INVITATION FOR CEPA MEMBERS AND BRUSSELS STAKEHOLDERS CEPA Certified® Launch Conference Tuesday, 17 March 2015 Radisson Blu EU Hotel, 35 Rue d’Idalie, 1050 Brussels PROGRAMME AM 10.00: Coffee and registration 10.30: Plenary Session for CEPA member associations and CEPA’s Brussels stakeholders Welcome and opening speech by CEPA Chair setting the standards issue in wider context of challenges and opportunities for the Pest Management sector 10.45: Presentation of EN16636 and CEPA Certified®, the accompanying certification scheme: what it says and what the rules are governing its implementation 11.15: Panel debate about the benefits of service standards moderated by Jacki Davis, editor of many Brussels publications and a regular broadcaster on television and radio. Participating in the debate: Bertrand Montmoreau (CEPA Chair); Pierre Choraine (European Commission, Director Biocides Management Group, DG SANCO) – Representative of CENCENELEC – Dr Chris Suter (Chair Validation WG) - Dr Peter Whittall (former Rentokil-Initial Group Scientific Advisor and currently Executive Director, Tripod Consulting Ltd) – Rune Bratland, (Managing Director Skadedyrservice, Norway) – Simon Forrester (CEO British Pest Control Association). 12.30: Walking lunch and close of meeting PM 13H30 Sales Meeting for our Association delegations 16H30 Close of meeting and cocktail The Confederation of European Pest Management Associations (CEPA) is based in Brussels where it represents the European professional pest management industry. It unites and federates 25 national and regional associations as well as associates from pest management service companies, manufacturers and distributors. The European professional pest management industry plays an important role in protecting public health and keeping homes, schools, recreational areas, hotels, food manufacturers, retail companies and others safe, pest and disease-free. The sector generates a turnover in Europe in excess of € 3000 million, employs more than 40.000 people in 10,000 + companies, the majority of which are small and medium sized enterprises. Confederation of European Pest Management Associations (CEPA) 37 Seringenstraat 1950 Kraainem, Belgium Bertrand Montmoreau, Chairman – Roland Higgins, Director General Tel: +32 2 731 32 81 – Mobile +32 475 98 91 98 E-mail: - - Web:
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