Stockcross CE (Aided) Primary School Prospectus Stockcross CE Primary School PAGE CONTENTS 3 AIMS AND PHILOSOPHIES 4 A WELCOME FROM THE PAGE 18 CARE) PARENTS, TEACHERS AND FRIENDS ADMISSION ASSOCIATION (PTFA) ORGANISATION OF THE SCHOOL 6 HOME SCHOOL AGREEMENT 7 OUR CHURCH FOUNDATION CHURCH SERVICE 8 CURRICULUM INFORMATION 9 DIVERSITY, SPECIAL NEEDS, 19 COMMUNICATION 20 PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT 21 CONTACT INFORMATION ENTERING THE SCHOOL TRANSPORT 22 CYCLING TO SCHOOL COLLECTIVE WORSHIP, RELIGIOUS 23 EDUCATION 11 SECONDARY TRANSFERS MEDICAL CONDITIONS & ILLNESS HOMEWORK 24 12 ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSURE ASSESSMENT 10 CLUBS CROCODILE CLUB (AFTER SCHOOL HEADTEACHER 5 CONTENTS POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR POLICY MEDICAL INFORMATION TREATMENT GUIDELINES FOR INCIDENTS 13 14 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AND 25 REQUESTS FOR LEAVE POLICIES DAILY ROUTINES ACHIEVERS’ ASSEMBLY PLAYTIMES 15 ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINES 26 STAFF INCLUDING EDUCATIONAL WELCOME FROM THE AND NON TEACHING STAFF GOVERNORS HOUSE TEAMS 16 UNIFORM 17 EDUCATIONAL VISITS SCHOOL GOVERNORS 27 REQUEST TO GIVE MEDICATION FORM INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TUITION 28 DATA STATISTICS SCHOOL MEALS 29 INFORMATION ON NATIONAL CURRICULUM 2 Our Aims and Philosophies The importance of an individual child’s education should never be underestimated. His/her education is the major factor in creating life opportunities. Michael Oakshott: The Engagement and its Frustrations. It is through education, and only education, that the individual has the chance to achieve his humanity; and, looking to the future, it is upon education that the continued existence of that humanity depends. Stockcross Primary is a church school, part of a wider community which is proud of it and happy to care for it. All that we do is based on the Christian principles of love and mutual respect. The school provides a warm and happy atmosphere in which every pupil can learn and develop as a whole person with an open and enquiring mind. Stockcross Primary School, with the help of all outside agencies, will provide the best education that a child can receive. The staff and school will be effective and enable children to reach the highest standards possible. The school will develop a child’s knowledge, experience and imaginative understanding and create an awareness of moral values and capacity for enjoyment. Every child will be regarded and valued as an individual person with academic potential, needs, problems and aspirations; a person who can make a distinct contribution to the life of the school. The school will provide an exciting and stimulating learning environment where the children will be able to learn, create and experience and where their efforts are celebrated by being displayed. The school will be well organised, efficient, and well resourced. Parents, pupils and staff will create a warm and happy atmosphere in which the children will be willing to accept responsibility for their behaviour and their work. Children will be encouraged to have an understanding, sympathy and tolerance for cultures and societies other than their own. The care and concern shown for our children will instil in them both self respect and sensitivity for the needs and values of others and of the world around them. A good rapport between pupil, teacher and parents is the corner stone for security and success for each and every child. The years that the child spends in this school are formative years, when they discover themselves, their individuality, their abilities, their interests and their strengths. Their talents may display themselves in many ways. We will provide a vehicle for these talents to be nurtured, encouraged, developed and praised. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” 3 Stockcross CE Primary School Stockcross CE Primary School Chapel Road Stockcross Newbury West Berkshire Telephone : 01488 608 356 Email: WELCOME TO STOCKCROSS CE PRIMARY SCHOOL This prospectus gives you basic information about the school. If you require more information please contact me at the above address, by telephone or by email. We are very proud of the quality of education provided by our school. In particular we wish to highlight the happy working atmosphere within school which is an essential requirement for advancement of learning and achievement of potential. If you are a parent who is considering applying to send your child to our school I would be happy to discuss any issues that concern you and invite you to look around the school and to meet the teaching staff. If your child is about to join us for the first time we look forward to working with you as partners in helping your child to develop intellectually, socially and emotionally during these very special, formative years. If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight If a child lives with ridicule, he becomes shy If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient If a child lives with encouragement, he gains confidence If a child lives with fairness, he learns to like justice If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world. Quotation from The English Nursery School in the Hague Florence Rostron 4 Stockcross CE Primary School ADMISSION We accept fifteen children for admission into our reception class each academic year. Applications for admission need to be submitted in January of the academic year prior to which parents intend their child to start school. Applications are made to the school via the West Berkshire Local Authority. This process can be undertaken online using the form on the West Berks website. Alternatively a paper copy of the application form can be obtained from West Berks and used for an application of admission to the school. We strongly recommend prospective parents to visit the school and meet with the Headteacher. If the number of applications is greater than the number of places we rank applications by applying oversubscription criteria as set out below. (a) Looked After Children. (b) Applications for children with a normal permanent home address in the school catchment area and with a sibling who already has a place and will be in attendance at Stockcross School at the time of entry to the school. (c) Applications for children with a normal permanent home address in the school catchment area. (d) Applications for children with a normal permanent home address outside the catchment area who have a sibling who already has a place at Stockcross School and will be on the roll of the school at the time of entry to the school. (e) Children whose parents have attended worship at a Christian church for at least six services in the previous twelve months (a supplementary form, obtainable from the school and included in the West Berkshire Parents’ Guide, to be completed by a Church Leader, must accompany an application using this criteria); (f) All other applicants. Introduction arrangements The term before they start full-time school children will be invited to join us in school for a number of visits. The children begin by only spending part of the morning with us, and the time will be gradually increased. This gentle introduction is very helpful as it allows children, parents and teachers to get to know each other without stress and strain. ORGANISATION OF THE SCHOOL There are four classes in Stockcross School: Mrs Kane’s Class (Class 1A) - Reception, Year 1 Mrs Valentine’s Class (Class 1B) - Year 1 and Year 2 children; Mr Waller’s Class (Class 2) - Years 3 and 4 children; Mrs Watts’ Class (Class 3) - Years 5 and 6 children. 5 Stockcross CE Primary School HOME-SCHOOL AGREEMENT SCHOOL The school will Provide a balanced and carefully planned curriculum which meets the needs of your individual child Ensure, to the best of our ability, that your child achieves his/her full potential as a valued member of the school community Ensure your child’s physical and social well being at all times and to foster feelings of confidence, self worth and belonging To actively welcome parents/carers into the life of the school and to ensure that teaching staff are always available, by mutual arrangement, to discuss any concerns you might have about your child’s progress or general welfare Ensure that all homework tasks are given regularly on an agreed day, and that they reflect your child’s learning needs Keep you informed about general school matters and your child’s progress in particular Provide a range of after school extra-curricular activities designed to enrich your child’s experience Ensure that all teaching staff keep up to date on important educational developments and initiatives which might effect your child PARENT’S/CARER’S I/We undertake to Ensure that my child attends school regularly and that absences are properly notified Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour Ensure that my child arrives and is collected promptly at the beginning and end of the school day Support my child to work independently on his/her homework and wherever possible promote opportunities for home learning Support the school’s policies and guidelines on behaviour and equal opportunities Ensure that my child goes to bed at a reasonable time on weekdays and Sunday evenings Attend parents’ evenings and other discussions about our child’s progress Ensure that our child wears the school uniform Ensure that we don’t enter into any inappropriate use of social network sites. PUPILS I agree to Always try to do my best in my lessons and homework Always try to remember to be polite, helpful, kind and thoughtful towards others Help to look after the school by keeping it clean and tidy and taking care of it at all times Co-operate with others during work and play 6 Stockcross CE Primary School OUR CHURCH FOUNDATION As a church school we teach explicit shared Christian values to our children, we try to show them the importance of being committed to a set of values by which we live our lives. We spend the majority of our Worship time teaching about the Christian faith, beliefs and traditions including: knowledge of the bible, Christian practices – celebrations in the church calendar and Christian hymns. We visit our local churches on special occasions like Harvest and Christmas and our local vicar comes into school to work with the children every week. We also teach the children about people who have made an outstanding contribution to society. Some of our assemblies teach the children about traditions and ceremonies in other faiths. The children are encouraged to have an understanding, sympathy and tolerance for cultures and societies other than their own and to respect the beliefs of others. During worship and at other times of the day the children are given the opportunity to reflect and, if they wish, to pray. We say The Lord’s Prayer together. We also use the following prayer; “This is our school. Let peace dwell here. Let our rooms be full of joy. Let love abide here. Love of one another, love of life itself. Let us remember that as many hands build a house so every child can make his school a lovely place.” All parents are warmly welcomed to our Achiever’s Assembly every Friday afternoon at 2.45pm in the school hall when we celebrate children’s achievements at school and home each week. CHURCH SERVICES We enjoy attending both Stockcross and Boxford Churches for worship during the year for special celebrations including Christmas, Harvest Festival and Easter and Leavers’ Assembly. 7 Stockcross CE Primary School CURRICULUM INFORMATION The curriculum offered by Stockcross Primary School will promote: the highest standards of achievement by all pupils, regardless of ability, disability, ethnic origin or gender pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, preparing them for life as effective citizens of the future In order to achieve these aims, the school will provide a curriculum which: is broad and balanced and which develops pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding through learning programmes and a wide range of educational opportunities and experiences appropriate to their ages and abilities, irrespective of their gender, ethnic or social background or special educational needs ensures access for all, working towards more inclusive approach to education provides children in the Foundation Stage with a wide range of educational experiences including planned talk and play and develops their early knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to provide a sound basis for later education and enables them to make an effective transition from home to school in Key Stages 1 and 2, satisfies the requirements of the Education Act relating to the National Curriculum and religious education, ensuring that sufficient time is allowed for all aspects of this basic curriculum provides continuity of coherent experiences, and progression within, between and beyond the Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1 and 2 offers challenge leading to the highest standards of personal achievement taking account of ability and aptitude includes assessment of the progress and attainment of each pupil to determine whether learning objectives have been achieved and to decide on the next steps in learning includes recording of the progress and attainment of each pupil and reports this to parents and pupils prepares pupils for the responsibilities and opportunities that arise throughout life in a multicultural and technological society extends knowledge, experience, imagination and understanding in ways which develop critical and analytical capability, awareness of moral values, and capacity for enjoyment helps pupils to develop confidence in themselves and to acquire the ability to respond to challenges develops constructive attitudes and qualities through spiritual awareness and aesthetic appreciation, and fosters sensitivity to others and respect for the environment promotes equality of opportunity, and develops understanding of and respect for the rights of others, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, social background, ability or disability promotes the importance of healthy living and emphasises the value of personal relationships based on mutual respect 8 Stockcross CE Primary School DIVERSITY Parental consent will be sought before assessments from these services are undertaken. We want the curriculum to be rich and diverse. Our team of skilled and dedicated teachers carefully plan activities to broaden children’s experiences and opportunities to learn. Trips, special activities and classroom experiences combine with clubs, stimulating assemblies and community activities to create a colourful learning environment. Sometimes families would like advice and support to help their children with learning or with emotional and behavioural support at home. The school is able to offer to help in this way via our Family Support Worker. Such support is available to all parents who are very welcome to request it and details can be obtained from the head teacher, class teachers or the school office. In partnership with parents, teaching staff may also recommend support from an FSW as of benefit to a particular child. The school teaches a range of subjects which include maths, English, science, history, geography, PE, music, design technology, RE, IT and PSHE as well as French in the junior classes. SPECIAL NEEDS POLICY ASSESSMENT We work hard to ensure all children achieve their full potential. Some children may require extra support and help with their education. Where this is the case we work with parents to plan out a learning programme that will enable them to make good progress. We want children to do well and for this to happen it is important to monitor a child’s progress through the school. Assessments of children are made by the class teacher on a continuing basis with nationally directed assessments made at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. These are called SATS. We also take annual and biannual assessments on children’s reading, mathematical and non-verbal reasoning ability using nationally standardised tests. These provide a benchmark against which we can helpfully chart a pupil’s progress. We send out progress cards in December and April for an update for parents between parents’ evenings. Parents may see the results of assessments for their child by consulting their child’s class teacher. A good time for this is during the biannual Parents’ Evenings, but teachers are always happy to discuss your child’s progress with you. Teachers take into account the differing needs of children in their planning for lessons. Should a child need additional support or help, however, a special individual education plan can be drawn up to enable the school to do this. This would be done in partnership with parents who will be made aware of the aims and objectives of the plan. This communication is often, though not always, undertaken at Parents’ Evening. Children who need additional support in the manner described above may benefit from the support of agencies outside the school such as the Educational Psychology Service or Special Needs Support Team. 9 Stockcross CE Primary School COLLECTIVE WORSHIP AND R.E Collective worship is a very important and exciting part of the education provided at our school. Children are encouraged to value and understand the Christian faith and to respect the faiths of other religions. Collective worship helps us to fulfil our vision of creating an environment where children have a sense of self-worth and achieve their potential in the context of an understanding and appreciation of the Christian faith and values. This strengthens our sense of identity and community. We also have a reflection area in school that children can access when they would like to. Parents are warmly invited to attend our Friday act of collective worship called ‘Achievers’ Assembly. There is an act of collective worship every day at school. Our vicar Reverend John Toogood comes into school every week to take assembly, and other daily assemblies are taken by teachers. Parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from collective worship should they wish to do so. Children study religion as a part of the curriculum. We follow the locally agreed Syllabus for RE, and children are encouraged to appreciate, value, explore, understand and question the Christian faith and other faiths studied at the school. 10 Stockcross CE Primary School HOMEWORK General Principles ‘Homework’ refers to any work or activities which pupils are asked to do outside normal school time, either on their own or with parents, guardians or carers. To be effective, homework needs to be seen as part of the strong partnership between home and school. Homework reflects and reinforces classroom learning; it is an activity for pupils, supported by parents, guardians or carers. There is a regular programme for each Year Group, so that everyone – teachers, pupils and parents (or guardians/carers) knows what to expect each week. A familiar routine is helpful for pupils, parents and teachers. Purposes of Homework To help the pupils consolidate and re-enforce skills and understanding, particularly in literacy and numeracy. To develop an effective partnership between school and home. To exploit additional resources for learning, of all kinds, at home. To extend school learning, for example through additional reading. To encourage pupils as they get older to develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study on their own, and prepare them for the requirements of secondary school. Homework will be differentiated when necessary, and children will receive high quality feedback on homework they complete. This may be written or aural. Homework should not be a cause of distress for children or parents, and if children find homework particularly difficult please ensure the class teacher is made aware so it can be discussed individually. For more information please ask for a copy of our Homework Policy. 11 Stockcross CE Primary School POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR POLICY “It is better to be patient than powerful; it is better to have self-control than to conquer a city.” Proverbs 16:32 “A person without self-control is as defenceless as a city with broken- down walls” Proverbs 25:28 “Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it.” Proverbs 22:6 At Stockcross C.E. Primary School every member of the school community feels valued and respected and each person is treated well and fairly. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The school behaviour policy is, therefore, designed to support the way in which all members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure. Our primary aim is not to establish a system to enforce rules. It is a means of promoting good relationships, so that everyone can work together with a common purpose of everyone learning. The school expects every member of the school community to behave in a considerate way towards others. We treat everyone fairly and apply this positive behaviour policy in a consistent way. We aim to help children grow in a safe and secure environment and to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community. The school rewards good behaviour, as it believes that this will develop an ethos of kindness and cooperation. We always promote good behaviour, rather than merely deterring anti-social behaviour. Every member of the school community should feel valued and respected. Our positive behaviour policy sets out acceptable standards of behaviour and discipline in our school, so that they are easily understood by pupils, parents and staff and encourages good behaviour and respect for others: An opportunity at each stage for children to make amends and redeem themselves The involvement of parents at an early stage The involvement of children – encouraging children to take responsibility for their actions The discussion with children in circle time and PHSE and class time about the need for rules and the responsibilities we each have to one another A readiness to be flexible and look for a variety of strategies in those cases where children cannot conform to the normally expected patterns of behaviour The use of a multi-agency approach wherever appropriate If children have high self-esteem, are proud of their achievements, are confident and motivated to learn and feel part of the school then their behaviour is always excellent. This only happens when parents and school are in accord, and children know what the expectations are. We are working hard to create an environment and ethos to support this. 12 Stockcross CE Primary School SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AND REQUESTS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE The policy of Governors of the school is not to permit children to take holidays in term time. When children are away from the class for an extended period of time, parents are often unaware of the disruption caused to the class as a whole. On the child’s return to school considerable energy and time has to be devoted by the teacher to enable the child to catch up with the topic work and activities that the rest of the class are engaged in. As a result the teacher’s focus is taken away from the class as a whole to deal with a single child. The only instances when request of leave of absence may be granted are: Weddings, funerals and baptisms of family members Religious festivals and observances for those of other faiths Visits to schools Exceptional circumstances If a parent would like to request a leave of absence for their child a form must be completed. Forms for leave of absence can be obtained directly from the school office. Please note that the School is positively disposed towards children taking an active part in educational activities outside of school e.g. music lessons, dance clubs. At times children may take exams relating to such activities e.g. Associated Board grade examinations for music. Absence related to such activity does not require parents to submit a form but they should inform the child’s teacher of the activity and the need to be away from school. We would expect children to return to school when they have completed the activity. 13 Stockcross CE Primary School DAILY ROUTINES Please note: Children are not permitted on site before 8.45am. There is no supervision offered for children before this time. 8.45am Duty member of staff on playground with bell. 8.55am First bell rung – children stand still. Second bell – children line 9.00am Registration 9.10am Lesson 1 10.30 – 10.50 am Break 10.50 – 11.10am Assembly 11.10am—12.15pm Lesson 2 12.15-1.15 pm LUNCH 1.15pm - 2.15pm Lesson 3 2.15 – 3.15 Lesson 4 3.15 End of school day – KS1 dismiss children to parents. KS2 – dismiss children. Children waiting to be collected to be sent into IT suite. PLAYTIMES All children have two play times – morning and lunch. We have the most beautiful school grounds with a hard surface play area, Adventure playground, school field and quiet garden. Children can access these areas during playtime and lunch time (weather permitting) 14 Stockcross CE Primary School STAFF Headteacher Mrs F Rostron Class 1a Mrs S Kane Class 1b Mrs L Valentine Class 2 Mr P Waller Class 3 Mrs J Watts P.E. Mrs L Barton, Mr Barltrop LSA Mrs P Allen Mrs D Lewington Mrs S Pearce Mrs D Furneaux Mrs K Jones Mrs L English NON-TEACHING STAFF School Office Manager Mrs L Peto School Administrator Assistant Mrs C Austin School Business Manager Mrs J Shepherd School Finance Officer Mrs J Crouch Cleaning Staff Librarian Mrs Bladon/Mrs Balfour Lunch Time Controllers Mrs K Wood/ Mrs D Lewington/ Mrs S Pearce / Mrs L English Mr C Lewendon Mrs L Lewendon HOUSE TEAMS The children are organised into four house teams: Finches, Kingfishers, Robins and Woodpeckers. House captains are usually elected or chosen from Year 6 for each house at the start of the academic year. There are competitions organised between houses. Children may also receive a house point for good work or conduct. Children are informed about the progress of their house in the weekly Achiever’s Assembly. Year 6 children may be elected as House Captain. They lead other pupils by demonstrating a pastoral attitude to children in their house, good behaviour, energy and enthusiasm for developing the school vision and values. 15 Stockcross CE Primary School UNIFORM We have an attractive uniform. Items which include the school logo may be purchased from Tesco on-line embroidery service or from Trutex in Newbury. Items available from Tesco are marked * and those from Trutex ** BOYS: GIRLS: Blue Shirt Blue Shirt School Tie ** (optional Summer Term) School Tie ** (optional Summer Term) Light Grey Trousers Light Grey Skirt, Pinafore Dress or Trouser Light Grey Trouser Shorts (Summer Term) (School, Not Fashion) Grey Socks Shoes or Sandals (not Trainers) - Black Grey Tights / Socks Shoes or Sandals (not Trainers) - Black ALL PUPILS Sun Hat /Sunscreen (Spring/Summer Term) Named Wellington boots (for extreme wet weather and snowy days) PE : Royal Blue Polo-Shirt with embroidered badge *, ** Navy Blue Shorts White Socks Gym Shoes or Trainers Royal Blue Sweatshirt with embroidered badge *,** Navy Track Suit For Sports Day your child will be required to wear a t-shirt in their house colour (Red-Robins, Blue-Kingfisher, Yellow-Finches, Green-Woodpeckers) Book Bags and ties are available from Tesco and Trutex For football club shin pads, studded boots and football socks are required. All items of uniform and PE kit must be clearly marked with the child's name. 16 Stockcross CE Primary School EDUCATIONAL VISITS Visits out of the school are an important part of children’s work as they provide experiences that cannot be reproduced in school. These experiences enrich children’s learning and often give children a deeper understanding of the curriculum they are studying. Parents are asked to make voluntary contributions to the cost of these trips and with the help of the PTFA we do our best to keep costs to a minimum. No child is ever excluded from a day visit because their parents are unable to make a financial contribution. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TUITION Instrumental tuition is provided by peripatetic teachers from Berkshire Maestros, The Young Musicians Trust, which makes a charge. Please talk to your child’s teacher if you would like him/her to be considered for instrumental tuition. Please speak to Mrs Valentine if you would like your child to join a school recorder group. Children also access music lessons as part of the Wider Opportunities Scheme which runs in Year 3. This year these children are continuing their lessons as part of their school music curriculum in Year 4 and 5. This is when children learn an instrument as part of a small group. SCHOOL MEALS Children may either bring a packed lunch to school or receive a cooked school meal by the school’s contractor, ISS. We encourage a "healthy" packed lunch and so ask parents not to include sweets or fizzy drinks. There is a set menu with a degree of choice, priced £2.15. (September 2014) for a two course meal. The menu is available on and changes each term. In the summer term a dinner menu and a "picnic" menu is available. Your child can have a cooked school meal when you decide (i.e. school meal on Monday, packed lunch from home on Tuesday) and can be paid for on a daily or weekly basis. You can order at home using the ISS Website—Feeding Hungry Minds (linked from School Website) In addition fruit may be given (supplied by school for infants, brought from home for juniors) for a break time snack and children should bring a named bottle of WATER for the classroom (sports top only to avoid spillages) School milk is FREE to children under 5 or just a small charge for all over 5's .Please fill in a form from the school office if you wish your child to have milk or register on 17 Stockcross CE Primary School CLUBS The school offers an exciting and comprehensive range of sporting and non-sporting clubs. These are advertised near the start of each term and children must sign up for them. We expect children who sign up to a club to be committed to the club for the period it is run and not dip in and out by coming one week and not the next. This is unfair to the organiser and other children in the club. If children are unable to attend a club session for any reason they should notify the teacher in person. SCHOOL COUNCIL The School Council is made up by elected members from the classes. This meets weekly and provides the children with a voice in the decisions made in the school. CROCODILE CLUB This is an independently run after-school, fee paying club. This runs from 3.15 – 5.45pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in term time. Various sports, craft and homework activities are provided and a light tea is also offered. Please see the school website or ask at the school office for more details. PARENT, TEACHERS AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION (PTFA) The school has an active PTFA and every parent is automatically a member. The PTFA raises funds to buy resources and pay for activities that enrich the children’s education. It also coordinates many of the social functions which enhance school and village community life. Please become involved in the PTFA. If you need more details see the school website or contact the Chairs, Mrs Rachel Mullaly & Mrs Jane Seaton. 18 Stockcross CE Primary School COMMUNICATION Open door policy We have an open door policy in school. Headteacher If you have any concerns and would like to meet with me I will be happy to see you. If I am in school then an immediate appointment may be possible, otherwise a time can be arranged at a mutually convenient time. Class teachers If you need to speak to a class teacher, this can be arranged through the office, or directly with the teachers who will always be happy to discuss your child’s progress. This is not always possible before school or as the school day begins, and is often easier to organise at the end of the school day. Reading We welcome parents into school to support children’s learning, and we are very grateful to those parents who regularly give up their time to hear children read. If you feel you could help support children’s learning in school please come and see me. Achievers’ Assembly We welcome all parents to our Weekly Achievers’ Assembly at 2.45pm on Fridays. This is a celebration of the work children are doing in school each week, and it is lovely to see so many parents in school every Friday. Letters You will receive letters at the beginning of each term with a curriculum map so parents are well informed about the curriculum that will be covered in class. You will also receive letters about events and trips. We try to give as much notice as possible, but sometimes opportunities arise with short notice. (These letters will also be sent as an email.) Text messages You may receive a text message from school, usually if arrangements change with short notice. Newsletters We produce a newsletter to review events and opportunities that children have had each term. They will contain curriculum information and have photographs of the children at work and play. (These letters will also be sent as an email.) Evening meetings We have both parents’ evenings and curriculum evenings during the school year, and these will be excellent opportunities to discuss any concerns and ask any questions you have about the curriculum your children will be covering. If you are unable to attend the curriculum evening we will also send home any handouts the teachers prepare. Parent Group There is a Parent Group that meets every month in school with the headteacher. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss ways in which the school can become more effective. The meetings will be at 8.30am on the first Tuesday of every month and all parents are welcome to attend. If any parent would like to add to the agenda I would ask you to send suggestions/questions into the office at least one week before each meeting. Please let the office know if you intend to come to the meeting by the Friday before the meeting so appropriate refreshments can be organised. School Website The school website is an excellent source of information and is regularly updated. Please visit: A good relationship between parents, school and child is the cornerstone of a good education. Working together with parents, staff and governors, the school will ensure that the education children receive at Stockcross Primary school is the best it can be. 19 Stockcross CE Primary School PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Parent help in the school We actively encourage parents to help with their children’s education. We welcome any contributions, particularly with the following: Music Sports Projects – e.g. art, textiles, cookery Support for regular activities e.g. maths, Reading Leading, organising or supporting a school club. If parents wish to help in school please speak to the class teachers or head teacher. Parents must be willing to abide by any child safety measures that the school may have put in place e.g. obtaining a clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service. Parents must also sign the Parent Volunteer form. Parents must fully support the policy for Positive Behaviour Management Parents must understand the need for confidentiality within a school, and may not feed back to other parents about performance of children or staff Occasional help is very welcome for one off events like trips, visits and sports matches. We are extremely grateful for all the help and support we receive from our parent body. The skills and expertise we can access through our parents adds immense value to a school curriculum, as well as offering parents the opportunity to be integral to children’s learning. 20 Stockcross CE Primary School CONTACT INFORMATION Please ensure that we have current information which may be helpful in an emergency, such as home and work contact names and telephone numbers and the name of your child’s doctor. It is very important that we are able to contact you during the school day if necessary so please let us know if any of these contact details change during the year. We also use email and to send out letters and newsletters. Texting is used to inform parents of emergency school closure e.g. due to snow or ice and other short notice information e.g. ENTERING THE SCHOOL Children should not enter or exit the staff car park via the entrance intended for cars. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that they and/or their child minder do not allow their children to do this since it is unsafe. In normal circumstances, entry and exit via the pedestrian gate and accompanying footpath (around the library) are the proper means of exit and entry of the school. Neither should children be allowed to enter or exit school premises over wooden bars in the gate at the edge of the school field. Children are not permitted to enter school via the main entrance at the start of the day. They must enter via the junior or infant entrances. Parents wishing to visit the office at the start of the school day should do so while allowing their children to walk onto the playground via the external pathway. Children should arrive at school ready for the bell to sound at 8.55am to enter the school for a prompt 9.00am start. A duty staff member will be on the playground at 8.45am and there will also be a member of staff at the bus bay to supervise the “Kiss and Drop”. Please note that children are not permitted on site before 8.45am. There is no staff supervision for them before this time and it is unsafe for them to be left on site alone. TRANSPORT Our school participates in a community travel plan that has the aim of increasing safety for children by: Reducing Car Use; Reducing the number of cars stopping on Chapel Lane during the ‘school run’ 21 Stockcross CE Primary School ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND Children may only use the adventure playground under supervision and therefore may not use the adventure playground PRIOR to or AFTER school. The adventure playground is not designed for pre-school children. Children may play in the children’s garden and adventure playground during break. There is a rota system so that each class gets a fair chance to play in these areas and to avoid over crowding. In the summer children may play on the field. The children are made aware of the boundary line on the western edge of the football pitch. EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSURE In extreme weather conditions, or in the event of a failure of the heating or other unforeseen circumstances, we may have to close the school. Staff and parents will be contacted via text (please ensure you have given your mobile number to the school office for this purpose) The school will also communicate emergency school closure through its website and local radio. Newbury sound (104.6) , Radio Berkshire (104.10FM) or Heart (102.9 FM) .The information is also on Heart, Newbury Sound, Newbury Today, West Berkshire Council and the Radio Berkshire websites (all addresses are on the school website) CYCLING TO SCHOOL We are glad when children, with parental approval, choose healthy options to travel to school. If parents give permission for children to cycle to school they must ensure the children are wearing the appropriate clothing which includes a cycle helmet. The children must also be confident enough to navigate their way to school safely, know the rules of the road and be fully aware of other traffic on the road, particularly considering the width of Chapel Road and the level of traffic at morning drop off and afternoon collection. It is the parents responsibility to ensure their children are cycling safely to school and a child without a helmet may find that the school will no longer allow that child to ride their bike. When the child arrives at school, they must dismount from their bike and NOT ride in the car park or the playground. We would suggest your child has a lock to lock their bike with. 22 Stockcross CE Primary School SECONDARY TRANSFERS Year 6 children have a choice of secondary schools in the area. The schools have a series of open days each autumn to which parents and Year 6 pupils are invited. Children will also be invited to visit days during the summer term before they join the secondary school they have chosen. We run a series of classes during the summer term for all our children in Year 6 with our Family Support Worker, to help them prepare for this very important transition to secondary school. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND ILLNESS Parents are given the following guidelines if their child is unwell: Please do not send your children to school when they are obviously unwell, and please also notify school immediately on learning of any infectious diseases; If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea please do not send them back to school until they have been free from symptoms for 48 hours as they may still be infectious If your child has a medical condition which may affect his/her schooling, please let the teacher know. The information will be treated in the strictest confidence; If your child becomes ill during the school day, he/she will be made comfortable and we may telephone parents to ask them to collect their child; At the start of each academic year and to all new parents a form is given requesting them to supply details of any medical conditions and information the school should know relating to them. This information is collated and posted on the staff noticeboard. It is also given to the teacher who should keep it to hand in the classroom and make it available to any teacher covering their class. It is also placed in each class register. It is important that parents inform the school of significant changes or long term medical conditions so that the school can maintain accurate records. 23 Stockcross CE Primary School MEDICAL INFORMATION Many members of staff have received basic first aid training. A number of members of staff have also received more in depth training in first aid. Parents may find it helpful to know some of the guidelines that staff refer to in treating incidences requiring the provision first aid. GUIDELINES FOR INCIDENTS Grazes and Cuts Where a graze does not draw blood and there is no suspected fracture and if the child feels comfortable to do so they should be encouraged to continue to play/engage in activities. They do not need to be brought inside the school for treatment if on the playground Where the graze is infected with dirt or when blood is drawn the child should be taken to the duty first aider who will clean and dress the wound in accordance with training they have received. An appropriate entry will be made in the Medical Incident Book that is kept in the first aid area. Head injuries Due to the potentially serious nature of head injuries particular care must be taken to monitor a pupil’s condition after the incident and inform his/her parents. Incidents involving a head injury should be referred to the duty first aider who should apply their training. If the first aider does not feel it appropriate to send the child for specialist emergency aid treatment, the pupil with the head injury should be monitored for at least one hour after the incident and during this period the child should not be left alone. The parent informed will be given information such as how the injury occurred, how it is being treated and will be treated and the current state of the pupil. Parents should be invited to inspect their child’s condition if they so wish and to collect him/her from school if they wish to do so. In most cases the duty first aider may wish to delegate this task to the child’s class teacher who should be informed in any case. An appropriate entry should be made in the medical incident booklet that is kept in the first aid area of the school and a red/orange coloured, head injury sheet be given to the child to be taken home regardless of whether it has been possible to contact the parent a sticker may be given to the child to wear. If any injury is beyond the skills and training of the staff to deal with an ambulance may be called using the "999" service. It is likely that parents will be contacted after the ambulance to avoid a potentially serious delay in the arrival of medical aid. It may be appropriate to transport a pupil to a casualty department without using the ambulance service but this should always be on a voluntary basis. If a member of staff uses his/her car for this, he must ensure that he/she has specific cover to do so from his/her insurance company. 24 Stockcross CE Primary School ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINES Staff cannot be required to administer medicines but may consent to do so. Generally staff are not trained to administer medicine. Some staff may, however, be specifically trained to administer particular medicines (e.g. Epipen) and are authorised to do so. Medicines must be brought to school by the parent/or carer and given to the office. They must be clearly labelled with the child’s name and dosage. Parents must submit a signed form giving clear instructions as to how the medicine should be administered and at what time. The form must also include authorisation for the school to administer the medicine in the clearly described manner. Medicines cannot be administered unless the signed form has been submitted. A list of pupils on regular medication is placed in each class register. A copy of the medicines form is found at the end of this handbook and on the school website. Under no circumstance should children bring medicines into school, including cough sweets without a parent having advised staff and completed a medicine form. POLICIES All school policies are regularly reviewed and updated by the School Governing Body. You can ask in the office for a copy of the policies, some of which can be found on the school website. ACHIEVERS’ ASSEMBLY Achievers assembly is part of the collective worship held every Friday at 2.45 pm in the school hall. Everyone is welcome. The assembly marks the weekly achievements of the children, with sports updates, certificates for children that have performed well, a weekly class attendance cup, a courtesy cup for the class whose pupils have received the most courtesy points in the week. An update of house points is given. School News updates are also given . 25 Stockcross CE Primary School SCHOOL GOVERNORS A main meeting of the Governors takes place each half term. Governors are organised into the following committees · Finance – which manages the budget · Premises– which looks after the fabric of the building, the grounds and health and safety · Admissions and staffing – which appoints staff and deals with pupil admissions · Standards, Quality & Ethos (SQE) – which develops curriculum policy There are opportunities for parents to become Governors. Governors names and contact details are available from the school office or on the school website. The Governors strive to keep in touch with parents through regular newsletters. WELCOME FROM THE GOVERNORS Dear Parents Although Stockcross School has grown over the past few years it remains a small village Church of England School, and all who are involved take pride in the real feeling of community which exists here. There is a very strong culture of achievement at Stockcross in academic and extra curricular pursuits. All the children are encouraged to perform to the best of their ability, and this performance is recognised in front of the whole school and parents at the weekly achievers’ assembly. Arising from this culture is strong academic performance, and Stockcross CE primary school is proud to be among the best performing schools in the area. None of this happens by accident, and we are fortunate to have a skilled and dedicated workforce at the school, strongly supported by enthusiastic parents. There are many ways for parents to participate in school life: through the P.T.F.A. (parents, teacher, and friends association), by supporting extracurricular activities and events, by helping in the classrooms, and not least by serving in the Governing body. We trust you will find this prospectus informative, and we look forward to seeing you at Stockcross. 26 Stockcross CE Primary School REQUEST TO GIVE MEDICATION Dear Headteacher I request that ………………………………………………………………………………..(Full name of child) Be given the following medication: Please give clear instructions in writing as to how the medicine is to be administered. The School will not administer medicine unless clear written instructions are given. :Dosage The medication should be administered at the following times The medicine should be stored in the following way: I understand that the medicine must be delivered personally to the school office, who will in turn notify the class teacher. Medication will not be accepted by the School unless this letter is completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian of the child and that the administration of medicine is agreed upon by the Headteacher. I understand that the administration of medicines is not a service that the school is obliged to provide and that no school staff can be expected to administer medicines. The Governors and Headteacher reserve the right to withdraw this service. Signed……………………………………………………………………………………… Date…………………………….. 27 Data Statistics 2011—2014 Foundation Stage Data West Berks 2011 6+ points PSE 6+ points CLL 83% 66% Children scoring 6+ in CLL and PSE 63% 78+ points overall National 2011 79% 62% 59% Stockcross 2011 87% 53% 47% 87% West Berks 2012 84% 72% 68% - National 2012 79% 62% 87% - Stockcross 2012 93% 87% 80% 100% KS1 Data Reading L2B+ Reading L3 Writing 2B+ Writing L3 Maths L2B+ Maths L3 West Berks 2011 81% 32% 70% 17% 81% 26% National 2011 74% 26% 61% 13% 74% 21% Stockcross 2011 83% 33% 58% 17% 75% 17% West Berks 2012 82% 33% 71% 17% 81% 25% National 2012 74% 26% 61% 13% 74% 20% Stockcross 2012 93% 43% 71% 21% 79% 50% Stockcross 2013 87% 60% 73% 13% 93% 13% Stockcross 2014 100% 53% 100% 41% 100% 53% KS2 Data Reading L4+ Reading L5 Writing 4+ Writing L5 Maths L4+ Maths L5 Science L4+ Science L5 West Berks 2011 81% 32% 70% 17% 80% 36% 86% 34% National 2011 86% 47% 67% 20% 80% 35% 84% 36% Stockcross 2011 75% 67% 67% 0% 73% 36% 82% 36% West Berks 2012 87% 51% 82% 31% 82% 39% - - National 2012 87% 48% 81% 28% 84% 38% - - Stockcross 2012 91% 73% 73% 28% 91% 64% 91% 64% Stockcross 2013 83% 42% 92% 50% 92% 58% 100% 83% Stockcross 94% 71% 88% 76% 94% 41% 2014 28 29
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