Papatoetoe High School Newsletter 2

Papatoetoe High School Newsletter 2
18 March 2015
Dear Families
Thank you to the large number of parents/caregivers who attended the student progress interviews last
Thursday. The relationship that your son/daughter has with their academic mentor is a very important
one in assisting with goal setting and monitoring achievement over the year. Students meet with their
academic mentor once per week and there are key messages that will be delivered at various times,
especially for seniors involved in NCEA.
Our next round of student progress interviews will be early in term 2 and provide an opportunity to meet
with the subject teachers of your son(s)/daughter(s). All students will receive a brief progress report at
the end of term 1 which will provide a base for further discussion at the interviews.
Congratulations are extended to the following students who gained their NCEA endorsed with excellence
last year.
Level 1 Jamon Amiga, Deepishka Deo, Ritu Gherra, Spencer Hart, Amandeep Kaur, Zicheng Lin, Catherine
Ma, Cong Ma, Sam McDougall, Michelle Nguyen, Priyanka Prahalad, Jacqui Rawhiti, Jobandeep
Singh, Kanav Singh, Rajpreet Singh, Ailen Suarez.
Level 2 Saahil Chand, Simran Chandra, Stephen Ha, Matthew Keestra, Kajol Kumar, Makene Lemon,
Sophanna Out, Tessa Shepherd, Chania Singh, Gursirat Tapia
Level 3 Aaron Doung, Shainez Edwards, Vaneesha Kumar, Shayal Lal, Kaiqi Li, Lisa Lim, Nhu Y May Lim,
Neha Naidu, Lisa Ru, Ashley Southgate, Jael Vattely.
This represents a record number of excellence endorsements for the school and in addition we had 54
merit endorsements at level 1, 53 at level 2 and 31 at level 3.
Preliminary figures for the NCEA results for the cohort of students that left our school in 2015 are also
pleasing, with just over 74% of them gaining at least level 2 NCEA. This particular statistic is the most
important one in determining comparisons between schools but the confirmed data isn’t available until
late July/August.
I extend my best wishes to those students competing at Polyfest this week and acknowledge the efforts of
the tutors and the hours of work spent at rehearsal. Thank you to the large number of family members
who attended our international performance evening at the Vodafone Events Centre last Wednesday. It
was an enjoyable evening and showcases the cultural diversity of our school.
Friday 20 March ................................... Teacher only day
30 March-2 April.................................. International week celebrations
Thursday 2 April .................................. Last day of term 1 Progress reports issued
Monday 20 April .................................. First day term 2
Thursday 23 & Tuesday 28 April ...... Student Progress Interviews. Students released at 1.00p.
Monday 27 April .................................. ANZAC Day observed
Student Progress Interviews and Reporting for 2015
Thank you to all parents and students who came to our recent SPIs. We are very appreciative of your
attendance, and the opportunity to communicate with you in this way about the progress of our
students. Early feedback has shown us that this was a very successful day. We welcome your
feedback, which can be sent to
TERM ONE 28 January – 2 April
Were held on 12 March
Student Progress Interview 1 with Academic Mentor
Focussed on engagement with learning
Thursday 2 April
Progress Reports will be given to students and available through the
Kamar portal.
Course feedback re being responsible, being respectful, being a learner
TERM TWO 20 April – 3 July
2-8pm Thursday 23 &
Student Progress Interview 2 with subject/course teachers
Tuesday 28 April
Focus on progress in each course. (spread across two afternoons)
Wednesday 1 July
Academic Mentor Reports given to students and available through the
Kamar portal
Summary of progress in all courses
Student’s own statement about progress against their 2015 goals
TERM THREE 20 July – 25 September
Monday 10 August to
Preliminary Examinations for senior students
Friday 21 August
Thursday 10 September
Student Progress Interview 3 with Academic Mentor
Focus on progress in all courses, and course selection for 2016
TERM FOUR 12 October – (app. 6 November seniors) 9 December
Monday 9 November
NCEA external examinations begin
Four days in November
Junior examinations
Approximately 6
Final Report for senior students given to students and available through
the Kamar portal
9 December
Final Report for junior students given to students and available through
the Kamar portal
ASB Polyfest Group Performances
Diversity Stage
Diversity Stage helpers – Thursday, Friday,
Vietnamese group – Friday 9.55 am
Indian/Punjabi Fusion group - Friday 10.52 am
Fijian group – Friday 1.46 pm (Saturday 12 noon)
Hawaiian group - 3.26 pm (Saturday 10am)
Samoan Speeches
Year 9, 10 and 11 will take place on Wednesday,
18 March 2015, from 12.30 pm.
Year 12, 13 and the Impromptu section will take
place on Thursday, 19 March 2015 from 9.00am.
Tongan Speeches
Tongan Speech Competition will take place on
Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 March 2015.
Tongan Performances
Friday 20 March 8:30am Papatoetoe High School Ma’ulu’ulu
Friday 20 March 12:12pm Papatoetoe High School
– Soke
Niuean Speeches
All speeches will take place Wednesday 18 and
Thursday 19 March.
Niuean Performance
Friday 20 March 12.00pm – 12.30pm
Learner Driver Licence Theory Sessions
This programme is aimed at giving students support in
learning driver licence theory, so that they can feel
confident to sit their Learner Licence. If students attend
three sessions, then sit and gain their Learner Licence,
they may bring the receipt and licence to student
reception to receive a $50 refund. We acknowledge the
support of Auckland Council with this. This term there
are four sessions in H2 at 3.30-5.00pm on Tuesdays.
The opportunity will be repeated in term two and details
will be in the school daily notices. Any enquiries to Mrs
Banipal in the maths department
School Uniform
All students are expected to wear the correct school uniform and we appreciate your support in achieving
this. If a student is temporarily unable to wear the correct uniform, students should do the following:
1. Parent/caregiver to provide a note explaining why non-uniform item is being worn (eg, broken shoes).
2. Student to see their form teacher or dean as soon as possible in the day to get a temporary pass –
normally these are given for a maximum of a couple of days.
3. If the time needed to replace shoes, jacket, jumper, etc is longer than a few days please contact the
dean to discuss the matter.
A supply of second-hand uniform items is available through the deans for student use. If there are any
financial difficulties around getting uniform items please do not hesitate to let us know and we can provide
your child with items that are clean and in good condition. We also have a number of shoes provided by
KidsCan for our students to use.
International Evening 2015
This year’s performance opened with a chillingly remarkable dance from our Kapa Haka group. The evening
is based on celebrating the range of diverse cultures at our school and giving students a platform for
coming together and sharing their skills. We had over 200 students performing dances from Tonga,
Vietnam, Cook Island, Samoa, Fiji, India and Hawaii. They were well supported by parents and friends
helping out backstage. The performances all showed strength, pride and dedication. A big thank you must
go out to the tutors, student leaders and all the staff who have provided this opportunity for them. The
majestic closing performance by the Fijian group got everyone enthusiastic and thrilled for having attended
the show. We are very proud of our students and wish our Polyfest participants the best of luck.
Manukau Institute of Technology Trades Academy
The MIT Trades Academy was officially opened this week by the Associate Minister of Tertiary Education,
Skills and Employment, Hon Louise Upston. Papatoetoe High School was represented by Dr Karen Dobric,
who received a framed certificate on the school’s behalf, acknowledging that we are a foundation school in
the first year of the Trades Academy. We have 30 Year 12 and 13 students attending MIT one day per week
in the following areas: Primary Sector; Engineering (Computer Assisted Design; Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning); Automotive; Building and Construction; and Hospitality. Each of the students is working
towards a specific Vocational Pathway Award as part of their Level 2 NCEA Qualification, which includes MIT
as well as school achievements.
In 2014 a group of our textiles students was commissioned by the Navy Museum in
Devonport to create a quilt commemorating the outbreak of World War 1. Students worked
closely with educators and museum curators to tell the stories of individual New Zealanders
and the impact of World War 1 on their lives and families. The inaugural public display of the
quilt was the “At Home At War” exhibition at Devonport Navy Museum in August 2014.
This year the quilt is being loaned to Papatoetoe Historical Society and will feature in their
commemorative exhibition “Lest we forget.”
Environment Group 2015
The MAD (Make a Difference) Marine Environmental Camp was held on Motutapu Island from 20 - 23 January, 2015.
The first day of the hui saw Nicholas Keestra and I, among the other MADsters, being welcomed onto Rangitoto Island
by a local Ngāi Tai iwi member, and then climbing Rangitoto to experience the stunning 360° view of the Hauraki Gulf.
The Motutapu Island campsite was exquisitely close to the beach, making it even easier for the MAD participants to
engage in kayaking, snorkelling, recreational swimming and rock pool biological studies. We walked to the Motutapu
Island Gun Battlements at dawn, revelling in the history of a place built out of necessity in the face of prominent danger.
Dr Rochelle Constantine (PhD, whale expert at UoA) and other marine experts spoke about their jobs and the
information gathered from their extensive research to the MADsters, and gave us the opportunity to question them. On
our last day of the camp, we went on a dolphin and whale-watching boat tour. That experience in particular, seeing the
lively dolphins and the seemingly gentle whales, was what told me I wanted to keep their home as pristine and liveable as
possible. The MAD Marine Environmental Camp was a huge learning experience for me, and I would gladly do it again.
Over four days, environmentally passionate students from schools all over the Auckland region came together to
experience MAD, to be able to apply knowledge learnt back in their local regions and schools, and to Make A Difference.
The MAD Camp was thought-provoking, fun and a great opportunity for any person interested in supporting the
environment. I know I will never forget my group’s skit (“He was my favourite fish!”) and the incredibly passionate people
I met. I would like to thank the MAD Camp leader, Cate Jessep, who was extremely supportive of Nicholas and I during
the camp, and Mr Weldschidt, for sending in our MAD applications and giving us this great opportunity. “To waste, to
destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in
undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to them amplified and
developed.”― Theodore Roosevelt.
Rebecca Thorby, 11 R11
Our school, being heavily involved with the environment,
was invited to the Green Jam - Youth Sustainability
Conference hosted by the Auckland Council in Western
Springs on the 10th of March, 2015. I along with two
other Year 11 students, Rebecca Thorby and Zoe Rogers,
had the privilege of representing our school at this year’s
Green Jam. This one-day forum’s key purpose was to
inspire secondary school students to step-up and lead
others to a sustainable future. To start the day, we were
talked to by young leaders who are already making big
differences in the world. They gave presentations on their
story, how they became leaders, what inspired them, why
we should make a difference, how we can help, and a lot
more. I would like to thank the young leaders, Ben
Dowdle, Florence Reynolds, Georgia Lala, Hannah
Shingler, and Nalini Singh for their inspiring presentations.
We then split-up and attended 6 different workshops in
TAPAC and the Auckland Zoo which covered topics on the
decline of bees and the affects it has on us, what we can
do to help the population of bees rise, school related
environmental activities, inspiring others to be more
sustainable through movies, what others are doing to
tackle environmental issues, and the importance of
biodiversity in New Zealand. During these workshops we
had opportunities to interact and build relationships with
other inspired students from schools all around Auckland.
To wrap up the Green Jam, we had a thorough action
planning session, and finally reflected on our awesome
day. This year’s Green Jam has been very influential and
inspiring for all of us, and we would love to attend again
next year to further expand on our leadership skills and
connections. Rebecca, Zoe, and I, along with all the eager
students and teachers who attend the Green Jam, will do
our best to use what we learned from this amazing
experience to help create a sustainable future. I would like
to thank the facilitators, Bridget Glasgow and Rebecca
Goffin, and our school’s Environment Group leader,
Mr Weldschidt for supporting us and giving us this
wonderful opportunity.
-Nicholas Keestra
With Term 1 nearly at an end there are still some summer sports completing their seasons and we are
starting to get our traditional winter sports codes up and running. This term we have added archery as a
new sport where we have two teams competing on a weekly basis. We have also re-introduced softball with
having both a boys and girls team. A big thank you to the staff and parents who have helped get softball
back at Papatoetoe High School. Students are encouraged to read the daily notices for sports sign ups,
meetings and trainings.
SPORTS CONTRACT PROCEDURE: Due to some new regulations we have changed our sports contract
system. Letters will be sent home to parents/guardians about the requirements and costs of each sport in
which students are wishing to participate. There will be a return slip that needs to be signed by a
parent/guardian giving students permission to play that sport and agreeing to pay any related costs. If
there is no parent/guardian agreement students will NOT be able to participate. We please ask for your
support in this new system and still hope we can provide students with the opportunity of representing
Papatoetoe High School. If you know that your son/daughter is in a schools sports team and you have not
received a letter please let the school sports co-ordinators know.
SEEKING COACHES/MANAGERS: We are now in the process of looking for coaches/managers across the
large variety of codes we offer at Papatoetoe High School. Sports teams cannot operate if there is no adult
supervision present at trainings or on game days. We would be very grateful to anyone who is able to offer
their services to coach, manage or officiate for a team at school this year. Please contact the sports
coordinators (details below) for more information. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
COUNTIES MANUKAU ATHLETICS: On Wednesday 25th February 40 students represented the school at the
Counties Manukau Athletic Championships. Our students gained the following results:
Senior Girls Discus: Maryan Orake 6th
Senior Girls Shotput: Ema Poasa 6th
Senior Girls Javelin: Harriet Wright 3rd
Senior Girls 200m: Lauren Gordon 2nd
Senior Boys 800m: Michael Weldschidt 2nd
Intermediate Boys 3000m: Jesse Weldschidt 1st
CRICKET: This term we have had three teams playing. We have re-instated a Girls team who are showing
signs of improvement each week as the majority of the team has not played the sport before. We have our
Year 9/10 team playing in Auckland Crickets new initiative “Cricket Blitz” that encourages more students to
play the game. They have been competitive and are currently 2nd in their section winning 3 out of 5
games. Our 1st XI Boys team have had a tough term but did manage to make the Gillette Cup Twenty 20 ¼
finals after an impressive win vs. Glendowie College. This win came about through a good partnership
from Dhruvit Patel (Year 12) and Akshaye Luthra (Year 13) scoring 50 and 76 respectively. Other notable
performances this season have come from Dylan Kippen (Year 12) who scored 63 vs. Westlake 3rd XI and
Gurkirit Singh (Year 13) who took 4/18 vs. Westlake 3rd XI and scored a swashbuckling 84 not out against
Kelston Boys.
ORIENTEERING: This sport still proves to be popular with our students with over 40 students competing in
the Counties Manukau series each Monday afternoon. A number of students have gained credible
Papatoetoe High Race: Nicholas Bing (8th Senior Boys). Jacqui Rawhiti 9th, Deepal Prasad 7th, Lauren Gordon
6th and Natasha Pickering 4th in Senior Girls section.
Pukekohe High Race: Lauren Gordon 10th Senior Girls.
Rosehill College: Catherine Ma 6th Senior Girls. Lorenzo Vea’ila 10th Senior Boys.
SOFTBALL: Our softball teams have shown signs of promise this year. Our boy’s team who are
predominantly juniors showed improvement against much older opposition and narrowly lost their last
game 4-3 to Sancta Maria which was a massive turnaround from the last time they played against each
Our Girls team have had a record of 2 wins, 1 loss and 1 draw with 2 games remaining. They have
managed two wins against McAuley 6-3 and 7-5. Their loss to Manurewa High was only by 1 point. Signs
are strong for softball development in future years.
VOLLEYBALL: Our Senior Girls and Boys teams have completed their seasons. The Girls team showed a
good attitude right through the season and showed signs of improving against stronger opposition each
week. For the 2nd year in a row our Senior Boys team went through the season undefeated wining the
Southern Zone division. They progressed on to the greater Auckland Championships where they will be
playing Auckland’s strongest volleyball school. They finished a credible 9th in their division with a 4 win
and 2 loss record at the Auckland Champs.
FACEBOOK PAGE: Please like our Facebook page at
We keep this up to date with sports news, results, fixtures and photos with the happenings of sport
throughout the year. We will also be updating our school website in due course, which will also contain up
to date sports information.