FAREWELL TO A ROMEO CAR COUPLE - and some advice for our members The tailfin Issue 26 • March 2015 www.peachstateclc.com Take a Ride through the Cadillac Years PG. 8 ATLANTA STEEPLECHASE DETAILS PG. 27 OUR ANNUAL CHILI COOKOFF RECAP PG. 19 THE TAILFIN is a publication of Peach State CLC, a region of the Cadillac and LaSalle Club, Inc., and is distributed to its members. Prerequisite for membership in Peach State CLC is current or pending membership in the national club. Member costs are $25 a year for Peach State CLC. The CLC, Inc. dues categories may be found at: http;//www.cadillaclasalleclub.org/ Contents P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b We’re excited that our Peach State website has been honored with a regional Merit Award! Check out our site at: 4 Valentine’s Day at Château Élan 6 Easter Parade 8 Cadillac Career: 50’s - 80’s http://peachstateclc.com/ President Doug Bailey 770-992-8394 H jdouglasbailey@bellsouth.net peach_state_clc_members@yahoo.com Vice President Kevin Garrison 706-207-1550 kgb1976@gmail.com Corresponding Secretary Sandy Barth 770-663-8327 H 770-630-2417 C sandy@gohighprofile.com Membership Director Cecil “Buster” Miller 706-517-0601 H 706-264-9558 W PeachStateMembership@gmail.com Treasurer Michelle Anderson 706-537-9999 H 2thepenny@windstream.net Activities Directors Tom and Linda Di Nucci 678-880-4345 H 770-479-9328 C Ltd9328@netzero.net March 2015 19 Love flowed all over Braselton, GA when our cruisin’ Cadillacs arrived! For those of you who missed the fabulous love-fest and food-galore, check out these details. Our annual joy ride to Avondale Estates is April 5th. Join other club members for this happy occasion and remember to bring some wrapped candies for the little ones on the parade route. Take a ride with Cadillac electrical engineer, Wally Barth, through the eyes of his daughter, Sandy. An inside look at what it was like to work (and be raised) in and around Cadillacs. Chili Cook-off Recap at Dick Peden’s place Get all the mouth-watering details of winners and runners-up at our annual chili cook-off! Great cars, great friends, great times! Communications Director Annette Benneche Annette@servellc.com National Board Director Martina Butler martina.butler@gmail.com TAILFIN Editor Sandy Barth sandy@gohighprofile.com Webmaster Lewis Schwartz LHS36@aol.com 2 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Marilyn Monroe with her 1954 Cadillac Converible. Calendar Upcoming Calendar MARK THESE DATES then stay tuned for the specifics! March 21 Georgia Old Federal Highway - 1 Day Tour: Trail of Tears (Gainesville to Chatsworth, then lunch at a local dive) March 29 Cadillac Clinic at Winchell’s Shop April 5 Avondale Estates Easter Parade April 18 50th Annual Atlanta Steeplechase (Kingston, GA) April 18-19 ATL Motorama at Atlanta Motor Speedway April 25 Steam Day Brass Car & Packard Collection (Canton) May 1-2 BOPC hosted by the Dixie Buick Club (Marietta) May 17 Concours warmup event and cruise-in at Chukkar Farms (north Fulton) May 22-24 Spring Driving Tour - Columbus, GA (3 days/2 nites) June 24 - 27 Grand Nationals (Racine, WA) June - TBD Streetside Classics (Lithia Springs) June - TBD Cofer Collection? (Tucker) June - TBD Josh Mills Shop? (Marietta) July 4 Roswell Manor on the Squre Cruise-in Cookout August 11-15 FALL CLC NATIONAL DRIVING TOUR: Southeast Michigan CRUISE-INS: Don’t miss these cruise-ins, because we will be there and we need YOUR presence as a show of force! Downtown Canton 1st Friday Piedmont Church 1st Saturday Galaxy Diner 1st Saturday Tucker 2nd Saturday Cumming 2nd Saturday Canton Riverstone Cartersville Woodstock Acworth 3rd Sat PM 4th Saturday 4th Saturday 5th Saturday Membership in the national club is required. The Cadillac & LaSalle Club pays for insurance to cover regions like ours during sanctioned events. CLC also offers one of the best glossy monthly collector auto magazines anywhere, The Self Starter. CLC provides an online forum for parts searches and technical support. And membership is required if you ever want to join us for a Grand National in various parts of the U.S. Dues for the national club are $55.00 per year through December 2015 for first class mailings of The Self Starter. This first-class fee also gets you immediate access to the online version of the magazine if you live within the U.S. (You can receive the second class mailing of The Self Starter for $40.00 per year, but without internet access; it will arrive a few days later. This is a popular option, unless you need immediate access to those parts and auto sale listings!) Please visit http://store.cadillaclasalleclub. org/category_s/1819.htm for an immediate on-line application using VISA, MC, Discover or PayPal. Or, you can print and send a paper application to: Cadillac-LaSalle Club, Inc. P.O. Box 360835 Columbus, Ohio 43236-0835 Please advise Buster Miller, Peach State CLC Membership Director, as soon as you receive your new CLC member number! 3 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 PSCLC Valentine’s Day Luncheon Recap SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 Most of us arrived in style with their classic Cadillac’s and one 1962(?) Oldsmobile Tornado driven by Forrest Ward. We all gather just before noon and awaited to be seated for our luncheon. Lunch was served buffet-style. Choices included soup, salads, 3 main courses of beef, chicken and fish — and let’s not forget the large variety of desserts. We spent nearly 1-½ hours eating lunch. Just before 2:00 pm, 10 of us gathered to head for the Panoz Race & Sport Car collection just a short drive from Château Elan’s. A few of the woman — Mary Jean, Carol and Annette headed off to the spa. We arrived at our designated meeting time to meet with John Leverett VP Sales and Marketing for Panoz. John gave us a private detailed tour. He explained customer ordering and manufacturing process of their custom made automobiles, right down to each mechanic autographing thir name on to a aluminum plate attached under the hood of each car along with custom-fitted steering wheel and a real unique feature of having not one but two accesses to fill your gas tank— one on each side. Not bad for cars costing upward of $250,000 plus! Valentine’s Day Lunch Attendees: Mark & Carol McDermott Annette & Ron Benenche Sandy Barth & Steve Lavender Di Nucci & Guest Paula & Russ VopelakKaren & Vince Haaland Lee & MJ Dunn Marty & --- Comstock Mary & Bill Green Bea & Charles Solomon Linda & Norm Penfield Eija & David Trees* Forrest & Maria Ward Dottie & Ray Diodati *We’d like to give a special welcome to Eija & David Trees who are new members and this is their FIRST get together with the Peach State CLC. Hope we made a good impression! Mark & Carol McDermott and Annette & Ron Beneche took the Wine Tour. Panoz Tour participants included: David & Eija Trees, Lee Dunn, Mark Mc Dermott, Tom Di Nucci, Carlos Izaguirre, Charles & Bea Solomon, Forrest & Maria Ward and Ron Benenche. 4 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b February 2015 PSCLC Valentine’s Day Luncheon - Château Élan (continued) 5 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Easter Parade Antique Automobiles • Avondale Estates, GA Sunday Afternoon April 5 Get out your Easter attire or clothes that match your auto’s period (optional) and drive in the 17th Annual Easter Parade through Avondale Estates. It’s for motor vehicles only. We will assemble at the Twin Oaks Shopping Plaza, 2853 East College Avenue, Avondale Estates, GA, 30032 at about 1:30 PM. The parade will start promptly at 2:30 PM. The Avondale Estates Police Department will lead us through the residential areas. It is acceptable to carefully throw wrapped candy to the kids. The parade will end at Willis Park where light refreshments will be provided by the Southeastern Antique Automobile Club of America. Area residents are invited to join us at the park for a closer look. There will be forty or more cars from the AACA, Model A Restorers Club, Early Ford V-8 Club, Cadillac Club, and more! The Avondale Estates Homeowners Association is very supportive of this parade. It’s in their newsletter, and it’s on their website. Please wear your name badge and introduce yourself. We look forward to seeing you! Lamar Hart, Easter Parade Chairman lamarhart@outlook.com 770 496 9928 6 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 LETTERS FROM CUBA Part Deux Jay Friedman on Cuba’s Cars: And, a Quick Note from Doug: Doug, Folks, Saw your comment on American cars in Cuba in the TAILFIN. I don’t think the group of cars you saw in the photo were staged for the camera. Elaine and I were in Havana for several days in 2006 and we saw them everywhere. In fact, I wrote an article on them that appeared in the Nov.-Dec. ‘06 Self Starter. As I wrote in the article, there are lots of them that are permanently parked and some that you might call the walking wounded, but many were in fine shape and running well. I roughly estimated that about 15-20% of all cars riding down the streets of Havana were old American iron. Those you see in large groups are usually taxis that are parked in areas where they gather to pick up tourists. Though the marque we saw the most seemed to be 1950s Chevys, at one point I came across a ‘51 Cadillac convertible parked in back of our hotel and had a chat with the owner. He showed me its original engine which he said ran nicely and that the Hydramatic shifted well. However, it did have a Russian alternator and carburetor. Jay sent me a copy of his Self Starter article from 2006. In it he noted a ’53 Cadillac convertible with a ’48 or ’49 windshield, and another perhaps a ’50 Cadillac taxi passing a row of Volgas, Trabants and Moskvitches… Jay asked which would be more appealing, a newer piece of Communist “iron curtain iron,” or an old, roomy Cadillac? Jay also offered us American Cadillac owners some sage wisdom: Remarking on the work it took the Cuban owner to keep a ’57 Series 62 sedan cruising the deserted streets of the Havana Workers’ Paradise, he asked us if we are so cautious of our “Prides and Joys” that we are unwilling to drive them. Without a cell phone to call AAA or a traffic “hero,” the Cubans simply drive them, and when it’s needed they FIX them! — Doug — Jay 7 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Cadillac Electrical Engineer: 1950s - 1980s Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac In the February TAILFIN we ran a piece introducing Sandy Barth’s dad, Wally, who worked at Cadillac Motor Car Division in the ‘Fifties through the ‘Eighties. This month we delve a little deeper into Mr. Barth’s memoirs from his days before and during his career at Cadillac. Meanwhile, we will share a few “growing up in Bloomfield Hills” stories shared by his eldest daughter, Sandy. You will recall that Sandy is a proud owner of a marketing & creative services business here in metro Atlanta. Oh, and she is our TAILFIN editor extraordinaire, a CTS owner, and Peach State CLC’s Secretary. Call her our Cadillac Gal! (All photos by Herman, Wally and Sandy Barth) When Wally Barth graduated from basic training in 1944, Uncle Sam took away his Enfield and handed him a typewriter. This weapon he called a “mill.” They taught him high speed radio operations and Morse Code, and assigned him to the 3101st Signal Service Battalion. His mates were headed for Europe… and soon enough, the Battle of the Bulge. By all accounts he got the better duty station. Wally swabbed decks during a stormy cruise through the South Seas on a Kaiser-built victory ship, surviving a threeweek crossing to Melbourne. There was no time to hunt for wallabies: A day and a night in the harbor; then off to Calcutta. A truck-and-train ride north dropped 19-year-old Wally into a mosquito-infested holding camp where he slept on a rope bunk and sweated out the days. In early ’45 he rode up the Brahmaputra River through Assam, and along the Burma Road – he says he was astonished by the debris left in their wake by the retreating Japanese military. White-knuckling a flight over the Himalayas in a C47 transport, Wally had time to think, “Maybe those guys in Belgium didn’t have it so bad after all…” Wally crossed “the Hump” and served as a radioman in Lashio and Bhamo (Burma). Then, back to Calcutta to wait for the end of the war. Once he had his “45 points” he made his exit for the States. His ride home was aboard the General Hersey, another well-worn victory ship. The Hersey broke down near Ceylon, then again at Alexandria steaming through the Suez Canal. As Barth entered New York harbor he missed seeing Lady Liberty. (He was swabbing decks again.) After a train ride to the Midwest he was discharged in May ’46 at Camp Atterbury in Indiana. A short ride by Greyhound bus returned him home to his folks in Michigan. Wally claims to be a day older than he would have been had he stayed home, since he had sailed around the world in a westerly direction… We’ll take his word for that, won’t we? 8 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac (Continued) Wally chose electrical engineering at the University of Michigan, courtesy of the GI Bill. He worked summers cleaning and painting windows, and finally caught on at Borden’s Dairy – where the perks included all the milk and orange juice he could drink. Hard labor taught our boy the benefits of a college education, so he redoubled his scholarly efforts. While studying engineering he was a stringer for the Michigan Daily and photographic editor of the yearbook, the Ensian. He snagged his degree in June 1950 – without debt, due to Uncle Sam’s (and a nation’s) gratitude. Now, for a job! Staff photograoher at The Michigan Daily (U of M). My earliest memory is of a neighbor inviting my parents down the street for a cup of coffee. Dad said he’d bring his own… so we all piled into the silver Cadillac, and dad balanced his cup of coffee on the hood. He drove it down the street while I peered over the dash at the china cup perched precariously above the grille. What a super-smooth ride. What a show off! -- Sandy Rolling off the line at the Cadillac Tank plant in Cleveland. Pontiac Motors was advertising for a draftsman, so Wally drove over there in his “new” ’41 Ford coupe. Because they insisted on an experienced draftsman the Pontiac folks suggested Wally try Cadillac Motors in Detroit. Wally “hightailed it” over to Cadillac that same day, sparing himself a life centered on the Chief. By September he had his job at Clark Street, writing and editing engineering releases and change notices. Exciting stuff? Not so much, but sufficient for him to invest in a new car! This time he bought a green Plymouth sedan with a gasoline heater for $1700. He roomed with a widow and her son for $10 a week. Wally said Les Murray at Cadillac “took pity” on him, and hired him for the EE department to work on control boxes and switches. Wally was on his way! He learned to design wiring harnesses from Joe Babin, who later hooked him up with an interview with Chrysler – but Bob Templin talked him out of it, saying that Cadillac held greater potential for his career. So Wally stayed on with the Standard of the World, and never left it. One of his Cadillac mentors also had a pilot’s license, and kept his plane where Ed Cole kept his plane. Wally got a chance to fly on occasion, and those flights took him to Ohio. Momentum was building for the war in Korea, and he found that Cadillac was opening a new tank plant in Cleveland. They were converting a bean storage facility (that’s correct, beans) for the Commodity Credit Corporation into a production line for “Walker Bulldog,” M41 Light Tanks. The Bulldog had a 76mm gun, a 6-cylinder Continental gasoline engine, and a Detroit Diesel auxiliary engine/generator. Later, they also built an open-turret model, the M42, to carry twin 40mm anti-aircraft guns. Still later the plant built aluminum 50 mm cannon carriers named the M56. All these vehicles had to be updated to meet Cadillac quality and production standards, and Wally fit right in. He worked on all these tanks’ electrical systems except the gun controls, which meant he was responsible for overall wiring, lamps, instrument panels, batteries and generators. And, to bring it full circle to his old Army days in Burma, Wally Barth managed radio equipment and interference suppression for Cadillac’s tank plant (left). 9 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac (Continued) And so begins all the fancy ‘rides’... In ’53 Wally was promoted to Senior Project engineer, putting him squarely on the “A Roll,” which meant he could buy a new Cadillac at a 25% discount. We’re talking “big time!” He promptly sold his red Ford and bought a new blue Coupe Deville. You might be wondering which Cadillac our Bachelor Barth bought in ’54. It was a red convertible with a red leather interior, of course. Wally called this his “traffic stopper,” and we know you know what he meant. 10 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac (Continued) Roberta Butler was an executive secretary at the Cadillac tank plant when Wally met her. Wally met and dated his future wife Roberta (Roe) at Cadillac that summer, and by the fall of ’55 they were married. Their honeymoon took them along Route 66 past the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas to LA and back. Now, that’s TWO “Car Guys!” The Barths set up house in Westlake, OH, near the tank plant. In ’55 Wally developed the cold starting kit for both the M41 and M42, using 30,000BTU/hour gasoline heaters manufactured in Cleveland by another firm. The tanks had to be able to start within an hour of a cold soak at negative 65 degrees F. These tanks had originally been planned for operation in Korea, but by now the Cold War had frozen over. These Cadillac tanks were meant to take on Russian tanks – the T34/85 was known the world over for its superior design. No one knew where the next land engagement might open up, but we do know Barth’s contributions were important. (Opposite) Roe feeding her breakfast donute to a noshing deer while cruising on their honeymoon out west (early December, 1955). 11 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac (Continued) Sandra Lynne was born in ’56. In ’58 Wally got a call from his old boss back in Detroit, Les Murray. The Barths didn’t dally; they were back at Clark Street by November and living in West Bloomfield township soon after. The iconic 1959s had just gone on sale, so they sold their turquoise ’58 sedan (!) and bought a silver ’59 Coupe DeVille. Wally took on responsibility for electric clocks, turn signal switches, the new neutral safety switch with parking brake vacuum release valve, new cornering lamps, turn signal indicators on the fenders, under-car lamps, fog lamps, Twilight Sentinel, all radio components as well as some accessories, such as door guard moldings, floor mats and compasses. Above, Sandy -- apparently unimpressed by all that Cadillac styling. Below, Lisa and Sandy -watch out for those fins! If your Cadillac is from the Sixties, Wally Barth had a hand in its design and production. In ’63 he took on the position of assistant Staff Engineer, Electrical, and this allowed him overnight testing of company test cars. A different Cadillac every night! For instance, a west coast vacation in ’69 came by way of a company Brougham. Also in ’69 Wally got another promotion. The former assistant staff engineer was now Staff Engineer, Electrical! In 1971, Wally Barth received a patent with co-inventor Bill Bell for an electrical “transmission disabling device,” which Barth modestly attributes to his partner Bell. Wally merely appreciated the invitations to annual dinners at Cadillac reserved for its patent holders. Wally was Staff Engineer when he received the letter from GM CEO H. G. Warner, and that 60th Anniversary Celebration packet we introduced in last month’s TAILFIN. Barth had tremendous responsibilities during this period. He supervised the design and development of all vehicle wiring, lighting, charging and instrumentation, including these samples of major Cadillac milestones: • Rectangular and tungsten-halogen headlights • Theft deterrent systems • Electronic cruise control systems • Entertainment (stereo FM, 8-track and cassette tape players, power antennas) • Air bag systems. • Maintenance-free batteries • Driver information trip computers • Digital fuel injection One man’s famly — circa 1963. Try to imagine your Cadillac without those improvements. Then, thank your lucky stars Wally Barth missed out on the job at Pontiac, and skipped out on that Chrysler interview. 12 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac Posing for a family Christmas card in a company convertible. A cadre of Cadillac electrical engineers out west -typically at Scottsdale, Pikes Peak, Durango, CO and other test locations. Dad’s favorite Cadillacs were the Broughams. He loved that great, floating ride. And they were always fully loaded. The execs would drive home a different car every night, and if they found any issue at all, even a tiny one, they reported them in tiny black notebooks carried in the glove boxes of the company cars. -- Sandy (Continued) The Barth family was a very traditional one, with dinners together every evening, where everyone got a chance to share how their days had gone. Sandy remembers her dad telling stories about the Cadillac production line, and the challenges he faced daily. Once in a while, he’d mention seeing a whole line of Mary Kay pink Cadillacs coming down the line together. He often had meetings and tests at the Proving Ground in Milford. He organized a road trip to Pike’s Peak in Colorado to test the radio’s reception, and he met regularly at D’Arcy-McManus Massius in Bloomfield Hills to discuss upcoming advertising campaigns. What was an engineer doing at these sessions? Ostensibly he served on a focus group, but more likely he made sure the copy was accurate. In the ‘70s Mrs. Barth once got a call from Wally, who was using a phone positioned on the hump between the front seats. Was it an early cell phone? Well, he was driving – a mile from home – but that huge trunk was FULL of Motorola equipment, huge batteries, and miles of wiring. Another time Wally came home with a rear driver’s side window fixed in place with a squiggly line woven through it. He wore a ring that allowed him to unlock all the doors remotely. By the late ‘70s the Barth kids were getting used to seeing prototypes of GPS systems, a heads-up display operated from a 16” aluminum box full of vacuum tubes, and even a fiber optic alternative for lighting mirrors and doors – so the lamps would not affect temperature readings. 13 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b We were surrounded by auto execs in our subdivision, West Bloomfield, Birmingham and Franklin. Chuck Jordan, who would later become head of GM Design at the Tech Center, lived nearby. He often passed us at the school bus stop in his red and white ’55 Corvette. Even in the snow! Dad car pooled with several Cadillac men. I went to Sunday school with Jeff Sackett, son of Ansel Sackett, who always drove one of the antiques he collected to the Franklin Roundup Parade. You know him from the Ansel Sackett Awards of the CLC. March 2015 Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac (Continued) Dad always drove home in a different company car. Sometimes it was a test car – triple the number of headlights, or two large knobs instead of a steering wheel… Other times he would bring home a competitor’s car (a “stinkin’ Lincoln)… But we loved the other GM cars, like a Corvette or a Buick Riviera. Once in a long while he’d bring home a foreign job, like a yellow XKE Jaguar… Woof! Nice! Dad never liked any of these substitutes, because their rides just couldn’t measure up to a Cadillac’s. Sometimes we got to see new cars before anyone else did. The press would follow dad home, so he always parked inside the garage. The latest models would always draw lots of stares from other drivers and pedestrians. Pretty cool. You know, Cadillac didn’t want their new cars left in public lots, but that never stopped dad from driving them to the hardware store or to church! -- Sandy In the ‘70s Cadillac required their execs to buy a new car every two years (at discount of course). Wally would still drive the company cars, but Roe got the new Cadillacs now, to replace her ‘65 Corvair. In ’75 the family bought a very cushy DeVille d’Elegance with double-padded pillow seats and a 500 cid engine. Here’s Roe in the car just before it was sold to a new owner and before they acquired their next Cadillac (see next page). More test cars out west in the eighties. 14 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac (Continued) Roe generously allowed Sandy to drive her turquoise Eldorado Biarritz to college in downtown Detroit. Needless to say, Sandy was the most popular driver in her carpool! Below, the Eldorado at Meadowbrook Hall, Rochester Hills, MI. 15 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac (Continued) We were surrounded by auto execs in our subdivision, West Bloomfield, Birmingham and Franklin. Chuck Jordan, who would later become head of GM Design at the Tech Center, lived nearby. He often passed us at the school bus stop in his red and white ’55 Corvette. Even in the snow! Dad car pooled with several Cadillac men. I went to Sunday school with Jeff Sackett, son of Ansel Sackett, who always drove one of the antiques he collected to the Franklin Roundup Parade. You know him from the Ansel Sackett Awards of the CLC. Engineering group with a Seville and Sedan de Villes, below. In 1973 dad brought home on of the four Official Cadillac Pace Cars, souped up for the Indy 500 race. We hopped in and drove down Northwestern Highway in this convertible with Indy 500 Pace Car lettering. I was behind the wheel and dad rode shotgun. A guy pulled up at a light and revved his engine. I smiled at dad and he nodded “yes.” Shot out of a cannon, we left that dude in our dust. Fun times! -- Sandy 16 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Wally Barth - A Career with Cadillac (Continued) Wally’s home office with original PC. Right - early computer test equipment. The company cars would sometimes cause confusion. For instance, once a month on a Saturday dad would take us to downtown Detroit for lunch. Our favorite place was Lelli’s (scrumptious northern Italian – minestrone, filet with spaghetti and Zuppa Inglese – a warm cake with a frozen custard inside). We’d head back to Lelli’s covered garage, and the parking attendant would ask dad which car was his… and half the time dad would have no idea! I guess they ran it down by checking the windshield for engineering IDs. -- Sandy Wally and Roe on their wedding Day, Oct. 20. 1955 taken by his father at his studio on Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Wally remained in this position until he became Manager for Export Engineering in 1980. Among other things he accomplished during this time, Wally made the mental leap to using computers for managing the work. He began with a KayPro 2 in 1984 (sidebar). That powerhouse had a 5” monochrome screen with a daisy wheel printer (unless you were around for this revolution you cannot possibly imagine the state of the art in those days). It ran on a CP/M operating system, which was superseded in the ‘90s by DOS… These early days of office automation strengthened the engineering section’s ability to manage the work, and Wally contributed heavily to the transition. Wally Barth retired effective January 1, 1988, “with over 37 years of mostly fond memories and great friendships…” He passed away in 1991, leaving us his memoirs and wonderful memories of the glory days of Cadillac Motors. 17 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 TV The producers of American Pickers, on the History Channel, are looking for items or cars to sell to their tv show hosts — and sellers may even wind up on a segment of their show! So you have some treasures you might part with? And, not feel shy about being on TV? Please contact Paula Vopelak at 404-788-6121 -- or email/phone # on the flyer, below. American Pickers ad AAN_Layout 1 15-01-07 6:03 PM Page 1 OPP! Here are some of the items we’re looking to buy: Mike and Frank are always on the hunt for rusty gold, and they want to hear from you! If you have a large collection you think is worth the pick and want on American Pickers, now’s your chance! To be considered you must email us at: americanpickers@cineflix.com Or leave a message at: 1-855-OLD-RUST Be sure to include the following info: • Your name • Contact number • Description of your item(s) If you and your rusty gold qualify, you could be visited by Mike and Frank and appear on American Pickers! PLEASE NOTE: No retail shops or flea markets. After all, Mike and Frank are modern day archaeologists! Happy picking! • Motor scooters: Vespas, Lambretta, Cushman • Old advertising signage • Motorcycles • Bicycles (Pre-60’s to turn-of-the-century) • Old toys: tin, wind-up, cast iron • Pre 50’s vending machines • Pinball and slot machines • Old movie posters • Unusual radios: transistor, tabletop, etc. • Antique casino/gaming machines • Vintage movie memorabilia • Vintage advertising Items • Taxidermy • Vintage concert posters & t-shirts • Early Boy Scout items • Pre 60’s vintage diner collectibles • Pre 60’s TV merchandise • Pre 50’s western/equestrian gear • Classic motorcycle memorabilia • Sports memorabilia • Casino tables • Houdini items • Old rodeo items • Airline collectibles: Pan-Am, TWA, Etc. • Late 70’s & earlier military items • Extraordinary mobster memorabilia • Vintage police officer collectibles • Firefighter collectibles • Pre 40’s telephones • Folk art • Vintage BB guns/cap guns • Early Halloween items • Pre 40’s Christmas items • Hawaiiana/Tiki Collectibles • Vintage sports collectibles • Vintage election memorabilia • Musical instruments • Civil War antiques • Vintage gas pumps • Pre 70’s old neon signs • Strange woodcarvings • Vintage collegiate collectibles We currently are not looking for: Farming/ agriculture items, tools, glassware, appliances, tractors, crocks, stoves or country primitives 18 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Tenth Annual Dave Comstock Chili Cook-off! Dick Peden’s TENTH ANNUAL DAVE COMSTOCK CHILI COOK-OFF is where we kick off our Peach State CLC 2015 activity calendar, and this year it was a bigger BLAST than any year before. By Dick’s count we had 58 in attendance, probably 20% more than 2014. This is our annual celebration of Peach State “favorite son,” Dave Comstock. Dave loved his chili, and he would have loved that we keep getting bigger and better every year! We missed Marty but she has assured me that she will be back in 2016. Mick Opelak (Marty’s son-in-law) defended his perennial crown, this time stretching his wings with an attention-grabbing white chicken chili. Mick took third place this year. Second went to Tom Di Nucci, who was as flabber-gasted as anyone with his strong showing. Our new champ is Annette Benneche, whose dish was a TOTAL WINNER. I think you might have been caught by surprise a little, too, Annette! Congratulations, all. Bring back another winner in 2016! Thanks to all who brou ght a dessert, cheese, chips and the like, as well as some mouth-watering cornbread. I am going to jump the line next time, because once again I was aced out of tasting Forrest’s corn concoction. We had 13 pots of chili, plenty for hordes of hungry eaters, making it tough on the judges. Hey, it’s tough duty, but someone’s got to do it! Phil had the best presentation, by far, with his desert background and lighting for the chili-pepper he brought. 19 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Tenth Annual Dave Comstock Chili Cook-off! The weather was excellent, which allowed us to linger outdoors among the cars for a while. The sunshine gave us a chance to see the new arrivals, including a colt merely a couple of weeks old. I know Phil Maddox was a little skittish about driving his Roadmaster – he knows by now that we are NOT arrogant, one-trickCadillac-ponies. He only had to ask Mark Nichols, who drove his “new” Packard… or any of our other multimake car lovers. In fact, I was disappointed that our Hudson aficionado Henry Dabrowski could not make it. Our host Dick Peden (below, in front of his newest acquisition, the Merc wagon) welcomed us, and gave us a guided tour of the features and history of his marvelous collection. We enjoyed seeing the new Mercury woodie. Once again, your event is the highlight of the winter season. Your club thanks you for your kindness and warm hospitality. 20 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Tenth Annual Dave Comstock Chili Cook-off! 21 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 34th Annual “Peach Blossom” Hello Dixie Buick, Dixie Olds, SE GTO and Peach State Cadillac Clubs: BOPC Car Show and Swap Meet The Dixie Chapter Buick Club of America is proud to announce the 34th Annual Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac Cadillac (BOPC) Car Show, the Atlanta Marriott NW just off I-75 and Windy Hosted by Dixie Chapter, BuickMay Club1-2 of atAmerica, www.buickclub.org/dixie Hill Road. We invite you and all your club members to bring your beautiful cars to the show for all to see. It does not matter if your car is beautifully restored, original with all the door dings, or a work in progress. Heck, I’ve been to car shows and seen cars with no front clips, or no interior. I guarantee that a car with no interior will be looked at more thoroughly than a restored car! Bring ‘em all! st nd May 1 & 2 , 2015 Atlanta Marriott Northwest Host Hotel (beautifully remodeled) & Show Some highlights of the Show as expanded upon in the attached BOPC Registration Form: Field 200 Interstate North Parkway SE &Marriott WindyNW. Hill, Exit 260 • Same Location as last year, I-75 Atlanta • We have a block of rooms locked in atGA, $99770-952-7900. until April 1st. First come, First served. Atlanta • Registrations open Friday, Noon to 6 PM. Vendor set up same time. www.atlantamarriottnw.com • Reception indoors at 7:30 PM with food, fun and classical Rock music featuring Mention BOPC Show for $99 hotel rate. “Noztalia” Rock and Roll Band. Hotelopen Deadline fortillBOPC rate is April 1st! • Saturday Registrations at 7:30 AM 11 AM. • Judging 11 AM -1 PM, Fire Extinguisher Mandatory & Convertible Tops Up • AwardsChairman: at 3 PM Car Show David Gareau (404-863-9768) buickman7185@att.net Chairman: Jerry Richstein PleaseRegistration visit www.34thannualbopc.com, which includesjerry.richstein@gmail.com a convenient PayPal option. Friday, May 1st: I have attention? • Registration andNow... VendorCan Setup openyour at Noon to 6 PM • Reception 7:30 PM Old Chapter Fashion Southern Barbecue, Live The Dixie BCA is proclaiming a Challenge! Music and Cash Bar. Bring Your Dance Shoes, Rock n Roll to The club with the MOST registrations will receive a $100 Gift Certificate. Music from 60’s-90’s Featuring “ Naztalgia” WHO will have more cars at the BOPC Show... Buick, Olds, Pontiac or Cadillac??? Saturday, May 2nd • Registration 7:30 AM to 11 AM • Cars judged by an independent car club. The Show Chairman is Dave Gareau. If you have any questions, his number is 404-863-9768 or • 1st, 2nd, 3rd places / class • Mandatory Fire Extinguisher buickman7185@att.net. • Best of Buick, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, • Vendors open at 9 AM See you in May! and best modified. • Judging 11 AM – 1 PM • Convertibles judged w/ tops up. • Awards at 3 PM — J D Westfall 22 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 34th Annual “Peach Blossom” BOPC Car Show and Swap Meet Hosted by Dixie Chapter, Buick Club of America, www.buickclub.org/dixie st nd May 1 & 2 , 2015 Atlanta Marriott Northwest Host Hotel (beautifully remodeled) & Show Field 200 Interstate North Parkway SE I-75 & Windy Hill, Exit 260 Atlanta GA, 770-952-7900. www.atlantamarriottnw.com Mention BOPC Show for $99 hotel rate. Hotel Deadline for BOPC rate is April 1st! Car Show Chairman: David Gareau (404-863-9768) buickman7185@att.net Registration Chairman: Jerry Richstein jerry.richstein@gmail.com Friday, May 1st: • Registration and Vendor Setup open at Noon to 6 PM • Reception 7:30 PM Old Fashion Southern Barbecue, Live Music and Cash Bar. Bring Your Dance Shoes, Rock n Roll to Music from 60’s-90’s Featuring “ Naztalgia” Saturday, May 2nd • Registration 7:30 AM to 11 AM • Mandatory Fire Extinguisher • Vendors open at 9 AM • Judging 11 AM – 1 PM • Awards at 3 PM • Cars judged by an independent car club. • 1st, 2nd, 3rd places / class • Best of Buick, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, and best modified. • Convertibles judged w/ tops up. 23 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 34th Annual “Peach Blossom” BOPC Show May 1-2, 2015 @ Atlanta Marriott NW Free Dash Plaque for the first 150 registrations! ParticipantRegistration: Name(s) Address Phone ( ) CarRegistration: Car 1: Year: Body Style Car 2: Year: Body Style City State Zip Email _ Make: Class: Model: Car Club Affiliation: Make: Class: Model: Car Club Affiliation: If No Club Affiliation would you like more information on becoming a Member of one of the Clubs at this show? Please check all that apply. Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac Cadillac Fees: Registrations postmarked by April 6th are $25 first car and $20 each additional, after April 6th and at the Gate $30 and $25. @$25 @$20 2015 BOPC Commemorative Tee Shirts are $15. S M L XL XXL XXXL @$15 Vendor Spaces are $25 for the 1st space and $15 for each additional if postmarked by April 6th. After April 6th and at the Gate are $30 and $20. Car Corral Spaces are $15 if postmarked by April 6th After April 6th, $20 per space. @$25 Vendor Spaces @$15 Car Corral Spaces Friday Night Reception w/Food, Live Dance Music & Cash Bar @$30 Total sent for the 2015 BOPC $ Please make checks payable Dixie Chapter BCA and mail to: Jerry Richstein, 4798 Grants Way, Marietta, GA 30066 By the execution of this form, participants release the Dixie Chapter, Buick Club of America, and its members, the Marriott NW, its employees and anyone connected with the presentation of the “Peach Blossom BOPC” from any and all known and unknown damages, injuries, losses, claims or judgments from any cause whatsoever that may be suffered by an entrant or participant to his/her person, family or property. Signed Date 24 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Farewell to a ROMEO car couple (and some advice for our members) — By Phil Maddox and Bob Winchell with Doug Bailey. Photos by Phil Maddox. As you probably know, the ROMEO car club is a group of folks who love old cars of all makes and eras. ROMEO stands for “Retired Old Men Eating Out.” This a hard core group of guys that gets together more than once each week to have breakfast, drive their cars, and do good deeds for their fellow man. Several of the Peach State Cadillac folks are also ROMEOs. There are no dues, and no formal organization – just people who love cars spending time together. Occasionally those of us aligned with the group receive an email from the “leader,” Dik Wesson, conveying the inevitable: Someone is in the hospital needing prayer, or has passed away. But in late January the news from Dik was unusually sad… Doug “ROMEO members: Bud and June Runion were tragically and prematurely taken from their family, friends and ROMEOs as they traveled to McRae, GA in search of a ’66 Mustang. Their SUV was found partially submerged in a local lake on Monday. Searchers later found two bodies nearby that have since been identified as the Runions. A local resident has been placed in custody but has not been charged in their deaths. Bud was a regular of the ROMEO group, having joined as a ‘newbie’ in October of 2012. He obviously enjoyed the comradery and counsel of his friends and old car enthusiasts. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Runions’ three daughters and their families.” —Dik Later, Dik noted that “Jay Towns, the suspect who was already in custody on charges of attempting to rob the Runions, has been charged with malice murder and armed robbery of the couple. Their bodies were found a short distance from where their van was located. It had been partially submerged on property owned by Town’s family. Each had been shot in the head. Towns lived in a neighboring community with his wife and a daughter, whom he supported by doing construction work for a local home builder. Police say that he DID NOT own a ‘66 Mustang. [His Craig’s List ad] was used as bait to lure the Runions to McRae...” Then this from Dik: “Approximately 45 Romeo members attended the memorial service for Bud and June Runion today, Saturday, January 31. The sentiments expressed by the speakers were both moving and enlightening as we learned more about our friend and his wife than we had ever envisioned. They were giving and caring for those who were less fortunate and looked upon as pillars of the church and the community. Indications were that the 2500 seat auditorium and balcony were filled to capacity with standing room only for the parishioners and the Runions’ family and friends. Dr. Mark Walker made us aware of the Runion’s performances for those in need as well as the other side of Bud, his interests, his love of family, and his antics both within and outside of the Church properties. It is obvious that they were loved and respected during their short time with us and will be welcomed in their final resting place. On Monday, February 2, there will be a procession from…Marietta to the Georgia National Cemetery in Canton. Quite a few have expressed interest in being a part of this final remembrance in their classic cars. If you can make it we’ll see you there. Yesterday, I heard from two ROMEOs close to us in the Peach State CLC, Phil Maddox and Bob Winchell... (please see next page) 25 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Farewell to a ROMEO car couple (and some advice for our members) Doug, I attended the procession for the Runions on the second. I showed up to pay my respect for a man I remember having coffee with. I would want my ROMEO buddies to do this for me. It was nice to have the guys come out and help send him off. It was super cold that morning - as we stood outside waiting for everyone to show up we saw some very light snow flakes. Dik Wesson and Joe Hatfield gave interviews to Channel 2 News. I think there might have been 20 or 25 cars that showed up. There were military SUVs at the front of the procession. It was cool to see the respect that people had; they took off their hats as we passed by. One lady stood outside her car, hand over her chest and head bowed. Some police officers at the intersection stood outside their cars at full salute. — Phil Maddox Doug, I arrived at the Runion service a bit ahead of the Romeo group, who mostly drove their collector cars. The seats filled in fast, but I managed to find a single seat next to a Runion family friend. Around half an hour before the service started, it was standing room only in this very large sanctuary. Security was very heavy early on, but it thinned out as the service progressed. There was quite a contingent from Telfair County [the site of the incident] including the mayor and police chief. It was apparent that this pastor knew the Runions personally. He told a few personal stories and nearly broke down a few times in his sermon. Looks like a very large and active church overall, the people were very quiet and respectful throughout. The Romeo group was represented well at the service and again at the drive to the internment in Canton on Monday. This was a very sad story overall. It should remind all of us to consummate our car purchases with lots more care than we have in the past. — Bob Winchell Doug, I think this should be a wake-up call for all of us. Let the Runions’ situation remind us to be on guard. The online auctions have become dangerous… Before we rush off to see a car for sale, maybe we should have someone that carries go with us. Or, at least meet the seller/buyer in front of a police station. I would always Google-map the area where a car is supposed to be, just to get to know the ins and outs of a place beforehand, just in case. The next time I deal with a stranger I will have the dude send a picture of the VIN to prove he or she has the car. See you soon. — Phil Maddox NOTE: In the Runions’ obituary was a request that………“in lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to House of Hope in Canton, GA.” The Romeos are planning to make a donation to the Runions’ favorite charity. If you wish to donate you may make cash contributions during the ROMEOs breakfasts each Tuesday morning at the Marietta Diner. The donations may be given to Dik Wesson any time in March. — Doug Bailey 26 P e a c h S tat e C a d i l l a c & L a S a l l e C l u b March 2015 Peach State CLC Cruise-In! ALL DAY EVENT! Enter as early as 10:00 AM. Come early and enjoy the children’s events, register for contests, and participate in the Hat Contest. CRUISE-IN TAILGATE PARTY - We have set up a spot for an afternoon of congeniality among Peach State friends. Come get your spot, then meander along the beautiful grounds and enjoy the most exciting horse racing in Georgia with family and friends! 1:30 pm: Racing Begins! WHERE? Kingston, GA. Directions: From I-75: Take I-75 to Exit 293. Turn WEST onto US 411. Go 3.2 miles and turn right onto US 41/411 ramp to Rome. Go 2.9 miles through a couple of traffic signals. Turn right onto US 411 to Rome. Go 12 miles to Gore Spring Road on right. Follow directional signs to parking location. Reservations are required! PSCLC member Tom Di Nucci will be hosting from the Di Nuccis’ reserved spots in the Home Stretch Infield, Row 3, spots 1324, 1325, 1326 (See map, below). There will be tents and tables. Cars will be parked just behind us. This is a collector car event, so please bring NOTHING NEWER THAN 1999! Everyone will be assigned or chose from a list of food items, bring your own drinks and chairs. Alcohol is permitted. We only have room for 20 cars. Price for admission $180.00 per car includes infield parking and 4 tickets. Send your check for $180* made out to Tom Di Nucci at the address below. You must reserve your spot no later than March 19, 2015. Children Under 12 are admitted free. RESERVATIONS $180: Tom or Linda Di Nucci, 202 Lakewood Drive, Waleska, GA 30183, 678-880-4345 ltd9328@netzero.net www.AtlantaSteeplechase.org • The steeplechase will run rain or shine, and refunds are not available for inclement weather. * This is tax deductible to benefit Bert’s Big Adventure is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides a magical, all-expenses-paid, five-day journey to Walt Disney World® for children with chronic and terminal illnesses and their families. 27
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