NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL E-Newsletter Volume 89 Issue 4 Tuesday 17 March, 2015 Celebrating 89 years of education in 2015 WHAT’S COMING UP TERM 1 2015 Tues 17 Mar: Yr 8 Camp to Boho Wed 18 Mar: PARENT TEACHER MEETINGS 1.30-7.30 PM. School dismissal at 12.40 Thurs 19 Mar: School AGM, 5.30 Thurs 19 Mar: Farewell Music Concert Frid: 20 Mar: Staff Data Day. No School for students Tues 24 Mar: PARENT TEACHER MEETINGS 1.30-7.30 PM. School dismissal at 12.40 Tues 24 Mar: Yr 8 Boho camp Tues 24 Mar: Tues 24 Mar: Tues 24 Mar: Friday 27 Mar: for Charity Batman House wins the 2015 swimming carnival for the first time since 2008! Regional Swimming Malaysia Music Tour departs USA Art & Design Tour departs Last Day Term 1—Casual clothes day TERM 2 2015 Mon April 13: First Day of school V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL 2015 School Swimming Carnival PAGE 2 V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 3 NHS Sports Update VCE Volleyball On Tuesday 3rd March our VCE Volleyball teams had a great day out competing in the VCE Divisional Volleyball Competition at Darebin Community Sports Centre. With four sides entered we had a team in each pool. In the girls section we had Northcote Gold and Northcote Purple. Both teams were very competitive. Northcote Gold won all of their matches which made them the overall winners for the day . In the Boys competition there was some tough games for our two competing sides, Northcote Gold and Northcote Purple. Northcote Gold won their pool, which moved them through to play the winner of Pool B. This was a strongly contested final where they successfully defeated Thornbury. All Teams should be proud of themselves. Thanks to Ms Ring for coaching the winning Boys team and also helping out with umpiring. Intermediate Volleyball On Thursday 12th March our Intermediate Volleyball teams competed in the Intermediate Divisional Event. It was a great day with many fierce battles taking a few of the games to 3 sets. In the Boys section, Northcote Gold were the winners of their pool then played off in a thrilling 3set match winning against Thornbury. Our girls also had a successful day with both of our sides winning many of their matches. Our Northcote Purple side won their pool, then played off in the final against Thornbury. All of our teams competed well and should be proud of their achievements. Many thanks to our wonderful student coaches Eren, Beatriz and Coby and to Ms Emanuel and Ms Jacobs for coaching the teams. light of the day would have to be the inflatable race, with the Oversized Crab, Rubber Ducky, Crocodile, Dolphin , White Swan and who could forget the Pink Flamingo. It was enjoyable to sit back and watch the mayhem. Thanks to all of the staff and students for all of their help to make this such a successful enjoyable day. Results: Batman 263, Sumner 211, Plenty : 181 Merri 143, Sporting Achievements Patrick and Tim Butler were selected to be members of the Victorian Junior Track Cycling Team, and competed in the Nationals (at DISC), two weeks ago. They both achieved second places in their age groups for their final events, the individual scratch race. The races were incredibly exciting. Victoria was the overall winner of the competition. Congratulations to them both, what a great achievement. Coming Up Monday 16 March Year 7 -10 Baseball and Softball Thursday 19 March Year 8 Divisional Volleyball and Tennis Friday 20 March Year 7 Volleyball and Tennis Intermediate Tennis Our Intermediate Tennis team competed in the Divisional competition on Thursday 12th March. Although they weren’t stong enough on the day. The team played well and should be congratulated on their competitiveness and sportsmanship. Intermediate Regional Cricket Our Intermediate Cricket team competed in the Regional Division on Tuesday 10th March. In our first match, Montmorency won the toss and elected to bat. Our boys bowled and fielded well. When it was our turn to bat, we started off strong with a 50 run opening partnership from Chris Zapantis and Donovan Toohey. The team played well, but were eventually defeated by Montmorency. Our next game was a forfeit due to the other side not turning up on the day. Mr Price said that the boys showed good sportsmanship by choosing to play a practice match against Montmorency. Thanks to Daniel Coleman for captaining the side and organising the team. Also thanks to Mr Price for coaching the team. 2015 Swimming Carnival I think that you will agree that the Swimming Carnival was a great day. It started off a little chilly, but by the end of the day as the races were heating up so was the weather. We had some outstanding results by many competitors of which will be moving through to the next round. The novelty events were very popular with many competitors braving the icy waters to have some fun and earn valueable points for their house. The high- V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 4 Principal’s Report Events and Celebrations – Term 1! Term 1 has been a veritable feast of events and celebrations in and beyond the classroom. Year 8s and our International Students have been camping at Boho South, while the Year 9s had loads of fun participating in the Duke of Ed Program in the Brisbane Ranges, whilst Year 7s workshopped cyber bullying and digital citizenship via the Dot.Com Program. Meanwhile, music, chess, the production, debating and sports program are in full swing. The Year 12’s are thriving and surviving the VCE, with a very busy few weeks of assessment and recognition that the countdown to their final day of secondary school is on! I met with the VCE leadership group last week and it was great to hear about their plans for the year and speaking with great passion as they reflected on the arrival of the new Year 7 group and their experiences of this time. They also spoke about the significant school decisions they have been able to have influence through forums, surveys, and focus groups that have resulted in changes to curriculum and our relationships / connect structures via the sub schools, leadership program and the Tutorial program. Northcote High has much to celebrate! $3 million for Northcote High Further excellent news for Northcote High - Election Funding Commitments are being honoured, this will go some of the way to funding stage 1 of the Master Plan. Please find below excerpt from DE&T letter. As you are aware, the Government made a funding commitment of $3 million to your school during the 2014 election campaign. The Department of Education and Training is working closely with the new government to ensure that all election commitments are fulfilled. Investment in education and school infrastructure is a priority for this government, and it is committed to spending $530 million on school infrastructure projects over the next four years. The majority of election commitments will be funded in the 2015-16 State Budget. I would like to acknowledge the support of Fiona Richardson who worked with us to make this a reality. We are now pressing as many buttons as possible to find another $3 million+ to deliver a quality Performance/Arts Hub facility for our community. VCE Offshore – Application Approved! Another first for Northcote High - Please find below congratulations from the DE&T to Northcote High on the approval of the VCE Offshore Business Case. We have been working hand in hand with the International Education Division of the DE&T for the past 3 years to seek permission/approval to deliver the VCE in China. The next stage, is preparing an application for approval by the VCAA for a licence to be deliver the VCE Offshore. This again highlights Northcote Highs outward facing focus and commitment to international links that support young people; their education, access and outcomes, plus it also supports significant and authentic professional development opportunities for staff. We will update you of further developments of this program in the next months. GPA (Grade Point Average) and Parent Student Teacher Nights GPA Cycle 1 opened to families last Friday and is available via Compass - Reports. The GPA is an excellent conduit to begin a learning conversation with your child. Parent Student Teacher Nights –are on this week and next, we recommend bringing your child as part of the conversation. International Women’s Day and Chinese New Year Student lead International Women’s Day celebrations brilliantly – not only did they highlight why we need IWD they raised over $800 raised for IWD projects internationally – well done – Esther, Cindy, Prue and Jeannie Learning News… Teaming@NHS - This year we are focused on teacher teams within faculties which is proving to be invaluable in terms of achieving shared goals and understanding around classroom learning focus, how we teach and what we teach. The feedback from staff on the value of working together has been most positive, which goes hand in hand with great student feedback around the valuable learning resources and activities within MyNorthcoteHigh. Writing@NHS - Prue Morris and the Year 7 English Team are working with all staff around the school strategic goal - Improving student writing – through the The Six (6) Traits of Writing framework – the next session of staff will be on Friday - Data Day at NHS. Importantly – we are delighted with the fabulous writing the Year 7s are producing to date as they work through the framework and writing program. Key Projects@NHS - we are again delighted to be working with Judy Petch who is facilitating the development of a NHS Student/Teacher Survey Tool and a learning behaviours framework that support student best effort (GPA). Both of these projects are critical aspects of developing shared community understanding of quality work, our instructional framework, lesson V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL model and the utilisation of feedback and support tools that will our actions and work with the schools vision and values. We are very lucky to have Judy working with us, providing expert advice regarding teacher professional practice and supporting the development of activities and tools for students to learn about and reflect upon their learning habits, which will ultimately inform better learning and life outcomes for young people. Year 7 Transition night Thank you to families who attended, I hope you found the information helpful and learned more about MyNHS, GPA and how to have family discussions around reflecting on Year 7 learning and planning the next steps. Gail Davidson (past Principal) Presents to VASSP On Friday, Gail Davidson spoke at the Secondary Principals Association AGM – A Silicon Valley Story through the eyes of an American - Australian Principal it was most interesting to hear about her experiences and how the different systems support teachers and students to grow and develop and be their best in their area of interest and passion. As always Gail was high energy and engaging and controversial! And of course spoke glowingly of her time at Northcote High. Markerspace@NHS Last weekend Peter Murphy conducted a community Makerspace day at NHS. Peter is passionate about design and connecting with community. On Thursday 26th March there will be another opportunity for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to be part of a DATTA Program – So You Think You Can Design. See Peter if you are keen on any aspect of design. Peter is also heading up the ACARA STEM Project with Michaela Greenwood. Peter Lewis – Papua New Guinea – Farewell! Many of you are aware that this will be Peter’s last week at Northcote High, prior to beginning a new role as Principal of the Salvation Army School in Lae - Papua New Guinea. Peter has been the Director of Music at Northcote High for 15 years and there is much to celebrate. Peter took up the leadership of a fledgling music program with a small number of enthusiastic players and a small group of staff who were keen to do great things. Together under Peter’s Leadership the staff and students did just that – they built a fabulous music program with 300 plus students who are regarded as leaders in the state and in some genres nationally! Peter’s contribution, energy, commitment to excellence and plain ol’ fun has been considerable. He PAGE 5 lives every day what we are all trying to achieve in our classrooms, (and lives and with the support of the music staff) and together they have built a fabulous music department and a culture of excellence - you can see, hear and feel great things happening. Students and staff in the music program work together to improve and perform at a high level. It’s a great story and one Peter should be very proud! We wish Peter well in his new role and look forward to hearing about his new fledgling music program. School Council AGM – Bring a Friend! Thursday 19 March 5:30pm I would like to introduce our two new school council members: Sandra Morris Sandra Morris has 4 children, two sons and a daughter who are currently attending Northcote High and a son who completed Year 12 in 2013. Sandra works in the northern metropolitan region and manages a health promotion and education team at a community base women's health service. She has been actively involved in the management of a local childcare service and the primary school her children attended. She is committed to accessible, quality public education. She will bring experience in working in both the community sector and government to the school council. Mahmoud Fahour I have been in the corporate industry for most of my career having started at Qantas Airways, PBL Media and then GM of Volleyball Victoria. I am currently; Head of Corporate Partnerships at the largest all service health club in Australia - Goodlife Health Clubs. I have been a Northern suburbs boy for almost 40 years and have 3 sons, the eldest attending Northcote High School. My family are active members of the community who work with Federal, State and Local governments in areas of diversity strategies, business and sport. I hope to contribute to the growth of the NHS in any capacity and look forward to working with parents, students, teachers and leaders of the school. Next Newsletter will feature school council members and the range of ways you can connect with our community. Kate Morris V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL USA Art and Design Tour 2015 I Northcote High School Art & Design students and teachers are counting down to the bi-annual NHS Art and Design tour of the USA commencing March 22nd. Look out for live reports. PAGE 6 V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 7 Lunar New Year Celebration at Boho International Student Camp On the eve of 18th March at Boho we witnessed the very first Lunar New Year celebration party on the camp site, when 33 Year 11 International Students sang and danced into midnight to welcome and celebrate the Lunar New Year—The Year of Goat. That night despite a long day of horse riding, tired and hungry, the International Students were in high spirits and they were determined to celebrate their most anticipated Lunar New Year. Once we returned to camp, the dinner duty group immediately dived into the kitchen to prepare traditional New Year dinner which was cooking dumplings! The party preparation team started setting up the party scene by putting up balloons and testing the stereo system etc. After the sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner, all students were involved in the New Year Eve celebrations. The Boho camp site becomes a mini version of the UN with five different national anthems being sung in five different languages! All students cheered and applauded when the Yr 11 coordinator Ms Carolyn Richards and Head of English/ EAL Mr Paul Gilby sang the Advance Australia Fair! The annual Year 11 International Student camp provides a great opportunity for our young international students to build relationships with each other and teachers, to develop team skills, independence, cooperation and a cultural awareness of their “new country”. The International Students and their families are truly appreciative to the school for this great camp opportunity. Ms Lixia Wang V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 8 More news from Alpine school Well I am back alive from expedition two! Which included a 9k walk on a beach followed by a 3k walk on land then a 200m canoe to our campsite, and a very yummy dinner of pasta. Next day was a 5am wake up for the 10k canoe down the Brodrive river. We walked into camp to find that it was a paddock surrounded by a formidable wall of cows that I will discuss later. After setting up a very flimsy supposably cow proof fence we had our lunch. Later in the afternoon everyone was out exploring the paddocks when we noticed that the cows had snuck up on our camp and had started to lick our tents, apparently our fence was not so cow proof after all. One of the boys who lives on a dairy farm decided the best thing to do would be to run after the cows to scare them away. I now know that one of the most terrifying things that can happen is to watch someone who has lived on a farm all his life and knows his way around cows, run away from a pack of angry cows screaming RUN RUN RUN. The cows had decided to rebel and started to chase him (and everyone else) back towards our camp. We honestly thought that the cows were going to kill us and trample our camp. Luckily they lost interest before they did any damage and now I have a good story to tell. The last day was a struggle because we had to hike for 6ks up Mt Raymond and I had a slight case of dehydration and asthma attack. But all is good and I had so much fun at the top. I am very tired now! Mollie Mckenzie (Alpine School Term 1) Yr 10 French class at the French Film Festival On the 11th of March, the Year 10 French class departed on an excursion to the French Film Festival. Before arriving we were graciously treated to, by our accompanying teachers Mme. Dearlove and Mme. Charenton, a varied selection of crêpes at the local crêperie: Myrtles. Once sated, we strolled just down the way to Westgarth Cinema where we posed for a group photo before heading into the theatre. The trailers came to an end and we began watching “La Famille Bélier”, a heart-warming film about Paula, a 16-year-old farm girl born into a deaf family. Her role as the family’s interpreter to the hearing world is threatened when she enrols in the school choir discovering her vocal talent; the question soon presents itself, should she stay with her family or leave for Paris and possibly her career. Overall the day out was a great success and definitely bolstered our skills in the French language, the crêpes were delicious and the film was also a great pick, easy to relate to, what you might call a dank meme. Excursions like this truly add a little something special to school life. - Thomas Paizes V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 9 Celebrating Greek language The Year 7 Greek class made masks to celebrate APOKRIES (Carnival) Ms Sgardelis First meeting of the NHS Student Writers¹ Club On Friday the 13th a group of students made their way to the library for the first meeting of the NHS Student Writers¹ Club. The club¹s goals and rules are up to students, but basically involve meeting with other writers and sharing ideas, providing support and looking for opportunities to publish. All students who are interested in writing are welcome to attend. Next meeting will take place at lunchtime on the last day of term (check the daily bulletin and speak with your English teachers). Enquiries to Paul Gilby - comments: “Its so fun here and it does not feel V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 10 V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 11 PARTY program at Royal Melbourne On the 5th of March, forty Year 10 students were given the opportunity to attend the P.A.R.T.Y program at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. The program was about preventing alcohol and risk related trauma in youth, and throughout the day we were given an insight into how a person is treated when they have alcohol or risk related trauma – from start to finish. Overall, it was a very surreal and confronting experience. We are grateful for the chance to participate, as it was beneficial to us all; it taught us all heaps about risk taking and how to prevent endangering not only our own lives, but also the lives of others. Leah Nassis Northcote Police Bicycle Engraving and Sausage Sizzle Sunday 22nd of March 2015 11.00am to 2.00pm 48 Dennis Street, NORTHCOTE V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 PAGE 12 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL What is “my Northcote High”? “my Northcote High” is our online Learning Management System. Teachers create interactive class webpages to share and deliver course content and communicate with students. Students submit their work and receive feedback and marks from their teachers through “my Northcote High”. They have a calendar that displays due work items, assessments and homework set by teachers. Student groups and administration also have unique pages that members can read and use. Parents have access to “my Northcote High” for the following: • School events calendar (a work in progress!) • See your student’s upcoming due work and calendar • See your child’s developing ePortfolio • Access to relevant resources and information such as: – Information for parents (located on the left hand sidebar) – Subject selection handbook in term 3 – Student wellbeing pages – Year level pages – Education technology program support and resources Parents do not have direct access to the class webpages that are used by teachers and parents or the lesson resources that are uploaded by teachers. But parents are encouraged to discuss the access to these resources with their children, ask them “is it on my Northcote High?” and they will show you their class spaces. At this stage, while staff and students are learning to use the system parents do not have access to view students’ marks and feedback from teachers. We may make this available in the near future. How to Login • • • The direct link is Or access via Compass by clicking on the star icon then “my Northcote High” Use your Compass username and password to login. Parent Dashboard Information for parents menu Click to access your child’s calendar and upcoming due work Access year level specific webpages V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL Public Art in Northcote High School!! OLD SNEAKER DRIVE! The Art and Design Department are currently planning a piece of public art in the grounds of Northcote High School that requires literally hundreds of pairs of old sneakers. (more will be revealed later!) The work will be carried out by our students during semester 1, 2015. We are asking all parents to dig out old sneakers once lived in by your children and drop them into the school. We need a range to reflect the foot size of year 7 – 12. See Mr. Drinan in B5 for further information, or horrid old sneakers can be put in the receptacle outside Ms Morris’ office in the main foyer. Grill’d Fairfield support NHS Green Team This month at Grill’d in Fairfield, the Northcote High School Green Team are one of three groups to be featured in their Local Matters campaign. Every burger purchased allows the eater to vote for the organisation they care for the most. At the end of March, the organisation with the most votes will receive a money donation to go towards our cause. We invite all families to dine at the Fairfield Grill’d and vote for our Green Team. PAGE 13 V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 14 Year 10 Visual Comm at the Melbourne Museum On Thursday 19th February, twenty five enthusiastic young design students took a trip to the Melbourne Museum to draw animals from the Wild Exhibition. For their current unit of work students need to draw an animal illustration that combines realistic animal proportions with creatively applied design elements and principles, for a visually effective design. Whilst surrounded by a diverse display of stuffed mammals, birds and reptiles from around the world, the Year 10 students sketched creatures that caught their interest the most. Images of fur, feathers, webbed feet, scales and snarling mouths gradually appeared on the pages of student sketch books. Strange, unknown animals from distant lands were sketched in wonder, as students learnt about their habitats and which creatures were thriving or only just surviving in the wild. Drawing real animals frozen in motion was an extremely valuable experience as it allowed students to capture the complex textural details of animals that may otherwise be hard to record, had the animal been in motion. Being able to stand so close to the animal also allowed students to really study its form and transfer tonal qualities to their pages. Whilst images from books and photos sourced from the internet can be useful, drawing from real life is the ultimate experience for students wanting to develop their observational drawing skills and master the technique of transferring visual information onto the page. Ms Christine Martin String Quartet perform at MCG awards The Northcote High School String Quartet performed at the Victorian School Sports Awards on Tuesday 10th March at the MCG. Julia Vu, Luca Cotugno-Morrison, Joachim Habgood and Maggie O’Reilly were complimented for entertaining the guests at this prestigious event. Speakers at the presentation included Nicole Livingstone, OAM, The Hon. James Merlino MP, Olympic Gold Medallist David Crawshay and AFL player David Rodan. The quartet (pictured) represented NHS proudly and are to be commended on their wonderful performance at this event. Ms Jackie Brogan V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 15 V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 16 V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 17 V OLU ME 8 9 IS SUE 4 NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 18
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