Newsletter March 2015 Aspire Achieve Advance INSIDE THIS EDITION: • THE WIZZARD OF OZ • STAND AT EASE • CAREERS & WORK EXPERIENCE A Message from the Principal Welcome to a bumper edition of the Westbourne Academy news. Lots of marvellous things have been happening in the last few months and, as you will see, our students continue to amaze us. Parent consultation evenings for Years 7, 9 and 11 have been very well attended and hugely positive experiences. It has been fantastic to meet parents and to hear them being complimentary about the changes to the academy and the improvements in teaching that are occurring. I look forward to meeting Year 8 parents on Thursday 14th May 2015 and Year 10 parents on Thursday 26th March 2015. The student vote for new outdoor facilities closed recently. There were 222 responses, which represents a quarter of the academy in total. The top three choices were more covered areas, an additional serving area in the Food Hall and more football space. The runner-up facility was new outdoor gym equipment. We are now working on plans to get these areas developed over the coming months. We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March 2015 and I am looking forward to seeing what book related cake creations and outfits our students and staff come up with. The main academy building was built in 1939 and, as you imagine, some of the brickwork, pointing and roofing is now showing signs of weather damage. Between now and the end of March 2015, I am pleased to advise that we will have contractors working onsite to carry out major repair and refurbishment work. The female toilets in H block are being completely refurbished and modernised and, from what I have seen of the plans, they will be the envy of the school! The carpeted floors and walls in S block are being replaced with hard flooring and the perimeter wall near the bike store is also being repaired. Scaffolding will be erected around the main school buildings in order for roof repairs to be effected. By the time we return to school after Easter, all the works should be completed. We are fully committed to ensuring our students get the facilities and learning environment they deserve. As you know, the academy was inspected by Ofsted two weeks before Christmas. We would like to congratulate all of our students for the way in which they conducted themselves during the Ofsted visit. It was also pleasing to see the hard work and commitment of all our staff, parents and governors recognised by Ofsted, as well as that of our sponsor, the Academy Transformation Trust. The full inspection report is available to download and read under the ‘About’ page of our website. The inspectors noted the clear improvements that are taking place in terms of behaviour for learning and that students ‘behave well as they move around the academy’ and that their ‘attitudes towards learning have greatly improved’. All schools can make improvements and we are no exception. The Ofsted team recognised that we have developed since becoming an academy in February 2013 and that we are ‘well placed to continue to improve quickly.’ Their report said: • Good pastoral care and support help to keep students safe. The academy is a harmonious community whose members support each other well. • The academy promotes students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well. • Senior leadership has strengthened, establishing higher expectations and leading to improvements in the quality of teaching and students’ behaviour. • The local governing body is committed to making the academy better. Going forwards, we are focused on continuing to improve teaching and to ensuring that all of our subject leaders consistently drive improvements in their areas. To ensure future success, we will continue to work closely with parents and the wider academy community and we will use the report as another stepping-stone on the way towards an outstanding education for all at Westbourne Academy. Mr G Trott, Principal B T C o S pace C hallen g e 2 0 1 4 Competing teams were tasked with creating a program to control a virtual robot which would collect a series of coloured sprites. Two of the Westbourne teams finished in the top three, with one team storming to first position and a place in the next round in March 2015. charity news On behalf of Jodie Coe, Kacey Long, Ashleigh Goddard, Jessica Brett and Ayesha Saunders, a big thank you to all the staff and students who baked and bought cakes on Friday 6th February. The friends, who are in Year 8, showed great initiative, organising and promoting a charity cake sale in school at break and lunch. The array of cakes and muffins tasted as good as they looked and the girls raised £85 towards their chosen charity, The British Heart Foundation. Well done! Attendance Matters We would like to start by thanking all our parents and carers for their continued support regarding their child’s attendance. Our aim this academic year is to achieve 94.5% attendance across the academy. Unfortunately, Year 11 attendance as a whole falls below that achieved by other year groups. Research shows that if a child’s school attendance drops below 90%, their chances of achieving 5A*- C grades drop to 50%. We are committed to working with parents to improve the attendance and attainment of all our students. Punctuality Changes to our punctuality procedure have resulted in a 50% reduction in the number of students arriving late to school, for the first lesson. The academy is open for students from 8.00am and first lesson starts at 8.25am which is the time that students are expected to be in their classrooms, not the time they arrive at school. I have spoken to many parents and students about this and my advice is always the same; students should aim to be on the school site by 8.15am at the latest. After February half term, we changed the closing time of our morning registers. The new closing time is 8.35am. This means that if a student arrives at the academy after 8.35am, without a valid reason, they will be marked as an ‘unauthorised’ late. Unauthorised marks put parents at risk of receiving a Fixed Penalty, a resulting fine and the possibility of Education Welfare involvement. To reiterate information previously issued, if a student arrives late to school twice in a week they will be set a 60 minute detention on a Friday as well as being set an initial 30 minute detention at the end of the day on which they are late. If a student arrives late three times in a week, they will be required to attend a Saturday morning detention with Mr Trott beginning at 9.00am. The occasional lateness is sometimes unavoidable but if you know your child is going to arrive late to school, for any reason, please contact the attendance team on 01473 466145 or email us at Illness Statistics show that the current cold weather and dark mornings means this is a time where school attendance tends to decline. If your child says they are feeling a little unwell and you feel they may not last a whole day in school, I would urge them to come to school in the morning and see how they get on. We do understand that illness cannot be helped and that ultimately it is a parent’s judgement and responsibility to get their child to school. Fixed Penalty Fines As of 1st September 2014, Suffolk County Council allowed schools in Suffolk to create their own procedure for Fixed Penalty Notices as a result of unauthorised absence and lateness. At that time the decision was made to continue with the procedure that was in place previously. Now however, we recognise there is a need for us to modify this and tighten our procedures. With effect from Monday 23rd February 2015, if a student has 6 unauthorised marks (for absence/lateness) in 12 school weeks, then parents are likely to receive a Fixed Penalty. A Fixed Penalty is a fine of £60 per parent per child and is issued from Suffolk County Council. If you have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01473 466130 and I can make an appointment to meet with you in school. Mr M Agate, Attendance Manager If your child is off school and you are unable to contact us by telephone, you can now email us instead at Give a Suffolk child the care they dream about Some children dream of being rich and famous, but for others their dreams are often heartbreakingly simple; the love of a family, a feeling of belonging, home cooking and a bedroom of their own. Suffolk’s fostering and adoption teams have launched their first joint campaign to recruit more people who want to help care for Suffolk’s looked after children. We are specifically looking for people with the capacity to care for sibling groups, teenagers and children with disabilities. Suffolk foster carers and adopters do an incredible job caring for and fulfilling the simple dreams of some of our most vulnerable children. With support from the Suffolk fostering and adoption service and other professionals, including teaching staff, they work to provide positive futures for children who have had a difficult start to their lives. If you have enthusiasm, patience and room, you could be the one to give a looked after child the care they dream about. You can find videos of carers talking about their experiences on our website: (no WWW) Or call us for an informal chat about fostering or adoption on: 01473 264800 Student Voice The Ipswich Branch of The Royal British Legion invited Westbourne Academy to represent the student community at their Ipswich Armistice Day Service at Christchurch Park. The Student Council attended, laid a wreath and were also invited to read aloud to the assembled congregation at the cenotaph. The students showed wonderful dignity and respect throughout what was quite a sombre occasion and were an absolute credit to the academy. FORM AMBASSADORS We now have a full complement of Form Ambassadors and Student Councillors across all year groups, following the Year 7 appointments last term. The Student Council were also invited to meet with Dr Dan Poulter MP for another Q&A session. Students enjoyed the opportunity to question Dr Poulter about important local matters. GCSE Photography Trip In December, we took 35 of our Year 10 GCSE Photography students to the London National Portrait Gallery to view the 2014 Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize and to take part in a photography workshop. The students had a fantastic day and yet again the Queen made an appearance (arriving home) whilst our students were outside Buckingham Palace ... that’s two years in a row … I think she likes us! During the workshop students were able to create their own portraits of one another in a professional photography studio. As part of the portraiture workshop, they were extremely fortunate to get to work with a professional photographer. He taught them how to meter light for studio flash and use different types of light to change the mood of the portraits. Our students really did themselves proud throughout the day and we look forward to receiving all the images from their photo shoots. Miss A Leggett - Photography Teacher Westbourne Academy welcome Autism outreach service We have been delighted to provide a new base for The County Inclusive Resource (CIR), Suffolk’s outreach service for pupils with a diagnosis of Autism in mainstream schools. CIR staff work from 5 locations across the whole of the county and staff working in the Ipswich and Felixstowe area have relocated from Beacon Hill Special School to their new base at Westbourne Academy. Mr Trott, Principal said: ‘We are extremely happy to be providing a new facility for the outreach team here at Westbourne. We know that they have an excellent reputation for supporting young people with Autism across the county. We look forward to working alongside them and will hopefully benefit from their expertise in order to enhance our own provision and understanding of students with Autism.’ The CIR staff work with over 800 pupils in mainstream schools across the whole of Suffolk. CIR staff support schools with the successful inclusion of pupils on their caseload, working directly with pupils, making resources to support learning and offering a wide range of advice and training. Referrals to the service are made via the pupil’s school. Recently the team have been one of three teams shortlisted nationally for an award for Outstanding Educational Provision from the National Autistic Society. Mrs Welsh, CIR Headteacher said: ‘I am very proud of the team and the work they do alongside Suffolk schools. Westbourne Academy have provided us with an excellent base from which staff can go out and work with schools in the area. The staff at Westbourne have made us feel very welcome and we are really looking forward to working in partnership with them.’ Students of the month November 2014 ART Tayla Starling 7L Kizzie Chaplin 7R Caden Gardiner 7W Erin Keer 8H Elie AnneKayembe8L Lauren Kerridge 8T Maryam Faris 9K Nicolau Neves-Mitcul9N Skye Bloomfield 9R Josh Ripper 10K Ellie Horton 10W Caitlin Miller 11K Megan Carver 11T PHOTOGRAPHY Thomas Raby Luke Addison Owen Arnold DRAMA Ellie Zantboer Ryan Yellen Danielle Jade Chappel Haden Starling 10T 11M 7K 7L 7N 7R 8D Shannon MacSephney8H Diana Fonseca 8N Niamh Varley 8T Bailey Richards 9D Lukasz Tynny 9D Abbie Haxley 9R Jack Welham 9R ENGLISH Clara Stiles Kiran Kaur Ellie Zantboer Harvey Brown Mariana Lacasta Berkcan Topal Lee Steel David Beales Iosif Pitigoi Jasmine Collins Megan Harrison Chloe Grant Lanya Sarawan Arthur Ali 7D 7D 7L 8N 8T 8T 8W 9W 10D 10R 11K 11K 11R 11W HUMANITIES Adam Rose Zohal Karim 7K 7L Abbie Haxley Jasmine Bilner Jodie Seale Karol Kalizniak Maryam Faris Abbie Haxley Jack Howard Marley Curtis Grace Gayle Zoe Ablitt Lanya Sarawan Lucy Brighty 7T 7W 8K 8T 9K 9R 10D 10H 10T 11L 11L 11W ICT Kizzi Brame Lauren Kerridge Shelby Coleman Kameron Crick Britney Coe Deam Rangphuree Tea Addison James Pratt 7L 8T 9R 10D 10D 10K 11M 11N LANGUAGES Hollie Watson Tyler Blair Jasmine Roberts Ellie Barker 7D 7H 7H 7K Kizzi Brame 7L Morgan Rudland 7L Luke Kelleher 7N Callum Pearce 7T Ryan Woolnough 7T Rowan Ford 7W Jake Mundy 7W Keon Pemberton 7W Amber Bickers 8D Adam Chambers 8D Chloe Spalding 8D Shannon MacSephney8H Lu Lu Perry 8H Lottie Aldous 8K Khaled Miah 8N Jessica Brett 8R Jensen Larkin 8R Karol Kaluzniak 8T Deborah Zini 8T Rosie Curl 9D Bailey Richards 9D Archie Nichols 9H Mariana Manata 9K Saleah Khatun 9L Lewis Marchant 9N Mariana Abegao 9T Charlotte Dowsing 9W Ellie Matthews Natasha Ranger Temuri Turner Juliet Onuoha 10T 10W 11R 11W MUSIC Zsombor Selmeci Ayesha Peach Karol Kaluzniak Gina Pitigoi Jack Bowen Martell Dacus Sophie Rumbold Kailan Last Juliet Onuoha Temuri Turner 7N 7R 8T 8W 9D 9D 10T 10L 11W 11R LANGUAGES Rugile Pirstelyte Kayleigh Baker Lily Baldwin Tayla Starling Edward Pardoe Benn Rayson Emma Beales Makayla Bowler Harry Dedman D’vage Parnell Kai-James Scott Hannah Newson Tasnim Ali Charlie Jenkins Matthew Tricker Jakub Witkowski Ismail Ahmed Kathryn Miles Elle Castaldo Jessica Brett Reece Lawrence Tolga Arduc Mariana Lacasta Marcus Scoggins Jamie Pointon Maryam Faris Jack Miller Esme Scott Marshal Hunt Jade Archer Jordon Pulham Hollie Walden Sophi Derrett Adam Steele Emma Cook Alisha Hixson PE Jasmine Roberts 7H Ruben Mota 10L SCIENCE Alex Dam Charlie Gundry Lorna Kelly Megan Barnett Ieva Velutyte 7R 8N 9N WISE 11L December 2014 DRAMA Hollie Watson 7D Luke Cole 7H Ellie Bultitude 7K Kayleigh Baker 7K Lizzie Dyes 7K Abbie Guest 7L Emilie Rodrigues Sanches7N Kizzie Chaplin 7R Makayla Bowler 7R Abbie Aleksic 7T Maisie Allen 7T Jodie Cloud 7T Amber Reavell 7T Harry Livermore 7W Nattalie Mann 7W Kimberley Dix 8D Chloe Spalding 8D Emily Doncaster 8H Jodie Coe 8L Elie Anne Kayembe 8L Kacey Long 8L Donell Harris 9D Depade Ouassingou 9R Harry-Paul Cranmer 9W Lauren Fosker Kylie Mann Taylor Warner Maddison Cloud Harry Wilson Aliesha Farrell Hannah Baker Sophie Rumbold Ellie Horton Ewan Milne Sian Williams Zoe Ablitt Michaeleen Murphy 9W 9W 10D 10H 10H 10R 10T 10T 10W 11H 11K 11L 11N ENGLISH Jasmine Roberts 7H Makayla Bowler 7R D’Vage Parnell 7R Erin Jackaman 7T Cristiana Cascalheira8L Amie Howes 8W Conner Bilner 9R Hollie Walden 9W Keeley Rudland 10T Nathan Widmark 11H Luke Addison 11M William Fry 11M HUMANITIES Ellie Barker 7K Owen Garwood 7K Erin Jackaman 7T Ruby Scott 8H Gabriella Wingar 8H Tolga Arduc 8T Chloe Young 9D Hollie Walden 9W Sumayah Tawfiq 10D Taylor Warner 10D Destiny Minors 10R Aleksandra Kasinska 11L Tara Norman 11N Alisha Hixson 11W ICT Kayleigh Baker Florentina Petrescu Amy Sidney Daniel Prophet Luke Richardson Callum Marshall Erin Van Tankeren Ewan Milne 7K 8W 9H 10N 10N 11N 10R 11H 7H 7K 7K 7L 7N 7N 7R 7R 7R 7R 7T 7W 8D 8D 8D 8D 8H 8H 8N 8R 8R 8T 8T 8T 9H 9K 9K 9K 9R 9W 9W 9W 10D 10H 11W 11W PHYSICAL EDUCATION Lucy Brighty 11W Connor Bilner 9R SCIENCE Paulina Samoskaite 7H Tolga Arduc 8T Jowita Danilczyk 9K Darius Dausa 10K Juliet Onuoha 11W Charity & COMMUNITY NEWS Staff and their families enjoyed a very competitive Staff Quiz Night and in the process raised funds towards the production costs for The Wizard of Oz. A Fright Night Disco for students was very well attended with students (and their parents) going to amazing lengths with their costumes; again the proceeds went towards production costs for the show. Erin Shaw and Cameron Way won the Best Dressed Girl and Boy Prize for their costumes. Events In October, we joined in with the MacMillan Big Coffee morning and staff baked, brought and bought cakes, raising £128.67 in the process. For Movember, a number of gentlemen staff showed their support by growing assorted moustaches and in doing so, raising awareness of men’s cancer amongst the academy community. In October, Ellie Horton and Elle Scott in Year 10 held a very successful cake sale in aid of Whizz-Kids, a charity that transforms the lives of disabled children and young people who struggle to get a wheelchair that meets their needs. To mark BBC Children in Need Day in November, students and staff were invited to take part in a civvies day. We achieved our target and raised £1008 in total which was shared equally with Whizz-Kids. In November, Mr Moore and Mr Smith hosted a race night for staff and their families and £1000 was raised in aid of BLISS, a charity which helps premature babies who need support in special care baby units in order to survive. In December, we held a Christmas Disco for students in Years 7 and 8. The proceeds of £431 were donated to BLISS. Christmas Cake Competition Community Christmas Lunch On Thursday 11th December the Student Council invited a group of elderly residents from Hazeldell Care Home and Handford House to join them for Christmas lunch in the Food Hall. Together with their carers, our guests enjoyed listening to students singing carols around the piano and even received a surprise visit from a very hearty Santa. In the season of good will to all, staff kindly donated small gifts for our guest to take home. Mrs Hutchinson, Food Technology teacher, organised a Christmas cake baking competition for staff and students. Parents entered a draw to win one of two cakes and the proceeds went to East Anglian’s Children’s Hospices. This charity chosen by Sophie Sparrow and Temuri Turner in Year 11 who organised a cake sale and promoted the competition and cake draw which raised £179.15. Congratulations to Adam Goddard and Temuri Turner whose fabulously decorated cakes were judged as joint winners. Thank you to Lisa Johnson, bake-off judge and parent governor who kindly donated the vouchers given as prizes (pictured right with Garry Trott and the winners). Christmas Jumper Day 2014 On Friday 12th December, students and staff were invited to wear festive jumpers, hats and tinsel to school, in support of Save the Children’s Fund Christmas Jumper Day. Students and staff raised £1000 for this very good cause. £1,000,000 Robot Mania WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND IT ON? As part of our drive to encourage students into engineering, we have entered a new educational programme called VEX Robotics. National Grid donated £2000 worth of equipment to the academy as part of their ongoing bid to inspire youngsters to take up STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects. Last term, a group of students from the VEX (STEM) Club visited Rapid Electronics HQ in Colchester in order to attend a training session with the National Grid and VEX teams. This exciting taster session showed students not only how to operate and build robots but how much fun they will have working together as a team to bring their creative ideas to fruition. In February, three members of the VEX Club took their Clawbot to Rapid Electronics Colchester so they could test out their design in advance of an area competition. The testing gave the team some ideas on how to improve their robot as well as allowing them to practise their driving skills within the arena. In addition to designing and making their Clawbot from scratch, using the VEX robotics kit, the team have written a programme which allows the robot to run autonomously and manually through a wireless Xbox style controller. If we are successful in March 2015, our teams may go on to compete at regional and national level. VEX Club runs on Tuesdays after school in Room B11 in the DT department. Mr M Foreman Team Leader/Design Technology The North West Ipswich Big Local Trust has £1 million and needs your help to ensure the money is spent wisely and for the benefit of residents of Whitton, Whitehouse and Castle Hill. North West Ipswich Big Local Trust, which is a resident led group, was given £1,000,000 by the National Lottery to improve the North West Ipswich Area. Since 2012 NWI BLT has given out over £80,000 in grants to various groups and organisations within this area. These have been children playgroups, school garden projects, garden furniture for the elderly, musical school for teenagers and many more including a summer event in Whitehouse park. NWI BLT is currently in talks with the local Credit Union (Eastern Savings & Loans) to help deter illegal doorstep lending, such as loan sharks. Now NWI BLT is contributing £100K towards building a skatepark in Whitehouse Park and plans are well on their way to achieving this, with additional grants from the SITA Trust and Ipswich Borough Council. Look on NWI BLT website for further news and developments on the skate park. The opinions of the local residents are paramount and NWI BLT are also keen to find out what the young people feel is lacking or need improving in the community. To achieve this NWI BLT is delighted to have the opportunity to work with Westbourne Academy, to engage with their students. It has been arranged that on a monthly basis NWI BLT will be at Westbourne Academy, at an information and engagement point in front of the Main Hall, starting on 3rd April 2015. Students can come and meet NWI BLT and share their views. Any students who would like to join the young people forum, to help get things moving, will be warmly welcomed. NWI BLT can do things for the community only if residents tell them what is needed so please contact them on their website and let them know. If you have time why not join NWI BLT at Castle Hill Community Centre for coffee. Faye Smith will be there every Thursday morning between 9.00 and 11.30 to listen to you and perhaps if you are a resident of North West Ipswich, you might like to join one of our groups and help get things done. For further information contact Faye Smith 01473 354349 / 07976565329 e-Safety Advice We are pleased to advise you that Mrs Cook and Mr Lipman have been appointed as joint e-Safety Leads for the academy. Results of a recent parent survey indicated that advice on internet safety would be very welcome. The preferred methods of communication were information sheets sent home, information on our website and email correspondence. Earlier this term, we produced our first e-Safety Newsletter for parents. This was sent home with students, uploaded on our website, posted on our Facebook page and also on our Twitter feed. We also emailed a PDF copy to those parents for whom we have an email contact address. If you have not yet read our e-safety advice, you can download a full colour copy by entering the following address into your internet browser: More general internet safety advice is available on our website under the Student/Internet Safety page. STAND AT EASE The candidates demonstrated the range of skills they had acquired from the 10 week course; cooking army rations using a camping stove which was lit using storm proof matches. Unfortunately, it was so cold that the rehydrated ‘stuff’ took longer to heat up than the time we had available so we were unable to taste it – such a shame! The students also showed us their abilities in semaphore, tapping out code, orienteering and emergency first aid. They showed the assembled parents how to check for breathing, how to place an unconscious person into the recovery position and how to perform life-savings skills and CPR. The group of 12 students finished by giving us a demonstration of their marching skills and paraded in the hardcourt area. Afterwards, students were awarded two certificates by Cheryl Salter, Head of Phase for Years 7 and 8. The first one was in recognition of their completing the course and the other was their first aid certificate. The students have also received their BTEC certificates in Citizenship and Team Building. Well done! Westbourne in Top 10% Nationally Congratulations to Mrs Ali Furlong, School Games Organiser (SGO) for Ipswich & South Suffolk who is based at Westbourne Academy. Mrs Furlong’s hard work and success this year puts her in the top 10% of SGO Host sites nationally. An outstanding achievement! An analysis by the Youth Sport Trust, shows that Mrs Furlong’s work with primary and secondary schools is having a fantastic impact, in terms of our young people’s participation in local sports clubs and in sports competitions. The Sports Leadership programme, which Mrs Furlong runs in local high schools, continues to be very successful and broadens participation opportunities through volunteering and workforce roles. Westbourne students in Years 9 and 10 (who are interested in sport) can join our Accredited Sports Leadership programme. This programme is delivered through their PE lessons and through their involvement The ‘Passing Out’ Parade of the 12 students involved in the Schools Partnership Project with CVQO went very well on Tuesday 16th December. Thanks to AXA Ipswich, students who have English as an additional language (EAL) will benefit from some brand new English translation dictionaries in their lessons. The translation dictionaries are essential learning tools which will help students translate English to and from Romanian, Polish, Portuguese and Lithuanian. Mrs Dyes, who works as a PA to the AXA Liabilities Managers, kindly arranged for the purchase of the new dictionaries as part of AXA’s charitable contribution for the local community. We are proud of our diverse, multi-cultural community and we value the contribution made to academy life by all our young people and our staff. Currently, 1 in 4 students at Westbourne Academy has English as an additional language. We are also pleased to welcome two new members of staff, Mrs Khalyaeva and Mrs Wolska, who join us as EAL Teaching Assistants working closely with our EAL Coordinator, Ms Graziani. with hosting and assisting at School Games competitions. Sport Leaders will learn about event management and timekeeping and they will be trained as referees by qualified coaches in each sport. Working with Mrs Furlong, as a part of a team, they will assist with the delivery of competitions in athletics, basketball, cricket, football, netball, rugby, tennis and quick sticks hockey. As a result of her achievement, Mrs Furlong has been invited to work on a School Games Organiser Master Class programme. This is aimed at the highest performing SGO’s in the county and ensures not only their further development but also looks to support the success of the network as a whole. Those of you who came to see our production of The Wizard of Oz, in December, will no doubt agree that it was a resounding success and truly showcased the talent of our students and our staff. The professional production was of very high quality. The singing, choreography and characterisation was inspiring! It was wonderful to see the cast finally take to the stage to perform in front of a large audience. Brimming with nervous excitement, pride and confidence, the students clearly revelled in the experience and thoroughly enjoyed their moment in the spotlight. School productions of this nature are huge extra-curricular projects and their success is the culmination of many, many hours of hard work and dedication from the cast and crew. The cast members of the show worked for countless hours in rehearsals, often late after school and at weekends. Thank you to everybody who assisted in making the show possible. We wholeheartedly appreciate the free time that was sacrificed to help with the production, set design, stage management, choreography, music, singing and rehearsals. It is testament to months of hard work that a show of this scale and quality can be put on by secondary school students. We are very proud of the way in which the students involved displayed such high levels of commitment, energy and enthusiasm, on top of their academic commitments. To work in a school where our young people have such a love of the performing arts is most gratifying and they should be very proud of what they managed to achieve together. Mr A Smith Team Leader/Expressive Arts During their time with Westbourne Academy, students take part in a number of careers and work related learning activities. In Key Stage 3, students are encouraged to explore different careers and occupations using a variety of methods including attending site visits and using online programs designed to give impartial careers guidance and information. Careers & Work Experience Activities The Westbourne Annual Careers Fair - Open to all students, designed to support interaction, exploration and engagement with local and national employers and post 16 service and information providers. Progression Interviews - One to one sessions for students in Key Stage 4. The interview is used to provide a platform upon which career planning and managing expectations are based. Linked closely with student attainment and post-16 option choices. Enrichment Programs - Open to students who meet externally funded provider eligibility. These range from 12 week courses in character and team building skills to internal and external mentoring programs for 1 or 2 academic years. Higher Education site visit - Students who meet eligibility criteria and for whom the experience would provide motivation and inspiration. Regional and National Events - When appropriate, students will be encouraged to take part in both regional and national events to help with their understanding of the skills and experiences which will be required in the world of work. Transition Evening - Open to students and parents of students in Key stage 4. The main aim of the event is to help determine the most appropriate post - 16 option choices. Employer talks - Open to all students in Key stage 4 by student selection and invitation, to provide an up to date and relevant overview of industry and sector specific information and advice. In Key Stage 4, students will be expected to demonstrate efficient and practical career planning skills along with an associated understanding of post-16 options that are available to them locally and nationwide. They will take part in progression interviews, workshops and external events which are designed to assist with raising aspirations and managing expectations. online resources The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential and impartial advice. The service offers confidential and impartial advice and is supported by qualified careers advisers. Students can produce a CV and their own career plan online. On Plotr you will find hints and tips and videos from companies and people that actually have those careers so you can see what it’s like and how you get there. Then you can search for the best courses, work experience, apprenticeships or even entry level jobs, near you, to help get to a career you love. icould is a small, dynamic charity, providing career inspiration and information for young people. We show what is possible in work and offer different ways to think about careers through free access to over 1000 personal video stories, detailed job information, plus practical tips, insight and advice. Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job with study. As an apprentice you will work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, study towards a related qualification (usually one day a week). Apprenticeships take 1 to 4 years to complete depending on their level. Independent Careers Advice Mrs Sarah Pawlewski is a careers adviser with over 20 years’ experience. She runs her own consultancy - Career Directions Ltd - and works with clients of all ages across schools, colleges, universities and industry. Mrs Pawlewski holds degrees in Psychology and Careers Guidance and is a member of the Career Development Institute. Mrs Pawlewski, provides impartial, independent careers advice to pupils on an individual basis. The purpose of the individual meetings is to help our students decide what they would like to do once they leave Westbourne Academy and also to raise their aspirations about jobs and careers for the future. The careers adviser will talk to students about their interests, ideas, values and skills. She will work with students to look at local opportunities for post 16 education, training and apprenticeships. An action plan will then give each student an outline of their current career aims, a number of action points as well as provide them with information, web sites and other resources to help you and your child explore their ideas further. Work Experience In 2010 we made the decision to move away from the traditional pattern of a two week work experience block where all students go on work experience at the same time. If students would like to attend a period of work experience, they will need to make contact and confirm a placement independently. Miss Atkinson, who is based in Student Services, will be able to give you some guidance on your approach to secure a placement and will provide where possible an existing contact. For Year 11 students it is important to find out if you are required to complete any form of work experience for any course starting in September and make the necessary arrangements. Year 7 In addition to gaining the consent of the organisation, there is certain information that students and parents need to consider when arranging a placement. • Make sure the placement takes place during the school holidays. Work experience during term time MUST first be approved by the Principal. • Make sure the organisation has Public Liability Insurance. • Make sure that the organisation’s Employers Liability Insurance covers students for the duration of the placement. • Parents need to understand that they are directly responsible for their child in the event of an emergency during the placement, ie sudden illness or injury. • Wherever possible ask for confirmation of the placement in writing. The academy will confirm the following information in respect of any request by an employer: 1 2 3 That the student is on roll with the academy That the responsibilities for students during their placement remains with the parent. That the placement has been agreed during term time if appropriate. If you have any questions or queries please come and see Miss Atkinson in Student Services. Mandarin Workshop On Wednesday 28th January, Mr Ismay and I were fortunate to accompany ten Year 7 students on a visit to Mildenhall Academy to take part in a Mandarin Language Workshop. The workshop was funded by ATT and, as such, the students had the opportunity to meet other Year 7-9 students from three local ATT academies: Iceni, Nicholas Hammond and Mildenhall. During the course of the day, students took part in a number of different activities including: an introduction to China, an active storytelling session of the Great Race story, a language workshop trying out their memories with numbers 1-100 and questions like Ni Hao Ma?, a lantern chain craft activity, a calligraphy session learning about Chinese characters and the four tones of the Mandarin language (maā, má, maǎ and mà), a bit of Tai Chi and a Lion Dance activity. v Finally, each student was presented with a certificate and a Hong Bao 红包 (red envelope) which, as is considered polite in China, they had to accept with both hands whilst saying 謝謝 or xie xie (thank you). Each of the students represented Westbourne very well demonstrating positive attitudes and a real willingness to learn new things. The students were: Abbie Aleksic (7T), Zack Archer (7K), Ellie Barker (7K), Ellie Bultitude (7K), Alex Dam (7R), Charlie Farrow (7H) Erin Jackaman (7T), Anisah Khatun (7L), Ayesha Peach (7T) and Clara Stiles (7D). Mrs M Woodhouse Vice Principal at Mildenhall Academy UNIFORM STANDARDS It is pleasing to see that the vast majority of students wear the correct uniform and shoes to school, take pride in their appearance and are properly equipped for lessons. It is our belief that being smart and wearing uniform helps our young people feel they belong and are part of a community. The academy is now collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers. If you buy fuel or shop in Sainsbury’s, please ask for the vouchers and send them into school with your child. There is a collection box in Student Services and in the Food Tech department. We recently published a guide to our academy uniform standards. It contains detailed advice for parents and students about what is and what is not acceptable. Copies of the leaflet are available in Reception or you may download a PDF version from our website: If we can collect enough vouchers, this brilliant scheme for schools will enable us to buy a range of new cookery equipment and accessories for students to use in their Food Technology lessons. Contact INFORMATION Staff Training Days (Non-Pupil Days) In purple Miss A Howlett Food Technology Technician SHARP A new confidential online reporting system was implemented last term in conjunction with anti-bullying week. Well done to all those students who took the time to enter the competition. Congratulations to Clara Stiles in Year 7 who won our Anti-Bullying Week competition with her thought provoking video. TERM DATES 2014/2015 TERM DATES 2015/2016 Spring Term Begins Tue 6th January Ends Fri 27th March [Staff PD days are yet to be agreed] Spring Half Term Begins Mon 15th February 2016 Ends Fri 19th February 2016 Autumn Term Begins Wed 2nd September 2015 Ends Fri 18th December 2015 Easter Break Begins Fri 25th March 2016 Ends Fri 8th April 2016 Autumn Half Term Begins Mon 26th October 2015 Ends Fri 30th October 2015 Summer Term Begins Mon 11th April 2016 Ends Thu 21st July 2016 Wed 22nd July 2015 is a PD Day Christmas Holiday Begins Mon 21st December 2015 Ends Fri 1st January 2016 Summer Half Term Begins Mon 30th May 2016 Ends Fri 3rd June 2016 Summer Half Term Begins Mon 25th May 2015 Ends Fri 29th May 2015 Spring Term Begins Mon 4th January 2016 Ends Thu 24th March 2016 Easter Break Begins Mon 30th March 2015 Ends Fri 10th April 2015 Summer Term Begins Mon 13th April 2015 Ends Wed 22nd July 2015 Years 7 & 8: 01473 466 172 Mr Lee, Student Manager Ms Salter, Head of Phase Year 9: 01473 466 169 Mrs Anderson, Student Manager Miss Stringer, Head of Year Years 10 & 11: 01473 466 170 Mrs Clarke, Student Manager Mr Payne, Head of Phase Safeguarding Senior Designated Lead (SDL) Mrs C Cook, Assistant Principal: 01473 466 156 Alternate Designated Lead (ADL) Mrs C Clarke, Student Manager: 01473 466 170 Named Governor: Mrs L Johnson e-Safety Leads Mrs C Cook, Assistant Principal Mr I Lipman, IT/Infrastructure Manager Chair of Governors Dr R Impey: 01473 466 136 Attendance & Absence If your child is going to absent from school or is going to arrive late to school, please telephone us on 01473 466 145 before 8.15am each day. Please state your child’s full name, form group and reason for absence/lateness. Please remember to notify the Attendance team on 01473 466 145 in advance of any known, regular absences, ie medical/orthodontal appointments, which cannot be arranged outside of the school day (8.25am – 2.50pm). Remember that you can also email us at Westbourne Academy, Marlow Road, Ipswich. IP1 5JN Tel: 01473 742 315 Website Email Safeguarding Carol Clarke, the Student Manager for Years 10 and 11, has been appointed as our Alternate Designated Lead for safeguarding, in place of Dave Lee-Allan. Suffolk Safeguarding Children Board: Cross County Success Congratulations to Conner Bilner 9R and Lucy Brighty 11W who both competed in the Anglian Schools Cross Country competition in February. Both students won through at the Area and County stage competitions last term. With a 6th place finish at RHS Holbrook in February, Lucy Brighty will next compete in the England Schools Cross County competiton to be held in Blackpool in March. An amazing achievement! Dates for your 2015 Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers We will continue to challenge any student who comes to school in clothing or footwear that does not comply with our standards. Similarly, we will challenge students who choose to defy jewellery, make-up and hair standards. Thu 26th March Fri 17th April Mon 4th May Thu 14th May Thu 2nd July Fri 17th July Tue 21st July Wed 22nd July Year 10 Parent Evening Year 11 Photos Bank Holiday UK Year 8 Parent Evening Year 6 Parent Evening Year 11 Prom (Wherstead Park) Last day of term for students Staff Training Day (Non-Pupil Day)
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