Shopper The Lethbridge Week of March 21, 2015 Phone 403-329-8225 Our circulation is audited by: Visit Us at 2351C - 2A Ave. N Service You Can Trust By a Certified Technician Lawn Riders, Lawn Mowers, Tillers, Chainsaws, Trimmers, Generator Sets and Snowblowers We Service What We Sell Parts & Service for Sears Craftsman Specializing in lawnmower & lawnrider tune-ups "He who hesitates is lost." - Proverb Phone/Fax Like us on: YES WE SELL NEW EQUIPMENT 403-327-8080 Serving Southern Alberta for 23 Years SPRING HAS SPRUNG! By Paul Straat Spring has sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the birdies is? Well notwithstanding the latest snowfall, spring is definitely on its way. I know this because I have all sorts of little green things already tentatively poking their heads out of the ground in my flower beds. The frozen pond behind our house is now chilly open water, and there's a whole slough of ducks and geese floating around serenely, resting from an early and long flight home. Not to mention, the gophers are already out on the roadways playing their annual spring game of chicken with all of the local motorists. Thank goodness for rack and pinion steering! Personally I try my best to avoid them, but many in my neighborhood have already been selected out of the current year's gene pool as evidenced by many a greasy stain on the pavement. I always wonder if this is due to either the average gopher's appalling lack of self-preservation instincts, or an overabundance of hormones and youthful bravado. No matter, experience has taught me there's a lot more where those came from. March 21st is actually the date of the spring equinox, when day and night are of equal length and this is the official start of spring. If you're like me, you've been looking forward to this since the last day of summer. You have to wonder if it's biological or psychological, but on the first warm day the parks are instantly full of parents with children in strollers and dogs on leashes, all taking in the sweetness and the promise of warmth in the air. You could say that we have a short summer in these parts, so it's good to take advantage of every sunny day. But there's an urgency we feel to go and just be out- YOU TOO CAN OWN COMMERCIAL GRADE KITCHEN EQUIPMENT AT WHOLESALE PRICING!! No restaurant licence required Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm 403-380-4600 3655 - 18 Ave. N. Lethbridge AB side or to start projects that can only be explained by the term spring fever. I think everyone in my neighborhood, myself included, has contracted a pretty severe case of it already. We had hit the high teens here lately, and I thought I would go for a walk in my local favorite park. When I got there the parking lot was so full I had to forgo the whole plan. Instead I went home and did a number on my front and back yard. Several neighbors had the same idea and we all exchanged nods, smiles, and the usual speculations about the kind of spring and summer we are going to have. The whole day ended up being a bit less relaxing than my original plan, but no less satisfying when it was all done. Next on the list? The garage. At least that's what it's technically called. There really isn't a word in the English language that accurately describes an attached space that is so full of junk, it is either waiting to prove its usefulness over the long term, or it ends up in the biennial garage sales which seem to be the only thing between me and a starring role in the next episode of Hoarders. I've only been trying to get a handle on this chaotic mess I call my garage for the seven years I've been living in this house. You'd think moving to a new place would be a great opportunity to jettison a lot of useless junk. In truth, the last move was. What really ended up happening though, was we got rid of a lot of old junk and replaced it with a lot of new junk. And this new junk seems to have the same ability as the old junk to breed in the dark corners of my garage and perpetuate itself. It never bothers me that much over the winter. But spring? Yup. This is the year it's all got to go! I am determined to someday continued on page 6 FULL SERVICE AUTOBODY CAR WASH & DETAILING Check us out at 985 - 42nd Street South, Lethbridge * We pay your Deductible! *Some conditions Apply 403.380.6933 Have you been laid off? Do you Need to rework your vehicle Payments? WE CAN HELP! Call: 403-524-0526 or apply online: - Fleet Direct - 324 - Mayor Magrath Drive S. Lethbridge - Royal Canadian Legion Bldg. TI RED OF WALKI NG... STA RT DRIVI NG! WE CAN HELP! • A RE YOU CREDIT CHALLENGED? • WE H AVE LOW INTEREST R ATES • NO CREDIT/POOR CREDIT • MINIMUM $500 CASH DOWN • NEW TO THE COUNTRY (O.A.C) 115 W.T. HILL BLVD SOUTH LETHBRIDGE AB DAVIS IS YOUR AUTO FINANCE CENTER Call JODI E for Details • 403-317-7968 or 1-800-626-0869 Page 2, THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015 Loose Fitting DENTURES? We have the Revolutionary Digital Solution! Introducing... Digital Dentures Now our exclusive, breakthrough, digital CAD/CAM technology will give you the computer-precise fit you won’t find anywhere else. Check Out AvaDent Advantages An AvaDent in 2 appointments Computer designed and milled for a Precision Fit Computer enhanced aesthetics for a natural look and feel Bacterial resistant to help eliminate sore spots and denture breath Permanent digital record duplication in case of loss or damage AvaDent Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Old Denture No No No No No Natural Denture & Implant Center 504 5th St. South Lethbridge, AB T1J 2B8 Call today to schedule your FREE consultation. 587.425.0078 This Paper Is Recyclable So When Your Finished Reading Please Recycle Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At Agriculture Automotive FOR SALE: Old, Model 555, Massey Ferguson Tractor & 12 ft. Cultivator, $1,200/both. Phone: (626) 543-0415 $FAST CASH$For your vehicle. Running or not. Prompt, Friendly service. Loren’s 24 Hr. Towing. Phone: (403) 308-1090 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: All in good running condition. 2005 Hyundai whl. Excavator w/twist bucket & digging bucket; 1997 Caterpillar D4 Dozer; 1970 Champion Grader; 1985 762B John Deere Elevating Scraper; 2003 IHC 7200 Series Crew Cab truck w/deck; 48’ Lode Maxx 5th wheel tridem trailer. Contact Tom at (403) 308-9065 FOR SALE: Beeline Model 2016 Granular Herbicide Spreader, in-cab monitor -hyd fan, hitch mount accessories acre wheel- piping for up to 40 ft spreading. $1,000 OBO. Phone: (403) 655-2220 WANTED: Magneto for EY 44 WW 1010 for Wisconsin Robin Single Cylinder Motor. Phone: (403) 330-6762 Automotive FOR SALE: 2007 Honda Accord EXL6. Excellent condition. Black leather interior, moon roof, tinted windows and includes winter tires. Well maintained. $9,500. Phone: (403) 3314656 FOR SALE: 1997 Suburban. V8, auto. PS, PB, air, tilt, cruise, dual heaters. Body clean, no dents or rust. 216K. Seats 7. $1,800. OBO. Phone: (403) 328-5713. CLASSIFIEDS SELL!! LETHBRIDGE GROCERY STORE & RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT AUCTION UNRESERVED AUCTION ADDRESS: 1702 23 STREET NORTH Lethbridge AB SALE DATE: MARCH 24 at 10 am VIEWING: MARCH 23rd FROM 10 am to 5 pm FOR SALE: 640 Rotax Engine for Skidoo or go-cart. $200. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: 2004 Dodge Grand Caravan. Air, tilt, cruise, DVD, PW, PL & power back windows. Inspected. Asking $4,250. OBO. Phone: (403) 328-5713. FOR SALE: 2001 Kia Sportage. Good condition, motor is toast. Phone: (403) 892-1443 FOR SALE: 2006 Chev Uplander minivan. Lowered floor, (wheelchair van). 42,000 ks. New tires. $28,800. Phone: 1-800-3186000 or (587) 220-2759. FOR SALE: 2005 Chev Impala. 4 door. Great shape. Asking $4,000. OBO. Call John for more info: (403) 330-6654 FOR SALE: 2002 Ford Windstar SEL. In good condition. New brakes. 237,000 ks. Asking $2,000. Phone: (403) 738-4261 FOR SALE: 2010 Kawasaki VN900 Classic Motorcycle, red/black, windshield, saddlebags, back rest, carrier, engine guards, belt drive, liquid cooled, foot boards, low seat/weight. Only 9,500 km. $5,100 OBO. Phone: (403) 655-2220 FOR SALE: 2011 Jayfeather, 22’ trailer w/microwave & A/C, hitch & stabilizer bar. $13,500. Phone: (403) 320-0517 CASH FOR SCRAP: Cars, trucks, buses, etc. No wheels? No problems. Free Towing. Phone: (403) 308-1161 PARTING OUT - A large selection of vehicles. New units arriving daily. U pull and save. Airport Pick A Part, 1st left South of the Lethbridge Airport. Cash paid for scrap cars. Phone: 403-380-3035 REMOVAL: MARCH 24th, 25th, 26th 9 am to 5 pm or by APPOINTMENT COMPLETE GROCERY STORE OF EQUIPMENT - 1999 VERTICAL GPI208 BALER, 2007 MAPLE BEV, BAR BEVERAGE BAR, RETARDER BOX BAKERY, 2007 DELI BOX COOLER WITH SHELVES BOX DELI, 2007 DAIRY COOLER SHELVING BOX DAIRY, 2007 GROCERY FREEZER BOX BOX FREEZER, 2007 BAKERY FREEZER BOX BOX FREEZER, 2007 FLORAL COOLER BOX FLORAL, 20x30x9 FT WALKIN MEAT COOLER, 8x24x8 FT WALIN MEAT COOLER, 12x40x8 FT WALKIN BOX PRODUCE COOLER, 2006 LOW VOLUME WALL ASSEMBLY CABINET/COUNTERS, 2006 EXTND POS CABINET CABINET/COUNTERS, 2007 FULL FLORAL TRELLIS UNIT CANOPY, 2 - 8 TIER S/S CART, 2004 D5-8L CASE COOLER, D5-9 GROC CASE DELI SERVICE, D5-12 GROC CASE DELI SERVICE, 3 - 2006 MED TEMP DAIRY CASE CASE DAIRY, D5-12L CASE DAIRY, M1-12E MEAT CASE MEAT, M1-12E CASE MEAT, 5 - 2006 LOW TEMP MEAT FISH CASE CASE FISH, 2 - 2005 D5-6 CASE PRODUCE, 2 – 2003 D5-8 CASE PRODUCE, 2 – 2003 P2-8 CASE PRODUCE, 4 – 2003 P2-12 CASE PRODUCE, RIC-01 CASE PRODUCE, 4' DELI CASE - HOT FOOD, 4R CHICKEN RACK CASE - HOT FOOD, 2007 ESBDVS-8 MED TEMP DELI CASE DELI, 2007 MED TEMP DELI CASE CASE DELI, M3-12E CASE DELI, 2 END NARROW ISLAND CASE CASE N REFRIG, 2007 PARTITION SERVICE CASE CASE N REFRIG, 207 2 DR FLORAL CASE CASE-REF FLORAL, 2006 CASE FOOD COUNTERTOP CASE, 2012 BOHN COIL-SM-156AE COIL, 2012 BOHN COIL-SM-156AE COIL, DELI COIL, BAKERY BOX COIL, 2013 ZFD-9K4E-TF5-931 COMPRESSOR, 2010 LACA-032E-TAC-800 COMPRESSOR, 2007 3RK1-0310-TAC-800 COMPRESSOR, 2010 KATA-0150TAC-800 COMPRESSOR, 2004 EAVA021ETAC800 COMPRESSOR 10/22/2004, 9RS3-0765-TFC COMPRESSOR, KATA-0150-TAC COMPRESSOR, MRA0500TFC COMPRESSOR, 2007 PETOSKEY LITTER RECEPTACLE CONTAINER, 2007 IDL ROOM COUNTER COUNTERS/CABINETS, 2007 WALL MOUNT COUNTER COUNTERS/CABINETS, 2006 CONDIMENT STATION COUNTERS/CABINETS, CUSTOMER SRV COUNTERS/CABINETS, PHARMACY PDX 27 COUNTERS/CABINETS, ARTISAN BREAD DSPLY-BAKERY N-REF, 2007 MOBILE BREAD MERCH DSPLY-BAKERY N-REF, 2006 GIFT CARD END DISPLAY END, 7 - 2007 LIFESTYLE SHADOWBOX DISPLAY FIXTR FLOWER, 2007 STEPPED UNIT FLORAL DEPT DSPLAY FIXTR-FLOWER, 2007 FLORAL ARMOIRE DSPLAY FIXTR-FLOWER, 2007 UNIWEB SHADOWBOX DSPLAY FIXTR-FLOWER, 2007 4 PIECE FLOR FIXTURE DSPLAY FIXTRFLOWER, MELON CRATE DSPLAY FIXTR-N REFRG, PRODUCE DEPT CUBE UNITS (3) DSPLAY FIXTRN REFRG, BUN ROUNDER DIVIDER, 2012 MISTWISE ROLL SYSTEM FILTER UNIT, 2006 RO SYSTEM FILTER UNIT, 2007 3 SEC REACH-IN FREEZER - REACH IN, 4 – 1999 RL5 2 DOOR W/AC FREEZER REACH IN, 4 - RL-4 FREEZER - REACH IN, 15 - RL5 5 DOOR W/AC FREEZER - REACH IN, LUCKS BAKERY FRYER-DONUT, 15-OJC-18R GENERATOR, TCPW-100S GEN TRANSFER SWITCH, 2009 STERILOX 2200 GENERATOR SYSTEM HUMIDIFIER, 2007 AVA SERIES RO II HUMIDIFIER, 2006 ICEMAKER ICE MACHINE, LUCKS 2 BOWL ICING MACHINE, 2007 FULL SIZE FLORAL KIOSK KIOSK, 2006 CUSTOM IBM WORKSTATION KIOSK, 16' ALUMINUM STEP LADDER, FLOOR DISPLAY MERCHANDISER, MERCHANDISER G MERCHANDISER, 8' MED TEMP ISLAND MERCH MERCHANDISER, BKRY SPIRAL MIXER – STORE, 2007 ELECTRIC COMBI OVEN OVEN, 2006 GAS DOUBLE RACK OVEN OVEN, BAKERY PROOF BOX, 2007 UNDERCOUNTER REFRIGERATOR REFRIGERATOR, 2 - 2006 REFRIG UCR48 REFRIGERATOR, REFRIG BEV AIR REFRIGERATOR, SIMPLEX 208 ROLL-SHEETER, 3422 ABP SAFE, GROCERY SHELVING SHELVING, 3 COMP DELI SINK SHELVING, FLORAL LIFESTYLE SHELVING SHELVING, SHELF WIRE RACK SHELVING, 4 - THOMPSON RACKS SHELVING SALE SHELVING, 32 LF DELI SHELVING, BAKERY SHELVING, SHELVING, SKY SHELVING SHELVING, PILL SHELVING SET SHELVING PHARMACY, 3 COMP SINK SINK, MEAT 3 COMP SINK, PROD 2 COMP TRIM SINK, PROD UTENSIL SINK, SE 12 BIZERBA SLICING MACHINE, SOUP STATION SOUP BAR, 3 DELI MAPLE BASE TABLE NEW EQUIPMENT - 5 Foot & 6 Foot S/S Tables, Bain Maries, All Sizes of Prep Tables, Upright Coolers, Upright Freezers, 100's of Aluminum Bakery Pans, Double & Triple S/S Sinks, Bakery Racks, Slicers, More LIST PROVIDED BY THE GROCERY STORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, ADDITIONS & DELETIONS ALL ITEMS SOLD AS IS WHERE IS, 15% BUYERS PREMIUM ADDED TO ALL SALES! TEL: 403-287-1900 REMOTE CAR STARTERS: We stock Top-Quality 1 and 2-way Remote Starter Systems to fit virtually any budget and personal style. Choose Iasity Sound if you want years of Trouble-Free use, Superior Products and No costly hidden fees. NO month-long wait times. FAST turn-around times (typically 4 hrs max for most vehicles). Quick, Efficient and HassleFree servicing. We offer a Lifetime Warranty on All Installations and Industry Standard Manufacturer Warranties on the Starter Systems themselves. Open with installation technician on hand 7 days a week. Iasity Sound, 3514 - 9 Ave. North, Lethbridge, AB. 403380-2847 FOR SALE: 3 metal gas cans, $10.00 each or all for $25.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: 2006 Saturn Ion. 4 door, 2.2L. 5 speed, standard, tilt, power door locks, tack, CD player. New windshield & new front axles. $4,650. OBO. Phone: (403) 328-5713. WANTED: Early 90’s or late 80’s Yamaha DT 50cc Enduro. Any condition. Phone: (403) 892-1443 FOR SALE: 2003 Toyota Tundra 4x4 TRD 4dr access cab w/canopy. 237km. Excellent condition. $9,600. OBO. Phone: (403) 892-1624 Sue Maier’s “Since you asked” 2.59% 5 year fixed 2.20% 5 year variable rate OAC OAC Sue Maier, Master Mortgage Professional 403-308-3860 | I have been a Mortgage Agent in Lethbridge since 1997 YES!!! RATES HAVE DROPPED – 2.59% for 5 year fixed rate YES!!! Now is the time to lock in a low rate a 120 days prior to your mortgage renewal YES!!! By doing so you can save possibly thousands of dollars YES!!! Variable rate mortgage is different from a fixed mortgage Call me!!!! Each Mortgage Centre is independently owned and operated. Automotive Automotive FOR SALE: 2002 Chev 1500, 4.8 V8, 170K, white, new brakes, 2WD, cracked cluster, $1,800; 1980 Southwind Class A, approx 35 ft, runs, w/like new onan genset on board, $2,000. Phone: (403) 929-3030 FOR SALE: Green, full size, Ford truck topper, $200. OBO. Phone: (403) 393-2444 or (403) 320-7335. FOR SALE: 16’ Aristocrat holiday trailer w/toilet & new fridge, $1,500; 1 Horse Trailer, $1,200; 175 Yamaha Trike, new tires, $1,200. OBO. Phone: (403) 553-4551 FOR SALE: 2006 Saturn Vue - White, AWD, loaded. 175,000 km. Great condition. $7,300. OBO. Phone: (403) 308-9110 FOR SALE: 2007 Ram 1500, quad cab, 4x4 Laramie. 5.7 hemi, loaded except sunroof. Power steering, windows, seats & power rear window. Leather heated seats, DVD player, sprayed in box liner, Blue tooth, tinted windows, low km. $13,500. Phone: (403) 328-5713. FOR SALE: 1982 Class A 32’ Vanguard motor home. 102,500 km. Generator, air conditioner, furnace, central vacuum, 4 piece bath, sleeps 8, micro, awning. Top of the 1982 line. Must be seen! $6,500 OBO, or will consider trade for 24’ - 26’ travel trailer. Phone: (403) 738-4733. FOR SALE: 22.5 ft Sportsmaster. 1 senior owner, low mileage. Spotless, in excellent condition, with all appliances. $9,800. Phone: (403) 327-5778 FOR SALE: 25’, 85 Vanguard. 460 motor, 2 new front tires, 3 new batteries, new alternator 2013, interior good, car dolly & wiring. $7,500. Phone: (403) 3200517 IN IN STOCK STOCK Need More Space? Fold It! 9713045 Kar Kaddy™ SS (w/Surge Brakes) Tows almost any vehicle without adjustment to axles or ramps. 9713046 Kar Kaddy™ 3 (w/Surge Brakes) Ideal for RV owners who need an economical, dependable auto transport 9713048 Tow-It™ 2 9713047 Tow-It™ 2 (w/Surge Brakes) 711 - 2nd “A” Ave. North, Lethbridge, AB (Hwy #3; Stafford Drive Off-Ramp) • 1-866-329-3933 • 403-329-3933 Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At Silver Screen or “Pure Words, as Silver Purified” Martyr King Edward VI of England had the crucifixes removed from all churches. Foxe records that, “…all images be clean taken away and pulled down already, to the intent that all contention in every part of the realm, for this matter, may be clearly taken away, and that the lively image of Christ should not contend for the dead images…” LARGE ESTATE SALE: Everything must be sold, leaving the province. Shop tools, yard tools, every kind of household & tool you can imagine. Too many articles to list, some like new & antiques of all sorts. Phone anytime, if no answer leave message. Norm: (403) 7384414 FOR SALE: Maytag Neptune washer/dryer set, front load, $300; 2013 Frigidaire, 18.2, white, $200; Front load washer, guaranteed good washing, $200. Phone: (403)929-3030. FOR SALE: Rocker-Swivel Chair, $75.00. Phone: (403) 393-0544. FOR SALE: 32” white screen door, hinged on left, $60.00. Phone: (403) 329-3041 FOR SALE: Turntable, speakers & stand, $20.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. Also for all your Christian Books & History Books Automotive FOR SALE: 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. Loaded, 4WD, moon roof, 10 CD Disc changer. Safety inspected. A must see vehicle. Asking $5,700. OBO. Only 169,900 km. Call Gerry @ (403) 329-4874. Household FOR SALE: 1989 - 16 ft Holiday Trailer - Loaded, single axle, new air, vents. Phone: (403) 320-9236. FOR SALE: Dishwasher, $75.00. Phone: (403) 3930544 FOR SALE: Hydraulic jack, $30.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Double bed, like new, with headboard. Phone: (403) 328-9383 FOR SALE: 81 Dodge 4x4, 360, 4 speed. All mechanical new or rebuilt. Has safety, only 70K on work. Complete or parts. Also Dana Diffs 4 85 Dodge 1/2 4x4. Phone: (403) 320-6802 FOR SALE: 8 track player & 8 tracks, $10.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Wood Pendulum Clock, $10.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: GE Washer ringer washer, brand new; Gas stove; Refrigerator; Pop Machine & more! Phone: (403) 752-4099 We Specialize In: EXPERT BRAKE REPAIRS FOR SALE: Marble top for bathroom vanity. 20 1/2 inches deep 5 feet long, 4 inch formed back splash, sink is centered, tan with gray streaks. $40.00. OBO. Phone: (403) 328-3876 FOR SALE: Amana microwave, still works, free. Phone: (403) 317-2933 1-866-576-2700 WANTED: Running motor for 2001 Kia Sportage, 2.0 Liter. (403) 892-1443 Household FOR SALE: Brand new Coleman picnic cooler, never used, $20.00. Phone: (403) 329-8916 Christ The Way Bookstore FOR SALE: 1999 Saturn Sport 4 door Sedan. 1.9L, 5 speed. Air/tilt/cruise. Power windows, locks & mirrors. CD player, tack, trailer hitch. Inspected. Good tires & windshield. $2,550. Call (403) 328-5713. Household FOR SALE: Wardrobe Armoire, End Tables, Custom Executor Large Desk, Ethan Allen table & chair, Unique Hexagon-shaped water/regular bed, Beautiful hexagon shaped custom made game tables, Antiques & much more! Phone: (403) 752-4099 This is not the image that Jesus Christ left with us; he appeared to John and was – “clothed with a garment down to the foot” (Rev. 1:13). Taken from: “The only Authorized Picture of Christ” By Dr. G.E. Russ & Dr. G.A. Riplinger For your FREE Holy Bible Call: EXPERT FRONT WHEEL DRIVE REPAIRS FOR SALE: Large wing chair $100; Love seat $400; Large Oak Dining room table & 6 chairs $500; Large table lamps $40; Glass topped table $60; Coffee table $40; Chrome shelving unit $25; Pictures, Ornaments & lots more. Open to offers. Phone: (403) 317-1841 for appointment. FOR SALE: Antique “Sklar Pepplar” chair with wooden sides, needs recovering otherwise in good condition. Asking $60.00. Phone: (403) 380-2207 FOR SALE: Used garage doors, 12’ wide x 9’ high, R-10 steel insulated, sandstone color. Includes complete hardware & weather seal. Sold as pair only $900. Phone: (403) 308-4267 FOR SALE: Kenmore double door fridge, filtered ice/water, white, no ice bucket, $60; D-Link wifi router, new in box, $20; Maytag white fridge, repaired door gasket, $80; 245 75R16 x 2, good tread, load range E, for farm use only “cupping”, $30 each. Phone: (403) 929-3030 YOUR CLASSIFIEDS! FREE H S UTTLE E SERVciIC ty within FOR SALE: New & used stair glides plus porch lifts. Great shape! Free installation and delivery. Phone: 1-800-318-6000 or (587) 220-2759. FOR SALE: Upright freezer for rent “so you can defrost yours” $20/day; Bosch Tassimo w/chrome accents and 20+ Tdiscs, like new, $50; Roper washer w/matching dryer, $100 each; Handmade large bench, padded w/in-seat storage, new, looks like pew, $100; Off-white oven, $50; White oven, $100. Phone: (403) 929-3030 PLANNING A MOVE?The Lethbridge Shopper has Newspaper roll ends for sale! Great for Packing Dishes or other Breakables, Sewing Patterns, Preschool/School Art Projects, Kids Crafts, Creating your own Wrapping Paper for any Occasion or even for lining the bottom of your Bird Cage. Various weights & widths available. Only $.30 cents/lb. Phone: (403) 329-8225 for more information or come see us at 234A - 12 ‘B’ St. North. Lethbridge, AB. Phone: (403) 329-8225 FOR SALE: Ironing board, older model, sturdy, $10.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Used garage door steel insulated R-10, 16’ x 8’, sandstone color, one row dual pane sealed units. Includes complete hardware and weather seal. $675.00. Phone: (403) 308-4267 BEDS FOR SALE: New still in plastic, queen $210, king $480, double $180, singles $160, can deliver. Phone: 403-634-0118, Lethbridge. FOR SALE: Solid Oak Table with steel legs, 14” x 52”; 3 solid Oak coffee & cocktail tables with smoked beveled glass; 1 brown & 1 blue LaZ-Boy chair; 1 Victorian style white chair; 2 blown glass Ornaments (a cactus & a swan). Phone: (403) 3949667. CLOSING OUT SALE OF ALL: Fully reconditioned Electrolux Vacuums, Hoses, Bags, Filters. Phone: (403) 328-5408 HUGE SALE: Dining Set; Good selection of Beds; Washers; Dryers; Freezers & Fridges; Living Room Furniture; Household Goods, Etc. WANTED Good, clean, used Box Springs & Mattresses as well as DVD’s. Phone: (403) 360-6678. for today’s newer vehicles Transmission Flush Premium Flush Gerry Brent Synthetic fluids extra 131 $ 95 Dan FOR SALE: 2007 Schwinn I-Zip Comfort Electric Men’s Bike. Use electric or pedal at 30 km per hr for up to 25 km. C/w charger, twist throttle/gears. Fun and handy ride for all ages. $350.00. Phone: (403) 6552220 FOR SALE: Antique fire extinguisher, $30.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Brand new, sturdy, triangle-shaped garden hoes. $10.00 each. Phone: (403) 7155731 before 7 pm. OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR SALE: Adding machines c/w paper rolls; Typewriters; Files; Filing Cabinets; 3M rolls of tape; Desks; Lamps; Blackboard; Etc. Phone: (403) 752-4099 FOR SALE: 2 squares, $10.00 each. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Beer Stein, 14” high, 5” bottom, 3” top - 37 years old - $75.00. Phone: (403) 3296764. Can be seen at 924 - 7 St. North. LUBE, OIL & FILTER Cooling System INSURANCE INSPECTION POWER FLUSH Recommended by all manufacturers to be done every 2 years 101 $ 95 + coolant We use quality 5W30 Oil 50 AWD complemented with the 3.5L engine, 6 speed automatic transmission and remote starter, dual climate controls, leather power seats, sunroof, adjustable pedals and much more. $ 12,900 2015 7x14 Sure Trac Heavy Duty Dump Trailer Fax: 403.223.0504 FOR SALE: Girls blue bike, ages 6-8, good shape. $25.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. We at Tom & Gerry’s continually upgrade our skills and knowledge of the latest automotive technology. We also invest in the best service equipment on the market. From 17,900 2008 Ford Taurus Ltd 403.223.0502 FOR SALE: Guitar stand, $5.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 Jorgen $ 4x4 Crew Cab King Ranch Super Duty! White with tan bottom! Really nice condition inside and out! Has the beautiful King ranch interior with all the factory options, heated seats, dual climate control, aux switches, built in trailer brake controller, power windows locks etc! Extras are spray in bed liner, factory running boards egr Delete done $ and ready to go to work 9,999 Miscellaneous Trust Your Vehicle Only to the Best! Plus: transmission conditioner up to 14L of fluid Shannon 8,995 2006 Ford F350 This comes equipped with welded tubular main frame Powder Coated finish 2x 7000lbs axles with easy lube hubs adjustable height on heavy duty 25/16 coupler 7 way rv plug Led lighting 5 d-rings on the floor 2 - Way End Gate - Barn Door / Spreader Gate slide out ramps Marine grade battery with wireless remote lift. Ready for work. $ KNIFE MAKING CLASSES,Registration/Tool s/Equipment/Info - Phone: (403) 308-2483 or Email: Don’t Despair... We’ll Repair! Mike Side by side 4x4 off road warrior.This comes equipped with off road Aluminum wheels and tires, winch, power dump box, lights and mirrors. Last one in stock. Don’t miss $ out on this one. Hunting FOR SALE: Top of the line Kirby vacuum w/carpet cleaner & Hoover Commercial vacuums. Also a custom made large super-desk, one of a kind. Phone: (403) 752-4099 We do complete DIAGNOSTIC & MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS LAST ONE - Spartan 600XT Household MOVING - MUST SELL: Couch & 2 Armchairs, approx 70-80 years old, $200. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. For this King Edward was poisoned and replaced by bloody Catholic Queen Mary. She once again drove the nails through Christ’s hands to hang him on church walls – in direct disobedience to Deut. 16:21,22. Hundreds were martyred, who would not worship in front of this halfnaked image. Why did many die, rather than view man-made images of Christ? The shame of the crucifix lay in part in the shame of the disrobed Christ. The Bible speaks of the “shame of thy nakedness” (Rev. 3:18). “Nakedness” is defined in the Bible as exposing the “loins even unto the thighs” (Ex. 28:42), making “bare the leg”, and uncovering the “thigh” (Isa. 47:2, 3 et al.). When the enemies of King David’s soldiers “cut off their garments in the middle, even to their buttocks…the men were greatly ashamed…” (2 Sam. 10:4, 5). This open shame is portrayed on the Catholic crucifix and in the movie, The Passion. Since it is a “shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret,” how much more shameful is it to depict and look at the “shame” of him “who became sin for us” (Heb. 12:2, Eph. 5:12). Even while on the cross, decent men, “hid as it were our faces from him.” God alone “shall see of the travail of his soul” (Isa. 53:3, 11). Jesus Christ endured the cross, despising the shame (Heb. 12:2). If he despised it, why would we buy a ticket to “put him to an open shame” again. “It is finished,” he cried. Automotive THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015, Page 3 95 cars & light trucks 6495 6005-50 Ave. Taber, AB Miscellaneous FOR SALE: CCM Tacks In-line skates, new, men’s 8, $90.00. Phone: (403) 317-2933 FOR SALE: Ladies, small, 2 piece wet suit, short sleeves, full legs & a men’s medium same as above. Tailor made in Canada. $35.00 each. Phone: (403) 2231985 MOVING? FEELING CREATIVE? The Lethbridge Shopper has Newspaper roll ends for sale! Great for Packing, Sewing Patterns, Preschool/School Art Projects, Kids Crafts, Creating your own Wrapping Paper for any Occasion or even for lining the bottom of your Bird Cage. Various weights & widths available. Only $.30 cents/lb. Phone: (403) 329-8225 for more information or come see us at 234A - 12 ‘B’ St. North. Lethbridge, AB. FOR SALE: Bench Scroll Saw, light/magnifier, $75.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. SPRING SERVICE SPECIA L 75 point comprehensive check up. Belts, hoses, anti-freeze levels, etc. Includes OIL H C A NGE! 71 $ Only 95 WE’LL HAVE YOU LOVING YOUR CAR AGAIN! Only $ In Province Licensed Out of Province Facility from 13195 $ Auto Repair We accept Fleet Cards, e-mail us at: Call 403- 328-7959 3617 - 9th Avenue North Page 4, THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015 Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At Dining out still possible even if you're on a diet (MS) Dining out at a restaurant is a treat for many people, while for others it's a way of life. On-the-go professionals often find that dining out is simply more convenient than cooking at home. However, large portion sizes and dishes that tend to contain a lot of sodium and fat can make dining out less healthy than eating at home, which is a concern for those men and women who want to shed a few pounds. But dining out does not have to be done at the expense of your waistline. The following are a few ways dieters can still enjoy their favorite restaurants without having to worry about their weight. Order foods that are broiled, boiled or roasted. Foods that are broiled, boiled or roasted tend to be healthier than foods cooked in other ways. When ordering your meal, ask that oils be used sparingly if not removed completely.When foods look somewhat greasy, dab them with a napkin in the same manner you might dab the grease from a slice of pizza. Don't fill up before your meal arrives. Once you have been seated, skip the unending bread basket, forgoing this free appetizer altogether or asking for raw vegetables instead. When fellow diners order potentially fattening appetizers, ask to have a side salad with lowfat dressing on the side instead. Leave a little behind on your plate. Restaurant portions can be substantial, so don't feel as if you need to finish your entire meal.You can always ask the waiter to pack up what you have left behind, or, when ordering, ask if the restaurant offers smaller portions at lower prices. Skip the dips and dressings. Many condiments can add unwanted calories to a meal, making even a healthy entree a calorie-laden meal that's best avoided. Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions or simply ask to have dressings put on the side so if you must indulge you can do so without going overboard. Eat in the hours leading up to your dinner. Low-fat snacks eaten throughout the day will reduce the likelihood that you will overeat at the dinner table. Drink a tall glass of water and enjoy some low-calorie fruit so you won't be famished once you arrive at the restaurant. Buffet-style restaurants. Many people cannot help but overeat at buffet-style restaurants, where the size of a typical spread can make it hard for dieters to stay disciplined. If you must eat at a buffet-style restaurant, choose healthy fare like salad and steamed vegetables. Look for a low-calorie menu. Many restaurants now supplement their existing menus with a menu of low-calorie fare for those customers who want to eat out but want to do so without abandoning their diets. When visiting a restaurant, stick to ordering from the low-calorie section of the menu. The food will likely be just as delicious, though not as dense or as large. Foods that pack a nutritious punch (MS) A healthy diet is essential to long-term health. When coupled with routine exercise, healthy diets can be an effective way for men and women to reduce their risk of contracting a variety of diseases, not to mention the positive impact that such a healthy lifestyle can have on an individual's quality of life.The following are a handful of easily found foods that pack a nutritious punch. Whole wheat and multigrain pasta: Once difficult to find, these low-calorie alternatives to traditional pastas are now available. That's good news, as a typical ONLY 1400 $ two-ounce serving of whole wheat or multigrain pasta typically includes about seven grams of protein and six grams of fiber. Nonfat Greek yogurt: Nonfat Greek yogurt is a great lowcalorie source of protein, making it a great snack option for men and women who want a snack that can boost their afternoon energy levels without compromising their waistlines. Single serving containers of Greek yogurt tend to be right around six ounces, and that six ounces can include 120 grams of protein or more. Russet potatoes: If baked potatoes are a side dish you typically only enjoy in restaurants, you might want to consider eating more of them at home. One medium-sized Russet potato is roughly 170 calories and includes three grams of fiber, five grams of protein and 25 percent of your daily recommended dosage of potassium. Russet potatoes also are high in vitamin C and iron. Fresh spinach: Popeye was on to something, as a four cup serving of fresh bagged spinach is just 20 calories and loaded with vitamins and nutrients. Just one serving of fresh bagged spinach can provide 160 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin A and 40 percent of the daily value of vitamin C. Spinach is also a great source of folic acid, which can help prevent heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer. Dried lentils: Dried lentils make great addi- ONLY 1500 $ Available Across Canada. Dine-in only. No doggie bags. No sharing! Franchise opportunities. 1.800.661.2123. LIVE NEW ENTERTAINMENT EXCITING Enjoy the soothing LUNCH MENU sounds of James Oldenburg Over 50 Tantalizing Thursdays 6:00pm to Choices 8:00pm Lunch served from 11:30am - 4:00pm Monday to Saturday 15% OFF PASTA Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday Evenings *Not to be combined with any other offers 905 1 Ave. South Lethbridge, AB 403-329-3416 1264 1264 3 3 Ave, Ave, South South Lethbridge Lethbridge 1264 1264 1264 3 3 3 Ave, Ave, Ave, South South South Lethbridge Lethbridge Lethbridge (403) (403) (403) 329-8979 329-8979 329-8979 ••• tions to salads, soups and stews and pack a nutritious punch despite their relatively small serving size. A single serving of dried lentils is 1/4 cup, and that serving includes 10 grams of protein and 11 grams of fiber. Brown rice: A single 1/4 cup serving of brown rice has roughly 20 less calories than a similar serving of traditional white rice, and brown rice is also a much greater source of dietary fiber (1.8 grams) than white rice (0.4 grams). Brown rice also is rich in selenium, which can reduce a person's risk of developing arthritis, certain cancers and heart disease. Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015, Page 5 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous J&L SHUTTLE SERVICE FOR SALE: Small wicker Easter Basket with pink “grass” & 2 bags of different colored plastic eggs to fill with treats. $1.50 for all. Phone: (403) 3940707 MOVING . . MUST SELL: Oak table, 4 chairs, China cabinet $350. Counter top dishwasher $200. Outdoor glass table with 2 chairs $50. Love seat, 2 chairs, coffee table $300 or best offer. All in good shape. Phone: (403) 345-5233 FOR SALE: Antique Stick Welder & Rods, works great, $250. 00. Phone: (403) 7155731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Sears snowblower, heavy duty, 25”. $75.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. The original shuttle since 1999 FOR SALE: Men’s 3/4 length, Genuine Leather coat. New condition, size 40, brown in color. $35.00. Phone: (403) 345-3797 CASH FOR VINYL RECORDS: Buying LP’s in Jazz, Blues, Rock & Roll, Etc. Paid well. Phone: (403) 382-9981. FOR SALE: Golf club bag, 10 clubs, ball retriever plus 12 new Pro-line golf balls. $250.00. Phone: (403) 329-6764 MOVING - MUST SELL: Upright Bell Piano, good shape, 3’ 3 1/4” x 4’ 10 1/4” x 2’. $1,000. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: 2 good crowbars, $10.00 each. Phone: (403) 7155731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Yamaha Organ, double keyboard, all the goodies. $200. OBO; Craftsman lawn tractor with snow blade & trailer. First $600 takes it. Phone: (403) 738-4414 FOR SALE: Misc Mechanic & wood tools, $20.00 and under. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: 3 and 4 wheeled scooters - used. Great shape, 1 year warranty, free delivery. Phone: (587) 220-2759 or 1800-318-6000 FOR SALE: 2 sawhorses, $10.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: 2 Gibson guitars, electric. One is a “Les Paul” 1998 signed by “Buddy Guy” & the other is a 1981 335 Gibson signed by “Randy Bachman” & “Fred Turner”. Both for $9,000, will do part trade for Rolex, etc. I also have an old record collection & more. Call Steve: (403) 329-1750 FOR SALE: Bottle of liqueur with a windup Ballerina inside, 50 years old, $100.00. Phone: (403) 329-6764 FOR SALE: Creeper - $20.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Electric wheel chair, like new, hardly used. Asking $500. Phone: (403) 331-4656. FOR SALE: Antique body parts 1947-54 truck. Fender, door, running boards,grill, parts, steel bin, gas tank. Phone: (403) 329-0257 or (403) 315-4232. FOR SALE: Oxy-Act welder w/tanks, cart, gauges, hoses, tip, rods. Also 1 1/2 HP Air Compressor or 5 HP Air Compressor, will sell either or. Both new. . Phone: (403) 330-6636 BRONZE SCULPTURES FOR SALE: Last four made by Corne Martens - One is w/Arab Mare, Colt & Stallion. One is Longhorn Bull, Pronghorn & Two Cowboys Chin Waggin. For more info phone: (403) 330-6636 WHEELCHAIR FOR SALE: Under only 6 months old. Original cost was $2,065, will sell for $1,600. Phone: (403) 653-4047 SPAY & NEUTER - Your mousers and pets please, to prevent suffering and over population. For the love of animals. FOR SALE: Compressor, needs cleaning on outside, $250. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Circular saw, $40.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: 2 small hand saws, $5.00 each. Phone: (403) 7155731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Level - $10.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Flood light, $25.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. The Road to Adventure Has Never Been More Comfortable • Solar Panels • Inverter Systems • Generators We’ve built our reputation helping friends and neighbors like you stay safe on the road with honest and reliable service. Did you know that we have on-site service? We will come to YOU! Immediate Openings for Hail Insurance Claims! • Top Quality Service • Fastest Turnaround Times Possible • Professional, Courteous • All Insurance Claims Back Country RV Service & Parts 1201 - 31st Street N. 403-320-0841 Best prices on service and parts in Southern Alberta FOR SALE: Blue, threewheeled “Pride Go-Go” cart with basket, $350. Phone: (403) 329-6764 FOR SALE: 3 paper shredders, $15, $25 & $35. In good working condition. Phone: (403) 3271931 FOR SALE: Various sizes of microwaveable cookware Various prices. Phone: (403) 752-4099 FOR SALE: Assortment of microphones, $25.00 or under. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: DVD Player $10.00. Phone: (403) 3172933 Lethbridge to Medicine Hat Daily ups and and Drop Drop Offs Offs Pick Pick ups are are Door Door to to Door Door Service Service FOR SALE: Leather motorcycle jackets, like new, sizes S-M, $100 each. Phone: (403) 3208371 FOR SALE: 4’ x 8’ table with fold-up legs & 10 fold-up chairs, metal, $250.00. Phone: (403) 329-6764 FOR SALE: Mother Bunny in long blue dress and cap, 18 inches tall . Stuffed 12 inch tall bunny in sailor suit. $3.00. Phone: (403) 394-0707 Membership Discount Cards Available To make reservations or inquiries call: 403-528-8851 Toll free: 1-877-217-5577 Page 6, THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015 SPRING HAS SPRUNG Continued from front page park in my garage like normal people get to do. At least that is the intention every year, and then .....oh look, a squirrel! I need to go camping. I can do the garage NEXT weekend. I guess we'll see how it works out again this year. Well one thing is for sure, this is the year the fence gets stained again and all the upper shelves and cabinet tops get dusted. The fence should be fun; I get to be Miscellaneous outside, work on my tan, and the place ends up looking great. Dusting? That's a different story. Time to break out the ladders. It was a dream come true to have vaulted ceilings and display shelves, but nobody told me about high level dust bunnies. Did I say dust bunnies? What I meant was dust alligators. You're up in the air ten feet, you peek over the edge of a display shelf and boom, there it is! These things will stare you down! Miscellaneous FOR SALE: Ladies Golf Clubs & accessories, $100.00. Phone: (403) 329-8916 FOR SALE: Snowblower, $300. OBO. Phone: (403) 393-2444 or (403) 320-7335 FOR SALE: Used garage door steel insulated R-10, 16’ x 8’, sandstone color, one row dual pane sealed units. Includes complete hardware and weather seal. $675.00. Phone: (403) 308-4267 FOR SALE: Used garage doors, 12’ wide x 9’ high, R-10 steel insulated, sandstone color. Includes complete hardware & weather seal. Sold as pair only $900. Phone: (403) 308-4267 Phone: (403) 308-4267 FOR SALE: Brand new Thermos gallon jug, $15.00. Phone: (403) 329-8916 FOR SALE: Doors! Doors! Doors & more Doors! Phone: (403) 752-4099 FOR SALE: Bench-top jigsaw, $50.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Assortment of metal & wood screws, nails, misc. Take all for $30.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At FOR SALE: Bauer Supreme Ice Skates, men’s 8, $25.00. Phone: (403) 317-2933 Around our place we generally have a gentlemen's agreement, all winter long it's live and let live. Mi casa es su casa. But in the spring all bets are off. I sneeze enough come April without having to contend with the dust that's accumulated over an entire winter of the furnace blowing hot dry air. Dust bunnies, dust alligators, pack your bags, you're so outta here. You've been warned, unless it's so nice out that I have to go for a bike ride or something. Miscellaneous FOR SALE: gent’s full golf set with cart. $100.00. Phone: (403) 328-5012 FOR SALE: Antique oil changer, $30.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: “The Story of Coke” booklet, 64 years old, $200.00. Phone: (403) 3296764 FOR SALE: Golf Cart, 1985 Club Car Electric. Totally gone through with many new parts. $1,600. Call: (403) 320-8371. FOR SALE: White electric range with black glass top, 1 year old, $400. Phone: (403) 330-6468 FOR SALE: 4 large hand saws, $10.00 each. Phone: (403) 7155731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Leather chaps, black, like new, call for details. $50.00. Phone: (403) 320-8371 FOR SALE: Brand new cooking utensils, 7 piece set. Phone: (403) 752-4099 FOR SALE: Set of 4 rubber oars for dinghy, $10.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Music stand, excellent shape, $30.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Small guitar, needs work, $10.00. Phone: (403) 317-2933 FOR SALE: Fuji Instant Camera with 2 pkgs. film. Let’s bargain. Phone: (403) 328-8420 FOR SALE: 2 old Texas Mickey bottles, pumped bottles, $25.00. Phone: (403) 329-6764. FOR SALE: Buffer for wood or paint, $30.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: 10” chainsaw, $25.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. For all your small hauling needs. FOR FREE ONSITE ESTIMATE, CALL LEE @ 403.315.1794 FOR SALE: Large mail box. Phone: (403) 752-4099 FOR SALE: 2 sanders, $20.00 each. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FREE: Wood chips to give away. Phone: (403) 329-1389 SHOPPERGROUP.COM... YOUR ONLINE SOURCE FOR THE YOUR CLASSIFIEDS! QUICK ADS Yes. Just writing this down, I'm beginning to see the pattern here. Spring, like many an intoxicant, inspires the desire, but sometimes does little to ensure the performance. So this weekend, whatever your pleasure, if it's a stroll in the park with your loved ones and your dog, or if you decide to decide to do some Rambo style house cleaning. Take a moment to reflect on the timeless passing of the seasons. It may be true that Personal GOOD LOOKING . . . .Senior Gentleman looking for a woman for a long lasting relationship. Reply to Box #7 c/o The Lethbridge Shopper 234A - 12 B Street North. Lethbridge, AB, T1H 2K7. NICE LOOKING RANCHER, Senior, looking for a lady for a companion and friendship. Rely to Box #28 c/o The Lethbridge Shopper. 234A 12 B Street North, Lethbridge, AB. T1H 2K7. Hi, A good looking active senior, N/S, N/D, looking for a happy, sharing lady for friendship. Reply to box #2 c/o The Lethbridge Shopper. 234A - 12 St. North Lethbridge, AB. T1H 2K7. LONELY MAN WISHES TO . . .Meet a Lady for companion & friendship. I don’t smoke or drink. Drop me a line. Respond to Box #14 c/o The Lethbridge Shopper. 234A - 12 Street ‘B’ North. Lethbridge, AB T1H 2K7. To be a part of this weekly feature call 403-329-8225 CANINE, FELINE & EQUINE CARE Dr. Chris Martens has 12 years experience with Spays, Neuters, Castrations, Ultrasound, Dentistry, X-ray, Reproduction, Vaccination & Emergency Services. PLEASE SPAY & NEUTER Your mousers & pets to prevent suffering & overpopulation An Animal Lover 318 – 24 St. Fort Macleod, 403-557-0015 CLOTHING & LINENS 50% OFF March 23 - 28, 2015 B.F.M. Thrift Store 1004 - 1 Ave. S. (Across from London Drugs) opening a pril 2n d Ecars & Trucks Sales Everyone Approved Everytime! we appreciate spring more because it comes after the dead of winter. Warmth always feels so good after the cold. We are lucky to live someplace where there are such definitive differences between the seasons, they each have their own inherent beauty. Life renews itself, and with that renewal comes hope and anticipation. I know I'm hoping for an amazing long warm summer, I can just hear that campfire crackle already. We have spaces available in our: Daycare for 19 months - 5 Years. Before & After School care for 6 Years - 12 Years. At our St. Paul location. (1014-12B Street North) We also have spaces available at our St. Catherine’s location (Picture Butte). For more information call: 403-380-6480 LBJ Gold & Silver Exchange WANTED Gold and Silver Coins, Stamps, Jewellery, Paper Money, Platinum, old Canadian, US Silver Coins and Broken Jewellery & Chains. Have cash. Will travel. “Guaranteed best price in town” Call us last at 403.752.3099 Quick-Ads: $15.00 per square per week. Maximum 25 words. All ads must be prepaid. Deadline for Quick-Ads is Tuesday at 5:00 pm. YOUR COMMUNITY PAPER Published weekly by the proprietor ALTA NEWSPAPER GROUP LP 234 - 12th Street B North, Lethbridge, AB T1K 2H7 Phone: 403-329-8225 ADVERTISING TERMS & CONDITIONS: the following terms and conditions apply to all advertising and other material printed by or distributed by the Medicine Hat or Lethbridge Shopper. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval of the General Manager on behalf of the Shopper who has the right to refuse any advertisement or insertion. The advertiser agrees that the liability of the Shopper, or its employees for damages or costs arising out of errors in printing or insertion of advertisements or other material is limited to the actual amount paid for the space used by that portion of the advertisement containing the error or the actual cost paid to have the advertisement or any other material inserted in the Shopper. Notice of error is required before the second insertion. The Shopper will not be liable for any other claims of damages for not printing or non-inserting of any advertisement or other material. NOTE: Files can be e-mailed, however The Lethbridge Shopper will not accept responsibility for colour inconsistencies. E-mailed files must be accompanied by an electronic PDF proof and a faxed proof. in BulletBoa COMMUNITY COMMUNITY rd COALDALE REC HOCKEY - 3rd Annual Stanley Cup Game is being held on Saturday, March 21. “Fireworks” Game puck drops at 6:30 pm & “Dynomite” Game puck drops at 8:30 pm. Admission is $2.00. Proceeds to “Jumpstart”. Everyone Welcome! For more info check out our Facebook page or contact Cheryl Neufeld at 403894-5663. THE “READ ON” PROGRAM AT THE LETHBRIDGE LIBRARY - Will be hosting an Open House on Tuesday, March 24th from 6 - 7:30 pm and Wednesday, March 25 from 2 - 4 pm. This is for anyone who would like literacy help or who would like to explore the idea of sharing their literacy skills to help a student. The Open House will be held in the “Read On”Office, at the Main Branch, 810, 5th Ave. South. Call 403-380-7323 for more information. HARAMBEE GRANDMA’S - The Lethbridge Chapter of the Stephen Lewis Foundation Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, is holding their seventh Travel Chat at the CASA ATB Financial Community Room on Wednesday, March 25 at 7:30 pm. Please join us to be fascinated and delighted by Lisa Kozleski as she reveals her family’s discovery of a remarkably unique world filled with both age-old traditions and many “modern day” innovations during her five-month stay in Burgandy, France. Admission is free; donations gratefully accepted. COALDALE REC HOCKEY - 25th Anniversary Hockey Festival is being held on March 27 & 28th. “Blazers” Stanley Cup Game, March 27th puck drops at 6:00 pm,Walk of Fame,Alumni Game, Skills & Relay competitions. Lethbridge Sledge Hockey Demo, try it and game on March 28thfrom 3:304:30 pm. Admission is Non-Perishable Food Items or Cash Donation. Proceeds go to the Coaldale Foodbank. Everyone welcome! For more info check out our Facebook page or contact Cheryl Neufeld at 403894-5663. SOUTH COUNTRY JAMBOREE SOCIETY - Will hold a jam session on March 29th, 1:00 pm at the Lethbridge Legion Memorial Hall. Supper to follow. Everyone welcome. ASK-A-LAWYER - Saturday, April 18th from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm at the Lethbridge Court House, 320 - 4 St. South. Do you have a legal question? Do you need legal advice? Call to book your FREE private appointment with a volunteer lawyer. 403-380-6338. Appointments must be pre-booked, space is limited. Hosted by Lethbridge Legal Guidance and Supported by Lethbridge Lawyers/Tim Hortons, held in conjunction with LAW DAY 2015. NOW CELEBRATING THEIR 20TH YEAR - The Troyanda Ukrainian Dance Club is a not-for-profit organization with members that volunteer their time to preserving and promoting the artful heritage of Ukrainian dance in Southern Alberta. Currently under the instruction of Dean Mackedenski and Anastasia Sereda, the Ukrainian Dancers have over 35 members ranging in age 3 to timeless. There is no limit for those wanting to begin, continue, or renew a love of Ukrainian dance. For information please email or visit the Internet at WESTMINSTER VILLAGE COMMITTEE - Is offering Village Yoga every Monday, Wednesday & Friday starting January 5th onwards from 67pm, at the Kergen Centre, 207 – 13 St. North. Only 15 seats are available. For more information & registration email: or call 403-3310641. FAMILY CENTER - Is offering the Supporting Father Involvement Program. This program is for moms and dads. Couple and parent child relationships, builds on men’s strengths and increases their selfesteem and helps manage stress. Please phone Jessica at 403-320-4232 ext 221 for more details. RIVERLIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH 2820 18th Ave N, invites you to Moms and Tots. Let your kids play and enjoy coffee and conversation. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am 12pm. All moms and tots welcome. For more info phone 403-320-2005. DIVORCE CARE - Is a safe place to heal from the pain of separation or divorce. Join a weekly seminar and support group. Everyone welcome. Call Amy 403-320-2005 at River of Life to register or for more info. THE LETHBRIDGE SOUP KITCHEN Has an immediate need for meat, hamburger, wieners, sausages etc. We are also in very short supply of meat sauce for spaghettis & pasta dishes. Our need is critical and we need your help. Donations may be dropped off the Soup Kitchen, 802, 2 Ave North or phone 403-320-8688. Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At Personal Real Estate SENIOR GENTLEMAN, Nice appearance, looking for a lady for companionship. Reply to Box #42 c/o The Lethbridge Shopper. 234A 12 B St. North. Lethbridge, AB. T1H 2K7. FOR SALE: 1 acre fenced yard, 3,000 sq. ft. Brand new heated steel building. Rented with tenant. 5 minutes from tow, Stewart Siding Industrial Park. REDUCED TO $270,000. Phone: (626) 543-0415. Pets FOR SALE: Aquarium, 35” x 12” with filter & pump. $25.00. Phone: (403) 715-5731 before 7 pm. FOR SALE: Small plastic dog house, $30.00. Phone: (403) 329-8916 AKC REG. GERMAN Shepherd Puppies,black & red, direct from Germany. Over 54 years experience. Title parents. Starting at $1,500. Serious inquiries only, 509-466-6177,, FOR SALE: Large litter box, good for senior cat, $20.00. Phone: (403) 329-8916 FOR SALE: Pet carrier. For more info phone: (403) 7524099 Real Estate FOR RENT: 3 acre yard. 5 minutes from town at Stewart Siding Industrial Park w/2 bedroom mobile home for office. 1,200 sq. ft. heated shop & 2,500 sq. ft. canvas quonset w/dirt floor. Available December 1, 2014. $1,000/month + utilities. Phone: (626) 543-0415 FOR RENT: 2 car garage, no heat, storage only, good South side location. $180/month. Available immediately; Also a 1 single car garage, no heat, storage only, located on South side. Available April 1st. Phone: (403) 757-2172 LOOKING TO RENT . . .Property within the city to store a 12’x16’ shed for “Budget Blinds”. Call Michael: (403) 892-0686 FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, furnished, main floor. Available in April. Lakeview School area. Phone: (403) 308-1777 ATTENTION - NOW IS THE TIME!SPECIAL - 4 lots or 1 - 2 extra large ones. Peaceful. Quiet. Best location in Stirling, new homes in area. Close to schools, church & highway. Call today! Phone: (403) 752-4099 FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom Mobile Home, #14, in Coalhurst. $825/month. To view call Glen at: (403) 3313196 FOR RENT: 4,200 sq. ft. building - Overhead door, cold storage, (Stewart Siding) - $1,485/month. Phone: (587) 220-2759. THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015, Page 7 Real Estate FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT: Use of all the lower level. Private bath. Utilities included. N/P, N/D, N/P. $500/month + D.D. Phone: (403) 328-4071 1 BEDROOM BASEMENT SUITE: Available April 1st. $500/month. Utilities included. Phone: (403) 380-2629. Services HG PROPERTY SERVICES;Spring Yard Clean Up, Power-Raking, Aerating, Lawn Cutting Services, Lawn Fertilizing, Eaves trough Cleaning, Exterior Window Washing, Rototilling and Garbage Hauling. Call 403-328-5131 or 403-894-0972. CAR, HOME & PERSONAL ELECTRONICS: We offer a large selection of high quality Car and Home Electronics, Bluetooth Stereos, Installation Services, Wiring, Connectors and Much More! We are one of the Oldest and Most Trusted Independent Electronics Retailers proudly serving Lethbridge & area since 2001. Visit us at Iasity Sound, 3514 - 9th Ave. North. Lethbridge, AB. (403) 380-2847. Open with install technician on hand 7 days a week to serve you better. DUMPMAN . . . For Any Small Hauling. . . . Call Lee @ (403) 315-1794. Services Services Services ALL SEASONS PROPERTY SERVICES: Is currently accepting bookings for Spring Clean Ups & Weekly Cuttings. Spring Clean Ups include - Power Raking, Aerating, 1st Cut & Fertilizing. Be one of the first 50 customers to book a Full Package & receive 15% off. Gutter Cleaning, Junk Removal & Tree Pruning services also available. Free On-site Quotes. Call Dana @ (403) 894-3699. STILL WAITING ON SIDING TO GET REPLACED OR FIXED ON YOUR HOUSE?Over 20 years Experience. Call for a Free Estimate! Phone: (403) 894-0778 CENTURY BOOKKEEPING: Phone: (403) 315-4264 for more information or email GST, Returns, Bank Statements, Etc. LOOKING FOR AN ELECTRICIAN?Call Applied Electrical Ltd. for all your Electrical needs. We specialize in Service Changes, Garages, Renos, Panel Upgrades, Hot Tubs and more. No job too big or small. Call Dan: (403) 3150308 ROOM TO ROOM RENOS!Quality journeyman workmanship specializing in kitchens, bathrooms and basement renos. Additions, drywall, concrete, decks, garages, custom cabinets. Free estimates. 30 years experience. Phone: Dan (403) 715-1940 CLOSING OUT SALE OF ALL: Fully reconditioned Electrolux Vacuums, Hoses, Bags, Filters. Phone: (403) 328-5408 COUPONS This Week’s CLIP AND SAVE Going to Great Falls? • Full Service Restaurant • Sip & Dip Lounge • Casino • INDOOR PARKING • The most affordable, full service property in Great Falls. 7th Street & 1st Avenue South (406) 454-2141 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 1-800-332-9819 Open Good Friday from 11am - 9pm 3010 16th Ave North Friendly, Trustworthy Service Guaranteed For all your mechanical needs: Construction, Automotive, Welding and Fleet Maintenance • Fully equipped repair facility • All forms of auto & hd inspections • p/u & delivery of unit available • Mobile services • Budget friendly pricing • Welding services (shop & mobile) Licensed Auto Tech, Heavy Duty Tech and Journeyman Welder Now performing out-of-province inspections & CVIPs Shop - 403-394-2225 Main - 403-715-1177 You are encouranged to call ahead for takeout orders 905 1 Ave. South Lethbridge, AB 403-329-3416 Page 8, THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015 CLASSI- sell your stuff fast with CLASSI-PIX! PIX Here’s How: bring your item to the Lethbridge Shopper before Tuesday 5:00 pm and... 234A - 12 Street “B” N. (403) 329-8225 FOR SALE 1992 Century Buick 120 kms, white, 4 door, Great Shape $3,200OBO 403-308-9110 JOHN’S SMALL ENGINE TUNE-UP & REPAIR: Lawn & Riding Mowers - Chain Saws Trimmers Snowblowers. Call: (403) 330-6654 Monarch, AB. -or bring your own picture for ONLY.... FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Spruce & Pine split, dried & kept indoors. Sold by the full cord, 1/2 cord & bundles for camping. Call Roy @ (403) 795-7145 00 00 (for 25 words or less) INCLUDES GST ALL ADS MUST BE PRE-PAID Services Services STOP PAYING TOO MUCH FOR . . .Your mobility products, scooters, power wheelchair porch lift & stair glides. Call for the Best Price & Service. 21 years Experience. 1-800-318-6000 or 587-220-2759. ROCK STEADY CONCRETE LTD: We do ALL types of concrete flatwork from start to finish, from Shop floors, fancy driveways to stairs and retaining walls. ALL types of finishes including broom, stamped, colored, exposed aggregate, acid stained, etc. If you can dream it we can do it! Over 12 years experience. QUALITY WORK. Work that’s done right, ensuring that your concrete lasts a lifetime! Come see my gallery on my Facebook page @ Rock Steady Concrete Ltd. I AM ALSO looking for new contractor clients!! For Free Estimates, call Randy @ (403) 795-0029 or send me an email: rocksteadyconcrete@hot Licensed and insured. Serving Lethbridge & surrounding area! A.K. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Renovations Drywall, Painting, Plumbing, Tile, Laminate and Hardwood Installations. Deck and Fence Repairs and Painting. Lawn Care and Cutting. Rototilling and Garbage Removal. No job is too small or too big! Free estimates. Phone Sam: (403) 795-3822. BEEF FOR SALE: Natural, Grass-finished, lean, but very tender. Hormone & Antibiotic free. Niche market sales for 20 years. Halves, quarters & smaller quantities available year round. Contact Clarence & Helen Cyr. Pincher Creek. 403-6272382 or 15 $$ We Take The Picture! A&A PAINTING: This is a good time to get a quote for exterior painting, if you are planning to paint the exterior of your home this Spring or Summer. Call now for a free written no obligation quote. Call Tim @ (403) 327-2816. Services Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At STILL WAITING TO GET YOU ROOF REPLACED?We can help with 20 combined years of Experience! We only install 40 year or limited lifetime shingles. Call for a Free Estimate. (403) 894-0778. TURF & TIMBER: Spring Clean-Up, Power Raking, Power Aeration, Rototilling, Bobcat Services. Call 403715-1234. Booking for Summer Lawn Care! HANDYMAN: Renovations, Decks & Fences. Call Stan 403-715-1234. YOUR CLASSIFIEDS! Services Services Services HOSTESS WANTED: No Experience Necessary! Must love Free Stuff! Become an “Epicure” Entrepreneur earning meaningful income, enjoying awesome flexibility & setting your own hours! Corrina Callahan at (403) 330-7055 or THINKING ABOUT SPRING? Thinking about Landscaping? Think Lawn & Snow Bros! We are Everything Yard! Phone: (403) 394-DIRT (3478) TIM’S PAINTING & HANDYMAN SERVICES;Interior, Exterior and Fence Painting. Deck Repairs and Painting. Eaves Trough Cleaning. Garbage Hauling, Rototilling, Small Tree Removal as well. Various other jobs. 15 years experience. Free estimates within Lethbridge City limits. Phone: (403) 328-5168. ROOFING & MAINTENANCE: Flat Tar & Gravel Repairs - Sloped Work - Roof Management Solutions - Problem Solving Pesky Leaks - Residential, Commercial - Old Fashioned Service. Phone: (403) 3934757 LORNE’S RENOVATION & HANDYMAN SERVICE: Over 35 years Experienced, Licensed, Journeyman Carpenter. Carpentry, Framing, Drywall & Taping, Painting, Texture Ceilings, Flooring - Laminate, Tiles & Lino. Bathroom, Kitchen & Basement Restorations, Fences, Decks, Garages, Etc. Free Estimates. Phone: 403-380-6436 or cell 403795-6436 THE BRICK LAYER: Brick, block, and all types of stone work. Small or big jobs. Guaranteed results. Phone: 403-328-4453 DIRTWORLD CONTRACTING INC. Now booking General Dirt Work, Dugouts, Corral Cleaning, Landscaping, Pipeline, Demolition, Etc. Call for your Free Quote: (403) 915-3620 ED’S HANDYMAN SERVICES: Home Repairs, Painting, Tiling, Bathroom renos, Hardwood & Laminate Floors, Yard work, Fences, Hauling. 25 years experience. No Job too small! Free Estimates & Senior’s Discounts. Phone: (403) 929-2180. WE OFFER CONTINUOUS 5” EAVESTROUGH REPLACEMENT in almost any color! Call today for your Free Estimate! Phone: (403) 8940778 PAINTING - INTERIOR & EXTERIOR: Reasonable Rates - Discount for Seniors - 35 Years Experience - Free Estimates - Small Jobs Appreciated. Phone J.R. Lamane: (403) 308-4656. STUMP GRINDING: Small machine - Easily fits through backyard gates. For a free estimate call (403) 3281699. CASTLE WOOD PELLET STOVES; Also Louisiana Grills. We stock wood pellet fuel. Authorized dealer. Contact John at JN Contracting Inc. (403) 8949777 Mon-Sat. or visit STUMP GRINDING: Large machine - For the big or small stumps. Simple, fast removal. For a free estimate call (403) 328-1699. PAINTER FOR HIRE: Over 30 years experience. Careful, Meticulous, Reliable. Evening calls OK. Phone: (403) 308-4542 CLARKE DEVELOPMENTS: A division of Clarke Enterprises Corporation. New homes construction. Garages start to finish. Renovations, additions, framing, basement development, concrete work and complete landscaping, handyman services. Phone for a free estimate 403-3829797 SMALL HAUL SMITH’S: 10 year established business * Dump Runs * Small Moves * Recycling * Car Recycling * NOW DOING HOT SHOTS* Student & Senior Discounts. Phone: (403) 332-0807. COUPONS This Week’s CLIP AND SAVE Present this coupon at check in APRIL 3 ONLY 1 Bed Special 62 $$ 1000 $ 50 50 Famous 2 pc Fish and Chips U.S. Funds Lunch Special 11am - 3pm plus tax Must Present Coupon at Check-in For This Discount Excludes March 17, 18,19, 20 and 21, 2015 Dine in Only This coupon good for everyone in your family * Good for rooms with one bed or 2 guests only *Some black-out days apply *rooms available on first reserved basis Re Res co er v Ex mm ati Ap p e on ir n s 20 ril 1 es ded 15 5, per night Scan with your smartphone 905 1 Ave S, Lethbridge Whether travelling for business or shopping, stay with us! Do more of what you really love APRIL 3 ONLY SAVE 3010 16th Ave North ✃ Friendly, Trustworthy Service Guaranteed Takeout Only Lunch Special Save 5 dollars off any Family Pack (Feeds 3-5 people) 10 pce Fish of Choice, 3 Fries, 1 Large Coleslaw Joey’s Restaurant 905 1 Ave S, Lethbrigde 403-329-3416 All Steering, Brakes and Suspensions 10 % OFF Offer expires June 30, 2015 Oil Change 50 $ Only ✃ 500 $ 00 Includes Check Over *Some Restrictions Apply Shop - 403-394-2225 Main - 403-715-1177 Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015, Page 9 DeJong’s Tours UPCOMING 2015 Tours Henry Moser RV Service & Parts RV Sales & MOOSE JAW March 30 - April 2 4 Day Trip - Cost $295.00/person dbl. MOOSE JAW April 13-15 & April 27-29 3 Day Trip - Cost $189.00/person dbl. CRANBROOK CASINO Easter Gymnastics and Parkour Day Camp NEW YORK CITY - WASHINGTON, DC April 6th - April 10th, 2015 9am to 4pm May 25 - June 7 14 Day Trip - Cost $3,225.00/person dbl. Before & After Care Available - $5.00/hour $180/Full Week - Includes Hot Dog Lunch on Friday $45/Full Day or $29.50/Half Day Open to ages 4 years and up! 1101-3rd Ave., N., Lethbridge 403-320-1373 May 11-13 3 Day Trip - Cost $165.00/person dbl. FORT MCMURRAY July 14-17 4 Day Trip - Cost $520.00/person dbl. BLACK HILLS - YELLOWSTONE August 10-19 10 Day Trip - Cost $1,458.00/person dbl. EASTERN CANADA and NEWFOUNDLAND (403) 892-8877 Outdoor Power Equipment Hwy3/Rg Rd 20-5 6 Km East of Lethbridge SPECIAL OFFERS on RV SERVICE Book your RV service before March 31st and receive 20%*off RV service and parts. All new customers will receive 10%*off their 1st scheduled RV service appointment and 10% off all RV parts after April 1, 2015. 160w Solar Panels $879.99* installed Bearing repack $50 per tire Maintenance Special $79.99 De-winterizing $69.99 *Solar panels and service specials are not included in the % off discounts* Services Services September 12 - October 4 23 Day Trip - Cost $4,360.00/person dbl. Wanted ATTENTION CAMPERS! HIGHLAND CAMPGROUND IS NOW taking bookings for the 20152016 camping season. All sites serviced - Store Pavilion - Showers - Beach. Located along beautiful, clean, Waterton River and Highway #2. Please phone for more information. Phone: (403) 553-2570 J.D. YARDWORX EFFECTIVE AND PERSONABLE SERVICE: * Snow Removal * Lawn Care * Eavestrough Cleaning * Window Cleaning * Dump Runs * Odds n’ Ends. Call Tanner @ (587) 227-4879 or email BRANSON - NEW ORLEANS WANTED URGENTLY: Gold, Silver, Coins, and Stamps. Gold and Silver Jewelery, even broken. We pay TOP prices. Have cash, will travel. Call us last at 403752-3099. Don’t be afraid to leave a message! CONSIDER IT SOLD WITH A CLASSIFIED IN THE SHOPPER! YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR ALL THINGS CLASSIFIED!! October 28 - November 12 16 Day Trip - Cost $2,648.00/person dbl. For any of the above trips, call 1-866-362-5416 for a full detailed brochure, or visit our website NOW OPEN! Wanted Wanted Medicine Hat Wanted LOOKING FOR . . . A riding lawnmower. Phone: (403) 3270559 evenings. WANTED: LCI yearbooks 1960, 61, 62, 63 & 64. Phone: (403) 328-8420 LOOKING TO RENT . . .Property within the city to store a 12’x16’ shed for “Budget Blinds”. Call Michael: (403) 892-0686 WANTED: Rototiller - Garden rototiller in repairable condition, working or not. Please call Dave at: (403) 328-8337. Will pay up to $50.00 depending on condition. WANTED: Your unwanted vehicles, motorcycles, RV’s, etc. Free pick up, cash paid for some. 1 hour service in most cases. Phone: 403308-1161 FOR SALE: Sears fridge 29” deep x 28” wide x 60” high, white, excellent condition, $350.00 Phone: (403) 504-4677 FOR SALE: Clean spacious 1096 sq. ft. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo in Grandview Village. For further information Phone: (403) 526-4155 1411 - 10th Ave S Great Falls, MT 59405 Phone 406-761-4600 800-442-4667 Toll Free US & Canada Medicine Hat FOR SALE: Mid efficient furnace, like new. New Reznor 60,000 BTU unit heater. Phone: (403) 580-9922 FOR SALE: 2001 Toyota Camry 4 cyl. CE model, AC, cruise and CD player, well maintained runs great. c/w new brakes and timing belt, $2000.00. Phone: (403) 594-9646 for more information. FOR SALE: 15 old wooden cheese boxes $10 to $20 each. Butter molds $15 to $30. Old wooden butter paddles $20 each. 3 lb, 5 lb and 10 lb Medalta butter crocks $35 to $60. Medalta Stetson hats $50 each. Hycroft hats $8. Phone: (403) 548-4950 Page 10, THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015 Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At Medicine Hat Medicine Hat Medicine Hat Medicine Hat Medicine Hat FOR SALE: Ruger 10/22, 3-9 x 32 Simmons scope, ATI strikeforce stock, bead blasted SS finish, factory stock also, sling, 4 mags, $475.00 Phone: (403) 928-2612 WANTED: Old auto harps for parts, working or not working. Phone: (403) 548-2075 or 403548-8470 FOR SALE: 1993 Lincoln town Car, white, original owner car. Every available option except sun roof, still runs, looks and handles like new, 302-V8 auto, good on fuel. Phone: (403) 4584055 FOR SALE: 1995 Chev Z71, leather interior, A/C, tilt wheel, most options of the day, 416,000 km, 85% highway miles on synthetic oil front to back since 20,000 km’s, new tires, new brakes, extensive complete tune up and mechanical check up in the last 6 months, service records etc on file. would make a good farm “go for” service truck, has skin cancer, mechanically in A-1, I wouldn’t be afraid to take it on the road. Asking $2000.00 obo maybe considered. Phone: (403) 5818632 9am - 5pm FOR SALE: Massey Ferguson 165 tractor -3 point hitch, Allied loader, 3245 hrs. $4000.00. John Deere 14 ft. Hoe drill, good shape $400.00. Phone: (403) 527-0206 FOR SALE: Canopy for Dodge Dakota, asking $300.00 obo. Phone: (403) 529-5742 FOR SALE: Browning X bolt stainless 7mm mag bolt action with Bushnell Elite 2.5 x 10 x 40 scope $1350. Weatherby 338 Win Mag with brake and 2.5 x 10 x 40 Bushnell Elite scope $850.00. Phone: (403) 5024502 FOR SALE: 2 - 19 1/2 ft, I beams, 3/8” x 8” x 6 1/2”, offers. Phone: (403) 527-7732 or 403581-8178. FOR SALE: 2004 Honda Odyssey van, leather heated front seats, new tires, timing belt done at 131,000 km, clean consistently maintained, at 188,000 km, $7489.00 obo Phone: (403) 977-1637 FOR SALE: 2007 Ford Focus SE, 92,000 km, $6000.00. Phone: (403) 526-8647 WANTED FIREARMS: Buying shotguns, estate, military, hunting. Please don’t give up, surrender firearms unnecessarily. For more information Phone: (403) 5021015 POSSESSION ACQUISITION LICENSE (PAL): Full course every month, restricted and nonrestricted. Sponsored by County of Forty Mile Community Adult Learning, $75 registration.Challenge tests anytime at your convenience. For more information Phone: (403) 977-3771 or FOR SALE: Harley Davidson 2007 Screaming Eagle in mint condition, asking $21,000, call sales for more info, Phone: (403) 866-4315 FOR SALE: China cabinet, table and 6 chairs, real oak, excellent condition, moving sale, for more info Phone: (403) 527-6682 FOR SALE: Complete 10 piece kids bedroom suite includes 2 captains beds, dressers & desk, light blonde wood, good condition, $700.00 obo. Phone: (403) 527-7587 FOR SALE: Girls white accordion $400.00 firm. Free Joyce Meyer tapes. Phone: (403) 526-6453 COMPUTER TECH: House calls up till 9pm. Free diagnosis of your computer. Lowest rates. Seniors rates. Will teach you the basics. Will pick-up of old computers. Virus removal and data back-up. Free pickup and delivery for repairs. Phone: 403-928-2700 CLASSIFIEDS SELL!! FOR SALE: 92 Wilderness Yukon Trailer, 22 ft, sleeps six, well maintained, non smokers, many features, asking $5000.00 obo. Phone: (403) 526-9041 FOR RENT: Condo, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathrooms, Northlands, available for April 1st, $1295, NP, NS, credit check required. Phone: (403) 527-2157 Medicine Hat FOR SALE: Remington 700 VTR 308 win. 22” bbl, Ruger Scout 308 win. s/s laminated stock. Ruger M77 Hawkeye 22250 s/s laminated stock 24” bbl. Phone: (403) 821-3757 OPEN HOUSE BY OWNER: 155 Eagle Butte Ave, Dunmore, noon to 3pm Saturday March 21st and Sunday March 22nd. 2 houses on one acre, $539,900.00. FOR SALE: Canopy for 2007 to 2012 GMC Canyon or Colorado $400.00 OBO. Phone: (403) 526-1963 FOR SALE: Pellet rifles. 22’s semi-auto and bolt action c/w scopes. 17 hmr new in box. 410 pump.410 double barrel, 28 ga over/under new. 12 ga double c/with hammers. 223 Tikka c/w tactical scope. Phone: (403) 580-9922 TOSHIBA LAPTOPS: $175 for dual core. Tech Certified, 6 months warranty. Computers starting at less than $100. Desktops, $150. Anti-virus and MS Office available for only $30 more. I am a Tech. Trades welcome. Free pick-up and delivery for repairs. Phone: 403-9282700 WANTED: Looking for older musicians for oldtimers rock ‘n roll band for work at local jams, call Mac Phone: (403) 504-5300 FOR SALE: Colt sp1, AR15, 223 cal. 2 scope’s, 500 rds. Excellent condition, $2300.00. Ross rifle M-10 303, collector $550.00. Cooey model 78 single shot 22, heavy barrel $100.00. Phone: (403) 529-6176 NO MATTER IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! THE SHOPPER What’s black and white and read all over ? F R E E classifieds! Household ads for items under $100 are now FREE. Your ad will run for one week, in print and online, for no charge. call, go online, or stop by to place your free ad today. Household ads only, limit 2 ads per customer per week, ad must list the price of item. Like us on 403.329.8225 | 234 - 12th Street B North Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015, Page 11 HEY KIDS! COLOR THIS PAGE AND WIN! Contest Rules: 1. Contest open to boys and girls aged 1 to 12 years of age. Age categories as follows: 9 - 12 years; 7 - 8 years; 5 - 6 years; 3 - 4 years; 2 & under. 2. Contestants may use crayons, colored pencils or markers. Adults may assist in completing the contest entry form but not in coloring. 3. All entries must be received at the Lethbridge Shopper before Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4. Submissions are considered property of the Lethbridge Shopper and may be printed in our publication. 5. Decision of judges is final. Relatives of the Lethbridge Shopper, employees or contest sponsors not eligible to win. Bring in or mail your colored picture to the Lethbridge Shopper before the entry deadline. WIN Fabulous Easter Prizes! See Rules Bay 1&2 - 2801 2nd Ave. N. Lethbridge, AB • Our Service will make us your NATURAL CHOICE • LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED We’re on the hunt for eggcellent artists! Hop to it, and enter our Easter Coloring Contest for your chance to WIN! Bibles for Missions THRIFT STORES B F M F O U N D AT I O N C A N A D A The power of purpose, driven by volunteers EASTER SPECIALS from March 30 - April 4 1004 - 1st Ave. S., Lethbridge, AB T1J 0B1 403-327-3199 403-328-8853 1240 - 2nd ‘A’ Ave. N. DOUBLE CC AUTO TOWING & BOOSTING SERVICE • Damage Free Wheel Lift • Storage • Cellular Phone Equipped Trucks 24 HOUR SERVICE •ALL MAJOR AUTO CLUBS• Box 905, Raymond 403-752-4803 PRO TV & ELECTRONICS LTD FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRONIC REPAIR NEEDS Serving Lethbridge & Area for over 30 Years. We repair all brands of: TV, Proj-TV, LCD, Plasma, Camcorders, Digital Camera, Home & Auto Audio/Video, Monitors, Video Games, Laptops, Microwave Oven, Sat. Receiver, Amps & More... Warranty for: Toshiba, Panasonic, Hitachi, Denon, Marantz, Phillips, JVC, LG, Yamaha and more... King Huang (Tech) 1815-2 AVE. S. Lethbridge AB Phone: 403-328-4977 Fax: 403-320-0466 JIM VAN EGMOND • Commercial • Residential • Farm • Fire Alarm Maintenance • Bucket Truck Service 403-382-1632 LETHBRIDGE Res: 403-824-3687 NOBLEFORD ★ SPECIAL EVENT WASHROOM TRAILER (EQUIPT. WITH AIR & LIGHTS) ■ HANDICAP UNITS ■ HANDWASH STATIONS ■ CONSTRUCTION & SPECIAL EVENTS 40 NEVADA PLACE WEST, LETHBRIDGE 403 320-6166 AIRPORT PICK-A-PART Phone: Age: Address: Custom Homes & Renovations Ltd. Mail or bring your entry to: 403-320-KICK Servus Sports Centre 2501 - 28th Ave S. The Lethbridge Shopper 234 - 12 Street B North Lethbridge, AB T1H 2K7 Deadline for all entries: March 31, 2015 • General Contracting • Finish Carpentry • Kitchen Reno • Custom Decks • Windows & Doors • Garages • Siding • Bathroom Reno • Tile Work Office: 1-403-381-4451 Toll Free: 1-888-382-4451 Email: New & Used Auto Parts We Buy & Sell Complete Vehicles Lethbridge 403-380-3035 Toll Free: 1-866-523-3035 First Left South of the Lethbridge Airport Hours: Tues. - Fri. Noon-6:00pm Sat. 10:00am-4:00pm WANTED: Your Unwanted Vehicles SELF-SERVE AUTO DISMANTLING SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ (SERVING SOUTHERN ALBERTA SINCE 1979) SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ Name: SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ • SAVE $$$ SANITATION SYSTEMS LTD. Limited Late Registration Spaces Available Page 12, THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015 Slow Cooker Irish Stew Ingredients 2 pounds boneless leg of lamb, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces (you also can use chuck beef roast if you prefer it to lamb) 6 large potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks 3 to 4 parsnips, peeled and cut into chunks 2 large carrots peeled and cut into chunks, or half a bag of prepared baby carrots 2 celery stalks, chopped 1 large yellow onion, coarsely chopped 1 can beef broth 2 tbsps tomato paste 1 pint Irish stout beer 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 tbsp flour Chopped parsley and thyme Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. In a mixing bowl, coat meat with the flour. 2. Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet and cook the onion until translucent. Add the meat and brown. 3. Place the potatoes, parsnips, carrots, and celery in the bottom of a slow cooker crock. 4. Add the cooked meat and onions. Pour in the beef broth and beer. 5. Add the tomato paste, fresh herbs and salt and pepper. 6. Cover and cook on "high" for 4 hours or "low" for 8 hours. 7. When ready to serve, sprinkle with fresh parsley and offer with crusty bread and salad. Salmon With Salsa Verde Ingredients For the salsa verde: 1/2 cup lightly packed fresh basil leaves 1/2 cup lightly packed fresh parsley 1/4 cup lightly packed fresh mint leaves 1 small clove garlic, minced 1 tbsp kosher salt 11/2 cups extra-virgin olive oil 2 cups loosely packed torn freshbaked bread (without the crust) Fresh lemon juice For the salmon: 4 5- to 6-ounce skin-on wild salmon filets 2 tbsps olive oil 1 tbsp unsalted butter Salt Freshly ground black pepper continue to process until the bread is gravel-size. 4. Add a couple of squeezes of lemon, tasting for a balance of acidity and sweetness. 5. Set aside at room temperature. To cook the salmon: 6. Season both sides of the salmon filets with salt and pepper. 7. In a large nonstick sauté pan, heat the olive oil until almost smoking over mediumhigh heat. 8. Add the butter. As the butter is browning, add the salmon, skin side down. 9. Using a spatula, press the salmon into the pan and decrease the heat to medium-low. Let the skin crisp for 2 to 3 minutes, then carefully flip the fish over in the pan. 10. Turn the heat off and let the fish cook in the residual heat for Directions another minute or so. You may need to To make the salsa verde: increase the cooking time, depending 1. Place the basil, parsley, mint, on the thickness of your salmon. garlic, and salt in a food processor. 11. When serving, place a salmon 2. With the machine running, add filet on each serving plate and spoon the olive oil in a slow, steady stream. the salsa verde around the salmon. 3. Add the chunks of bread and Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At Buttermilk Scones Ingredients 3/4 cup currants 4 3/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 tbsp baking powder 3/4 tbsp baking soda 1/2 cup granulated sugar 11/4 tbsp salt 1 cup plus 1 tbsp unsalted butter, very cold 11/2 cups buttermilk 1 tbsp lemon zest, grated Topping 3 tbsps unsalted butter, melted Granulated sugar for sprinkling Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Butter a baking sheet. 2. To make the dough, first combine the currants with warm water to cover in a small bowl and set aside for about 10 minutes until the currants are plumped. Drain well. 3. While the currants are plumping, sift the flour, baking powder and baking soda into a large mixing bowl. 4. Add the sugar and salt and stir to mix with a wooden spoon. Cut the butter into the dry ingredients. Dough shough be coarse, pea-sized meal when done. 5. Add the buttermilk all at once along with the lemon zest and currants and mix gently with the wooden spoon until dough holds together. Do not worry if butter pieces still show, this is good. 6. Dust your work surface with flour and turn the dough out onto it. Using your hands, pat the dough into a rectangle about 18 inches long, 5 inches wide and 11/2 inches thick. 7. Brush the top with the melted butter and then sprinkle with the sugar. 8. Cut the dough into 12 triangles. Transfer the triangles to the prepared baking sheet. 9. Bake the scones until the tops are lightly browned, 25 to 35 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve immediately. Gluten-Free Dinner Rolls Ingredients er the all-purpose flour, xanthan gum, 4 tbsps granulated sugar baking powder, salt, and remaining 3 2 cups warm milk (about 110 F) tbsps sugar. 2 tbsps active dry yeast 4. Beat the eggs until foamy. 3 cups gluten-free all-purpose 5. Add the oil and vinegar. flour 6. Add the 2 tbsps yeast mixture, xanthan gum then the flour 4 tbsps mixture and baking powder combine, until 1 tbsp salt dough forms. 2 extra5. Fill muflarge eggs fin tins ¾ full 1/4 cup with dough Canola oil and cut a deep 2 tbsps slash in the top vinegar, preferof each roll ably apple with tapioca cider starch-dipped Melted knife. butter for brushing 6. Preheat the oven to 375 F. Tapioca flour for dusting 7. Let the dough stand in a warm, draft-free place to rise until doubled Directions in bulk, about 40 minutes. 1. Brush 18 standard muffin cups 8. Brush the top of each roll with (one 12-cup pan and one 6-cup pan) melted butter. Bake until the tops are with melted butter and dust with a nice golden brown, about 20 mintapioca flour. utes. 2. In a small bowl, whisk 1 tbsp of 9. Remove the rolls to wire racks the sugar into the warm milk. Whisk to cool. Serve. in the yeast to dissolve. Set aside to Store in an airtight container for up proof. to 3 days. 3. In a medium bowl, mix togeth- Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015, Page 13 Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization • A variety of pastries & cookies • Fresh homemade soups & sandwiches daily • Lite lunches, weekly salad & sandwich specials • Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fish burgers & chicken burgers • And our famous made on site, never frozen french fries Lunch served from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. • Soup not included with the meal The dining room is CASH ONLY • Menu subject to change without notice 500 - 11 Street South • 403-320-2222 The public is welcome to enjoy our dining room for breakfast & lunch! Popular sports for seniors (MS) Age doesn’t have to stop older men and women from enjoying their favorite sports. In fact, remaining active can improve physical and mental health. If a doctor has confirmed that it is okay to participate in sports, these activities can help men and women 50 and older enjoy friendly competition and physical activity. Fishing Fishing is more than just a leisurely day at the lake. Casting and reeling in your catch provides a good workout for the arms, legs and core muscles of the body. If you fish on the water, rowing out to your lucky spot provides additional cardiovascular exercise. Golf Golf is enjoyed by people of all ages. Requiring a combination of strategy and skill, golf also pays several physical dividends. Play at your own pace, taking your time walking from hole to hole so you can enjoy the sunshine and soak in the beauty of the course. Swimming A few laps around a pool works your whole body. Swimming is attractive to seniors because it works the muscles and provides a cardiovascular jolt without putting any strain on the joints. Cycling Many seniors are avid cyclists. You can ride a bicycle in competition or for pleasure. You can even vary your route depending on how physically intense you want the ride to be. Seniors need not abandon their love of sport just because Father Time is catching up with them. Many sports can be enjoyed by athletes of all ages. MENU FOR MARCH 23 - APRIL 3 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDN ESDAY March 23 Entree: Roasted Chicken Potato: Steamed Veggie: Green Beans Soup: Cream of Carrot March 24 Entree: Beef Stroganoff Potato: Egg Noodles Veggie: Corn Soup: Beef Barley March 25 Entree: Penne Bolognese Veggie: Wax Beans Soup: Split Pea THURSDAY March 26 Entree: Veal Cutlet Potato: Mashed Veggie: Peas Soup: French Onion FRIDAY March 27 Entree: Hake Fillet Potato: Buttered Rice Veggie: Salad Soup: Tomato Vegetable Sandwich and Salad of the Week: Deli Sub and Garden Salad March 30 Entree: Crab Stuffed Pollock Potato: Lyonaisse Veggie: PEI Mix Soup: Beef Vegetable March 31 Entree: Cranberry Chicken Potato: Buttered Rice Veggie: Carrots Soup: Chicken Noodle April 1 Entree: Turkey Stew Potato: Mashed Veggie: Cauliflower Soup: Clam Chowder Dessert: Date Square April 2 April 3 Entree: Glazed Ham Potato: Scalloped LSCO CLOSED Veggie: Baked FOR EASTER Beans HOLIDAY Soup: French Tomato Dessert: Cake Sandwich and Salad of the Week: Grilled Beef & Cheddar and Cranberry Mandarin MENU FOR APRIL 6 - 17 MONDAY April 6 LSCO CLOSED FOR EASTER HOLIDAY TUESDAY April 7 Entree: Teriyaki Pork Drummies Potato: Mashed Veggie: Wax Beans Soup: Five Bean Dessert: Cookies WEDN ESDAY THURSDAY April 8 April 9 Entree: Tuna Entree: Cabbage Cassarole Rolls Potato: Egg Noodles Potato: Perogies Veggie: Peas Veggie: PEI Mix Soup: Cream of Soup: Borcsht Carrot Dessert: Fresh Dessert: Tapioca Fruit FRIDAY April 10 Entree: Turkey Pot Pie Potato: Mashed Veggie: Carrots Soup: Split Pea Dessert: Rice Pudding Sandwich and Salad of the Week: Toasted BLT and Summer Salad April 13 Entree: Salmon with Dill Sauce Potato: Buttered Rice Veggie: Salad Soup: French Onion Dessert: Date Square April 14 Entree: Chicken Parmesan Potato: Fetuccini Veggie: Peas Soup: Tomato Vegetable Dessert: Jello April 15 Entree: Liver & Onions Potato: O’Brien Veggie: Mixed Soup: Beef Vegetable Dessert: Canned Fruit April 16 Entree: Chicken Stew Potato: Mashed Veggie: Green Beans Soup: Chicken Noodle Dessert: Pudding April 17 Entree: Roast Beef Potato: Steamed Veggie: Corn Soup: Clam Chowder Dessert: Cookies Sandwich and Salad of the Week: Grilled Turkey & Tomato and Greek Salad Page 14, THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015 For the Week of March 21 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 A debate forces you to reconsider some long-held opinions. Use this time to reflect on your point of view and if there is anything you might want to change. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Life gets better and better as the week goes on, Taurus. Expect a few obstacles, but remember there's nothing you cannot tackle, especially when you get some help. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 A situation arises at work that evokes strong emotions among your coworkers. Stay neutral on the issue until you have had enough time to gather more information. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 A recently started relationship is going great, Cancer. Now might be a great time to take the next step with your special someone. Expect this person to share your feelings. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 A rush of adrenaline this week will help you sail through any projects that need completion, Leo. Take a break every now and then so you don't burn out. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you and a superior at work are seeing eye-to-eye this week.This could mark the beginnings of a great partnership, so continue to work hard. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you will sort out a complex problem in due time. Don't let any initial struggles to find a solution keep you down. Continue to focus on the bigger picture. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, use this week to address an unresolved issue. Tackle every project thrown your way head-on and with vigor. Others will notice your efforts. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, try not to over-think things this week. Sometimes the simplest solution to a problem is the best solution. Keep this in mind at the office. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, a distraction this week proves so fascinating that you neglect other responsibilities. While you may like a challenge, don't let it consume your life. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 You yearn for privacy this week, Aquarius. Make the most of any opportunity to seek out a quiet corner and spend some time deep in reflection and thought. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Chores are completely unappealing this week, Pisces. But they must get done one way or another. Delegate some tasks. Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015, Page 15 Spring cleaning hacks to help de-clutter your life (BPT) Spring always inspires a fresh start, but in today's busy, connected lives it can sometimes be difficult to find the time to re-organize and recharge. These spring cleaning hacks will help you de-clutter and greet spring refreshed and ready to go: 1. Follow the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule suggests people only actually use about 20 percent of the stuff they own. When deciding what to keep and what to toss, ask yourself what items you would replace right away if they were ever lost or stolen this will help you discover your 20 percent. 2. Donate - and schedule a pickup. Everyone knows that part of purging involves the "donate" pile, but many people never get these items out of their home. Schedule a pickup online to make sure the donating part gets done. 3. Use vinegar on practically everything. Once you've taken stock of your belongings and are ready to get cleaning, vinegar is a wonderful all-purpose cleanser. 4. Coffee filters and cola make great cleaners, too. Coffee filters can be used to dust off television screens in a pinch. Cola? You can actually use that to clean the toilet - pour in the bowl, let sit for an hour, flush and you're done. 5. Do a digital purge as well as a physical one. From your desktop to the photos on your phone, your digital clutter could probably use a good scrub. Take an hour or so to get rid of duplicates and any files you don't need - then empty that recycle bin. Metal Roofing & Supply 3127 6 Ave. North Lethbridge, AB Cell: 403.795.9609 • Fax: 403.394.3665 Email: 6. Cut your contract. Your physical space may be in order, but what if your digital world is still an absolute mess? One way to get rid of digital clutter is by cutting your long-term mobile contract. 7. Update your passwords. Secure your accounts with new passwords that include upper and lower case letters and numbers. These tips and tricks should make your annual spring cleaning a little bit easier without taking up too much time - leaving you ready to tackle whatever the rest of the year will bring. Come see us at the Crowsnest Pass Home and Garden Show ➤ Outdoor Lighting ➤ FREE Do-It-Yourself Workshops ➤ American Fine Glass ➤ Natural Stone Veneer ➤ Copper Products ➤ Locally Manufactured Stone ➤ Metal Roofing ➤ Fireplaces, Mantels and ➤ Outdoor Benches, Tables Hearthstones and Landscaping Rocks NEW Stone Sandblasting for Address Signs, etc. DURABLE AFFORDABLE ATTRACTIVE 36” Tuff-Rib • 1” Snap-Lock • 1 7/8” Snap-Lock Call Delbert or Wayne Today! 403.394.3655 Home and Garden Specials on until March 31, 2015 Stop by Wild Rose Hottubs Your Local Dealer for 25 Years Custom Order Your Armore Bay and Receive a 10% Discount Amore Bay Transform your backyard into an inspiring oasis with the legendary Amore Bay.This tub’s soft curves and cutting edge features create an unmatched experience. With seven luxurious seats including “his and her” seats, two patented Jet Therapy pillows, and soothing lights and fountains, the Amore is more than just a hot tub, it’s a personal retreat. Wild Rose Hot Tubs offer high quality products with excellent re-sale value even years later. We offer local service with parts and inventory to serve you now. Before you buy your tub, talk to Jean and Zandy at Wild Rose Hot Tubs for the best price. Specializing in over 25 years of quality spas at the lowest prices ... GUARANTEED! Commercial & Residential Applications 1254 3rd Avenue North - Lethbridge 403.394.2281 • Page 16, THE LETHBRIDGE SHOPPER, Week of March 21, 2015 Visit The Ultimate Classified Website At Beauty Talk from Head to Toe Meet Priscilla Peltier Certified Herbalist, Nutrition Consultant and Registered BIE Practitioner Ever question or wonder about the ingredients in your personal care products? Since the skin is the body’s largest organ and absorbs what you put onto it, I always advise people to read the ingredient labels and know what’s in their products. Every day we use products that we think are safe; but the truth is that most products are NOT safe. And manufacturers don’t have to tell us. Ever since 1938 when the FDA granted self-regulation to the cosmetics industry, products can be marketed without government approval of ingredients, regardless of what tests show. In a typical day, you might be exposed to over 200 different chemicals, many of which are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones. Along with inhalation, ingestion and injection, dermal (skin) absorption is a route of exposure for toxic substances that human skin comes into contact Typical Myth: If it’s for sale at a supermarket, drugstore or department store cosmetics counter, it must be safe. It’s a Fact: The Food and Drug Administration has no authority to require companies to test cosmetics products for safety. The agency does not review or approve the vast majority of products or ingredients before they go to market. Since we know without debate that some chemicals can and do enter the bloodstream through topical application, you’re better off doing your best to avoid all known harmful chemicals on the chance they are entering your bloodstream. When in doubt about ingredients, please check for more information. MAKE HEALTH A HABIT!!! with many agents both intentionally and unintentionally. For example, do you know what’s in your shampoo? I’ll bet many people do not give this a second thought: Sodium laurel sulphate is one of the more common chemical lathering agents used in products. It is usually listed second on the ingredients list after water, which indicates that a high percentage has been added. Other chemical lathering and foaming agents found in shampoos and conditioners are sodium laureth sulphate, sodium cetyl sulphate and ammonium laurel sulphate. All of these should be avoided. These ingredients and carcinogens are used in car washes, garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers and in 90% of personal-care products that foam. Also be mindful of other personal care products such as moisturizers, lotions, hair dyes, and body washes, etc.... Prairie Naturals Vinpocetine Plus New Chapter Cinnamon Force Mother Nature’s Smart Pill! Vinpocetine Plus is a synergistic formulation of powerful anti-aging and brain-boosting plant extracts – vinpocetine and blueberry. These antioxidant-rich phytonutrients are among the world’s most thoroughly researched medicinal plants for improving memory, boosting brain power, improving blood flow, reducing inflammation, reversing aging and protecting the central nervous system. Especially beneficial for students and other people concerned with memory. 60 soft gels Provides antioxidants and helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. In traditional herbal systems, Cinnamon is used as a tonic noted for its complex properties. 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