation
an Apprentice. And with support
but you may not realise the range
and grants available from the
of businesses that can benefit from provides training for the apprentice
so they come out of the employment
Nottingham Apprenticeship Hub,
taking on a young person, or that
the process could be far easier than Apprenticeships can be undertaken with a qualification and a set of
you think.
in almost any sector, from business defined skills.
The Nottingham Apprenticeship
Apprenticeships have come a long administration to social media.
way in recent years. They’re a
Every business benefits from fresh Hub can help by; identifying the
great way for young
ideas and an apprentice could bring right framework and training
for your Apprentice, advertising
people to gain onthese to your business.
vacancies and working with you
the-job training and
If you’re looking to grow
to streamline recruitment, identify
experience alongside
a qualification, while your company, an apprentice and apply for any financial support
available to your business.
could help by:
at the same time
Tina Simpson, General Manager
providing businesses >> Reducing your training and
of the Netherfield Forum,
additional support in recruitment costs
the areas they need. >> Increasing productivity and your worked with the Hub to recruit.
She comments: “Using The
All Apprenticeships company’s bottom line
>> Developing a skilled, motivated Nottingham Apprenticeship Hub
include learning
is a quick and easy way to find
content relevant to and qualified workforce
the right Apprentice to fit your
the sector, however, >> Improving your customer
business needs. The Nottingham
employers are able service results
Apprenticeship Hub assigns to you
>> Providing a financial return on
to add in extra
an experienced Apprenticeship
content that meets your investment
Development Officer who explores
your needs, requirements and wish
list for an Apprentice.”
“The Hub helped us to find a
suitable Apprentice and offered
their support all the
way through the process. We
cannot express how much we have
benefited from The Hub in such a
short period of time. Our Apprentice
fits in with our staff and customers
really well.”
More than 100,000 employers in
the UK, from all sizes of business
currently use Apprenticeships to
attract new talent and tackle skills
There are also financial incentives
available to help with the cost of
employing an apprentice.
The Nottingham Apprenticeship
Hub can help you, from identifying
your training provider, advertising
your vacancy, helping with
recruitment and giving you access
any financial help to reduce the cost
of employing your apprentice.
To find out more please contact us
on 0115 876 2824or visit www.
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
Gathering Dust
Have you had a clear out or
rummage and found lots of items
that you didn’t realise you still
had and don’t particularly want to
keep? Don’t rush to throw it all
away or give it all to the closest
hoarder as you may be sat on a
surprising antique or collectable.
If you’ve never been to an antique
and collectables fair then you may
be pleasantly surprised. Don’t
expect a room full of dust and
never judge a book by its cover,
certain treasures could lead to a
very worthwhile investment if
purchased from the right place.
Whether you’re on the lookout for
an antique or maybe you already
no-one makes a
profit by sitting on
their backside.
There is a profitable way to
generate a good income without
investing large sums of money
in antique stock that may not
It’s not easy, and you do have
to invest a little spare time and
money, but there is money to be
made by selling other peoples
If it’s something of yours that
you are looking to sell or get
valued, make sure you go to a
reputable dealer, take a look at
our feature for someone to call.
Know What You
Are Buying
When buying antiques
the buyer has a multitude
of ways to buy, including
Making a Profit
There are loads of venues
available for selling antiques
and collectables, including
online internet auctions, local
auction houses, newspaper
classified ads, antique dealers
and fairs.
However, there is only one
way not to sell your antiques
and collectables …don’t sell
something if you aren’t 100%
sure on what it is that you are
You must also make sure that
you keep an open mind when it
comes to what you can sell and
how you might be able to sell it.
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
online internet auctions, local
auction houses, newspaper and
classified ads and antique dealers,
but do not buy antiques unless you
know what you are buying.
The UK is probably
the best place in the
world to search for and
for buying antiques
because of its rich history
of invasion, conquest,
trade and invention.
have one that you want to
get valued, it’s important
that you find the right place
to go where you can deal
with the correct people
who have the expertise
that you need. The stories
behind some items can be
phenomenal and there’s
bound to be someone who
has their eyes on the prize
that you are carrying.
The UK probably has more
genuine antiques per square mile
than any other country. Almost
every town and village has an
antiques shop and all cities have a
reputable auction house.
However, there is one Golden Rule
when buying antiques…Only Buy
The Things You Like.
Buy the best antiques you can
afford and if it’s for your own
personal use or collection, don’t
worry too much about whether
you have overpaid. The modern,
probably inferior equivalent will
cost a lot more anyway.
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
Local food,
arts and crafts
producers will be
offering their goods
and works for a
chance to discover
Lincolnshire’s local
businesses over the
The market will
be on Lincoln
High Street on
both days from
10am - 4pm.
For Everyone
Fantasy Island, A spectacular day
out, with an endless array of things
to do. Located in Ingoldmells near
Skegness, just several minutes’
walk from the beach; our complex
is free entry and has something to
offer for everyone.
Our theme park has 27 rides that
cater for all age groups. There
are the white knuckle thrills of
The Beast and Odyssey
Rollercoaster, family
rides such as The
Dodgems and
Jumping Frogs,
and rides such
as Jellikins
The Carousel
and The
to keep the
little one’s
Get in on
the Action
Visitors will have the chance
to visit many of Lincolnshire’s
top tourist attractions during
Discover Lincolnshire Weekend,
28th and 29th March.
Attractions across the county
will be offering free admission
or special discounts as part of
the weekend. Among
those taking part
is Gainsborough
Old Hall,
which offers
free entry for
the weekend
and also the
chance to join their costumed
guides as they recount the tales
of the past and lead you around
the manor.
You can also take a
guided tour of Tattershall
Castle or enjoy the
peaceful setting at
Barlings Country
Holiday Park.
Burgh Le Marsh Windmill
will be open, with local
heritage exhibitions and
flour milling taking place,
weather permitting, whilst
Rushmoor Country Park
has plenty of wildlife to see
including various birds and
Continued on page 29
entertained. All day
wristbands ensure that you’ll
stop long before the fun does!
For those who would
rather take a more relaxed
approach to the day we have
our massive 7 day outdoor
market, the largest of its
kind in Europe. In the 220
stalls on site you will find an
assortment of products for
sale, from fashion to food,
electricals to jewellery and
everything in between.
After all the excitement we’re
sure you’re feeling peckish.
We offer over 40 eateries on
site including McDonald’s,
Burger King, Subway and
Papa John’s Pizza.
As night descends you can
unwind in our bars, Castaways
and Scallywags, where we
have fantastic drink offers
and a resident entertainment
team. The perfect ending to an
exceptional day.
So if you’re a thrill seeker,
a shopaholic, a show lover
or someone who just likes
to relax and take in the sun.
Fantasy Island has something
for everyone!
Open March to November
for more information visit
our website at
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
Photo Walk
Photo Training
will be holding
two free, special
and unique photo
walks inside Lincoln
Cathedral on
Saturday 28th.
The walks will start
at 10am (to finish
at 12:30pm) and
1:30pm (to finish
at 4pm) ending
with refreshments
at a unique
location. Places
must be booked
(first-come, firstserved) on the
Lincolnshire Photo
Training website.
The Cheese
The Cheese Society
will be hosting a
tasting session of
Lincolnshire cheeses
& Lincolnshire
plumbread on
Saturday & Sunday
28th & 29th March in
their shop at 28 The
Strait. Call in and
from page 27
From a free cup of tea
at Lincolnshire’s only openair farming museum to free
guided tours of one of England’s
best-preserved medieval manor
houses, there will be a host of
attractions aiming to provide a
bargain day out,
Just a few days before the grand
re-opening of Lincoln Castle
Revealed after a £22m four-year
restoration, the heritage city of
Lincoln will have plenty to tempt
visitors to Discover Lincolnshire
for free.
Courtesy of
County Council
Cllr Colin
Davie, Executive
Member for Economic
Development, said: “We all
know 2015 is going to be a
major year for Lincolnshire
and Discover Lincolnshire
Weekend gives local residents
the opportunity to revisit some
of the fantastic attractions that
are right on their doorstep - all
for free.”
The brand new Victorian
Market Street will be
open from 9:00am
– 3:00pm over the
weekend alongside the
collection of antiques
and museum also on
offer at Unique Auctions.
Tea rooms on site will
also be available for
refreshments during your
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
Take a Tour of Lincoln
bus will
launch on Discover
Lincolnshire Weekend and
rides on the bus will be free on
both Saturday and Sunday. Tours
last around 50 minutes and run
on the half hour from 10:30am 3:30pm.
Tickets for the top floor
are available to pre-book.
Remaining bottom floor seats
and unclaimed, pre-booked top
floor seats will be offered on a
first-come-first-served basis.
Saturday 28th March
Take a guided walking tour of Lincoln’s
Cathedral Quarter - led by a Green Badge
Guide - for free on Saturday 28th March.
Meet outside the Visitor Information Centre
on Castle Hill at 11am.
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
Visit one of Europe’s
finest Gothic buildings
Cathedral is
known as
one of
a true
piece of
Entry to Lincoln
Cathedral will be free
throughout the weekend.
in Lincoln
Lincolnshire County
Council’s hirebike
scheme is expanding
– 100 bikes will be
available to rent from 19
stations across the city.
Since the scheme
launched in August 2013,
more than 3,000 bikes
have been rented, a ‘hirebike
Lincoln’ app is now available
on Android, and a casual
Courtesy of
County Council
Restrictions will be in place
on Sunday morning due to
regular church services.
Floor and roof tours will
run on Saturday 28th at
£4 per person and must
be booked in person on
the day:
• Roof tours on the hour from
10:00am – 3:00pm
• Tower tours on the half
hours from 10:30am - 3:30pm
(over 14 years old only, safety
restrictions apply)
• Floor tours at 11am,
1pm and 3pm.
tariff has been introduced for city
To get started, visit www.
hirebikelincoln.co.uk or call
01522 370 143 within office
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
Hall Hotel
Enjoy a complimentary
dinner for two with every
bed & breakfast stay over
Discover Lincolnshire
Subject to availability.
Call Branston Hall on
01522 793305 to book.
Watermill and
Navigation House
Visitors to both Cogglesford
Watermill and Navigation
House in Sleaford, near
Lincoln, can see the
watermill in operation and
claim a free bag of 500
grams of flour per family.
Open on Sunday 29th from
11am to 4pm.
Cranwell Aviation
Heritage Centre
View the Nose Art
exhibition at Cranwell
Aviation Heritage Centre
and create your own piece
of artwork to take away.
Open on Sunday 29th from
10:30am to 3:30pm.
Guildhall and
Lincoln Guildhall and
Stonebow is an early 16th
century town building and
Woodhall Country
Park Caravan &
Campsite Lincoln
Book a stay on Friday
27th March and get the
following night’s stay for
Full details on the Woodhall
Country Park website.
an iconic archway
over Lincoln’s main High
Street. It is home to the
City of Lincoln Council’s
meetings, Lincoln’s
mayoral heritage and a
wealth of regalia from
centuries past.
Free guided tours of
Lincoln Guildhall and
Stonebow will take place
on Saturday and Sunday at
10:30am, 12:30pm
and 2pm.
Take a guided tour of
Lincoln’s Cathedral
Quarter and hear the
haunted tales from
centuries past on a
free Ghost Walk.
Meet outside the
Magna Carta pub
at 2pm on both
Saturday 28th and
Sunday 29th for a
half-hour ghost walk.
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
Up For A Challenge?
The UK’s Premier Obstacle Course
Racing Festival kicks off on 13th
-14th June 2015 in support of the
RAF Benevolent Fund, a great
British Military Charity. 5,000
runners will be tackling miles of
gruelling muddy terrain, facing
up to 100 challenging obstacles
including Walls, Monkey Bars
and Rope Swings on an ex WWII
To make this event one to
remember there will be a number
of exciting highlights, from free
race photos to a kids adventure
club and live music to a fully
stocked bar. You certainly won’t be
stuck for things to do or memories
to make!
Starting at the Event Village, you
have 5km of tough but achievable
terrain to cross, 30+ obstacles
that will test you and your team.
Introducing “DogFight” – an
intense concentration of obstacles
based in a 4x4 area that’s also
spectator friendly!
Not happy with 5km? Raise
your game with the ever popular
classic 10k route, featuring
special obstacles and even more
challenging terrain than last year.
Introducing the all-new tougher 10
mile distance - no laps, just brand
new terrain and brutal obstacles:
everything the 10km gets, plus
exclusive tougher 10 mile-only
obstacles such as our high walls
that will require mortal solo
runners to work together, and add
a serious team challenge to group
The “daddy” of obstacle
racing challenges, this is not
to be undertaken lightly....
Starting on Saturday morning
you’ll take on the 5km
and 10km event in the
afternoon, followed by
merriment at our dedicated mud
festival - the first of its kind! On
Sunday, with an aching body you
will then tackle the 10 miler! That
makes over 31km of pain, and a
total of over 100 obstacles, the
greatest of which is the little voice
in your head pleading with you to
Get ready for an epic event with
bustling crowds, people in costume
and of course, plenty of mud! If
you’re ready for tunnels, water
obstacles, mud pits, rope swings
and much more anarchy then
look no further than the Airfield
Mud Fest!
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
Keeping You Independent
yourself, the staff
consistently encourage
residents to maintain
their independence as
much as possible.
The bedrooms at Rose
Lodge are tailored to each
resident and everyone is
encouraged to use their own
belongings so that it feels like
home. There’s also a handyman
available at the home to help in
On entering the Rose Lodge
any way possible which is great
Retirement Home you instantly
when it comes to making your
feel at home with a warm
room your own personal space!
welcome, smiley faces and a
With two living rooms and two
genuinely relaxed atmosphere. The dining rooms, it feels much cosier
welcome I received from both the instead of having 17 people in one
staff and residents was great, they room but it also means that it’s far
are all extremely kind and very
more convenient when trying to
Summer house and patio for garden lovers
positive which is fantastic to see.
With just 17 residential spaces,
the work at Rose Lodge is done
on a very personal level as appose
to the number of homes with lots
of residents who very rarely get
the one-to-one support that they
require. This isn’t a place where
you are restricted on what you
can do and where you can go,
here you are encouraged to have
and use your independence as
much as possible. Whether that be
taking a walk to the shops or even
something as simple as dressing
please everyone when it comes to
what’s on the television or who
wants to do what.
I can imagine summer time at
Rose Lodge being heavenly, with
the large back garden overlooking
the surroundings, it’s hard to
believe that you are in the centre
of West Bridgford so close to the
bustling city. I can also imagine
the decking and summer house
to be a favourite, providing
the quality and relaxation that
everybody wants.
What stood out for me the most
Residents entertaining family and
friends at a garden party
was the ‘family feel’ relationships,
particularly with owner David
Wheatcroft. You never generally
expect the owner to show their
face but David knows every single
resident and has a great bond with
each of them, in my opinion this
shows just how much of a personal
service you get at Rose Lodge.
Both David’s wife and mother
During my visit there was one
opinion that I found was a rather
common among the residents
and that was the fantastic food.
Everything is freshly prepared for
every meal and there is always
a choice instead of having to eat
one thing. What’s best is that the
menu changes every five weeks
so there’s always something new
to keep a look out for. All of the
residents told me how much they
enjoyed the food which was great
to hear.
Neusa Salome took over as
manager at the Rose Lodge
Retirement Home in June 2014
and has since had an immensely
positive effect on both the
residents and the staff. Soon after
taking over, Neusa applied to the
Care Quality Commission to be
the registered manager which
was swiftly approved without
question due to her extraordinary
understanding of resident
requirements. She is also due to
complete her counselling degree
at Nottingham University in the
coming months. Speaking to her
you can tell instantly that she has
a true passion for what she does
and that she always puts 110% into
her work.
The fully trained staff at Rose
Lodge are available 24 hours a
day so residents are guaranteed
Carols and dancing
to get the best care around the
clock. There is also a weekly
at Christmas
GP visit to ensure the residents
are in top health as well as nurse
spent their final years being cared visits whenever they are needed.
When a new resident joins Rose
for at the home and his sister still
resides there. This is solid proof of Lodge an extra member of staff is
the faith that David has in his staff purposely put on, so that the new
resident gets one-to-one care for
the care that they provide.
their first day and night,
making sure that they
feel comfortable and
know their way around.
I can certainly say that
if your loved one is
looking for a home with
a difference where they
can still maintain their
independence, then the
Rose Lodge Retirement
Home is certainly the
place to be.
Neusa Salome, Manager
Lesley and Frank planning a tea party
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
E: editorial@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 314380
A Tranquil
Resting Place
Norton Big Wood is Open for
Woodland Burials
Situated in ancient
woodland, Norton Big
Wood burial ground offers
a beautiful and tranquil
resting place for your loved
The designated area is
set deep in the woodland,
surrounded by mature
oak trees, and will not be
managed as manicured
parkland but will remain a
stunning woodland green
Simple, natural and
reasonably priced, Norton
Big Wood offers a unique
opportunity; it is an
alternative to traditional
graveyard burials and
crematorium ceremonies
and provides a permanent
connection with nature.
Norton Big Wood offers
burial plots, ashes
interment and the scattering
of ashes, all within easy
access of parking facilities.
A beautiful venue is
available at our sister
wood Hill Holt, just five
minutes away, to celebrate
the life of your loved one
with refreshments and
Call us today on 01636
892836 and ask to speak to
our Operations Manager to
arrange a visit or have an
initial conversation.
Norton Big Wood is part of
the Hill Holt Wood Social
Enterprise group proving
the value of ancient
woodland in the 21st
Visit www.hillholtwood.
co.uk for more information.
At One
with the
Thinking about or planning
a burial can often be quite a
daunting experience which
may be why some people
don’t think about their
options. There is of
course the traditional
approach with a
casket and a head
stone but have you
ever thought about a
natural burial?
Natural burials
are in a permanent
independent natural
site specifically
ring fenced for the
purpose of containing
burial plots.
It’s a way to celebrate
life and for many
it’s a way of giving
back to nature and the
environment for future
generations, the gift
being a protected nature
rich environment.
Take a look at www.
naturaldeath.org.uk for
more information on
natural burial.
Adjusting to Loss
If you have experienced the
death of someone who was very
important to you, you might
be finding it very difficult to
adjust to the immense changes
happening in your life right now.
Grief can shake everything up
- your beliefs, your personality,
and even your sense of reality.
Bereavement is the time we
spend adjusting to loss. There is
no standard time limit and there
is no right or wrong way to feel
during the bereavement period
- everyone must learn to cope in
their own way.
Grief, although normal, can
manifest in a huge range of
unexpected ways. Some people
get angry, some people withdraw
further into themselves and
some people become completely
numb. Sometimes, grief can turn
into something more serious like depression.
Bereavement counselling may
be able to provide support
during these very difficult times.
Talking about the loss often
allows a person to adjust to their
new life with all its changes
- good and bad. Keeping
things bottled up or denying
the sadness could prolong
the pain. Any loss has to be
acknowledged for us to move
Don’t Grieve Alone
Grief isn’t an illness but if a
bereaved person continues to
struggle with their loss and is
not able to access good support at
the right time, it can sometimes
become a health issue.
The loss of a loved one can
be a desperately difficult and
emotional time and the grieving
process isn’t something that
happens over night.
There is simply not enough
bereavement support
available in our local
communities. No matter
how good existing services
are, they are unlikely to
ever have sufficient capacity
to offer the kind of
prompt, straightforward
support that most
people need. GPs don’t
have enough time
to allocate to a patient who is
in need of strong support and
as most of know, referrals for
counselling can be a very long
and tedious process.
Grief Journey Derby believe in
putting bereavement care and
grief education back into the
community, recognising that we
live in an ageing society where
people are living longer and
are often not exposed to death
and bereavement until later life
. Nowadays, in an increasingly
fragmented society where family
and friends may be scattered
across the globe, many are finding
grief and loss very difficult to
cope with. At times, everyone
needs a little extra help along
their grief journey.
And help is at hand…
Grief Journey Derby invite you
to a free local community group,
led by experienced volunteers,
trained in grief education and
bereavement support. The group
will begin its first Grief Journey
Programme on Wednesday
25th March, as the first of six
weekly sessions.
The Grief Journey programme
does not offer formal counselling
but has trained volunteers who
can help you to explore the
grief process and the emotional
pathway to help you cope with
adjustments to life as it is now
and the “new normal”.
Commenting on the new
bereavement initiative,
Helen Wathall,
managing director of
independent family
funeral directors, G.Wathall
& Son Ltd based in Derby,
commented “We have worked
with world renowned grief
counsellor and author, Dr Bill
Webster, using exclusive content
from The Centre for Grief
to train local volunteers
and develop a bespoke
programme for the local
Funding this new community
programme emphasises our
commitment to making a
difficult time a little easier”
The dates for the next
Programme are: 25th March,
1st April, 8th April, 15th April,
22nd April and 29th April and
all sessions will be held at the
Derbyshire County Cricket
Ground, (6pm-8pm).
If you would like
to find out more
information about
your local Grief
Journey Derby
Programme and to
register your interest
to attend one of the
Programmes, please
phone 01332 345268
or email
E: sales@nottsinfocus.co.uk | Tel: 01159 313879
Published by Nottinghamshire in Focus Limited, 53a Main Street, Burton Joyce, Nottingham NG14 5ED. Printed by Mortons Print Limited