Share God`s Love - St. Wilfrid`s Catholic Church

WELCOME! Please join us often; “Truly this is an abode of God, the gateway to heaven!” (Gen. 28:17) Use form in entry to register so you can
receive a Bishops Bulletin, envelopes, a warm welcome and be a parish member. Weekend and Holy Day Mass Schedules on handout in entry;
+ + + Fr. Jim Friedrich: 796-4666 or 933-9042; PO Box 266, Woonsocket, SD 57385 or ; Bulletin: 539-0215 or ; + + + CONFESSIONS are normally in Woonsocket 5:15PM Thursday and 11am Saturday; in Wessington Springs
5:45pm Friday and 1pm Saturday; in Artesian 3:30pm Tues.; and at Duncan and all parishes ½ hour before Mass when possible and anytime by
appointment + + + BAPTISMS and a class before see Fr. Jim to schedule; MARRIAGE must prepare at least six months before, see Fr. Jim for
details; ANOINTING of SICK before surgery or in need, ask Fr. Jim.; Ask for COMMUNION for SHUT-INS.
Sun, Mar 15
Wed, Mar 18
Sat, Mar 21
Sun, Mar 22
Sun, Mar 15
Tue, Mar 17
Wed, Mar 18
Sun, Mar 22
Sat, Mar 15
Sun, Mar 15
Mon, Mar 16
Wed, Mar 18
Fri, Mar 20
Sat, Mar 21
Sat, Mar 14
Sat, Mar 21
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Share God’s Love
MASS + Ed Swenson
Stations of the Cross
Parish Penance Service with 2 priests
Collection Reports:
CD of A Rosary and Meeting
St. Charles: Reg (8) $640; L: $14; CFSA:
MASS @ PVCC + Nellie Burg
(2) $125; T: $779
Confessions at the church
MASS with Anointing of Sick + Seth Novak
St. Wilfrid: Reg $1200 (44); L: $116;
Basement Renovation Fund: $3700;
CFSA: $1285; Rice Bowl: $11.20;
MASS + Robert Unterbrunner
Grade school confessions
Confessions at the church
Staions of the Cross
MASS + L + D Grassel/Sullivan families
HS Confirmation Class and Confessions
MASS - health of Jesse Hilman
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
This Friday, March 20th,
MASS +Craig Larson
Heather Fortin from Catholic
Stations of the Cross
Foundation will be in
Woonsocket to see me; she is
St. Patrick's Church Supper
THE resource to see about
WESKOTA MASS Priests of our Diocese
leaving something in your
CCD MASS Special Intention
estate to the church.
Legion of Mary
Schedule a visit; call her at
Stations of the Cross
940-8612. Thank you!
MASS +Marie Wood
MASS with Anointing of the Sick For all Parishes
ST. JOSEPH'S - Duncan
MASS For all Parishes
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
MASS with Anointing of the Sick +Karen Knippling
One of our Lenten resolutions this year ought to be to get over
our fear of sharing the Good News, to be aware of the spiritual
needs of those around us, and to share God’s love. More people
are looking than you think. “The fields are already white for
harvest” (John 4:35). -from 40 Days, 40 Ways
St. Joseph’s Parish at Wessington Springs
Mar 21 – L: Todd; EM: Diane, Betty; S: Carter, Alissa, Lane; Gf: Renee, Diane; U: Fred, Darwin; Ros: Cecile;
St Wilfrid
Mar 22 – White family; Gf: Tom Fouberg family; S: E Howard, B Swenson; L: C Howard; EM: C Howard, Darson, A Larson; U: J Steichen, J White;
St. Charles
Mar 22 – Gf: J & G Bechen; S: C Bechen & L Nickelson; L: C Unterbr; EM: T Grassel & G Bechen; U: T Grassel & L Effling; Ros: E Effling;
St. Joseph’s Parish at Duncan
Mar 21 – Cheri Scholten; Mar 28 – Jacob Knippling
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
It is Laetare or Rejoice Sunday and the Responsorial Psalm speaks of weeping by the streams of Babylon, a psalm that
always touched me because it is spoken by people in exile in Babylon, yearning for Jerusalem. For us there can be a
sorrow/yearning for our heavenly home, but deeper down is an unshakable joy and love in knowing that is indeed our true
I will be at the 11 AM Chrism Mass at the Cathedral this Thursday; is there anyone else who will come and would like to get
our Holy Oils? I'll see ARTESIAN HS/Confirmation class this Wednesday at 7PM; I've had to reschedule the next
Pastoral/Finance Council to 7PM April 21st (it had been the 14th); I've given a 'yes' to Ryan Pearson to mow again this
coming year unless someone else soon approaches me. In WESSINGTON SPRINGS we're looking for many to come to
our annual ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER this Sunday, the 15th, from 4:30-6:30PM as I recall. And I've doubled the 'Children's
collection' $89.38 from the jar with a parish gift which we've sent to the Presentation Sisters mission in Zambia, the CCD
children having seen pictures and a story of 3 homeless boys there that were helped after the Sisters' parish mission appeal
here a year or two ago. The Children's donations now are being saved to send to the Rice Bowl program; NOTICE in the
bulletin the stories of families helped by this program. As Chelsea Hettinger has a bridal shower in the hall on the 21st, I
remind all parishes of the fine halls we have and not to hesitate to do the little bit of paperwork, 2 weeks or more ahead, to
line it up for your own gathering (you can see me). In WOONSOCKET the basement renovation is moving forward; a
restroom is now functional; our fundraising encouragements must continue. Again, we are grateful to women taking on the
making of seven banners for all our area present and former parishes for the August 14-16 events; ideas/help with symbols
or designs for each parish would be helpful! In DUNCAN we welcome Remington Yost (Rodney and Erin) to the baptismal
waters and adoption as a daughter of God this weekend! With sincere THANKS for gracious responses for CFSA, I
encourage everyone to participate as best able in this effort by us all - thank you! Discipleship Day from 9am - 4pm on Sat.
28th at the Sioux Falls downtown Holiday Inn; call 539-1541 or 539-9212, about carpooling from Wess. Springs on. ALSO,
D-Camp registrations are being made for youth entering 7-8th grade July 6-9 and 9-12th grades on June 15-18 or June 29July 2: see me. LOOKING AHEAD to EASTER, we'll have 8PM Easter Vigil at Woon. on the 4th, and on Sunday, the 5th,
7:15AM Artesian, 9:10AM Wess. Springs and 11AM Duncan.
Peace, Fr. Jim
Forty years ago, Catholics
in the United States
wanted to respond to
famine in Africa. Could
through Lenten prayers,
fasting and almsgiving?
The answer was yes – and
it came in the form of a
Forty years later, it still
does. And now, there’s
an app for that too.
Pick up a CRS Rice Bowl