UAA Planetarium and Visualization Theater

UAA Planetarium and Visualization Theater
“With the Planetarium and
Visualization Theater we will show students
and community members worlds they will never experience firsthand, whether it be the
view of the universe from another galaxy or the view from inside a molecule.
We are taking science education to the next level.”
Dr. Travis A. Rector, Professor of Astronomy and Physics
Membership levels and benefits*
Individual Membership $50/ Student $15
Mars Supporter $500-$1,049
✸✸ Invitations to UAA Planetarium and Visualization Theater events.
✸✸ E-mail updates on astronomical events and important news.
✸✸ Complimentary planetarium show attendance.
✸✸ Name on CPISB Donor Display.
✸✸ Same as Venus Supporter plus
✸✸ Planetarium supporter pin.
Family or Organizational Membership $100-$249
✸✸ Same as Individual and Student membership plus
✸✸ Individual membership benefits for up to four people.
Venus Supporter $250-$499
✸✸ Same as Family or Organizational membership plus
✸✸ Recognition on Planetarium Donor recognition display.
✸✸ Invitations to special events, sneak previews, and receptions.
Jupiter Supporter $1,050-$2,499
✸✸ Same as Mars Supporter plus
✸✸ Your name on one of the 62 seats in the UAA Planetarium and
Visualization Theater.
✸✸ Membership in the UAA College of Fellows, with benefits including
a campus parking pass.
Saturn Supporter $2,500+
✸✸ Same as Jupiter Supporter plus
✸✸ One complimentary group planetarium presentation
* For gifts of $75-$2,499, tax deductibility of the contribution is reduced by the $40 estimated value of membership benefits. For memberships of $2,500 or more, tax deductibility is reduced
by the $290 estimated value of membership benefits. Information regarding tax deductibility is not intended as tax or legal advice and may not be applicable in all circumstances. Donors
should seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all tax issues.
** The UAA Planetarium and Visualization Theater operates on an academic membership year (July 1- June 30).
Yes, I/we would like to contribute to the success of the UAA Planetarium and Visualization Theater!
Full Name_____________________________________ Spouse’s Name____________________________________
Business Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Address:  Home  Business_________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone:__________________ Business Phone: _________________ E-mail address:_______________________
I would like to become a member at the following level:
 Student $15 ID #:_______________________________________
 Individual Membership $50
 Venus Supporter $250-$499
 Jupiter supporter $1,050-$2,499
 Family Membership $100-$249  Mars Supporter $500-$1,049
 Saturn Supporter $2,500+
Method of Payment:  Visa  MC  Check (Please make payable to the UA Foundation) Amount: $________________
Account #: ___________________________________________________Exp. Date:______________________
Name as it appears on the card: ________________________________________________________________
Return form to: University of Alaska Anchorage, c/o University of Alaska Foundation, 1815 Bragaw St, Ste 203, Anchorage, AK 99508
Questions? Contact the Planetarium and Visualization Theater at