Cold forging technologies Fastening and cold forging technology for over 40 years UBB srl Via Dell’Industria, 12 - 20032 Cormano (Mi) Tel. + 39 02 6192097 r.a. - fax +39 02 6198781 e-mail UBB srl Fastening and cold forging technology for over 40 years UBB stays for Ubaldo Bruno Bertolotti, the name of its founder, and it is a strengthened entity in the market of mechanical fastening systems for roofing, cladding, insulations and cold forging as per customer drawing Established in 1962 becomes representative in Italy for a major Swiss multinational fixings corporation. The quality of each item is, since that time, one of the founding values of this company. In 1993 UBB unbinds from any representation and starts to market products under their own brand specializing itself in roofing and cladding. State-of-the-art and innovation become values that lead UBB to propose new technologies to the Italian market as self drilling screws in carbon and stainless steel. In 2000, on the strength of its experience and with the wish to offer to the customers the best technical solutions and the best service, UBB starts the production of fasteners internally, supporting the manufacturing setup with a state of the art technical laboratory. In 2009 the company moves to the present headquarters specifically built with cleanliness, safety and comfort standards typical of a corporate philosophy based on quality, innovation and service. New headquarters since 2009 New headquarters In 2009 UBB moved to the present headquarters, placed in via dell’ Industria 12 in the new industrial zone of Cormano (MI), easy accessible by car and very close to the main Milan airports Linate and Malpensa. The new building is purposebuilt to housing the entire UBB plant: production, warehouse, offices and technical laboratory. Planning this new location UBB realized an efficient, safe and comfortable place not only for the staff but also for customers and suppliers that often come to visit it. Cleanliness, safety and comfort are basic features for the headquarters of a company that has always based his philosophy on quality, innovation and service. Having special consideration for environment and a strong attitude for new technologies UBB provided itself with a photovoltaic installation of 70 Kw. Photo (from above): Offices front Entrance and garden Warehouse entry Offices entry Photovoltaic installation Sales offices Sales offices UBB staff is technically skilled and prepared to help customers in choosing and, if necessary, developing the correct fixing for the specific application they have. Quick answer and willingness are both strong points of the service that UBB offers to customers. Through its sales office in Cormano and strong presence on the national and international market, UBB is able to satisfy any customer demand. In its inside showroom UBB displays all its fixings and solutions proposed to the customer, so to practically and directly explicate all the features of each fixing system. Photo (from above): Sales office, Management, Sales executive on a job site for trials, meeting room, showroom Workshop and technical laboratory Workshop Since year 2000 UBB produces its fasteners within its headquarters. Its twelve years of experience in fasteners manufacturing makes UBB able to offer the best quality products. Inside production allows short lead times and also to extend the product range with the implementation of new and state of the art fasteners. Furthermore it offers the possibility to supply special fixings to customer’s drawing. Technical laboratory In 2000 UBB integrates its facility with a technical office that, during the years, has become a key point of quality and engineering of all its fasteners. The technical laboratory carries out a basic work in quality check of every single fastener, following it in each production phase with specific trials. Moreover, thanks to the state of the art equipment of the technical laboratory the sales office can support the customer with specific trials on fasteners in any application and material. Photo (from above): Workshop, Workshop and operator, Work bench and toolings Technical office Operator at technical office Warehouse, assembly and painting areas Warehouse The warehouse is the heart of the organization at UBB. Orderly and efficient it allows an excellent management of materials handling from storing of production batches up to treatments management and dispatch of goods to customers. The warehouse, always wellstocked, lets the customers have at any time a large quantity of items ready to be delivered. The internal assembly and packaging line allow a quick handling of orders and to pack the articles as per customer requests. Painting areas In year 2011 UBB invested in a painting plant that accelerated the production of painted fasteners. UBB painting system is based on powder paints that improve the performances of the painting reducing the toxicity. Photo (from above): Warehouse, Warehouseman/fork lift driver, Assembling/packing area, Painting plant, Loading of the painting oven Some of our jobs Juventus Stadium 28.000 pz UX12 S16 5,5x40 6.500 pz UX12 5,5x40 36.000 pz UX6 S16 5,5x35 Interporto di Nola 100.000 pz UD CS KKK S 6,3x75 IKEA di San Giuliano Milanese 60.000 pz FASER 5x120 40.000 pz UF/6 NR 82x40x1 20.000pz UF/5 70x70x1 Calcolo del fissaggio meccanico New headquarter Regione Lombardia 35.000 pz UX6 5,5x25 15.000 pz UX6 5,5x70 13.000 pz UX6 5,5x90 10 INDEX Index are a useful support for using this catalogue. With this printing UBB wants to offer a service as wide as possible. Catalogue index is divided into two parts: PRODUCT INDEX Here you can find the list of all products and services described in the catalogue, it is useful if you already know the fastener and just need more information about it . APPLICATION INDEX Here, starting from your own application, you can find the fastening solution that better meets your requirements. PRODUCT INDEX 1. 1. Drawing of the fastener 2. Item code 3. Short description 4. Page reference 2. 3. 4. 11 PRODUCT INDEX FASTENING SYSTEMS BILLO Expansion plug for laps of roofing sheets pag. 38 pag. 39 BULB TITE tri-folding blind rivet for photovoltaic systems CHL T / W / S self tapping concrete screw pag. 18 FASER / FASER S steel concrete nail pag. 40 GALILEO telescopic fixing for concrete pag. 41 LAM self tapping screw for wooden buildings pag. 19 PLINIO Insulation fixing system pag. 42 TAIYO UD AS / UD CS / CHL S solar fasteners pag. 43 pag. 24 TR AS stainless steel quick pitch screw with pin point pag. 25 UCF6 Self drilling fibre cement screw for steel sections pag. 36 UCFW Self drilling fibre cement screw for timber sections pag. 20 UD AS Stainless steel self tapping screw for timber and steel sections pag. 21 UD AT Self tapping screws for timber and steel sections up to 3 mm in thickness pag. 27 UDC Self drilling high thread screw for sandwich elements on steel substructures pag. 22 UD CS Stainless steel self tapping screw for steel sections 12 PRODUCT INDEX UD CT Self tapping screws for steel sections pag. 23 pag. 28 UDC W Self drilling high thread screw for sandwich panels on wood UFD2 Flat roofing self drilling screw pag. 29 UFO Bi-metal self drilling screw pag. 30 UKN TE / TSP knot folding plug pag. 46 UL side lap stitching screw for metal sheets pag. 31 pag. 32 UND self drilling screw for steel sections from 6 to 12 mm pag. 33 UW3T self drilling screw with reduced point for wood and steel max 2 mm UX bi-metal self drilling screw pag. 34 UXC A2 stainless steel self drilling screw pag. 35 pag. 36 UXCW2 bi-metal self drilling high thread screw for wood and steel up to 2 mm pag. 37 UXW2 bi-metal self drilling screw for wood and steel up to 2 mm A4 STAINLESS STEEL SCREW on request pag. 49 PEGASO self tapping screw with clearing wings pag. 48 pag. 49 PARTS TO DRAWING production of special fasteners & screws according to customer’s requirements. 13 INDICE per prodotti RIVETTO A FIORE tri-folding blind rivet pag. 48 WASHERS pag. 52 CANGURO automated setting tool pag. 60 COPERNICO battery setting tool for rivets pag. 58 ACCESSORIES FACILITY pag. 59 MARTE SDS rotary hammer with SDS plus guidance system UF40 KPL screw guidance system 14 pag. 58 INDICE per prodotti SALES AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT LANTHANE TR 175 COATING galvanic protection pag. 68 EPDM Etilene Propilene Dien Monomer pag. 68 TECHNICAL DATA SHEETS pag. 67 SPECIFIC TECHNICAL ANALYSIS pag. 66 LABELLING pag. 64 CUSTOMIZATION pag. 65 15 Fasteners CHL LAM UD AS UD AT UD CS UD CT UCF6 UCFW UDC UDCW UFD2 UFO UL UND UW3T UX UXC UXCW2 UXW2 CHL self tapping concrete screw TR175 CHL Carbon steel C18 thread-forming fastener with Lanthane ® corrosion resistant finish. Both screws are suitable for fixing into full materials like concrete, reinforced concrete, brick. Screw: CHL T / W / S 12,5 8 information 6,6 12,8 Hi-Lo 18 30 T x 32 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 220 230 240 250 260 300 W 35 45 S 32 65 70 80 120 130 150 140 150 1000 500 250 HOW TO BE FIXED Predrilling diam. 5,5 with SDS drill. Embedment: min 25 max 35 mm LAM self tapping screw for wooden buildings LAM Carbon steel self tapping screw, 15 µ zinc plating. The T30 imprint gives greater torsion during tightening. The helix thread get easier the entrance of the screw body into wood. 30 Screw: LAMellare 11,5 information 6 x 80 100 500 120 140 250 • Other lengths are available on request HOW TO BE FIXED 4,50 Use bit T30 Embedment: 30 mm into wood 19 UD AS Stainless steel self tapping screw for timber and steel sections up to 3 mm UD AS A2 stainless steel self tapping screw with lubrication finish For fixing roofing and cladding steel sheets to timber or steel sections up to 3 mm 12,5 8 2,54 20 Screw: UD AS information 6,5 x 25 1000 75 80 90 110 500 120 130 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 250 • Pre drilling for steel applications thickness Ø hole 0,6 mm 4 1 mm 4 2 mm 4,50 3 mm 5 • We recommend the use of screwdrivers with depth limiter and laden speed of 1000/1500 rpm. N.B up to 1 mm of cover plate thickness it drills by itself without pre-drilling UD AT Self tapping screws for timber and steel sections up to 3 mm in thickness UD AT Carbon steel self tapping screw with Lanthane ® corrosion resistant finish. TR175 FOR FIXING roofing or cladding steel sheets and steel faced insulated sandwich panels into timber or steel section up to 3 mm in thickness. 12,5 8 2,54 Screw: UD AT information 6,5 x 30 40 60 1000 70 80 90 100 110 500 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 250 • Pre drilling for steel applications thickness Ø hole 0,6 mm 4 1 mm 4 2 mm 4,50 3 mm 5 • We recommend the use of screwdrivers with depth limiter and laden speed of 1000/1500 rpm. N.B up to 1 mm of cover plate thickness it drills by itself without pre-drilling 21 UD CS Stainless steel self tapping screw for steel sections UD CS Stainless steel AISI 304 self tapping screw with lubrication finish. FOR FIXING to steel sections greater than 1,5 mm in thickness. Screw: UD CS information 12,5 8 6,3 1,81 22 x 25 35 50 60 1000 75 90 100 500 • Pre drilling for steel applications thickness Ø hole 3 mm 5,00 4 mm 5,35 5 mm 5,60 6 mm 5,80 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 250 • We recommend the use of screwdrivers with depth limiter and laden speed of 1000/1500 rpm. N.B. up to 1 mm of cover plate thickness it drills by itself without pre-drilling UD CT Self tapping screws for steel sections UD CT Carbon steel (C18) self tapping screw with Lanthane ® corrosion resistant finish TR175 FOR FIXING steel sheets and sandwich panels to steel sections (min. thickness 1,5 mm) Screw: UD CT information 12,5 8 1,81 6,3 x 20 25 35 40 50 60 1000 70 80 90 100 110 500 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 260 250 • Pre drilling for steel applications thickness Ø hole 3 mm 5,00 4 mm 5,35 5 mm 5,60 6 mm 5,80 • we recommend the use of screwdrivers with depth limiter and laden speed of 1000/1500 rpm. 23 TR AS Stainless steel chipboard screw TR AS Stainless steel AISI 304 quick pitch screw. FOR FIXING aluminum sheets on wood. Screw: TR AS information 8 12,5 6,5 2,60 24 x 40 60 65 70 80 90 100 110 500 120 130 140 160 180 198 250 • On request A4 stainless steel is also available N.B. Minimum embedment of 30 mm into wood UCF6 Self drilling fibre cement screw for steel sections UCF6 Carbon steel self drilling screw with Lanthane ® corrosion resistant finish. Sealing washer KKK allows high waterproofing and elastic play offering a high pull-out value up to 3000 N. TR175 UCF and UCFW are approved in accordance with UNI EN 22063 and UNI ISO 2081. Screw: UCF6 12,5 8 information utile 6 6,3 x110 130 90 105 250 • We recommend the use of screwdrivers with depth limiter and laden speed of 1000/1500 rpm. utile N.B. Only KKK washers can be used on fibre cement. 1,81 25 UCFW Self drilling fibre cement screw for wood sections UCFW Carbon steel C21 self drilling screw with Lanthane ® corrosion resistant finish. Great advantage of UCF and UCFW is to drill the Fibre Cement sheets enlarging the hole with their wings; this prevents cracks and breakings of the sheets during the thermal dilatation without the need of predrilling TR175 Sealing washer KKK allows high waterproofing and elastic play offering a high output value up to 3000 N. UCF and UCFW are approved in accordance with UNI EN 22063 and UNI ISO 2081 8 Screw: UCFW 12,5 information 6,5 x110 130 150 250 • We recommend to use screwdrivers with depth limiter and laden speed of 1000/1500 rpm. N.B. Only KKK washers can be used on fibre cement 2,54 26 N.B. Minimum embedment of 30 mm into timber UDC Self drilling high thread screw for steel sections/substructures UDC Carbon steel self drilling screw with corrosion resistant finish, preassembled with sealing washer WRS. Screw: UDC 12,5/ 10,4 8 6 6,3 8/ 6,30 5,5 12 6,3 utile 1,81 information utile 5,5 x 85 115 125 145 165 185 70 100 110 130 150 170 x200 230 185 215 x 87 127 147 167 187 66 106 126 146 166 x210 240 250 300 189 219 229 279 1000 500 250 • The high thread, bigger in diameter, has the aim to tight the sheets during the assembling so to allow the maximum sealing and avoiding recesses on the sheets. • We recommend the use of screwdrivers with depth limiter and laden speed of 1000/1500 rpm. 500 250 N.B. For what concerns diameter 5,5 mm it is not possible to assemble with washer KKK or K20 but only with BSC or BSC19 because of the reduced dimensions of the edge. 27 UDC W Self drilling high thread screw for wood and steel MAX 2mm TR175 UDC W Carbon steel self drilling screw with corrosion resistant finish, preassembled with sealing washer WRS. Screw: UDC W information 12,5 8 8,00 2 6,5 X 83 113 123 133 143 200 500 250 • the high thread, bigger in diameter, has the aim to tight the sheets during the assembling so to allow the maximum sealing and avoiding recesses on the sheets. • It is particularly adapted to work on small thicknesses sheet metal thanks to the high ratio between the point diameter and screw diameter. • We recommend the use of screwdrivers with depth limiter and laden speed of 1000/1500 rpm. 2,54 N.B. Minimum embedment of 30 mm into timber 28 UFD2 Self drilling screw for insulation on corrugated sheets. UFD 2 Carbon steel self drilling screw with corrosion resistant finish. It has a reduced point and a high thread which, screwed on the plate, prevents the pressure of the insulation and eventual perforation of the waterproof coating. Screw: UFD2 information 8 10,5 2 1,81 4,8 x 70 80 90 100 120 130 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 500 • Belted screws are also available 250 29 UFO Self drilling bi-metal stainless screw UFO A2 stainless steel screw complete with washer WRS The T25 imprint ensures greater torsion during the tightening. The particular rounded shape of the head reduces the aesthetic impact Screw: UFO information 11,5 25 2 4,8 x 20 38 3 5,5 x 25 50 6 5,5 x 25 35 UFO S truciolare 4,8 x 38 1,81 30 1000 1000 • we recommend the use of the guide insert for UFO which prevents the fall of fixing. UL side lap stitching screw for metal sheets UL2 A Aluminium self drilling screw for laps of aluminium sheets. UL2 S e UL5 S Austenitic stainless steel fastener for laps of aluminum or copper sheets. Copper finish screws are available upon request UL2 T Carbon steel with zinc corrosion resistant finish for laps of steel sheets. Screw: UL information 12 / 14 8 2 S 4,8 x 20 1000 2 T 4,8 x 20 1000 2 A 6,5 x 20 1000 5 S 6,5 x 25 1000 T 6,5 x 25 1000 • the vertical underhead ribbing increases resistance to unscrewing from the sheet ribbed 2 2,54 / 1,81 31 UND Carbon steel self drilling screw TR175 UND Carbon steel self drilling screw with Lanthane ® corrosion resistant finish. Screw: UND 12,5 4 5 6 4,8 5,5 6,3 utile 12 1,81 32 information utile 8 6,3 x 19 25 22 35 45 60 70 80 100 115 130 140 150 160 180 200 35 50 80 110 130 150 160 170 180 9 14 10 20 30 45 55 65 85 100 115 125 135 145 165 185 14 25 59 89 109 129 139 149 159 1000 500 250 1000 500 250 • we recommend the use of screwdrivers with depth limiter and laden speed of 1000/1500 rpm. UW3 T Carbon steel self drilling screw UW3 T Carbon steel self drilling screw with Lanthane ® corrosion resistant finish. TR175 Suitable for fixing galvanized and zinc plated metal sheet on wood and steel, maximum thickness 2 mm Screw: UW3T information 12,5 8 2 6,5 x 35 60 70 80 100 110 120 130 140 160 180 1000 500 • The thread with pitch 2,54 fits perfectly into timber. Suitable also for fixing on thin thickness thanks to the high ratio between point diameter and screw diameter. 250 2,54 N.B. Minimum embedment of 30 mm into timber. 33 UX stainless steel bi-metal self drilling screw UX A2 Stainless steel screw with hardened carbon steel drilling point. A 4-5 µ zinc coating provides lubrication that makes installation easier. Screw: UX 8 information 10,0 utile utile 1,81 34 2 3 6,0 4,8 x 25 x 19 14 12 6 5,5 x 25 30 35 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 11 16 21 36 56 76 96 116 136 156 176 x 40 50 65 75 95 115 135 155 175 195 40 50 65 75 95 115 135 155 175 195 12 5,5 500 • Head and body in A2 stainless steel and drill point in carbon steel (C18) 250 500 250 N.B. Due to reduced diameter of the flange it is not possible to assemble this screw with KKK or K20 washer but only with BSC, BSC19 and WRS washers. UXC A2 stainless steel self drilling screw UXC A2 Stainless steel self drilling screw with hardened carbon steel drill point and zinc lubrication finish. Screw: UXC 5,5 10,0 6 6,30 12 utile 1,81 information utile 8 5,5 x 67 87 107 127 147 167 177 197 227 237 52 72 92 112 132 152 162 182 212 222 1000 500 x 75 95 115 135 150 155 175 195 210 245 50 70 90 115 125 130 150 170 185 220 500 250 • the high thread, bigger in diameter, has the aim to tight the sheets during the assembling so to allow the maximum sealing and avoiding recesses on the sheets. • Head and body in A2 stainless steel and drill point in hardened carbon steel 250 N.B. Due to reduced diameter of the flange it is not possible to assemble this screw with KKK or K20 washer but only with BSC, BSC19 and WRS washers. 35 UXCW2 stainless steel bi-metal self drilling high thread screw for wood and steel max 2 mm UXCW2 A2 stainless steel self drilling screw with hardened carbon steel drill point and zinc lubrication finish. Screw: UXCW2 information 8 10,0 2 7,00 utile 2,54 36 6,5 x 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 500 250 • The high thread, bigger in diameter, has the aim to tight the sheets during the assembling so to allow the maximum sealing and avoiding recesses on the sheets. • Due to reduced diameter of the flange it is not possible to assemble this screw with KKK or K20 washer but only with BSC, BSC19 and WRS washers. N.B. Minimum embedment of 30 mm into timber UXW2 stainless steel bi-metal self drilling screw for wood and steel max 2 mm UXW2 A2 stainless steel self drilling screw with hardened carbon steel reduced point. For fixing steel sheets and Aluzinc sheets to timber and steel sections up to 2 mm in thickness. Zinc lubricating finish. Drills steel, Aluzinc and Aluminium sections; The thread with pitch 2,54 fits perfectly into timber. Suitable also for fixing to thin thickness thanks to the high ratio between point diameter and screw diameter. Screw: UXW2 10,0 8 2,54 information 2 6 x 35 6,5 x 50 65 80 100 120 140 160 180 1000 500 250 N.B. Minimum embedment of 30 mm into timber. N.B. Due to reduced diameter of the flange it is not possible to assemble this screw with KKK or K20 washer but only with BSC, BSC19 and WRS washers. 37 BILLO expansion plug for laps of roofing sheets BILLO Neoprene expansion plug preassembled with stainless steel screw and sealing washer. APPLICATION For fixing longitudinal and lateral fibrecement, synthetic and steel sheets. The preassembled washer offers the highest sealing. Fastening: BILLO information 8 16 Predrilling: diam. 9,5 mm Clamping thickness: 14 mm 30 rondella WRS S16 5 9,5 a riposo 38 montato BULB TITE blind rivet for photovoltaic supports BULB TITE The bulb tite is a rivet that guarantees excellent pull out resistance in thin sheets. It is rustproof thanks to the material which is entirely of aluminum. Fastening: BULB TITE utile 5,2 x17,5 19,1 22,2 25,4 28,6 31,8 min - max 0,5 - 4,8 1000 1,5 - 6,4 4,8 - 9,5 7,9 - 12,7 11,1 - 15,9 14,3 - 19,1 7,7 x27,7 1,00 - 9,50 1000 information N.B. Predrilling: diam. 5,3 mm for a Bulb Tite of 5,2 Diam 8 mm for a Bulb Tite of 7,7. 39 FASER steel concrete nail TR175 Faser Carbon steel C35 concrete nail with Lanthane ® corrosion resistant finish. Especially designed for fixing into small thickness concrete. Suitable for fixing timber or insulated sandwich panels into concrete. 11,5 Fastening: Faser T / S information 4 5 6 40 T x 25 60 S 1000 • On demand Faser is also available in A2 stainless steel x 25 40 30 40 50 60 70 80 80 90 100 100 110 120 120 130 140 1000 • Predrilling diam. 4, 5 or 6 mm depending on the Faser in use, fix with hammer. x 40 50 65 90 140 150 170 190 1000 500 250 N.B. Minimum embedment 30 mm into concrete. GALILEO fixing system complete with plug and Faser Hi-Lo GALILEO Telescopic fixing system for high and variable thicknesses. Suitable for insulation boards inclined on concrete Fastening: Galileo information Faser 85 min - max 70 - 100 45/75 90 -130 140 - 170 170 - 200 190 - 220 max 45/75 min 250 • The predrilling, fixing and setting are done with of a rotary hammer and accessories. Faser 120 min - max 100 - 140 100 - 160 145 - 210 175 - 240 195 - 260 N.B. Minimum embedment 30 mm into concrete 41 PLINIO fixing system for insulation board Plinio Fixing composed of a plastic plug and a self drilling screw with reduced point for fixing flat panels to attic sheets Thanks to its plastic component Plino reduces the thermal transmission Fastening: PLINIO vite 45 30 60 90 120 fungo vite 150 75 42 65 fungo x 50 60 70 80 x 60 70 80 90 x 70 80 90 100 x 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 x130 140 150 180 210 x 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 information utile 31 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 - 74 75 - 84 85 - 94 95 - 104 105 - 114 115 - 124 125 - 134 135 - 144 145 - 154 155 - 164 165 - 174 175 - 184 185 - 194 195 - 204 205 - 214 215 - 224 225 - 234 235 - 244 245 - 254 255 - 264 265 - 274 275 - 284 75 - 84 85 - 94 95 - 104 105 - 114 115 - 124 125 - 134 135 - 144 145 - 154 155 - 164 165 - 174 250 TAIYO CHL S fixing system for photovoltaic supports on concrete substructures TAIYO CHLS Special fixing system composed of a Hi-Lo screw and a socket set screw both in A2 stainless steel. It also has two washers and two nuts: one is standard HEX nut, the other one is a Lock nut. All this parts are made of A2 stainless steel. The washer KKK with the EPDM gasket and the A2 metal washer complete this item offering the highest sealing. At the end of the activity of the photovoltaic panels TAIYO can be easily removed to allow the change of the installation. 5 Screw: TAIYO CHL S information perno 9 perno x100 100 120 120 140 x 50 80 50 80 50 100 • We recommend to fix TAIYO to the bottom of the corrugated sheet so to reduce the lever action. • Set screw should be at least 30 mm higher than the top of the sheet • Fixing in concrete has to coincide to the wood lath To fix TAIYO you need a bit drive A/F 5 Minimum embedment on concrete 30 mm Hi-Lo Predrill of 7 mm is required TAIYO is equipped with lubricating spray to be used before fastening 43 TAIYO UD AS fixing system for photovoltaic supports on wood substructures TAIYO UD AS Special fixing system composed of a wood screw and a socket set screw both in A2 stainless steel. It also has two washers and two nuts: one is standard HEX nut, the other is a Lock nut. All this parts are made of A2 stainless steel. The washer KKK with the EPDM gasket and the A2 metal washer complete this item offering the highest sealing. 5 Screw: TAIYO UD AS information perno 8 perno x 80 100 130 150 180 200 x 70 70 70 70 70 70 100 • We recommend to fix TAIYO on the bottom of the corrugated sheet so to reduce the lever action • Set screw should be at least 30 mm higher than the top of the sheet N.B. Per il fissaggio occorre un inserto esagonale ch. 5. 3,50 44 N.B. Si consiglia un ancoraggio nel legno minimo di 60 mm. TAIYO UD CS Fixing system for photovoltaic supports on steel substructures TAIYO UD CS Special fixing system composed of a self tapping screw and a socket set screw both in A2 stainless steel. It also has two washers and two nuts: one is standard HEX nut, the other is a Lock nut. All this parts are made of A2 stainless steel. The washer KKK with the EPDM gasket and the A2 metal washer complete this item offering the highest sealing. 5 Screw: TAIYO UD CS information perno 8 perno x 64 80 100 125 150 160 200 x 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 100 • We recommend to fix TAIYO on the bottom of the corrugated sheet so to reduce the lever action • Set screw should be at least 30 mm higher than the top of the sheet N.B. To fix TAIYO you need a bit drive A/F 5 2,10 N.B. Minimum steel thickness 2 mm 45 UBB Specials PEGASO TRI-FOLDING RIVET A4 FASTENERS PARTS TO DRAWING 47 PEGASO screws with wings which thread and make space PEGASO screw On request we can produce the screws in the catalog by adding wings and make them particularly suitable for panels of high thickness and high thermal expansion. The wings with 9 mm diameter, in fact, operate the pre-slotting that allows the thermal expansion of the plate thus avoiding complications due to this phenomenon. TRI-FOLDING RIVET Alu/steel rivet for critical substructures Tri-folding rivet Thanks to its higher diameter (6,3 mm) and to its tri-folding tightening it fasten compact and offers a greater resistance to cutting, traction and pull-out than normal rivets. Suitable on brick, full brick and thin concrete. 48 A4 FASTENERS Production of fasteners in A4 Production of fasteners in A4 Thanks to its internal workshop, UBB is able to produce on demand screws A4 stainless steel that has more corrosion resistance FASTENERS AS PER DRAWING production of special fasteners as per customers drawing Fasteners as per drawing Thanks to its internal workshop and to the experience of its technical department, UBB is able to produce fasteners as per customers drawing or to develop with the customer fixings ad hoc for the most various and particular needs. 49
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