Towns County Herald LegalYour Notices March Hometown for Newspaper Since 18, 1928 2015 Legal Organ of Towns County 50 Cents NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Publication NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER NOTICE Number TO DEBTORS635540 AND CREDITORS NOTICE OF SALE Volume 83 Number 12 UNDER POWER Wednesday, January 25, 2012 SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA IN SECURITY DEED STATE OF GEORGIA, STATE OF GEORGIA TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA COUNTY OF TOWNS COUNTY OF TOWNS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF TOWNS COUNTY OF TOWNS THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY RE: Estate of Donald Claud Barnett IN RE: Estate of Jack Shook, Deceased, Estate Because of a default in the payment of the Because of a default in the payment of the COUNTY OF TOWNS All creditors of the estate of Donald Claud Bar- No. 2015-10 indebtedness secured by a Security Deed ex- indebtedness secured by a Security Deed ex- Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR nett, deceased, late of Towns County, Georgia, All debtors and creditors of the Estate of ecuted by Mary Twiggs Wright to Mortgage ecuted by Brandon Derick Dills and Carolyn tained in that certain Home Equity Line Deed to THAT PURPOSE. are hereby notified to render their demands Jack Shook, deceased, late of Towns County, Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nomi- Holloway Dills to Mortgage Electronic Regis- Secure Debt from Carolyn J. Tyson (“Grantor”) Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale conto the undersigned according to law, and all Georgia, are hereby notified Inc. as nominee for EverBank, in favor last of Cadence to render their nee have for Primary Capital Advisors LC it’s County workers installed 90 of thesuc-150tration fireSystems, hydrants approved by voters yearBank, N.A. (“Lender”), tained in a Security Deed given by Jack Clifford persons indebted to said estate are required to demands and payments to the Personal Rep- cessors and assigns dated December 9, 2003, and its successors and assigns dated July 13, dated February 15, 2007 and recorded in Shook, II and Bridget M. Shook to Mortgage inginpretty make immediate payment to the undersigned. resentative of the estate,Byaccording to law, and recorded Deed fast, Book said 291, Roberts. Page 619, 2012, and recorded in Deed Book 516, Page Deed Book 401, page 17 in the offices of the Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nomiCharles Duncan This the 12th day of February, 2015 and all persons indebtedTowns to said estateHerald are Towns County Records, said Security Deed 818, Towns County Records, said Security Clerk of the Superior Court of Towns County, nee for SunTrust Mortgage, Inc., dated January County “If we’d had pretty Hoard Douglas DeLorme, required to make immediate payment to the having beenweather, last sold,we assigned, could transferred have in- Deed having been last sold, assigned, trans- Georgia (as modified and/or amended from 31, 2005, and recorded in Deed Book 326, Page 266-281, Towns County, Georgia Records, as Personal Representative Personal Representative. and conveyed to THE BANK OF NEW YORK MEL- ferred and conveyed to EverBank by Assign- time to time, the “Deed to Secure Debt”), the stalledFOR a lot more,” Roberts last transferred to Federal National Mortgage 5686 Primrose Lane This 18 day of March, 2015. LON,votAS TRUSTEE STRUCTURED ADJUST- ment, securing a Note in the original principal undersigned will sell at public outcry before It all started with Thur: Cloudy 60 47 said. Association (“Fannie Mae”), a corporation Young Harris, GA 30582 amount of $207,800.00, the holder thereof the door of the Courthouse of Towns County, By: Betty Jo Shook, through her attorney of reABLE RATE MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST MORTgoing to the polls last Fri: Showers 56 34 108ers organized and existing under the laws of the Roberts said that the 706-379-2067 pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby se- Georgia during the legal hours of sale on the cord, David E. Barrett, Blue Ridge Highway, GAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES Sat: Cloudy 54 28 March. T(Feb25,Mar4,11,18)P Suite 6, Blairsville, GA 30512, (706) 745-0250. 2004-2 by county Assignment, securing a Note has no timeline to fin-in cured has declared the entire amount of said first Tuesday in April 2015 to the highest and United States of America by assignment reSun: Sunny Less than a year corded on October 13, 2014 in Book 556 Page indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant best bidder for cash the following described David E. Barrett45 26 the later, original ish principal amount of $120,000.00, the project due to Mon: Sunny 50 32 194 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TOWNS COUNTY David E. Barrett, LLC holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and to the power of sale contained in said Deed, property (the “Premises”), to wit: the voter-approved the Special Tue: Showers 54 36 weather concerns. STATE OF GEORGIA 108 Blue Ridge Highway, Ste. 6 Note thereby secured has declared the entire will on the first Tuesday, April 7, 2015, during All that tract or parcel of land lying and be- of Towns County, Georgia Records, conveyPurpose Local Option Sales Wed: Cloudy 55 41 “Overall,due we’d like to the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse ing in Land Lot 73, 18th District, 1st Section, ing the after-described property to secure a IN RE: Kevn Thomas Howard Blairsville, GA 30512 amount of said indebtedness and payable Tax will pay for approxihave by door in said County, sell at public outcry to the Towns County, Georgia, containing a total of Note in the original principal amount of Two Civil Action No.: 15-CV-28-SG Phone: 706-745-0250 and, pursuant to thethem power installed of sale contained mately 150 new fire hydrants Order for Notice of Petition to Change Name Fax: 706-745-0234 in said Deed,spring,” will on the first Tuesday, Roberts said. April 7, highest bidder for cash, the property described 0.838 acres and shown as Tract One (1) con- Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand and 0/100 which will greatly reduce A petition has been filed in the Superior Court T(Mar18,25,Apr1,8)B taining 0.811 acres and being Lot Six (6) of the dollars ($224,000.00), with interest thereon as 2015, the during the legal hours of sale, before Close proximity tothe a in said Deed, to-wit: set forth therein, there will be sold at public of Towns County, Georgia on the 25th day of Courthouse door in said County, sell at public THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS Ernest H. Dowdy Subdivision, and Tract Two (2) county’s ISO rating to a fire hydrant saved a the condoFebruary 2015, praying for a change in his NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF TOWNS, STATE OF containing 0.027 acre and being a part of Lot outcry to the highest bidder for cash before outcry to the highest bidder for cash, propClass 5 in many areas, minium in Hawks Harbor on the courthouse door of Towns County, Georgia, name from Kevin Thomas Howard to Kevin STATE OF GEORGIA GEORGIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Seven (7) of the Ernest N. Dowdy Subdivision, erty described in said Deed, to-wit: Towns County SoleAllComThomas Sharpe, II. Notice is hereby given pur- COUNTY OF TOWNS that tractSunday. or parcel of land lying and being ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING as shown on a plat of survey by Tamrok As- within the legal hours of sale on April 7, 2015, Bill said.Lot 138, 17th suant to law to any interested or affected party Because of a default in missioner AND BEING IN LAND LOT 309, 18TH DISTRICT, sociates, Inc., dated 9/20/95 and recorded in the following described property: the payment of Kendall the in Land District, 1” Section, Towns “If it hadn’t been as TheDeed installation to appear in said Court and to file objections to indebtedness secured by a Security ex- County,ofGeorgia, 1.124 as acres, more 1ST SECTION OF TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA, Plat Book 20, Page 254 Towns County records, All that tract or parcel of land lying and being closecontaining to a hydrant it was, such name change. Objections must be filed ecuted by Arvind Raina and Maninder Kauris towell orahead less, and being Lot Thirteen (13) of Morgan CONTAINING 0.98 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AS which description on said by is incorporated in Land Lot 5, 17th District, 1st Section,Towns those hydrants it would have been gone,” County, Georgia, containing 1.00 acre, more or with said Court within 30 days of the filing ofUpstream Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Creek Subdivision Phase 1, as shown on a SHOWN ON A PLAT OF SURVEY BY BLAIRSVILLE herein by reference. of pace. To date, 90 of the Elevation Roberts said.Associates, “It wasInc. a SURVEYING CO., ROBERT J. BREEDLOVE, R.L.S. Subject to any easements, restrictions and less, as shown on a plat of survey by Blairsville said petition. asPredicted nominee for Provident150 Funding plat of survey done by Tamrok fireAssociates, hydrants approved windblown exSurveying Co., Robert J. Breedlove. G.R.L.S. This 25 day of February, 2015 DATED APRIL 29, 1997, AS REVISED JUNE 6, rights-of-way of record, if any. L.P. dated August 6, 2009, and recorded in Deed dated 2/3/98, recorded in fire Plat that Bookwas 24, Page 01/25/12 by County votersRecords, have been in- County, Cecil Dye, Clerk Book 460, Page 636, Towns 297, Towns Georgia records,and whichdifde- 1997, JUNE 13, 1997 AND FEBRUARY 2, 1998 Together with all present and future improve- No. 2228, dated April 9, 1999, and recorded in tremely dangerous Lake Chatuge 1918.53 stalled, said Marty Roberts, Towns County Superior Court said Security Deed having been last sold, as- scription on ficult said plattois extinguish. incorporated herein by AND RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE 88, ments and fixtures; all tangible personal prop- Towns County Records in Plat Book 25, Page Good Lake Nottely 1763.09 Enotah Judicial Circuit COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. SAID erty, including, without limitation, all machin- 83. Said plat is incorporated herein, by refersigned, transferred and conveyed Wells Far- reference made a part hereof. Towns’to911 Mapping Direc- and work by as firefighters andaboveI’m TOWNS Blue Ridge ence hereto, for a full and complete descripT(Mar4,11,18,25)P PLAT BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFER- ery, equipment, building materials, and goods go Bank, N.A.1671.86 by Assignment, securing a Note to Subject matters shown on the tor, who is helping over-to allglad they had plenty of wa- ENCE ALSO CONVEYED IS ALL THAT LAND LYING of every nature (excluding household goods) tion of the above described property. in the original principal amount of $312,000.00, referenced plat of survey. seetothe project along withto the ter to work with.” Previously reserved in Warranty Deed reNOTICE OF BID BETWEEN THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF now or hereafter located on or used in connecthe holder thereof pursuant said Deed and Subject restrictions of record, recorded INDEX ChieftheMitch for City of Young Harris Note thereby secured hasFire declared entireFloyd. in Deed Book*211, The Page 645-647, Towns county hasCoun28 SAID PROPERTY AND THE CENTERLINE OF THE tion with the real property, whether or not af- corded in Towns County Records in Deed Book 2 Sections, Pages hydrant was records. 186, Page 784, is a non-exclusive easement Maple Street Intersection – Road Improvement UNIMPROVED SUBDIVISION ROAD AS SHOWN fixed to the land; all privileges, hereditaments, amount 18 of said indebtedness dueThe and first payable ty, Georgia more hydrants to install beProject and, pursuant to the power of sale contained Subject installed on July 7th. Toto a utility easement to Blue Ridge ON SAID PLAT OF SURVEY, SUBJECT TO THE and appurtenances associated with the real of ingress and egress and for the installation Arrests...........................2A and maintenance of utilities over, above and The City of Young Harris (City) is soliciting in said Deed, will on the first ROAD RIGHT OF WAY. SUBJECT fire TO ALL MAT- atproperty, previously or subsequently April 7, Mountain date,Tuesday, 90 fire hydrants have EMC as recorded at Deed Book 166, County workers are installing hydrants a recordwhether pace. Only the weather is keeping these Chamber See Fire Hydrants, page 12A competitive sealed bids from qualified con- News.....................13A TERS AND CONDITIONS AS SHOWN ON ABOVE transferred to the real property from other real across the thirty foot access and utility ease2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Page 536, Towns County, Georgia records. been installed. That’s movinfrastructure being installed faster. Robertsof ment running from Barnard Road through the Church/Obits..............8,9A tractors for an intersection improvement PLAT OF SURVEY. SUBJECTpieces TO THEfrom EXISTING propertyany or now or Photo/Marty hereafter susceptible Courthouse door in said County, sell at public Said property is known as 6704 Morgan Ct, important Classifieds....................2B project located at Maple Street and Hwy No. outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the prop- Young Harris, GA 30582, together with all fix- WATER LINE RUNNING THROUGH SAID PROP- transfer from this property to other real prop- above described property as shown on said Editorial..........................4A plat of survey, and which presently serves 76. Sealed bids shall be delivered to The City erty described in said Deed, to-wit: tures and personal property attached to and ERTY AND SERVING AND FURNISHNG WATER TO erty; all leases, licenses and other agreements of Young Harris (ATTN: Mayor Andrea Elected Gibby), Officials................4A OTHER PROPERTY OF GRANTOR, HIS SUCCES- pertaining to the real property; all rents, issues other property. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING constituting a part of said property, if any. Visit for updates throughout the week Subject to all easements, restrictions and at P.O. Box 122 or 50 Irene Berry Drive,Legals...........................3B Young AND BEING IN LAND LOT 159, 18TH DISTRICT, Said property will be sold subject to any out- SORS AND ASSIGNS SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO and profits; all water, well, ditch, reservoir and OnlyGEORGIA, the weather could be setback for(including newesttaxes county Television........................6A rights-of-way as shown on said plat. Harris, Georgia 30582 by 3:00 P.M. local time 1ST SECTION, TOWNS COUNTY, GOfacility UPON SAID PROERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF Duncan mineral rights pertaining to the real property. CON- standing ad avalorem taxes By Charles on Friday, April 3rd, 2015. Any bids received TAINING 3.407 ACRES, AND BEING AS TRACT which are a lien, whether or not now due and MAINTAINING SAID WATER LINE AND SYSTEM. HAVE AND TO HOLD all the aforesaid prop- Subject to electric line right-of-way easement Towns CountyTO Herald By Charles after 3:00 P.M. will not be accepted. OF INGRESS erty, property rights, contract rights, equip- to Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership ONE (1) ON A PLAT OF SURVEY BY T.Duncan KIRBY payable), the right of redemption of any tax- ALSO CONVEYED IS AN EASEMENT Towns County Herald Corporation Recorded in Towns County ReSports Work required under this Contract includes AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED 02/22/2008, RE- ing authority, any matters which might be dis- AND EGRESS TO AND FROM SAID PROPERTY ment and claims (all of which are collectively cords in Deed Book 107, Pages 179-180 and in furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, etc. CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 38, SAID County referred sheriff’s to herein as the “Premises”) to the PAGE 118, TOWNS closed by an accurate survey and inspection AND MILL CREEK ROAD (RUNNING ALONGTowns Deed Book 104, Pages 360-361. for the intersection and road improvement Page WESTERLY continue use, benefit and behoof of the Grantee, forever, COUNTY10A RECORDS WHICH DESCRIPTION ON of the property, any assessments, liens, en- UNIMPROVED SUBDIVISION ROADauthorities to await Subject to easement shown in Warranty Deed work for Maple Street at Hwy No. 76. SAID PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY Winkler REF- cumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, APPROXIMATELY 1350 FEET MORE OR LESS in FEE SIMPLE. A Chad promword from theThe Georgia Bureauby the Home Equity Line Deed recorded in Towns County Records in Deed Interested Bidders can obtain a more detailed ERENCE AND MADE A PART TO MILL CREEK ROAD, NOW KNOWN AS DILLS debt secured HEREOF. covenants, and matters of record superior to ise is as good as gold. ofOVER Investigation’s CrimeDebt LaboBook 104, Page 359. Scope of Work and Construction Plans by con- THE GRANTOR GRANTS TO GRANTEE ROAD, BEING COUNTY ROAD #492) THE to Secure is evidenced by a Home Equity A PERPETthe Security Deed first set out above. Winkler & Winkler tacting Reid Dyer with Hayes, James & Associ- Moshetto’s SUBDIVIof Credit Agreement dated February 15, Subject to encroachment of fence as shown on UAL NON-EXCLUSIVE FOR INGRESS, The proceeds of said sale will be applied to PRESENTLY EXISTING UNIMPROVED ratory as to theLine identity of huRestau-EASEMENT of Blairsville plat recorded in Towns County Records in Plat ates at 706-632-4981 or by emailing at rdyer@ EGRESS AND THE RIGHT Construction OF SURVEY 2007 from Grantor to Cadence Bank, N.A. in TO RUN WATERout AND the payment of said indebtedness and all ex- SION ROAD, AS SHOWN ON PLAT man remains found in southrant of Young Harris broke ground on the newof said sale as provided in said Deed, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 68 OF THE the original principal amount of $95,000.00 (as Book 25, Page 83. UTILITIES TO THEwill ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERpenses ern Towns County on Jan. 15th host a TYfundraiser for Towns A mandatory pre-bid conference is scheduled modified, amended, restated, or replaced from The debt secured by said Security Deed has ALONG THE EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON SAID andCenthe balance, if any, will be distributed as TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. County Senior Chris Clinton for 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 24th,Friends 2015 PLAT, Said property is known as 3006Sheriff Dills Road, time to said. time, the “Note”), plus interest from been and is hereby declared due because of, FROM ROAD. provided of theRUNNING Libraries of VICTORIA ter in WOODS early November. At theby law. Clinton among other possible events of default, failat Young Harris City Hall. All interested bidders fix- date on the said unpaid balance until paid, and PROPERTY CONVEYED SUBJECT TO THE said The that sale will be conducted subject (1) to con- Hiawassee, GA 30546, together with allSheriff Towns THE County on IS Jan. time, Winkler ure to pay the indebtedness as and when due are strongly urged to attend. tures and personal property attached to and other indebtedness. EASEMENT TO BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN EMC firmation that the sale is not prohibited under that his department had yet 26-28 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 weather-permitting, theBankruptcy Code and (2) to final con- constituting a part of said property, if any. Bids in the case of Corporations not chartered AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOK Defaultregarding has occurred andSheriff continues underClinton the and in the manner provided in the Note and 216, PAGE 602, the U.S. to receive word Chris p.m. A portion of the meal project would be completed Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, in Georgia, must be accompanied by proper TOWNS COUNTY GEORGIA RECORDS. to any out- ofterms of the Note Security Deed by reason firmation and audit of the status of the loan Said property will be sold subjectthe identity the human re-andBrian ticket will donated Wilson andtheDeputy this sale will be made for the purpose of paydocumentation that said Corporation is authostanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes of, among other possible events of default, THE be PROPERTY IS to ALSO in CONVEYED SUBJECT with the secured creditor. 180 days. mains discovered near when the due ing the same and all expenses of this sale, as rized to do business in the State of Georgia. due and nonpayment of the indebtedness PER-all The is or may be in the possession which are a lien, whether or not now FriendsTO of THE the RESTRICTIONS Libraries. OF RECORD Doug Lloyd and a DNR EvenASwith the property wet Appalachian Trail. in Security Deed and by law, includNo Bidder may withdraw its Bid within ninety payable), the right of redemption of any taxevidenced by the Note and secured by the SeTAINS TO VICTORIA WOODS SUBDIVISION REof Mary Twiggs Wright, successor in interest For more details about the weather the region is experanger were the first provided auing attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect (90) days after the actual date of the opening ing authority, any matters which might be discurity Deed and the failure to comply with the CORDED IN DEED BOOK 94, PAGES 130-133 or tenant(s). “We’re still awaiting event, see Page 3A in thorities to arrive at the riencing, Winkler & Winkler thereof. inspection terms andand conditions of the Note and Security attorney’s fees having been given). AND DEED BOOK 94, PAGES 207-209, TOWNS THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, AS TRUSTEE closed by an accurate survey andword from the GBI the scene. today’s edition.GEORGIA RECORDS. The Construction is wellFOR onSTRUCTURED its Your mortgage servicer can be contacted at The winning bidder will be required to post a COUNTY liens,crime en- Deed. reason of this default, the officers indebted- deterADJUSTABLE RATE MORT- of the property, any assessments, state lab,”BySheriff mined thatbeen theaccelerfind was(866) in- 570-5277 - Loss Mitigation Dept, or by Performance and Payment Bond for this proj- PROPERTY IS CONVEYEDway Note has SUBJECT TO THAT the GAGE LOAN TRUST MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH cumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, ness evidenced by the to completing 5,800 Clinton said. “We don’t have ect, once selected. Deed human has beenremains. declared writing to 14523 SW Millikan Way, Ste 200, PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT TO THE CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-2 as Attorney-in- covenants, and matters of record superior to ated and the Securitydeed square foot SPRING Senior Center on anything newforeclosable to share ataccording this Beaverton, Oregon 97005, to discuss possible Envelopes containing the Bids must be sealed, LOCATED ON THE ABOVEtime. the Security Deed first set out above. to itsAterms. DESCRIBED PROP- Fact for Mary Twiggs Wright call to Sheriff alternatives to avoid foreclosure. addressed to the City of Young Harris at P.O. ERTY AND THE RIGHT TO RUN THE NECESSARY File no. 15-050476 The proceeds of said sale will betime. applied default, prompted this sale willa be WetohopeThe to debt haveremaining some- inClinton call from theWITH front entrance Said property will be sold subject to any outBox 122, Young Harris, Georgia 30582 and WATER LINE TO MAINTAIN SAME,With the payment of said indebtednessthing and alllater ex- inmade for the purpose of paying the same and ALONG SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* the week.” the to theinGBI asback porch included, the and Counselors at Law ad valorem taxes (including taxes marked “MAPLE STREET – ROAD IMPROVE- OTHER CONDITIONS AND and penses of said sale as provided in said Deed, all expenses sale,sheriff as provided the tostanding LIMITATIONS AS REAttorneys On Sunday, Jan. of 15,this sist The Towns County in the investigation. MENT PROJECT”. Bids can be mailed or deliv- SERVED BY JERRY SANDERS and the balance, if any, will be distributed as Security Deed and by law, including attorneys’ which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), IN DEED BOOK 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 facility will be around 7,000 small game hunters discovis TOWNS any matters which might be disclosed by an ered to City Hall at 50 Irene Berry Drive, Food Young Distribution provided by law. fees, notice of intent to collect attorneys’ fees Depu199, PAGES 505-506, COUNTY CLERKS Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 Towns County square feet. believed to Said accurate survey and inspection of the propHarris, GA 30582 The sale will be conducted subjectered (1) towhat con- they having been given. will berangers sold OFFICE. (770) 220-2535/SJ scheduled for Tuesday tiesproperty and DNR seAnd Winkler promises erty, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, The start and completion dates for thisJan.31from proj- Said property firmation that the sale is not prohibited under remains subject to outstanding ad taxes known 1490 Ada Lane, Hia- be human onany U.S. 2 to 6 asthat cured thevalorem scenewhich and were there another zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, ect will be a six (6) week period beginning on wassee, GA 30546, together final conand/or assessments (including taxes with all isn’t fixtures *THE SeLAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLEC- the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to Forest Service land near the joined by U.S. Forest Serthat are inproperty need attached nior Center around that May 11th 2015 and must be completed nop.m. later Alland of the loan areTrail. a lien but are not yet due and payable), and matters of record superior to the Security personal to and constiTOR.will ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE firmation and audit of the status Appalachian They food assistance en-property, vice of law and first set out above. than June 19th, 2015. The City may retainoffrom with the secured creditor. possible redemptive rights the enforcement Internal Rev- Deed tuting a part are of said if any. USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. have the back porch view contact with the couraged to attend. you To the best knowledge and belief of the underthe Contractor monies which may become The property is or may be in themade possession enue Service, if any, GBI any matters which might Said property If will be soldthat subject any out[FC-NOS] as they began a search the toTowns County SeTowns County due in the amount of FIVE-HUNDRED DOLLARS of Brandon Dills,the a/k/a Brandon Derrick be Sheriff’s disclosed Ofby an accurate survey and in- signed, the party in possession of the property standing adup valorem T(Mar11,18,25,Apr1)B are unable to pick your taxes in theDerick building, new nior(including Centertaxes will have. It From pouring the foundation to drying is Jack Clifford Shook, II and Bridget M. Shook ($500.00) per day for each calendar day that Dills and Carolyn Holloway Dills, successor in spection of the property, and any assessments, which are a lien, whether or not now due and fice about their discovery. See Human Remains, page 12A Senior Center is on pace to meet the 180 days or so construction food, please contact The the completion of the work may be delayed payable), the right of redemption interest or tenant(s). liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, re- or tenant(s); and said property is more comof any tax- page 12A deal with the county. Photos/Marty Towns County Sheriff’s Lt. See Senior Center, Roberts Pantry at (706) 896-4783 monly known as 2618 Barnard Road, Young beyond the specified date. EverBank as Attorney-in-Fact for Brandon Der- strictions, covenants, and matters of record ing authority, any matters which might be disdistribution day.. survey and inspection The City reserves the right to reject anyprior or all to closed ick Dills and Carolyn Holloway Dills superior to the Security Deed. The sale will be Harris, GA 30582. by an accurate Allan clients are assessments, liens, enbids, to waive technicalities, and to make File no. 15-051141 conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the The sale will be conducted subject to (1) conof and the inquiries property, any award deemed in the City’s best interests. SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankrupt- firmation that the sale is not prohibited under cumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, kept confidential. the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final confirmaCITY OF YOUNG HARRIS Attorneys and Counselors at Law cy Code and (2) to final audit and confirmation covenants, and matters of record superior to Towns Grand Jurors hand upand 11collateral true bills · Probate Judge/ tion and audit of the status of the loan with the NT(Mar11,18,25)B 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 of the status of the loan with the the Security Deed first setBy outCharles above. Duncan holder of the security deed and (3) any right of Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 holder of the Security Deed. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to Magistrate: $1,578.31; Towns County Herald liver/distribute/administer/ Towns To County NOTICE OF BID (770)·220-2535/SJ the bestClerk of the undersigned’s knowledge redemption or other lien not extinguished by the payment of said indebtedness and all Tax Commissioner: for City of Young Harris andDye belief,has therePremises are presently owned penses of said sale as provided in said Deed, sell/possess with intentforeclosure. to of Court Cecil $1,229.04; Sole Federal National Mortgage Association (“FanSunset Drive – Culvert Replacement Project *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECby JosephindictTyson, Henry Hodge, and Orlando suband the balance, if any, will be Towns distributedCounty as distribute controlled leased the following Clerk of Court: Commissioner Bill Kendall The City of Young Harris (City) is soliciting Parents TOR. ·ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE Tyson. To the best of the undersigned’s knowl- nie Mae”), a corporation organized and exprovidedofbychildren law. ments by Towns $1,229.04; competitive sealed bids from qualified all conUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE. edge andCounty belief, the stance; parties in Manufacture/depossession of isting under the laws of the United States of conducted subject (1) to conhad one order of business at ages,The assale wellwillasbeteens liver/distribute/administer/ tractors for a culvert replacement project lo- firmation that the sale is the [FC-NOS] Tyson, Henry Hodge, America as Attorney in Fact for Jack Clifford not prohibited under regularly · Sheriff: $1,407.54; Grand Jurors:the Premises are Joseph county’s are invited to meet licensed with unintentShook, to II and Bridget M. Shook. · Chandler Bryan cated on Sunset Drive at Corn Creek. Sealed the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final conT(Mar11,18,25,Apr1)B and Orlando Tyson, sell/possess and tenants holding · Coroner: $36.54; scheduled last professional Brock & Scott, PLLC bids shall be delivered to The City of Young der Joseph Tyson, Henry Hodge, and Orlando subfirmationcounselor, and audit of the status of the meeting loan distribute controlled · Board of Educa- Adams: Manufacture/de4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Harris (ATTN: Mayor Andrea Gibby), atLinda P.O. M. Tyson. with the secured creditor.week in the Towns County Silva of Family stance; unlawful for person liver/distribute/administer/ Commissioner Bill Kendall tion, Post 4: $36; Suite 310 Box 122 or 50 Irene Berry Drive, Youngand Har- Play Cadence Bank, N.A., as Attorney-in-Fact for The property is or may in the possession of Therapy at beCourthouse. or GA 30341 with intent · Board of Educa- sell/possess Carolyn ris, Georgia 30582 by 3:00 P.M. local time on Arvind J. to purchase, possess,Atlanta, Raina and Maninder Kaur,Commissioner successor in Kendall May 25th, Election SuperintenTowns County High any distribute controlled subFriday, April 3rd, 2015. Any bids received after interest or tenant(s). Walter E. Jones, Esq. have under his control 404-789-2661 tion, Post 5: $36; set the qualifying fees for the dent Jonni Marie Shook said. SchoolWells Cafeteria controlled substance; B&S file no.: 14-21326 3:00 P.M. will not be accepted. Balch and Bingham, LLP Fargo Bank,on N.A. aseight Attorney-in-Fact for scheduled C o m m i s s i o n e r stance; local races The General Primary Thursday, Jan. 26andatManinder 7 T(Mar11,18,25,Apr1)B Work required under this Contract includes 30 Ivan Randell Allen Jr. Blvd., NW · Charles Kenneth Arvind Raina Kaur · Nicholas Kendall is the incumbent for 2012 elections. will be held on July 31st and furnishing all materials, labor, equipment,p.m. etc. HerFile Suite 700 no. will 12-037205 topic be Your Gray Sr.: Felony attempt or Neace: Manufacture/deCounty Commissioner; Qualifying fees are the General Election will be for the site work to include the replacement Atlanta, Georgia 30308-3036 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Child’s Role Model. A Q conspiracy to violate of the existing culvert at Corn Creek with ansession (404) 962-3574 Attorneys and Counselors at Law on 3 percent of the held on Nov. 6th, Shook David Rogers is the incum- liver/distribute/administer/ based &A will follow the Georgia’sTOControlled sell/possess THIS withLAW intent Arch Culvert. FIRM to IS ATTEMPTING COLLECT A Sub2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 bent Probate Judge/Magissalaries for each office, said. presentation. Childcare stance Act; subInterested Bidders can obtain a more detailed DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 Commissioner Kendall said. trate; Bruce Rogers is the distribute controlled The qualifying fees are and refreshments will be Request for Proposals by contacting Reid Dyer (770) 220-2535/KMM BE USEDpossesFOR THAT PURPOSE. · Erik Steven incumbent Tax Commis- stance; purchase, Qualifying for the of- as follows: with Hayes, James & Associates at 706-632T(Mar11,18,25,Apr1)B provided. The meeting is sion, manufacture, distribu- Underwood: Aggravated at 9 a.m. on May · Commissioner: 4981 or by emailing at rdyer@hayesjames. *THE LAW IS ACTINGfices AS A begin DEBT COLLECsponsored by FIRM Towns See Qualifying, page 12A tion, or sale of marijuana; stalking; battery; cruelty to com. ANY Teacher, INFORMATION 23rd OBTAINED WILLend BE at noon on $1,407.54; and will CountyTOR. Parent, unlawful for person to pur- children – allow to witness A mandatory pre-bid conference is scheduled USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Student Organization. See chase, possess, or have un- felony/battery/Family Viofor 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 24th, 2015 at [FC-NOS] Page 3A for more details. Young Harris City Hall. All interested bidders T(Mar11,18,25,Apr1)B der his control any controlled lence – third degree; are strongly urged to attend. · Kendrick Lamar substance; unlawful for perBy Charles Duncan Bids in the case of Corporations not chartered son to purchase, possess, or Hillsman: Terroristic threats Towns County Herald in Georgia, must be accompanied by proper have under his control any and acts; battery – Family documentation that said Corporation is Violence (first offense) miscontrolled substance; rized to do business in the State of Georgia. No Bidder may withdraw its Bid within ninety · Patty Diane Neace: demeanor; simple battery – The legend of robotics (90) days after the actual date of the opening To the family of Manufacture/deliver/distrib- Family Violence; and Towns County Schools thereof. · Alisha Marie WillTowns County Sheriff ute/administer/sell/possess continues. The selected contractor will be required to with intent to distribute con- iams: False statements or Three of the Towns provide the City with a Letter of Credit forChris this Clinton. trolled substance; unlawful writings; conceal facts or The sheriff lost his project. County Middle School stuEnvelopes containing the Bids must be sealed, for person to purchase, pos- fraudulent documents in beloved grandmother dents who placed third in the addressed to the City of Young Harris atSimone P.O. Elise Charlotte sess, or have under his con- matters of government; state last year in the FIRST Box 122, Young Harris, Georgia 30582 and Brun Nicholson, who trol any controlled subLEGO League Robotics marked “SUNSET DRIVE – CULVERT REPLACESee Indictments, page 12A passed away on Saturstance; Tournament and first nationMENT PROJECT”. Bids can be mailed or delivday, Jan. 21. Banister · Lori Dawn Palmer ally in Core Values Inspiraered to City Hall at 50 Irene Berry Drive, Young Harris, GA 30582 Lovingood: Manufacture/ Funeral Home was in tion in San Diego, CA, now TOWNS COUNTY HERALD The start and completion dates for this charge projdeliver/distribute/administer/ of the arrangesuit up for another first year ect will be a six (6) week period beginning on ments. Please join the sell/possess with intent to team. May 11th 2015 and must be completed no later distribute controlled subTowns County High than June 19th, 2015. The City may retainTowns from County Herald in extending prayers for the stance; Manufacture/deSchool’s 21st Century the Contractor monies which may become PiE team members Jasmine Forrester, Sara Scott, Zyndel Payne, due in the amount of FIVE-HUNDRED DOLLARS family of Sheriff Clinton. See Robotics, page 12A Gabe Gilliland, Mia Manto. Michael Austin (not pictured). ($500.00) per day for each calendar day that the completion of the work may be delayed beyond the specified date. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive technicalities, and to make an award deemed in the City’s best interests. CITY OF YOUNG HARRIS Local Weather and Lake Levels Installation of hydrants ahead of pace Senior Center going up fast Sheriff: ‘No word yet’ on ID Qualifying fees for 2012 set Grand Jury Indictments Friends ... Food Pantry ... PTSO Meet ... Condolences NT(Mar11,18,25)B TCHS robotics team advances to state
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