REVIEW - REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin

"The Voice
Real Estate™
South Central Wisconsin"
March 2015
M ark Y our C alendar
Offices Closed
Friday, April 3, 2015
Noon – Good Friday
Wednesday, May 27
Brewers Game
Wednesday, June 10
RASCW Cindy Strange Memorial
Golf Outing
Wednesday, June 17
RASCW-SW Golf Outing
Thursday, July 23
Mallards Game/Tailgate on
behalf of Movin’ Out
V o l u m e
N u m b e r
Show me the $$
Would you like to help MORE BUYERS with down payment assistance?
Attend a FREE down payment information session on
• City Programs
• County Programs • State Programs
Wednesday, March 18th, 2015
8:30 am Registration and Networking, Session 9 am-11 am
WRA Education Center
(4801 Forest Run Road, Madison, WI)
RSVP to or call 608.240.2800
Co-Sponsored by:
RASCW Event Calendar
Thank you to
Homestead Title &
Wisconsin Bank & Trust
for providing refreshments.
Updated 3/10/2015
I n T his I ssue
Page 2
President’s Message: Mary Duff
Page 3
Beware of Email Scams
They’re Back
MLS News
Page 4
Continuing Education
FREE Home Buyer Education Classes
Could Not Have Said It Better
Page 5
RASCW Commercial Corner
Page 6
Help Your Clients Save For Their Future!
Page 7
REALTOR® Safety: Agent Safety Apps
Page 8
RPR Resources You Should be Using
Page 9
Calendar: March 15 - April 15
De-Mystifying Condos Thanks
Page 10
Membership Update
Limited Time Special Enrollment for Health Insurance
Did you or will you pay a tax penalty for not having health insurance in 2014? If so
– and you didn’t enroll in a 2015 plan during Open Enrollment – you may qualify for
a limited time Special Enrollment Period and avoid another penalty next year. You
must enroll between March 15 and April 30, 2015.
To learn if you qualify, call REGIT, Inc. – WRA’s health insurance partner – at
800.537.9786. Lorraine Allen is the dedicated WRA representative and she will not
only determine if you’re eligible for a SEP, but she will also help you determine if you
are eligible for a premium tax credit to reduce the cost of health insurance. If you do,
as a service to WRA members, she will assist you in completing the Marketplace
application online – saving you the time and frustration.
Don’t miss this limited opportunity to avoid a 2015 tax penalty. Call Lorraine Allen
today at 800.537.9786. Or visit the website at and
request a determination.
REALTOR® Benefits Program
It’s here! The REALTOR Benefits® Program 2015 Catalog is hot off the
presses and is full of offers and discounts just for REALTORS®!
Download your copy today at:
An official publication of the REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin and the South Central Wisconsin MLS Corporation.
President’s Message: Mary Duff
A REALTORS® Association of
South Central Wisconsin
Mary Duff, President
Kristine Terry, Vice President
Dewey Bredeson, Treasurer
Charlotte Eversoll 778-5915
Jason Geiger
Brandon Grosse
Jeff Hauser
Marcia Howe
Kelly Maly
Carla Nowka
Jamie Phephles
Tom Weber
Kevin King, Editor-in-Chief
"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice
because thorn bushes have roses." – President Abraham Lincoln
Quoting Abraham Lincoln seems appropriate as we head into the
spring election season. Our 16th President was full of inspiring and
thought-provoking phrases and it is tough to pick just one. I
selected this one for its optimism and positive spirit.
Those two character traits can be tough to maintain as we witness political banter
on a daily basis. However, it is with that glass half-full attitude that I urge you to
pay attention as we approach April 7. On this spring election day, there are important choices to be made in our local races. I am certainly not telling you HOW to
vote. I am simply encouraging you to take action.
First and foremost, get out there and VOTE. Prior to doing so, educate yourself
about the candidates and their views on issues affecting our business practices,
as well as those impacting the lives of our clients and vitality of our communities.
I practiced real estate for several years before I gained an appreciation for how
legislative action can directly impact our ability to operate on behalf of our customers and clients. While I am far from becoming a political junkie, I do try to scratch
the surface from time to time – particularly when we have the opportunity to meet
and greet candidates and provide them with an understanding of the REALTOR®
and Affiliate member roles in our respective communities. Any election is an
opportunity for us as real estate practitioners to have our voices be heard.
In the wise words of someone I dearly respect, "The only wrong vote is the one
not placed." Put April 7 on your calendars, get out to vote, and then rejoice that
you made a difference (and go smell the roses)!
Ann McGinty, Communications Coordinator
The purpose of the REALTOR Review is
to inform its Members of events, issues
and accomplishments pertaining to the
REALTORS® Association of South
Central Wisconsin.
If you would like to submit information, story
ideas, or articles for inclusion in the
REALTOR® Review please contact Kevin King
Submit typewritten articles, with contact
name and phone number to:
4801 Forest Run Road, Suite 101
Madison, WI 53704-7337
Phone: (608) 240-2800
(608) 240-2801
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REALTOR® Review • March 2015
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Beware of Email Scams
By Rick Corey, SCWMLS Computer Services Manager
One of my functions with the SCWMLS and RASCW is to oversee our email
system. Recently we have experienced an increase in the number of junk
emails and phishing scams coming into our system. Despite best efforts and
spam filters, unwanted emails can slip through as the scammers discover new
means of avoiding detection – including using email addresses that closely
resemble actual addresses or impersonating major businesses such as FedEx,
UPS and even the IRS.
Care must be exercised when in receipt of suspect emails. Viruses may be
embedded in links, PDFs, images, Word and Excel documents. Do not open
links or attachments in suspicious messages. Contact your internal IT department or your local IT specialist firm. Practice safe email.
They’re Back
REALTORS® have reported once again that information from their listings is
being used to create fake Craigslist listings. The falsified advertisements show
up on Craigslist with rentals sometimes being offered at lower prices and with
different contact information. The would-be tenant contacts the person who
made the post and is directed to wire money – often overseas.
For REALTORS® or property owners, the first call should be to Craigslist. Upon
notification, Craigslist has agreed to take down the illicit postings immediately. Anyone who has been a victim of an online scam should contact the
Consumer Protection Division of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture,
Trade and Consumer Protection at 1-800-422-7128. DATCP advises consumers to be cautious about how and where they send money when replying to
online ads.
REALTORS® may wish to monitor Craigslist to make sure their properties are
not being advertised without authority.
Have you found that special house?
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Member FDIC
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We’re excited to bring that tradition to Madison.
Bringing tradition to our future Middleton location. Opening spring of 2015.
2601 West Beltline Hwy., 608.661.3560
REALTOR® Review • March 2015
MLS News
Visit for expanded details.
REALTORS® Property Resource (RPR)
Action Link Added
A new action link
has been added to the
agent full report and default spreadsheet
view. If you are logged in to RPR, this link will
take you to the same property within RPR. If
you have not set up your free login to RPR,
click the option to create an account. You
will need your NRDS # which you can look up
on the create an account screen. Find more
info about RPR at
Common Question regarding
Withheld/Delayed Listings
Q: Why are some "no showings until" listings in an Active status instead of Withheld/
A: We are generally seeing two reasons a
new listing is not available for showings right
away. The first is the property is not ready to
be marketed due to needed clean up, timing
for professional photos, desired staging, etc.
You will find these listings in the Withheld/
Delayed status as the listing agent does not
want them to be viewed by the public yet. In
the second situation, the property is all ready
for public viewing, but the seller and listing
agent decide to pick a launch date, often
starting with an open house. You will find
these listings in Active as the seller and agent
want the public to see them. The listings in
Active must include the date showings will
be allowed in the first line of the public
remarks. Our rules regarding "no showings
until" listings have taken both situations into
account, and allow agents the flexibility to
market these listings as either Withheld/
Delayed or Active.
Cancel or Reschedule Showings
via Showing Assist
Under Preferences within Paragon™, there is
a direct link to Showing Assist. If you click
on the Showings button on the left menu you
will see an option to view showings you have
requested. Click on the All Upcoming link and
find the showing you wish to cancel or
reschedule. You will be given a preset list of
reasons if you click Cancel, as well as a free
form box for additional comments. If you
click Reschedule you will be given the opportunity to select a new date and time. Emails
will be sent and changes will be captured
within Showing Assist reports.
New Photo Crop Tool
Are garbage cans on the curb included in your
otherwise beautiful photo in Paragon™? Try
the new photo crop tool to remove them.
Click on the red pencil in Picture Administration,
draw a box around the area of the photo you
want to retain, click the edit tool above the
photo, and save.
Continuing Education
Could Not Have Said It Better
Our goal in partnering with the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association
is to provide a high standard of real estate education, enabling you
to better serve your clients. All Wisconsin real estate licenses
must be renewed by December 14 of even-numbered years.
License renewal requires 18 hours of continuing education.
We received the following from a RASCW Member that
bears repeating with every Member:
There are four mandatory courses and four DSPS-approved electives. Licensees must complete the four mandatory courses and
two electives from the DSPS-approved electives list.
Mandatory Courses (All licensees must take courses 1-4).
Course 1 – Wisconsin State-Approved Listing Contracts
Course 2 – Wisconsin State-Approved Offers to Purchase
Course 3 – Wisconsin New Developments
Course 4 – Ethics and Fair Housing in Wisconsin
(includes the NAR ethics requirements)
Elective Topics (Licensees must take two of the following)
ElectiveA–Disclosures in a Wisconsin Transaction
ElectiveB–Risk Reduction for Wisconsin Salespeople and Brokers
ElectiveC–Inspections and Testing in Wisconsin Transactions
Elective D –Wisconsin Condominiums
Upcoming Classes at WRA (Madison)
March 19: CE C (8:30 am) and CE D (1:00 pm)
Register at Click on the Continuing Education tab.
FREE Home Buyer Education Classes
Presented by GreenPath, Home Buyers Round Table of Dane
County and Project Home.
Where: Project Home’s Training Center,
1970 S. Stoughton Road, Madison
I just wanted to let you all know about an incident we
had at an open house yesterday.
This was an open house with a very experienced agent.
He had 4 groups in and then another lady came in. The
never ending battle of trying to keep up with everybody
and ABRACADABRA, a child's piggy bank went missing. They've been looking for it, but have been unable
to find it.
Yes, we did the traditional "PUT EVERYTHING OF
VALUE AWAY" - drugs, watches, cameras, collectibles
speech at listing the home, but they did not (nor did we)
think that a piggy bank would be a target. The seller has
said that there were far more valuable items (that I bet
are put away next week), but for some reason, the
piggy bank went walking.
There is no idea who did it, but I wanted to make you
aware of just how vulnerable people's things can be in
an open house. Remind your sellers and if you see
something at an open house that needs protecting,
stash it and let the seller know where it is or get it out
before you leave.
While I'm at it, don't forget to keep yourselves safe,
too. Keep your keys and phone on you in case a "crazy"
person comes in so that you can walk out the front door
if you need to. Just sayin'
'Nuff preaching!
In a follow-up to the note above, another Member reported:
When: Saturday, March 21
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
I've started asking that bags, purses, etc. be left in their
vehicle or with me. I had a snooper with a large empty
purse last fall. I believe she was looking to fill it with
goodies from inside the house.
Tuesday, April 8 and 15
6:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Space is limited. To register, please call Michelle at Project Home
608-246-3737 Ext.2000 or email
As we enter warmer weather and increased activity in our
real estate market, these are great tips for all.
$499 Flat-Fee Closing Costs*
Help your clients save on their dream homes with our closing costs
special offer on 7-year ARMs. Plus, you can improve your results
when your clients enjoy:
 Expert Guidance – Help from one of Wisconsin’s top lenders.1
 Dedication to Education – Free First Time Home Buyer seminars.
 Timely Decisions – We underwrite our loans in-house.
We are here to help. Call us at 800.533.6773, ext. 2810,
or visit
*$499 flat fee closing cost option available for 7-year adjustable rate mortgages only. Offer valid on purchase transactions
closed January 15, 2015, through May 31, 2015. Offer excludes lot, FHA, WHEDA and VA loans. Assumptions: 3.000% rate,
3.028% APR (Annual Percentage Rate), loan amount of $140,000, origination fee of $499, term of 360 months and monthly
payments of $590.25. Rate subject to change. Offer subject to credit approval and is subject to change. Escrow and daily interest
charges are not included in closing cost amount. No checking account required. See us for details. 1UW Credit Union is ranked among
the top ten home loan lenders in the state based on information from county Register of Deeds Offices; SMR Research Corporation.
March_7x3.5_RealtorReview.indd 1
REALTOR® Review • March 2015
3/2/15 10:01 AM
RASCW Commercial Corner
Greater Madison Area
by Rob Helm and Ralph Kamps, CSC Co-Chairs
March 2015 - Asking Lease Rates
That age old question of how can I get involved in commercial real estate keeps coming
up in articles and blogs, Facebook and LinkedIn this time of year. So here is my take on
how to get going in an inexpensive way.
1. Join your local commercial real estate group. In Madison this is the Commercial
Brokers Group This group is made up of local commercial real
estate practitioners and offers six breakfast meetings per year and several activities
such as the golf outing, holiday party, and Happy Hour meet and greets. Each meeting offers 1/2 hour of networking and 1/2 hour of information plus property pushes
and pitches. At $60/year it is a great bargain. Put a face to the name, rub shoulders
and glean information from those in the know.
Office Rates
East: $12.23
Central: $17.68
West: $14.33
Asking rates Office from 1/1/10 – 03/31/15
Retail Rates
East: $11.51
Central: $20.08
West: $16.26
Asking rates Retail from 1/1/10 – 03/31/15
Here is a link to the CBG Deals of the Year Awards power point pdf.
East: 5.99
Central: $8.31
West: $6.44
Add up the commission on some of these transactions. More than 70% of the members are REALTORS® so you will be in good company. They also offer commercial
real estate continuing education so the language won't be that foreign to you. You
do learn commercial real estate slants and the discussions are ongoing and informative.
Asking rates Office/Warehouse/Flex from 1/1/10 – 03/31/15
Click Here for the March
Asking Lease Rates
2. Take the CCIM Intro Course. It is only $99 for the day and you will come out with a
head full of how investment real estate really works. Then down the road take CCIM
101, 102, etc. as you build up funds. For more information, visit
3. Get on LinkedIn with the many commercial real estate forums and newsletters, and read, comment and ask questions.
4. Learn commercial real estate leasing vernacular and jargon. Leasing commercial space is substantial income (as you can
see by the CBG DOY Awards).
5. Attend commercial real estate seminars and functions put on by RASCW Commercial Services Committee. After all they
are put on by your peers, reasonably priced (usually free) and hey, we are accessible for questions, too.
6. Find a mentor. Even if that person doesn't know you are using them as a mentor, many of us love to answer questions on
the business. We also take co-listings to help guide you. But be reasonable, you are using their time.
7. The magic number...and you know what that is by now. Start acting as if you are a commercial real estate agent and things
will gravitate your way. If your company does not have a commercial division, ask why not? Maybe they will start one
and/or bring in a training session or two to get the ball rolling. In other words "Just do it!" Live in the affirmative and be
RASCW Committees
Need You in 2015!
All RASCW Members are encouraged
to become an active part of your
Association through Committee
involvement. Click here for Committee
descriptions and a Committee selection form. Please bring your personal
talents and interests to your
Thank you!
REALTOR® Review • March 2015
Call our Mortgage Team today!
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Women’s Council of Realtors,
Madison Metro Chapter
• $6,143 for a household with three or more children who earned
less than $46,997
Selects Cori Femrite as
“Member of the Year”
• $5,460 for a household with two children who earned less than
for her many contributions
to the chapter.
• $3,305 for a household with one child who earned less than
Cori Femrite, NMLS# 594085
AVP Mortgage Lending
• $496 for a household with no children who earned less than
Building Relationships That Make a Difference
This federal credit is enhanced for Wisconsin workers because the
State provides an additional credit to workers with children. The State
credit adds as much as $1,950 for a household with three or more
children, up to $635 with two children and up to $110 for a household with one child.
710 N. High Point Rd. • Madison WI 53717 • 608-836-1616
108 E. Verona Rd. • Verona WI • 608-845-0108
Member FDIC
Millions of workers could overlook important federal tax credits
because they simply don’t know about them. The City of Madison is
urging residents to take advantage of the Earned Income Credit, or
EIC, a tax benefit specifically designed to help lower income households. The IRS estimates that nearly one-fifth of eligible people could
miss out on the EIC because they don’t know about it, don’t know
that they qualify or don’t know where to find free tax filing assistance.
Families could receive up to $6,143 extra in their federal income tax
refunds through the EIC. The amount of credit varies depending on the
amount of earned income and the number of dependent children in the
taxpayer’s household. The maximum credit available for 2014 is:
Free tax assistance is available at the Richard Dilley Tax Center located in the Villager Mall, at 2300 South Park Street. This volunteer site,
provided through a partnership between the Dane County UW-Extension
Financial Education Center and AARP, is open every Monday,
Wednesday, and Saturday through April 14 without appointment.
RASCW Member Benefit - Car Wash
Kwik Trip Deluxe Car Wash Cards
$5 each (includes tax)
Mermaid Total Wash Tickets
$8 each (includes tax)
Help is also available from volunteers through Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA) at sites throughout the City, including the Senior
Center, the Central Library, and several library branches. A complete
list of all locations offering free tax assistance can be accessed by
contacting 2-1-1 or the Dane County UW-Extension Financial
Education Center at (608) 261-5077 or by using their Website: http://
Members may purchase both at the discounted rate
through the RASCW office.
Click here for more information.
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REALTOR® Review • March 2015
REALTOR® Safety: Agent Safety Apps
By Matt Cohen and Jonathan Cohen, Clareity Consulting
[The following is an excerpt from a post on February 12, 2015. For the complete post, including feature comparison charts and links to product information, please click here.]
Apps to keep real estate agents safe on the job have burgeoned in the past few years. Real estate agents are
increasingly in danger… It is not hard to fathom why agents are targets. They must go to a house which they may
have never seen before, on a moment’s notice, to meet with someone whom they have never seen, just because they believe
the person who called them wants to buy a house. If they are holding an open house, they are in a place that is open to the
public, and anyone can show up.
Since the advent of the smartphone app, there have been many attempts to solve this problem through technology – some more
and some less successful. These apps fall into two classes:
1. General personal safety apps.
2. Safety apps designed for the real estate industry.
General Personal Safety Apps
The general personal safety apps, BMonitored, Lifeline Response, OnGuard Help, RealAlert, and SafeTrec, have half the features
of the purpose-built real estate apps, and cluster around the same ones:
1. A "Hot Button" when the app is running which will connect the user to 911 when it is either pressed or released.
2. An additional "Hot Button" which will connect the user to friends or other predefined contacts.
3. The ability to define times at which the user will check in; the user will usually have to enter a disarm code in order not to
trigger calls to police or friends.
4. A "Duress PIN" which the user enters in case his or her use of the smartphone is being observed/monitored by a hostile
party. This will silently alert police or friends.
5. The ability to transmit GPS information, along with a person’s contact and description information, to friends or 911.
An important feature is whether or not the app will call a monitoring service instead of 911 directly. A monitoring service may
be superior, since it allows the staff at the monitoring center to use their training and discretion in order to determine whether to
escalate the call to 911 or to call in friends or other resources. This can make the difference between cops showing up to handle
a violent situation and a friend showing up to defuse a creepy but non-violent situation. On the other hand, direct 911 access
might provide faster response to an urgent situation.
Agent-Centric Personal Safety Apps
The purpose-built apps for real estate, Agents Armor and Real Safe Agent (which will be released in March of 2015), dig a little
bit deeper into how agents’ jobs actually work. They offer features such as:
1.Check-in time profiles designed for different real estate activities: showing properties to a client, going on a listing appointment, or working an open house.
2.More discreet "Hot Buttons." Many of the general personal safety apps have multiple brightly-colored buttons saying things
like "POLICE!" This may put off potential clients, who may not appreciate the suspicion.
A new development in agent personal safety apps, developed in the Real Safe Agent app, is the idea of using agents and their
organizations to provide monitoring and protection services. A "social network" of agents agrees to look out for each other,
directed by a central dispatcher at the MLS, and an agent will appear on site when an agent in distress presses the panic button
on the app or fails to enter his or her check-in code. This has some advantages. Getting 911 and the police involved is not always
the right approach when dealing with a client whose behavior is erratic but not dangerous. The appearance of another agent may
defuse a fraught situation without recourse to violence; it is even possible that a sale will not be jeopardized. The downside of
this approach: what if the client is indeed dangerous and/or violent? Adding another agent to the mix may put both agents in
danger. This is why a 911 button should still be a part of an agent personal safety app, something Real Safe Agent is still working on.
One caveat about a feature in some of these apps: photographing a potential buyer’s ID. This may seem logical from a safety
point of view, but it results in the professional retaining personally identifiable information which brings with it a set of legal
responsibilities for its use and disposal.
Whether any of these apps will reliably prevent a bad outcome for a real estate professional remains to be seen; at best, all we
have is anecdotes. But these apps may at least give professionals a fighting chance, and with it, more confidence in dealing with
the public within the confines of an empty home.
Clareity Consulting provides management and information technology consulting for the real estate
and related industries. Clients include software and service providers, Multiple Listing Services (MLS),
real estate associations, franchises, and brokers. Specialties include strategic and business planning,
system selection, compliance and risk audits, software product planning and review, and public speaking. Matt Cohen, Clareity’s Chief Technologist, may be reached at
REALTOR® Review • March 2015
8 Powerful RPR Resources You Should be Using in 2015
By Kristen Hernandez, RPR News & Updates
With the new year comes a fresh start. A new beginning full of new resolutions, ideas, and plans for all that needs to get accomplished. Many
REALTORS® are asking themselves: How can I grow my business? How can I maximize my time? Am I taking advantage of all the tools I have
available to me? How can I better compete in my market? How can I spend more time with loved ones and less time in the office? No matter
what your 2015 goals are for your business, RPR can help you achieve them. Here we’ll countdown the 8 powerful resources within RPR that
will help you achieve your 2015 goals, regardless of your specialty.
8. Sales Comparison Analysis RPR not only gives REALTORS® in-depth property information, but the flexibility to create a customized Sales
Comparison Analysis. From searching by specific criteria, or even within a particular school zone, REALTORS® are easily assessing properties,
adjusting and weighting each comparable and creating impressive reports.
7. Investment Analysis Do you have clients looking for an investment property? Or perhaps your clients are looking for detailed information on
how long they should hold onto their property to achieve the desired profit. With preconfigured scenarios for "Rent," "Re-Sell," and "Live In,"
RPR’s Property Investment Tool exports into an informative spreadsheet that analyzes the subject property with just a few clicks.
6. Home Improvement Tool Whether you have a client looking to remodel, or wondering what their kitchen remodel from two years ago now
adds to their home value, RPR’s Home Improvement Tool can help. Simply enter the type of improvement/remodel, when it was completed
and how much was spent. By partnering with Hanley Wood, an aggregator of residential and commercial construction data, as well as the
publisher of "Remodeling" magazine, RPR’s Home Improvement Tool calculates home improvements down to the zip code level in today’s
dollars. And each of these home improvements will not only be included in the refined property estimate, they will also be included on the
Seller’s Report you give to your sellers so they can see the ROI for each improvement.
5. Company Branding If you’re a Broker or Manager, you know how important it is to showcase your company. With RPR’s Broker Tool Sets,
you can ensure your agents see your brand not only when they login to RPR, but your brand will be prominently featured on each and every
report your agents create in RPR.
4. Demographic, Psychographic and Spending Data in RPR Commercial RPR Commercial isn’t just for commercial practitioners. Imagine that your
client is looking to relocate to a new community. They are young and want to live in an area with a lot of nightlife and good restaurants. With
RPR Commercial, you can get the "who" of the lifestyle demography with the "where" of the local neighborhood to create a model of various
lifestyle classifications. And just like RPR Residential, you can include all of this information in customized RPR Commercial reports. After
logging in to RPR, click on the "RPR Commercial" link at the top of the screen and you’ll be on your way.
3. School Data via the Property Report If your clients have children, you can be sure they are concerned about school districts and attendance
zones. With school district and attendance zones from Maponics, you can not only search for properties within a specific district or attendance
zone, but include test scores, contact information and reviews for the school associated with a property in an RPR Property Report.
2. RVM Both new and seasoned REALTORS® need a starting point when pricing a home. RPR’s exclusive REALTORS® Valuation Model®, or RVM,
can provide an accurate place to begin valuing a property. Using proprietary algorithms, an RVM can only be calculated if strict criteria is met,
including at least 2 comparable properties from MLS listing, sales and off market data. And with RPR’s ‘Confidence Score,’ you can be sure
the value you’re giving is backed up with RPR’s stringent standards.
1. RPR Mobile™ REALTORS® everywhere are impressing clients while on the go. RPR Mobile™ gives you access to RPR from anywhere, at any
time. Search properties, add photos and notes, create and send reports and much more. If you haven’t already, head to the Apple App Store
or Google Play Store to download RPR Mobile™ for free.
So as you begin 2015, know RPR has you covered whether you’re working with buyers, sellers, investors or commercial clients. If you want to
learn more about these resources, visit our on-demand learning on our blog or call our 24 hour customer service at 877.977.7576.
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does not apply to lot loans, home equity loans or home equity lines of credit, or
our Foundations for Families products. This offer is available for loans with
applications dated from October 20, 2014 through April 1, 2015. The closing cost
credit will be applied at the time of loan closing. This offer cannot be used with
other State Bank of Cross Plains mortgage offers and is subject to change.
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REALTOR® Review • March 2015
Calendar: March 15 - April 15
Monday, March 16
Paragon™ Basic
9:30 am – SCWMLS Training Room
Thursday, April 2
Affordable Housing Equal Opportunities Committee
9:00 am – RASCW/SCWMLS Conference Room
Wednesday, March 18
Ghoulish Gallop Committee
8:30 am – First Weber, Fitchburg
SW Membership Networking Committee
9:30 am – Livingston Bank, Platteville
Friday, April 3
RASCW/SCWMLS Offices Closed
Noon – Good Friday
Show Me the $$ Seminar
8:30 am – WRA Education Center
SCWMLS Board of Directors Meeting
11:00 am – RASCW/SCWMLS Conference Room
Thursday, April 9
New Member Orientation
8:30 am – WRA Education Center
Thursday, March 26
RASCW Board of Directors
9:00 am – RASCW/SCWMLS Conference Room
Friday, April 10
MLS Committee
9:00 am – RASCW/SCWMLS Conference Room
Wednesday, April 1
Membership Networking Committee
9:00 am – Preferred Title
Wednesday, April 15
Ghoulish Gallop Committee
8:30 am – First Weber Fitchburg
SCWMLS Board of Directors Meeting
11:00 am – RASCW/SCWMLS Conference Room
Committee Descriptions
Register for
Paragon™ Training
Updated 3/10/2015
Join a RASCW committee today!
Committee Selections
De-Mystifying Condos Thanks
On February 19, 2015, RASCW and the
Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association
Madison Chapter co-sponsored a program to
help de-mystify the condominium transaction.
On behalf of both organizations, we wish to
thank the presenters for sharing their time and
expertise as well as the sponsors for their generous support.
Janet Keech, Condo Approvals
Jan Byrne, Condo Management Associates
Michelle Nemeth, Associated Bank
Joe Theisen, Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp
Marcia Howe, Monona State Bank
Refreshment Sponsors:
Homestead Title Company, LLC
Knight Barry Title Group
Appetizer Sponsor:
Monona State Bank
Click Here for Program Handouts
REALTOR® Review • March 2015
on-site classes & webinar based
e m b e r s h i p
p d a t e
New Members
Chad Baures
Preferred Realty Group
Lindi Farra
First Weber Group Inc
James Mohrbacher
First Weber Group Inc
Alison Stark
Stark Company, REALTORS®
Alex Burdeinyi
Liaison Realty Group
Chris Gantz
Sprinkman Real Estate
Mathew Morrissey
Bonnie J. Steinmetz Realty Services Inc.
Michael Carlson
Solidarity Realty, LLC
Chad Heller
CCL Management
Joseph Nawrot
Whitetail Properties Real Estate LLC
Jenn Swiggum
Century 21 Affiliated
Jack C Cheng
First Weber Group Inc
Richard Hiley
First Weber Group Inc
Seth Pfaehler
The McGrady Group, LLC
Brian Vodvarka
Brian Vodvarka
Joe Contarino
Key Realty, Inc
Kristine Jaeger
Stark Company, REALTORS®
Jay Phillips
First Weber Group Inc
Kian Wagner
Oakbrook Corporation
Alejandra Creech
Keller Williams Realty
Brian Lawton
Property Revival Realty
Chuck Polenz
ALTUS Commercial Real Estate, Inc.
Linda Weis Jacobson
Wendy Dalgety
Stark Company, REALTORS®
Matt Lee
Century 21 Affiliated
Lisa Reynolds
Lori Droessler Real Estate, Inc.
Steve Wilkinson
Certified Midwest Appraisal LLC
Abigail Darwin
Stark Company, REALTORS®
Tyler Lynch
Oakbrook Corporation
David Riek
Century 21 Affiliated
Jenkin Dawn
First Weber Group Inc
Asher Masino
First Weber Group Inc
Melissa Rodriguez
Keller Williams Realty
Verna DeRemer
Century 21 Affiliated
Deborah McLaughlin
Christian Schartner
Stark Company, REALTORS®
Kathy Eckenrod
Restaino & Associates
Dennis Midthun
Real Estate Preferred
Joshua Scherer
Keller Williams Realty
Congratulations to the 32 new Members who completed Orientation in February
sponsored by John Deininger and Knight Barry Title Services, LLC.
Membership Transfers
Nicholas Allen
Michelle Ames
Susan Davies
Helen Feaster
Mina Johnson
Angela Kellesvig
Sona Olson
John Pelletter
Louis Reed
John Reuter
Scott Sklare
Stark Company, REALTORS®
Keller Williams Realty
Potterton-Rule Inc
First Weber Group Inc
Stark Company, REALTORS®
First Weber Group Inc
Keller Williams Realty
Mid America Bank
Realty Executives Cooper Spransy
Preferred Realty Group
Homestead Realty
REALTOR® Review • March 2015
RE/Max Preferred
Restaino & Associates
Century 21 Affiliated
Keller Williams Realty
Bunbury & Associates, REALTORS®
Restaino & Associates
Inventure Realty Group, Inc
BMO Harris Bank
ALTUS Commercial Real Estate, Inc.
Home Buyers Marketing II, Inc
Rock Realty
New Affiliates
Scott Billings
Wisconsin Home Inspection Professionals LLC
Michael Bruno
Two Men and a Truck
Tony Burns
Fairway Independent Mortgage
Ryan Petersen
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Thank you to Bonnie Dixon, Gary Lukens,
Paul Place, Phil Salkin, Kevin King and Sara
Whitley for sharing their knowledge and time
as February Orientation Instructors.
You did an excellent job!
N e w O f f ic e s
Certified Midwest Appraisal LLC, Dodgeville, WI
Real Estate Preferred, Evansville, WI
Brian Vodvarka, Mauston, WI Realty Services Inc., Lewisville, TX
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Baraboo, WI