PRE FEASIBILITY REPORT OF M/S. Ever Shine Décor P. Ltd. Survey No. : 40, Village Indrad, Taluka Kadi, District Mehsana, Gujarat. Mob No.: 09898186603 Email: Prepared By: T. R. ASSOCIATES C-605/A, Ganesh Meridian, Opp. Kargil Petrol Pump, S. G. Highway, Ahmedabad. Mo. No.: 98253 71099 Email ID:; March 2015 1. Executive summary M/s. Ever Shine Décor P. Ltd . is proposing to manufacture P. F. Resin, M. F. Resin, & U. F. Resin at Survey No. : 40, Village Indrad, Taluka Kadi, District Mehsana, Gujarat. Proposed unit will manufacture resin for production within its premises as well as sell purpose. The total land area of company is 7588 m2 out of which 2480 Sq. Mt. land will be used for greenbelt area development. The estimated cost of the Resin project is 1.0 Crore. Total budget allocation towards Environmental Management Facilities will be Rs. 15 Lacs. Total 33 persons will be employed including skilled persons, unskilled persons and office staff. M/s. T. R. Associates is carried out EIA/EMP studies for Environmental Clearance. Production details are given below: Total Quantity No. Product 1. Phenol Formaldehyde Resin 200 2. Melamine Formaldehyde Resin 200 3. Urea Formaldehyde Resin 240 ( MT/Month) Salient Features with in 10 km radius surroundings area as follows: S.No Important Features Description 1 Survey No. : 40, Village Indrad, Taluka Kadi, Location District Mehsana, Gujarat. 2 Topomap F43A7 3 Longitude 72°25'4.90"E 4 Latitude 23°17'21.69"N 5 MSL 70 m 6. Nearest power station UGVCL (Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd.) 7 Proponent Name Mr. Bhupeshbhai P. Patel - 09898186603 8 Corporate office address C-2/A, Sterling City, Bopal, Ahmedabad 9 Temperature range 140 C to 430 C 10 Annual Rain fall 803 mm 11 Nearest Road SH 133 (0.95 Km) 12 Nearest Railway station Pansar– 6.6 Km 13 Nearest city Chhatral (2.7 km) 14 Nearest village Indrad (1.5 km) 15 National HW NO NH 8C (20.9 Km) 16 State HW No SH 133 (0.95 Km) 17 Seismic Zone Zone-III (Less Active) 18 National Parks / Sanctuary None within 10 Km radius. 2. Project Proponent and their back ground. Mr. Bhupendrabhai Patel has more than 5 years experience in field of manufacturing Resin. Brief description of nature of the project. It is a small scale project for production of resin which is used for Laminated Sheets. Need for the project and its importance to the country and or region. Formaldehyde resins are used predominantly in the wood products industry as adhesives. Growth of these resins is strongly correlated to construction/remodeling activity (which accounts for over 50% of consumption), and to a lesser degree, to the automotive industry. The proposed products like Resins (Melamine Formaldehyde, Urea Formaldehyde and Phenol Formaldehyde) mainly used to produce Electrical Insulation Board and H.P. Decorative Laminated Sheets. These sheets have good market demand to develop the home and office for furniture. Demand-Supply Gap. The average production of decorative laminates has crossed approximately 130 million sheets inclusive of all thicknesses but the gap between installed capacity and demand is growing bigger. During FY 2011-2012 phases that gap narrowed with sudden demand in lower thickness segment but later capacities came in place and the Decorative laminate market became a pressure driven market. The below graph shows the gap which indicates more supply means pressure on pricing, profits etc. It is caution for any new comer that if he enters, he should be prepared for "More investments, more efforts and a long wait for margins". The burgeoning market demands of urban and semi-urban India are estimated at Rs 5,00,000 crore. The demand-supply gap has already attracted foreign players to India; and the e-retailing boom offers immense business opportunities. But a mere 15% of India's woodworking industry is organized. Its semi-skilled carpenters, selfstyled interior decorators and small-scale local manufacturers will need to be trained and organized to meet future market demands and exploit business opportunities. Imports v/s Indigenous production. Indian market is open and big that is why every kind of import is booming. Indian plywood and panel trade has become global place as the consumption of different imported ply panels are on the rise. Unlike before Indians are now welcomed by plywood manufacturer of china. Earlier India was a self dependent country for commercial or high quality plywood, but sharp drop in domestic manufacturing output has resulted in material sourcing from countries like Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam etc. Now Indian plywood market is somehow curtailed or competed by incoming panel products from China. Be it film face, decorative, Laminate or MR plywood everything is now being imported partially or more and is sold. Indian industrialist must understand the fact that its no more a regional shift, it is a global shift. Indian technology should be upgraded an updated at par with international standards. The working environment in India has changed tremendously. Earlier the trade fairs were hardly participated by foreign timber, lumber and plywood manufacturing companies where as now it is flooded with global suppliers. Export Possibility. There is only local market of resin. It is an intermediate product for manufacturing of Laminated Sheets. Liquid resins are quite expensive for export. So we have only local sale market for distribution. Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the project. This project will provide direct employment to 33 people whereas it will provide employment to many others indirectly. Plywood and Laminated sheet Industries provide employment to large number of people. 3. Project Description (i) Type of project including interlinked and interdependent projects. Resins including P.F. resin, M.F. resin & U.F. resin are used in production of laminated sheets and plywood. So Plywood Industries and Laminated sheets Industries will be interdependent on resin Industries. (ii) Location Latitude: 23°17'21.69"N Longitude: 72°25'4.90"E Google Image of Proposed Location. Project site Key Plan of proposed site (iii) Project description with process details 1. Phenol Formaldehyde Resin: Manufacturing Process First all raw materials like phenol, formaldehyde & caustic will be added into closed vessel. Stirring & heating will be done up to 60 C. After 60C stop heating. Reflux is done for 30 minutes up to 98 C. Vacuum distillation will be started. Water will be removed from the vessel as per the batch size. Cooling down to 40C. Methanol will be added for dilution purpose. Phenol Formaldehyde Resin will be ready for use in Laminate sheets. Reaction Chemistry Process Flow Diagram Phenol Limped Reaction Vessel Formaldehyde Caustic Flakes Stirring and heating up to 60 C Process Flow Diagram Reflux for 30 Minutes Vacuum Distillation Cooling Methanol Dilution Product: Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Water 2. Melamine Formaldehyde Resin: Manufacturing Process First all the raw materials melamine & formaldehyde will be added in Limped reaction vessel. Stirring & heating will be done upto 95 C for 1 Hr. Cooling down to 40 C. Melamine Formaldehyde Resin will be ready for use in Laminate sheets. Reaction Chemistry N N H2N NH2 N N + H2C O NH2 melamine fast N H2C formaldehyde N N CH2 OH HO melamine formaldehyde resin Process Flow Diagram Melamine Formaldehyde Limped Reaction Vessel Stirring and Heating up to 95C for 1 hr Cooling at 40C Product: Melamine Formaldehyde Resin 3. Urea Formaldehyde Resin: Manufacturing Process First all the raw materials Urea & Formaldehyde will be added in Limped reaction vessel. pH will be adjusted to pH 9.0 by adding acetic acid. Stirring & heating will be done upto 95 C for 50 Minutes. Heating will be continued until tolerance (10:40) is achieved. pH will be adjusted to 9 by adding Caustic. Cooling down to room temperature. Urea Formaldehyde Resin will be ready for use and sale purpose. Reaction Chemistry Process Flow Diagram Urea Formaldehyde Limped Reaction Vessel pH adjusted to 9 Acetic Acid Caustic Stirring and Heating up to 95C for 50 Minutes pH adjusted to 9 Cooling Urea Formaldehyde Resin List of Raw Materials Sr. No. 1 2 3 Name of the product Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Melamine Resin Name of Raw Materials Quantity in MT/Month Phenol 188 Formaldehyde 74 Acetic acid 1 Caustic 1 Formaldehyde 120 Melamine 80 Urea 96 Formaldehyde 144 Acetic Acid 1.2 Caustic 1.2 Urea Formaldehyde Resin 4. Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any, should be briefly outlined. Our main raw materials urea and formaldehyde are easily available from developmental city like Baroda, Surat, etc. 5. Availability of water its source, Energy/ power requirement and source should be given. Water source: Bore well Energy/power requirement: 240 HP from UGVCL 6. Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their Management/disposal. Solid waste generation and disposal Sr. No. Description Category Quantity 7.125 1 ETP Sludge 34.3 MT/Month 50 2 Used Oil 5.1 Lit./Month 3 Discarded Plastic 33.3 bags 4 Edge Waste Cutting 23.1 Mode of Disposal Collection, storage and Disposal at TSDF Site Collection, storage and used within premises as a lubricant / sold to registered recycler. 3570 Collection, storage & sell to Nos. /Month. authorized vendor 16 MT/Month Collection, storage & disposal at common Incineration facility Waste water generation and Disposal facility 11400 liter waste water will be generated from the Industrial activity. Effluent treatment plant: (1) 7200 liter/day: boiler Blow down (2) 200 liter /day: washing (3) 800 liter/day: cooling tower blow down Flow Diagram of ETP. Industrial effluent Collection & Neutralization Tank Holding Tank (Photo Fenton Reagent) Primary Settling Tank Evaporator 7. Schematic representations of the feasibility drawing which give information of EIA purpose. 4. Site Analysis (i) Connectivity. Nearest Railway Pansar 6.6 Km NH 8C 20.9 Km Nearest Airport Ahmedabad 32 Km Nearest State highway SH 133 (0.95 Km) SH 133 (0.95 Km) station Nearest National highway (ii) Land Form, Land use and Land ownership. Fig: 1 Land use pattern Land possession document are attached as annexure: A. (iii) Topography (along with map). Project site Fig: 2 Legendry map of Mehsana district (iv) Existing land use pattern. Existing land use pattern shown in fig no: 1 (v) Existing Infrastructure. (1) Nearest railway station: Pansar– Railway station is 6.6 Km from the project site (2) Nearest Highway: state highway 133 is 0.95 km from the project site. (3) Nearest Airport: Ahmedabad is 32 km from the project site. (4) Power: 240 HP from Uttar Gujarat Vij Company limited. (5) Water : Source of the water is Ground water (6) Basic amenities: Educational facility: - Kalol Institute of Information & Technology is 7.5 km from the project site. Hotel: Sahyog hotel is 2.6 km away from the project site. Post Office: - Post office, Kadi is 9 km away from the project site. Hospital: - Shraddha Hospital, Kalol is 9.38 km away from the project site. (vi) Soil classification of district Mehsana Dominantly the Soils are very deep, well drained and fine and medium textured. They are slightly alkaline, slight to strong saline. Soil depth in Uttar Gujarat is well distributed in two parts. The Soils in western side are dominantly very deep followed by moderately deep and in eastern part soils are dominantly shallow followed by moderately shallow. The Soils in Mehsana District is dominantly distributed to very deep soil depth class followed by shallow depth moderately deep soil are also observed, Soil salinity in Uttar Gujarat varies from slight to strong salinity class. In Mehsana District soil salinity belongs to slight to moderate. (vii) Climatic data from secondary sources. METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE, AHMEDABAD DAILY METEOROLOGICAL DATA STATION:- AHMEDABAD YEAR: - 2014 ELEMENTS: - (1) WIND DIRECTION MONTH: - MARCH & (2) WIND SPEED REPORTED IN KMPH 0830 HRS IST 1730 HRS IST 0230 HRS IST 0530 HRS IST 1130 HRS IST 1430 HRS IST 2030 HRS IST 2330 HRS IST DIR SPD DIR SPD DIR SPD DIR SPD DIR SPD DIR SPD DIR SPD DIR SPD 01 NNE 006 N 008 CALM 000 CALM 000 N 006 E 006 CALM 000 CALM 000 02 NE 008 NE 012 NNW 006 NE 004 ENE 014 N 012 E 006 NNE 006 03 E 010 ESE 010 NE 004 NE 006 E 012 SE 010 N 006 VRB 004 04 NE 006 NE 006 NE 004 NE 010 NE 006 E 008 CALM 000 CALM 000 05 ENE 006 E 006 N 006 CALM 000 E 008 E 008 NNE 004 N 006 06 NE 006 N 004 ENE 004 NNE 006 E 012 NE 012 NE 004 NNE 004 07 NNE 012 NE 010 CALM 000 N 006 E 012 ENE 010 NNW 004 NE 008 08 ENE 012 NE 010 NE 012 NE 010 E 016 E 012 CALM 000 CALM 000 09 NNE 006 NNE 006 CALM 000 CALM 000 E 008 E 012 N 006 E 004 10 NE 006 CALM 000 NE 004 NE 004 CALM 000 CALM 000 CALM 000 SW 006 DATE 11 CALM 000 SW 006 CALM 000 SSW 004 WSW 004 SW 006 N 006 NNW 006 12 NW 008 NW 006 NW 004 NW 006 N 008 NNE 006 NW 004 CALM 000 13 NNE 008 NE 006 N 006 N 008 ENE 010 NNE 006 NNW 006 N 006 14 NE 006 CALM 000 N 006 N 006 ENE 010 ENE 006 CALM 000 N 006 15 NE 010 W 006 CALM 000 NNE 006 SE 008 SE 006 CALM 000 S 004 16 CALM 000 WSW 006 CALM 000 CALM 000 SW 006 SE 012 CALM 000 CALM 000 17 NW 006 W 010 W 006 WNW 004 NW 008 NW 008 NW 008 W 010 18 NW 006 NW 006 NW 008 NW 008 NW 004 NW 008 CALM 000 NNW 004 19 CALM 000 NE 004 CALM 000 N 004 NE 010 SSE 008 N 004 CALM 000 20 CALM 000 W 006 CALM 000 CALM 000 CALM 000 SW 006 CALM 000 CALM 000 21 W 006 SW 008 WNW 004 NW 008 WSW 006 SW 006 CALM 000 CALM 000 22 W 006 SW 010 CALM 000 W 008 WSW 008 SW 010 CALM 000 SW 006 23 NW 004 SW 008 SW 006 W 008 NE 004 WSW 008 SE 008 CALM 000 24 NW 006 WNW 008 WNW 006 WNW 004 NW 008 WNW 008 NW 006 CALM 000 25 WNW 008 CALM 000 W 004 NW 006 CALM 000 S 004 NW 004 NNW 006 26 WNW 006 WSW 006 CALM 000 NW 004 CALM 000 W 008 CALM 000 WNW 006 27 CALM 000 CALM 000 CALM 000 W 004 CALM 000 NW 008 CALM 000 SSW 008 28 W 008 WSW 006 W 012 W 010 NW 006 W 010 WNW 006 CALM 000 29 WNW 006 N 010 W 006 W 004 WNW 008 N 010 NW 008 NW 004 30 NW 008 NW 008 NW 004 NW 010 N 008 NW 010 CALM 000 W 004 31 NW 004 WSW 010 CALM 000 W 006 NW 006 SW 010 WNW 008 WNW 014 METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE , AHMEDABAD. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL DATA STATION: - AHMEDABAD YEAR:- 2014 MONTH:- MARCH ELEMENT: - RELATIVE HUMIDITY IN % (PERCENTAGE) DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0830 HRS IST 049 040 041 040 027 039 043 048 054 055 084 042 033 046 045 068 053 061 042 034 080 086 071 048 067 063 050 052 059 051 060 1730 HRS IST 014 017 017 021 029 027 026 031 036 035 028 022 025 031 028 027 025 029 024 026 038 024 033 023 026 024 021 021 028 026 021 0230 HRS IST 064 042 045 051 049 061 053 046 063 066 080 068 035 045 053 072 041 071 069 086 048 068 049 055 052 060 066 043 043 070 053 0530 HRS IST 067 050 054 047 066 057 045 051 071 065 087 041 043 049 058 078 059 080 067 069 062 084 060 065 063 067 066 056 058 059 056 1130 HRS IST 017 024 028 030 029 033 036 030 041 045 049 032 031 038 037 037 044 040 028 028 056 052 051 027 044 038 031 034 034 031 044 1430 HRS IST 016 019 017 020 025 030 032 033 039 038 034 025 025 033 029 025 031 027 023 024 047 031 040 021 029 027 025 023 027 027 030 2030 HRS IST 049 032 040 037 046 048 053 044 064 057 038 025 031 058 049 045 036 044 048 049 060 059 045 044 050 053 045 024 048 046 029 2330 HRS IST 055 057 060 056 056 065 060 046 051 065 063 029 037 041 055 059 051 052 045 037 058 060 059 040 041 060 042 043 056 050 030 5. Planning Brief (i) Planning Concept (type of industries, facilities transportation etc) Town and Country Planning/Development authority Classification. It is a Laminated sheet manufacturing industry located in Mehsana district. Total available area is 7588 sq. meter out of it 2480 sq. meter area will be provided as a greenbelt area. Industry wants to manufacture different types of resin used in laminated sheets manufacturing plant. (ii) Population Projection As of 2011 India census, Mehsana had a population of 184,133. The sex ratio was 894 females/males. Mehsana has an average literacy rate of 84.26%, higher than the national average. Male literacy is 91.88%, and female literacy is 76.12%. In Mehsana, 9.4% of the population is under 6 years of age. (iii) Land use planning (breakup along with green belt etc). 1 Built Up Area 3427 Sq. mt 2 Green belt area 2480 Sq. mt 3 Open/ Road area 1681 Sq. mt Total Area 7588 Sq. mt (iv) Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social). Super Specialty and modern health facilities and medical stores are needed around. (v) Amenities/Facilities. Industry will provide 2.5 % of total profit for CSR activity. 6. Proposed Infrastructure (i) Industrial Area Industry will provide 3427 square meters built up area for industrial process activity. Which provide all needed facility including proper ventilation, safe handling system, etc. (ii) Residential Area Industry will not provide labor quarter for their labors and provide all basic facilities to them. (iii) Green Belt. 2480 sq. meter area will be proposed for greenbelt development. Approx 1240 sq. mt area will be proposed for tree cover area (approx 186 trees). (iv) Social Infrastructure. The PP proposes the following social infrastructure facilities within 10.0 km periphery of the proposed project. Education Facilities:-Many Facilities for village schools like game kits, drawing kits, table-chairs; school construction (classroom/toilet/school boundary), ceiling fans/ coolers or books for school library are proposed. Health Facilities:-The PP proposes to provide assistance to existing health facilities in Nearest Hospital, for improvement in health facilities or services. (v) Connectivity The nearest city is Chhatral. Approaching road state highway no 133 is 0.95 km away from the project site. (vi) Drinking Water Management Out of 19125 liter/day water approx 1650 liter water will be consume for domestic purpose; 4340 L/day (Fresh water: 2855 L/day + Reused: 1485 L/day) water will be consume for green belt development and 14620 liter/ day fresh water will be used for industrial purpose. (vii) Sewerage System. Domestic waste water 1485 liter/day will be treated in STP and reused in gardening. (viii) Industrial Waste Management. 11400 liter/day waste water will be generated from the process activity. It will be treated in effluent treatment plant and evaporate after treatment. (ix) Solid Waste Management Used oil, ETP waste, discarded bags are the main solid hazardous waste generated from the proposed unit. Used oil will be send to register recycler, ETP sludge will collected from sludge drying bed, stored into solid waste storage area and disposed to authorized TSDF site. Discarded bags will be sold to approved vendor. (x) Power Requirement & Supply / source 240 HP from UGVCL. 7. Project Schedule & Cost Estimates (i) Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion Start construction work: 1st week of December, 2015 Completion of construction work: June, 2016 (ii) Estimated project cost along with analysis in terms of economic viability of the project. Total project cost of resin is around 1 crore. Annexure A Land Possession Document Annexure A Land Possession Document Annexure A Land Possession Document
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