Activity Schedule 0 1 2 3 4L 4 5L 5 6 7 Daily Bulletin MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015 WOODSTOCK NATION AIRBAND PERFOMANCE PRESALE TICKETS go on sale March 9 - March 11 thru the end of 5th lunch only; presale tickets are $7.00 for the showings on March 11 & March 12. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. and the doors open at 6:45 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door for $10.00 each and for $8.00 w/ ASB and any kids 10 and under. Hope to see everyone there! ALL STUDENTS: Woodstock Nation an Airband lunch time promo performance is on Wednesday, March 11th during 4th & 5th lunch. Cost to view the promo is $1; enter through room 301! NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY: The National Art Honor Society Induction and Celebration is on Tuesday, March 10th during 5th period lunch. Members please don’t forget to bring your salad bar items for the potluck. You can bring your item to room 302 in the morning for cold storage. ART CLUB : Art Club meeting during 4th period lunch on Wednesday in room 302. Please bring your completed field trip forms. BOYS STATE: For any junior (GPA 3.5 or higher) interested in Boys State come see Ms. Davis. LIBERTY DRESS CODE: Girls cannot wear any tops that show bare mid -drift, strapless blouses, or shorts that are too short. Boys cannot sag pants or wear clothing advertising drugs, alcohol, or sexual content. Students in violation will receive discipline from the Dean’s office. DRAMA CLUB: There will be a Drama Club meeting Tuesday, March 10th right after school in room 303; Mr. Ware’s classroom. This will be a short 10-15 minute meeting where we will be discussing t-shirts, the yard sale, and upcoming show. ALL STUDENTS: The Liberty Drama Department will be holding auditions for seven one act comedies by David Ives today Monday, March 9th at 3:30p.m. in the PAC. Any student is welcome to come and audition! This will be a cold read audition. Important Dates for March 3/1-3/31 March Madness (College Awareness) 3-2 Winter Sports Awards 3/3 Choir Spring Concert 3/6 3rd Qtr. Ends 3/13 Kern Invite Track Meet 3/9-3/12 Air Band Show 3/17-3/18 CAHSEE (All Sophomores) 3/23 C 2 T Promo Day 3/23 Freshman Orientation (7pm) 3/27 Finance Office Closed Important Dates for April 4/6-4/7 4/8 4/10 4/10 4/11 4/15-4/17 4/21 4/22 4/23 4/30-5/2 4/30 Golf @ Sundale F/S Softball @ GVHS Tournament Tuesday/Regular Schedule Var. Tennis vs. Buchanan (H) ATTENTION SENIORS: As of March 12th no checks will be accepted for senior debts or payments for the remainder of the year. Cash or money order only! HEY PATRIOTS! We want you to follow us down the Rabbit Hole to a Mad Prom! Early Bird bids will be going on sale on March 9th to March 25th for $40 with an ASB sticker and $50 without. Prices will then increase to $60 for all from March 26th to April 7th. Hope to see you there! JUNIORS AND SENIORS: There will be an Air Force Rep. here during 5th per on Thursday, March 19th. AP EXAMS: The window for students to pay for AP exams is now open and closes Friday, March 20th. You must pay for your test (s) by March 20th, if you plan on taking the test in May. Please see Mrs. Bueltel in the Finance office to submit your payment. The prices are as follows: 1 test for $91, 2 tests for $182, 3 tests for $243, 4 tests for $324, 5 tests for $405, 6 tests for $486, 7 tests for $567. Wednesday/Regular Schedule No Activities Thursday/Regular Schedule F/S Baseball vs. Frontier (H) F/S Softball vs. Frontier (H) Friday /Regular Schedule Varsity & JV Softball @ Frontier Varsity & JV Baseball @ Frontier Var. Boys Tennis @ Wasco Tournament Track @ Kern Invitational Tourney Swim Meet @ Bullard Varsity Tennis @ Frontier JV Tennis vs. Frontier (H) ALL STUDENTS: Applications are now being accepted for next year’s yearbook staff. Please pick up the form from Mr. Tittl in Room 1105 ASAP. PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS ALL STUDENTS: American Elementary School is looking for student volunteers on April 10, 2015 for our carnival fundraiser. We are looking for students for our face painting booth. Students interested can sign up by contacting Pam Cathey via email at Please title subject FACE PAINTER VOLUNTEER. Scholarships listed on reverse side Freshman Registration Food Sale Rally Powder Puff Football Prom ASB Elections Cap/Gown Delivery @ 5th Lunch Multicultural Day School Pictures - Gym Drama Performance Senior Sunset Monday/Early Out Schedule ALL STUDENTS: Ever wonder what your Liberty High School students do with the Marines every Thursday and Saturday? Like their Facebook page and see what the Marine Corps Recruiting Bakersfield West are all about. ACT TESTING: Time is running out for you to take the ACT before summer; the upcoming test dates are April 18, 2015 (Registration deadline is March 13, 2015) and June 13, 2015 (May 8, 2015). Late fees apply after these dates. ACT offers no -cost and low-cost test prep options at 7:35 - 8:18 8:25 - 9:09 9:16 - 10:00 10:07 - 10:50 10:50 - 11:27 10:57 - 11:41 11:41 - 12:18 11:34 - 12:18 12:25 - 1:09 1:16 - 1:59 3/9 3/9 3/10 3/12 3/12 3/13 3/13 3/13 3/13 3/13 3/13 3/13 Sports Early Release Boy’s Golf - 9:30am F/S Softball - 1:30pm Varsity Tennis 2:25pm F/S Baseball - 3:00pm F/S Softball - 3:00pm Varsity Tennis - TBA Track - TBA Swim Meet - 12:30pm Var.& JV Baseball - 1:30pm Var. & JV Softball - 1:30pm Varsity Tennis - 2:15pm JV Tennis - 2:45pm SCHOLARSHIPS SENIORS: Caners Foundations Endowment for Research and Scholarship. The Caners Foundation scholarship applications are for the benefit of students who are interested in pursuing an education and career in horticulture or other majors in agribusiness. The application is available in the counseling office. The deadline is March 15, 2015. SENIORS: Kern Community Foundation. Are you looking for scholarship funding to support your college goals? Don’t miss this opportunity to get your application into the hands of numerous scholarships with just one submission! Scholarships of $500 to $5,500 available! One application-multiple opportunities. Visit Applications open January 15, 2015 and the deadline is March 15, 2015. SENIORS: The “ Italian Catholic Federation” is offering $400.00 scholarships to Roman Catholic graduating seniors of Italian descent who have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2.(if either Roman Catholic parent of grandparent is a member is a member of the “Italian Catholic Federation,” applicant must be Roman Catholic but need not be of Italian Descent, or live where Branches are established, to qualify.) For more information call 1-888-423-1924 or visit Application are available in the counseling office. The application deadline is March 15, 2015. SENIORS: AESC Scholarship. Association of Energy Service Companies (AESC) is currently accepting applications for 2015 scholarships. Applications are available online at Scholarship applications are due Monday, March 16, 2015 by 5:00 PM. AESC 2015 SCHOLARSHIP:: Any child of an AESC (Association of Energy Service Companies) is eligible for a 4 year renewable scholarship. You can access the application at or pick up an application in the counseling office. Applications are due NO LATER than March 16th to the Bakersfield office: Chairperson Tim Maples (979-0665) address: 3639 Alken St. Bakersfield CA 93308. SENIORS: Grimmway Enterprises College Scholarship Program. The families of Rod & Bob Grimm sponsor this Scholarship Program for the children of employees of Grimmway Enterprises, Inc. The goal of this program is to encourage our employees’ children to graduate from high school eligible to attend a four-year college or university and earn a college degree. You can pick up an application in the counseling office. The deadline is March 16, 2015. SENIORS: Ronald Reagan Elementary –Proud Patriot Scholarship. Students must have attended Ronald Reagan Elementary for a minimum of 2 years and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is March 20, 2015. SENIORS: GFWC/Woman’s Club of Bakersfield Student Scholarship. The applicant must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher. The application must contain a brief essay of goals, work history, community service and extracurricular activities. The student must be a full time student. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is March 22, 2015. SENIORS: North of the River Chamber of Commerce Scholarship. Student must be a Kern County high school graduates from Centennial, Frontier, Liberty or North High School who have applied for admission to a two- or four-year college or university. The applicant must have maintained a minimum GPA of 2.75 or above and have demonstrated financial need. Applications are available in the counseling office or online at The deadline is March 23, 2015. SENIORS: Mayor's Scholarship. Students must be a resident of Bakersfield and planning on attending either BC, Taft College or CSUB. Student must qualifying GPA is 3.25 for a $1,000 scholarship to CSUB, and 3.0 for a $500 scholarship to BC or Taft College. Students must complete the attached scholarship application and include a typed statement of 300 words as follows: a. Indicate your educational plans and career goals; b. Include community and school involvement; c. Include need for sholarship assistance and any special circumstances; d. sign and date your statement. Applications are avalialbe in the counseling office. The deadline is March 24, 2015. SENIORS: Assistance League of Bakersfield Scholarship. Graduating high school senior (minimum 3.0 GPA) going to an accredited 2 year community college, a 4-year college or university. Resident of Kern County, California. All parts of the application must be completed and submitted with all recommendations in order to be considered. Applications, including all parts, MUST be submitted by March 26, 2015. Applications are available in the counseling office. SENIORS: The California Wine Grape Growers Foundation (CWGGF) is offering at least 6 scholarships in study 2015 to graduating high school seniors. Students may study the subject of their choice. At least two 4-year, $8,000 scholarships are available for any campus in the University of California or California State University system and at least four 2-year, $2,000 scholarships are available for any California community college. Continuation of scholarships is dependent upon satisfactory completion of at least 12 units per semester. Only the children of vineyard employees working in the 2014 or 2015 wine grape growing season are eligible to apply. However, children of wine grape growers may request a waiver from the eligibility requirement based upon financial need. Children of current directors or employees of the CWGGF are not eligible to apply. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is March 27, 2015. SENIORS: Democratic Women of Kern Scholarship Committee. Democratic Women of Kern is granting a $500 scholarship to a female senior who is registered Democrat or who has at least one parent or legal guardian who is a registered Democrat, and will be enrolling in an accredited College or Trade school in the fall of 2015. Student must have a 2.0 GPA or higher. The application is available in the counseling office. The deadline is Friday, March 27, 2015. SENIORS: CSEA Scholarship. One parent or guardian of the applicant must be a member in good standing with CSEA, Chapter #81 for at least one year. Applicant must be a graduating high school senior planning to enter a university, community college, trade or vocational school as a full time student within the following semester after high school graduation. Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, including all subjects taken in grades 10, 11 and the first semester of 12. Submitted application with a GPA of less than 3.0 may be considered for a book allowance. Applications are avalialbe in the counseling office. The deadline is Friday, March 27, 2015. SENIORS: Caltrans District 6/Central Region Transportation Scholarship. Students must have a GPA of 2.5 or better, plan to attend a university or junior college, or trade school. Student must be planning to pursue a career in one of the following fields or other related transportation field: Accounting, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology, Business Administration, Communications, Construction, Electrical, Engineering, Environmental Science, Equipment Operations, Graphic Design, Human Resources, Information Technology, Landscaping, Legal, Planning, Project Management, Real Estate, Surveying. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is March 27, 2015. SENIORS: Caltrans District 6/Central Region Employee Family Scholarship. Student must be related to a current, former, or retired Caltrans District 6 employee. Students must have a GPA of 2.5 or better, plan to attend a university or junior college, or trade school. Student must be planning to pursue a career in one of the following fields or other related transportation field: Accounting, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology, Business Administration, Communications, Construction, Electrical, Engineering, Environmental Science, Equipment Operations, Graphic Design, Human Resources, Information Technology, Landscaping, Legal, Planning, Project Management, Real Estate, Surveying. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is March 27, 2015. Scholarships Cont’d SENIORS: The Howard and Mamie Nichols Scholarship Fund. Students must be seniors or graduates from a Kern County high school. Plan or are currently full-time students ( i.e., 12 units) at an accredited two- or four-year college or university. Students who have achieved at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA while in high school or a 2.5 term GPA while in college. Applications available online at The deadline is March 27, 2015. SENIORS: The Theresa Corti Agricultural Scholarship Fund. Students must be seniors or graduates from a Kern County high school. Students who have achieved at least a 2.0 GPA each term and have an Ag or Ag-related major at an accredited two- or four-year college or university ( Forestry is not included). Applications available online at wellsfargotrust The deadline is March 27, 2015. SENIORS: Harvey and Laura Brockmeyer Kiwanis Scholarship. Applicant must have been a member of a Future Farmer Chapter or Key Club of a Kern County High School or the child or grandchild of a Kern County Kiwanian. The applicant must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Application are available in the counseling office. The deadline is March 31, 2015. SENIORS: Bakersfield Chinese Women’s Club Scholarship. Student must be a graduating high school senior of Chinese descent, have a 3.0 GPA or above, and have extracurricular activities, community services and family needs will be considered. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is Tuesday, March 31, 2015. SENIORS: The Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund. Students must have a GPA of 3.0/equivalent or higher and plan to attend full-time at a US accredited four-year college or university within the fifty states. Students must have demonstrated leadership abilities through participating in community services or other extra curricular activities. Combined adjusted income of the parents cannot exceed $60,000. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is March 31st. SENIORS: American Society of Civil Engineers Scholarship. To be considered, the student must be a graduating senior of a Kern County High School, accepted into an accredited college or university pursuing Civil or Environmental Engineering/Science and must demonstrate the following: The student must have at least a 2.5 GPA. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is April 1, 2015. SENIORS: Budd Ray Memorial Scholarship. Student must be a graduating senior of a public or private high school with a Bakersfield address and must be assured of a high school diploma. Applicant must be the child or grandchild of a veteran or active duty military member. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is April 1, 2015. SENIORS: Energy API San Joaquin Chapter 2015 Scholarship Essay. Questions and applications are available in the counseling office to students that are interested. The deadline is Thursday, April 2, 2015. SENIORS: Omni Family Health Scholarship. Students must express an interest in the health care profession. Current year high school graduate, with a cumulative 3.5 GPA or higher for grades 9-12. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is April 8, 2015. SENIORS: Harvey L. Hall/Hall Ambulance Service Medical Scholarship. Student must have a minimum qualifying GPA of 3.0 for a $250 scholarship. Students must be planning to enroll as a first year, full-time student at an EMT, nurse, physician, dentist, hygienist, ect. Complete the application and include a typed statement of 300 words as follows: 1. Indicate your educational plans and career goals; 2. Include need for scholarship assistance and any special circumstances; 3. Sign and date your statement. Applications can be completed then printed from our website at The application is available February-April each year. The deadline is April 10, 2015. SENIORS: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc Kappa Omega Omega Chapter book scholarship application. They invite all eligible African-American students to apply for a book scholarship to help supplement higher education pursuits. To be eligible, the applicant must live in Kern County; be enrolled as a senior in a Kern High School District; plan to attend a university, community college, vocational school, or military program. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is April 11, 2015. SENIORS: Kern County Wool Growers Auxiliary Scholarship. Applicant must be a Kern County resident attending high school or college, taking or planning to enroll in agriculture or agriculture related courses, with plans to pursue a college degree in agriculture or an agriculture related field. Student must have a 3.0 GPA and they must be maintained for sophomore through senior year. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is April 15, 2015. JUNIORS & SENIORS: If you are an undocumented student, MALDEF Scholarships at has a list of scholarships available. SENIORS: Bill Dolan Kern County Law Enforcement Foundation Scholarship. Students must submit the following: Personal Resume and a 250 word essay explaining: Why they deserve the award? How the scholarship would benefit them? Why they have chosen to pursue a career in law enforcement/criminal justice? Student must be planning to enroll as a first year, full-time student at an accredited college or university in a law enforcement or criminal justice related program. Student must have a 3.0 GPA and have lived in Kern County for the past five years and should have aspirations for employment in a local enforcement/criminal justice agency. Student may be a dependent of an active or non-active law enforcement parent or family member. Student may be a member of an approved law enforcement Explorer Scout Program. Application are available in the counseling office. Application deadline is Friday, April 17, 2015. SENIORS: Contreras Scholarship Foundation. Students be pursuing either a 2 year associate degree or a 4 year academic degree at an accredited college or university. Students must have a GPA of 2.5-3.5 (no higher than a 3.5). Students will need teacher and counselor's recommendations. Applications are avaliable in the counseling office. The deadline is Friday, April 17, 2015. SENIORS: Wilma Addington Memorial Scholarship. The goal of the Wilma Addington Memorial Scholarship is to help students of exceptional promise reach their full potential through education. Applicants must be a resident of Kern County and pursuing higher education in energy and/or allied industry-related field (petroleum or chemical engineering, geology and the sciences). Applicant must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. Applicant must submit an essay of 400-500 words on the following: Describe your vision for your career path (declared major) and where you see yourself working and living following graduation. Which of your personal qualities and life experiences do you believe will be most beneficial in helping you reach you goals? Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is April 18, 2015. SENIORS: Amy B. Seibert Elementary School is offering a scholarships in the amount of $250.00 to eligible and qualified Seibert Alumni. The main criterion is that the student must have attended Seibert during their entire fifth and sixth grade years. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is April 24, 2015. SENIOR BOYS: Jerry Lake Memorial Education Scholarship. This scholarship is available to students who have earned the Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Award and who are graduating from the Kern High School District and are planning to major in Agricultural, Mechanical, Civil or Manufacturing Engineering. Students must be enrolled in an accredited four-year college or university and interested in a fulfilling career at a nationwide company in agricultural irrigation, trenchless underground technology or fluid pumping systems. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline is April 30, 2015. SENIORS: Abbott and Fenner Scholarship. Students will submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of the web site: http://www.abbottand The deadline is June 15, 2015. SENIORS: Scholarship Opportunities from $500-$5000 for 2015 grads of Kern County High Schools available through Kern Community Foundation. Email Alyse Braten at 616-2605 or for more information
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