CBSE -i List of Selected Candidates for Interview 2015-16 STD I Date of Interview : 10 March 2015 Time 11. am Venue: Conference Hall SL No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NAME Brijit Rose Michelle Mary Babu Michela Rose Babu Elvin Francis Pranavraj K K Michelle Tomi Fernandez Muhammed Ayyan A B Trina Ann Sinu Aman Deepak Shivani S Devroop Moothedath Akshaya A Manu Avicka Rakesh Aryan Menon K Srisha T C Antony Brinil Aniketh Niranjan M Berny Thomas Bennet Thomas Lian Sajith Vaibhav Kishor T.S. Roshan Parvathy Menon Adhrija C Vivian Renoy Karthika Mohandas STD II Date of Interview : 10 March 2015 Time 1.30 pm Venue: Conference Hall SL No. 1 2 3 NAME Parvathy S Menon J Sabareesh Ahammednihal A N STD III Date of Interview : 10 March 2015 Time 1.30 pm Venue: Conference Hall SL No. 1 2 3 NAME Sloka Ram Shivsankar S Zenhaparvin STD V Date of Interview : 10 March 2015 Time 1.30 pm Venue: Conference Hall SL No. 1 2 NAME Adithyan V S Yadukrishnan T STD VI Date of Interview : 10 March 2015 Time 1.30 pm Venue: Conference Hall SL No. 1 NAME Nivea Radhakrishnan STD VII Date of Interview : 10 March 2015 Time 1.30 pm Venue: Conference Hall SL No. 1 2 N.B: NAME Aysha Sanam Abhay S. Menon The above listed candidates are requested to print the given application form, fill it and bring it along with the requested documents for the interview. To be filled by the Office Form No: Admission No: Date of Admission : APPLICATION FORM FOR CBSE-i Application for admission to class ........... for the academic year 20 - 20 I. Student Profile: 1. Name in full (in capital) ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2. Gender (M/F): __________ Blood Group: _____ 3. Date of Birth : ____ (month) _____ (date) 4. Age as on 1st June 20 ____ Please affix a recently taken photograph of the child (date of photograph to be displayed in the photograph) ____ (year) year months 5. Identification marks: 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Place of birth: District: State: 7. Nationality of the child: 8. Religion: 9. Mother tongue: 10. Other languages known: 11. Languages commonly spoken at home: Community: Country: 12. Aadhaar No. 13. Passport details (for overseas students) 14. Visa/resident permit details where applicable II Particulars of previous schooling : 1. Name of the School: 2. Whether recognisd If yes, specify the Board 3. Address Web 4. Date of Joining: 5. Date of Leaving: 6. Class on Leaving: 7. Reason for Leaving III Health 1. Serious illnesses if any, with dates: 2. Present condition: 3. Dates of preventive inoculations: 4. Physical weaknesses/allergy, if any, that require special attention IV Brothers and sisters (siblings) of the applicant studying/studied in Devamatha CMI Public School, Thrissur. Name 1. 2. 3. Class Year V Details of Parents To be filled by the father (or guardian if the parents are no more) (a) (a) Name Name Relationship to the student: Father/ Guardian Relationship to the student: Mother/ Guardian Father’s / Guardian’s native place & State: Mother’s / Guardian’s native place & State: Educational / Professional Qualifications Educational / Professional Qualifications Details of Colleges / Universities attended Details of Colleges / Universities attended Name & Address of Company / Business / Organisation (Please specify as applicable) Name & Address of Company / Business / Organisation (Please specify as applicable) Please elaborate on the nature of your work and responsibilities Please elaborate on the nature of your work and responsibilities Are you a NonResident Indian? If so give details. Are you a NonResident Indian? If so give details. Details of association with Devamatha CMI Public School Details of association with Devamatha CMI Public School Any other details you consider important, but are not covered above: Any other details you consider important, but are not covered above: c) Gross (pre-tax) annual income of the parents Father / First guardian: Mother / Second guardian: d) If the parents are separated or divorced, please indicate clearly the legal status of the child in terms of custody and access to parents and the arrangements between the parents regarding the visitation rights or any other rights in conformity with the orders of the legal authority and school rules. e) In such cases (those in which one of the parents has visitation rights or any other rights and the other parent has custody) both the parents should sign the application form. (This application is liable to be rejected and the admission is liable to be cancelled at any stage in case of any misstatement.) f) If the parents are separated or divorced, please indicate the person responsible for payment of fees. VI. Address for communication Father / Mother / Guardian Address Phone (Res) with STD code: Phone (Res) with STD code Father Mother Fax : Mobile: E-mail (active) VII. Exact location where the child resides: Note: The following documents are to be produced at the time of admission. a) Proof of Date of Birth –Date of Birth extract in original for class I, Certified copy of the birth extract for other classes b) Attested copy of the Passport, if any c) Transfer certificate countersigned by the District Educational Authorities of the area./Regional Officer, CBSE d) Year-end School Report We/I hereby state that I shall undertake the responsibility that my son/ daughter/ ward obey all the rules of the School and any modifications made from time to time. Signature of Guardian Station: For office use: Signature of Mother Signature of Father Date:
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