earth day 2015 food vendor registration form

 Date Paid__________ Receipt Number__________ OASIS Member Initial__________ FOOD VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM Organization of Aggie Students Inspiring Sustainability Presents Earth Day Las Cruces 2015 New Mexico State University Horseshoe Sunday, April 19th Noon – 7:00 p.m. Application and p ayment ($40) deadline: Sunday, March 29 All applications and payments must be received b y Sunday, M arch 29. Due to university regulations, postage dates cannot be considered. Please give a description and price range of the menu items that you would be selling at Earth Day. Please remember that at least one vegetarian dish is required. •
All vendors and educational booths are responsible for providing their own tables and shade. Please mail your form and $40 fee to: OASIS C lub, c.o. Mark Uchanski, New Mexico State University, P.O. Box 30003, MSC 3Q, Las Cruces, NM 88003 Please make checks payable to “The OASIS Club.” For consideration as a food vendor, please include a copy of your food and beverage service permit with your application. Set-­‐up is from 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Teardown is from 7:00 p.m.-­‐
8:00 p.m. All vendors and booths are to remain open until 6:00 p.m. Volunteers will be available to help with set-­‐up and tear-­‐down. We ask that you keep your area litter-­‐free and that, when you pack up, you leave your area clean. Bring a trash bag for cleanup. Recycling bins will be on site. •
Access to electricity is provided; food vendors are responsible for extension cords needed for setup. •
You will need a copy of your food and beverage service p ermit, available from the State of New Mexico Environment Department •
(1170 N. Solano, Las Cruces, NM 88001, p hone number 575-­‐524-­‐6300. •
It is up to each individual vendor to ensure that they comply with all applicable laws at the city, county, and state level. You will also need to list the NMSU OASIS Club and New Mexico State University on your insurance for the day of the event. Food and drink distribution containers must be made of materials that can be recycled and/or composted within the city of Las Cruces (no S tyrofoam). Organization name: Contact person: Address: City, State, Zip: Email: Website: Phone: I will be a food vendor for Earth Day Las Cruces 2015. I agree to abide by the guidelines set forth above. Vendor signature and d ate: Would you like to become a sponsor by making a donation? (E.g., monetary donation, silent auction donation, or some other good or service?) ____Yes, Please! ____No, not at this time For all questions and comments email