City of Kirtland Newsletter City of Faith and Beauty Spring / City of Kirtland 9301 Chillicothe Road Kirtland, OH 44094 440-256-3332 IN THE SPOTLIGHT COMMUNITY NEWS • Message from the Mayor • Budget Recap • Egg Hunt • Memorial Day Parade • Municipal Income Tax • Parks and Recreation • Flag Disposal • Waste Management Bags PUBLIC WORKS • Road Improvements • Brush Collection • Lake Co. Special Waste Collections RECREATION • Pool Passes • Babysitting Basics • Officer Beall’s Safety Town • Junior Olympics • Yoga • CPR Classes • Rentals at the Community Center • New Senior Classes A Message from Mayor Mark A. Tyler It's official! Spring has returned to the City of Kirtland! On behalf of the City, I would like to once again express my heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation to the residents of Kirtland for the passage of our recent road levy. Improved roads enhance our ability to further pursue economic development and provide increased mobility to residents and visitors. We are committed to enhancing the safety and beautification of the City of Kirtland while protecting and developing the future of our community. Continued on Page 3 Kirtland PD Wins AAA Traffic Safety Award We have a fantastic Police Department dedicated to Kirtland. Over the past years the efforts of their work have been rewarded by the American Automobile Association 13 times with 5 Gold Awards and 8 Platinum Awards for Community Traffic Safety. The activities of many City Departments have helped to reduce accidents and make our streets safer. Examples of the programs and efforts that have improved our safety are the Lakeland College intersection improvements and turn lanes, culverts filled and piped to prevent rollover accidents, campaigns such as “Click it or Ticket” to encourage seat belt use and “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” motorcycle awareness and Safety Town provided by our Recreation Department. Accolades to Chief Baumgart's Administrative Assistant, Lynne Kravos for initiating the annual reporting to AAA. These efforts were rewarded by the City achieving the Gold and Platinum Awards. Thank you Lynne! SPRING & SUMMER 2015 KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 2 Road Improvement Planning to Begin Soon Starting this spring, all roads in the City of Kirtland will be evaluated by the Public Works Administrator and the City Engineer. A prioritized list of roads to be resurfaced and repaired will be established. A schedule of work will be developed to ensure the City has an effective road improvement program in place before work begins. The Public Works Department will work diligently to keep the roads safe for residents and visitors. Safe and reliable roads are critical for a successful community. Fire Department Implements Lock Box Program The Kirtland Fire Department has recently implemented a new lock box program for its residents. The Roper lock box, (left) hangs over the resident’s door and has a spare key inside. In an emergency, the Fire Department can gain entry into the home without any damage to doors or windows. The Fire Department is the only department that has a master key to these boxes. The program is ideal for elderly residents who live alone or have medical alert buttons. The lock box is affordable at $25 per box. For more information, please call the Kirtland Fire Department at 440-256-8979 and ask for Vicki Grinstead. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Garage Sale Permits Residents hosting a garage sale are required to obtain a permit. Sales may be held for a maximum of four days. A resident may not hold a sale more than twice per year and must apply separately for each garage sale date. The cost of the permit is $3.00. Applications are available in the Finance Department at Kirtland City Hall, 9301 Chillicothe Road. A name, address, and the dates of the sale are required at the time of application. For additional information, please contact the Finance Department at 440-256-3332, extension 2. KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 3 Waste Management Bags Available at City Hall In addition to the Kirtland Community Center, City Hall will now sell green plastic garbage bags to Kirtland residents. These solid waste collection bags are for those residents who have not signed up for cart service with Waste Management. The bags are sold in a roll, with 5 bags per roll, for a total of $16.55 per roll. The bags are in stock at both locations and ready for purchase at your convenience. Cash or checks payable to the City of Kirtland are accepted. Parks In Kirtland With Spring just around the corner, we would like to remind you of the outdoor recreational resources available in our community. We hope you have a chance to enjoy them! The Holden Arboretum 9500 Sperry Road Kirtland, OH 44094 (440) 946-4400 Lake Metroparks Chapin Forest Reservation 9938 Chillicothe Road (Rt. 306) Kirtland, OH 44094 10381 Hobart Road Kirtland, OH 44094 General Information: (440) 256-3810 Cross-Country Ski Conditions: (440) 954-4178 Shelter Rental: (440) 358-7275 Lake Metroparks Penitentiary Glen Reservation 8668 Kirtland Chardon Road Kirtland, OH 44094 Park Information: (440) 256-1404 Wildlife Center Hotline: (440) 256-2131 Lake Metroparks Farmpark 8800 Chardon Road Kirtland, OH 44094 (440) 256-2122 • 800-366-FARM City of Kirtland - Recreation Park 9252 Chillicothe Road (Located behind Kirtland Schools; entrance off SR 306 at Kirtland Board of Education Office) City of Kirtland - Baseball Fields at the Community Center 7900 Euclid Chardon Road (Located behind the Community Center) Mayor Tyler’s Message Continued from Front Cover Congratulations are extended to one of Kirtland’s beloved residents, Mr. Joseph DiFranco. On Sunday, February 22, Joe was presented with the Knight of the French Legion of Honor medal by honorary French Consulate Stephen J. Knerly at American Legion Post 214 in Willoughby. Created by Napoleon, it is the highest honor that France can bestow upon those who have achieved remarkable deeds for France. Joe was honored for his courage and bravery while serving in World War II as a member of the Army’s 862nd Engineer Aviation Battalion. The City of Kirtland is proud to call Mr. DiFranco one of our own and is forever grateful for his service. Mayor Mark Tyler, Mr. Joseph DiFranco, Mr. Stephen Knerly KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 4 Rentals at the Kirtland Community Center Violet Field Room Accommodates up to 60 seated Sunflower Meadow Room Accommodates up to 48 seated Our indoor rooms and outdoor pavilion can accommodate your next party! Anniversary Parties Birthday Parties Baby Showers Bridal Showers Graduation Parties Family Reunions Retirement Parties Gym Accommodates up to 120 seated Outside Pavilion Features charcoal grills, 12 picnic tables (up to 80 people), a fireplace and bocce ball courts For more information on rentals, please contact the: Kirtland Community Center 7900 Euclid Chardon Road 440-256-4711 or KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 5 Mayor Tyler’s 2015 Budget Recap Kirtland Finance Director Keith Martinet and I presented the Mayor’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2015 to City Council on February 18th for review and approval. I would like to share with you some of the highlights of the City Operating Budget and how it will impact the Kirtland community. Revenues to the City for 2015 are estimated at $7,218,750, which represents an increase of $555,921 compared to the actual 2014 receipts of $6,662,829. This rise is mainly due to additional revenue of approximately $460,000 generated from the 2014 Road Levy. Welcome New Kirtland PD Officers Jose Carrillo Municipal tax revenues for 2015 are estimated at $5,438,100 reflecting an overall increase of $579,456 over last year. Property tax revenues in 2015 are estimated at $2,113,100, resulting in an increase of $423,895 from last year. The City will be paving Sperry Road from Route 6 to Kirtland-Chardon Road this year, in large part through grants from both the Ohio Public Works Department (OPWC) and the Lake County Stormwater Management Department (LCSMD). The OPWC assistance alone will provide 50% of the cost for the project. Recommended expenditures in 2015 will total $7,635,675, which reflects an increase of 2.70% from last year’s appropriation of $7,435,265. This modest increase is due to the purchase of a new snow plow for Public Works, two new cruisers for the Police Department, a new vehicle for the Fire Department, and needed upgrades to the Community and Senior Center. The 2015 budget is a financial plan that emphasizes “Programs of Services” aimed primarily to better the community. The council and City administration continue to work diligently to provide the residents with the best services possible. I hope you found this information helpful and I welcome any comments you may have. Everyone here at City Hall is committed to making the City of Kirtland a great place to live and work. We hope that 2015 will be a productive and prosperous year for our community. Eric LaTurner Michael Martin In July Jose Carrillo became a full time officer with Kirtland after having been part time for over a year. Jose’s smile will be seen around the city throughout his career. In August, Eric LaTurner joined us full time and we hope that he too will continue a full career in Kirtland and become a recognized face in our community. Michael Martin, is currently finishing testing and he will soon become a full time officer in the department. We are proud of Michael and expect good things from him over the coming years. The Kirtland Police Department wishes all of our residents a safe and happy 2015. We shall endeavor to continue bringing you quality policing with a heart. We encourage you to drive safely and to call us for any policing needs you may have. KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 6 2015 City of Kirtland Brush Collection 2015 BRUSH COLLECTION SCHEDULE Ward 4 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Week of April 6 Week of April 13 Week of April 20 Week of April 27 On April 6, the Kirtland Service Department will begin brush pick-up for the City. The program is intended to assist residents with the annual spring cleanup of branches and twigs. The program is NOT intended to assist with clearing a parcel or substantially clearing trees on a parcel. The trucks will pass only one time through each ward. Please have your brush out by the date listed for your ward. REQUIREMENTS FOR BRUSH PICK-UP Brush should be placed at the edge of the road and not in the drainage ditches * Please keep the ditches and drains clean of debris at all times* Brush should not exceed three inches in diameter or a maximum of six feet in length Brush must be piled or bundled The entire brush pile must not exceed 25 feet wide (maximum) • • • • WHICH WARD DO I LIVE IN? 1) 2) 3) Visit the ward map at • Click on “Voter Information” at the bottom of the homepage • Click on “View Ward Map” in the right column If you are registered to vote, search the Lake County Board of Elections website at • Click on “Am I registered?” • Enter your first and last name • In the “Precinct and Polling Location “ box, identify the number and letter following “Kirtland.” This number is your ward number. (For example 2A, is Ward 2.) Contact City Hall at 440-256-3332, ext. 5 Special Waste Collections Sponsored by the Lake County Solid Waste District & Lake County Commissioners Administered by the Lake County Department of Utilities Each year the Lake County Solid Waste District sponsors special collections for items such as tires, computers, and household hazardous waste. Information for 2015 is listed below. For additional information on items that are accepted, please visit or contact the Lake County Solid Waste District at 440-350-2644. COMPUTER COLLECTION Saturday, April 25, 2015 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lake County Fairgrounds Commercial Building SCRAP TIRE COLLECTION Saturday, May 2, 2015 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lake County Fairgrounds HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION Saturday, June 6, 2015 & Saturday, September 26, 2015 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lake County Fairgrounds PHONE BOOK COLLECTION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 7 Kirtland Memorial Day Parade When Location Monday, May 25, 2015 at 10 a.m. Starts from Kirtland High School 9150 Chillicothe Road The annual Memorial Day parade will be held on Monday, May 25 at 10 a.m. The parade steps off from Kirtland High School, proceeds south on SR 306, and concludes at the Kirtland Veterans Memorial located between the Library and City Hall. A ceremony is held at the Veterans Memorial as well as at the North and South Cemeteries. Scout groups and children are invited to participate in the parade with or without decorated bicycles. The Kirtland Veterans Association sponsors a community cookout at the Kirtland Community Center Pavilion immediately following the ceremonies. American Flag Disposal in Kirtland The Community and Senior Center has a collection container for proper flag disposal. The container is located at the front entrance to the building. Residents are invited to bring flags that are in disrepair for appropriate disposal. Kirtland Boy Scout Troop #286 is responsible for proper flag disposal. The container was donated courtesy of the Kirtland Kiwanis. Thank you to both the Kiwanis and Troop #286 for supporting this important service in our community! KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 8 Youth Activities Registration forms are available at & at the Kirtland Community Center Safety Town is a national safety awareness program designed to teach young children how to prevent accidents and how to react in dangerous situations. It is intended for children who are entering kindergarten or first grade in the fall. Safety Town is Monday through Friday for one week. On Friday, families are invited to a graduation ceremony and family picnic at 11:30 a.m. Officer Beall’s Kirtland Safety Town Dates Cost For Location June 15 – 19 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. $25 per child Fees due by May 22 Kindergarten & 1st grade Kirtland Community Center 7900 Euclid Chardon Road 440-256-4711 Adult Co-Ed Open Gym Parents and participants are invited to an orientation with the instructor and staff of Safety Town on Friday, June 12 at 11 a.m. The orientation is optional and designed to familiarize children with the counselors and classroom setting. A CALL FOR COUNSELORS! The Recreation Department needs students (entering the 8th grade and higher) to work as Safety Town counselors. Counselors earn a stipend and receive community service credit. Applications are available at the Community Center starting March 17 and are due by April 17. The Community Center reserves the right to stop accepting counselor applications at any time. Junior Olympics Dates Kirtland children aged 6-13 are invited to participate in the annual Junior Olympics Track and Field Meet. The meet includes traditional track and field events. Supervised practices are held prior to the event to teach participants specific event techniques. First place finishers in each event and age group qualify to compete in the county meet on June 30. A CALL FOR JR. COACHES! The Recreation Department needs high school students (prior track experience not required) to help with Jr. Olympics at the practices and on the day of the meet. Coaches receive a paid stipend and community credit upon completion of the program. Applications are available at the Kirtland Community Center beginning March 17 and are due by April 17. Cost For Location June 22 – 26 from 8:30-10:00 a.m. ----------------------------------------$12 per child Fees due by June 12 Ages 6 - 13 Kirtland High School Track 9150 Chillicothe Road KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 9 Youth Activities Join us for the annual Kirtland Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 28. The outdoor hunt begins promptly at 10 a.m. for Kirtland children age 10 and younger (adult chaperones required). Kids should bring Easter baskets (or a bag) to collect eggs. A prize basket is awarded to the child that finds the Golden Egg. In case of inclement weather, eggs are handed out indoors on a first-come, first-served basis until they are gone. The event is free and registration is not required. Breakfast EasterEgg Egg Hunt Hunt & Pancake & Pancake Breakfast When Location Saturday, March 28, 2015 Easter Egg Hunt - 10 a.m. Pancake Breakfast - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Kirtland Community Center 7900 Euclid Chardon Road 440-256-4711 Join us before or after the Easter Egg Hunt for a visit with the Easter Bunny, live rabbits, games, and crafts. The Kirtland Seniors host an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast (for a nominal fee) from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Babysitting Basics Date Cost For Location Registration Saturday, April 26 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $25 (due by April 16) Age 11 & up Kirtland Community Center 7900 Euclid Chardon Road Call 440-256-4711 Babysitting Basics is for Kirtland teens who will be babysitting this summer and want to learn the basics of sound childcare. The class covers the business aspect of babysitting, age appropriate activities, and staying safe while in charge of children. The Kirtland Fire Department teaches basic first aid, injury prevention, and what to do in emergency situations. This class is only offered once a year, before summer vacation. This class is geared toward the first-time babysitter in the fifth or sixth grade, but older teens are welcome. KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 10 Adult Activities Yoga Bring healing energy and harmony to your whole being! Try the mindful practice of Hatha Yoga or Vinyasa. Cultivate awareness, flexibility, and strength through guided centering and breathing, gentle stretching and yoga postures. This practice will allow you to recharge, reconnect and rejuvenate! Classes begin and end with relaxation. Try approaching your life from a different perspective... take the path to begin or deepen your journey. Bring a yoga mat for practice and a pillow and/or blanket. This class is appropriate for all levels and abilities. Instructor Amy Alexy’s biography is available at CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Dates Cost For Location May 1, 2015 (Payment due by 5/5) August 15, 2015 (Payment due by 8/11) ------------------------------------9 a.m. to Noon $25 Adults (age 18 and older) Kirtland Community Center 7900 Euclid Chardon Road Vinyasa Tuesdays from 5:45 p.m. to 7 p.m. Dates Session 2: April 30 - June 11 Session 3: June 18 - July 30 Session 4: August 6 - September 17 Hatha Thursdays from 7:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Dates Cost Session 2: April 30 - June 11 Session 3: June 18 - July 30 Session 4: August 6 - September 17 $70 per session or $13 per class drop-in fee The Kirtland Firefighters are offering classes on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Classes are open to Kirtland and non-Kirtland residents. Students will learn how to perform CPR on adults, children, and infants. Students will also learn how to remove an airway obstruction and how to use an AED. Upon completing the class, each student will receive an American Heart Association Heartsaver AED card. Certification is valid for two years. Please note that this class is not for healthcare workers. Registration For your convenience, a registration form is available on page 13 of this newsletter. Registration is taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Fees are required at the time of registration. To sign up for a class, submit payment to the Kirtland Community Center. Registration may be mailed to or dropped off at the Kirtland Community Center. An after-hours drop-off box is located outside of the main entrance to the Kirtland Community Center. Class prices are not prorated. Please make checks payable to: THE CITY OF KIRTLAND. KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 11 Senior Activities The Kirtland Senior Center serves adults aged 55 and over with quality, affordable programming that provides opportunities for social interaction, recreation, fitness, and minor health, nutrition, and wellness services close to home. The Kirtland Senior Center aims to keep seniors motivated, mentally and physically active, and engaged in their community to provide for an optimal quality of life. Fitness Classes Wellness Services Classes and Activities Chair Yoga Zumba Gold Gentle Hatha Yoga Strength Training 55 & Up Yoga Low-impact Aerobics (morning & Reiki Table Massage (daytime and Watercolor painting Oil painting Art on the Go Bingo Bocce Ball Pinochle Lunches, and more! evening classes) Tai Chi Restorative Yoga Balance Delay the Disease evening available) Seated Massage (daytime and evening available) Reflexology Podiatry The Center has four exercise machines in its workout room, a billiards and darts room, and many other rooms and amenities for classes. All instructors are certified and classes are customized to the abilities of older adults. The Senior Center is open to all as Kirtland residency is not required, but membership is. Cost of membership is $10 for Kirtland residents and $12 for non-residents. Monthly newsletters provide information and details and are mailed to all members. Contact the Kirtland Senior Center at 440-256-4711 or to request a newsletter. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Stop in for a look around! KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 PAGE 12 Senior Activities Senior Low Impact Aerobics Classes Improve balance, strength, and posture with “Delay the Disease” Can exercise really help someone with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease? YES! Studies clearly show regular exercise improves the ability to move and carry out daily life. Delay the Disease exercise class is designed with the Parkinson’s patient in mind as well as anyone with movement disorders. The aim? Slow symptoms, build balance, and Delay the Disease! In this class all parts of the body are appropriately challenged with emphasis placed on activities of daily living. Through movement, laughter, and camaraderie, a sense of courage and vision will develop alongside improvements in posture, balance, strength, and stability. Come find out! Classes are offered at the Kirtland Senior Center on Thursdays from 9:30-10:30. Cost is $8 per session. Session dates are March 12-April 2; April 9-30; May 7-28. Instructor: Joy Nowels Low-impact aerobics class is an aerobic workout appropriate for adults 55 & older, incorporating the use of stretch bands, exercise balls, and dumbbells as well as walking and marching. Low-impact aerobics is free of jumping, hopping, and bouncing. Daytime classes are Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:15-9:15 for $16 per session (contact the Kirtland Senior Center for dates). Monday evening classes are now on the schedule from 5:30-6:30. Cost is $10 per session (4 classes). Membership to KSC is required. Session dates are April 6-27; and May 4-June 1. Payment is due one week prior to the start of each session. KIRTLAND NEWSLETTER SPRING & SUMMER 2015 Pool Passes Kirtland residents can obtain pool passes for Willoughby and Mentor swimming pools. The cost is equal to the cost for a resident in each of the respective communities. Passes may be purchased directly from Willoughby or Mentor. A utility bill and photo ID are required at the time of application by both communities. For current rates, please contact the cities directly: Willoughby Mentor Municipal Income Tax At RITA's (Regional Income Tax Agency) request, we are reminding residents and businesses that your municipal income tax return may be filed electronically. For additional information on filing electronically, please contact: RITA 1-800-860-7482 or 953-4200 974-5720 Registration Form for Classes Participant Name: Phone Number: Select Class: PAGE 13 E-Mail: CPR - $25 per session May 19 (register by 5/5) August 15 (register by 8/11) -----------------------------------------------------------------------Vinyasa Yoga - $70 per session Session 2: April 30-June 11 Session 3: June 18-July 30 Session 4: August 6-September 17 Hatha Yoga - $70 per session Session 2: April 30-June 11 Session 3: June 18-July 30 Session 4: August 6-September 17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Babysitting Basics - $25 April 25 (register by 4/16) -----------------------------------------------------------------------Safety Town - $25 per child June 15 – 19 (Register by May 22) -----------------------------------------------------------------------Junior Olympics - $12 per child June 22 – 26 (Register by June 12) Total Enclosed: $_________________ Please circle one: CASH or CHECK No. ___________ Please make checks payable to: City of Kirtland Submit registration and payment to: Kirtland Community Center 7900 Euclid Chardon Road Kirtland, OH 44094 Within the City of Kirtland there are four youth sports leagues. These leagues are run and managed by independent boards for each sport and include baseball, basketball, football/cheerleading, and soccer. The City of Kirtland is responsible for the operation of the fields at Recreation Park and the Community Center. The City maintains the fields and makes improvements to these facilities so that playing quality is sufficient. FOR SPECIFIC QUESTIONS, CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL OR WEBSITE AS LISTED BELOW. BASEBALL Visit: The Kirtland Baseball League provides inter and intra city leagues of baseball and softball (fast and slow) for girls and boys ages 4 through 18. The league’s purpose is to enhance skills and to encourage knowledge of the game. Registration is generally in February and the season runs from May to July. BASKETBALL Visit: The Kirtland Basketball League is an instructional league for girls and boys in grades 3-6. Teams are single gendered and leagues are separated into two age groups; third/fourth graders and fifth/sixth graders. Games are played on Sunday afternoons and utilize official referees using modified basketball rules for youth play. Sign-ups and tryouts are generally in October and the season runs from December through February. FOOTBALL Visit: The Kirtland Football League is an organized, instructional inter city league for boys and girls ages 7-11 years old. The league supports three tackle teams. There is a 7-year old division, an 8-9 year old division and a 10-11 year old division. There are also cheerleading squads for each division. Games are played on weekend afternoons through October against neighboring community teams at the Kirtland High School Stadium. Registration is in May. SOCCER Visit: The Kirtland Soccer League is for girls and boys in grades K through 6. The league’s purpose is to have fun while learning the game of soccer. The season is broken up into two parts. Play begins in the fall, breaks for the winter, and then regroups and finishes in the spring. The Kindergarten division and first/second grade division only play in the fall. The third/fourth grade division and the fifth/sixth grade division play in the fall and spring. Registration generally runs from April to June. THE KIRTLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 7900 EUCLID CHARDON ROAD KIRTLAND, OH 44094 (440) 256-4711 EASTER EGG HUNT SATURDAY, MARCH 28 9:00AM-11:00AM 10:00AM-hunt begins Mark your calendars for the annual Easter Egg Hunt! The event is on Saturday, March 28 at 10:00 a.m. at the Kirtland Community Center for Kirtland children 10 and under (adult chaperones required). Kids can bring their Easter baskets to collect eggs. Outdoor hunt begins promptly at 10:00 (dress appropriately!). Prize baskets are awarded to the finder of the Golden Egg. Indoor activities include kid tattoos, stickers, live rabbits and friends, games, crafts, and a visit with the Easter Bunny. In addition, the Kirtland Senior Center is hosting an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast from 9:00 -- 11:00 for a nominal fee. In case of inclement weather, the outdoor hunt is cancelled and eggs are handed out indoors on a first-come, first-served basis until they are gone. However, the pancake breakfast, a visit with the Easter Bunny and all of the aforementioned children’s activities will still take place indoors. Registration is not required. Please join us. Kirtland Community Center 7900 Euclid-Chardon Road 256-4711 US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 174 PRSRT STD Willoughby, OH US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 174 Willoughby, OH CITY OF KIRTLAND 01 CHILLICOTHE ROAD KIRTLAND, OH 44094 CITY OF KIRTLAND 9301 CHILLICOTHE ROAD 440-256-3332 KIRTLAND, OH 44094 WW.KIRTLANDOHIO.COM 440-256-3332 WWW.KIRTLANDOHIO.COM Kirtland Events atat aa Glance Kirtland Events Glance MARCH MARCH March 28 Egg Hunt & Hunt Pancake Breakfast March 28 Egg & Pancake Breakfast APRILAPRIL Week of Week April 6of AprilBrush Collection – Ward– Ward 4 6 Brush Collection 4 of April13 Brush Collection 1 Week of Week April13 Brush Collection – Ward– Ward 1 of April 20 Brush Collection 2 Week of Week April 20 Brush Collection – Ward– Ward 2 Babysitting April 25 April 25 Babysitting Basics Basics of April 27 Brush Collection 3 Week of Week April 27 Brush Collection – Ward– Ward 3 May 25 May 25 MAYMAY Memorial Day Parade and Lunch Memorial Day Parade and Lunch June 15-19 June 15-19 Safety Town June 22-26 Junior Olympics June 22-26 JUNE Safety TownJUNE Junior Olympics
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