This Week - Christ Lutheran Church

This Week
March 22, 2015
2211 Mainland Road, P.O. Box 213
Kulpsville, PA 19443
Phone: 215-256-8738 Fax: 215-513-1975
Mission Statement of CLC
It is the mission of Christ Lutheran Church to witness through Word
and Sacrament to God’s declaration in Jesus that all humanity
and all creation matter to God
Today we welcome you as we gather on the Fifth Sunday in this Lenten season.
We are glad that you have chosen to make worship with us a part of your Lenten
Welcome to the Pulpit, Rich Bergen!
Today we welcome Rich Bergen back to the CLC pulpit. Rich is a seminarian at
the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia and is with us this year as a
field worker. Rich recently went to El Salvador to learn more about the significant
history and practice of the church there. Today he will share some of what he
Holy Baptism Today!
Today at our 9:30 am service we get to participate in the Holy Baptism of Deacon
Bryce Schaffer. Deacon is the son of John and Samantha Schaffer. His sponsors
are Tom Smith and Sarah Smith. Deacon was born on August 11, 2014.
Altar Flowers and Bulletins
Altar flowers and Bulletins this week are given by Kim Appoldt in memory of
Charles A. Appoldt.
Lenten Midweek Services Continue
The Lenten Season is drawing towards its conclusion. Holy
Week begins in two weeks with the observance of
Palm/Passion Sunday. Next week we will have our final
“regular” Lenten midweek services on Wednesday. Services
will be held at both 11:30 am and 7:30 pm. The theme for our Lenten series is “I
am, therefore you are…” with which we will examine the “I Am” statements of
Jesus and what they mean to and for us. This coming Wednesday, we will reflect
on Jesus’ statement: “I AM the True Vine” and its message to us reminding us that
we are intimately connected with Christ.
Lenten Soup Suppers
All are welcome to enjoy a light supper starting at 6:00 for those
attending the Wednesday evening service at 7:30. The Evangelism
Ministry Team will host the final soup supper on 3/25/15. Thank you to
Council for the Soup Supper on 3/18/15. We are thinking of putting
together a recipe book of all of these wonderful soups we have been sampling. If
you brought a soup or are planning to and would like to share your recipe for
possible publication, feel free to email it to
S.A.L.T. Soup Sales Thanks
Thank you to all who participated in the recent soup sale! We had many church
members make their very delicious soup for the S.A.L.T. committee to sell. We
also had many of you buy this soup which made it possible to not only achieve our
monetary goal, but to surpass it! We made $378 towards the sponsorship of our
little girl in Patel, India. God bless you all!
Books, Books, and More Books!
Today is the third Sunday of opportunity to get free books! Pastor Kadel is
“downsizing” his library and you are invited to Weaver Hall to see if there are
books that you would like to provide a good home. There are academic, study,
living-the-faith books, and more. You can take as many as you wish. The books are
free, but if you’d like, you can leave a donation to the Shepherd’s Shelf.
Would you like to contribute a personal note or photos(s) to be included in a
special memory gift to Pastor and Lois? If yes, please place your notes and/or
photos in the box on the round table in Weaver Hall. They can be also placed in
Nancy Stephens’ mailbox or mailed to Nancy at 55 Saratoga Lane, Harleysville,
PA 19438. Please submit items by March 29th.
Put it on your calendar! On Sunday, April 19, 2015 we will be celebrating the
ministry of Pastor and Lois Kadel. It will be a time to reflect on the 21 years of
their ministry at Christ Lutheran Church, and to look forward to the beginning
of a new chapter in their lives, with new opportunities to serve God’s people.
On this day, there will be one Worship/celebratory service at 9:30 am. (Please
note: there will be no 8 am service, Sunday School classes, or 10:45am service
that day). A luncheon will follow the service at the Family Heritage Restaurant.
There will be ample time for those who cannot attend the luncheon to greet and
share well wishes with Pastor and Lois after the worship service. Invitations
have been sent. If you have not received yours, please contact the church office.
We look forward to celebrating with you on April 19th!
Medicare 101 – Educational Event
What is Medicare Part A? What is Medicare Part B?
What else do I need to know about Medicare?
Come to an informational meeting hosted by Thrivent Financial to learn more
about Medicare. This educational event will be held at the Lansdale office of
Thrivent Financial, 2031 N. Broad Street, Suite 135 on Monday, April 13th, at 7
pm and Tuesday, April 28th, at 7 pm. RSVP to Evelyn Webb at 215-368-4888 or No products will be sold at this educational event.
Youth Candy Sales Continue
The Youth Candy sales continue through Easter Sunday (April 5). Please stop by
our table and pick up some yummy candy! Also, you can order candy to be
delivered the week following. All proceeds from the candy sales support the
upcoming trip to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit in July. Thrivant
Financial for Lutherans, Lower Montgomery County Chapter #31014, will
supplement up to $1,600 of funds raised! We will post the total funds collected on
our bulletin board so you can see how we’ve done. Thank you for your support!
Palms to be Split
Next week is Palm Sunday and in preparation for that the palms have been
delivered. These palms need to be split. Anyone who may have time to come over
to the office to help with this process should contact Dann Stephens for time and
date. Please bring work gloves.
Easter Lilies
Orders for the beautiful Easter lilies that decorate our Sanctuary on Easter Sunday
are now being accepted. Order forms were placed in your mailboxes and there are
extras on the table in the Narthex. Please place your orders in the box on the table
outside the kitchen by Sunday, March 29th.
Thank you for remembering the Ebola Outbreak
For some time now we have been refraining from touching during the sharing of
the peace as a way of remembering those in danger of contracting the Ebola virus.
While the people in those regions of the world continue to need our prayers, as of
today we are returning to our practice of shaking hands or giving hugs during the
peace. However, if you are ill, you will want to refrain from touching still!
Youth News
CLC Youth Group is for students in 7th-12th Grades
Youth “10 Talents” Brainstorming Session Tonight!
Come ready to share your ideas of how to “do good” in the world. All youth from
7th-12 grade are welcome! Meeting will be held in the Youth Room from 6:30pm8:30 pm, or until the ideas run out 
Final Youth Candy Making Sessions
We are in the home stretch! Only one more candy making session remains! March
23, from 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm at the Knauss Residence (1233 Valley Forge Road).
Christian Education Happenings
Kid’s Club 4pm-5:30 pm (2nd-4th grades)
Youth 10 Talents Brainstorming Session- 6:30-8:30 pm
March 25
Gospel Lights- 6:30 pm
March 29
Easter Egg Hunt (Age 3-Grade 6) During SS Hour
April 5
Easter Sunday- NO Sunday School Classes
April 19
Pastor Kadel’s Retirement Celebration- NO SS classes
May 3
Youth Sunday
Weekly Scouting Meetings
Boys Scouts meet on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m., in Weaver Hall.
Cub Scouts meet on Thursdays and Fridays in Weaver Hall and the Lower Level.
Venture Crew meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the Youth Room on the Lower Level.
Shepherd’s Shelf
Hours: Monday and Wednesdays from 6:30 PM to 8 PM
Shepherd’s Shelf February 2015 Statistics:
In February the Shepherd's Shelf served 95 households consisting of 120 adults, 92
children, and 39 seniors for a total of 251 people. 41 volunteers logged 292 hours
and distributed 711 bags of food and supplements and 19 bags of
diapers. Approximate value of distributions: $21,330.
Get in the Swing!
Shepherd’s Shelf Golf Outing
May 1st is the date for the 8th annual Richard D. Stephens Memorial Golf Outing!
We will once again tee off at the beautiful Lederach Golf Course. This event is a
major fundraiser for The Shepherd’s Shelf and we need your support. You can help
by: golfing in the event, sponsoring/donating to the event, or volunteering to help
the day of the event. Registration to sponsor or participate in the event is easy, just
go to one of the following links: To sponsor the event:
To golf in the event: If you would like to help on the
day of the event or need more information please feel free to contact: Sandy Thele, or Marlys Thomas,
Shepherd’s Shelf Wish List
We have a shortage of toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste and soap at the Shelf right
now. If you are able to donate any of these items it would be very much
appreciated. Watch for a container in Weaver to easily drop your donations.
Memorial Service for Norma B. Dettra
The Dettra/Buehler family would like to extend to all, an invitation to attend a
memorial service on Saturday, March 28th, celebrating the life of Norma who
entered into rest on November 23, 2014. The family will greet visitors from 1011am followed by a memorial service at 11am, here at Christ Lutheran Church.
Interment will follow the service in the adjoining cemetery, and a luncheon will
also be served.
Prayer List
Family and friends of Robert Wilson, III, police officer slain in Philadelphia
Family and friends of Miriam Frankenfield on her passing, especially Bobbie
Family and friends of Muriel Dodge on her passing, mother of Skip Dodge
Family and friends of Rev. Thomas McNutt on his passing, father-in-law of Gary
Lew Anders, now at Rockhill Mennonite Home
Joyce Deardon, upcoming heart surgery
Adrienne Huff
Rebekah Jacobson
Ella Landes, recovering from surgery
Evelyn Pfister, recovering at home
Karen Pfister
Bill Ratcliffe, recovering at home
Clark Sheetz, at Gwynedd Square Nursing Home
Families of Members
Christine Heckman, grand-niece of Betsy Anderson
Maizie Marie Hart, great niece of Laurie Hart
George Pfister
Extended Family of CLC
Wayne Althouse, at Lehigh Valley Hospital, friend of Bev Stover
Diane Harris-Banks, stepmother of slain Philadelphia police officer & student at
Lutheran Seminary
Erin Lees, friend of Bruce and Dottie Elliott
Peg Munson, friend of Kathy Benjamin
PFC Jonathan Bloss, grandson of Bill Ratcliffe and Mary Reinoehl
Sarah K. Brister, USCG Alaska, granddaughter of Betsy Anderson
Chris, now serving with the US Security Force in Baghdad, friend of Jane Dettra
Stephen Elmer, Deployed with the Navy to Rota Spain, friend of Jane Dettra
Jon Kohl and family: Jon was seriously injured in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan
while serving in the U.S. Army, neighbor of the Johnson and Gerlach families,
friend of Amanda West. The Kohl family appreciates your cards and prayers for
Jon’s full recovery. 1 LT Jonathon Kohl, 10401 Brink Road, Germantown, MD 20876
Lay Assistants Serving This Week – 3/22/2015
8:00 a.m. Worship Service
Lay Reader: Steve Richards
Communion Assistants: Paul Steingraber, Rich Bergen
Ushers: Kerry Fillgrove, Chris Johnson, Francisco Matos, Wes Riemer, Ted Steingraber,
Judy Taylor
Welcome Center Hosts: Walt & Joan Frick
10:45 a.m. Worship Service
Lay Reader: Jack Schlossman
Ushers: Richard Connors, Bob & Pat DiNenno, Steve J. Landis, Nick Walker
Welcome Center Hosts: Bob & Pat DiNenno
Lay Assistants Serving Next Week – 3/29/2015
8:00 a.m. Worship Service
Lay Reader: Aaron Bonsignore
Communion Assistants: Rich Bergen, Kelly Bonsignore
Ushers: Dottie & Bruce Elliott,Bette & Charlie Hoffman, Teresa Parris, Debra Stott
Welcome Center Hosts: Elaine Allebach & Teresa Parris
10:45 a.m. Worship Service
Lay Reader: Walter Hoyer
Communion Assistants: Marlys Thomas, Rich Bergen
Ushers: Kevin Alderfer, Cory Brechbill, Joan Connors, John Moran, Jack O'Neill, John
Welcome Center Hosts: Jim & Michelle Keyser
Last Week’s Attendance
March 11 – Lenten Services – 11:30 AM – 10; 7:30 PM – 34
March 15 – 8:00 AM – 48; 9:30 AM – 43; 10:45 AM – 94
Sunday School – Students – 69; Teachers – 14
Calendar for the Week
Sunday, March 22
Lent 5
8:00 AM
9:15 AM
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
6:30 PM
Monday, March 23
10:00 AM Quilters (LL)
6:30 PM Shepherd’s Shelf
Tuesday, March 24
10:00 AM Staff Meeting (A)
7:30 PM Boy Scouts (WH)
Wednesday, March 25
Lenten Services
Thursday, March 26
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Worship Service with Communion
Sunday School
New Creation Worship Service with Baptism
Worship Service
Evangelism Ministry Meeting (WH)
South Dakota Mission Trip Meeting (YR)
Kid’s Club (WH)
Ten Talents Meeting (YR)
Lenten Service
Lunch with Friends (WH)
Homeschool Group (WH)
Soup Supper (WH)
Gospel Lights (CR)
Shepherd’s Shelf
Lenten Service
Adult Choir Practice
Cub Scouts (WH & LL)
Venture Crew 178 (YR)
S.A.L.T. Ministry Meeting (A)
Finance & Stewardship Ministry Meeting (WH/LL)
Friday, March 27
3:00 PM Cemetery Board Meeting (A)
6:30 PM Cub Scouts (WH)
Saturday, March 28
8:00 AM Saturday Morning Bible Study
Sunday, March 29
Palm Sunday
8:00 AM
9:15 AM
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
Worship Service with Communion
Sunday School
New Creation Worship Service with Communion
Worship Service with Communion