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Shaky ‘House
of Cards’ now
Softball making a U-turn
Rustler team wins three out of five contests. Sports. 12
Arts & Entertainment 6
Volume 49, Number 10 n Golden West College n March 11-24, 2015 n
Fun, food and
music gave
GWC a ‘Rush’
College Preview Day offered a glimpse
By Tre Nesbit
Sun executive editor
EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT preparing the ground for child care center expansion
More room for the kids
Construction underway for child care center expansion here
By Christopher Abdelmalek
Western Sun sports editor
For most parents trying to juggle work and
parenting it’s hard. Try adding going to school,
raising children and working. Now it’s really
hard. But for most parents the option of taking
their children to a Boys and Girls Club is not
only helpful for them, but it’s also rewarding for
the children as well.
Golden West College is host to the Boys and
Girls Club of Huntington Valley on the Gothard
Street side of the campus the and lately the
club has decided to work on some renovations for the facility. These renovations started last year in November and plan on finishing sometime in the next nine to 10 months.
As for most construction zones everything is
gated off as to not allow any of the children to
come into the area.
The children will be getting two new
buildings which will house a new two story
school-age center were children can go after
Continued on page 2
Free food, fun, and information flooded the campus'
quad area for Club Rush and
College Preview Day on March
4 and 5 with various school
clubs and organizations pooling in the heart of campus with
hopes of pumping new members and new life into veteran
and fresh extracurricular alike.
Current students and prospective pupils from surrounding
campuses meandered through
a sea of around 30 booths on
Thursday ranging from Christian Club to cosplay as well as
stations manned with representatives from programs like
cosmetology or nursing gathering info from and programs
on campus.
97.1 AMP Radio provided
live entertainment and even
doled out a pair of Chris Brown
concert tickets to one dance
contest winner. Alex Cobb,
17-year-old senior at Paci-
ALEX COBB won the
dance contest.
fica High School shook what
his momma gave him, winning the tickets against seven
other contestants. Cobb said
"I'm so excited! I'm already a
dancer of jazz, modern, ballet
and more so I thought maybe I
Continued on page 2
Another interim chancellor appointed
By Tre Nesbit
Sun executive editor
New interim chancellor
Students can say hello to
Richard A. Jones, the second
interim chancellor for the
Coast Community College
District since the last person
to permanently hold the positions, Andrew Jones, unexpectedly resigned in August of
last year.
Relieving Tom K. Harris
who held the interim position for the prior six months,
UCLA graduate Jones is bringing a doctorate in education as
well as decades of chancellor
and interim chancellor experience to the table; he was most
recently the interim president
at Columbia College in So-
nora and interim chancellor
at the South Orange County
Community College District.
Board President Lorraine
Prinksey said, “Dr. Jones has
broad experience working
with all constituencies as well
as administrators and trustees.
We are confident his experience and expertise will serve
the…district well.” The Newspaper of Golden West College, Huntington Beach, California
A search for a new permanent chancellor will soon take
place as Jones is only able to
serve for months, as a retiree
since 1998 he is limited by
pension-related laws. The CCCD has an enrollment of over 50,00 students
at student at Golden West,
Orange Coast and Coastline
Community colleges.
Club Rush, College Preview Day on campus
Continued from page 1
could win the contest. I'm going to take
my best friend to the concert." As for his favorite booth at Club
Rush he said he liked the theater booth.
“I might attend Golden West in the fall
and the theater program is definitely
something I’d be interested in.”
Edward Reyna, former student and
current coordinator of the cosmetology department says events like this
are invaluable explaining that it’s how
he found his passion and career. “I attended Westminster High School and
discovered the cosmetology program
booth when I attended college preview
day,” said Reyna sitting among the eccentric, vibrantly colored hairpieces
that decorated the booth “It piqued my
interest and I attended Golden West
College after I graduated. Decades later I’m teaching here.”
Students Amanda Lacy and Angelina Lynd, who live in Huntington
Beach and worked the booth alongside
Reyna agreed. “A lot of people have
no ide,a we’re here, so it feels good to
get the word out there and show our
presence,” said 28-year-old Angellina.
Lacy added “A lot of students seem interested, they’re asking a lot of important questions.”
For more information on joining or
starting a club or a for a complete list
of clubs offered students can visit http://
Boys & Girls Club campus facility expanding
Continued from page 1
struction zone stays clean of any harsh
chemicals, dust overblows, noise levthey complete the preschool program. els, etc. all in hopes of keeping the
The second building will be a gymna- children safe. Most of the construction
sium. This gym will be located farther happens when they are inside the curback behind the preschool property rently preschool building.
line, the school-age building will be
CEO of the Boys and Girls Club
located just feet across the preschool.
of Huntington Valley, Tanya Hoxsie,
The parents will now have an ex- stated it’s “a wonderful model that altended area for children to continue to lowed me and all parents to have their
go to after preschool. So rather than children, infants to middle school at the
have to relocate the children to another same site. In 2006, Wardlow School
club or find other alternative situations, was sold and the Boys and Girls Club
now the children can walk from the began working diligently to recreate
preschool to the school-age building in the model of a side by side preschool
a matter of seconds.
and school-age center and gymnasi The Boys and Girls Club always um.”
have the safety of the children as their
Since this is a big project and they
first priority. With that being said, there are working on what’s considered state
is a general contractor who is on site land, the foundation requires extensive
every day to make sure that the con- work and pillars up to 75 feet in the
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‘March in March’ went to Sacramento
GWC, other student leaders lobbied
legislators on college issues in capital
By Lola Olvera
Western Sun staff writer
Last Monday morning while most
of us were probably still in bed, a
group of Golden West College students
was flying to the state capitol to fight
for rights. Participants of the annual March In
March event made the trip to Sacramento along with school faculty to advocate for student issues at the capitol
Since budget cuts were not a pressing issue this year, fewer students attended and the event was more of a
rally than a march. Speakers and organizations were given a chance to voice
their concerns and campuses also had
the opportunity to take their propositions to lawmakers.
Rather than taking a long bus journey back and forth for the three day
trip, students were flown to and from
the capitol for a one-day trip instead.
“It was a long day, but it was a great
experience,” assures student advocate
Melody Mulligan.
One issue that students gave their
support for was Assembly Bill No. 13,
which impacts out-of-state veterans
who want to attend a community col-
lege while stationed in California. The
bill allows previous US Armed Forces
members (who were discharged or released within the past year) to pay the
resident fee for units instead of the outof-state fee, saving them around $150
per unit. “Many of our students enroll in
12 units, making [paying out-of-state
fees] a big expense for veterans,” explains GWC Sustainability Commissioner and rally participant Maggie
Carrera. AB 13 “encourages veterans
to stay in California and go to our community colleges.” The March In March for Higher Education event is organized annually by
the Student Senate for California Community Colleges to give higher education students a direct way of advocating for legislation that affects them,
while also teaching them leadership
and lobbying skills. Carrera says “Students get the experience of not only learning about lobbying works and that
our voices do matter but it also brings
us to a new environment and encourages us to network with people from all
over the state who share the common
goal of making community colleges a
better experience.”
Students around the world
face violence and prejudice
By Justin Pierce
Western Sun staff writer
On Feb. 25, the Golden West College campus hosted an event spotlighting the obstacles facing students around
the globe. This "Student Awareness
Week" focused on the dangers many
students face in the pursuit of their
education, and involved a memorial
for 43 male students who went missing
in Iguala, Mexico. The event featured
a keynote speech from history professor Dr. Giovanni Hortua and, as well as
a speech by intercultural program and
student activities staff member Lorena
Violence against students is an issue in many parts of the world, with
students discriminated because of their
race, religion, and sex. Even the simple
desire to pursue an education is viewed
as taboo in some cultures. Hortua described the event as a "week... dedicated to all students, here and around the
globe who strive to access a safe and
quality education free from any and
all forms of violence: physical, psychological, sexual, discriminatory, and
monetary. Students should feel safe
and know that their education should
never be threatened by any entity." He
went on to say that the event also merited “A special recognition, for this and
other campuses across our nation to
recognize and effectively address different forms of violence affecting students everyday."
Ortega said "The goal of this event
was to start dialogue on our campus
about violence against those who pursue an education. Not only was it relevant, it was a catalyst for reflection on
how we take our safety on this campus
for granted."
Music was provided by local Santa Ana musicians Son del Centro, who
played music inspired by the Jarocho
groups from Mexico and the opening
day of the event included a ceremonial
blessing, led by Native American performers.
ASGWC President Ivan de Jesus Hermosillo (left), EOPS student
Ron Thompson on the “Romantic Wealth” statue in the state capitol building in Sacramento.
n Thursday March 12
“Yankee Tavern” March 12, 13, 14 at 7:30 p.m, March 15 at 2 p.m. Where:
Mainstage Theater Prices: $16 General Admission $14 Students and
Seniors. Directed by Tom Amen.
9 a.m. Transfer Thursdays
Questions on transferring to a university? Come speak with a Transfer
Counselor! For more information, please contact the Transfer Center at
12 p.m. What can I do with a major in psychology workshop
Interested in Psychology but not sure what career to pursuit? Come learn
about the various career options associated with a psychology major.
Thursday, March 12, 12-1 p.m. Humanities 107.
n Saturday March 14
7:15 a.m. San Diego State University Campus Tour
Description: Open to all GWC Students who are interested in taking a
tour at SDSU where they can meet with admission counselors and listen
to informative presentations on transfer admission, financial aid, housing,
and etc. Transportation is provided. For further information or to sign up,
please contact the Transfer Center at (714) 895-8794 or 895-8348.
n Tuesday March 17
Humanities 107 7p.m. – 8 p.m.
A career as a probation officer workshop.
– Complied by Tre Nesbit
‘I’m not a scientist, BUT ...
By Thomas deMartino
"I'm not qualified to debate the sciWestern Sun entertainment editor ence over climate change," said House
Funny story.
It's 1633, and mathematician Galileo Galilei has been called before the
Inquisition for heretical views about
heliocentrism: the belief that the earth
moves around the sun. While religious
authorities insist it's the other way
around, he's used science and observation to determine objective fact, and is
persecuted for it. So the trial opens:
"Y'know," begins the prosecutor,
"I'm not an astronomer, BUT..."
Okay, not really -- but wouldn't
it be crazy, almost 400 years later, if
someone judged a scientist like that
while knowing absolutely nothing
about what they were talking about? Oh wait. Politicians do that all the
time now. While I still stand by my opinion that everyone should do the
research, get informed and vote, there
seems to be a mind-boggling number
of politicians who don't believe in "research" or this whole "science" thing.
Seriously, though, what is with the
anti-science/anti-education mentality
in this country? When did we decide
being intelligent or informed was a
handicap or "elitist?"
The most recent talking point has
been -- say it with me -- "I'm not a
scientist:" a way to ignore science that
proves climate change while feigning
ignorance. Just a few examples:
Speaker John Boehner.
"I don't know the science behind
climate change," declared Sen. Joni
"What I have said repeatedly is I'm
not a scientist," Senate Majority leader
Mitch McConnell stated. Funny thing,
though: when it came to the Keystone
XL pipeline that congressional Republicans have been pushing for, McConnell's response was that policymakers
should take "a serious look at the
This ludicrous talking point even
made it into the 2015 State of the
Union speech, when President Obama
took a swipe at climate change deniers, saying, "I've heard some folks
try to dodge the evidence by saying
they're not scientists; that we don't
have enough information to act. Well,
I'm not a scientist, either, but you
know what -- I know a lot of really
good scientists at NASA and NOAA,
and at our major universities." Another part of the problem: these
politicos won't be around to face the
results of their legislation. NASA
says that there's a strong probability
of a "superdrought" coming to the
states in about 35 years...but most of
these Luddites won't be alive in 35
years, much less in government, so
they could care less what happens
tomorrow, so long as they get their
kickbacks (sorry, "donations,") from
corporations today.
Compounding the insanity, the
new chair of the Senate Environment
and Public Works Committee is Sen.
James Inhofe, a vocal climate change
denier, on record as saying man-made
climate change is impossible because
it says so in Genesis 8:22: "God''s still
up there. The arrogance of people to
think that we, human beings, would be
able to change what He is doing in the
climate is outrageous." (More recently,
he brought a snowball onto the House
floor, insisting that it, too, disproved
climate change.)
You know, I'm not a scientist
myself, but I'm a firm believer in the
scientific method. And maybe that's
what it comes down to: belief. Religion and science need not be mutually
exclusive -- one can enhance the other
-- if only we try to learn the lessons
that each has to offer, and unlike our
politicians, don't play dumb. Should you unplug from world of tech?
Do you have to constantly
Since this type of behavhave a screen to your face? Or
ior is a recent development in
the latest device in your posour history the effect of this
session? Is your smart phone
constant stream of informaunder your pillow when you
tion from technology is just
sleep always within arm’s
starting to be seen, and the
reach? Cell phones and elecnegative impacts it has on
tronics are a part of our life
our lives.
now, whether you like it or
According to the Stanford
not, and the chance you’ll go a Amber Leikam Institute for the Quantitative
day without them is more than
Study of Society found that
technology, the Internet specifically, is
It was found that the average
replacing person to person interactions
American spends just about eight
without replacing the benefits people
hours a day looking at screens.
News Editor: Trevon Nesbit Opinion Editor: Amber Leikam Entertainment
Editor: Thom DeMartino Sports Editor: Chris Abdelmalek.
Advisor: Jim Tortolano Ad Director & Webmaster: Katie Cumper
Staff Writers and Photographers Lola Olvera, Joseph Blood, Justin Pierce,
Katie O’Neil.
receive from it causing people to be
unable to make the same connections
as they do in real life and leading to a
higher risk of social anxiety disorders.
There also have been multiple
studies done that show technology can
cause sleep disorders, fatigue, stress,
and in some cases depression. Not to
mention the headaches caused from
the all day light of a screen in your
This not to say I don’t enjoy the
place we have reached in society with
our choices of technology or that it is
something that society can’t benefit
Our rapid scientific advancements
have led to great things such as the
voices of broken nations being heard
to everyone over the world like what
happened during the Egyptian revolution to keeping people connected
from great distances like the YouTube
video’s produced from the International Space Station. The advances we’ve
made have educated us, entertained
us, and kept the world connected. And
Continued on page 5
THE WESTERN SUN is published biweekly on Wednesdays by the newspaper
production classes of Golden West College. Opinions expressed in The Sun,
unless otherwise indicated, are those of the individual writer or artist and do
not necessarily reflect those of the college, district, or any other organization
or agency. The Sun is a member of the Journalism Association of Community
Colleges and the California Newspaper Publishers’ Assn. Offices are at 15744
Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 in the Fine Arts building, room
138. Phones: 714-895-8786 (news), 895-8256 (advertising), 895-8795 (fax).
The kiss seen ‘round the world
Why does is it appear that Twitter is the one true barometer these
days for America’s ignorance and
hatred? It seems that with another day
comes another news story followed
by an onslaught of insulting tweets
from the outraged. We had a flock of
racist posts filled with slurs following Obama’s second election. Later
we had anti Indian-American statements fluttering in our feeds after Miss
New York Nina Davuluri won the
Miss America pageant in 2014, and
more recently anti-Muslim remarks
flew across the worldwide web 140
characters or less at a time following
the release of propaganda war movie
American Sniper.
A new fledgling of insensitivity
and naivety has left the nest, the nest
likely being middle America, taking
flight and picking at what could be a
JUDE (Hayden Bylerly) and Connor (Gavin MacIntosh) share their
seed of hope, acceptance, and underfirst on-air kiss.
standing for the gay youth of America.
The youngest ever gay kiss aired on
moment for gay youth across America, who’s “the Samantha” or “the Carrie”
national television was shown on
and using their double standards to
ABC’s “The Fosters,” a family drama
of a group in reference to “Sex and
slander it.
centering around interracial lesbians
the City” a wildly popular HBO series
Hundreds of other films and
Stef and Lena Adam and their home
following the love lives of four New
television shows have shown heteroof biological and adopted children
York women. sexual couples of the same age
the show debuted in June of
Where heterosexuals have deor even younger trading kisses, cades of depictions of themselves to
2013. After a longwinded
where’s the outrage over that.
series of subtle back and
draw conclusions as to what their love
I doubt there was outrage over life should be, how their relationships
forth flirtations including the
the pre-pre-teen kiss shared be- can or should play out, gays are just
holding of hands and an offtween Darla and Alfalfa in the
air kiss ABC showed a brief
now catching up in being represented
1994 comedy “Little Rascals.” and really shown what’s “normal” for
lip-lock between 13-year-old
Disney Channel plays
characters Jude (Hayden
entire relationships out comByerly) and Connor (Gavin
Straight people can grow up feelplete with kissing, dates, and
MacIntosh). Tre Nesbit
ing comfortable in their sexuality havbreakups between straight
Creator Bradley
ing witnessed hundreds of blueprints.
teens all the time. Why should gay
Bredeweg explained the kissing
They can relate to Hannah Montana’s
youth be denied of seeing themselves
scene in an interview with Yahoo TV.
clumsy foray into a first crush on
“We’ve been building this relationship appropriately represented in the media Disney Channel. They can gather tips
almost since the series began, so it felt free from criticism telling them their
and relate to Drake Bell’s nervousness
love is more sinful or shameful than
like a natural progression and that’s
when hitting on girls on Nickelodeon.
anyone else’s? why we told the story.” This reflection of self in media
There’s no denying the role the
While many hailed this as a mileand understanding that comes with
media plays in shaping of identity in
stone moment for the LGBT comit has been widely denied to LGBT
this nation; we emulate celebrities,
munity it was also met with a wave
youth. While growing up we have to
donning the latest fashions to fit in,
of internet backlash with twitter users
piece together truths about ourselves
acquiring popular slang and vernacucalling it “sinful” and even referring
mainly from firsthand experience
lar from popular movies. We even
to it as “kiddie porn.” Kiddie porn?
without any greater depictions justifydirectly align ourselves with characReally? Some people are taking what
ing what we are feeling. As a gay man,
truly is an incredible and monumental ters i.e. groups of women deciding
I remember feeling very alone and
unsure in my early teens, wondering if
I was the only one that felt that way. If
it was normal. If it was okay.
It’s no wonder that gay youth in
grades 7-12 are still twice as likely
to attempt suicide than their straight
Continued from page 4
hours and try not to check it.
counterparts, according to the Centers
Go “unplugged” for a bit. Just
for Disease Control and Prevention.
that is a wonderful thing.
leaving your phones or tablets or lapLGBT youth as a whole feel more
But the ability to check your
tops alone for a day can help to reset
alone in their feelings in a society that
Facebook 30 times a day would probyour sleep and relieve stress.
shames them for urges they cannot
ably not be chalked up as one of the
Watch the world around you when control. positive categories. All great advance- waiting, instead of the world through
It’s about time TV and film fairly
ments have drawbacks, and we just
a screen. The benefits of being “unrepresent a wider variety of the very
starting to find them when it comes
plugged” for a while is something you real stories happening across the
technology and screen usage. It’s
should experience for yourself.
nation, not just widely accepted and
about finding the best way to control
Forget about the insecurity of not
comfortable ones. Plot lines like the
and help solve those drawbacks we
having your smart phone at those
one shown between Jude and Connor
awkward lulls in conversation and just can help gay youth accept themselves
I don’t believe you should just give enjoy the silence for a moment or two.
before cutting their own story short. up on your smartphone and leave it at
home from now on, but maybe giving
it a break. Leave it on silent for a few
Photo Poll
If you could create any club on
campus, what would it be?
“Athletic club where athletes can
help each other, because they have
the same purpose.”
Chris Perez, 20, Santa Ana, psychology.
“Music club. It would be a neverending jam session.”
Lafaele Arwles, 21, Santa Ana, kineseology.
“Cosplay club to teach people how to
live the life of coplay.”
Josh Hernandez, 21, Garden Grove,
interpreting/sign language.
World of technology
“Free club were you could be stressfree and relax. There would be yoga
and you can be at peace and have
Marissa Simoni, Fountain Valley, 21,
world languages.
Photos and interviews by
Chris Abdelmalek
If he only had
a heart ... meet
By Amber Leikam
Western Sun opinion editor
The director Neill Blomkamp
brings back the similar style of semifuturistic, thought-provoking storytelling that has been seen in his previous
works such as “District 9” and “Elysium” in his most recent film “Chappie.”
“Chappie” is based in the very near
future of Johannesburg, South Africa
where the crime is being patrolled by
police robots developed by a weapons
company called Tetra Vaal, but when
Deon Wilson (Dev Patel), a robotics expert that works for the company
develops a program to give the robots
consciousness he steals a damaged one
to test.
While in the midst of his plans he
is kidnapped by three street criminals
who hopes he can turn off the robots to
help in their heist. Noticing one of the
police units in his van they persuade
him to awaken it. Here is born Chappie
(Sharlto Copley), while he does indeed
develop consciousness he also is born
with the mind of a child and must be
Chappie’s growth from very childlike to adult is a smooth transition
Sharlto Copley and Dev Patel
star in this Neill Blomkampdirected robot sci-fi film in a
futuristic Johannesburg, South
Africa. Rated R for violence,
language and nudity. H H H
that didn’t jump from one to the other
but melted into each other making it
more believable and giving the sense
of growing with him. And the relationship that developed with the other
characters like his “mother” Yolandi
(Yo-landi Visser) made many of the
scenes emotional and led to a deeper
investment to the characters.
Some of the acting was a little weak
though, from both the main character
actor, Dev Patel, as well as Hugh Jackman, who played the main antagonist
Vincent Moore, a jealous and angry coworker of Wilson. Surprisingly the best
acting and most interesting characters
came from the street criminals who
were played by the South African rap
group Die Antwood, Yo-landi Visser
and Ninja, who kept their real names
Continued on page 9
ROBIN WRIGHT and Kevin Spacey star in “House of Cards,” a Netflix original show.
‘House’ on verge of collapse
Now, it’s President Frank Underwood vs. the World
By Thom deMartino Western Sun entertainment editor
Heads up kids, spoilers: if you have
not watched the first two seasons of
“House of Cards” -- #1, your political
science professor is ashamed of you,
#2, don’t read this review if you intend
to watch them. Fold this newspaper
up, put it in a sock or desk drawer, and
stumble across it later once you’ve
binge-watched them, like the rest of us.
It’s hard out there for a president
-- particularly when you’ve bullied
and blackmailed your way to the top.
Through guile and manipulation,
Francis “Frank” Underwood has
ascended to the highest office in the
land without a single vote cast, yet as
the most powerful man in the world,
the powerlessness of his position
infuriates him.
His own party won’t work with
him -- and refuse to back him running
for re-election in 2016. The Russian
president is denying him his chance
at brokering peace in the Middle East.
And the one woman whose continuing
existence could completely unravel
his presidency is still out there,
There’s always a question what
will give when an irresistible force
meets an immovable object, and in this
instance, Frank is that force -- the rest
Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright
star in the continuing saga of
politician Frank Underwood and
his relentless episodes of season
3 are now available on Netflix.
of the world, his object.
A particularly important dynamic of
this season is the relationship between
Frank and Clare: strained under the
pressures of their offices and despite
their previous ventures together, we
see the relationship between the coconspirators beginning to reach a
breaking point, possibly of no return. There’s no argument that Kevin
Spacey’s performance is always
nuanced, often subtle and even chilling
(garnering him a well-deserved Golden
Globe): but it’s Robin Wright who’s
killing it this season. Facing bias on all
sides not only for being appointed as
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
by her husband, but also as a woman
in a position of power, Wright as Clare
Underwood refuses to be pigeonholed
or dismissed by the boy’s club of world
leaders and heads of state. She can
play hardball, too -- maybe harder than
they’re accustomed to -- but she may
not be prepared for the fallout.
Another fascinating aspect of this
Continued on page 9
What’s Up: March 11-24
kite flying lessons will be given on the
beach south of the pier on Saturday and
Sunday. Flying high March 14 and 15.
“Go Green” Day: The “Go Green”
Day event will be at 1720 Pacific
Coast Highway in Huntington Beach on
March 21, and is just one more way we
can give back to the community and
raise money for the Huntington Beach
Education Foundation (HBEF). . There
will be much shredding of papers and
documents, as well as receiving of
old electronics from any and all locals
wanting to get rid of them. There will be
commercial grade trucks on site and
the “All Green” company to accept old
electrical devices and e-waste, weighing,
stacking and taking them away, and
paying the HBEF by the pound for
whatever is collected. It’s all for a good
cause, March 21,10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Cherry Blossom Festival: The Sister
City Association of Huntington Beach
invites you to learn more about Anjo,
Japan, Huntington Beach’s own sister
city. The second annual Japanese
cultural festival will be held on the lawns
of Huntington Central Park, behind the
Central Library on March 22 from11a.m.
– 4 p.m. Bring everyone you know to
experience Japanese dance, music, and
cultural demonstrations. March 22.
-- Joey Blood
Run All Night: Coming to theaters this
week will be the much-anticipated film
“Run All Night” staring Liam Neeson,
Joel Kinnaman, Common and Ed
Harris. The film focuses on an aging
hit man named Jimmy Conlon (Liam
Neeson) who is forced to take on his
brutal former boss Shawn Maguire (Ed
Harris) to protect his estranged son
Mike (Joel Kinnaman) and his family
following the death of Shawn’s son
Danny (Boyd Holbrook). Don’t miss this
heart-pounding thriller being brought to
theaters Friday the 13th. (at right).
Cinderella: A new live-action adaptation
of the classic fairy tale arrives this week,
in a re-telling of the Disney version
starring Lily James, Richard Madden
(of “Game of Thrones”), Cate Blanchett
and Helena Bonham Carter. Come to
the ball and be swept away by this new
interpretation of an old favorite. Opens
in theaters March 13. (above right.)
Kite Party: Come on down to 325
Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington
Beach, and from sunrise to sunset
watch some of the best professional
kite fliers in the country converging on
Huntington Beach for this spectacular
yearly event. The public is invited to
fly their kites outside the roped-off
kite arenas on the beach: kites will
be available for purchase and sport
‘Focus’ keeps your eyes on the prize
By Christopher Abdelmalek
Western Sun sports editor
When you think of a con artist,
most people think of scams or small
parlor tricks in order to get money
out of people: in the case of a man
named Nicky, being a con is more of
a way of life than anything else. In the
movie “Focus,” Nicky, played by Will
Smith, is a con man who’s honed his
craft over many years of strategically
planned heists. He runs a team of highly trained thieves and pickpockets who
travel to major events and plunder the
spoils of the riches.
While about to leave on a big job,
Nicky meets Jess, played by Margot
Robbie, who is an up-and-coming con
with strength and skills that Nicky has
never seen before.
The two of them team up and begin to wreak havoc on the city of New
Orleans during a football game, taking
the event for over a million dollars.
Nicky, being the crafty veteran in the
game, took the money and doubled
their income in a skillfully planned
heist of a known big spender.
Jess notices that Nicky is no joke in
the game and just as she allows herself
to believe that she will be in tight with
him and his crew, Nicky and his right
hand man Horst, (Brennan Brown)
leave Jess in New Orleans and contin-
ue upon their way. Jess is devastated
and attempts to move on with her life.
They end up meeting again a few
years later while Nicky is on a job. Jess
is still conning but in a more subtle
way now – and
once again the two
characters mix it
up: and, without
Jess knowing, pull
off the biggest
heist the con game
had ever seen.
The movie itself brings to life
the struggle of a
con artist and the
danger that comes
with playing the
game. The characters played by
Smith and Robbie
have a unique relationship, as with
any movie that has
a hardened lead
character; the atypical male lead
who is rough and
tough on the outside, but is softened by touch of
a woman. The
in this situation is
that Smith and Robbie’s chemistry on
screen is quite remarkable.
The two share a unique ability to
play off each other’s natural emotions
– a rare quality for on-screen couples.
The storyline itself was quite compelContinued on page 9
Seeing double: the curse
of twin motion pictures
‘THE SLAP,” a new family drama on NBC.
Does ‘The Slap’
make an impact?
By Thom deMartino
Western Sun entertainment editor
An eight-episode miniseries
on NBC, “The Slap” is raising
eyebrows and questions in relation to modern child-rearing.
The story centers on an occurrence at the 40th birthday party
of Hector Apostolou (Peter
Sarsgaard), during which one
of the attending kids, Hugo, is
out of control and dangerously
waving a baseball bat around at
the other children.
When Hector’s cousin Harry (Zachary Quinto) intervenes,
the ill-mannered kid kicks him:
Harry spontaneously smacks
the child across the face, causing a schism between family and friends and setting the
stage for a legal confrontation.
One challenge of watching the series is the number of
main characters, and each episode centers around a specific
witness to the event: Hector is
a New York Deputy Commissioner passed up for promotion,
trying to be supportive of the career of his wife Aisha (Thandie
Newton,) while tormented with
longing by his unconsummated
desire for the family babysitter
Connie (Makenzie Leigh), who
has feelings for Hector too.
Cousin Harry himself has
anger issues that carry over
to his own household; family
friend Anouk (Uma Thurman)
is trying to do damage control
for everyone, with little success; family patriarch Manolis
(Brian Cox) is attempting to
slow the situation from spinning out of control, while inadvertently making it worse.
Hugo’s parents have their
own issues to contend with:
Peter Sarsgaard, Zahcary Quinto and Brian
Cox satr in this family
drama about crossing a
line you can’t come back
from Airs Thursdays at
10 p.m. on NBC. H H
father Gary Weshler (Thomas
Sadoski) is an alcoholic artist with a pre-slap chip on his
shoulder towards Harry already, due to Harry’s constant
flaunting of his wealth; mother
Rosie (Melissa George), dotes
on her child to a disturbing degree, dismissing his tantrums
and destructive behavior, and
even frequently breast-feeding
her nearly kindergarten-age
son. I’ll be honest – by the third
episode of this series, I was
getting to the end of my rope
and my patience. However, the
most recent chapter featuring
Brian Cox’s character Manolis
helped turn my opinion around,
bringing into sharper focus the
point of the character-driven individual episodes; that there are
no real good or bad guys, just
flawed human beings with their
various altruistic or regrettable
decisions, unfolding at a sometimes frustratingly casual pace
over the series. That being said, the show
has an ambitious concept and
evokes an important discussion
about how we raise our children today, and what the limits
of discipline are in a civilized
society. Aside from the glacial
Continued on page 9
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, for two
a 72 percent rating from viewers, and “Antz”
semesters now, you have listened patiently
getting a brutal 51 percent. (Ow, talk about
and admirably as I have presented evidence of
getting stomped...yes, I went there with it,
the lack of creativity and originality in Hollywhat?)
wood today. Please allow me to unveil another
Speaking of mirrors, who can forget
striking example of how movie studios have
2012’s classic Snow White pairings, “Mirror
“phoned it in:” the phenomenon known as
Mirror,” and “Snow White and the Hunts“twin films.”
man?” Er, well, pretty much everyone, it
You can’t have missed it – everyone noseems -- both movies had dismal reviews
tices that one movie season or another, there’s
and audience reaction, though I still think
suddenly not one, but two films out in
I’d heard something about a “Snow
theaters that have virtually the exact
White” sequel (which just goes to
same plot, leaving viewers wondershow that Hollywood doesn’t learn the
ing what movie-makers were thinking
lesson that throwing buckets of money
when they green-lit these turkeys in
at a script doesn’t necessarily make it a
the first place. The films “White House
good one.)
Down” and “Olympus Has Fallen” are
The list goes on, and on, and
only two of the most recent examples:
on...”Dante’s Peak” versus “Volcano,”
let’s take a tour through history, shall
“Red Planet” and “Mission to Mars,”
we, kids?
“First Daughter” and “Chasing Lib One pair of the most glaring
erty” (I’ve been fortunate enough to
examples are 1998’s “Armageddon”
never see the last two, and no, you
and “Deep Impact:” both films surcannot pay me to)...”The Abyss” and
round an impending asteroid strike on
“Leviathan,” “Saving Private Ryan”
Earth that could decimate the planet
and “The Thin Red Line,” the tally
and extinguish humanity – the solution? Why,
only gets longer as the years do, too. nuke the offending dirt clod out of the sky, of
If there’s anything good to be said about
course (spoilers–one doesn’t really work, but I
doppelgänger films, it’s that sometimes they
won’t tell you which.) Neither got any critical
can give you a nice comparison between
acclaim, but audiences sided more with “Arma- artistic visions of an identical subject: though
geddon” (for the sake of that sappy Aerosmith
when both films are bad, it just drives home
ballad, maybe?)
that studios still need to take those chances
Not all dualities are bad: 2006 gave us
on new concepts and edgy premises. Planting
two magical films (Houdini, not “Harry Potter”
a seed of specialized, niche entertainment,
magic,) “The Illusionist” and “The Prestige.”
letting it take root and flower to find their auBoth films received moderate praise from critics diences will reward them in the end – if you
(I personally enjoyed both,) though audiences
make a genuinely good film, the viewers will
rallied more to “The Prestige” (it probably
find it, regardless of the business end and box
didn’t hurt that the Christopher Nolan-helmed
office revenue. film followed on the heels of “Batman Be Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I submit
gins” and included a few of it’s stars, including
to you that Hollywood studios cheating off
Christian Bale and Michael Caine. The interest- each other is something that will never go
ing topic of directors using the same actors in
away, but at least there’s hope for the future
multiple films is a column for another day, how- that they may make better fiĺms. ever... and I’m looking at you, Wes Anderson.)
Oh, who am I kidding? They’ll make
Kids films are not immune to this mirrorwhatever they want that will make them
mirror effect – 1998 also gave us two animated
money, the only hope is that maybe they’ll
films that were very similar, “Antz” and “A
actually listen to what the audience wants.
Bug’s Life.” A strange footnote about these two I’m going home to watch Netflix original
were that both were highly praised by critics,
programming now.
each in the 90 percentile: and yet audience
I rest my case.
response was flat, with “A Bug’s Life” earning
‘Lazarus Effect’ dead on arrival?
By Joey Blood
Western Sun staff writer
The highly-anticipated horror film, “The Lazarus Effect”
came to theaters Feb.27, and if
you enjoy films of the supernatural you may well want to
see this film: the David Gelbdirected film’s overall concept
and acting within are definitely impressive.
The movie surrounds a
team of medical professionals
who have found a way to bring
dead patients back to life with
a special serum, code-named
Lazarus: but after multiple
successful attempts on animals, one of the lead researchers Zoe (Olivia Wilde) dies in
an accident. When the team
decides to try and bring her
back with the Lazarus serum,
they succeed. After her resurrection, however, Zoe starts to
display some rather peculiar
behavior, and it is then that the
team realizes that along with
bringing back their friend,
they may have brought back
something evil as well.
In terms of acting quality,
this cast is very interesting
and unique. As one of the researchers and main character/
antagonist of the film, Olivia
Wilde takes this role very seriously and makes it her own.
Each of the varied cast members portrayed a very nuanced
character with their own sense
of originality.
Although an interesting
concept, the film displayed
some of the same rather common scenarios and actions
Continued on page 10
‘House of Cards’
Continued from page 6
series is its willingness to seize onto hot-button issues such as
Russia’s anti-gay legislation, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the
unemployment crisis: and through its larger-than-life fiction,
telling a deeper truth. Focusing on issues that most “real”
politicians wouldn’t touch, using a TV show whose viewership
is in the millions, forces a public debate that the politicos cannot
ignore. I wouldn’t be surprised if withing the next few weeks we
hear blowback from both political parties crying foul about the
controversial issues playing out this season. One last note: since the Feb. 27 release of season three, I›ve
been reading a number of reviews and comments frustrated
with Clare›s actions this season, and I would remind this is not
only Frank›s story, but also the story of all the collateral damage caused in his wake. It›s not just about his rise to power and
machinations to maintain his position, it›s also a statement about
the tenuous position of women in government. There are some incredibly strong female characters in the
series, yet they all struggle against what is politically still a
man’s world, even here in the 21st century: odds still stacked
high against them, trying to outmatch the men’s callousness
and underhanded tactics, and losing pieces of themselves in the
process. The third season of “House of Cards” is more about Frank
Underwood’s failures than his successes – and it’s not just
himself, but the world that will pay the costs.
Azusa Pacific University
School of Nursing
Meet ’Chappie’
Continued from page 6
for the film. Their real life connection led to a great on screen
relationship and dynamic.
I felt a connection to Chappie, which led to an array of emotions as the scenes went by. The film did a very good job creating
an expressive robot with an interesting personality that you not
only cared for but wanted to protect as if he was a child. For a
movie about a robot with consciousness, the film hit the nail on
the head.
Some scenes and ideas could have been expanded on, but the
film raised questions of life, death, innocence, and what it means
to be alive: while this may have been too many messages rolled
into one, I enjoyed watching the film and believe it deserves
credit for what it did well. I never felt bored and this two-hour
movie went by fast, which for me is always a good sign.
Eyes on ‘Focus’
Continued from page 7
ling because you never really know which way the story will
turn or who is working for whom, or better yet, who is playing
Overall the movie was a great delight from beginning to
end. Although more background on the characters would have
been more insightful to the viewer, all in all a great film for
those who love tales of deceit, money and love. Just be sure to
keep an eye on your watch!
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Does ‘Slap’ hit home?
Continued from page 8
pace, the episodic character studies help make all the characters
better rounded, and that much more human with all their hopes,
dreams, and flaws.
I’m going to go with my gut and wait for the payoff: to see
how these very human individuals deal with their own issues as
well as each others’, and if there can be any kind of resolution
and catharsis for this family. Whether or not “The Slap” has any
measurable social impact remains to be seen.
Learn more or apply today!
(626) 815-5304
10-MARCH 11-24, 2015/THE WESTERN SUN
You’re not paranoid
if they’re after you...
By Katie O’Neil/Western Sun staff writer
If you have ever questioned our government’s prior knowledge of the
Sept. 11 attacks, wondered about additional shooters on the grassy knoll, or
maintained hope that Tupac is still alive, you are a conspiracy theorist.
The word conspiracist is usually given a negative connotation, saved for
people who drive themselves crazy over fears of government deception, but
there usually lies a level of uncertainty in all of us. These dark, unanswered
questions that plague our minds are all brought to light in “Yankee Tavern,”
the newest play to hit Mainstage Theater at GWC. The story, written by Steven Dietz, follows four people living in New York
City after the 9/11 attacks, afflicted with unanswered questions: the most vibrant character is Ray, played by Michael Bielitz, whose constant paranoid
monologues keep you laughing, while silently wondering if there is some
truth to his obsessions. However, a conspiracist is nothing without their audience, and Ray’s audience comes in the form of Adam and Janet, played by
Brock Joseph and Mia-Bella Josimovic, a relatable young couple distracted
with the troubles of their upcoming wedding. The final character in this play
is Palmer, played by Paul Jasser, a quiet man who appears to be nothing but an
observer in the first act, then proves very much involved in second.
“Yankee Tavern” is a thought-provoking and intoxicating play that comes
to life with the help of Golden West’s very capable performers. If you have
ever harbored your own suspicions about Sept. 11, or are interested in hearing
those of others, then “Yankee Tavern” is a must-see and Mainstage Theater is
the place to see it.
After sitting through this performance, Ray’s line, “The only way conspiracies don’t happen is if everything else is coincidence,” will start to resonate
with the now-intrigued audience and leave them wanting more. It’s not too late to visit the “Yankee Tavern”: performances are March 12,
13 and 14 at 7:30 p.m. and March 15 at 2 p.m. at the GWC Mainstage Theater.
H H H H.
Is ‘Lazurus’ dead on arrival?
Continued from page 8
we’ve seen in similar genre films. Though an intriguing concept, at times it just
feels like another scary movie. The performance skills of the actors are on full
display, but there just didn’t feel like there was an honest, true originality to the
overall film.
It’s a film that makes you think, with a true and dedicated cast: despite it’s
failings, you may find it worthwhile to visit your local theatre to experience “The
Lazarus Effect”.
Tough start in OEC play
for Rustler baseball team
By Christopher Abdelmalek
Western Sun sports editor
It’s been an up and down year so
far for the Golden West College baseball team, with the team posting a 10-8
record overall. The past two weeks
pretty much sums up their season in
a nutshell. Going 2-3 in the first five
conference games including two extra
innings games, the Rustlers are looking to gather some consistency in their
game as they enter the heart of their
conference play.
The Rustlers did beat a tough Cypress team, who sit as the top team in
the Orange Empire Conference, on the
road 7-6 with two clutch home runs by
Gianni Castillo and Michael Fuchs,
who both homered in the fourth inning.
Pitcher Josh Gogue pitched 7.2 innings of two run ball before the relief
came in and gave up four runs, which
tied the game and sent it into extras.
Tyler Depreta scored the winning run
off a double by Philip Knapp.
After this tough win, the Rustlers
took a bit of a slide. They lost the next
three games against Fullerton and
Saddleback at home and Irvine Valley
on the road. The toughest loss to swallow was the game against Saddleback,
which the Rustlers lost in extras 9-8.
The Rustlers used five different pitchers to try and steal a win away from
Saddleback but nonetheless their efforts were not enough as Saddleback
homered in the top of the tenth to finish
off the home team.
All these losses were tough but a
win remedy’s everything and that’s exactly what this team is all about. The
Rustlers won their last game against
Santa Ana on March 7 on the road.
Pitcher A.J. Dean got the win as he
OEC Baseball Standings
Irvine Valley
Orange Coast
Santa Ana
Golden West
2-3 11-6-1
Standings through games of March 9. Source: OEC.
pitched stellar in the start. Golden West
jumped out of the gates quickly in this
one, scoring six runs in the third and
never looking back, with a final of 9-3.
The Rustlers have three home
games and two away games over the
next two weeks and all are against topflight teams in the conference. March
12 Riverside College comes into town
followed by Cypress College on March
17. The Rustlers then go to Cypress to
play on March 19 they head to Fullerton on March 21. They return home to
face Fullerton on March 24.
Softball surge
Continued from page 12
week including March 11 against
Saddleback College, March 18
against Santiago Canyon College
and March 20 against Santa Ana.
All games at home are conference
The Rustlers also play rivals
Orange Coast College at Orange
Coast on March 13 with other away
games against Fullerton, March 23,
and Cypress, March 25.
Track and field stars dominate in recent events
Sharova shines
again with sweep
in Mission Viejo
By Katie O’Neil
Western Sun staff writer
On Feb. 20 the Golden West College track and field team participated
in the event at Saddleback in Mission
Viejo, competing against the home
team, Orange Coast College, and Fullerton College. Although it was Saddleback that conquered the races with
their home field advantage, coming out
on top in 17 out of 43 events, the Rustlers took first place in six events.
Shot put dominated in both the men
and women’s team. Sophomore Gavin
Coath placed first with a distance of
13.98 meters, with fellow sophomore
Casey Peraza coming in a close second
with 13.41 meters, and freshman Lorenzo Mendoza snagging fourth place
with 12.81 meters. The women’s shot
put event earned freshman Rebekah
Lewis first place in with a distance of
10.42 meters, giving her her first win
of the season. Sophomore Andrew Gonzales outshone the competition in the men’s
pole vault event by claiming first place
with a distance of 4.25 meters.
Freshman Elizabeth Cotociu prevailed in the women’s triple jump
event easily securing her spot in first
place with a score of 10.63 meters,
over a full meter and a half ahead of
all three of her competitors from OCC. Freshman Daria Sharova who
proved that she is a star by winning
every event she competed in. In the
100-meter hurdles, Sharova dominated
with a time of 15.36 seconds, while
Cotociu came in third place at 16.17
seconds after freshman Taylor Sims
of OCC, who came in second place at
15.43 seconds. Sharova beat out Sims
again in the women’s long jump by
half a meter, after scoring an impressive 5.42 meters
The Rustlers faced some much
tougher teams on March 7 at Cal State
University, Los Angeles, where they
did not place first in any of the events
competed in, but a few track stars still
held their own against the event’s allstars. Peraza and Coath proved that they
compete best against each other. Peraza beat Coath for fourth place in the
men’s hammer throw with a score of
49.99 meters. Cal State Bakersfield’s
Bryan Wilmert came in first with a
score of 59.35 meters. Coath then
placed third with 44.34 meters for the
men’s discus throw, beating Peraza’s
score of 43.54 meters, however, both
lost to Michael Torie of Iron Wood TC
who scored 57.88 meters. Daniel Hernandez, sophomore,
came in second in the men’s javelin
throw with 55.12 meters, first place
went to Karnell Grimes of Cal State
Bakersfield who won the event with
57.79 meters. The women’s team was lead again
by Sharova who competed in her normal events, the long jump and 100-meter hurdle. In the long jump, Sharova
fought to come in third place with 5.36
meters, beating the distance she won
with at Saddleback. Madison Richards
of University of Southern California
came in first place with 5.81 meters.
Sharova finished fourth in the
100-meter hurdle with a time of 14.92
seconds, again beating her score from
Saddleback. Chie Kiriyama of Monteroza came in first place with a time
of 14.24 seconds.
THE WESTERN SUN/MARCH 11-24, 2015 11
You bet your bottom dollar ... but should you?
Sports betting has long been something that has been thrown by the way
side by our government. It’s probably
the most commonly done thing in
the United States in regards to gambling. People make sports bets daily
with their friends,
coworkers, family
etc. So why is it
still illegal?
Back in 1992,
according to an
U.S. News and
World report, the
government passed
what is known as
the Bradley Act in
which the banning
of sports betting
in all states across
the county except for four. These four
states, Oregon, Nevada, Delaware and
Montana all applied for a license to
allow for sports betting in these states
prior to the Bradley Act coming into
affect. The law states that no betting
on sports of any kind is allowed in any
As it’s a federal law states must
abide by it. However there are ways
around this law and some states are
attempting to find this loophole. California is one of them. The California
state Senate Governmental Organization Committee approved legislation
to vote on legalized sports betting. If
this were to pass, sports betting would
be legal in the state of California.
What’s the big deal though? Who
cares if sports betting is legal or not?
Its not like people are being forced
to participate in this gambling realm.
Right? There are, however, some
dangers to sports betting, especially
to those involved in the sports themselves that are being bet on.
For example the Tim Donaghy, former NBA referee, was in debt to some
bookies that were linked to the Mob
and thought up the only way imaginable to make the money back. He
made the decision to start placing bets
on games he was refereeing in order to
win money to pay back his collectors.
The issue with that was the people he
was in debt to, the Mob, threaten his
life if he did not pay.
According to the New York Post
reported that Donaghy did this for
PLACES like this are common in most Las Vegas casinos where you can place bets on almost anything.
watch the game. If this happens then
almost two years without getting
TV revenue goes up. Its possible that
caught and it wasn’t until late in the
attendance at games will increase if
2007 season when an FBI investigator
more people have a vested interested
noticed Donaghy involved with this
in the game.
particular mob related people. He defiThe motive behind this is to get
nitely paid a price for his crime as he
causal fan or the casual gambler
was caught and sent to federal prison
more and more interested
for 15 months for illegal gambling.
itself. Not necessarily on
So what’s to stop those involved
the money lines. Lets not forget the
two teams will exceed or be less
with the sport to throw a game? Or
increased revenue the states would rethan a specified number
better yet the players from shaving
ceive off the bets. Every sports betting
points off the game? To get the point
location would be taxed and the extra
spread to change or to place large bets
income could help some states that are
receive half a point or more in his
moments before the game starts with
finically in need.
would shift the money line in a direcNBA commissioner Adam Silver is
tion which helps in the payouts. So
one leading other officials who are
outif people are involved with the direct
calling for the lift of the ban on sports
comes where the original stake and
outcome of the game and can manipubetting in the U.S. Silver says that he
winnings are reinvested on the next
late the score so that it favors their bet,
wants to start talking with those who
then there is no wining. Only cheating.
have the power to change the ban. He
What about the most famous
believes it will not hurt the integrity of
n Point spread
cheater of all time, Pete Rose? Basethe game in any way.
ball has completely cut ties with Rose
The bottom line is that the money
on account of the fact that he was betline
should not have any effect on the
ting on the sacred game of baseball.
outcome of the game. But there are
What’s worst is that he was betting on
those who are corrupt in this world
his team. And even worst than that,
that will turn the good into the bad and
Rose would bet on his team to lose.
Vegas or Atlantic City, going out with
that bad brings out the worst people.
Some people might think why is this a their friends enjoying the night. How
I personally support sports betting
big deal? Well, Rose was the manager about on the couch? What about the
purest form. I think that it should
during this time and if he wanted to
bets that you have with your buddies
in all states with regulaplace a bet against his team he could
when you are sitting down and watch- tions. However with the increase of
win it every time.
ing the game at home and having a
sports betting you get the increase of
Let’s shift gears to a minute a look great time?
addiction to gambling which is danat the positive side of sports betting.
The idea behind betting on sports
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V-ball tries to dig out of slow start
By Amber Liekam
Western Sun opinion editor
The Golden West College men’s
volleyball team has been busy with
four games in just two weeks, but it has
given the Rustlers two wins, bringing
the team an overall record of 3-7.
The first home game came as a win
against San Diego Miramar, sweeping in straight sets 3-0, 25-17, 25-20,
25-16. Lenzie Ainsworth led the team
with 17 kills. It’s not the first time Ainsworth has been so successful on the
court with his teammate Nathan May
saying that he is probably one of the
top players and “leads the team with
dedication and strength.”
Golden West was then off to play
a conference game against Orange
Coast where they experienced a quick
loss. The game started off close with
the first going up to 27-25, but Orange
Coast took it along with the next two
sets. But the team is taking the losses
in strides and learning what their faults
are as well their strengths.
Taivasa Alama said “With every
game, there›s something new to be
learned, which is a great sign of growth
as a team.” Alama also believes one issue is a limited roster which makes it
so the team needs to do more in the beginning to finish the game strong.
The sting of a loss was short lived
though when Golden West won at home
against San Diego, playing a 3-1 set.
The first two set were a knockout scoring 25-12, then 25-17, but San Diego
pushed back hard giving them the win
of set three with a 27-25 score. Golden
West came back though ending in the
fourth set with 25-20. Ainsworth again
led the game with 16 impressive kills
followed by Truong who had 12 kills.
While the Rustlers final game was
a close 3-1 loss against Palomar taking
the win in the third set and almost in
the fourth. The two teams were closely
matched with the set scores being 2523, 25-20, 25-23, and 25-27, respectively.
12 MARCH 11-24, 2015/THE WESTERN SUN
Midseason turnaround for softball team
The Rustlers won three of last five contests
By Christopher Abdelmalek
Western Sun sports editor
The Golden West College softball
team have been fighting all season
long to try and win and play its best.
The Rustlers finally started to build up
some moment over the weekend during the 38th Golden West College Invitational. The team won three straight
games heading into the second round
of the tournament beating the likes of
Riverside City College, Oxnard College and Chaffey College
The Rustlers lost on Saturday
against a tough LA Harbor team to set up
a Sunday finale against Southwestern
for a chance to play in the final of the
tournament. Unfortunately the Rustlers
dropped that game and ended up in the
third and fourth place game against
LA Harbor. This was an opportunity to
have some payback from the Saturday
Leading into the final inning, the
Rustlers committed to many errors and
ended up losing the final game of the
tournament 12-11 in eight innings. All
in all the tournament was a great success seeing last year’s runner up Southwestern College winning the whole
thing against new comer to the tournament Compton College.
Pitcher Kylie Eskridge talked about
the wins, tournament and what the team
had to do to continue to succeed. “We
were finally able to pull together as a
team and play the way we are supposed
to play. We have so much talent on the
team and we don’t realize it, we just
need to continue to put it all together.”
Coach Susanne Brazney was very
pleased with the tournament and how
the Rustlers are playing so far. “We
have struggled but we are getting better
and, of course, winning helps.” The
Rustlers finished the weekend posting
a 5-15 record overall and a 1-6 record
in Orange Empire Conference play.
The Rustlers have a number of
home games coming up in the next
Continued on page 11
KYLIE ESKRIDGE throws a strike in 6-0 win over Oxnard in the
38th annual GWC Invitational.
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